Fixing racism in D&D (/rpgs in general)

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Fixing racism in D&D (/rpgs in general)

Post by tussock »

[*]This is long. Sorry, but read the first two lists.

So I was reading a thing, longer than this even, but good stuff. Got a few things to click for me about what's been in my D&D forever and ever, particularly when re-reading some of the old D&D books after. ... ial-terror ... -not-human

Like, he mentions 5th edition racism in part, but looking through a few MMs, 1st edition AD&D is racist as shit and they've never really fixed it. And I never really got that until now. They weren't accidentally this way, at all. Gary was into imaginary killing black children because they could never be saved, and by proxy so was most everyone that played it.

This is super long, go read the super long links instead if you don't like reading mine. He's probably much better at it anyway.

1st edition AD&D 1979 MM says ...
  • Humans are all, at best, Mediterranean and Northern European, there's no African or Asian or even Mid-Eastern humans in AD&D. Oriental Adventures came later, intended for the "Asian market", even though it's full of racist crap about Asians.
  • Goblins are the yellow peril. They're yellow, short, they squint in sunlight, and are best known for being sneaky.
  • Bugbears are bigger goblins, literally, yellow, big and fat and hairy, waddle about, but still squinty eyed and sneaky, hello Sumo. Asians are Goblins and Bugbears.
  • Hobgoblins are Mongolians, clearly so in the art. Reddish-brown skin and stuff. Ghengis Hobgoblin, Atilla the Hob, honourable martial type.
  • Um, and Hobgoblins, their big version is literally bloodthirsty apes. FFS, Gary.
  • Orcs are black people. Africans, only roaming about in gangs here trying to steal your women. Like, dark brown skin with pink flashes, and dark bristly hair. And he made them pigs, just for fun. That's not good, Gary.
  • Ogres are big Orcs, still black people, but I guess these ones play football. Africans are pig-Orcs and Ogres in AD&D.
  • Kobolds are Arabs. Like, rusty brown skin and tribal culture based on gens.
  • Should I mention Drow? They're the "Black EIves" and thus the evil ones.
  • Like, Gnomes are Jews, and they and Arabs kill each other on sight. AD&D is that bad.
Some of that is less bad now. Kobolds became little dragons, but they still hate the Jews, Shadow Elves are old enough to drink, but we still have Drow for some reason, Orcs are only usually evil and more green, but still gym-bunny mega-violent. It's still mostly there, especially the bits that are more common in so much of the fantasy corpus and thus less easily called out.

Bad things in the monsters that come from racist ideology
  • Warrior race, it's colonialist garbage.
  • Noble savage, more colonialist garbage.
  • Always internal squabbles without "strong leader", fuck off.
  • All the "strong leaders" are elite humans, is super racist.
  • Breeding things and where some can "pass as men". Fff.
  • Where the bad guys are all dark brown and yellow and red, but the good guys are all fair and tan and ruddy.
  • Bad guy races in place of human societies, fuck no.
  • Where the bad guys have "big" versions, but the good guys have "little" versions.
  • Modern race wars duplicated, for fuck's sake, don't do that.
  • Perfectly accurate historical racism simulators are racist.
  • These ones are all stupid/strong/clumsy/etc. No, bad.
That stuff is everywhere. That's all from old early 20th century racism in the books that D&D took their kitchen sink from. They wrote "not-racist" but actually racist by talking about eradicating the mutant elves who were now sub-human monsters called Goblins and Orcs, but in the fucking background people were saying the same damn things about actual human beings.

Here's a Fake Q&A for a bunch of the arguments I've been on either side of for a while now. Hopefully somewhat enjoyable here and there given the heaviness of the topic.

The elf, human, orc, goblinoid ring species, is that a thing, or isn't it?
[*]Been going away, best if it's not a thing at all any more.

But half-elves and half-men and half-orcs? They are classic!
[*]They are classic racism. Being mulatto was a thing, it made you half as good as a white person. There's just nothing salvageable in the leader of the (Blacks) Orcs being smarter and more capable of leadership because he's (half-white) Half-Mens, that was always exceptionally nasty racism.
[*]Particularly nasty in that you're not really black because you're half-white, and you're definitely not white because you're half-black. At least D&D is inclusive in what you get for that stuff these days.

Can they be salvaged as ... magical crossbreeds?
[*]Some orcs can pass as men is always racist, it's what racism did, made people pass as white, being very careful to avoid a tan, because white people are treated well and black people are not. It is the essence of racism, that if people would only stop looking black they could be treated well. Anything else you gain is probably also racist, read on.

Super breeds of orcs? Tolkien had them too, more carefully engineered elves.
[*]Now you're getting into ableism plus racism. Mongoliods was a term for people with Down Syndrome and people from the north of Asia were Mongolians (who were thus, all degenerate white people). So if orcs are just broken elves, we're straight back into racism. Yes, Tolkien is very racist, this is where all this shit came from, it's standard British military "the people we're going to have you shoot at, they aren't really people" stuff from the early 20th century world wars, that Tolkien lived through.

But, different types of orcs with different stats, leaders?
[*]The leaders of Mens are the high level classes, in D&D, so the leaders of Orcs should be the high level classes too. But not fucking Evil Human Wizards and shit! Just high level Orcs. They look like Orcs in the same way high level Mens look like us, maybe covered in coloured lights from all the magic, maybe smoking fiery eyes from the curses, maybe some are bigger. This is mostly already true in modern editions.

OK, but like orcs can be strong and dumb, right?
[*]No. I mean, the strong race in AD&D is Humans, because white power, but making Orcs the strong race later on, that's where black people are mostly famous for playing sport, so the media image is ... more racism.
[*]To a large extent you probably shouldn't have intellectually inferior races that evoke humanity in their stance. Semi-smart horses and dogs and piles of claws or tentacles, those things are safer, read on.

But they should be primitive, like Lizardfolk, yeah?
[*]No. Saying a race is primitive is what racist people said while committing genocide on various societies in colonial times, even while those societies adapted to the new technology in a matter of days. They still do it in Australia, openly. It's not a crime to have weaver birds, but Australopithecus is dodgy as fuck because racist people like to say some modern humans are still like them in some ways. That was a key fake-science racism principle back in Tolkien's day, before the out of Africa theory happened.
[*]Like, if you expect to have an opponent who is smart enough to compete with humans in battle, they're human brained, and -2 Int when we give Horses a 4, Dolphins a 6, and Humans a 10 is just racist bullshit. Orcs slightly smarter than Horses? Hello horrible, horrible racism.

OK, but average PC-type humans could be better educated, right?
[*]So long as PC-type orcs could be and often are better educated too, yes. None of the societies we're touching on with these races lacked an education system for their wealthy folk. You can't have a universally uneducated or uneducatable race in contact with educated ones without being racist. Not educating disadvantaged groups within a society ("because it's a waste of time") is a big part of modern racism, and your game should not be a racism simulator.

But simulation! Racism was and is real, it might be important to my game!
[*]It's important to Nazis. They'll take your racist game elements, strip them of context, and post them as a pepe meme, and hurl shit at minority players with it too. It's not OK in the game. If you have something important to run, and you've consulted your players, probably you're still a bit racist, but that's on you.

Uh, aren't we all playing war crimes, though? Like, murder-hobos?
[*]No. That's a metaphor, generally you're simulating a pre-modern society without a police force or standing army which is also full of impossibly powerful monsters, folks need superheroes and wizards to protect them. You fundamentally play para-military police special forces, dealing with environmental and criminal problems through personified skirmishes. Yeah, it's violent, but it's toy voilence, they started it, and ... yeah, we'll be careful with that too, because cops and fascism are very close things.

I have all this art already done for Mongolian themed Hobs, HALP!
[*]Hobs can live in Mongolia, it's fine, probably better if they do, they just live there with the Mens in Mongolia, and they also live other places. They might even be most commonly found in Mongolia, but there can still be a Scottish Hob and a Mongolian Gnome and that'll all be fine. Local Hobs are probably the ones you're fighting for and against though, and not all of them will be recent immigrants.

So I can do an Asian accent for my Hob, right, because he's Asian?
[*]Oh, hi. If you are an Asian person who doesn't naturally speak with such, you're still gunna need to ask the other Asian people who might overhear, if that's OK with them. If you're a group of white people, just skip it, or do Texan accents or something. Always, always, always appropriate from your own culture first. If that somehow feels wrong, or embarrassing, yeah, that you noticed.

Racist people will just take all this and do racist stuff with it anyway.
[*]That is true. People who participate or see such games will know who is doing that if it is not in the game by default. It's also much easier to ask someone to not put racism in the game, than it is to ask someone to take it out; asking for less effort is just safer. See also sexism and ablism and so on.

OK, hear me out, this is not sustainable in terms of species, competition should lead to extinction and bla de bla.
[*]Right. But the setting has gods who like them, and so it turns out they do fine. It's a kitchen sink fantasy, they're all there, just is. If anyone goes about trying to commit genocide, just kick them out of your game, and then have a God squish their former character. Conceptual problem solved.

Hey, Gods doing anything prevents player agency!
[*]Oh, fuck off and go shit in someone else's cornflakes.

Didn't you, like, expel them to the underworld and stuff?
[*]Yep, and that works too, just not on it's own. Plus some stuff needs to be in the regular game world because a lot of mythological stories they come from, that was all they had. You can even leave it vague too if there's a separate reality of underworld or it's just when you go digging the rules change, or a bit of both.

Oho! But, what about this thing where they can't see well in daylight!
[*]Do you know why goblins, who are Asians as you'll recall, have difficulty in bright light? It's so they'll squint. Little squint-eyed yellow goblins. Like, cats get -0 to hit in daylight and +0 to hit in starlight, no one fucking cares, leave it out.

Can we save half elves and half orcs?
[*]Every attempt thus far has still been pretty racist. Like, how you can learn a few tricks of the elves because your grandma was an elf, and not otherwise, even though you live with humans, that's not good. Remember how primitive is just racism? That complimentary stuff isn't really better.
[*]Your best bet would have strong cultural associations built into areas where races are prominent, and then all the people from those cultures would share the same benefits. If Elftown in the forest gives you bows and swords, then Dwarves and Humans and Gobs from Elftown also get bows and swords.
[*]What's a "Half Elf" but a man from Elftown? Does all the things you want out of Half Elves, even with a whole lot more variety available, carries the thing of being uncomfortable in both Elftown and in other primarily Mens areas.

Oh, come oooooon, haaaaalf ooooorcs.
[*]Well, maybe. But listen up. If Elves, Humans, Orcs, and Hobs/Gobs can interbreed up and down the chain a step, they're all Human. They all look like humans. They have the same stats. That thing I said about half elves is basically true for all of them, you make a Half-Mens by buying both one primary-Human cultural baggage and one primary-Orc cultural baggage, and Elves are just the men who live in forests and have a somewhat unique culture.
[*]But then you have Humans that you're calling Orcs, and "Orcs" has a shit tonne of baggage from other games in most people's headspace, and now you can't stand them next to Humans as a differentiating hint because they already are Human, it's less good. Really, if your Orcs are just humans from hot places, I see problems.

But there's five different kinds of elves!
[*]No there isn't. Don't do that, really. Five different elf cultures is fine, the woods ones, glacier ones, black forest ones, ... etc, go for it. Also, fix the fucking Drow, properly.

So, no elves have dark skin?
[*]Those ones live where the dark skinned humans do. For the same reason, equatorial sun levels and plentiful protien in the diet.

Um, my Orcs aren't racist, they're aqua-coloured and just fight because they're supernaturally angry.
[*]In racist theories, Black people fought back against colonialist slavery and refused their rightful masters because they were supernaturally angry, literally cursed by God as a descendant of Cain. Orcs are based on that. That's why the Orcish resistance fails to coordinate unless lead by a white savior in D&D, but even then that white man turns out to be evil and true heroes will defeat him and his Orcs. It's all racist all the way down, including races that just fight all the time for reasons.
[*]Even if you colour them sky blue. Even if you call them spirits. Even if they're from the underworld. Even if the boss is an Orc too. So much baggage.

My Fighty McFight humanoids are called Porcs, and they're not a race, they're a heritage, no one will connect any of that!
[*]Fuckin, it's not the words. Also, Nazis talk about their heritage instead of their race now, because it's not the words, it's the meaning behind them, which you didn't change. Tolkien changed the names on his racist caricatures, Gygax made them uniquely American in prejudices and put pig heads on them, other people made them green, but they are what they are. It's still there. It still promotes racist ideologies. Let's just stop being racist.

Well how can I have Orcs at all!?! Fuckin.
[*]D&D is kitchen sink fantasy. So it has Orcs, and Goblins, and every other thing. That list of bad at the top, that is what Orcs are not. They can be everything else, there's lots of other Orc stuff in D&D history that is not inherently racist. They're not primitive or noble savages, they're not a born warrior race, they're not severely disabled (also, we will not be randomly murdering disabled people), they don't need a white saviour, they don't have tragically racist inter-tribal battle rituals, but they can be everything else. That will need carefully line edited, but it's doable.

For instance?
[*]OK, I'll try an Orc thing, accepting and cleaning up their classic African origin. Even though I'm a pasty redhead and shit.
-- The area where Orcs are found most commonly, let's call it Sacrifa, has extensive and ancient trade networks across the land but limited sea trade due to abundant sea monsters. There are extensive mines in suitable dry areas, but most groups are pastoral farmers in good land, or herdsman in marginal, with seasonally productive lands left wild, and large lakes are surrounded by fishers. Natural seasonal flood irrigation produces large, well-fed cities on low hills near the great rivers.
-- A difficult farming climate and limited soil fertility with varying multi-decadal drought cycles regularly sees groups across the region abandon settlements and even take up raiding as a way to gain capital for a transition to the next stable society. Successful warlords may take up protection rackets as their sole income long after these periods settle, and light unmounted raiders can venture far from their homelands carrying little but weapons, waterskins, and tokens of their faith.
-- In contrast, after long periods of stability and mild droughts, large armies may emerge from the river cities as a new king attempts to forge an empire to protect the most distant trade routes and encourage more caravans.
-- Orcs are largely nocturnal, and survive easier in the harsher environments with careful sheltering from the sun, making up most of the local mining communities. Mens stand most of the day with airy clothing design, mostly living in wetter climes, but shelter the nights around slow burning fires. Rainforests are largely the province of Elfs, who aggressively defend against any raids as their own food supply dwindles quickly in the dry. Elfs and Orcs are often the target of racist abuse and deadly threats in each other's territories, though Mens trade freely with both.
-- Long droughts and associated societal shifts can greatly lower life expectancy in some generations, and vicious cults may grow in prominence therein and persist long after.
Seriously, Orcs are nocturnal African miners with mean cults?
[*]Greenish skin, floppy ears, star-trek face mods, pretty much covers it, strip it way back for the monster manual entry. The nocturnal/diurnal split is normally how two super-predators can live in the same place at the same time, with nocturnal activity favouring the hotter regions and thereby being more prone to social disruption in drought cycles. Allows nearby societies to have a split culture. Elves can be crepuscular.
[*]The key thing there, is everything that makes them Orcs is basically there, but it's there in a way that can be shared with whoever they live next to. It's a set of universal problems arising naturally, but the not-racist non-human feature of Orcs (nocturnal) makes it all more prevalent with them. Any particular Orc can have none of those features and it would be fine.
And as I was writing, apparently Ariel the Mermaid will be played by a black woman in the live action movie and racist people everywhere are burning their Disney DVDs in response because, of course, "Mermaids can't be not white."
Note that actual Mermaids are a west African legend, and also a separate Pacific legend. Entered western legends through Syria. So they're all not white, and cartoon Ariel is actually pretty dark skinned in most of the movie. Racism, it is everywhere.

Best response thus far, "They think this is bad, wait 'till they meet Jesus."
Special thanks to Frank Trollman and whoever else kept on calling me out on my racist and sexist and ablist D&D shit, because I think I might just finally get it.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Eh, I'm not entirely sure what the advantage of having a dozen very similar humanoid races is. How is hobgoblins cosplaying as Mongols better than actual Mongols? Aside from them being defined as inhuman, of course.

Now, ratlike skaven with prehensile tails and a different body shape to humans, or centaurs (bonuses to Constitution and Strength for being built like a horse, and maybe bonuses to Charisma for being hung like a horse), those are sufficiently different to humans to make worthwhile additions.

Though, I do like the idea of Hobgoblins being Mongolian because they are part of Mongolia. If the expanding Mongol empire conquered or swallowed up other groups, and some of them were humans and some were not, fair enough. And other Hobgoblins in, say, India that have adopted local customs.
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Post by OgreBattle »

I like how Conan RPG's just have different humans. I like that Conan novels has Conan meet different humans instead of orcs and elves.

For me non-humans work best when they're psychologically not just a human actor or phisiologically quite different (and then they're just treated as "humans from the eyrie have wings")

Most of the fiction I enjoy is humans who alter themselves, or so far into the future every human is a cyborg (APosimz is great)
Last edited by OgreBattle on Thu Jul 04, 2019 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Pedantic »

I rather liked The Dagger and the Coin's take on having a bunch of coexisting humanoid races. All of them are explicitly human, and the modern phenotype differences are down to long gone dragons playing with genetics to make better servants. Your classic human shape is a "Firstborn" and the chitinous bug person is a "Timzinae" but you're definitely both human, and if you have cultural differences it's because you live in different places, albeit some limits on interbreeding tend to lead to fairly homogeneous enclaves forming.
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Post by MGuy »

This is an issue I've talked about irl for a long time now. Sometimes it's irritating like when some guy gets on and said "Well these northerner people are portrayed as aggressive and violent barbarians! Should I be offended because they stereotype 'my' heritage?!!!!!" And it grates my nerves. I sometimes use moments in my games as teachable moments. When I ran Kingmaker there was an at least hour long argument about how to deal with a racist chili culture when the pcs are the leaders in this new frontier town they made.

My experiences are unique there. Most groups, whenever I've been a player, don't tend to have games that ever do anything deeper than 'go place do thing, overcome obstacle'. Sharing ideas and disseminating ways to take a more critical look at how people are portrayed in the material is probably the best way to take a stand against this kind of stuff. Most people are not thinking about their media in this way. That's probably a good thing. It's good to see that you've been converted yourself.
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Post by Username17 »

The half-breed is a concept that can be a stand-in for real world racism, but does not have to be. The lamia in Medusa's Coil is stunningly racist; but Spock in Star Trek is not.

There is a deep vein in racist thought that gets really concerned with race mixing and hierarchies of ethnicities and shit. And that's bad. But there's also the natural desire to mix the familiar and the fantastic - and indeed the amount of familiar that different people will want and need in their fantasy will be very different. And there's nothing wrong with that.

So the first question you have is "Why do fantasy worlds have 'Humans' at all?" Obviously Middle Earth, Ravnica, and Faerun are not Earth, and there's no particular reason they would have recognizable humans living there. But they do. And it's right that they do because a lot of people aren't really comfortable "role playing" as something that isn't a human. And it's important to realize that it's a spectrum - there are people who are happy to do deep immersion roleplaying as a toaster or ball of living darkness, and there are people who need their alter ego to be a human - and there are people in between who want their alter ego to have some amount of recognizable humanity.

So let's consider the Half-Orc and the Half-Elf. Obviously, if both Elves and Orcs can interbreed successfully with Humans it would be pretty strange if Elves and Orcs couldn't interbreed with each other. Ring species exist, but even then we would expect it to be merely difficult rather than impossible for Elf/Orcs to be a thing. But we don't have any Elf/Orc crossbreeds because they serve no narrative purpose. There are people who want to play an Elf but also want to have a portion of humanity that they can tie back to their personal experience as a human. There are people who want to play an Orc but also want to have a portion of humanity that they can tie back to their personal experience as a human. But there aren't any players who want to play an Elf and want to tie back to their personal experience as an Orc or vice versa because there aren't any players who are Elves or Orcs.

So let's go back to a character like Spock or Worf. They are aliens, but in some sense they are "part human." That could be used to advance a racist narrative, but it doesn't have to. In fact, I would say that the overall arc of both Worf and Spock were pretty severely anti-racist. Both ended up making the point that commitment to ideals was more important than purity of blood over and over again - sometimes being so heavy handed as to essentially literally say that. The fact that they are "part human" serves as an anchor point for the audience (who are all humans) to explore the ramifications of the portion of those characters that are not human.

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Post by DSMatticus »

Sometimes fantasy races are just racist caricatures dressed up as Star Trek aliens so you don't recognize them. That's bad. You can kind of sort of fix that by not writing racist caricatures, but also you kind of sort of can't, because people are pattern-matching machines, and your audience is going to understand everything you write through the lens of cultures (historical or fictional) they already understand. The real racism was inside us all along. That said, there are some explicitly racist things D&D does and it should stop doing those things.

1) "These are the green humans. Green humans get -2 intelligence because they're dumb." No. Just no. It's not racist if your race can shoot laser beams out of their eyes. It's not racist if one race is just arbitrary better wizards because of some synergy - boring design, but not necessarily racist. But it is racist when one of your forehead aliens is just not as intelligent as humans.

2) "These are the green humans. They live over here. All of them. And no one else." I understand that D&D represents a period of time when transportation and logistics kind of sucks and most people will spend their entire lives within a stone's throw from where they were born, but still no. The level of homogeneity assumed in D&D settings is historically unprecedented. I suspect it rises beyond unprecedented to actually impossible - no matter how similar the orcs seem to one another from the outside, they will do what every other society has done throughout history and find differences amongst themselves and build identities around those because that is how people do. The orcs aren't going to see themselves as "the orcs" anymore than Europeans have spent the past thousand years seeing themselves as "the Europeans."

3) "These are the green humans. They're the bad guys." Ultimately D&D is about murdering your way through exotic and fantastic locations, and most tables don't want to get into a discussion about whether or not all that murder they're doing is ethically justified. To that end, having bad guys who are both kill on sight and easily identified is super useful. But when your easily identifiable coding for bad guy is based on skin color that is as racist as racism gets.

You can solve a lot of these problems by separating race and culture. There is no kingdom of orcs. There is a kingdom which is majority orc with an orc royal family. It borders a kingdom which is majority human with a human royal family. Both kingdoms have orcs and humans living peacefully in their own territories, particularly at the border. One of these kingdoms officially recognizes the Church of Blackhats, a doomsday cult, as the state religion. You can identify members of the Church of Blackhats by their silly hats, and you can stab them on sight because they are literally trying to end the world. But you cannot just wander around stabbing green people.

Neither orcs nor elves nor humans get different racial ability scores. Orcs and elves can still have their random bullshit like "better night vision" and "immune to sleep effects," because no one is ever going to sucessfully turn shit like that into a pro-white supremacy narrative. Basically, you want race and background to be separate choices, where race gives you some miscellaneous flavor that fails to be progression-defining (because if it ends up progression-defining it will necessary end up race-defining in your audience's minds), and background gives some proficiencies and takes over the ability score aspect (if you keep it at all). So the elf scholar gets +2 int because they're a scholar, not because they're an elf, and the elf warrior gets some proficiencies because they're a warrior, not an elf. And if this specific elf warrior happened to grow up in Dwarfia, that proficiency is with an axe and not a bow.
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Post by Grek »

DSMatticus wrote:3) "These are the green humans. They're the bad guys." Ultimately D&D is about murdering your way through exotic and fantastic locations, and most tables don't want to get into a discussion about whether or not all that murder they're doing is ethically justified. To that end, having bad guys who are both kill on sight and easily identified is super useful. But when your easily identifiable coding for bad guy is based on skin color that is as racist as racism gets.
DSMatticus wrote:One of these kingdoms officially recognizes the Church of Blackhats, a doomsday cult, as the state religion. You can identify members of the Church of Blackhats by their silly hats, and you can stab them on sight because they are literally trying to end the world.
If you make the 'kill on sight' identifier religion, you're just going to piss off religious minorities instead of racial minorities. Muslims IRL already deal with people calling for them to be murdered on the basis of their religion and the same people who make orcs into racist caricatures will obviously be tempted to make your blackhats into Islamic caricatures.
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Post by Username17 »

Grek wrote:If you make the 'kill on sight' identifier religion, you're just going to piss off religious minorities instead of racial minorities. Muslims IRL already deal with people calling for them to be murdered on the basis of their religion and the same people who make orcs into racist caricatures will obviously be tempted to make your blackhats into Islamic caricatures.
Most evil fantasy religions are actually Christianity caricatures. On account of the fact that if you simply state what Christianity officially teaches without the specific signifiers of it being the dominant religion of our society, it sounds totally evil.

Black clad priests holding up a symbol of torture and execution while telling their adherents that they will be forgiven any transgressions and praised for all time if they allow all their sins to be transferred to an act of human sacrifice of a blameless person. I mean, that sounds totally evil. So most evil fantasy religions just run with that. You just scrub the serial numbers off of Christianity and suddenly everyone recognizes it as comically evil villainy.

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Post by DSMatticus »

Yeah, as much as you'd think "these are fantasy Muslims and they're evil" would be a problem, it's not actually that common compared to all the other religious tropes. I suspect it's just the timing of it - the people afraid of Muslims today are the same ones who were afraid of black people fifty years ago, it's just that fifty years ago they were productive members of society with socially acceptable (if completely abhorrent) views on race and today they're retired do-nothings who feel that everytime they open their mouths their children and grandchildren respect them that much less. Islam is a symbolic representation of brown people being uppity that appeals to the same people who were always concerned about being brown people being uppity, but the passage of time has successfully wrestled the megaphone away from them and let us tell stories about things other than "people who aren't like us are scary, aren't they?"

You get way, way more Explicitly Evil Totally Not Christianity, I Can't Believe It's Not Aztecs, and Walk Like An Egyptian - the former because it's familiar and Christianity has spent the past fifty years screaming at children to stop having fun, so it's an easy sell to convince those same children that Christian institutions can be a setting's assholes, and the latter two because they are simply compelling and evocative in that "I know nothing except the highlights but woo boy is that enough to catch my attention" casual kind of way. That middle one usually ends up being pretty racist because it's presented as a bunch of primitive savages with vaguely stereotypical Native American theming tossing virgins into volcanos or whatever. Oof, not great.

Anyway, more to the point - I suppose it was kind of ambiguous, but when I said "silly hat" I didn't mean silly hat as in yarmulke, I meant silly hat as in mitre. It's not okay ro run around stabbing Catholics, but it is okay to run around stabbing the Spanish Inquisition. The bad guys are an institution, not a race or ethnicity, and that institution has a uniform.
Last edited by DSMatticus on Thu Jul 04, 2019 10:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Libertad »

From looking at a more meta example, gaming studios and writers need to interact with fans and gamers IRL. You can have a totally inclusive and progressive setting, but if for example you hire on an alt-righter and accused rapist as two consultants for your tabletop game that's going to have the effect of attracting chuds who will make for a very unpleasant gaming experience for those very same groups you wish to champion.

Secondly, when aping real-world fantasy cultures in which you are not familiar with, it pays to do due diligance by talking with cultural consultants. It may be out of the pay grade of some of the smaller and shovelware studios, but when Dungeons & Dragons updated Chult for Tomb of Annihilation they stumbled in major ways. Part of this was on account of not having any black writers to check their work, and part of this was having to work from an already quite loaded setting of JUNGLE WILDERNESS.

It's quite sad when 3rd party settings like Spears of the Dawn and Southlands do Fantasy Africa better than the best-funded studios.

On that note, more designers need to be willing to retcon their own settings when they screw up. The adherence to "decades of world lore" and metaplot is why we have a non-evil Confederacy in Deadlands in the 21st century. Or why we have drow with a literal Curse of Ham disease in Faerun to this day.[/i]
Last edited by Libertad on Fri Jul 05, 2019 3:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jt »

For the niche of "humanoid thing that's socially acceptable to kill," I have evil spirits that spontaneously generate in abandoned places, pick up weapons, and try to be human by mimicking the worst of us.

If you want elves and orcs and stuff, I think the best approach is that pointy ears and green skin are just genes that exist on this planet. The elves are a culture that practice forest agriculture and most of them have pointy ears, but Rowan Broadleaf is an elf with round ears because two of his grandparents were plainsfolk. You've heard the dark elves are a bunch of evil sorcerers who worship a man-eating spider, but when you meet them they turn out to just be regular people, who prefer to be called Drow and not "dark elf," and they have like a dozen other spider gods who they pray to to keep the man-eating one away.
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Post by tussock »

I'm thinking kill on sight is more about the rest of the monster manual. Like, yes, most religious hatred now is bullshit on top of racial hatred (but also, Jews), but that in turn means the religious hatred is more racism to not put in the game. Especially if the targets are mostly Orcs and you're just gunna assume the worst of them because of their hoodies.

I mean, you kill Mind Flayers on sight, because they're a parasitic disease metaphor and so you're always fighting the highly infectious brain-eating parasite, rather than stopping by for tea. Undead are all that way too. But there's not really any of the basic human-size +/- humanoids are anything other than metaphors for people.

So the Kobolds in religious-Nazi hats are basically still a metaphor for racist white people's fears about Arabs, or lizard-people as the case may be, and "they are the real Nazis" is totally what actual Nazis say.
Speaking of stupid, lizard people from space wearing human skin suits is still and thing people believe in. It was a TV series in the 80's, and people still think it's real.
Sure, your bad-guy religions and cults should totally be based on Christianity, just as your good-guy ones are, because that's your own culture you're appropriating from. Good. Excellent, even.

But like, English-speaking people hate on the Inquisition because it was going on in Spain around the time of the Spanish-English war, and it was part of the anti-catholic propaganda run in England at the time. "No one expects the Inquisition" is in part a comment on how fucking often everyone in England still goes on about the Spanish Inquisition like it's the only bad thing Christianity ever did, you will study it in school there. And if you might have noticed, the US is super racist against Spanish-speaking people right now. Spanish Republicans are actively clearing their timelines of all the places they used to be proud to be Spanish and be able to speak the language. It's creepy as fuck, with the camps and stuff.

Take something from the US. Run an underground railroad to free the Orcs and other Sacrifan slaves from the oppressive orange-cross religion that has a hate on for magic railroads (and "is not racist, but is just helping them learn to assimilate" with whips and stuff). But, like, just kill the ones who intercept you, not the kids in town wearing the orange cross because it's part of the Sunday indoctrination program, and not the shopkeeper who has to wear it or get his store burnt down, and so on, because most of them wear it but only some are violently oppressive (some are even helping you!).

Like, no way am I for depriving players of obvious targets, there will be angry orange-cross motherfuckers in their way and they shoutin' about how they gunna kill you orc-lovin sons of bitches. But groups of people in general are more complicated than that.

That shit is so bad. Like, the US has the Everglades and the Bayou as places where people live to take stories from and fucking centuries of them to sift through ... well, Pathfinder was pretty ugly with it's Ogres and anti-French is still totally there, but at least it was local legend. A few humans living nearby in much the same shacks without the body horror and you're away.

And yeah, so much has been changed, Kobolds are Dragons now, of all things, and yet a lot of nastiest racist shit is still there, the permanently primitive, the too stupid to learn (like, Dwarfs couldn't do magic forever, but they just had a weak magic resistance to explain that), the short life expectancy is just natural, the militant nature, eeeew.

They have farmers! Most of them farm! It's medieval: farming, or herding, or trade something useful for food, that's it. You even get migrant farmers in rainforests.
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Post by Koumei »

Well I'm glad we have SOLVED RACISM by finally getting a mediocre white guy onto the job. It was about time someone tried that. Now that's crossed out, what can we fix next?
DSMatticus wrote:I suspect it's just the timing of it - the people afraid of Muslims today are the same ones who were afraid of black people fifty years ago, it's just that fifty years ago they were productive members of society with socially acceptable (if completely abhorrent) views on race and today they're retired do-nothings who feel that everytime they open their mouths their children and grandchildren respect them that much less.
They are correct in feeling that, because we absolutely do respect them that much less.
Islam is a symbolic representation of brown people being uppity that appeals to the same people who were always concerned about being brown people being uppity,
I think that's the big thing. Yes, Muslims get a bad deal in white society, but let's be honest, in 99% of the cases they're using "Muslims" as a very cunning code for "brown people". They want to say "Arabs" (or "fucking rag-heads" or something, or remember that they also hate black people so prefix that specific insult with "sand-") but they put up a veil of "Oh no it's actually the religion and specific cultural things. I have problems with how they treat their women - SHUT UP CHERYL OR SO HELP ME I'LL PUNCH YOU AGAIN YOU BITCH".
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Post by Thaluikhain »

FrankTrollman wrote:So let's consider the Half-Orc and the Half-Elf. Obviously, if both Elves and Orcs can interbreed successfully with Humans it would be pretty strange if Elves and Orcs couldn't interbreed with each other. Ring species exist, but even then we would expect it to be merely difficult rather than impossible for Elf/Orcs to be a thing. But we don't have any Elf/Orc crossbreeds because they serve no narrative purpose. There are people who want to play an Elf but also want to have a portion of humanity that they can tie back to their personal experience as a human. There are people who want to play an Orc but also want to have a portion of humanity that they can tie back to their personal experience as a human. But there aren't any players who want to play an Elf and want to tie back to their personal experience as an Orc or vice versa because there aren't any players who are Elves or Orcs.
Well, yes, but is that the only (or at least, main) reason for playing half-orcs or half-elves? If you want to play an orc (or elf) that's relatable as a human, why not just have those races not be that far from human? But, ok, you could be stuck with a gaming group that has strict ideas on what those races are like.

I would have expected lots of people wanting to mix and match races, to get the best of two races they like (either stats or culture). I seem to remember some official D&D publication which had rules for half-elves where the other half wasn't human, but some other type of elf (half Drow and half sea elf, say). Googling 'd&d elf types' gives me a list of 7 half elf, half some other race as the 4th result, admittedly a homebrew.

(Also admittedly, I'd imagine half-elves and half-orcs are popular largely because they've been in D&D for ages, as well as in Tolkien and derived works, and inertia has taken hold.)
tussock wrote:Take something from the US. Run an underground railroad to free the Orcs and other Sacrifan slaves from the oppressive orange-cross religion that has a hate on for magic railroads (and "is not racist, but is just helping them learn to assimilate" with whips and stuff). But, like, just kill the ones who intercept you, not the kids in town wearing the orange cross because it's part of the Sunday indoctrination program, and not the shopkeeper who has to wear it or get his store burnt down, and so on, because most of them wear it but only some are violently oppressive (some are even helping you!).
You've equated orcs with black people there. I mean, yeah, I get what you mean, but you could trip up badly there.
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Post by Username17 »

Thaluikhain wrote:Well, yes, but is that the only (or at least, main) reason for playing half-orcs or half-elves? If you want to play an orc (or elf) that's relatable as a human, why not just have those races not be that far from human?
The point is that it absolutely does not matter how close or far the races from human. Vulcans and Klingons are literally played by humans in stage makeup, but a significant number of people still want Spock or Worf to be in some sense literally human because it is easier for them to imagine that sense of personal connection to the character.

This is of course why giving different stats to Half-Elves and Half-Orcs is missing the entire narrative point in pursuit of racialist garbage about race hierarchies. The point of Worf isn't that he is any less Klingon, it's that he's literally exactly a Klingon in every way that matters except that that he has a hook for members of the audience to identify with that other Klingons don't have. Spock's "human mother" never makes him lose out on any "Vulcan abilities" or whatever. It just means that audience members have an easier time anthropomorphizing him.

There exist some small number of people who are optimizers that want to be Kobold/Githyanki hybrids because they have calculated that this gives them exactly the mix of abilities that help and drawbacks they can ignore - but for the most part the only reasons anyone wants to be a hybrid are:
  • To make a thing be "human in some sense" for ease of getting into the role.
  • To make something that would otherwise be "far too powerful" get allowed at the table.
Or to put it another way: there are people who want to play some in-setting creature but want it be in some way human so they can identify with the character more, and there are people who are willing to settle for a reduced power level on a creature that appeals to them but is outside the bounds of normally allowed characters. Or to put it another another way: there are players who like the idea of playing an Elf but want to have more "humanness" injected in to make the character be intrinsically more like themselves nd there are players who want to play an Angel and are willing to have the wings ripped off if that will allow them to play the game.

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Post by souran »

Racial ability modifiers are just not the greatest.

Note that we also know that from an evolutionary perspective, the big brained hominid has a major competitive advantage (thus homo sapiens and not homo neanderthalus)

As I get older, I sort of feel like non-human character options should be distinctly not human. If you need "evil barbarians" just make them human unless they will have some aspect that is distinctly not human. Returning to Frank's analogy: Vulkans are interesting because they have a distinct philosophy that is integral to their concept. People point out that vulkans are basically space elves, but D&D style elves are typically depicted as "human but better than you" or "stuck up immortal aristocracy." Star Treks Vulkan characters can be infuriating but they are consistent and they have a thing that makes them distinctly non human.
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Post by rasmuswagner »

souran wrote:Racial ability modifiers are just not the greatest.
Yeah, racial ability modifiers shrink the viable play space by (soft-) banning certain race/class combinations. That's why I don't use them in my D&D.
Every time you play in a "low magic world" with D&D rules (or derivates), a unicorn steps on a kitten and an orphan drops his ice cream cone.
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Post by Username17 »

Tussock wrote:I mean, you kill Mind Flayers on sight, because they're a parasitic disease metaphor and so you're always fighting the highly infectious brain-eating parasite, rather than stopping by for tea.
Mind Flayers are a bunch of things, because remember that the whole "Ceremorphosis" bullshit comes from a late period 2nd edition AD&D book that is actually very bad. Most presentations of Mind Flayers did not attempt the body horror angle with Mind Flayers and also the few attempts to go that way with Mind Flayers were all nonsensical artistic failures.

In any case, Mind Flayers being a "kill on sight" creature doesn't seem to bother anyone. The whole thing where they are squid aliens who are brain eating slavers is actually plenty to have our conscience clear while we advocate for genocide against them. Peace is impossible because they literally eat us.

Which is not to say that cannibalism as an excuse for genocide can't have a racist component. Blood Libel is a thing. But Zoidburg notwithstanding, there's not much reason to equate Mind Flayers with Jews, and without that connection, stabbing squid heads because they are brain eating slavers is perfectly reasonable.

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Post by tussock »

Thaluikhain wrote:
tussock wrote:Take something from the US. Run an underground railroad to free the Orcs and other Sacrifan slaves from the oppressive orange-cross religion that has a hate on for magic railroads (and "is not racist, but is just helping them learn to assimilate" with whips and stuff). But, like, just kill the ones who intercept you, not the kids in town wearing the orange cross because it's part of the Sunday indoctrination program, and not the shopkeeper who has to wear it or get his store burnt down, and so on, because most of them wear it but only some are violently oppressive (some are even helping you!).
You've equated orcs with black people there. I mean, yeah, I get what you mean, but you could trip up badly there.
Yar, it shouldn't be a racism simulator and there I am simulating racism, which gets me into that problem, just like that. There's a bit in the links at the top about how you can do settings like that because you can reverse it in play and have the good guys win, but also avoid, uh, ... don't use racist phrases would be the simplest concept there. Duh.

Oh, right, I did also suggest they were enslaved with black people, at least in my headcannon, to lampshade that, but yeah, right, do that better, tussock.

Useful tip from Frank, Half Orcs being exactly Orcs but you can act as human as you need to and ignore whatever fluff you want, that's a useful game concept. Lets the base Orc be a little more radical in it's outlook if desired too, and if someone does introduce a different sort of Space Ork or Underdark Orc later, you can be half them too without needing anything further modified.

Bit like Pathfiner2, only it's "Part Human", and the main deal is you can be whatever but not stress about the roleplaying hints, and maybe something mechanical in place of whatever you spent to get that, which can all be the same because they're all "Part Human" (but difficult to balance then, so maybe not).

Could even try to handle reincarnation and other shape-changing game functions.

#abilitymods, even if you do want Orcs to be stronk, you can just have NPC Orcs be that way and have PCs buy their stats at the same price everyone else does.

AD&D style mods at +1/-1 are somewhat less forcing, especially if they're still capped at 18, and they're more interesting to apply, but still pretty easy to be reproducing racist tropes with if you stick close to the history of D&D.
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Post by Whatever »

Koumei wrote:Well I'm glad we have SOLVED RACISM by finally getting a mediocre white guy onto the job. It was about time someone tried that. Now that's crossed out, what can we fix next?
Actually, since white people are responsible for racism (at least in the English speaking world), it really is on us to fix it. Especially mediocre white men. Our problem, our job. Leaving it to people of color is just passively endorsing the status quo.

Now, obviously, this thread won't solve racism. But racism is an unbelievably huge system of oppression, and every step forward is progress. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
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Post by Schleiermacher »

Okay, so what non-racist traits do the various core D&D species have that are iconic enough to be recognizably them and make them distinct enough to be worth keeping around?

Orc: Nocturnal (I like this one)
Halfling: Really small (Kind of weak, but has some creative potential, plus halflings are popular.)
Elf: Super long-lived, but not in a "better than you" way. This is kind of tricky because either it implies they mature super-slowly, which I'm not a fan of - too many "50-year-old toddler" memes- or it implies they're neurologically different from humans, and have a hard time staying focused on projects for a long time - by human standards they are flighty and fanciful. But that shades into "mental ability modifiers" land which obviously isn't ideal either.
Dwarf: ??? (Dwarves are typically defined more by cultural than biological traits.)
Gnome: ???
Goblin: ???
Kobold: ??? (All these different varieties of short people are pretty clearly redundant, and I prefer to just pick one for any given setting, but kitchen sink is kitchen sink and even if you're okay with picking one you won't get everyone to agree on which one.)
Drow: Drow are to Elves as Orcs are to humans, being nocturnal and often subterranean - I'm torn on this too because on the one hand it makes sense for this niche to be filled and it's kind of elegant, on the other it risks taking away from both elves and orcs. Maybe you just shouldn't have Drow, even without the Curse of Ham rubbish?
Dragonborn: I don't personally think they're all that iconic, but in any case they're easy mode because you have all the dragon lore to draw on, you can make them as distinct as you possibly want. Scales and natural weapons, fire breath, obligate carnivores, sixth sense for gold and treasure... knock yourself out. The only thing you have to watch is not making them too powerful compared to other playable species.
Last edited by Schleiermacher on Sat Jul 06, 2019 6:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Username17 »

Racial traits are of course a wicked problem. If Giants aren't big and strong, something has gone terribly wrong. If one of your races is basically a Mandingo stereotype, things have also gone terribly wrong.

Perversely, I think really big Strength bonuses are less problematic than small ones are. The statement "Orcs are on the human scale, but are shifted on the bellcurve so that they are stronger and less intelligent than average for a human" sounds like something Calvin Candie would say about Africans in Django Unchained. But the statement "Hill Giants are three meters tall and can lift and throw small cars" really doesn't.

Broadly speaking, alien traits that are genuinely alien like breathing water or seeing in darkness are not things that generally come up in racist tirades about Aborigines or whatever. I'm sure someone can come up with a specific deranged counter example, but I think the example holds. So the thing where Gnomes can talk to badgers is not racist; but the thing where Gnomes are "good at gem cutting" totally is.

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Post by Schleiermacher »

I totally agree, which is why in my own settings I prefer to have the alternatives to humans be clockwork robots and bird people and similarly exotic stuff rather than elves and dwarves. But for traditional D&D you're going to want elves and dwarves, and it's a reasonable thing to want, so we're going to have to figure out what we can give them that's properly alien but still fitting the archetypes.
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Post by jt »

Are small ability bonuses still problematic if they're limited to physical stats?

That is, if orcs are +Strength -Dex, dwarves are +Con -Dex, elves are +Dex -Con, etc, does that still come off across as problematic? If not, maybe the rule is that everything sentient has exactly human-level intelligence.
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