Warhams 40k Kill Team

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Post by OgreBattle »

Anyone here checked out the new Necromunda? It uses the 8e mechanics as the core but expands them with short/long distance, more mental stats, various abilities for customization and so on.

The venators 'gang' lets you make beastmen, squats, orks, they seem fun.
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Post by Whiysper »

Yep. N17 is a pretty solid game. Standard GW rules quality, aka middle-of-the-road with some very odd grammatical choices - but it's better-written than 5e.

Now that they're onto the 4th Gang War book (think like a living rulebook game where they sell each update as a new fucking book), the game is pretty solid.

If you're actually interested in trying it, I'd look out for the community consolidated rulebook first, then buy the pretty pretty plastic toys - the new gangs are fucking awesome in terms of modelling - not totally modular, but with a little work, they can be converted nicely.

Finally, look up https://yaktribe.games/community/catego ... omunda.19/
for a community centered around the game. You'll like Thorgor - he's like a less sweary Denner, but has the same view on badly-written rules :).
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Post by OgreBattle »

There's some Necromunda players at my LGS, but I haven't seen any yet.

Something that cheeses me with 40k rules writing is when they have toughness, wounds, armor saves, inv svs, then decide "Y'know what zombie nurgle dudes need is a new kind of special save called 'Disgustingly Resilient (Feel No Pain basically)"

Plague marines and zombies should just have more wounds/toughness.
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Post by Whiysper »

I don't mind FnP - it's just a sequential invulnerable save. What grates me is that it's Fanatical Devotion/Disgustingly Resilient/Some other bloody name. Exception-based design herpes, yay!

Given I'm mathematically inclined, something statistically equivalent like an extra wound wouldn't bother me either.
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Post by Koumei »

Given they're trying to make you care about the number of Wounds a given weapon does (which is something determined after you fail your save - it doesn't inflict its 2 wounds and then you save against each one, meaning two separate chances to kill a 1-Wound model), there should be more multi-Wound models in general.

Which I generally hate for 40k-scaled things as it's more token-tracking. But Necromunda and Kill Team and all, it's easy to track and makes "this does 2 Wounds, not just 1" actually useful against more than 3 models allowed in the game.
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Post by OgreBattle »

Which I generally hate for 40k-scaled things as it's more token-tracking.
Have you played 40k with the 10+ wound vehicles? I haven't, but I've been to my LGS and after hours pass it seems those IG players the table over have all of their vehicles still on the table.
I feel just having high T, good Sv's is enough for vehicles but I haven't played.

Always wounding on a 6+ warps the stats of various weapons to favor more shots too, like the s3 5 shot flechette blaster being superior to the s4 3 shot stub carbine. I figure they could've added to their new wounding system "if T is double S, you wound on a 6+ followed by another roll of 6+", so there's still a teeny chance of lasguns taking out a titan but it really is a teeny chance.


Unsuprisingly KT is dominated by plasma firepower, with Harlequins and perhaps Lictors being the only consistent melee guys due to super mobility or other tricks

I don't like the place plasma guns have in 40k mechanics, they're "rapid firing good range small arms but superior in every way" so of course you load up on 'em instead of taking lasguns or bolters.

I feel imperial plasma should be a 1 shot weapon, overcharge for 2 shots at the same S/AP/D, then it feels more like a dedicated anti-material weapon that's actually kinda flawed in how it overheats instead of a must take at all times. The melta gun then doesn't feel completely inferior when there's no leman russ's to pop.

A weapon category for "restrictions like rapid fire but fires only one shot" would be handy, instead of melta guns the width of a human torso always being more mobile than an assault rifle.... or they just need to rework the categories.

Like any ranged weapon by default is fired X amount of times at whatever range is listed, can't be fired if advancing and then you add properties like...

Assault: can be fired after advancing at -1 to hit
Close Quarters: can be used in melee combat (the old pistol rule)
Rapid Fire +X: can fire +X shots at 1/2 range
Salvo +X: Can fire +X shots if didn't move
Heavy: -1 to hit after a normal move
Setup: Can't be fired at all after moving

Indirect: Doesn't require LoS
Blast: Can't hit a single target more than once
Ignore Cover X: reduces cover by X
Rending: 6+ wound ignores armor, sniper weapons have this

So your boltgun is rapid fire
A lascarbine is rapid fire, while a lasrifle just has a longer range
heavy bolter for guardsmen is setup, but for a marine it's merely heavy
Dark Eldar splinter cannon is heavy salvo

An infantry portable shoulder missile launcher should also be different from the vehicle mounted one that's twice as big. There needs to be more gradients or you wonder why that dreadnought missile fires less shots than the teeny one on a terminator's back.
Last edited by OgreBattle on Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:42 am, edited 6 times in total.
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