[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to examine the tree and the plants which cover it.

I also have a personal update regarding my Let's Play hosting ability. I am better from my Covid bout, but I am still dealing with headaches and coughing. It will still be some time before I am well enough to host any book. As I mentioned in the last Let's Play that I ran, I am looking for the content of sections 31-35 of Sky Lord (Book #33), and would highly appreciate anyone who could show me the wording for these sections, as well as the sections that each of them points to.

If not, then I will try to buy a book online, although it will be fairly expensive to do so. The cheapest copy that I can find right now is $13, which is not cheap, given my current financial situation and need to have money available for any further treatments that I need to go through, as my constitution is not the best. If anyone who is not able to provide me with the requested sections can find a copy for me that is cheaper than the listed price, I would also appreciate this.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by SGamerz »

The tree is gnarled with age, and is being slowly strangled by the creepers which hug it. Foxgloves grow in profusion, all drooping elegantly to the left, towards the sunlight which filters through the leafy canopy overhead. You may collect some foxgloves and store them in your backpack if you wish. if you now wish to proceed along the right-hand path, write down the number '2' on your Adventure Sheet and turn to 388. If you take the left-hand path, write down the number '3' on your Adventure Sheet and turn to 268.
Please vote on both whether you wish to collect some foxgloves and whether you want to go left or right.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by Beroli »

Follow the brush-bearer's gloves or be lost forever. Left.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to collect the foxgloves and to head left to clearly reject the growing menace of fascism.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by pragma »

Grab foxgloves, head left
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by Thaluikhain »

Always take random stuff, and may as well go left.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Yes, take foxgloves and go left.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by Beroli »

I alluded to this already, but this is not a random vote:
SGamerz wrote:
Fri Jul 15, 2022 12:54 am
Rummaging among the vials and pieces of scrap paper on the desk, you come across a parchment stained green by a sticky syrup which has spilled from a cracked bottle. You hold up a soggy sheet, straining to read the scrawl which covers it. You can't make out all the words, just occasional snippets.

'...and do not leave the house until you are certain the danger is past...Under no circumstances allow...safe then you should make your way to your parents' village by...find yourself in the shifting forest you must follow the brush-bearer's gloves or be lost for ever...'

If you haven't already done so, you may go to examine the puppets and cupboard. Or you may continue rummaging on the desk.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by SGamerz »

A little way down the path you enter a small glade. In the centre you can see a slightly raised mound of loose earth with a neat circular opening just above ground level. From it protrudes a black human hand, scrabbling in the loose soil as if trying to get a grip. As you approach, you realize that the hand's colour is caused by a crawling layer of ants. If you rush to man's aid and try to save him, turn to 300. If you would rather not take the risk, turn to 211.
Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Dastan
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 9/10
Equipment: Sword of Fangthane steel, leather armour, Sige's Pomander, 'Ghulsh' potion (turn to 258 when drunk), 'Arahl' potion (turn to 285 when drunk), 'Zazzaz' potion (turn to 369 when drunk), Blow-pipe, Foxgloves
Provisions: 5
Gold & Treasure: 22 GP
Time remaining: 13/20 (turn to 57 when crossing off 18th time unit, and to 326 when crossing off the last time unit)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by Beroli »


Keep going.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by Thaluikhain »

It's a trap, but half vote for helping anyways.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote not to take the risk, as this just screams a trap, if we are following fantasy cliches.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Agreed, keep going.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by SGamerz »

As you watch, the ant-covered hand grabs a stick which was lying near by. It then withdraws back into the hole, and you hear scraping noises coming from within. You are not entirely sure what is going on within the mound, but you are glad that you didn't get involved.
Two paths lead out of the glade, one to your left and one to your right. You are just deciding which way to go when you are startled by an ant-eater which waddles out of a clump of orchards and foxgloves to your left, making straight for the mound in the middle of the glade. Wishing him a hearty meal, you continue on your way. If you have three numbers written on your Adventure Sheet, turn to the paragraph they indicate. Otherwise, if you go along the right-hand path, write the number '1' after any other numbers on your Adventure Sheet and turn to 17. If you go along the left-hand path, write the number '2' after any other numbers on your Adventure Sheet and turn to 388. If you already have one of these numbers written down, you should choose the other option.
I'm kind of disappointed that there's no choice to stay for a while and watch what happens when the anteater reaches the mound and try to eat the ants off the arm (although I guess there's a possibility that if the player chose to go and help the ant-covered person, he may no longer be there).

Do the others agree that following the foxgloves is the right left correct way?

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Dastan
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 9/10
Equipment: Sword of Fangthane steel, leather armour, Sige's Pomander, 'Ghulsh' potion (turn to 258 when drunk), 'Arahl' potion (turn to 285 when drunk), 'Zazzaz' potion (turn to 369 when drunk), Blow-pipe, Foxgloves
Provisions: 5
Gold & Treasure: 22 GP
Time remaining: 13/20 (turn to 57 when crossing off 18th time unit, and to 326 when crossing off the last time unit)
Notes: Paths taken in shifting forest: '3'...
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to go along the left-hand path to follow the foxgloves and further take a stand against fascism.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by pragma »

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by Beroli »

Continue to follow the brush-bearer's gloves, as getting lost forever would suck.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by Thaluikhain »

Yeah, keep left.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by SGamerz »

You push your way carefully along the narrow path. After a short while you begin to hear sounds coming from ahead. Treading carefully, you press on, expecting the worst. Suddenly you hear a loud crashing noise followed by a shrill "By Ugbar's fingers!" This cursing is stifled by a loud "Shush!" but other voices cry out: "Shall I shoot 'im now?" "Not until I give the signal!" "What's the signal again?"

Suddenly a voice shouts "Now!" There is a twanging sound from the trees nearby and a small bow shoots from them, landing at your feet. At the same time a short, stocky figure leaps on to the path ahead of you, pointing a crossbow at you. "Aha!" he yells, and lets fly a bolt.
The missile speeds straight at you, but too low, and passes harmlessly between your legs. There is a strangled yelp from behind you, and you turn to see a Goblin with a sword raised, staring in surprise at the b9olt, which is protruding from his belly. "Nice shooting, Gok. Next time I use the crossbow," he croaks, and topples backwards. The Goblin who fired the crossbow flings it guiltily aside and draws a small knife from his belt. He charges towards you with a curse, and you prepare for battle. But after three steps he is whipped off his feet and yanked violently upwards by a noose-trap. "Got 'im!" says a voice nearby, and yet another Goblin comes into view, holding the other end of the rope, When he sees you, his jaw drops and he lets go of the rope, dropping his accomplice in a heap and fleeing. You chuckle to yourself and advance up the path, marvelling at the Goblins' incompetence. A little further on, you hear more Goblin voices ahead. "Don't worry Gublb, I'll pulp 'im," says a squeaky voice. You saunter confidently round a bend in the path, only to find yourself facing an enormous Ogre, his tiny Goblin-sized head glaring furiously at you. Behind him cowers the Goblin you encountered earlier.


Fight them one at a time, the Ogre first. If you defeat them both, turn to 166.
Ogre 22, Dastan 18. Dastan is at 13.
Ogre 15, Dastan 20. Ogre is at 10.
Ogre 16, Dastan 24. Dastan rolled double-6 and scored a killing blow! Ogre is killed!
Goblin 10, Dastan 19. Goblin is at 2.
Goblin 10, Dastan 18. Goblin is killed.

We scored our first auto-kill using our sword of Fangthane steel! And it came at a pretty good time, since although the Ogre wasn't as strong as we are, it's still pretty tough and could have done more damage with a few good dice rolls.
You search the bodies of the Ogre and the Goblin but they possess nothing but a few revolting morsels of meat. You carry on down the paths some distance, noticing the huge clumps of foxgloves which grow to your right. After a while, you come across a path which turns off to the right. If you have three numbers written down on your Adventure Sheet, turn to the paragraph they indicate. Otherwise, if you go down the path to the right, write the number '3' after any other numbers on your Adventure Sheet and turn to 268. If you carry straight on, write the number '1' after any other numbers on your Adventure Sheet and turn to 17. If you already have one of the numbers written down, you should choose the other option.
Ok, no need to vote on this one, since we'd already been to one of those sections before. That means we go straight (JourneymanN00b must be thrilled that we don't have to be compelled to follow the foxgloves down the fascist path).
The path begins to slop down, and you hear the sound of running water from up ahead. Soon you reach the banks of a fast-flowing stream. After a while, you hear a crashing sound from the far bank. A large and ugly Troll is battering his way through the undergrowth which lines the river bank, towing behind him a green, leafy sapling. If you swim across the river to attack the Troll, turn to 233. If you have a crossbow, and wish to try to shoot the Troll, turn to 147. if you remain quietly where you are, turn to 180.
Do we want to go after the Troll?

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Dastan
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 9/10
Equipment: Sword of Fangthane steel, leather armour, Sige's Pomander, 'Ghulsh' potion (turn to 258 when drunk), 'Arahl' potion (turn to 285 when drunk), 'Zazzaz' potion (turn to 369 when drunk), Blow-pipe, Foxgloves
Provisions: 5
Gold & Treasure: 22 GP
Time remaining: 13/20 (turn to 57 when crossing off 18th time unit, and to 326 when crossing off the last time unit)
Notes: Paths taken in shifting forest: '3'-'2'-'1'.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by Beroli »

Stay here.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by Thaluikhain »

Stay here.

(Also, we should have been able to take the goblin's crossbow, and also search the goblin that was shot by it, and also do something with/to the goblin caught in the trap)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by JourneymanN00b »

SGamerz wrote:
Wed Jul 20, 2022 2:23 pm
Ok, no need to vote on this one, since we'd already been to one of those sections before. That means we go straight (JourneymanN00b must be thrilled that we don't have to be compelled to follow the foxgloves down the fascist path).
Yes, I am certainly thrilled that we avoided falling to fascism here.

I vote to take the revolting morsels of meat, and to remain quietly where we are.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by SGamerz »

The Troll soon disappears off into the undergrowth, still dragging the sapling behind it. You splash your face with the river water and prepare to carry on, refreshed by you rest.
There is a faint path which follows the river-bank, and you make your way along it. After a short while it plunges back into the forest. If you have three numbers written on your Adventure Sheet, turn to the paragraph whose number is given by the three digits. Otherwise, if you have the number '2' on your Adventure Sheet, add the number '3' and turn to 268. If you have the number '3', then add '2' and turn to 388.
As you press on, you notice clusters of purple fungus growing on either side of the path. You have to pick your way carefully along the path to avoid disturbing them - in case they carry poisonous spores. You begin to remember tales told of southern forests in which a hapless adventurer can lose himself in a maze of shifting trackways, wandering in circles until death from hunger and exhaustion catches up with him. Ahead of you, the trail divides into two. You may take the trail which slopes downwards slightly and to the left, or try the other, which leads off to the right.
No foxgloves to guide us this time. Seems like every one of these books need to have at least 1 completely random left or right options.

Which way do we go?
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 32 - Slaves of the Abyss

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to take the trail which slopes downwards slightly and to the left, as fascism is still on the rise and needs to be rejected.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Left seems as good a choice as any.
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