Lets Play - Falcon 6: At The End of Time

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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

So why didn't Falcon try to grab it by the hilt from the start? He's a time traveler, so it's clearly not ignorance as to how swords normally work.

Anyhow, Nazi-blasting is fun but also likely to cause paradoxes, and it seems silly to stand still while tanks are heading towards us, so run.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Pariah Dog
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Post by Pariah Dog »

Carry the sword by the red/white cloth.

Little disappointed the Polish option doesn't exist (Attack a tank with greatsword)

Not sure theres a time paradox involved, based on the book name this might be the end of time where everything gets thrown together like a bad time travel novel.

Either way 3 tanks, 1 of us. Make like Brave Sir Robin and run away.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Depart with great haste.

And drag the sword behind us, we won't have to slow down to think how to wield it properly that way.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The ground slopes downward below you. You leap forward and slide down through the sand, coming to your feet at the bottom. Looking straight ahead you can see a tall tower some distance away, pointing like a finger into the sky. The ground is flat and open between you and it. To the left, about three hundred yards away, is some rocky, broken ground, pockmarked with many crater-like depressions, rising to some low hills and gullies. There is not much of it, it is like an island in a sea of sand. Ochre coloured fern-like vegetation is scattered sparsely about the hills. Will you:
Sprint, for the rocky ground?
Run as fast as you can for the tower?
Pariah Dog
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Post by Pariah Dog »

Shit neither of these sounds like a good option. Make for the tower unless someone can offer a better reason to run for the rocky ground.
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Post by SGamerz »

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Post by Thaluikhain »

You dash out across the open sand. Looking back you see a tank cresting the skyline of the ridge. Desperately, you drive yourself onward, breathing hard. The tank swings down over the ridge, closely followed by another and the chatter of machine guns fills your ears. Sand is thrown up in spurts nearby. There is the dull crump, crump of the tanks' main guns opening up and shells explode around you. Then there is only blackness.

Try the rocky ground, or go back and do something else?
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Try the rocky ground.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Take the rocky ground.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Legs pounding like pistons you dash towards the rocky ground. Looking behind you can see a tank cresting the ridge. It topples forward and slews down the slope to the bottom, where it turns towards you, throwing up a spray of sand. Another comes over the top. You can see a truck close behind it, but this does not come down - the slope is too steep for it. Instead, soldiers boil out of it and scramble down the ridge. You are only yards from the cover of some low misshapen boulders, eroded and weather- worn, when the tanks open fire, shells exploding nearby as they try to find your range. Make an Evasion Roll as you dive for the safety of the boulders.

If you score 7-12...1 and 1 (+1), so:

You are too slow and a shell explodes close by. You are lifted into the air and thrown onto a boulder, hard, by the shock wave. The impact stuns you. Lose 6 Endurance points. If you are still alive, you fall in a heap, behind the line of worn and pitted boulders. At least you are out of sight. Shaking your head to clear the dizziness, you run to the right and then clamber up a rocky outcrop, exposing yourself momentarily before darting down the other side. You scramble on until you descend into a small gully where you pause to examine your pursuers.

Cautiously poking your head over the lip of the gully you look downward. The tanks have stopped, the crews are climbing out. They are unable to follow you over the rough ground, the terrain is unsuitable for tanks. A group of about twenty soldiers runs up to them. You notice someone in a tank turret pointing up in your direction and shouting orders. Then, to your surprise, you notice four or five horsemen riding up to the tanks. They seem to be mediaeval Crusader knights, with bright red crosses on their white surcoats. One of them carries what seems to be a particle disruptor. They appear to argue with the German soldiers but then some agreement is reached - the horsemen and the SS soldiers fan out in a long line and move towards you. They are trying to flush you out. The tanks start up again and begin to rumble around the edge of the rocky ground, presumably to travel all the way around it. You turn round and dart down the gully. You emerge on the other side, to find yourself on a wide stretch of flat rock that runs into the sand once more some two hundred yards ahead. It appears you are trapped. If you stay on the rocky ground, the knights and soldiers will get you, and if you cross into the sand, the tanks will reach you.

Then the air is filled with a loud roar and a silvery jet fighter with the letters USAF on its side hurtles across the sky, banking sharply to fly overhead. It screams in low towards you as if on a strafing run and then decelerates fast. Sleek and very manouverable, it starts to hover before slowly descending to the rocky flat, only a hundred yards from you. If you have seen this plane before...No, so

You pause, unsure as to the intention of the pilot of this strange plane. From your holovids it looks to you like a Starfighter from the early twenty-first century, actually an Atmospheric Interceptor Jet that could operate at the limits of the atmosphere. The cockpit canopy slides back and a man dressed in something not unlike your environment suit climbs out and approaches you. 'Hi there,' he says in English, with an American accent. 'I'm Lieutenant Kowalski of the United States Air Force,' and he extends a hand. You shake it.'I'm from 2012 AD. I was on a routine mission when I suddenly ended up here. Some kind of time flux. Anyhow, you're in trouble, man! Those Nazi guys are mean. And so are the Knights of Saint John. I could help you ...' and he gazes at you through narrowed eyes. 'I mean my Starfighter could really waste those guys, you know. But you gotta make it worth my while. It's not a good idea for me to mess with them - I'm on my own and they're a whole battalion! So you gotta promise to get me outta here. If I help you, you've gotta take me to your time, maybe even back to mine. Deal?' He smiles winningly. Will you:

Agree to take Kowalski with you?
Decide it might change the timelines to do so and refuse?
Pariah Dog
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Post by Pariah Dog »

First instinct is to take him, but further reading implies something is fucky like how does he know we're time travelers especially ones with a potential way out of here? Also his own limited knowledge that is is the result of some manner of temporal bullshit.

I'm leaning towards refuse. However we are in a rather shitty situation right now.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Agree now, betray later.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

Let's take care of the present now (specifically, our current plight) before we think about history. Accept.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

In hindsight (and not 80's fiction foresight) 2012 is not a bad time to vanish from American history. If he's telling the truth, that is.

Team up with him for the time being.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Darth Rabbitt wrote:In hindsight (and not 80's fiction foresight) 2012 is not a bad time to vanish from American history.
Yeah, he totally said Nazis are mean.

'Hey that's great! Really great!' He is almost hopping with joy. 'Listen, I've located your Time Machine. It's west of here. Take this compass - it'll help you get there,' and he hands you a small magnetic device. 'I'll be waiting for you there. The other thing is - I know where the other guy, the one like you, Bloodhound, I know where he is.' You start in anticipation. The Gra'ak have him prisoner so they can force him to get them out of this godforsaken hole. The Gra'ak are these reptilian-like aliens, real mean carnivores - eat anything that moves. Pretty advanced too. They live in grey domes on a plain of blue rock, near the Future Earthers,' and he points at the tower on the sky line. 'OK, I'm going up to give those Nazi son-of-bitches hell - just like my great grandaddy did. You get moving - I'll deal with them!' With that he gives you a hearty slap on the back and dashes to his plane. The jet whines as he revs the engine and then it lifts straight up and roars away.

There is a picture here

The sounds of pursuit are closer now and you sprint out across the rocky flat onto the sand, heading in the direction of the tower. The soldiers run out of the rocks behind you, firing desultorily - several tanks round a low hill and rumble after you, accompanied by mounted knights. You are beginning to worry that the pilot has betrayed you when there is a screaming wail and the Starfighter hurtles from the skies like a bullet. Flares seem to ignite under its wings and then two rockets streak away from the fighter as it pulls up. One of them slams into a tank obliterating it completely, engulfing it in a ball of flame. Another explodes close to the first, blowing off a tank track. The horses whinny and rear uncontrollably. After another couple of strafing runs, your pursuers have turned tail and fled, leaving behind several dead and three wrecked Tiger tanks. At last, free from pursuit, you slacken off the punishing pace of your running. The Starfighter screams past overhead, wings wagg- ling and then soars away to the west.

After a time you come to another low hill. At its top you are able to survey the ground ahead of you. Straight on lies the tower. To its left you can just make out several dome-like structures in a depression on a plain of hard flat ground, of bluish slate. If you wish to investigate the tower, turn to 105. If you would like to investigate the domelike structures, turn to 338.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Tower first. We tried and died for it in a previous life.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
Pariah Dog
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Post by Pariah Dog »

The future guys might be willing to help us with the evil cannibal lizardmen so, Childe Falcon to the Dark Tower goes.
Last edited by Pariah Dog on Mon Apr 09, 2018 11:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Agreed for both of the reasons listed above.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You strike out once more towards the tall tower, hopeful of finding someone or something to help you, or at least some useful information. After a short journey during which your head is bowed down with weariness, you look up at the tower.

A low drone and the steady thump thump of a machine so large that the noise it produces is almost below the range of human hearing seems to fill the air. The noise reverberates so deeply it is as if the outside of the huge tower were pulsing rhythmically, displacing the air in constant ripples. It is impossible to guess the height of the tower, but it must be several miles around at the base. Though you scan the intervening terrain for signs of life there is not a single building, highway or even a set of tracks in sight. The deep thump, thump booms on.

There are no heliport pads or jetcopter launch bays in the smooth-sided tower, nor do you espy any windows opening out onto this barren twilight world. There is no light from the tower, just the steady boom, boom of ponderous machinery.

As you stand within a stone's throw of the tower whose tip you can no longer see above the arching expanse that points to the stars, you notice a gateway some way off to your right. On your way to investigate, you literally stumble across a large circular manhole cover. Grains of sand dance upon its silver shiny surface to the time of the machinery's thumping which sounds louder through a small vent in the manhole cover. Will you:

Pry open the manhole?
Walk straight to the plasteel gateway?
Pariah Dog
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Post by Pariah Dog »

Doorway. Going through the manhole sounds like a dodge the machines minigame.
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Post by SGamerz »

Sure, doorway.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The breeze drops completely as you stand before the smooth plasteel gateway. There is no handle, no electrolock that you can see, no track before it nor any indication that it has been opened within the last few thousand years. Is the tower a hollow coffin, the only moving thing within ancient machinery built to serve a race that has long ago dwindled and died out?

There is no obvious way to open the plasteel door which towers four metres tall and two metres wide. It is set three inches back into the wall of the tower and does not appear to be hinged. Will you:

Call out loudly in the hope that someone will open it for you?
Try to push it inwards?
Try to slide it sideways?
Pariah Dog
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Post by Pariah Dog »

Knock (yell) before entering? I got no idea at this point.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

...Yeah that, in the absence of hints. It's not like all the options won't have been tried before.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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