
General questions, debates, and rants about RPGs

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Post by Sigil »

A.K.A. C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E.
Niel Cicierega wrote:"Have you ever spent time creating something and then realized it’s the worst thing a human being has ever done?"
Ancient History wrote:Nobody was set-up to do cross-genre, cross-setting adventures with d20. You could do it, but damn few people did because it was such a bloody mess.

Which, y'know, could have been fun if anybody had really run with the concept. There's nothing wrong with different settings having different inherent power levels and some feats just being better than others, as long as everybody goes into the game with the basic understanding that some player characters are going to be "better" than others and it's about how you play them, not any pretense at even progression of level-appropriate challenges. But most games aren't set up for that, at least not explicitly.
Before we start off, please forgive the resoundingly middling formatting of this post. It exists primarily as a text file even spaced font and BBCode is awful

A joke, but a good one. You see, when the Open Gaming License and the 3e SRD were released, the third party RPG product scene quickly started resembling the wild west. Everyone who could was putting out their own variant of 3rd edition, a trend that still continues to this day. So, what do I mean when I say C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. D20 is a joke? We've all had a DM that insisted that "Core Only" was the best way to play, but who gets to decide what counts as "Core"? Anyone, it turns out. A lot of people have published d20 products intended to replace the core rulebooks, and we plan on using all of them at the same time. C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. D20 is not a game system, but is instead a compatibility guide allowing you to use a bunch of other similar game systems together in a way that is probably bad.

I had to draw the line somewhere, any book that at a minimum fully replaces the player's handbook and does not require the player's handbook or SRD is eligible. It's fine for a core book to provide compatibility options, as long as it doesn't require another product to be complete and is a self contained system. The one exception I've allowed is that products that used the d20 system logo and brand were required to leave out the rules for character creation and advancement, so if a system doesn't tell you how to generate ability scores or give an advancement table, that's fine.

Unfortunately there are a handful of core d20 books that are less compatible than others for whatever reason, and they have been Rightfully Excluded.

I have also intentionally avoided variants of Pathfinder. This is personal preference, I want to relive the weirdest parts of those 3.X days.

Finally, the joke is that you're going to engage in a "Core Only" experience that is actually anything but, and to experience all the artisinal weirdness that d20 has to offer. As such the 3e SRD, 3.5 SRD, PFSRD, and official material for those systems are off limits.

The following list of resources, both core and rightfully excluded, is given as a reference with abbreviations in [BRACKETS]. Only player options have been listed here, the GM can use whatever they want.

[*] 13th Age [13TH]
[*] A Game Of Thrones [AGOT]
[*] Arcana Evolved [ARCE]
[*] Babylon 5 2e [BABY]
[*] BESM D20 [BESM] (With the D20 Mecha Rules sampler, because the version of [BESM] I have appends it to the core book as 'free bonus rules' and that's good enough for me.)
[*] Conan D20 2e [CON]
[*] d20 Modern SRD [D20M]
[*] Engel [SHIT]
[*] EverQuest Role-Playing Game [EQST]
[*] Farscape Roleplaying Game [FAR]
[*] Iron Heroes [IRON]
[*] Silver Age Sentinels d20 Edition [SLVR]
[*] Stargate SG1 [SG1]
[*] Star Wars SAGA Edition [SAGA]
[*] Wheel of Time [WOT]
[*] World of Darkness, Monte Cook's [WOD]
[*] World of Warcraft 2e [WOW]

[*] Blue Rose [BLUE]
[*] Call of Cthulhu d20 [COC]
[*] Etherscope [ETH]
[*] Fantasy Craft [FCFT]
[*] Mustants and Masterminds 2e [MOM2]
[*] OGL Ancients [ANCT]
[*] OGL Cybernet [CYBR]
[*] OGL Horror [HORR]
[*] OGL Steampunk [STM]
[*] OGL Wild West [WILD]
[*] Spycraft 2.0 SRD [SPY2]
[*] Traveller T20 SRD [T20]
[*] True20 [TRUE]
[*] WWE Know Your Role [WWE]

Too Incompatible
[*] Aberrant (d20 Edition) (Classless)
[*] Adventure! (Classless)
[*] Babylon On Which Fame and Jubilation Are Bestowed (Classless)
[*] Lamentations of the Flame Princess (Too Retroclone)

Newer Compatible Version Available
[*] Arcana Unearthed (Replaced By: Arcana Evolved)
[*] Star Wars D20 (Replaced By: Star Wars SAGA Edition)
[*] Warcraft (Replaced By: World of Warcraft)

Not A Full System
[*] Armageddon: 2089
[*] Blood and Space: d20 Starship Adventures
[*] Deadlands D20
[*] Diablo II: Diablerie
[*] Dragon Mech
[*] Dragonstar
[*] Dragon Lords of Melnibone
[*] Fading Suns
[*] FBI: d20
[*] Gamma World
[*] Iron Kingdoms
[*] Judge Dredd Roleplaying Game, The
[*] Legends of the Samurai
[*] Munchkin RPG
[*] Oriental Adventures
[*] Star Trek
[*] Skull & Bones
[*] Slayers D20
[*] Swashbucking Adventures
[*] Testament: Roleplaying in the Biblical Era

[*] Xcrawl (Cannot find the non-pathfinder version)

I can't review everything, I got tired. If you know about an interesting product I didn't review that you feel should be included, or feel that I have wrongfully Rightfully Excluded something, shoot me an email at COREFAILURED20@GMAIL.COM

Here's a handy resource for finding more core books: https://rpggeek.com/rpgsystem/467/d20-system
Access to as many of the preapproved core materials as you can get your hands on. I'm not providing them, but I found most of them in a single evening. You can play with less, but it's best to have access to all of them because...

How on the material plane are you actually supposed to play using over 20 slightly different d20 variants at the same time? Lazy compatibility is the answer. All rules with the same name are considered variants of the same rule, any time a player is actively engaging with the rules in some manner they get to choose which variant of those rules they're using. For example, if your GM calls for you to make a Computer Use skill check you get to decide not only which version of the rules for skill checks you use, but which version of the skill Computer Use you use. For actions where a player character targets an NPC with an effect of some sort, the rules governing the NPC take precedence when possible, this is because the PC should have all the appropriate values for each system already calculated where the NPC will only have the values for its own system.

Some of the rules included in the preapproved core material aren't actually very compatible. A good example is 13th Age's theatre of the mind style combat system. It's perfectly fine to avoid certain aspects of certain systems by mutual (even unspoken) agreement.

I have not playtested C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. extensively so I haven't seen this happen, but it probably will: It is in theory possible for the participants involved in an action to make choices where there is no logical resolution to an action. If this happens, the GM should allow the participants to choose new resolution mechanics (if it would help) or make up a rule to resolve it if no agreement with the players can be reached.
If you take upon yourself the woeful task of actually running a game of C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. D20 instead of playing it, you've got some work to do. C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. D20 assumes that if one game grants a character something during character creation, ALL player characters get that thing. Your players will be a mish-mash of every system on the list, and you should make yourself familiar with what each character can actually do.

No player would be willing to actually play this if they had to calculate everything by hand, and you want them to calculate everything to save you precious time. That's why I've got a character sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing

But be vague about it, probably. It's kitchen sink fantasy sci-fi, so you want to have room for everything, but you also need to provide your players with something to latch onto because of how bonkers and freeform it's going to be. I'm working on my own setting, but I'm it's infringing on intellectual property all over the place, unlike this document which merely indexes some rules and provides guidelines without reproducing any content. Hit me up fam: COREFAILURED20@GMAIL.COM

13th Age says the player characters get to spend Relationship Points at character creation to affect their relationship to these iconic heroes and villains, so your game is going to have icons in it. You can use the ones presented in 13th Age as is, but you can also invent your own or reskin them.
C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. D20 Assumes that if one core rulebook says all player character's in that game get something then all player character's in C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. D20 get that too. This section provides a list with abbreviated [SOURCES] of all the things player should get. I've honestly probably missed some things. For a more detailed walk-through on creating a character, you should refer to the Character Creation document and utilize the character sheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing)

Action Dice (3 d4's at 1st level)[SG1][SPY2]
Action Points/Force Points [D20M][SAGA]
Control Points [FAR]
Dark Side Score [SAGA]
Hero Points [ARCE]
Humanity Points [WOD]
Influence [AGOT][BABY]
Mastery Ratings [IRON]
Reputation [D20M]
Rank [SG1]
Social Status [AGOT]

Armour Class (10 + Dex Modifier + Size Modifier + Ranks in Defence Combat Mastery. This is NOT the same as Armor Class) [BESM]
Armour Value [BESM]
Energy Points (Lowest of Int, Wis, Cha + 1d2 per level) [BESM]
Fortitude Defense (10 + Total Level in Classes + Dexterity Modifier + Class Bonus if Any + Size Modifier) [SAGA]
Mental Defense (10 + Middle of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma Modifier + Character Level) [13TH]
Physical Defense (10 + Middle of Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution Modifier + Character Level) [13TH]
Reflex Defense (10 + Total Level in Classes + Constitution Modifier + Class Bonus if Any + Equipment Bonus) [SAGA]
Will Defense (10 + Total Level in Classes + Wisdom Modifier + Class Bonus if Any) [SAGA]

Assign 40 Character/Build Points [BESM][SLVR]
[*] Buy Ability Scores [BESM][SLVR]
[*] Buy Character Attributes (Maximum rank of 1 at 1st level) [BESM][SLVR]
[*] Buy Social Status [AGOT]
[*] If you decide to play as a sentient mecha instead of having a race, you may exchange Character Points for Mecha Points at a rate of 1 Character Point to 50 Mecha Points. You may buy up to 300 Mecha Points this way at 1st level.
[*] You CANNOT buy additional levels in classes at character creation.
Choose One Focus [WOD]
Decide If You Are Unbound [ARCE]
Build an Origin [SPY2]
Choose a Race [Various], Species [SG1], or Specialty [SG1]
[*] You may choose to refund your race for 6 extra BP and build one from scratch [BESM], play as a sentient mecha [BESM], or play as a droid [SAGA].
Choose One Background [AGOT][FAR][WOT]
Choose One Starting Occupation [D20M]
Choose Two Traits [IRON]
Choose Defects, If Any [AGOT][BESM][SLVR]
[*] Limit 9 Character points from defects
[*] Defects that grant a bonus feat may instead grant 3 bonus Character Points
Choose First Class Level
[*] Your first class level does not cost Character/Build Points
[*] [SAGA] classes do not grant extra HP beyond hit dice at first level.
Assign Background Skills (8 Ranks) [13TH][SG1]
[*] [SG1] Has backgrounds that you invest ranks into to get EXP for performing themed actions.
Choose Two Skill Themes [WOD]
Assign Skill Points
[*] Between all the core systems there are several methods of assigning skills, but generally it's safe to assume that players adopt the most permissive system which is detailed below.
[*] Classes Grant x7 skill points at 1st level
[*] Maximum Ranks equal to Level + 3
[*] No Training Bonuses
[*] No cross-class skills, treat all skills as class skills
Choose Two Feats
[*] Characters normally choose one ceremonial feat [ARCE] and one regular feat
[*] Unbound [ARCE] characters can choose two regular feats
[*] Talents [ARCE] can only be selected as feats at first level
Assign or Save Training Points (5 at 1st Level) [EQST]
Determine "One Unique Thing" About Your Character [13TH]
Choose a Code of Honor [CON]
Assign 3 Relationship Points to Iconic Relationships [13TH]
Choose One Affiliation (Player Options Only)
[*] Noble House of Westeros [AGOT]
  • (Being affiliated with a noble house usually grants you Social Status above 0. Having a social status of 2 or above increases your ECL by (Social Status - 1) which must be paid for like any other increase in ECL
[*] Alliance [WOW]
[*] Horde [WOW]
[*] Independent [WOW]
Choose Allegiance(s) [D20M] (Optional)

Assign or Save Training Points [EQST]
Gain Force/Action Points [D20M][SAGA]
[*] 5 at 1st level.
Determine Energy Points [BESM]
Determine Starting Wealth [D20M]
Determine Rank [SG1]
[*] Only characters that are part of SG1 have a rank. Character's who chose an SG1 affiliated Human Specialty instead of a race will gain a rank, draw a stipend of USD every month, and can requisition gear. Rank can, presumably, be earned as part of the story of the game.
Determine And Invest Influence [AGOT][BABY]
Determine Reputation [AGOT][D20M][CON]
Determine Control Points (Wis mod per level for non [FAR] characters]) [FAR]

Character Advancement is by Character Points
[*]Buy Character Attributes [BESM][SILVR] Piecemeal
[*]Buy The Next Level of a Class or Type [WOD] for 10 CP (You cannot spend bonus CP to buy class levels)
[*]Buy Ability Score Increases [BESM][SILVR]
[*]Buy Social Status [AGOT] (Every rank of social status above 1st costs 10 CP)
[*]Buy Feats (You can buy feats beyond what you would normally get for levels in classes for 2 CP each.)

On Gaining a Level (Aside From Standard Advancement)
[*]Gain 5 + 1/2 Level (Round Down) Force Points [D20M][SAGA]
[*]Gain [AGOT][BABY] and Assign [BABY] Influence Equal to Charisma Bonus
[*]One Feat Every Level [13TH]
[*]Make a Profession check to increase your Wealth Score [D20M]

Characters Have an ECL of {(Total Spent C/BP - 40)/10}
[*]Bonus BP from trading in a race or gained as a class feature do not count when calculating ECL


Code: Select all

Total EXP                    EXP Per CP                      Maximum Character
 Earned     ECL   Total CP    Until Next ECL   Bonus CP*      Attribute Rank
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     0      1     40         100                             1
  1000      2     50         200               1
  3000      3     60         300                             2
  6000      4     70         400               2
 10000      5     80         500                             3
 15000      6     90         600               3
 21000      7     100        700                             4
 28000      8     110        800               4
 36000      9     120        900                             5
 45000      10    130        1000              5
 55000      11    140        1100                            6
 66000      12    150        1200              6
 78000      13    160        1300                            7
 91000      14    170        1400              7
105000      15    180        1500                            8
120000      16    190        1600              8
136000      17    200        1700                            9
153000      18    210        1800              9
171000      19    220        1900                            10
190000      20    230        ----              10
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Bonus CP do not count toward total CP for determining ECL
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Code: Select all

Class   Hit             Max. Feat    Bonus        Bonus            Extra       Ability Score   Training              Force          Action Dice
 Lvl.    Dice   Feats    Tier**       Languages    Proficiencies    Interest    Increases       Points    Conviction  Point Dice     Per Session
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1st     4       2***    Adventurer   1            0                            +1/+1 x2        5          3          1d6            2(d4)
2nd     5       3                                                  +1                          10         3                         3(d4)
3rd     6       4                    2            1                                            15         4                         3(d4)
4th     7       5                                                                              20         4                         3(d4)
5th     8       6       Champion     3            2                            +1/+1 x3        25         5                         3(d4)
6th     9       7                                                  +2                          30         5                         4(d6)
7th     10      8                    4            3                                            35         6                         4(d6)
8th     11      9                                                                              40         6          2d6****        4(d6)
9th     12      10                   5            4                            +1/+1 x4        45         7                         4(d6)
10th    13      11      Epic                                       +3                          50         7                         4(d6)
11th    14      12                   6            5                                            55         8                         5(d8)
12th    15      13                                                                             60         8                         5(d8)
13th    16      14                   7            6                            +1/+1 x5        65         9                         5(d8)
14th    17      15                                                 +4                          70         9                         5(d8)
15th    18      16                   8            7                                            75         10         3d6****        5(d8)
16th    19      17                                                                             80         10                        6(d10)
17th    20      18                   9            8                            +1/+1 x6        85         11                        6(d10)
18th    21      19                                                 +5                          90         11                        6(d10)
19th    22      20                   10           9                                            95         12                        6(d10)
20th    23      21                                                                             100        12                        6(d10)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
*    Values given are totals for a given Class Level, not bonuses gained each level.
**   Feats that  do not specify if they are Adventurer, Champoin, or Epic feats are assumed to be Adventurer tier feats.
***  Normal characters must select a ceremonial feat [ARCE] as one of their first level feats, unbound [ARCE] characters cannot take
      ceremonial feats and may select two regular feats.
**** Only count the highest die result.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
D20 variants frequently use their own terms for the same concepts to help set a mood or hold to a theme. That's all well and good, but I've compiled a list of terms count as referring to the same thing. Treat all entries appearing in the same lists below as being the same thing.

[*] Action Points [D20M]
[*] Force Points [SAGA]

[*] Base Class
[*] Heroic Class [SAGA]
[*] Type [WOD]

[*] Character Points [BESM]
[*] Build Points [SLVR]

[*] Career Level [SPY2]
[*] Heroic Level [SAGA]
[*] Experience Level

[*] Hit Points
[*] Vitality Points
[*] Wound Points
[*] Wounds
Occasionally there are rules in a system that are so broken or poorly written that it would be infeasible to use them as-is, and sometimes there are rules that could be unified with just a bit of tweaking. When I have noticed these situations I have provided errata. Feel free to make your own fixes, I'd even appreciate suggestions for problems you've encountered (and stories of what your players broke): COREFAILURED20@GMAIL.COM

Several aspects of skill use and selection need to be amended to make everything compatible.

Skill Groups
There are about 140 regular skills in the component systems of C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. D20, which is too many to have a functioning skill system in a D20 game. Each skill has been placed into a skill group (though sometimes a group only has one skill in it) and characters place ranks in these groups instead of individual skills. A character is considered to have ranks in each individual skill equal to the ranks they have in that skill's skill group.

Additional Class Skills
Several d20 systems provide things that grant additional class skills, but there are no class skills in C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. D20, making these options lackluster. [D20M] grants a +1 competence bonus to skill checks with skills a character gains as class skills from a starting occupation if they already had that skill as a class skill, so lets do that for everything. Anything that before added a skill to a characters class skills, other than classes, now instead grants a +1 competence bonus to skill checks made with those skills.

Skill Themes
Normally skill themes [WOD] grant a character 3 free ranks in each skill that is part of any theme they have at 1st level. Because the skills that are part of C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. D20's skill groups, and I don't want to force everyone to also track ranks in individual skills, characters instead simply have an untyped +3 bonus to skill checks with those specific [WOD] skills.

Skill Ranks at 1st level.
The maximum number of ranks a character can have is still Hit Dice + 3, but a 1st level character now has 4 HD. Therefore a character gains the listed number of ranks multiplied by 7 (instead of by 4) for their first class level.

[BESM] (and [SLVR] as a result) seem to assume you're not a cheesy bastard, and actually spend most of the 40 discretionary character points at first level on increasing your ability scores. I'm not sure why you would do that when you can buy the ability to cast 3rd level spells at 1st level, but they do assume it, so we'll be using the following fixes.

Maximum Attribute Ranks
The maximum number of ranks a character can have in any given character ability is half their ECL, rounded up.

Dynamic Sorcery
[*] Dynamic Sorcery now has 9 ranks instead of 10.
[*] Each rank now lets you cast spells of level equal to that rank or lower (Rank 1 therefore lets you cast 0th and 1st level spells).
[*] More explicit examples of what spell lists you can get by paying more or less for your ranks:
  • -2 CP/Rank: An extremely small spell list (such as having access to a single cleric domain) or access to a class with a bad spell list that doesn't even go to level 9 spells (such as the paladin's spell list).
    -4 CP/Rank: A subset of a full casting class' spell lists (such as only spells from the necromancy school in from the wizard spell list)
    -8 CP/Rank: The spell list of a typical full casting class (such as the Druid's spell list).
    -12 CP/Rank: Access to all spells in a d20 system.
Some D20 systems have slightly different modifiers for size categories, notably [SAGA] and every other system in C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E., but because size bonuses operate in a relative way, with two creatures of the same size having a net 0 of bonuses against one another, it's actually fine to adjust size bonuses so that all systems are operating on a unified set of values. The values given below represent a middle ground between [SAGA] and standard D20 values, with the benefit of having linear increases/decreases outside of the small/medium/large range (just in case you need to represent something larger than a space station).

TABLE: Unified Size Categories and Bonuses

Code: Select all

                       Size   Hide    Collision
 Size                  Mod    Mod     Damage
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Fine                  +6     +16
 Diminutive            +4     +12
 Tiny                  +2     +8
 Small                 +1     +4
 Medium                +0     +0
 Large                 -1     -4      2d6+Str
 Huge                  -2     -8      4d6+Str
 Gargantuan            -4     -12     6d6+Str
 Colossal              -6     -16     8d6+Str
 Colossal, Frigate     -8     -20     10d6+Str
 Colossal, Cruiser     -10    -24     15d6+Str
 Colossal, Station     -12    -30     20d6+Str
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Armour Class in [BESM] and [SLVR] is, essentially, Touch AC with an unnecessary roll thrown in. Therefore, for a simple conversion, character abilities from [BESM] and [SLVR] now target Touch AC.

Combat Defense Skills
Converting [BESM] and [SLVR] attacks to target touch AC puts defensive combat skills in a weird place where they're too powerful against some attacks and perfectly fine against others. The solution is for defensive combat skills to provide a bonus to AC against all appropriate attacks except when flat footed, but not have it stack with Armor bonuses.

Both [SAGA] AND [FAR] both contain space combat systems that are surprisingly compatible. Ships move around on the battlemap and shoot at one another dealing damage. The [SAGA] system has ships moving around on a 1" square grid, while the [FAR] system has ships move around on a grid of hexes. Fortunately the [FAR] system makes an accommodation for gridless movement using inches instead of hexes, therefore [SAGA] ships are locked to a 1" square grid and [FAR] ships move around on top of it and simply count as being in whatever square they end up in. [BESM] mecha that have spaceflight movement pose something of a problem as there are four movement types offered as options for the GM to choose from. The most compatible variant seems to be FTL with maneuverability, counting "a 1 inch square" as the "standard interstellar speed". [BABY] poses a real problem by having completely abstracted form of space combat that does not interact in any way with traditional d20 combat mechanics. For the time being I recommend you pretend [BABY] ships don't exist at all and that Babylon 5 is just a place you can go to.
The various systems that C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. D20 is composed of have many unique skills, too many for any individual character to feel well rounded and competent with the number of skill points classes grant. Fortunately many of these skills have overlap between systems, with skills from one system explicitly encompassing what another skill would be used for (or being vague enough to) encompass whole other skills. Skills with similar and redundant uses are therefore grouped into Skill Groups. C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. D20 characters put their skill ranks into skill groups instead of individual skills, and count as having that many ranks in all the skills belonging to that group. Characters still use and calculate bonuses for each skill individually, and must decide exactly what skill in the group they're using when making skill checks.

Unlike the others, skill groups that have the note "Each Taken Individually" require skill ranks to be placed into each skill within the group instead of the group as a whole. These skills are mostly grouped for the purpose of saving space on the character sheet.

A "†" symbol indicates that ranks must be spent on skills within this skill group individually.

[*] Acrobatics [BABY][SLVR][SAGA]
[*] Escape Artist [AGOT][ARCE][BESM][CON][D20M][SHIT][EQST][FAR][IRON][WOD][SG1][WOT]
[*] Safe Fall [EQST]
[*] Tumble [AGOT][BESM][WOD]
[*] Athletics [BABY]
[*] Powerlifting [BESM][SLVR]
[*] Swim/Swimming [BESM][SLVR][SG1]
[*] Cryptography [SG1]
[*] Decipher Script [AGOT][ARCE][BESM][CON][D20M][IRON][WOT]
[*] Archery [BESM][SLVR]
[*] Gun Combat [BESM][SLVR]
[*] Heavy Weapons [BESM][SLVR]
[*] Initiative [SAGA]
[*] Melee Attack [BESM][SLVR]
[*] Melee Defense [BESM][SLVR]
[*] Ranged Defense [BESM][SLVR]
[*] Special Ranged Attack [BESM][SLVR]
[*] Thrown Weapons [BESM][SLVR]
[*] Unarmed Attack [BESM][SLVR]
[*] Unarmed Defense [BESM][SLVR]
[*] Channeling [EQST]
[*] Composure [WOT]
[*] Concentration [ARCE][BABY][BESM][CON][D20M][SHIT][IRON][WOD][SG1][WOT]
[*] Alchemy [ARCE]
[*] Poison [BESM][SLVR]
[*] Trade Skill, Alchemy [EQST]
[*] Trade Skill, Tinkering [EQST]
[*] Craft, (Other)
[*] Deception [SAGA]
[*] Innuendo [ARCE][SHIT][SG1][WOT]
[*] Intrigue [BABY]
[*] Computer Use [BABY][BESM][D20M][WOD][SG1]
[*] Computer/Computers [FAR][SLVR]
[*] Security System [FAR]
[*] Technical, Electronics [BABY]
[*] Use Computer [SAGA]
[*] Alchohol Tolerance [EQST]
[*] Controlled Breathing [BESM][SLVR]
[*] Endurance [SAGA]
[*] Gamble [BESM][D20M]
[*] Animal Empathy [EQST][WOT]
[*] Animal Training [SLVR]
[*] Handle Animal [AGOT][ARCE][BESM][CON][D20M][SHIT][EQST][IRON][WOD][SG1][WOT]
[*] First Aid [FAR][SG1]
[*] Medical [BABY][BESM][SLVR]
[*] Treat Injury [D20M][SAGA]
[*] Hobby [SG1]
[*] Gather Information [AGOT][ARCE][BESM][CON][D20M][SHIT][EQST][FAR][IRON][WOD][SAGA][SG1][WOT]
[*] Interrogation [SLVR]
[*] Investigate [BABY][BESM][D20M]
[*] Street Sense [SLVR]
[*] Architecture [SLVR]
[*] Biological Sciences [SLVR]
[*] City Knowledge [SLVR]
[*] Cultural Arts [SLVR]
[*] Cultures [SG1]
[*] Domestic Arts [SLVR]
[*] Etiquette [SLVR]
[*] Foreign Culture [SLVR]
[*] Knowledge, Occult/Occult [SLVR][WOD]
[*] Law [SLVR]
[*] Management/Administration [SLVR]
[*] Military Sciences [SLVR]
[*] Physical Sciences [SLVR]
[*] Police Sciences [SLVR]
[*] Social Sciences [SLVR]
[*] Knowledge, (Any One)
[*] Burglary [SLVR]
[*] Open Lock [AGOT][ARCE][BESM][CON][IRON][WOD][SG1][WOT]
[*] Pick Lock [EQST]
[*] Pick Pocket [BESM][SHIT][EQST][WOT]
[*] Sleight of Hand [AGOT][ARCE][BESM][CON][D20M][FAR][IRON][WOD][SLVR][SG1]
[*] Subterfuge [BABY]
[*] Language/Languages [SHIT][EQST][SLVR][SG1]
[*] Linguistics [BABY]
[*] Read/Write Language [D20M][FAR]
[*] Speak Language [AGOT][ARCE][BESM][D20M][WOD][WOT]
[*] Xeno-Languages [SG1]
[*] Demolitions [BESM][D20M][SHIT][FAR][WOD][SLVR][SG1]
[*] Disable Device [AGOT][ARCE][BESM][CON][D20M][SHIT][EQST][FAR][IRON][WOD][WOT]
[*] Electronics [SLVR][SG1]
[*] Mechanics [SLVR][SAGA][SG1]
[*] Repair [D20M][SHIT][FAR][WOD]
[*] Technical, Engineering [BABY]
[*] Technical, Mechanical [BABY]
[*] Meditation [EQST]
[*] Boating [SLVR][SG1]
[*] Drive/Driver/Driving [BABY][BESM][D20M][WOD][SLVR][SG1]
[*] Pilot/Piloting [BABY][BESM][D20M][SHIT][FAR][WOD][SLVR][SAGA][SG1]
[*] Intuit Direction [SHIT][WOT]
[*] Navigate/Navigation [BESM][D20M][WOD][SLVR]
[*] Sense Heading [EQST][FAR]
[*] Survival [AGOT][ARCE][BESM][CON][D20M][FAR][IRON][WOD][SAGA][SG1]
[*] Urban Tracking [SLVR]
[*] Wilderness Lore [BESM][SHIT][EQST][WOT]
[*] Wilderness Survival [SLVR]
[*] Wilderness Tracking [BESM][SLVR]
[*] Notice [BABY]
[*] Perception [SAGA]
[*] Read Lips [BESM][SHIT][EQST][WOT]
[*] Surveillance [SG1]
[*] Play, Brass Instrument [EQST]
[*] Play, Percussion Instrument [EQST]
[*] Play, String Instrument [EQST]
[*] Play, Wind Instrument [EQST]
[*] Perform, (Any)
[*] Bureaucracy [SG1]
[*] Intimidate/Intimidation [AGOT][ARCE][BABY][BESM][CON][D20M][SHIT][EQST][FAR][IRON][WOD][SLVR][SG1][WOT]
[*] Negotiate [FAR]
[*] Persuassion [SAGA]
[*] Seduction [BESM][SLVR]
[*] Xeno-Cultures [SG1]
[*] Power Usage, (Power) [BESM]
[*] Gaming [SLVR]
[*] Profession, Performing [BABY]
[*] Profession, White Collar [BABY]
[*] Profession, (Any) [AGOT][BABY][BESM][CON][D20M][SHIT][EQST][IRON][WOD][SG1][WOT]
[*] Research [BESM][D20M][WOD]
[*] Invert [WOT]
[*] Spellcraft [ARCE][EQST][IRON][WOD]
[*] Weavesight [WOT]
[*] Move Silently [AGOT][BESM][CON][D20M][SHIT][FAR][IRON][WOD][SG1][WOT]
[*] Sneak [ARCE][EQST]
[*] Stealth [BABY][SLVR][SAGA]
[*] Taunt [EQST]
[*] Telepathy [BABY]
[*] Undead Empathy [EQST]
[*] Use Magic Device [IRON]
[*] Use The Force [SAGA]

Artisan [SLVR] (Just use craft)
Operations (Unless I figure out how to integrate the [BABY] space combat)
Most of the combat systems that d20 system games feature are very similar, and are mostly interchangeable, with a few exceptions. [13TH] uses its own special abstract combat system that's motly incompatible with every other system, and I have not decided yet how they mesh.

Resolving Actions
Whenever an NPC and a PC interact, resolve the actions operating under the rules of the NPCs system of origin if possible. This means that a PC making an attack against an NPC attacks using the kind of attack and targeting the appropriate defenses from the NPCs system, and vice versa. If this is not possible for some reason (a player casting a spell against an NPC from a system without saving throws, for example) the NPC gets a +2 bonus to the defence or save after it is converted.
Each character starts play and can buy equipment with whatever wealth their class and other sources says a 1st level character should start with, and that means that you're going to have a variety of currencies floating around from the start.
[*] $ [SG1]
[*] Credits (Cr.) [BABY][SAGA]
[*] Euro [SHIT]
[*] Peacekeeper "Currency Pledges" (Cps) [FAR]
[*] Standard Gold Piece (gp) (1 Platinum Piece = 10 Gold Pieces = 100 Silver Pieces = 1000 Copper Pieces) [13TH][ARCE][CON][EQST][IRON]
[*] Gold Crown (1 Gold Crown (gc) = 10 Silver Marks (mk) = 100 Silver Pennies (sp) = 1000 Copper Pennies (cp) [WOT]
[*] Gold Dragon (1 Gold Dragon = 30 Silver Moons = 210 Silver Stags = 1470 Copper Stars = 2940 Copper Groats = 5880 Half Groats = 11760 Copper Pennies = 23520 Halfpennies) [AGOT]
[*] Golden Luna (gl) (1 Golden Luna = 10 Silver Pieces) [CON]
[*] Wealth Ranks [D20M][AGOT]

The players will frequently want to buy things that require currencies they don't have. We're going to use the Dollar as the standard currency. Any time the players buy something in a currency they don't have assume that there's a (1+1d4)% exchange fee.
[*] You cannot directly exchange dollars for credits, but you can buy items valued in credits with dollars using the following formula: Cost in Dollars = (Credit Cost)^2 OR 1 credit to 1 dollar. If this would result in an item costing less in dollars than it does in credits, it simply costs an amount of dollars equal to the credit cost.
[*] Nobody wants Euros, and will look at you weird if you try to pay for anything outside of the Engel territories with them.
[*] 1 Dollar = 2 GP
[*] People generally don't want peacekeeper pledges as they're not 'real' money and making big purchases means you get questioned by the peacekeepers, but they have the same value as credits. If you find someone willing to accept them for an item or convert them into credits there is an extra 2% currency exchange fee.
[*] 1 Gold Piece = 1 Gold Crown = 1 Golden Dragon = 1 Golden Luna. There is no exchange fee for buying items that use actual physical metal currencies with one another.
[*] You can buy anything using a wealth check. Simply use the chart below. For values beyond those on the chart, each 10x increase in price increases the DC by +8. When pricing mecha, ignore the rules presented for purchase DCs and use this chart instead.

TABLE: Purchase DC of Items Valued in Dollars

Code: Select all

   DC 2  - $5   | DC 17 - $900   | DC 33 - $90000   | DC 49 - $9000000   | DC 65 - $900000000
   DC 3  - $12  | DC 18 - $1200  | DC 34 - $120000  | DC 50 - $12000000  | DC 66 - $1200000000
   DC 4  - $20  | DC 19 - $1500  | DC 35 - $150000  | DC 51 - $15000000  | DC 67 - $1500000000
   DC 5  - $30  | DC 20 - $2000  | DC 36 - $200000  | DC 52 - $20000000  | DC 68 - $2000000000
   DC 6  - $40  | DC 21 - $2750  | DC 37 - $275000  | DC 53 - $27500000  | DC 69 - $2750000000
   DC 7  - $55  | DC 22 - $3500  | DC 38 - $350000  | DC 54 - $35000000  | DC 70 - $3500000000
   DC 8  - $70  | DC 23 - $5000  | DC 39 - $500000  | DC 55 - $50000000  | DC 71 - $5000000000
   DC 9  - $90  | DC 24 - $6500  | DC 40 - $650000  | DC 56 - $65000000  | DC 72 - $6500000000
   DC 10 - $120 | DC 25 - $9000  | DC 41 - $900000  | DC 57 - $90000000  | DC 73 - $9000000000
   DC 11 - $150 | DC 26 - $12000 | DC 42 - $1200000 | DC 58 - $120000000 | DC 74 - $12000000000
   DC 12 - $200 | DC 27 - $15000 | DC 43 - $1500000 | DC 59 - $150000000 | DC 75 - $15000000000
   DC 13 - $275 | DC 28 - $20000 | DC 44 - $2000000 | DC 60 - $200000000 | DC 76 - $20000000000
   DC 14 - $350 | DC 29 - $27500 | DC 45 - $2750000 | DC 61 - $275000000 | DC 77 - $27500000000
   DC 15 - $500 | DC 30 - $35000 | DC 46 - $3500000 | DC 62 - $350000000 | DC 78 - $35000000000
   DC 16 - $650 | DC 31 - $50000 | DC 47 - $5000000 | DC 63 - $500000000 | DC 79 - $50000000000
   DC 17 - $900 | DC 32 - $65000 | DC 48 - $6500000 | DC 64 - $650000000 | DC 80 - $65000000000
Last edited by Sigil on Sun Jan 26, 2020 5:12 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Sigil »

Creating a character in C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. D20 is a long process, anything a component D20 system gives to a character for that system is given to a C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. character (although multiple instances of the same thing across systems do not stack, only the best option applies). I have tried to present the options available to the players in an order that it makes sense to choose them in.

Every character gets 40 discretionary Character Points [BESM] (interchangeable with Build Points from [SLVR]) to spend. You must spend all 40 of these discretionary Character Points (unlike ones earned during gameplay, which you may save for later), and can spend them on the following things:
[*] Buy Ability Scores: Spending Character Points is how you generate your starting ability scores. The cost of your ability scores before further modification is half of the sum of all ability scores.
[*] Buy Character Attributes: You can buy character attributes [BESM][SLVR] for the listed price. Unlike standard [BESM][SLVR] you can only have a maximum of one rank in any character attribute at 1st level (see errata).
[*] Buy Social Status: Social Status from [AGOT] is valued as an ECL adjustment, and therefore costs 10 Character Points per +1 ECL, each rank above 1 being a +1 ECL adjustment.
[*] Exchange Character Points for Mecha Points: You can, at a later step, decide to play as a sentient mecha, if you do you can exchange 1 Character Point for 40 Mecha Points to build your character. Follow the ability score costs under the "Full A.I." exotic ability instead of the standard [BESM] ability score costs.
[*] Buy Feats: You can buy additional feats you meet the prerequisite for at a cost of 2 CP per feat.

Do note that you cannot buy additional class levels at character creation with these discretionary character points.

Most characters have a race (or a Species [SG1] or Specialty [SG1] which are considered interchangeable terms). You may also decide to design and play as a droid [SAGA] or sentient mecha [BESM]. If you decide to play as a sentient mecha, you gain 6 discretionary Character Points (in addition to your initial 40) that must be spent during character creation.

Every character gains two traits [IRON] at 1st level.

Though optional, a character can have defects [AGOT][BESM][SLVR]. Defects grant additional discretionary Character Points, which must be spent at character creation. Defects that grant a feat instead grant 2 Character Points (the cost of a feat), and you may gain a maximum of 9 discretionary Character Points this way.

Every character has a focus [WOD] chosen from the options of Might (+2 Strength), Inellect (+2 Intelligence, does not grant bonus skill points), Spirit (+2 Wisdom), or Stealth (+2 Dexterity). You can change your focus each time you gain a class level. Don't worry about associated skills, as there are no class or cross-class skills in C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E.

By default a character knows their truename [ARCE], but an unbound [ARCE] character does not. Unbound characters are not required to select a ceremonial feat as one of their first level feats.

Every character has an origin which is composed of one Specialty [SPY] and one Talent [SPY][ARCE] (Sure, pick an [ARCE] talent if you want, they have the same name after all).

Every character has one background [AGOT][FAR][WOT]

Every character has one starting occupation [D20M]. Because there are no class skills in C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. D20 a character with a background has a +1 competence bonus with all skills listed in the occupation.

Choose which class your character has their 1st level in. This can be any base class (or heroic class [SAGA] or type [WOD]), and can even be a prestige class if you figure out some way to qualify for it at character creation without any class levels. Because of [WOD] you gain 4 Hit Dice from the first class you choose, so choose wisely.

What Do You Mean Four Hit Dice?
Just what I said, four hit dice. [WOD] classes already have this correctly calculated on the class tables, but for other classes your character gains the HP, save bonuses, base attack bonuses, etc. as if they were already 4th level in the class, but only has the class features from the 1st level of the class. Go ahead and take maximum HP from each of these HD, I'm sure some system says you get max HP at '1st level', and also ignore the bonus HP that [SAGA] classes would normally get and calculate it this way instead (it's strictly better anyway).

Because a 1st level character has 4 HD, they gain +1 to any two separate ability scores two times. This is two separate instances of +1/+1 to two different scores, so a player can give +1 to four different ability scores, +2 to one ability score and +1 to two others, or +2 to two different ability scores, but not +3 to one and +1 to another or +4 to one ability score.

Background Skills [13TH] are freeform skills that you get to create yourself. You get 8 background points that function like ranks in these skills, and can have any background skill (subject to GM approval) and number of background skills as long as you spend at least one background point on them. Background skills work like a normal skill allowing you to add your points invested in a background skill and a relevant ability score modifier to perform an action, except the GM can veto your skill choices and you have to convince them that the skill actually applies. You cannot invest normal skill points as ranks into background skills.

Each character gains two skill themes [WOD] at 1st level. Normally skill themes grant 3 free ranks to each skill, but the skills from skill themes don't track one to one with the new skill groups. Instead a character gains an untyped +3 bonus to skill checks for skills from their skill themes.

Because characters now have 4 Hit Dice at 1st level, and because maximum ranks in a skill is still HD + 3, characters gain the listed number of skill points from their class multiplied by 7 for their 1st level. Instead of assigning skill points as ranks into individual skills, you assign them into skill groups (see the Errata and Skill Groups sections below). Because C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. D20 uses HD + 3 as the maximum rank for skills characters do not gain a +3 bonus to skill checks for being trained in a skill. Characters can also invest skill points combat skills [BESM][SLVR], potestates [SHIT] (if you have levels in an appropriate [SHIT] class), or into backgrounds [SG1] to earn additional experience points. There are no class or cross-class skills in C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. D20, treat all skills as if they were class skills for all characters.

Each character gains two free feats at 1st level, though they must still meet the prerequisites for these feats. Bound characters must select a ceremonial feat [ARCE] as one of these feats.

Each character gains 5 training points [EQST] per level that may be spent or saved for later. Training points can be spent to increase ability scores, gain skill ranks, or gain bonus feats, or gain resistances.

Simply write a short description, a sentence really, about one thing that is 'unique' about your character. It can make your character trule unique ("I am the ONLY Sentient Mecha Vampire") or just be interesting ("I used to be the captain of a star destroyer"). Either way, as long as you don't push the limits of what's reasonable for a 1st level character (or a character of whatever level you're starting out at) the GM is obliged to just go with it.

Each character can start play with a single code of honor [CON], but may elect not to.

Every character has 3 relationship points [13TH] that they must assign to positive, conflicted, or negative relationships with the campaign's iconic characters.

A character can choose to be affiliated with a noble house of Westeros [AGOT], the Horde [WOW], the Alliance [WOW], or to be Independent. Having an affiliation with a noble house of Westeros can increase a character's social satus, and a social status greater than 1 increases a character's ECL by +1 per point above 1. Characters with an ECL adjustment must pay off each ECL with 10 Character Points.

A character can have up to three allegiances [CON][D20M], listed in order from most important to least important. An allegiance can be to an organization, person, philosophy, etc. Characters gain a +2 bonus to charisma based checks against characters of the same allegiance, as long as both characters have interacted or know one another by reputation and realize they share an allegiance.
Once you have made all the relevant choices for your character, you need to take the time to calculate all the bonuses and derived statistics for your character.

Characters gain Force Points [SAGA] (also referred to as action points [D20M]) equal to 5 + 1/2 their total class level each time they gain a level, unless their class specifies otherwise.

Characters have a maximum amount of conviction [BLUE][TRUE] equal to 2 + half their level (round up).

All characters have a pool of Energy Points [BESM] equal to (1d2+Their Lowest Mental Ability Score Modifier)*Their Total Class Level

Characters gain whatever starting money and gear is listed by their character class for 1st level, and can spend this money at character creation.

All characters have a Wealth Score [D20M] that they can use to buy equipment. A 1st level character starts with a wealth score based on the following:
[*] Wealth provided by the character's starting occupation.
[*] Bonus from the Windfall feat, if taken.
[*] 2d4 die roll.
[*] +1 for having 1 to 4 ranks in the Profession skill.

All characters have an amount of reputation [AGOT][CON][D20M], and base reputation is equal to Total Class Level + Charisma Modifier, though some classes grant additional reputation. Reputation points are spent on specific, player defined, reputations (such as "Master Alchemist" or "Butcher of the Eastern Vale", whatever you want really). Being recognized by NPCs for having a reputation can provide bonuses to certain social rolls, and can effect influence checks.

All characters gain an amount of influence [AGOT][BABY] every time they gain a level. Some classes grant additional influence, but all characters gain at least their Charisma modifier in influence each level (minimum 0). Influence is invested in specific characters or entities ("Steve From Staples", "The King of Westeros", "The Local Magistrate", etc.) and is used when trying to get those characters or organizations to take specific actions.

All characters have a number of Control Points [FAR]. [FAR] classes grant extra control points, but all characters gain control points equal to their Wisdom modifier (minimum 0) every class level.

Characters that decide to be members of Stargate Command have a rank, meaning most characters won't. See page 282 of [SG1] for details.
Last edited by Sigil on Wed Jan 15, 2020 4:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Sigil »

I kind of thought I was at one point, but then people pointed out a bunch of other qualifying d20 games. The game is 'playable' (and has been played, exactly twice), as-is using only the systems listed as integrated.

If you decide to make a C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. character against your own better judgement, it's recommended that you use the self calculating character sheet
I've made. Simply create a copy of it to your own google drive. The sheet has some items on it that only related to systems I'm working on integrating, but they can be safely ignored for the time being. If a cell is yellow it's a field that must be filled out to finish a first level character, if a cell is green it is safely editable, and if a cell is any shade of grey you shouldn't fuck with it.

Also, BBCode really is awful, if you want to view the raw text files click this link.
Last edited by Sigil on Wed Jan 15, 2020 4:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by The Adventurer's Almanac »

You were so preoccupied with whether or not you could, you didn't stop to think if you should.

Jokes aside, this is a decent amount of work. What drove you to do this?
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Post by Sigil »

Honestly I'm not sure. Sometimes a mania just takes hold of me and I can't let go of an idea, and in this case that mania was directed at producing a very bad joke about games where you're only allowed to use 'core' material. That's not to say that there's not some appeal to it, we've had hodge-podge kitchen sink settings for a long time, RIFTS is a thing, and I'm sure we all remember the hilarity that is F.L.A.I.L.S.N.A.I.L.S.

Other inspirations include: Dungeons the Dragoning, a short lived subforum on the old WotC forums called something like "Playing With the Kitchen Sink", and being egged on to finish a bad idea by people who are supposed to be your friends.
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Post by Kaelik »

I'm not sure if this is an accusation against me, but you tricked me into playing Tarkov, so you owe me 100 times over.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Sigil »

It's a light-hearted and comedic take on how it happened. Let us all be guilty of bad ideas on this blessed day. And also, just so that I don't make a post devoid of C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. content, I'll post the map I made that combines all the relevant setting maps I could find at the time.

BIG IMAGE and a link if opening it in another window makes it easier to view.
Last edited by Sigil on Wed Jan 15, 2020 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hyzmarca »

This is amazing. Absolutely amazing.

But... what does the setting look like?
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Post by Sigil »

The setting can be pretty much whatever you make up on the fly, it's got everything, which is both an advantage and disadvantage. Slap a map down (as I did in the previous post) and make up goofs as you go.

Now, when I ran it, it looked a little bit like this:
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Ancient History
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Post by Ancient History »

I think you missed my general point, which is that you had these different d20 systems which shared a general resolution mechanic, attributes, class-based system, etc., but a lot of the functional subsystems weren't designed to interact, and mostly didn't.

But that was the potential point of interest, because having different systems can mean different break points. For D&D, you can see this a little in stuff like Incarnum and Psionics, which ran parallel to normal spellcasting and interacted with it oddly.

Probably the best example of this was when I ran the d20 CoC/Conan mashup Shadow over Stygia on the Den, where we were mostly using d20 Conan classes and magic, but with d20 CoC Mythos spells & critters also grafted on. It was very ad hoc, but that's the kind of thing I was thinking of.
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Ancient History
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Post by Ancient History »

I think you missed my general point, which is that you had these different d20 systems which shared a general resolution mechanic, attributes, class-based system, etc., but a lot of the functional subsystems weren't designed to interact, and mostly didn't.

But that was the potential point of interest, because having different systems can mean different break points. For D&D, you can see this a little in stuff like Incarnum and Psionics, which ran parallel to normal spellcasting and interacted with it oddly.

Probably the best example of this was when I ran the d20 CoC/Conan mashup Shadow over Stygia on the Den, where we were mostly using d20 Conan classes and magic, but with d20 CoC Mythos spells & critters also grafted on. It was very ad hoc, but that's the kind of thing I was thinking of.
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Post by Sigil »

I understood what you meant, but the comment was getting at something that was close enough to C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. and it made me want to actually throw what I had out there for people to look at. The quote up top is really just kind of a shout out to you because it's what kind of what made me want to post, it's not intended as a critique of what you said.

And you're right about slightly different subsystems just sort of passing right by each other without really connecting together. I ended up reading a lot of (mostly bad) d20 systems. In some cases it was kind of cool seeing the progression of thoughts on subsystems that got reused, like Conan's reputation system being a (kind of bad) expansion on the very basic D20 modern one. Frequently I was quite relieved that two systems didn't directly interfere with each other. There were actually very few systems that were wholly incompatible with one another, and could at least exist in parallel.

In all honesty, if I ever actually finish this, I probably won't actually use it to run all-things-all-the-time games, but will instead use it as a framework for using one or two systems together in a game, or I'll use the character sheet to reverse engineer an NPC to have appropriate stats for the target system (for which there is a mode toggle, though it isn't done). I'll probably write up some suggested C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. light variants at some point where for example everyone plays a character from a single system of their choice together in a party, or have suggestions for systems that work well together; both of which would be infinitely more manageable but isn't really in service of the joke I wanted to make.
Last edited by Sigil on Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by OgreBattle »

Does tihs achieve it's goals in a faster way than RIFTS?
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Post by hyzmarca »

OgreBattle wrote:Does tihs achieve it's goals in a faster way than RIFTS?
If its goal is having Jack O'Neill high five a Wookie, then yes, I think it does.
Sigil wrote:The setting can be pretty much whatever you make up on the fly, it's got everything, which is both an advantage and disadvantage. Slap a map down (as I did in the previous post) and make up goofs as you go.
That map is not exactly the way I'd go about it, mainly because it contains multiple settings that have explicit interplanetary portals, one of which is completely based around them, and its way too easy to just tie everything together with stargates.

Last edited by hyzmarca on Thu Jan 16, 2020 5:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kaelik »

Sigil wrote:In all honesty, if I ever actually finish this, I probably won't actually use it to run all-things-all-the-time games, but will instead use it as a framework for using one or two systems together in a game,
Wow, so you won't let me use Balefire. I see how it is.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Sigil »

OgreBattle wrote:Does tihs achieve it's goals in a faster way than RIFTS?
In that C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E.'s introduction states that it's actually supposed be a joke rather than serious attempt at a respectable game I think it does. Being functional is in service of the joke.
hyzmarca wrote:That map is not exactly the way I'd go about it, mainly because it contains multiple settings that have explicit interplanetary portals, one of which is completely based around them, and its way too easy to just tie everything together with stargates.
Ah, I see what you mean. I haven't really developed the default setting, beyond having a funny map, much if I'm being honest. My answer to stargates at least was going to be that the SGC had somehow discovered a 9 nine-chevron address that dialed a specific gate in the setting, but that the world was actually so far away from earth that they have no fucking idea where it actually is. Also, I was considering maybe having the Corelands literally be composed of a bunch of other worlds cobbled together by an unknown force, so there would be _multiple_ stargates on the world (because it used to be lots of worlds) and you could dial them locally, but you can't really dial any of the stargates you saw in the show from there because of the unknown relative location. Any stargate adventures from the Corelands would have you dialing new and exciting unknown gates, gates on other parts of the Corelands, or having to go through a specific gate under SCG's control back in the milky way as an intermediary.
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Post by Korwin »

Hmm, no way to bookmark this thread (besides bookmarking it in the browser i suppose)
I'll put an corefailure here for better google searchability.
Red_Rob wrote: I mean, I'm pretty sure the Mayans had a prophecy about what would happen if Frank and PL ever agreed on something. PL will argue with Frank that the sky is blue or grass is green, so when they both separately piss on your idea that is definitely something to think about.
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Post by Sigil »

Well, making this thread has already made my life harder. A certain Darth Rabbit has pointed out that Lone Wolf the Roleplaying Game seems to meet my criteria for inclusion, and at first glance they seem to be right. :rofl:

Once I verify this I'll add it to the list of things to integrate. If anyone else has any suggestions not on the list I'll certainly look at them.
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Post by RelentlessImp »

Isn't this basically the thinking that gave us Dungeons: the Dragoning 40,000 7th Edition? I approve.
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Post by Sigil »

I can happily confirm that neither "Testament: Roleplaying in the Biblical Era" nor "Blood and Space: d20 Starship Adventure" are complete systems in and of themselves and have been Rightfully Excluded.
RelentlessImp wrote:Isn't this basically the thinking that gave us Dungeons: the Dragoning 40,000 7th Edition? I approve.
I suppose it is.
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Post by Roog »

It looks like Etherscope would fit your criteria - it's even titled "Etherscope Core Rulebook".
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Post by Sigil »

Oh hey, yeah, it looks like it does, I'd just never heard of it. Etherscope really fits in to what COREFAILURE is all about too, its got new subsystems and even gives every character new features, like a Social Template.

Good find Roog.
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Post by Sigil »

I am now separated far enough in time from the mania that produced the initial draft of C.O.R.E.F.A.I.L.U.R.E. to work on it again in a healthy way and have resumed progress, though this is not yet reflected in the body of the text. Work is primarily being done on reading systems and integrating them into the self-calculating character sheet, for which I'll put out a public update for soon.

I decided to start off with some 'easy' ones to get back into it and have integrated Blue Rose, True20, Call of Cthulhu, and WWE Know Your Role.

I also bought a pdf copy of XCrawl, and was thankfully able to determine it was not eligible for inclusion. Amusingly, the 'color' edition pdf is, in fact, in black and white.
Last edited by Sigil on Wed May 13, 2020 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sigil »

I've come to the frightening and amazing realization that some videogames qualify for inclusion into COREFAILURE. To that end Knights of the Old Republic 2 will be integrated (KOTOR 1 will be ignored as KOTOR 2 is, presumably, the newest version of this 3.5 branch). If anyone has any more non-D&D/pathfinder video games that are directly based on OGL rules I'd be interested to know about them.
Last edited by Sigil on Tue May 19, 2020 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zaranthan »

Oh, I pray to whatever gods or demons may be listening, let the Darkest Dungeon system be secretly a d20 under the hood.
Koumei wrote:...is the dead guy posthumously at fault for his own death and, due to the felony murder law, his own murderer?
hyzmarca wrote:A palace made out of poop is much more impressive than one made out of gold. Stinkier, but more impressive. One is an ostentatious display of wealth. The other is a miraculous engineering feat.
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