[Various Tomes] Knight Prestige Classes

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Post by Koumei »

Okay, spitting now blinds, even though IIRC Jurassic Park made up the frill and spitting, with no evidence to support these traits, and Timeless is now explained. I wish there was an actual condition/subtype for that, because it gets used enough and would save space.

What book is Living Fossil from?
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Whoops, I meant "revived fossil" Here's a revived fossil megaraptor, as well as the template. I'm not sure how well it fits the flavor of the class.
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Post by Koumei »

The revived fossil is an explicit downgrade. Do Not Want.
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Post by Prak »

Koumei wrote:Done. Just for the benefit of that one guy who still uses Class Skills.
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Post by Koumei »

So I went back through the initial post and made the following changes:
1. Class Skill lists now exist
2. There is a pile of wing feats
3. Requirements are adjusted so you typically need to be 10th level, but being a 10th level Knight of the right Order straight-up gives you a free pass on all requirements
4. They're ten levels long, so you can go straight to level 20 as a Knight/Knight-Prestige-Class. Which matters to some people I guess? Also the Lunar Knight is a little more "Knight influenced by Sailor Moon" and a little less "Sailor Moon the caster, which you somehow become via being a Knight".

If the pdf can be adjusted to reflect these changes, that'd be really splendid. Also I'll be adding other Knight Prestige Classes later - reprinting a couple of existing ones from elsewhere on here, and also typing up one or two new ones. That should just about give every Knight Order some kind of "walk straight in".
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Post by Koumei »


“You will make a fine meal for my companions.”

Lolth has many servants amongst the drow and her other favoured races. Many favour stealth, poisons and carefully-placed weapons (Assassins, Rogues, and Lolth's Sting – the Ninja). Some blend martial combat with magical arts, such as the Arcane Guard. There are Arachnomancers who specialise in spidery magic, various options for priestesses… but for a knight who serves the Spider Queen and the Drow society, there is the Arachne. Specially tested for loyalty, determination, ruthless aggression and quick-thinking, they are champions who sit astride giant spiders and gain some degree of magical ability. At the same time, they have a number of surprises, whether creating undead or poisoning the spells they deliver – the Arachne cannot be tied to one specific thing.

Race: Aranea, Chitine, Choldritch, Deep Dragon, Half Deep Dragon, Drow, Half-Drow, Draegloth or Ettercap
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Skills: Handle Animal 5 ranks, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 13 ranks
Feats: Mounted Combat
Domain: Spider
*Special: if a Knight reaches tenth level and becomes a Lolth Knight, they may enter this prestige class without meeting any requirements.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft (Any), Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana, Dungeoneering, Religion), Ride, Sense Motive, Spellcraft
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Saving Throws: Good Ref and Will
1Spider Mount, Spider Affinity+1 Cleric
2Linked Senses, Gift of the Spider Queen-
3Web Walker, Poison Spell+1 Cleric
4Wrappings of Ages+1 Cleric
5Dominate Male Drow, Lolth's Boon+1 Cleric
6Lolth's Caress+1 Cleric
8Whispers of the Otherworld+1 Cleric
9Call the Little Ones+1 Cleric
10Transcendence, Yochlol Form+1 Cleric

Spider Affinity (Ex): the Arachne is immune to the venom of Spiders, even monstrous ones (and Monstrous Spiders with templates applied). Furthermore, spiders with an Intelligence less than three will never attack her without provocation unless specifically commanded or controlled by another, and even then the one issuing the command must make a Handle Animal check with a DC equal to double the Arachne's Class Level, plus 15. She may communicate with spiders that have an Intelligence of 1 or more, through Telepathy with a range of 30 feet.

Spider Mount: at first level, the Arachne is offered a special mount, a Giant Spider which makes its way to her. It has the abilities of a Blackguard's Fiendish Servant (as per the DMG), and additionally can grow into larger varieties or be replaced as she gains levels. If it is slain, Lolth is briefly angered at the Arachne and afflicts her with a Bestow Curse effect (no Saving Throw or Spell Resistance allowed, -4 Penalty on Attack Rolls, Saves, Ability Checks and Skill Checks), which she must get removed in the normal way – or it is lifted when she gains a level, as Lolth's attention is fleeting and fickle. When the Curse is removed, a new mount will make its way to her. Similarly, if she goes out of her way to restore the life to a slain mount or raise it as an Undead, the Curse is also removed.

The spider may be a Fiendish Large or Huge Monstrous Spider, Fiendish Spitting Spider, or Tomb Spider. If her Character Level is at least thirteen, she may have a Widowmaker, Bebilith or Gargantuan Fiendish Monstrous Spider. If her Character Level is at least sixteen, she may have a Retriever, Shadow Spider or Colossal Fiendish Monstrous Spider.

Spellcasting: every level except two and seven, the Arachne gains the spellcasting ability as though she had taken a level in Cleric. If she has levels in Cleric, they stack. Otherwise, she gains these as a separate caster level from any others, and gains two Domains - the Spider Domain and any one other offered by Lolth.

Linked Senses (Su): starting at second level, the Arachne may concentrate to see through the eyes and hear through the ears of her spider mount. No matter the distance between the two, as long as they are on the same plane she may do this, perceiving the world through it. Any spells allowing her to sense things (such as Detect Magic or True Seeing) do not carry over, however any effects allowing the mount to sense things do carry across to her.

Gift of the Spider Queen: at second level, the Arachne is blessed by the Spider Queen with greater drow magic. If she for some reason does not have Darkness, Faerie Fire and Dancing Lights as Spell-Like or Supernatural Abilities, she gains the ability to cast them each once per day. If she already has the ability, she gains an additional daily use of each.

If she has at least four ranks in Spellcraft, she may spend a use of Dancing Lights to instead create a Silent Image effect (with a duration of Concentration) or a Hypnotic Pattern effect, and may spend a use of Faerie Fire to instead create a Mirror Image effect (only creating 1d4 images).

If she has at least nine ranks in Spellcraft, she may spend a use of Darkness to instead create a Deeper Darkness effect (with a duration of one minute per level), and may do this as an Immediate Action. Additionally, she may spend a use of both Darkness and Faerie Fire to instead create a See Invisibility effect (with a duration of 1 round per level).

If she has at least fourteen ranks in Spellcraft, she may also cast Levitate, Detect Good and Detect Magic once each per day. With a Swift Action, she may spend a use of each of Darkness, Faerie Fire and Dancing Lights to instead create a 20' radius Burst of light: all in the area must pass a Reflex Save or be Blinded for one round. Additionally, this makes her Invisible for one round per level (or until she ends the effect by attacking).

If she has at least nineteen ranks in Spellcraft, she can cast Dancing Lights, Darkness, Faerie Fire, Detect Good, Improved Invisibility, Detect Magic and Levitate (and thus their alternate uses and combinations) at will. When casting Darkness, she may instead cast it as Damning Darkness, and when casting Faerie Fire, everyone else has Concealment against the target.

Web Walker (Su): the third-level Arachne has the spell Web added to her Cleric spell list (as a Second-Level Spell), and is immune to the effects of Web spells (as though under a Freedom of Movement effect). Additionally, she can walk just fine on any web able to hold her weight, not needing to make balance checks and able to move normally.

Poison Spell (Ex): at level three, the Arache gains the ability to poison her spells. By holding a Contact or Injury based poison when casting a spell that is resolved with a Melee Touch Attack or Ranged Touch Attack, she applies the poison – it is consumed in the process, and wasted if the attack misses. If the spell hits, then even if the target Resists the spell or passes any saving throws, they must still save against the effects of the poison.

Wrappings of the Ages: at level four, the Arachne gains Wrappings of the Ages as a bonus feat. Mummies will often be wrapped in web if there is little care for them, or spidersilk if they are special. The Arachne may also use this feat to create Husk Vermin and Web Mummies.

Dominate Male Drow (Su): at fifth-level, the Arachne gains the ability to cast Dominate Person once per day, targeting Male Drow only. The Save DC is Charisma-based.

Lolth's Boon: at level five, the Arachne gains Lolth's Boon as a Bonus Feat. If she lacks the ability to Turn or Rebuke Undead, she may simply use this ability three times per day.

Lolth's Caress: at level six, the Arachne gains Lolth's Caress as a Bonus Feat. If she lacks the ability to Turn or Rebuke Undead, she may simply use this ability three times per day.

Ambush (Ex): it is hard to catch the seventh-level Arachne by surprise, and when she catches others off-guard, she can take better advantage of it. When she could normally act in a Surprise Round, she is able to take a Full Round Action (or a Move Action and a Standard Action) instead of just a Standard or Move Action. When she normally could not act in a Surprise Round, she is instead able to make a single Move or Standard Action.

Whispers of the Otherworld: at level eight, the Arachne gains Whispers of the Otherworld as a Bonus Feat. Typically this is used to make accursed Wraiths and Spectres.

Call the Little Ones (Sp): the ninth-level Arachne gains the ability to, once per day, cast Creeping Doom. However, instead of one Centipede Swarm per two levels, it summons one Spider Swarm per level, and the Distraction and Poison Save DC are both 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus. Alternatively, it may summon one Torment Spider Swarm (treat as Plague Ant Swarm) per three levels (round up), using the above calculation for any Save DC, or one Necrotic Spider Swarm (treat as Scarab Beetle Swarm) per five levels (round up), with the same Save DC as above.

Transcendence: at level ten, the Arachne is exceptionally blessed. If she is not already an Outsider or Undead, she changes her Type to Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Native), and if she had a maximum age, she no longer does – bonuses and penalties from growing old will not accrue, and she will only die when slain. Do not recalculate any hit dice for turning into an Outsider. Although she is not an actual Fiend, she may now take [Fiend] Feats.

Yochlol Form (Sp): the Arachne who reaches tenth level has attained the pinnacle of her devotion, and is granted the ability to change forms similar to a Yochlol. She may turn into a noxious cloud, as per Gaseous Form, or a Large Monstrous Spider, as per Shapechange, at will. At this point she may pursue the path to becoming a Yochlol: a permanent transformation into a Demon, requiring a ritual twelve hours long and the sacrifice of twenty hit dice worth of surface-dweller elves or traitors. It also requires a total of twenty levels of Divine spells to be cast in any combination, typically by various assistants although a Cleric could cast these herself over the course of the ritual. This results in rebuilding the character completely.


Knight of Pain
“You will suffer greatly for wronging me.”

Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 13 ranks, Use Rope 13 ranks
Patron Deity: Loviatar
Proficiency: Spiked Chain and Armour Spikes
*Special: a Knight who reaches level ten and becomes an Imperial Knight or Hell Knight may enter this Prestige Class without meeting any requirements.

Hit Die: d12
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Craft (Any), Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Geography, History, Local, Nobility & Royalty, Religion), Listen, Perform, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Use Rope
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Saving Throws: Good Fort and Will
LevelSpecial FeaturesDesignate Opponent
1Vicious Barbs, Vengeful Protector+1d6
2Flensing Aura, Retribution+1d6
3Fiendish Investiture+1d6
4Wounding Barbs-
5Misery and Suffering+1d6
6Ruinous Barbs+1d6
7Pain Siphon+1d6
8Imprison the Soul-
9Burrowing Barbs, Furious Investiture+1d6
10Eternity of Torture+1d6

Vicious Barbs (Ex): the Knight of Pain revels in the use of spikes in dealing terrible injuries to others. Any Spiked Chain, Spiked Armour or Spiked Shield she uses is treated as a Magic Weapon with the Vicious quality.

Vengeful Protector (Su): the Knight of Pain protects others - typically high-ranking priestesses of her faith, or new initiates who need to survive through their harsh training period. At first level, she selects a number of "wards" equal to her Charisma Bonus. Each level, the number may increase by 1, and she may change any around each time she gains a level. Any time one of the Knight's wards is within Close range of her, they gain a Deflection Bonus to Armour Class equal to one third of her level (round up). Additionally, attacking one of the wards provokes Attacks of Opportunity from the Knight.

Designate Opponent (Ex): every level except four and eight, the Knight of Pain's Designate Opponent damage increases by 1d6. If she did not already have Designate Opponent dice, the ability is gained (see the Knight class).

Retribution (Sp): starting at second level, the Knight of Pain can call upon a deadly field of protection, punishing those who successfully attack her. She may cast Fire Shield on herself at will (only one version at a time), with a Caster Level equal to her hit dice.

Flensing Aura (Ex): the whirling spiked chain of the second-level Knight of Pain moves so quickly and accurately that it is as though she has a damaging aura - those near her simply find wounds opening on their bodies. Any time she deals damage with a spiked chain, the target becomes Entangled for one round. Furthermore, the entire area she threatens is always treated as Difficult Terrain for her foes.

Fiendish Investiture (Sp): certain magical gifts are bestowed upon the third-level Knight of Pain. She may cast each of the following once per day, with a Caster Level equal to her hit dice, but may only cast them on herself: Investiture of the Chain Devil, Investiture of the Erinyes, Investiture of the Harvester Devil, Investiture of the Barbed Devil, Investiture of the Malebranche.

Wounding Barbs (Ex): at level four, any Spiked Chain, Spiked Armour or Spiked Shield wielded by the Knight of Pain gains the Tome Wounding property. Any round, she may choose to suppress this ability to instead use the Vicious property, but they don't both apply at the same time.

Misery and Suffering (Sp): starting at level five, the Knight of Pain may once per round use a Free Action to afflict someone with terrible agony. The target must be within Close Range, and must have suffered damage from her Designate Opponent class feature. They must pass a Fortitude Save against a [Pain] effect (Charisma-based) or drop everything they are holding and fall Prone and Staggered.

Ruinous barbs (Ex): at level six, any Spiked Chain, Spiked Armour or Spiked Shield wielded by the Knight of Pain gains the Tome Ruinous property – again, on any round she may choose to suppress this and instead use Vicious or Wounding, but they don’t apply at the same time.

Pain Siphon (Su): the seventh-level Knight of Pain feeds upon the suffering of others. Any time she deals damage to someone who is capable of feeling pain, she regains 1d8 lost hit points, and gains the benefits of having consumed a dose of Agony, without the drawbacks. While the effects linger, her very lips carry the powerful drug, and a simple kiss will treat the target as having taken the drug (both good and bad effects).

Imprison the Soul (Su): at level eight, the Knight of Pain may use a Standard Action to make an attack against a foe who is subject to her Designate Opponent damage. If the attack hits, apply the damage as normal, but the foe must also pass a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) or die instantly. If the target dies (from failing the save or from simple damage), their soul is extracted and trapped within the weapon until released, consumed or spent.

Burrowing Barbs (Su): at level nine, any Spiked Chain, Spiked Armour or Spiked Shield wielded by the Knight of Pain leaves hatred-infused spines of force burrowing through enemy flesh. Anybody taking damage from one or more of the weapons (including her, if she uses the Vicious quality) suffers another 4d4 points of damage on her following turn. The number of hits does not matter, damage is suffered once per target on any given round, with no saving throw, ignoring all Damage Reduction and Regeneration.

Furious Investiture (Sp): the ninth-level Knight of Pain may, with a Standard Action, unleash a pulse of fury once per day. Each of her wards within Close Range gains the benefits of the following spells all at once: Investiture of the Chain Devil, Investiture of the Erinyes, Investiture of the Harvester Devil, Investiture of the Barbed Devil, Investiture of the Malebranche. When she does this, she may elect to Shapechange herself into a Brachina, Erinyes, Kyton or Excruciarch for the same duration.

Eternity of Torture (Su): at level ten, the Knight of Pain may cast Eternity of Torture (Charisma-based) at will. The target must be subject to her Designate Opponent damage.
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Post by Koumei »

Here we go, one last one, though I might re-print my Disgaeagame prestige classes that I feel are relevant?

Colony Champion

“The answer is that you must crush the attackers against your carapace. For the good of the colony.”

Alignment: Lawful
Base Attack Bonus: +10
Skills: Craft (Alchemy) 13 ranks, Survival 13 ranks
*Special: if a Knight reaches tenth level and becomes a Myrmidon Knight, she may enter this prestige class without meeting the requirements

Hit Die: d12
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Climb, Craft (any), Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Nature, The Planes), Listen, Ride, Spot, Survival
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Saving Throws: Good Fort and Will
LevelSpecialDesignate Opponent
1One With the Colony, Hive Mind+1d6
2Swarm Commander, Acidic Spittle-
3Bonded Exoskeleton, Mandibles+1d6
4Evaluate Foes, Senses of the Colony+1d6
5Winged Carapace, Contact With the Colony+1d6
6Explorer of the Colony, Crushing Carapace-
7Senses of the Queen, Sudden Guard+1d6
8Swarming Strikes+1d6
9Vermin Cloud+1d6
10Without Number, For the Good of the Colony+1d6

One With the Colony (Ex): the Colony Champion is always one with “the colony”. Not only does everyone in her own community instinctively know she represents them, she is also accepted amongst all hives and colonies of Formians and Vermin, and may benefit from any effects of being aprt of the colonies.

Hive Mind (Su): the Colony Champion forms a type of Hive Mind with her allies – those she travels with and fights alongside, and also any colony that accepts her (see above) and is currently around her. This provides the following benefits: all members may communicate telepathically with one another when within 50 feet, and no member can be denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class if they are within 50 feet of at least one member who is not denied their Dexterity Bonus. Under no circumstances does this allow you to use the Hive Mind rules in the Book of Vile Darkness, and it does not grant spellcasting or anything like that.

Designate Opponent (Ex): at every level except two and six, the Colony Champion’s Designate Opponent ability improves by 1d6.

Swarm Commander (Su): starting at level two, the Colony Champion gains the inherent loyalty of Swarms. They will not attack her without being provoked, and she may direct them with a Standard Action and a Handle Animal check (DC 10 + the hit dice of the Swarm, +4 if they are Magical Beasts, +10 if they area any other Type aside from Animal or Vermin). This is a single command which the swarm will then try to follow to the best of its ability until commanded again.

Additionally, three times per day she may cast Summon Swarm, calling forth a Wasp Swarm, Plague Ant Swarm or Centipede Swarm. At level five, she may instead summon a Scarab Beetle Swarm. At level ten, she may instead summon an Abyssal Ant Swarm.

Acidic Spittle (Ex): becoming more like the critters she allies herself with, the second-level Colony Champion gains the ability to spit up horrifying acid that dissolves creatures. This may be released with a Standard Action, as a Ranged Touch Attack out to 60 feet. This deals Acid damage equal to her Designate Opponent damage dice (and against a designated foe who failed to damage her, would thus deal twice as much). A creature damaged by this takes half as much damage on their next turn unless they spend a Standard Action scraping it off.

This may also be sprayed out to a 30’ Cone, affecting all in the area with a Reflex Save for half (Constitution-based). If this spray attack is used, no variety of acidic spit can be used on her next three turns.

Bonded Exoskeleton (Ex): at level three, the Colony Champion may allow her worn armour to grow into place, simply by spending a full day and night wearing it. Removing it requires a full day of “shedding”, and until then, it cannot be Sundered, Disintegrated separately from her, rusted, dissolved or otherwise damaged/removed as equipment. It also always has a minimum Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), grants a 50% chance to negate the extra damage from a Critical Hit (but not other things like Sneak Attack) and it no longer provides any Armour Check Penalty or reduction to movement speed.

Mandibles (Ex): as long as the Colony Champion has bonded with her armour and that armour includes a helmet, she grows large mandibles that allow her to bite things, without interfering with speech in any way. She gains a Secondary Bite attack that deals 1d8 Piercing damage for a Medium creature. If it is her only natural weapon, it adds one and a half times her Strength Bonus to damage, otherwise it only adds her Strength Bonus. It is also a magic weapon, with the same Enhancement Bonus as her armour.

Evaluate Foes (Ex): starting at level four, the Colony Champion may spend a Full Round Action gazing at a creature she can see in person (as in, without using magic to view remotely), and in doing so evaluate their capabilities and weaknesses, granting this knowledge to all allies in her Hive Mind. They all have The Edge against the target and a +4 Bonus to penetrate its Spell Resistance, until the foe leaves their vision.

Senses of the Colony (Ex): at level four, the Colony Champion gains enhanced vision, her eyes becoming more like the multifaceted polarised lenses of the planar bugs. She gains 360 degree vision and can never be Flanked, constantly has a See Invisible effect active, and can cast Detect Chaos and Arcane Sight at will.

Winged Carapace (Ex): at level five, when the Colony Champion has bonded with her armour, she also grows actual wings. These grant her a Fly Speed equal to double her land speed, with Average maneuvrability. Additionally, she may use a Standard Action to create a Gust of Wind effect once per four rounds, with a Caster Level equal to her hit dice and a Save DC of 10 + half her hit dice + her Constitution Bonus.

Contact With the Colony (Su): the fifth-level Colony Champion has greater contact with her hive minds, colonies and communities. She can communicate telepathically with her allies and any community or colony that accepted her, across any range, even across multiple planes.

Explorer of the Colony: upon reaching level six, the Colony Champion gains movement abilities appropriate for a representative of Formians – for when simply Flying somewhere isn’t a great option. She gains a Climb Speed equal to her land speed, and a Burrow speed equal to half her land speed, with the option to leave actual tunnels behind if she so wishes. This is an Extraordinary Ability. She also gains the ability to Plane Shift three times per day as a Spell-Like Ability, but only herself and willing targets, not as an offensive use. If she has visited the target location before, there is no scatter from the intended location.

Crushing Carapace (Ex): when the sixth-level Colony Champion is bound to her armour, she is treated in all respects as one Size Category larger than normal. This includes having a larger Space and Reach, and increasing her base movement speed by ten feet, but does not alter her ability scores or natural armour. Additionally, she gains the Trample ability (base damage 1d8 for a Medium creature).

Senses of the Queen (Sp): at level seven, the Colony Champion gains some of the senses available to Formian Queens. She may cast both True Seeing and Clairaudience/Clairvoyance at will, with a caster level equal to her hit dice, and may share these effects out to everyone in her Hive Mind.

Sudden Guard (Su): with an Immediate Action, the seventh-level Colony Champion may travel as though by Dimension Door to any space adjacent to an ally or somebody attacking an ally, providing that ally is within range. If she does this and also has the Sacrifice class feature of a Knight, she may use that ability as part of this action – moving adjacent to an ally and then becoming the new target all with the one action.

Swarming Strikes (Ex): starting at level eight, the Colony Champion attacks as though she is in fact an insurmountable number of foes working in unison. Any time she enters a foe’s space (or vice versa), her opponent suffers automatic Bite damage and must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Constitution Bonus) or be Nauseated for one round. If she makes a full attack against the one foe and hits at least once, they also suffer these effects (suffering the effects once regardless of how many attacks hit).

Vermin Cloud (Su): upon reaching level nine, the Colony Champion may use a Standard Action at will to surround herself with a 5’ radius cloud of flying and crawling insects. This grants her Concealment from any creature outside. In addition, the effects of her Swarming Strikes extend out to five feet from her, and she may subtract the damage of her Bite attack from the damage of any incoming attack (reducing to a minimum of zero), providing the attack is not an Area of Effect. She may end this with a Swift Action at will, causing the creatures to scurry away, and if subject to a Repel Vermin effect or similar, the cloud is dispersed but another may be summoned the following turn.

Without Number (Su): how many bugs are there in a hive? Far too many to count. At level ten, any time the Colony Champion is slain and her soul is not in some way trapped or destroyed, she is completely revived twenty four hours later. Furthermore, once per day she may summon a legion of herself, clones that act in unison. She summons eight of herself, each at eight levels lower (so in all likelihood, Knight 10 / Colony Champion 2). They are all considered part of the same colony and Hive Mind, and if slain, they simply fade away into dried husks, and this causes the others no harm. Otherwise they remain for one minute before dissipating back into nothingness.

For the Good of the Colony (Sp): once per week, the tenth-level Colony Champion may cast either Wish or Miracle as a Spell-Like Ability, without paying any material or experience components, but cannot create magic items. The effects must be for the benefit of her colony, community or Hive Mind in some manner, and the price she pays is steep, though perhaps not as steep as it seems: as soon as the effects are granted, she dies – however this doesn’t consume her soul so the Without Number ability still applies.
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