[Let's Play] GrailQuest 4: Voyage of Terror

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Post by SGamerz »

Fair point. Come to think of it, in the only combat where Pip wasn't killed after being knocked out (in Book 1), Pip was able to continue the adventure with his LP still 5 or below, so I guess it works here.

Dice roll = 6! Pip is down to 4/25, but makes it back to the ship.

He now sails for the last remaining island:

Cross-eyed navigation roll = 9 (Success)!
It's easy to see how this island got its name. As your golden vessel approaches, you can see the rotting hulls of scores of sailing ships which have run aground all along the rocky coastline. This is a positive ship's graveyard.

Cautiously, you sail around the entire island, searching for a safe inlet. But everywhere seems to be rocks and reefs, white water and smashing waves. The island itself doesn't look too bad: in fact it is positively appealing, with rolling grassland, shady clumps of trees and the pleasant undulations of low, soft hills. But getting to it is a different matter. Getting to it is an invitation to disaster.

Sailing as close as you dare, you search for a passage which, if it would not take your ship, might still allow a rowboat to squeeze through. But there does not seem to be even this. You are just teetering on a decision to call this one quits and seek out another island when the voice of an Argonaut echoes down from the crow's nest:

'Sheep ahoy! Sheep ahoy!'

Sheep ahoy? Surely he means 'ship' ahoy?

'Sheep ahoy! Sheep ahoy!'

He definitely said 'sheep'. Maybe he's a Mexican Argonaut. You scan the ocean, but there is no sign of any ship.

'Sheep ahoy! Sheep ahoy!'

Suddenly you are surrounded by the remaining Argonauts, all of whom seem extremely excited.

'Look, Captain--look there!' says one delightedly. His name is Castor. Or possibly Pollux. (It's impossible to say which, since both are on the crew and both are identical twins.)

'What is it, Castor?' you ask.

'Pollux, actually, Captain. Look--' He points. You follow his finger and see, atop one of the gentle hills of Shipwreck Isle... a golden sheep!

It's definitely a golden sheep all right. Even at this distance, its fleece glints with an unmistakable metallic sheen in the bright sunshine. What a remarkable animal. Heaven only knows what must be in the grass there. But you have heavier responsibilities than gawking at a gilded ewe. As Captain, it is your decision to risk a landing on this Isle or to search for safer havens.

If you decide to try to reach Shipwreck Isle, go to 49.

If you feel it makes more sense to try another destination, go to 37.

In our case, we don't really have any other destination we can reach that we haven't already explored, so let's proceed.
If we decide not to dock here, the Argonauts mutiny and kill us for preventing them from completing their quest.
'A Golden Sheep, eh?' you nod, narrowing your eyes shrewdly. You glance back towards the wreck-surrounded island where the Golden Sheep has now disappeared from sight. 'This wouldn't have anything to do with the special Quest you Argonauts set yourselves before I appeared on the scene, would it?'

'It would! It would!' shout the Argonauts delightedly.

'In point of fact,' says Jason, 'it is our appointed task to rescue the Golden Fleece--preferably with the sheep still inside--from King Colchis, a fearsome villain we all knew lived around here somewhere, although we didn't quite know where. We feel it our bounden Destiny to bring the Fleece back to Greece.'

'Why?' you ask curiously.

The Argonauts began to giggle. 'Why? He asks why?' they mumble delightedly, one at another.

'Yes, why?' you ask again.

The giggling dies down to be replaced by growing frowns. After a while, Jason says uncertainly, 'I'm not quite sure. That's simply the way it has to be. I think it has something to do with Media.'


'Princess Media. King Colchis's beautiful daughter. You know how these Quests go. Handsome hero. Beautiful princess. Evil enemy. Golden sheep. They all work themselves out eventually and give the people something to talk about.' He gives a shy grin. 'I'm the handsome hero, actually. I suppose--' He blushes. '--the Gods have ordained I shall marry the beautiful princess.'

You place a friendly arm around his shoulder. 'In that case, Jason, we shall definitely have to get to that island and catch the Golden Sheep. I don't think we dare risk the ship any closer, but with luck the rowboat may make it through. I am willing to make the attempt and you, at least, shall certainly come with me.'

'Thank you, Captain! Thank you! Thank you!' And to your profound embarassment, Argonaut Jason kisses you on both cheeks.

'Save that for the princess,' you tell him brusquely. 'Now let's get the boat launched and see if there is some way on to that island.'

Which you do. But now you need to turn to 39 to find out if there is any practical means of reaching the island.
Shocker: for the first time, we actually get to bring one of the Argonauts with us onto an island!
You climb aboard the ship's rowboat and after a brief hassle with Jason about who should be stuck with the rowing (guess who loses?) you pull on the oars and move slowly in the direction of Shipwreck Isle.

At first your initial impressions seem well founded: there does not appear to be a single safe inlet for your craft. But as you draw closer, a strange thing happens. The rotting wrecks, clinging like smashed skeletons to the wicked reefs, begin to shimmer slightly.

'Did you see that?' you ask Jason.

'See what?' asks the Argonaut.

'Nothing,' you tell him, realizing he won't be paying much attention with his head full of golden sheep and beautiful princesses. But you watch the wrecks carefully and no more than a dozen oar strokes later, you can see the nearest of them suddenly disappear. Even more remarkable, the reef on which it was broken disappears as well, leaving a clear stretch of calm sea.

You shake your head to clear it, but the sea in that direction is definitely calm. What's more, several other more distant wrecks are fading out as well, so that after a few moments, you are rowing towards a delightful sunlit isle entirely surrounded by calm, clear seas, with not a wreck in sight. What is happening here? Everyone saw the wrecks and now they are gone! But gone they are, quite definitely. It it not your imagaination for you are now rowing through the stretch where the reefs used to be and rowing with no trouble at all.

Eventually the boat grounds on a white sand beach. 'Oh good, you got us through the reefs,' remarks Jason as you ship the oars. With a deep sigh, you make the boat secure and look around you. This really is a very pleasant island. Beyond the beach, across some rocks, the fertile grasslands begin, studded with copses of fine trees.

You climb with Jason on to the rocks and, with the advantage of height, you can now see a number of well-made roads within quite easy reach. One wends its way to an imposing mansion set almost on the shore a little further down. Another leads to a grimly imposing castle set atop one of the hills. Another passes close by a small farm. Another leads directly into a village where, so far as you can tell from this distance, some sort of activity is going on. Paths branching from the roadways lead towards a deserted cottage, a well of some description and a still, dark lake.

What a choice. Have a little confab with Jason, then decide where you will go.

To reach the mansion by the shore, go to 51.

To reach the castle, go to 61.

To reach the farm, go to 112.

To reach the village, go to 65.

To reach the cottage, go to 120.

To reach the well, go to 97.

To reach the lake, go to 88.

Alternatively, you may simply return to your ship and pick another destination.
Obviously, there's no point leaving until we find the last golden key. Where do we begin the search?
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Post by MisterDee »

Of those, I think the cottage is the most likely not to have something that'll deal the last 4 HP of damage.
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Post by SGamerz »

This cottage has a moat round it. No, seriously, it has. Quite a wide one too, and while drawbridges haven't been invented in this era, the approach to the front door (over a narrow wooden walkway) would be remarkably easy to defend if an army decided to attack the cottage.

Puzzled, you look around for possible men-at-arms, but there are none. Apart from the moat, it looks like a perfectly ordinary cottage.

The point is, are you prepared to risk crossing that narrow walkway? It's the only way in and it takes you to 87.

If you decide the cottage isn't worth investigating, return to 39 and try another option.
Do we want to continue? If not, where to we go instead? Either way, let me know if you want to risk sleeping before continuing.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Of course the cottage is worth investigating, it might have food.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

Omegonthesane wrote:Of course the cottage is worth investigating, it might have food.
Sadly, Pip lacks the metabolism of FF Heroes that allows them to regain health via food. He's currently carrying some ship biscuit around which he apparently can't find a use for.

With your eyes fixed firmly on the doorway ahead, you can see there are no guards approaching, so your decision seems sound. Carefully, slowly, you cross the walkway, senses alert, never taking your eyes off the doorway.

Which probably explains why you never noticed the flying Harpies who are now swooping down on you from above.

Harpies are not the most pleasant of monsters since their talons cause +3 damage. There are three of them altogether: more than enough since each has 25 LIFE POINTS. Worse still, they hit on 5 or better and, because they can manoeuvre easily in three dimensions, they are extremely difficult to hit--requiring you to roll 8 or better for a successful strike. Apart from that and the fact you lost any chance of surprise by watching that stupid door, you have nothing to worry about.

If you survive the Harpies, you may proceed recklessly to 160. If not, there are worse places than 14. (Not much worse, of course...)
Ack, that means we need to roll 11 or better (+2 penalty due to Harpy maneuverability, +1 from beetle curse) to hit them with a thrown Spear! Worse, harpies don't look like snakes.

We have thus far spent 80 GP on the mongoose, but we still have more than enough to attempt Bribery. We need to 3000 GP to try bribing all of them. Shall we try it?

And how do we fight them if bribery attempts fail?

Pip's LIFE POINTS: 4/25
Permanent Life Points: 20 0

Piece of Driftwood (weapon, +2 damage)
Sword (hits on 6, damage +3)
Spear (hits on 6/thrown 8, damage +5/thrown +10, only attack once every 2 rounds/thrown once every 3 rounds)
New Dagger (hits on 6, damage +1, attack twice per round)
One-piece armour (worn) (damage -2, shatters on 12 after taking the 1st hit in every combat)
Spare armor x2 (damage -2, shatters on 12 after taking the 1st hit in every combat)
Rope (50ft coil)
Grappling hook
Flint and steel (for lighting fires)
Ceramic lamp
Box of biscuits
Golden Key (x9)
Bottle of Grog

MONEY: 10820 GP

Old Sea Dog (2x)
Poisonous Spider
Ship's Cook (2x)
19 Guards
10 Scoundrels (3x)
Rock Thern (2x)
Greater Spotted Pondoozlewazzle Bird
Hydra Pig
4 Shadows

No. of Deaths:
1) LP drained by Shadows on Skull Island
2) Devoured by a T-Rex on Dragon Island
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Post by MisterDee »

Try bribing, let's see how many leave before thinking battle.
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Post by RogueOne »

Agreed. There's no way we're getting through a fight with them, let's hope they can be bought off.
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Post by SGamerz »

Before we offer the Bribe, let's test for Friendly Reaction:

Harpy#1 rolls 6, Pip rolls 2+3+4 = 9. (Not Friendly)
Harpy#2 rolls 1. I think we can skip the roll for Pip. (Not Friendly)
Harpy#3 rolls 4. Pip rolls 6+5+5 = 16. (Not Friendly)

Oh well, at least that cost nothing....

Now we offer the money:

Harpy#1 rolls 10. Bribe accepted!
Harpy#2 rolls 7. NOT accepted!
Harpy#3 rolls 9. Bribe accepted!

That was actually a pretty good one. We're left with 1 enemy, and while chances are still low we actually have a slim chance.

How do we fight now? Remember, we have to roll 9 or better to hit with melee weapon and 11+ to hit with throwing spear!
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Post by RogueOne »

Welp, let's dagger them. Hopefully we get initiative, get lucky on our hits, and that they miss...
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Post by MisterDee »

Also strap on all our armor. The first hit is likely to kill us anyway if we don't.
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Post by SGamerz »

RogueOne wrote:Welp, let's dagger them. Hopefully we get initiative, get lucky on our hits, and that they miss...
Actually, the text saying that "you lost any chance of surprise" might possibly mean that we don't get initiative for this fight.

But this is vague enough that I decided to roll for it anyway. It's not like the harpy needs any more advantage.

Harpy rolls 6, Pip rolls 8. Pip goes first!

Pip rolls 12 and hits for 3+1 = 4 damage. Harpy is at 21.
Pip rolls 6 and misses.
Harpy misses automatically due to Pip's multi-coloredness.
Pip rolls 8 and misses.
Pip rolls 12 and hits for 3+1 = 4 damage. Harpy is at 17.
Harpy rolls 6 and hits for 1+3-6 = no damage. (Armour test = 5 - doesn't shatter)
Pip rolls 10 and hits for 1+1 = 2 damage. Harpy is at 15.
Pip rolls 8 and misses.
Harpy misses automatically due to Pip's multi-coloredness.
Pip rolls 8 and misses.
Pip rolls 2 and misses.
Harpy rolls 8 and hits for 3+3-6 = no damage.
Pip rolls 11 and hits for 2+1 = 3 damage. Harpy is at 12.
Pip rolls 7 and misses.
Harpy misses automatically due to Pip's multi-coloredness.
Pip rolls 5 and misses.
Pip rolls 4 and misses.
Harpy rolls 7 and hits for 2+3-6 = no damage.
Pip rolls 7 and misses.
Pip rolls 4 and misses.
Harpy misses automatically due to Pip's multi-coloredness.
Pip rolls 6 and misses.
Pip rolls 9 and hits for 0+1 = 1 damage. Harpy is at 11.
Harpy rolls 8 and hits for 3+3-6 = no damage.
Pip rolls 7 and misses.
Pip rolls 4 and misses.
Harpy misses automatically due to Pip's multi-coloredness.
Pip rolls 7 and misses.
Pip rolls 3 and misses.
Harpy rolls 8 and hits for 3+3-6 = no damage.
Pip rolls 9 and hits for 0+1 = 1 damage. Harpy is at 10.
Pip rolls 7 and misses.
Harpy misses automatically due to Pip's multi-coloredness.
Pip rolls 11 and hits for 2+1 = 3 damage. Harpy is at 7.
Pip rolls 11 and hits for 2+1 = 3 damage. Harpy is at 4 and is knocked out!
Okay, this was way beyond my expectation: we didn't get hit once! Lots of missing on both sides, but Pip was the one who got the few really good rolls, while the Harpy fell just short of penetrating our armour several times. How long will our luck hold?
This place is bigger inside than it is on the outside, like a Tardis or a Mini Minor. As you step through the door, you find your footsteps echoing in a marble-flagged, high-ceilinged hallway: not at all what you'd expect to find in a little cottage, even if there was room for it, which there certainly shouldn't have been. There is a doorway to your left and a doorway up ahead to your right, but before you race off through either, your attention is caught by a beautifully drawn plan of the place, ornately framed and hanging on the wall beside the door.

You will find that plan on Appendix, p.237. You can use it to explore the building you have entered, but note that you cannot, of course, go directly to any section you fancy. You must start from the hall and move through in sequence.

When you have finished your explorations (or before, if you wish) you can return to 39 to pick a new destination.
The map is below. Note that we're now in 160. So we can go to either 80 or 146 next. Or we can just leave, if you want. Also, if you want to Sleep now before we run into more enemies, please voice out.

Pip's LIFE POINTS: 4/25
Permanent Life Points: 15

Piece of Driftwood (weapon, +2 damage)
Sword (hits on 6, damage +3)
Spear (hits on 6/thrown 8, damage +5/thrown +10, only attack once every 2 rounds/thrown once every 3 rounds)
New Dagger (hits on 6, damage +1, attack twice per round)
One-piece armour (worn) (damage -2, shatters on 12 after taking the 1st hit in every combat)
Spare armor x2 (damage -2, shatters on 12 after taking the 1st hit in every combat)
Rope (50ft coil)
Grappling hook
Flint and steel (for lighting fires)
Ceramic lamp
Box of biscuits
Golden Key (x9)
Bottle of Grog

MONEY: 7810 GP

Old Sea Dog (2x)
Poisonous Spider
Ship's Cook (2x)
19 Guards
10 Scoundrels (3x)
Rock Thern (2x)
Greater Spotted Pondoozlewazzle Bird
Hydra Pig
4 Shadows

No. of Deaths:
1) LP drained by Shadows on Skull Island
2) Devoured by a T-Rex on Dragon Island
Last edited by SGamerz on Wed Jun 20, 2018 12:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by RogueOne »

Wow. That was... unexpected.

Also, does Jason not provide us any sort of help in combat?

Yes, sleep.

Then, I think we might also be able to walk around the hut on the inside of the moat? If so, I think we should try the corner room of 104. It's only accessible from the walkway, from what I can tell.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

RogueOne wrote:Also, does Jason not provide us any sort of help in combat?
That's the thing......in 2 other encounters that I can remember on this island, the reader is given specific instruction on what Jason does in the combat, but there's nothing in the text here. So again, it's one of the ambiguities that we often encounter in this series.

Also, in the fight where Jason is explicitly said to be involved in, we get sent to Section 14 if either Jason or Pip dies. In most encounters, however, Jason isn't mentioned at all, so I have no idea if he's allowed to share the damage we take during combats.

I think I will involve him in future combats while we're on this island, but the enemies will only target Pip unless otherwise stated in the text (but Jason can help us deal extra damage).

Anyway, Pip tries to Sleep:

Dice roll = 4 again!


Dream roll = 11!
You have been knocked unconscious during combat, but Merlin, who is a bit short-sighted, decides you are dead and arranges a decent burial. You come to in an extremely comfortable coffin as it is being lowered into the grave. You have only a very short time to attract everybody's attention before your air runs out. You can attract their attention by throwing a 6 on a single die. But unless you manage to throw that six in five or fewer attempts, you're dead from suffocation. Take up your die...
Oh shucks.....

1st roll = 2.
2nd roll = 6!

Thanks goodness, Pip manages to escape from his dream grave and return to the real world.

We proceed to 104:
It's a fuel store. Wood mostly, neatly chopped and stacked, with a mound of peat drying off in one corner. There is an axe just inside the door, very sharp, but too unwieldy to use as a weapon. You can nick it if you like, although the chances are it will weigh you down to no great benefit.

If you want to search further, turn to 94. Alternatively, you can return to 160.
Well, it doesn't state any actually penalty on how the axe will "weight us down", so I guess we can take it anyway.

Search the woodpile? And where to we go after this, since there's no other exit?
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Post by RogueOne »


Yes, let's see if we can get something cool from deep in the woodpile!
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Take the axe. No doubt we then find out how much it burdens us and that it's now sellotaped to our hands.

And search the wood pile, we've risked enough to get to it.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

You've found a little golden key! What a curious place to hide it. There's no indication of what it might be used for, but best to keep it carefully.

Now return to 160 and make your way from there.
And we've found a 10th key!

Do you still want to explore the rest of the cottage (or the island)? Or should we just go back to Lost Island and use the keys now? If you want to keep exploring, please vote for which section to go to next.

Pip's LIFE POINTS: 4/25
Permanent Life Points: 15

Piece of Driftwood (weapon, +2 damage)
Sword (hits on 6, damage +3)
Spear (hits on 6/thrown 8, damage +5/thrown +10, only attack once every 2 rounds/thrown once every 3 rounds)
New Dagger (hits on 6, damage +1, attack twice per round)
One-piece armour (worn) (damage -2, shatters on 12 after taking the 1st hit in every combat)
Spare armor x2 (damage -2, shatters on 12 after taking the 1st hit in every combat)
Rope (50ft coil)
Grappling hook
Flint and steel (for lighting fires)
Ceramic lamp
Box of biscuits
Golden Key (x10)
Bottle of Grog

MONEY: 7790 GP

Old Sea Dog (2x)
Poisonous Spider
Ship's Cook (2x)
19 Guards
10 Scoundrels (3x)
Rock Thern (2x)
Greater Spotted Pondoozlewazzle Bird
Hydra Pig
4 Shadows

No. of Deaths:
1) LP drained by Shadows on Skull Island
2) Devoured by a T-Rex on Dragon Island
Last edited by SGamerz on Sat Jun 23, 2018 2:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MisterDee »

At this point, it's die to the boss monster or take a shot at finding some sort of healing.

I say let's take a chance on 138 (if 104 is accessible, then so is 138 I think?)
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Post by SGamerz »

MisterDee wrote:if 104 is accessible, then so is 138 I think?
You have to at least pass through 110 (the corridor) first.
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Post by RogueOne »

Agreed to pass down the hall (110) on to 138.

But I'm sketched out by this hallway, so let's be wary and check for traps as we go.
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Post by SGamerz »

You have entered a wide corridor running along the centre of which is a series of glass-topped cases. Inside are a variety of quite valuable-looking ornaments in silver and jade.

If you decide to snaffle the ornaments, which will involve breaking the glass, go to 198.

If not, check your Plan and continue to any allowable section.
Do we want to risk looting the glass case?
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Obviously bad idea to break the glass and steal the stuff, so I say do that.
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Post by MisterDee »

I'd go straigth to 138. We can still break the glass on the way out.
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Post by RogueOne »

I agree we should push on to 138. There only seems to be valuables in the glass (no healing), and we can't afford to take any sort of damage.

Knowing Pip, we'll cut our hand breaking the glass and end up at 14.
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Post by SGamerz »

To 138:
You have just time to note this looks like an opulent living room before the Guard inside the door biffs you on the head with a massive club, knocking you unconscious.

Go to 114.
At least this brings us to 114, not 14.....
You are in a darkened cell, no more than 10' x 10' in size. By dint of scrabbling around a bit you find the only door, which is locked.

And you have one chance only to try to pick the lock. Throw two dice to determine how difficult the lock is to pick. Make a note of your score. Now throw again. If you throw less on your second throw than your first, then you are unable to pick the lock. (This is bad news since it means you will eventually starve all the way to 14.) If your second throw is higher than your first, then the door swings open allowing you to rip off to 159. If your second throw is exactly equal to your first then you may try a second time.
This is where we would have ended up if we'd refused to believe Hecate's captive earlier - the witch will teleport us here. And yes, somehow the Argonauts and the ship will be magically transported here with no explanation.
1st roll = 6.
2nd roll = 7.

Our luck holds....for now.
Ah, freedom! There's nothing like a good escape to get the old adrenalin flowing. You bound away gaily to 39 where you may pick any of the options given there.
So now we can pick another location on this island:

Cottage (partially explored)

Or we can leave and head for Lost Island now......
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