Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

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Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Some time ago, a thought occurred to me about how childrens shows teach us about using teamwork, ganging up on individually stronger foes, and how that is a virtuous thing, whereas that is absolutely heel behaviour in pro wrestling. I drew a picture of the Inner Senshi (Sailor Moon) heading to the ring as pro wrestlers, spitting water at the audience and doing the whole Suzuki-gun thing. Fast forward to now, I'm playing around with Fire Pro Wrestling World, and see a few Sailor Moon characters have been made. I decide this has to happen. And I will share it with you all, providing the magical storytelling of professional wrestling.

Disclaimer: I'm lazy, so any instance in which someone else had already made the wrestler on the workshop, I just imported. Then some are made by editing those, ie most Sailor Senshi all refer back to the same base. Others I actually did make, given the parts that I had available.

Once upon a time, Magical Girl Pro Wrestling was a clean organisation of respect and honour, with good-natured tests of might. Face vs face, heroine vs heroine, there would be a handshake before matches and no illegal moves.


Everything was good - even a high-impact feud would still be fair, with little in the way of hard feelings afterwards.


Lunar club, for-for-for-for-fooor life
And that was when Lunar Club entered the organisation. Overnight, the "one vs one" days ended, with group beatdowns happening all at once. Sailor Moon brought her legion with her, and the violence began. And all the while, they would lecture the audience and moralise about how, through teamwork and friendship, they were the true heroes!


They would attack in numbers, and overwhelm all foes through this advantage. They brought weapons to the ring. They unleashed devastating double-team moves!


It only got worse, as what started as a faction of five became a faction of nine - with the addition of the Outer Senshi, even stronger and more ruthless than the originals. Their "heroic teamwork" ran roughshod over everyone else, and inspired more violence and chaos.


Soon, every single night there would be bloodshed.


It seemed like they couldn't be stopped, but then...


Just as she finished her speech, Sailor Moon turned around, right into a Heavy Rain by Sailor Neptune! The Outer Senshi turned on the Inner Senshi, turning against them.


With this new in-fighting, the violence only grew worse - it didn't fracture them back into individuals, it just meant no match could end cleanly.


Every match would have run-ins and outside interference. Every match would involve the referee taking an enforced nap.


All too soon, they were disrupting the matches of others, and leaving the ring looking like a warzone!


For a brief moment, it looked like there was hope: two representatives of Galaxia-gun appeared, with the mission statement of eliminating Lunar Club once and for all.


However, even with this noble goal, it became clear that they fought just as viciously and unfairly as those they hunted, and all it did was add to the chaos!


And now, everyone fights like their life depends on it. Every fight even without the senshi is one of shocking violence and forbidden moves. Referees have been carted out on stretchers - and in bags.


Even those who we previously called the "good guys" lowered themselves to using techniques we would never think of seeing beforehand. A world of heroines has been turned upside down with everyone becoming a villain!


But now, the commissioner has had enough, and made her voice clear: there will be no more teamwork. With the Galactic Title vacated, it is time to end this chaos and bring things back to the old days.

There will be a G1 CLIMAX Style tournament. Four blocks, 28 wrestlers, no teams. Ally vs ally, friend vs friend. If you lie down for your friend to pin you, she wins points at your own cost. If you interfere for your friend, she is disqualified and loses the points. Contested under IWGP rules, there will only be ONE winner, and one new Galactic Champion!
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »


Tsukino Usagi (aka Sailor Moon)
Faction: Lunar Club (Inner Senshi)
Entrance Theme: Moonlight Densetsu
Finisher: Moon Breaker (backflip neckbreaker drop)
Signature Moves: Moonsault, Heart Breaker (bloody cross), Butterfly Lock, Sailor Moon Kick, Suplex de la Luna
"Am I worried about fighting my friends? Not really. Despite all the talk, we're a team - Mars knows to do what's right when the time comes. Even the Outer Senshi, when you're in Lunar Club its for-for-for-for-fooor life! Hmm, I don't even know who these other people are. Honey? Aika? What kind of planets are those? Anyway, for those who think they can stand against us, in the name of the moon, I will punish you!"

Hino Rei (aka Sailor Mars)
Faction: Lunar Club (Inner Senshi)
Entrance Theme: Fire Soul Love
Finisher: Burning Hammer
Signature Moves: Big Fire, Phoenix Splash, Fire Powerbomb, Orienteering With Napalm Death
"Ugh, what an idiot that Usagi is... of COURSE I'm going to fight my best in our match! I've been taking the backstage for this whole thing, now it's time I step up and do something for myself, grab that title. I'm more concerned about Lead Crow being in our block - Galaxia-gun made it clear their intentions. I feel a lot of dark power within the Witchblade too, I hope I can banish that evil when we fight..."

Karasuma Akane (aka Sailor Lead Crow)
Faction: Galaxia-gun
Entrance Theme: Get Ready to Fly (AJ Styles)
Finisher: Galactic Tornado (F5)
Signature Moves: Super kick, Grenade, Torture Cobra Twist, Binding Clutch
"I hope I can face my rival Siren at the end of this... I don't really care about all these others, I just want to ruin the chances for Lunar Club and eliminate them. Watch their fans in the front row cry as they realise their dreams have ended... and then advance to fight against Siren in the finals before proving myself the strongest."

Shizuku Sangou (aka The Beautiful President)
Faction: Kampfer Red and Blue
Entrance Theme: the Kampfer end theme
Finisher: Flashing Sword (literally attacking with a real actual sword)
Signature Moves: Blade Kick, Diving Foot Stomp, Kancho
"Well as student council president... sorry as a student council president, it makes sense for me to fight for the greatest title, doesn't it? Finally I can get my revenge in one-on-one combat against some of these. Pity I can't face Natsuru unless we both make it to the finals, I know how flustered she gets in our fights. Oh well, I worry more about fighting Honey, that sword can straight-up kill you... ah, so can mine, no matter."

Cutey Honey
Faction: None
Entrance Theme: Cutey Honey opening theme
Finisher: Honey Flash (619)
Signature Moves: Reverse Firebird Splash, Cannonball Senton, Canadian Destroyer, Split Moonsault, literally attacking with a sword
"So, I'm in the A-Block, huh? Guess it makes sense for an A-lister main eventer like me. There's a lot of danger here, some of the fiercest fighters, but I'm used to winning! My sword and my kicks will see me overcome all, and maybe we can run the Lunar Club out of here once and for all."

Sumeragi Aika (aka Agent Aika)
Faction: None
Entrance Theme: Agent Aika opening theme
Finisher: Ultrinate Driver (reverse piledriver)
Signature Moves: Reverse Tombstone, Implant DDT, Victory Star Drop, Throwing German Suplex
"I'm glad sufficiently advanced technology qualifies as magic, to be a magical girl. After all, there's a transformation leading to better fighting ability, what more do you want? I even have a magic rod... well it's a taser, but that's the same thing. I could boast about my prior achievements, but let's be honest - so has everyone else here. It's fine. In fact, it's almost relaxing now, not needing to hold back, and in wrestling, my opponents even have longer skirts than the groups I've fought before, I can go five minutes without seeing shrink-wrapped taint. Small blessings, right?"

Amaha Asane (aka The Witchblade)
Faction: None
Entrance Theme: "Voices" (Randy Orton)
Finisher: Witches' Claw (Iron Finger/steel claw thrust)
Signature Moves: Iron Claw, Angle Chokeslam, Sickle Hold, Double Knee Chin Buster
"Ugh... stuck fighting here? For no reason even. I can't hold it back forever, there are going to be deaths. And who has the job of mopping up all the blood after we're done? Of collecting the limbs? The only thing I really look forward to in this is an all-out fight against Aika. We're about equal, as long as that bastard referee gets knocked out early we can tear this place apart for a main event!"
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »


Aino Minako (aka Sailor Venus)
Faction: Lunar Club (Inner Senshi)
Entrance Theme: Route Venus
Finisher: Love-Me Chain (Hydrangea)
Signature Moves: Wakigatame, Heart Breaker (bloody cross), Tornado Reverse Chickenwing, Victor Cross Armbreaker, Victory Star Drop
"Block B stands for Beauty, so it's natural I'm chosen to win this one, right? I feel sorry for little Saturn, she really should be fighting in the Junior League, but it's fine, she might just no-show. It also looks like everyone in this block is a dangerous weapon user, so I guess it's true what they say about beauty being where you hold your eyes, right?"
(Interjection from Mercury: that's not right! It's "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and that doesn't apply here!)

Tomoe Hotaru (aka Sailor Saturn)
Faction: Lunar Club (Outer Senshi)
Entrance Theme: EVERYBODY DIES (KES)
Finisher: Rings of Saturn
Signature Moves: Code of Silence, Darkness Falls, Death Valley Bomb, Exploder Suplex
"I am the final Sailor Senshi of our solar system, the soldier of silence and destruction. My arrival signifies the end of the world, and the end of all life. By inviting me into this tournament, the commissioner has signed the death warrant for everyone else in B-Block. Soon, it will all be over. EVERYBODY DIES!"

Princess Valkyrie (aka Val-Q)
Faction: Team UFO
Entrance Theme: Kiss of Life
Finisher: Valkyrie Crusher (one-winged angel)
Signature Moves: Cazadora Foot Stomp, Jumping Brainbuster, Diving Foot Stomp, Suplex De La Luna
"I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused in my time as a Junior, but now that my real power is unlocked, I have to protect this promotion. I might be an outsider to the world, but this place is important, and I will defend it even against those who were born here!"

Princess Hydra
Faction: Team UFO
Entrance Theme: Ultramaiden UFO Valkyrie ending theme
Finisher: Hydra Bite (Blade kick)
Signature Moves: Super Dropkick, Super Diving Foot Stomp, Michinoku Drinker II, Cobra Clutch
"Eeeh?! What the hell? She didn't even mention that we're fighting each other in this? That's just great, still self-obsessed as ever... whatever, I'm going to kick everyone's asses and then maybe I'll get the respect I deserve around the place, and no longer be conscripted into cleaning the place."

Tenjou Utena (aka The Rose Prince)
Faction: None
Entrance Theme: Absolute Destiny Apocalypse
Finisher: Revolution Sword (yes, stabbing someone with a literal sword)
Signature Moves: Slingblade, Super Diving Foot Stomp, Shouten-Kai, Force Straight Punch
"It's always fighting over something. Always titles won through battle. Well at least it makes sense in a wrestling promotion, more than in high school. It's weird, at first people asked what it was like being around all these weirdoes - pointing at people like Valkyrie and She-Ra and the Sailor Senshi. But really, if anything they're MORE normal than back at the academy. I just hope with this victory, I will have the power to bring the world revolution."

Princess Adora of Eternia (aka She-Ra)
Faction: None
Entrance Theme: She-Ra opening
Finisher: Crystal Clash (modified Emerald Flowsion)
Signature Moves: Scrap Buster, Press Powerslam, Dangerous DDT, Diving Rolling Guillotine Drop
"I have a lot riding on my shoulders here - I have to uphold the honour of Greyskull, then there are the many realms I protect. And not everyone here is truly here of their own volition. If I can save them from what drives them to fight, maybe I can do some good in this senseless tournament. Huh? Who do I WANT to fight the most? Well, crossing swords with Utena or Honey could certainly be a spectacle, but I have no real enemies here, save perhaps those invaders."

Faction: None
Entrance Theme: Akazukin Chacha opening theme
Finisher: Beauty Serene Arrow (bow and arrow hold)
Signature Moves: Eiffel D'parachute, Big Fire, Destino, attacking with a sword
"There's a lot going on here, but I know that with love, courage and hope, I can prevail. Everyone is throwing magic around and attacking all-out, in some ways they're acting worse than daimao's minions, but... surely they can be redeemed. I kind of look forward to fighting against Venus and She-Ra, I feel like in a few years I'll be just like them!"
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »


Mizuno Ami (aka Sailor Mercury)
Faction: Lunar Club (Inner Senshi)
Entrance Theme: Onaji Namida wo Wakeatte
Finisher: Shine Illusion (Northern Light Bomb)
Signature Moves: Tora Frog Splash, Blizzard Suplex, Octopus Hold, Heel Hook
"So, I will be fighting against Neptune after all... it's going to be a hard-hitting fight, that one, you won't want to miss it. I'll get my revenge there. Now obviously, everyone is looking forward to my fight against Punie-Chan - submission master vs submission master. But I feel like a technical catch wrestling match for a pro wrestling audience is like reading War & Peace to a goat. They won't appreciate it. Anyway, Punie, I'm putting you on notice. I will show my supremacy in technical wrestling. Just! Tap! Out!"

Kaioh Michiru (aka Sailor Neptune)
Faction: Lunar Club (Outer Senshi)
Entrance Theme: Outer Senshi transformation theme
Finisher: Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex
Signature Moves: Fisherman's Suplex, Emerald Flowsion, Heavy Rain, RRRRRRRRRRAINMAKER
"Heralded by a new age, Sailor Neptune, acting gracefully, has arrived! Those children in the Inner Senshi have grown weak and complacent. They don't know what they're doing, so it is time we teach them what true strength is, and put them in their place. Once upon a time, I got along well with Mercury, but if I have to knock her head halfway off, then I guess that is what will happen. Please watch my fights, they will all be works of art!"

Meioh Setsuna (aka Sailor Pluto)
Faction: Lunar Club (Outer Senshi)
Entrance Theme: Stay Alone
Finisher: Dead Scream Piledriver (Spinning Tombstone)
Signature Moves: Time Bomb, Twist Cutter, Death Valley Bomb, Skull End
"Do you know what it means that I had to leave my post at the gates of time to fight here? This is such a serious tournament, and victory is so important to me, that I will fight against those in my own faction. Yes, Sailor Moon needs to be shown that she has to step up, but I will fight tooth and nail against Neptune... I'm sure she understands. As for others... Dream Hunter Rem... are you ready to see what I have dreamed of?"

Kiryuin Satsuki (aka the Queen of Honnouji)
Faction: Team Kill
Entrance Theme: Behold the King (motorhead)
Finisher: Burning Sword (modified GTR)
Signature Moves: Destino, Tornado DDT, attacking with a literal sword
"Fools - I've arranged tournaments before, I've engineered these things. Weeding out the weak is good and all, but do they really think this will help the matter? Adding to the stakes only means people will fight even harder, and the bodies will pile up... and I will stand at the top of that pile, victorious, with my sword, my title, and nothing else. Little sister... I'm sorry for the beatdown I'm going to throw you. Think of this as making up for all those years of sibling fights that we didn't get to have."

Mattoi Ryuko
Faction: Team Kill
Entrance Theme: Don't Lose Your WAAAAAAAAAAAAY
Finisher: Stripped of the Will to Fight! (Kesagiri Chop Combo)
Signature Moves: Thrust Dropkick, Tornado DDT, literal sword attack
"...yeah. I know, sister versus sister. We only just started working together and already this. Oh well, we still have our rivalry to finish, I guess. I have no remorse about taking my blade into battle, and saving my opponents from the control of threads. I hope they understand that it's nothing personal, showing their asses to the world. This is a world full of grudges, here, though, so even if they do want revenge after... of course I expect grudge matches, it's a wrestling organisation."

Magic Witch Punie
Faction: None
Entrance Theme: ZSJ Bones Entrance
Finisher: Princess Ankle Lock
Signature Moves: Princess Cross Armbreaker, Princess Double Wrist Lock, Princess Cobra Twist, Orienteering With Napalm Death
"That's some really fancy magic and weaponry they're all bringing here! My magic is just making vegetables kill themselves... and of course the magic of joint locks and submission wrestling! I don't know if they considered the danger they put themselves in by stepping into the ring with me! What's that, Mercury challenged me? Hahaha, well, I guess it's going to happen! We'll see who the real submission master is!"

Dream Hunter Rem
Faction: None
Entrance Theme: 45 (Shinedown)
Finisher: Hollowpoint (Ganso Bomb / Kawada Driver)
Signature Moves: Sleeper Hold, Go To Sleep, Bronco Buster, sword attack
"Let's all settle down. I originally came here for a job, I was here to INVESTIGATE things. But well, we all get caught up in this and that, but don't worry... some dreams are going to become a whole lot better, but when the time comes, goodbye, and good night - BANG!"
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »


Kino Makoto (aka Sailor Jupiter)
Faction: Lunar Club (Inner Senshi)
Entrance Theme: Kissing in the Starlight
Finisher: Storm Breaker
Signature Moves: Superkick, Lightning Spiral, Dragon Sleeper, Last of the Dragons
"Ugh, I know I'm the powerhouse of the Inner Senshi, but does that really mean I have to fight Uranus and Aluminum Siren? The others aren't such a big deal, but this is going to hurt a bunch. And I can't help but notice, between me, Moka, Kurumi, Natsuru and Asuka... is it D block because of our boobs?"

Tenou Haruka (aka Sailor Uranus)
Faction: Lunar Club (Outer Senshi)
Entrance Theme: Kaze Ni Nare (Ayumi Nakamura)
Finisher: Space Tornado Ogawa
Signature Moves: Slingblade, High Fly Flow, Tornado Slam, F5
"Finally a chance for revenge on Aluminum Siren... and to beat the cockiness out of Jupiter. She thought she was the strong one of our faction? Ha! If it weren't for those fights, I'd be most excited in fighting Moka, her kicks have knocked people out and it's a while since I powerbombed a vampire."

Aya Reiko (aka Sailor Aluminum Siren)
Faction: Galaxia-gun
Entrance Theme: Give me Chocolate (BabyMetal)
Finisher: Galactic Tsunami Flowsion (Pole-Shift Emerald Flowsion)
Signature Moves: Shining Triangle, Fisherman Suplex, Blizzard Suplex, RRRRRRRAINMAKER!!!!
"Do we have to go through all this? Lead Crow is better at the fighting, I'm more of a manager and spokesperson. Give me a microphone any time... all this stress is making me hungry, you know? Oh well, I will just have to do my best and drive my elbows into Jupiter. You know it's not just a catchphrase, Galaxia-gun ichiban - we are number one. This month it's the tournament and the title, next month it's Japan, then next year it's the entire Galaxy!"

Senou Natsuru (aka Girl Natsuru)
Faction: Kampfer Red and Blue
Entrance Theme: Kampfer opening theme
Finisher: Blue Magic (Miracle Ecstasy Bomb)
Signature Moves: Michinoku Driver, Shooting Star Press, Reverse DDT, Fireball Bomb
"I really feel like I'm here on a technicality. I suppose they only care about you once you're transformed and in your strongest form, right? There's no other way I'd be allowed in, there would be a shitstorm by, you know, certain groups. I'm still convinced the only reason Shizuku dragged me into this promotion was so she had an excuse to grope me, but now that I'm here, I can't just sit down and let people beat me. But maybe we can join forces, and have everyone calm down? It worked before after all!"

Kurumi (aka The Steel Angel)
Faction: None
Entrance Theme: Steel Angel Kurumi opening theme
Finisher: Steel Winged Angel (One Winged Angel)
Signature Moves: Spear, Bearhug, Original Brainbuster, Soulful Powerbomb
"I feel like I was pushed into this just to show even robots are allowed... I guess it proves we're people after all, but I'm not really here for the violence! Still, the soul power pours out, and when that happens, I win fights and the whole place gets destroyed. I hope everything works out for the best... I'm sort of glad it's the transformed Moka that I'll be facing. If it were the normal one, people might get confused with all that pink hair flying about the place."

Akashiya Moka (aka True Moka)
Faction: None
Entrance Theme: Dancing in the Velvet Moon
Finisher: Capu-chuu (bite)
Signature Moves: Axe Kick, Chokeslam, Jumping Axe Kick, Jumping Tombstone
"Tsk... all of this trash competing here, they really scraped the barrel to find some of them. Look, I'm not saying every competitor here is weak and doesn't belong, but I met they only had a list of ten real fighters and then got desperate filling a card of 28. Whatever, I don't care how strong you fools think you are. You will all learn your place!"

Hanzo Asuka
Faction: None
Entrance Theme: Senran Kagura opening theme
Finisher: Deep Darkness (Darkness Falls)
Signature Moves: Blade Kick, Vaulting Frog Splash, Choke Sleeper, sword attack
"Wait a minute, D Block? I get enough of this from Katsuragi, can you leave my boobs out of it just for once? ...whatever, ninja arts have famously been used many times in pro wrestling, and I'm about to show why. Apparently summoning isn't allowed under IWGP rules, but oh well, there's still plenty I can use to prove myself."

And there we have it, all 28 competitors, arranged in the four blocks of seven, competing in G1 Climax style tournament to crown the Galactic Champion! I will cover each of the matches over time, and after that? Well who knows, but there's always more story to tell!
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Serious Badass
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

(Night 1 is being shown with individual cropped screenshots. For future matches I am going to try using capture software to make gifs.)

Night 1
We have an exciting line-up for tonight, starting with Block A, with Sailor Moon facing off against the Witchblade. We can expect them to break out everything in the match, before things slow down perhaps in match 2, where Block B gives us Sailor Venus vs Chacha. After that we'll see some faster competition from Block C's Sailor Mercury and Dream Hunter Rem, before closing out with Natsuru vs Sailor Jupiter for the D Block. Let's get things started!

Right from the word go, they lock up and Sailor Moon takes control. They're both twisting each others' arms and going for shoulder damage here, not a bad plan to disable the limbs. Eventually, Sailor Moon takes Witchblade to the ground and locks in the Cri- the Sniper Crossface! That was once a match-ending hold, but the Witchblade reaches out and gets the ropes, forcing the break!


When they stand back up, it's straight back to limb control, a lot of twisting and wrenching - they need to be careful, this is only the first match! They'll each have at least five more matches after this, and damage accumulates!


Here we have our first underhanded move of the match, we're already three minutes in so I'm surprised it took this long! Sailor Moon breaks out the dreaded "Nipple Cripple", well they're easy targets with the Witchblade. You can't win a match with that but you can turn it around.


Just like that! Speaking of turning things around, Sailor Moon grabs the Witchblade around the neck and flips over her backwards, hitting the Moon Breaker! Is it over all ready? She follows up with a moonsault to pin and 1... 2... Witchblade kicks out!


In desperation, Withblade starts crushing Sailor Moon's spine with a fierce bear hug. It's no laughing matter, you can crack the ribs and force the air out of your opponent. Is this going to be over?


Not quite! Sailor Moon escapes, rolling through and locking in a calf crusher! She's just about exploding the Witchblade's knee with that hold. Her foe manages to crawl to the ropes, but the damage may already be done.


BAM! The referee turns his back for just a moment, and the Witchblade hits with her illegal finisher, driving the steel claw into Sailor Moon's head! She might be bust wide open!


The Witchblade goes for the pin, but somehow Sailor Moon is awake, she was playing possum! She catches her opponent in the Butterfly Lock, compressing the neck and putting more torque on those already-injured shoulders!


Another Moon Breaker! Who goes for their finisher twice in one match like that? You go to the well too many times, one day it'll dry up! But we might just have a pinfall here, ONE! TWO! TWO POINT NINE!
The crowd are getting excited!


The Witchblade takes her foe out with a high kick to the temple, and then she's on her delivering closed-fist punches to the back of the head. The referee warns her and starts counting, but she stops before the count of five, avoiding the disqualification.


Oh no, it seems she got too relaxed because she just lifted Sailor Moon up casually, ONLY TO BE HIT BY ANOTHER MOON BREAKER!


And straight away, Sailor Moon follows up with a Suplex de la Luna! She's not messing around any more, and is hitting the neck hard!


Once more, Sailor Moon gets that calf crusher locked in, this time the ropes are far away, that's a long distance to crawl... she taps out! The Witchblade taps out! We have our first victory, with Sailor Moon picking up two points!



Let's get the second match underway. They lock up and- wait, Sailor Venus has locked in the Love-Me Chain right off the bat! She has no respect for Chacha at all! Luckily, Chacha slips out of the hold.


Now it's a headlock and just brutal punches to the head. Careful with that closed fist, the referee won't stand for it, but Sailor Venus clearly doesn't care what the referee thinks.


Venus takes Chacha to the ground and is straight back to the submission attempt. She locks in the just facelock, stretching Chacha's back as far as it will go.


Chacha escapes the hold yet again, and this time she floors Venus with a knee to the face. Wait, don't get overconfident after just one hit! This is no time for taunting!


Chacha now goes for a reverse figure four leg-lock, attacking the knee joints - well it worked in the last match! But Sailor Venus is so close to the ropes, she can just reach out for the break.


As they stand, Chacha goes for a kick, but Sailor Venus was waiting for that, and rolls into a kneebar! They're both taking turns attacking the legs now! Everyone is going to be entering the finals via wheelchairs at this rate!


Oh no, we've seen this move used to devastating effect tonight! It's the calf crusher, there's just no mercy here by Sailor Venus!


Chacha escapes, only to leave her arm exposed. Venus catches her in the double wrist lock, twisting that arm back and applying a head-scissors so she can't just roll free. That can break everything from wrist to shoulder!


Another Love-Me Chain attempt! Now enough damage has been done, it might be the end of the match right here, but Chacha just barely manages to get her spare foot on the ropes. Things are looking dire for her though.


Oh no! A big power move, Sailor Venus delivers the Heart Breaker as they stand up! Could this be the end?


It is! It is the end! Rolling Chacha over, Sailor Venus doesn't even go for the pin, instead locking in the reverse triangle. The referee sees Chacha isn't responding and calls for the bell, this match is over!



Sailor Mercury versus Dream Hunter Rem, and- wait, Rem starts by jumping into guard and catching Mercury in a scissored bar choke! Is she trying to beat the technical expert at her own game here?


Mercury stacks her onto her shoulders, forcing a break - you can get pinned while applying a submission hold! But as soon as they stand, Rem begins fighting dirty! Are these mind games, trying to anger her opponent?


Well, she asked for it! Sailor Mercury hits a Blizzard Suplex just like that, driving Rem to the mat!


But straight away, Rem is going for a sleeper hold. It could be lights out for Sailor Mercury, a trip to dream-land by the dream hunter! She manages to turn, it looks like she's starting to escape...


Shine Illusion! An amazing move there, dropping Rem right onto her head, if that doesn't end the match here it should at least buy Mercury some breathing room. Rem has been largely in control, but with a big move like that, everything can change.


Oh my god! As soon as she hit the ground, Rem rolled into a heel hook! Sailor Mercury rolls over straight away to grab the ropes, but her cruciate ligaments may have already torn!


Suddenly, Rem is in control again. A big move is no good if you can't follow up, and now Mercury is caught in a camel clutch, bending her spine backwards!


Another Blizzard Suplex! Mercury actually stood up out of that hold, turned, and delivered an incredible suplex that hits hard!


She holds on with the impact this time, pinning Rem and One... two... no, she kicks out before three!


There's the rainmaker pose, and it looks like Mercury might be preparing to deliver the coup de grace here.


Rem climbs back to her feet, they begin exchanging strikes... Mercury attempts the blue mist, but Rem ducks under it, she goes for a big kick - oh no, now Mercury catches Rem in the heel hook! The ropes are right there, she grabs them quickly but again, the damage could be done.


HOLLOWPOINT! Rem lifted Mercury, and I think her knee may have buckled in the process but she does drop her opponent head-first on the mat. Surely this is the end?


Oh my god, it IS the end, but not how we expected! Rem reached down to pin Sailor Mercury, or maybe lift her for another attack, but Mercury caught her in a clever roll-up there, getting the three count!



For tonight's main event, a lot is on the line: so far, the Inner Senshi of Lunar Club are three for three, still dominant. I doubt that's what the commissioner wanted, so it's up to Natsuru to pick up a win against Sailor Jupiter for the MGPW main roster. They start with a lock-up, a test of strength, some good sportsmanship here.


They break up, and start going for strikes. They're both strong, but I think Jupiter might have the edge in striking... wait, no! Natsuru catches her hands and goes for a triangle lancer, trying to snap the forearms against each other!


Natsuru is firmly in control! They both head for the ropes, but she is first to land a hard dive, knocking Jupiter down! And then, she lifts her for the chokeslam, wait no, that's... BLUE MAGIC! Straight away, she covers, but only gets a two-count!


Again, they're back to the strikes. Solid forearms and kicks, driving each other back. Finally, Sailor Jupiter catches Natsuru's wrist and lifts her up....




Oh no, now Sailor Jupiter is truly in control, lifting Natsuru above her head and throwing her to the mat. Things have taken a sour turn here...


And a lightning spiral! Jupiter holds on, goes for the pin but she only gets a one-count! Natsuru is straight back up onto her feet!


And here's a move we've seen before, she catches Jupiter on the pick-up attempt and wrenches her leg back for a calf crusher, desperately trying to blow her knee out!


It's clearly not enough though: they go for more strikes back and forth, Natsuru is staggered by a hard kick, and then Sailor Jupiter lifts her up, I think I see where this is going...




They take this fight out of the ring, and the referee begins counting. The strikes go back and forth, but Jupiter is once again in control, delivering a vicious knee to the face! She slides back into the ring as the counting resumes, 14... 15.... 16...


Natsuru climbs back into the ring before twenty, and she has something from under it too! That's... a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire! If she uses that, she'll lose by disqualification, but Jupiter will surely be out of the whole tournament!


Natsuru swings, Jupiter ducks, and delivers once again, Last of the dragons! The bat bounces away, and Sailor Jupiter is back in control, but clearly shaken by nearly being taken out with a bat.


Jupiter lifts Natsuru, but the magician slips behind her opponent to lock on a sleeper hold. She has it firmly applied, starting to take the fight out of Jupiter. Jupiter is still trying to free herself, but it's not looking good for her.


She turns to the side, trying to lift Natsuru to backdrop her and escape... but Natsuru rolls through and catches her in a heel hook, in the middle of the ring! Surely there's nothing Jupiter can do except - yes, she taps out! Sailor Jupiter submits, and Natsuru picks up the vital two points in this tournament!



Post-Match Interviews:

Sailor Moon
"I gotta hand it to her, that was a hard fought match. I figured I'd basically have a walk for the first one, boy was I wrong. Who even allows that claw in a match? They need to pat people down for weapons in these... although I don't know where she even hid that, was that hidden under the ring? Whatever, I won, so the lesson for everyone at home is even when you face a monster, if you believe in yourself, you can do anything! Sailor Moon says!"

"Aaah, that bitch! Damnit, my knee hurts so badly, I think she tore something. Five more matches to go and I'm already down one leg and at a points disadvantage... I can't focus on the loss, I know. I have to prepare for my next match, I need to look at winning."

Sailor Venus
"Was there any doubt I would win this? I was just playing with her the entire time, the poor kitten couldn't get a break. This was just a warm-up match for me, as I prepare for my first real opponent!"

"Urk, I don't really remember what happened there. One thing we were standing up after a painful hold, and then... I wake up with a doctor shining a torch in my eye. Is it really over then?"

Sailor Mercury
"So it turns out, when you train to be a doctor, you know how all the joints are supposed to work... and how to stop them from working. Nice try, Rem, fighting me on my ground, going for technical holds, but you just can't measure up to the expert. Take note, Punie, this same fate awaits you later on!"

Dream Hunter Rem
"Everything was going according to plan... get into her head, make her angry, get her to make sloppy mistakes, then capitalise. And don't let go. I guess I was the one who made a mistake, in the end. Still, there are plenty of chances, I just need to win the most points, it's not over yet. Interview over, goodbye, and good night - BANG!"

"Whew, right from the word go they put me against a powerhouse. Yeah, everything aches a bunch, but I got the job done. I managed to score us a victory and put a dent in the forces of Lunar Club. I just wish I could have hit with that bat. This is what the commissioner wanted, right?"

Sailor Jupiter
"Damn it... damn it! You saw that, didn't you? Look at the screen, you saw her use that weapon! So what if it didn't hit, that should be an instant disqualification! I am the most deserving of the championship, I have the biggest ti- I mean I have the most talent! We'll have a rematch one day, mark my words."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 2

Here we are on Night 2, and it's going to start with Shizuka versus Sailor Mars, before Princess Valkyrie takes on She-Ra. Ryuuko then faces off against Punie, and then we have the main event of Sailor Aluminum Siren against Asuka!
The first match starts, and right from the word go, Sailor Mars is in a mean mood: she grabs Shizuka's hand and snaps her fingers right off the bat!


They exchange some strikes shortly after this, but Shizuka knows she needs to bring out something tough, so she unleashes a sword attack right to the head!


That isn't enough to stop Sailor Mars, though - we're barely a minute in and she delivers her finishing move, the BURNING HAMMER! Even trained wrestlers can have their careers ended by this move!


It isn't enough for Sailor Mars - she wants to injure Shizuka permanently it looks like. She lifts her up for a Fire Powerbomb, but Shizuka pokes her in the eyes to escape!


This fight starts getting more vicious, as Mars goes for a chair! Wasting no time breaking the rules here, but the referee makes it clear that will cost her the match.


Here's some fancy work from Sailor Mars, once again grabbing Shizuka by the hand, but this time she walks the top rope, before jumping off and jabbing her foe in the throat!


BURNING HAMMER! What a relentless assault! If it weren't for their magical transformations, Shizuka would surely be dead. Can she get up after this? Can she even move?


And there's the Fire Powerbomb! I don't know how much more Shizuka's neck can take. If she wants to win, she might need to bring that sword back out and draw blood.


Oh, speak of the devil! There we go, Mars spends too much time taunting, and Shizuka takes the blade to her once more! That might just be what it takes to turn this match around.


Bam! Shizuka bounces off the ropes and hits an amazing Reincarnation, driving Mars to the mat before locking in a seated armlock. Sailor Mars manages to pull free, but the damage might be done.


Sailor Mars jumps high with the Eifel Parachute, and lands with a solid impact. She covers, and 1... 2... 3! Sailor Mars has won the match!



Our second match starts with a power move - She-Ra is wasting no time taking the fight to Princess Valkyrie, hurling her to the mat.


And more power moves from Greyskull's finest, throwing Valkyrie to the ropes and then catching her with a big sidewalk slam!


Valkyrie seeks cover in the turnbuckle but it's not working out for her as She-Ra charges in and lands a Superman punch! I have to say, the smaller competitor is going to need to start fighting back soon.


After a couple of quick kicks, She-Ra is down, and Princess Valkyrie finally starts taking control, locking in a Boston Crab, but she can't keep it in for long.


Oh no! She-Ra has just invited Princess Valkyrie to Suplex City! Things are looking worse and worse for the UFO Princess!


And a wrist-clutch suplex to follow! Val-Q kicks out before she can be pinned, but she's in danger of losing the match at this rate.


Oh there we go, a step-through takedown to give her some breathing space, followed by an incredible standing moonsault. It's too early to go for the pin, but she can at least change the momentum and start fighting back!


And another takedown, but this time she goes for the neck! Look at how much pain She-Ra is in, with those vicious twists!


Well, it looks like the tables have been turned yet again, as She-Ra hoists her opponent high then turns into a powerslam that shakes the ring!


Val-Q still has her wits about her - there's an exchange of strikes, then she backs off to avoid the roundhouse kick before unleashing a painful Dragon Screw! If she can just chop the tree down, all foes are the same height lying on their backs.


Oh my god! After throwing Valkyrie out of the ring, She-Ra takes flight with an incredible springboard dropkick! They both have until the count of twenty to get back to the ring, but Valkyrie might be out cold!


Oh, and now she IS out cold! The fight returns to the ring, but She-Ra lifts her into the Crystal Clash! The referee checks and yes, he calls a stop to the match as Princess Valkyrie is knocked out! We might just have the answer to the invaders right here with She-Ra!



Match three is now underway, and within seconds, Punie is already taking control with a rolling kneebar. She has something to prove here, and at the same time she doesn't want to leave Ryuuko standing to use her sword.


After a few stiff knee shots, Ryuuko has control with the front headlock, forcing Punie down, but the more experienced grappler slides behind with a harsh hammerlock there. Attacking the arms might not be a bad idea here.


And now we have an application of Princess Achilles Lock! She's dominating in these early moments of the match, but Ryuuko has escaped every hold fairly quickly - she's not letting herself get worn down.


Ryuuko starts gathering steam, she takes Punie down with a sharp roundhouse kick, then climbs up top, going for a moonsault double foot stomp - but Punie recovers and rolls out of the way at the last second! Ryuuko crashes to the ground, and Punie straight away locks in the Princess Sharpshooter!


Now it's Ryuuko's turn to start laying the hurt in. I don't know if it's wise to try matching Punie in submission holds, but after a quick takedown she goes for the inverted figure-4 leg-lock.


Leaping cutter! Punie is rattled and doesn't know where she is! Ryuuko is now free to unleash devastating moves and take the fight out of her opponent!


But all it takes is a moment for things to change, and now Punie catches Ryuuko with an inside roll into a heel hook! Ryuuko is trapped there for over a second as she reaches for the ropes, every moment risking more damage to her knee!


Nonetheless, now they've both taken injuries, they are slow to stand, and whatever Punie is looking for as she reaches out, Ryuuko catches her... ow, big Kesagiri chops to the side of the neck there! Ryuuko is stripping her opponent of the will to fight!


It's another kneebar! Punie catches Ryuuko in the middle of the ring and goes to town, hyperextending the knee and doing as much damage as she can.


And there we have it! One last time, Punie catches Ryuuko in the Princess Kneebar, but this time it's too much for her to take, and we get the submission! So far, both Submission Masters of the C-Block have picked up wins!



Our main event starts with foul play - I guess it can't be helped, you see boobs like Asuka has, you go straight for the titty twister. Still, that's a good way to get disqualified more than anything.


Now we have the REAL action, as Aluminum Siren goes straight into her finisher, the Galactic Tsunami Flowsion! Could it be over in under a minute?


No, Asuka got straight back up, completely unfazed by it! However she still hasn't actually got any offence in, and Siren grabs her again, landing a Blizzard Suplex, but it's only good for a 1-count.


Now Aluminum Siren goes for a submission, locking in the fish stretch. That'll bend your spine, choke you out AND hurt your knee, all in one!


And now it's the Fisherman Suplex! Our resident ninja hasn't managed to get a single hit in so far, the offence has all been on Siren's side.


Oh, another dirty move! After ducking a kick, Siren delivers the green mist, blinding her opponent!


Asuka can't see, she goes for a number of kicks and a diving tackle, but they all whiff! It's easy for Siren to get behind her, and - PEACH SUNRISE! ONE! TWO! THREE! Just like that, Siren wins, and reminds us all: Galaxia-gun ICHIBAN!



Post-Match Interviews:

Sailor Mars:
"I came here to make a statement, and I think I did a pretty good job. The stripey bastard took the chair away while letting my opponent use a sword? Piece of shit... never mind, I still won in the end. Usagi, I'm going on a 6-0 streak, sorry to tell you."

"Well that's embarrassing, student council president and I took the first loss for my faction? I guess I underestimated my opponent - I like to play games in the ring, don't take things seriously sometimes... and we see where that got me. Maybe it's time I take this more seriously."

"It's not that I wanted to hurt Val-Q, we're kind of on the same side here. But I needed to hit hard, go full power. If you hold back, that's disrespectful for your opponent, dishonourable... sorry."

Princess Valkyrie:
"...huh? What happened out there? My head hurts."

"Oh, Mercury is out there making a statement? What a loser, she didn't even win with a submission! I assure you, every single match I'm in will end with a submission victory for me. The rest of you better practice tapping out, assholes!"

"...this interview is over. Fuck!"

Sailor Aluminum Siren:
"I said I didn't want to fight so much, that I'm not suited to it... not that I'm no good at it. Did you think Galaxia-gun would have any losers on it? No, we all mean business. Now, I'm off to get something to eat."

[Asuka is nowhere to be found, as is standard for ninja. She could not be reached for interview.]

Well there you have it, folks, night 2 certainly ended explosively! It's still anyone's game, but you want those early victories to give you a head start! Let's see how things play out tomorrow!
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 3

It's night 3, and we have a line up of strong competitors! We have Sailor Lead Crow against Cutey Honey, then Princess Hydra faces Sailor Saturn! Satsuki takes the fight to Sailor Neptune for match three, and to close it all off, we have Steel Angel Kurumi versus True Moka!

Our first match starts off clean and traditional - the classic lock-up and test of strength, with Honey getting the advantage. She's an agile combatant compared to Lead Crow's strength, let's see how this works out.


Oh! Grenade! Lead Crow has just levelled Honey with that powerful move, and may have just seized the advantage!


But Honey is right back in control with a flying head-scissors. Crow might be able to fly, but not when caught off-guard like that. Honey is showing her fighting spirit!


They have an exchange of strikes, then a hard elbow from Lead Crow drops Honey, allowing her to lock in a choke sleeper. But we just mentioned fighting spirit, and Honey does manage to escape.


Beautiful backflip kick from Honey there on Lead Crow! That has to leave her rattled, and it really seems like Crow is having trouble getting her own offence in. There are a few big moves in return, but she isn't getting the momentum.


SLINGBLADE! Tanahashi couldn't do it better! This may be the beginning of the end, as Crow has taken a lot of hits to her neck and head.


Cutey seems to set up for a piledriver or powerbomb, but Crow drops her ba- wait no! Canadian Destroyer from Honey! That's another agile move with a big impact for Crow's head.


Lead Crow manages to land a superkick to knock Cutey Honey down, then locks in the sharpshooter! The sharpshooter! What is this, a Young Bucks match? Dave Meltzer just gave this five stars!


Honey escaped the sharpshooter, but couldn't stand quickly enough - now Lead Crow gets the Paradise Lock, tying her into a bundle and wrenching the shoulders.


After a simple backdrop, Sailor Lead Crow is on the outside, and Cutey Honey takes to the skies! Springboard Suicida!


And here's her finisher, the Cutey Flash combo! Honey could go for the cover right now and finish this match, I don't think Crow knows where she is.


Speak of not knowing where she is! Lead Crow gets just a bit of offence in, then wastes time taunting, doing her crow impersonation. I think she'll regret this.


Oh, Crow lands an dangerous backdrop! THAT is the kind of thing she needs to do to turn this around.


Oh no, malfunction at the junction! Red Shoes Umino wasn't watching where he was going and collided right into Lead Crow. Now we have an enforced referee nap, and the rules are out the window!


As our referee, his face bust wide open, gathers his wits, Lead Crow lands an illegal kick, then goes high for a high-risk corkscrew Senton! She drags Honey to the centre of the ring, and rolls into La Magistral cradle, getting the three-count!



After some time is spent cleaning the referee's blood from the ring and stitching his forehead back shut, we have match two. There are some quick-fire strikes going back and forth, then Sailor Saturn hoists Hydra onto her shoulders... Darkness Falls!


Oh my lord! Right in the open, Saturn pulls out some brass knuckles and just clocks Hydra in the face! That could easily be a knockout there, and the referee is too late to catch it.


Here we go, she has the Rings of Saturn locked in! Going for her finisher just a few minutes in, but Hydra is a slippery opponent.


Oh no, even more illegal weapon use! Saturn starts cutting Hydra with a scythe, but stops before the referee can circle around and catch her in the act! You know what they say - if the foul isn't seen, you get away clean!


At this point, the rulebook doesn't even matter, so who cares about some mildly rough offence from Hydra? She gets vicious headbutts in, but I question the wisdom of that when you're already bleeding from the head.


It looks like we can't rule Hydra out just yet - she's firing up, and delivers a fantastic buzzsaw kick to the side of the neck. Hotaru is powerful but her endurance isn't great, so this might be the turning point.


Powerful clothesline by Princess Hydra! Sailor Saturn is taken down once again! The worm has turned and the hat is on the other foot now!


Hydra grabs a plank of wood from under the ring - we really have to do something about all these weapons, has Bush checked it for Iraqui WMDs? But before she can use it, Saturn grabs her and... DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!


Sailor Saturn can't even cover her in time for a one-count, Hydra is already back on her feet, and answers with a German Suplex. Ignore the weapon usage at the start, this is still anyone's game.


They both go to the ropes, and here it is again, SLINGBLADE!


Saturn takes Hydra to the ground with Paydirt, then locks in a scissored sleeper from behind, trying to choke the very life out of Hydra - but the ropes are right there, she can just about reach them to force the break...


Saturn takes Hydra to the ground, but gets caught in her guard. She reaches forward for something, but Hydra responds with the triangle - the head-and-arm scissors! Saturn is out of breath, the gives in almost straight away, and Team UFO have a win to their name!



For match three, Satsuki probably wants to pick up a win for Team Kill, but Sailor Neptune gets to be the stronger fighter here - she's the more agile of her team, but still a bit older than many others.


Nonetheless, Satsuki is a fierce fighter who is used to fighting to the nudity, she's not backing down. She takes her larger opponent down with a firm chop, then delivers an amazing aerial stomp!


Oh! THE HIDDEN BLADE! Satsuki takes Neptune out with a sharp elbow to the back of the head! Just like Will Ospreay except she doesn't protect rapists!


I thought that was enough for a knockout, but clearly not - Neptune is still able to lift Satsuki for her patented Heavy Rain!


Another back and forth with hard strikes, and Satsuki sweeps the leg, before dragging Neptune away from the ropes and locking in a bow-and-arrow lock. She has her work cut out for her, but refuses to be intimidated.


Another sharp elbow, this time by Sailor Neptune, and then she poses, is it time for the... RRRRRRRRRRRAINMAKER!!!! ? it isn't, instead she lifts Satsuki and delivers the Pimp Juice!


Oh no, Emerald Flowsion! Neptune has taken control again, and is just laying into her opponent with those heavy-hitting moves. I don't like where this fight is going.


She might be the stronger of the two in this match, but Neptune is still used to agile fighting - she lands a top-tope hurricanrana, going for a very lazy pin, and it only gets her a 1-count!


Heavy Rain again! This time with a more athletic, forceful pin, showing off a little.


And out of nowhere, Satsuki strikes back with her sword! Neptune's lucky her threads are still on - and for that matter her head, too!


Neptune is bleeding from that, things are getting desperate. But she comes out on top with the charging clothesline, another pose, and then she still has what it takes for a standing moonsault, and with that, she gets the 3-count. This match is over, with the winner covered in her own blood.



For our main event, after the ring is cleaned again, we have a robot and a vampire facing off. Moka begins by taking the legs out, then going for a knee crank. She's not interested in a gentle start, but given how much power Kurumi can bring out, I don't blame her.


See? Just like that! Kurumi doesn't care about that attack, she can stand straight up and land the Bloody Sunday!


And now she's going for the ground and pound, just wailing on Moka's head with closed fists. She stops before the 5-count and avoids disqualification, but a good few shots landed.


But Moka reacts in an instant, knocking Kurumi down. Then pulls her to her feet and lands her fight-ending high kick! KNOW YOUR PLACE!


But Kurumi still has some more tricks up her sleeve, landing an amazing backflip double-kick. Her soul engine is firing up.


BLOODY CROSS! The soul engine is located in the, er, chest region, so driving the knees in could very well cause a shut-down - or a meltdown!


Kurumi gets back to her feet, but that certainly took some of the power out of her. Moka lands an incredible chokeslam, just furthering her advantage.


Oh no, Moka wants to see if robots have blood, biting the neck! That's an illegal hold, but five seconds can be a very long time!


It turns out robots DO bleed, but Kurumi has only fired up in response! She slams Moka to the mat then does a cannonball roll to knock the air out of her - never mind that vampires don't breathe!


Axe Kick! A hard shot to the back of the neck, and then Moka locks in a rear figure-four choke, cranking the neck and blocking the carotids. Kurumi is fading... she's out! She passes out! Moka picks up the win!



Post-Match Interviews:

Sailor Lead Crow:
"Son of a bitch, the referee collided right into me! Well, he got what he deserved there, and I still won. I've had better training exercises than that match."

Cutey Honey:
"I really thought I had it there. I used my speed and agility, I cracked her with some good shots, but in the end... if the referee had been awake, it would have been different."

Princess Hydra:
"Did you see all that foul play? But who wins in the end? Me, that's who! I'm one-up on my rival, we could just call it here and declare me the winner of all time!"

Sailor Saturn:
[Pluto interrupts: "Leave her alone, she's the Soldier of Silence. Go chase someone else down for their words or to plug their book."]

Sailor Neptune:
"Heralded by a new era, Sailor Neptune appears gracefully. I had everything in that fight - experience, strength, height, agility, flexibility... even her sword didn't help."

"What? Yeah, you want to talk about how our team are two losses in, right? That the supreme ruler of Honnouji just experienced defeat? There are five matches to go, five victories - this is all about the long game, not individual matches."

True Moka:
"Thanks for the meal. I know biting is illegal, but I'm a vampire - it's just a small sip, anyway. My real strength in that match was just that: my strength. Those powerful kicks are what grant me victory every time."

"I really thought I had what it took. The power supply to meet her strength and respond to strikes with strikes. It looks like maybe that wasn't the best idea, but I can't be disheartened just by one loss!"


And there we have it for night 3 - a bloody event, with most fighters wanting Deathmatch wrestling. Tomorrow will see us reach the point where everyone has had at least one match, and the first real analysis point, looking at who has the early advantage. Stay tuned!
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 4

Ladies and gentlemen, night 4 is upon us, and management would like to apologise for the bloodshed and violence witnessed last night. Unfortunately, no guarantees can be made that this will stop, as we look at the line-up for tonight: Sailor Moon faces Agent Aika, then Chacha tries to make up for her earlier loss by fighting the Revolutionary Girl, Utena. Match three sees Dream Hunter Rem face Sailor Pluto - who called her out in the pre-event interviews - and then we see a real grudge match, with Sailor Jupiter against Sailor Uranus.

Usagi and Aika start by locking up, and Sailor Moon is actually going for a show of strength. I don't know how wise that is, but she's twisting the arm, really wrenching Aika's shoulder there.


Aika is quick to recover, and retaliates with some fierce strikes! She delivers a knife-hand chop, followed by an excellent moonsault, taunting her opponent by stealing her move!


We're a little over a minute in, and Aika goes straight for a heel hook! She has a score to settle with Lunar Club, and has no mercy at all.


The beating continues, and now Aika applies an elevated Boston Crab, really cranking her opponent's neck. This is what happens when you make enemies in MGPW!


Now Sailor Moon gets back into the fight, taking Aika down and going for the Butterfly Lock. She's still working those shoulders, but also attacking Aika's neck.


Reverse Tombstone! Sailor Moon may have been knocked out, but Aika isn't ready for this match to end just yet.


Oh! Sailor Moon is still ready to fight, and locks in the Sniper Crossface! That earlier work on Aika's shoulder is paying off here as she tears at the joint.


Aika grabs Sailor Moon from behind, but Usagi reverses it into a double wrist lock! Aika manages to power out, but you have to think the constant assault on her arms has taken a toll.


Oh no, here we have Aika's finisher - THE ULTRINATE DRIVER! She plants Sailor Moon's head right into the mat, like she's trying to grow idiot crops!


Sailor Moon is still fighting back though, she's not lying down! After an exchange of kicks, they lock up and she hits the Moon Breaker!


And from there she hits her finisher, the Moon Breaker! And then a Moonsault! Oh no, is she taking this one too? One! Two! Just a two count!


Saka Otoshi by Aika, twisting Usagi's neck back! There is just no mercy here tonight.


And another Ultrinate Driver just about knocks Sailor Moon out! Aika doesn't even go for the cover though, she grabs that leg and goes back to the heel hook. Usagi taps out! She taps out! Aika wins by submission, putting herself forward as the best soldier to face Lunar Club!



Match 2 starts with violence - Utena is going straight for the kill with her sword, in a vicious display!


But Chacha responds in kind, and Utena is busted wide open! She didn't get any offence in last time, but this time she's taking the advantage early!


Utena is still bleeding, and Chacha just grabs her and chucks her like a ragdoll with that overhead belly-belly suplex.


Utena can pull out a victory when things get desperate, and this may be one of those times - Chacha gets a reverse ankle lock hooked in, not giving a moment to recover.


The two combatants exchange fierce strikes, but nobody can get the best of this.


Here we go, Utena finally gets back in the game, locking in a cross armlock, but she doesn't get the arm fully hyperextended. Chacha resists, and slips free.


SHOUTEN KAI! That's the shift in momentum Utena needs!


Utena lifts Chacha up and grabs her from behind, but Chacha drops into a desperation cutter, halting that momentum she just started.


Knockout punch! The referee had better check on- oh but Utena follows by stomping on Chacha's back.


Another sword attack! Now they're both bleeding, and this is just as horrendous as last night! It might be getting close to the point where the referee needs to step in.


Chacha still has some fight in her, and some magic as well! She unleashes a breath of flame, blinding Utena temporarily.


They take the fight outside, and we have another KO punch!


And just like that, Utena barely manages to roll into the ring before the count of 20. Chacha begins standing, but it's too late - Utena gets a miracle victory by count-out. Still, Chacha has nothing to be ashamed of here.



After a break to wash the ring down, we have match three, and Sailor Pluto is going straight for it, delivering an elbow to the back of the head then locking in a choke sleeper. It looks like she wants to send the Dream Hunter to the land of dreams herself.


And this early, Pluto lifts Rem for the Time Bomb! She's wasting no time in landing the hard attacks that can make all the difference.


Pluto lifts Rem to continue the beat-down, but the Dream Hunter steps through, rolling into a calf crusher. She wants to do some damage and perhaps stop her opponent from standing up.


I don't know if this is a good time to taunt, Rem, you've ba- Oh, leaping cutter from Pluto!


The fight goes to the turnbuckle, with Rem driving Pluto back with jabs and shin kicks, but the next decisive move is once again from Sailor Pluto - Death Valley Driver!


Rem goes straight for the eyes with an illegal move there, earning her a warning, but also earning her a brief respite.


It's not enough though - she can only get a few brief strikes in before Setsuna delivers the Twist of Fate!


And just like that, this match is over - Sailor Pluto applies the Nagata Lock, and it's more than Rem can take, getting the submission! Sailor Pluto has picked up an easy win.



And now, for the main event, the physically strongest of the Inner Senshi faces the physically strongest of the Outer Senshi - and they both have something to prove in this grudge match. Sailor Jupiter takes it straight to Sailor Uranus with a fierce forearm.


And she keeps going with those punishing strikes, delivering an elbow to the back, and then the Kamigoya!


And a Penalty Kick! Then an axe kick! Jupiter is just unrelenting, letting all of her aggression out against her larger, stronger opponent!


Finally, Sailor Uranus is able to get some offence in, knocking Jupiter down then dragging her away from the ropes to lock in the Boston Crab.


The fight leaves the arena, and on the way back in, Haruka fetches a shinai. She actually connects with the kendo stick, but Makoto doesn't even care, and they go for a contest of unarmed strikes! Not a lot of wrestling in this wrestling match, folks.


Speaking of wrestling, Jupiter lifts her opponent up for... Last of the Dragons!


And then we have more kicking! Sailor Jupiter is completely in charge of this match.


The beatdown just continues, and Sailor Uranus needs to find some offence of her own.


Oh no, this isn't going to help things - Jupiter manages to lift Haruka to deliver her finisher, STORM BREAKER!


She's also exhausted though, and can't make the cover. It's several crucial seconds before either competitor can stand. Sailor Uranus tries catching Jupiter from behind, but Makoto nails her with the Pele kick!


Oh, here we have Sailor Uranus' finisher, the Space Tornado Ogawa! But Jupiter can just grab the rope there and break the pinfall, this isn't a good place to land that move.


Jupiter delivers the Lightning Spiral, she keeps the hold, One! Two! TWO POINT NINE! The crowd is getting excited here!


And here comes the Space Sword! That's one way to turn things around, but I think we've seen enough blood for one night.


And again with the Space Sword! And from there Sailor Uranus locks in the Boston Crab, torturing Makoto and treating her like a young lion!


Pimp Juice And from there straight into the Blade Runner! Sailor Uranus is in charge of things, as Jupiter's breath - and luck - has run out!


And another slice of the Space Sword, this time drawing blood! We here at Magical Girl Pro Sword Murder apologise for the wrestling you saw earlier.


But just like that, Sailor Jupiter recovers, she nails another Lightning Spiral... One... two... THREE! She picks up the win!



Post-Match Interviews:

Agent Aika:
"Normally I don't like fighting kids but I'll make an exception for the Lunar Club... they're so annoying, it's time somebody taught them a lesson. The sooner we clear them out, the better."

Sailor Moon:
"Ah, I'm now one-one, that's no good! Mars is going to give me hell for this, but I'll still fight back - I had that early win, so I can take a single loss on my road to victory."

"...I'm a sword duellist, I didn't think it was fair bringing a blade to wrestling, but just look what is going on here. I barely made it with that match, I have to keep going hard if I want to stay in this."

"Zero and two... zero and two... I know, this one was so much better, it was close, but you don't get points for close! At least I can prove I belong here though, by taking the fight to her like that."

Sailor Pluto:
"Of course I wanted a quick match. I'm very busy. Besides, as the Soldier of Time... what did you expect? Still, she had a lot less fight in her than I thought. Oh well, need to keep looking forward."

"Ah damn it! Almost no offence there! And after putting on such a good show last time... never mind! Next time maybe I just bring a gun to the match, right?"

Sailor Jupiter:
"So who is the strongest now, Haruka? Look at that, the Inner Senshi picked up a crucial win over the Outer. Maybe you shouldn't have betrayed us after all! Nice try with the weaponry too, but you can't match my power - or my boobs - with your cheap tricks!"

Sailor Uranus:
"...why is she even so obsessed with those? It clearly hasn't gotten her laid, and it's the strength and technique that won her the match. Idiot... they're still not learning anything, we need to increase the beatings until they actually start to excel."


So there we have it, folks, night 4 has ended even more explosively than before! Everyone has a break tomorrow to recover from injuries and because I have a power outage for most of the day, but we'll return for the weekend!

For now, the point totals are as follows:
Sailor Moon 2, Sailor Mars 2, Lead Crow 2, Aika 2, Witchblade 0, Shizuka 0, Honey 0
Sailor Venus 2, She-Ra 2, Princess Hydra 2, Utena 2, Chacha 0, Princess Valkyrie 0, Sailor Saturn 0
Sailor Mercury 2, Punie 2, Sailor Neptune 2, Sailor Pluto 2, Rem 0, Ryuuko 0, Satsuki 0
Sailor Jupiter 2, Natsuru 2, Aluminium Siren 2, Moka 2, Asuka 0, Kurumi 0, Sailor Uranus 0
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 5

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the much-awaited Night 5 of Magical Girl Pro Wrestling's Galaxy-1 Climax Tournament! I am your commentator, Kawashima Urara, and let's look at the line-up: our first match will be the Witchblade against the Presidential Beauty, Shizuka, in what is likely to be a bloody match. Then we have Sailor Venus against Princess Valkyrie, before Sailor Mercury faces Ruuko. Finally, Natsuru and Asuka bring things to a close in again what is likely to have a lot of violence.

Our first match gets underway with an exchange of blows - they're not waiting, and the strikes hit hard.


Witchblade keeps landing those hits, and rakes the eyes, she's out for blood, but - oh come on! Shizuka, can you take things seriously for just a moment? I know the nipples are only just shy of exposed, but this doesn't win you matches!


Bang! Backbreaker from Asane! THAT is how you win matches.


We have a few strikes from Shizuka, she's getting serious perhaps, but then a codebreaker from Asane resets things.


What an amazing running dropkick from Shizuka! It looks like her shoes are the accessory of the year, worn on the Witchblade's face.


Asane wrenches at Shizuka's shoulder, but she responds with a buzzsaw kick, then a diving stomp! She's really getting back into this.


The Witchblade delivers an incredible cross-arm suplex, but keeps the hold locked as she rolls, turns... GOLDEN KNEE! Has anyone in the front row been hit by a tooth?


Oh come on, what the hell is going on here? Shizuka, I don't know if there IS a time or place for that move, but it's not here and now! ...sorry, Shizuka delivers a Bronco Buster with less bump, more grind. Incredible disrespect shown here, and she might regret this soon.


Now they're just exchanging elbows and forearms, back and forth, before Shizuka delivers another dropkick! When she actually fights properly she can achieve a lot.


Asane knocks the student council president down, then grabs her and launches her halfway to space with a release German suplex!




Asane throws her opponent into the ropes again, then catches her with a great Spinebuster! She covers, one! Two! THR- no she gets a shoulder up! That was so close!


And another chokeslam! The Witchblade is going wild now, there's no stopping her!


And there's the sword coming out, I'm just surprised it took THIS long.


Shizuka slips behind the Witchblade and- now COME ON! I don't care if you've always wanted to do that, this is wrestling, not rugby! Ref, can you disqualify her?


Asane knocks Shizuka down with a kick, drags her away from the ropes, then lifts her up... wait, Shizuka catches her in a Fujiwara armbar and- my god, the Witchblade taps out! She taps out! Shizuka has picked up her first victory in the tournament, and the Witchblade is yet to score a single point!



Match two begins with speed and impact - Princess Valkyrie wants to split Sailor Venus' lip open there, and I for one don't blame her.


Early into the match, Sailor Venus locks in the Love-Me Chain. I don't know if she expects to get the win or just wants to weaken her foe, but Val-Q escapes pretty quickly.


Valkyrie is making a good showing, with a lovely Suplex de la Luna there!


Taking the submission game to her opponent, Valkyrie rolls into a side kneebar!


Oh no! Sailor Venus lands the Heart Breaker on Valkyrie and leaves her flat on her back!


Venus gets the inverted heel hook locked in - careful Valkyrie, that can put a wrestler on the shelf or even end a career! Venus of course spent years under the name Sailor V in England, and learned true catch wrestling there.


What a powerful kick, that's not part of catch wrestling! And then she locks in the scarf hold.


Incredible frankensteiner into a triangle choke by Sailor Venus! Hiromu Takahashi called this move "D", but we don't want anyone unleashing the D here.


Out of nowhere, Val-Q delivers the Valkyrie Crusher! It's too close to the ropes though, she can't get the pinfall.


Both of them go to the ropes, and Sailor Venus gets the best of it, with a Victor Roll into a cross armlock. Luckily, Val-Q can reach out and get a toe on the bottom rope.


Come on, just what the hell is going on here tonight? What happened to sportsmanship? You're never going to win a match with that, Venus, give your opponent some respect. If this keeps up, our name will be mud, or even worse: WWE.


That seemed to just light a fire under Valkyrie, she's enraged and slams Venus before going for a diving press! She very nearly gets the three-count from that, and wouldn't that teach Venus a lesson!


Val-Q delivers an incredible leaping brainbuster to Sailor Venus, rattling whatever substitutes for her brains!


A sneaky trick here by Valkyrie, trying to get her opponent disqualified here, but the referee is right there! Even he isn't that stupid!


Oh and now Sailor Venus brings out the wink sword. I guess it was just a matter of time before she stopped wrestling and went for that.


Bleeding from the chest, Valkyrie climbs back into the ring before the referee can check on her and- what? What are you? Oh my god, I can't believe it! No, I refuse to acknowledge this: the damage was done by the sword, Val-Q was ready to forfeit but Venus didn't give her a chance before doing that mockery of a hold. The referee calls for the bell, Valkyrie quits and so do I, I'm out of here!



(There is a delay for the usual blood-clearing, and for a new commentator to be found.)


Hello everyone, I am Juri, you may have seen me in Yu Yu Hakusho. The third match of the night is starting, with Sailor Mercury taking charge of Ryuuko and just manhandling her!


SHINE ILLUSION! Why call them finishers when they're practically used at the start of the match? Never mind, it looks great and now we have a heel hook, just tearing at the cruciate ligaments.


Mercury blocks a few strike attempts, and straight away lands a Blizzard Suplex.


Finally some offence from Ryuuko here, knocking Mercury down then taking to the air! Repeated strikes to the chest there, trying to break her ribs!


Oh and we get another sword strike! Just in case you thought there was any end to that.


But Mercury slides into another heel hook, trying to cripple Ryuuko. That's smart, but I hope her opponent is all right.


It looks like she certainly is! Ryuuko starts delivering those harsh chops to the neck, and this might actually finish the match!


What an incredible Phoenix Splash from Ryuuko, ONE! TWO! THREE! Ryuuko has won a match, and she stands tall over her fallen opponent.



Let's hope Asuka gets some offence in for match four- oh, we're underway and right off the bat she delivers a gutwrench suplex and a jab to the throat! Already she's off to a better start.


We're probably going to see more blades in this match, but for no- oh! Turnbuckle stomp! Why did you hold on for that, Asuka?


Asuka delivers an incredible hanging neckbreaker to Natsuru, driving her arm into the neck on the way down!


But Natsuru is still in this, and goes for the stretch muffler. She's cranking that knee joint there, but Asuka can slip out.


Natsuru takes over with a body slam, then a leaping Senton!


There's a sharp elbow from Asuka, and she gets a choke sleeper locked in. Natsuru does manage to slide out, but that squeezed a lot of blood out of her forehead and she might be getting woozy.


Blue Magic by Natsuru! What a great impact there, but it's not enough to put her opponent away!


Asuka lands a blade kick, and Natsuru is practically out on her feet.


Here's your sword for the match!


A scarf hold, and Asuka is squeezing even more blood out of Natsuru's head. This is more brutal looking than the sword strike itself!


The fight goes to the outside, and wow, another hanging neckbreaker drop! On the unprotected floor! Asuka has certainly made up for her previous loss.


And there it is, the Deep Darkness! ONE, TWO, THREE! And there's the bell! Asuka has redeemed herself, and has redeemed the term "finisher"!



Post-Match Interviews:

"So, are you willing to accept that I know what I'm doing? Look at that, one of the most dangerous combatants here, and I came out on top with my tricks and playful tactics. And I got to grab some boob on the way to victory, too."

"This is the kind of thing I was worried about - not the results, I accepted that might happen. No, before that. I became a monster, I am becoming too dangerous for those around me. I hope this doesn't go too far. Now, I need to get my elbow looked at... JUST the elbow!"

Sailor Venus:
"FOUR points, baby! Four points! I'm the only one here with two wins so far, I'm winning double! And wasn't that a fun end to things? Hey, we say we'll punish opponents in the name of the Moon and planets! But isn't it better than getting everything torn by a submission hold? Anyway, focus on the important thing: FOUR POINTS!"

Princess Valkyrie:
"I really don't want to talk about that match... I need to get out of here before Hydra finds me to tease me."

"Well, there we have it, a win, and against a skilled foe, and against the invading enemy. I don't have anything else to say. Please stop looking."

Sailor Mercury:
"I can't believe it, I really thought I had that one in the early stages. I studied on how she fights, I studied her weaknesses... but I didn't consider that sword. Oh well, I had that first win, I can coast on this."

"Victory for real! I do belong here! See that? Now, look closely, because I'm going to say something important!
(Asuka vanishes in a puff of smoke, leaving a single log behind.)

"Hey, well done to my opponent. She really went all out and brought her A-game to the match, she absolutely earned my respect there. I know I need to do better going forward, but I still fought well, I have no regrets. Other than my head hurting."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 6


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Night 6 of Magical Girl Pro Wrestling's Galaxy-1 Climax tournament! I am your host, Juri, and I will be commentating as we have a battle between Cutie Honey and Sailor Mars, followed by She-Ra taking on Princess Hydra. Our third match pits Punie against Satsuki, and finally, Sailor Aluminum Siren will face off against Kurumi. I hope you're all ready!

Early into our first match, there are a couple of kicks and pokes, they're feeling each other out but Mars has no intention of following the rules, unleashing a blaze of flame into Honey's face!


And from there, the Eiffel Parachute! She won her previous match with this, but it's too close to the ropes so the referee won't count the fall.


It looks like Sailor Mars wants to breath fire again, but Honey makes her swallow it with a high kick to the jaw.


Just as Honey is gaining momentum, Mars goes for a blatantly illegal low blow! If I were charitable I'd call that a kick to the inner thigh muscles.


Honey is straight back on her feet though, delivering a picture-perfect Frankensteiner and then a snap suplex!


The momentum is going Honey's way again as she delivers an elbow and then a spinning kick to the head, looking to knock her opponent out cold.


And again going for the klunge plunge! I know some women are into that kind of rough play but you have to give some warning, Mars!


Sailor Mars is trying to break every rule she can - and every finger too!


Oh, but Cutie Honey still has some fight in her, delivering the Six One Nine! That's her finisher, Honey Flash!


Sailor Mars hits a powerbomb, then delivers a knife-hand chop to the neck. It looks like they're both still fighting.


BURNING HAMMER! She delivers it so casually right on the ring apron - that's the hardest part of the ring! - and leaves Honey tumbling out of the ring, but she's back on her feet almost immediately! Is there no stopping her?


RKO OUT OF NOWHERE! And a beautiful Phoenix Splash to win Honey the match, putting a stop to Mars' rampage!



Surprisingly there was no blood in that match - no weapon use, despite all the other fouls. Let's see how things progress with match two - and Hydra starts off strong, taking the fight to her larger, more imposing opponent!


She-Ra goes for a vertical suplex, but Hydra actually reverses it and sends her tumbling out of the ring! I think she has something to prove here.


And a Dominator as well! Hydra is just relentless, and refuses to give She-Ra so much as an inch! It's paying off, too.


She-Ra gets back into the game though, first throwing Hydra into the ropes for a backdrop, then launching her with a release belly-belly suplex.


And a German suplex! Things have really turned around now, and Princess Hydra's luck may have run out.


Now they're just delivering vicious strikes to one another - but neither competitor can really get the advantage, all they're doing is wearing themselves out!


Oh and there's the low blow! I'd like to see a match with no fouls performed, but what can you do? Hydra takes the advantage with that cheap shot, then lands her knees across the back of the head.


Oh dear, that might have only angered She-Ra, who drops her with a devastating brainbuster. Not much in the way of brains TO bust, but still probably effective.


And there's the Crystal Clash! If Hydra has any more fight in her, now might be the time to dig for it.


She-Ra throws Hydra outside, then dives out after her, taking her to the floor.


Hydra still isn't out of this though! Incredibly, she has the strength to land a dominator outside the ring, and then a kick to the back before heading back into the ring.


They're both inside the ring, and Hydra attempts a Michinoku Driver, but it's only good for two. Still, she's back in control even after that previous beat-down.


Maybe I spoke too soon, because here's She-Ra, grabbing Hydra and putting her in the torture rack! The referee checks to see if she's had enough, but some how Hydra slides free.


She-Ra follows up with a wrist-lock suplex, and it's SO close! That's surely two point nine nine nine, but Hydra just barely gets a shoulder up.


And there's another hanging brainbuster, and She-Ra makes the cover - one, two, three! This match is over, and Greyskull's defender might just be unstoppable!



Well, that match was almost by the rules, and was exciting to watch. Let's see how Satsuki fares against Punie - oh a good start, reversing that head-scissors attempt into a powerbomb! You probably do want to try overpowering foes like her.


Punie pulls Satsuki into guard, then goes for a bar choke or reverse headlock, depending on where you trained.


Oh and there's the sword, Satsuki is striking early! This sort of thing has been the difference maker in a lot of matches so far, will it help her here?


Punie takes Satsuki down with a single leg trip, then goes into the Princess Achilles' Lock, really trying to cripple her opponent - still, it's hard to swing a sword when lying on your back, so that makes sense.


But Satsuki takes Punie out with a solid kick, then applies a submission of her own, a reverse figure-4!


And again! She locks in the Nagata Lock, trying to beat Punie at her own game! That's a very dangerous game to play though.


Punie pulls guard again, but this time Satsuki ends up in charge, delivering painful Mongolian chops!




Another sword attack has left Punie wearing the proverbial crimson mask, and as she stands up dazed, Satsuki delivers an RKO! OUT OF NOWHERE!


But Punie is still in the fight, delivering a head-scissors takedown, straight into the head-and-arm scissors, choking Satsuki and potentially hyperextending the arm as well!


Then she rolls into a Princess Double Wrist Lock, there's some real traditional wrestling going on here if you ignore the sword!


Punie flips her opponent off with the double bird, then throws her into the ropes and catches her in a great rolling Princess Kneebar! Satsuki is in the middle of the ring, the ropes are a long way away! But somehow she manages to kick her way free.


ORIENTEERING WITH NAPALM DEATH! But they're practically tangled in the ropes, that calls for an instant rope break! Several times now, Punie has tried applying submission holds while right against the ropes!


Punie delivers a quick drop-toe-hold there, then a flying stomp to the back, before rolling Satsuki up - she gets the pinfall!



Here we are for match four, and straight away Kurumi's engine is going strong, giving her the power advantage against Siren.


But Siren is quick to retaliate, locking in the arm-trap half crab! That's putting a lot of pressure on... er, just about everything!


Kurumi seems to have a game plan though, and that's "punch her opponent senseless". The referee warns her, but she still gets a few good shots in.


Green Mist from Siren! Kurumi is blinded and swinging wildly now!


Fisherman Suplex from Aluminum Siren, but it's only good for two!


And now it's the Tsunami Flowsion, her finishing move!


Siren then delivers a diving headbutt, before locking in the Fish Stretch, and it might be time for the referee to step in and stop this - Kurumi doesn't want to quit, but she doesn't seem able to fight back.


Oh here we go, I spoke too soon! Kurumi delivers an electric chair drop, slamming Siren's face into the mat.


And now biting! This has been effective against Kurumi in her last match, so Siren is just biting the forehead, drawing blood!


Kurumi starts mounting some offence, but Siren reverses her grip into a rolling pin - she nearly gets a three-count just off that! When you're bleeding from the face, it's hard to keep the pressure on and fight hard.


Here we go, Kurumi delivers an excellent single-arm suplex to take Siren to the mat, and maybe now she can get back to landing hard strikes.


Kurumi sends Aluminum Siren tumbling out of the ring with a hanging brainbuster, but- oh no, Siren has grabbed a chair! We may soon see a Chair Related Incident (TM)


Never mind, Kurumi kicks it from Siren's hands, only to take more green mist to the face - and ANOTHER Typhoon Flowsion!


An amazing backflip kick by Kurumi, then she side-steps a third dose of green mist! Then delivers the Air Raid Crash! Things are starting to go her way again!


Oh! Look at that! Siren just stole one of Kurumi's own signature moves, the bear hug, and squeezed a submission out of her! What a reversal of fates! This night ends with Galaxia-gun picking up their third victory out of three matches!



Post-Match Interviews:

Cutie Honey:
"Ah, what a sweet victory. Not gonna lie, my face hurts, my neck hurts, my fingers hurt, my... well never mind, I'm in pain. Sailor Mars really is good at cheating. But I think I have shown the world that victory is attained by being the best, not by breaking the most rules."

Sailor Mars:
"Damn it! Now Venus is taking the lead for Lunar Club. I really thought I could go on an undefeated rampage. I couldn't believe it when she just stood right back up after that Burning Hammer. What gives? If she goes on to win the whole thing, I'm setting fire to the arena."

"That was an incredible fight - it was just non-stop offence from Hydra for a while, and I had to dig deep to bring out what was needed to win. It was close several times, but I fought with honour and found what I needed. I think her one cheap shot is what cost her the match."

"I know I know! I lost a match, now Val-Q and I are even. But I stood out in that match, and proved that you can't rule me out. I'm no longer one of the trainees, I am a main event wrestler!"

"Huh? Happy with the victory? Not really - who wins by pinfall? Having to climb the ropes and all that, that's embarrassing. I wanted to win in the correct way, by submission in the middle of the ring, but after she sliced me open, well, I couldn't see properly and couldn't think clearly. Oh well, I'm still basically in the lead."

"I must apologise for my humiliating defeat. My performance is not what you would expect of the Queen of Honnouji. This tournament is going to decide if singles competition is really what I'm suited for, maybe..."

Sailor Aluminum Siren:
"That's right, Aluminum with only one i! I win again, picking up another victory- oh, is that popcorn for me? Hand it over!"

"I'm still in the zero points club... two defeats. She even stole my own move! That's so goddamn annoying!"
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 7


Everyone, Night 7 is upon us for Magical Girl Pro Wrestling's Galaxy-1 Climax tournament! Once again, I am your host Juri, and I'll be guiding you through the four matches of the night: Aika versus Sailor Lead Crow, Sailor Saturn versus Utena, Sailor Pluto versus Sailor Neptune in our first in-faction battle, and then True Moka versus Sailor Uranus!


Our first match begins right off the bat with a high-powered move - Aika goes straight for the reverse tombstone, driving Crow's head into the mat!


BOOM! Lead Crow is quick to counter with the Grenade! It looks like they've skipped the entire first stage of this match, going right for high-impact moves!


And then the Galactic Tornado! Aika is taken down again!


Lead Crow grabs Aika, but Aika slips behind and then delivers a lovely release German suplex!


And then the reverse piledriver! BOTH of these competitors are going all-out with their relentless offence here.


Aika lifts Crow onto the turnbuckle, going for an avalanche move, but Crow knocks her down, then leaps into an impressive flying DDT!


Aika now hits a Dangerous DDT, and then lifts Crow again for an Implant DDT! So many attacks delivered right to the heads here!


Oh! Sailor Lead Crow snaps the fingers of Aika, then lands a running clothesline, and then a superkick! It's like Marty Scurl except she doesn't have sex with teenagers!


Aika still has some offence of her own though, and lands another Implant DDT. This might give her a breather.


Oh no, now we have another Grenade! Crow then lands a Phenomenal Forearm from the top rope!


Aika is looking out on her feet here, Lead Crow hits her with a diving clothesline, and then... what's this? She ties Aika up with the Paradise Lock! Aika's shoulders are getting pulling out of place and... she gives up! Aika submits! Galaxia-gun is running a clean-sweep here!



Match two is upon us, and I don't like the chances of this being a cleaner, more rules-abiding match. Still, early on, Utena takes Saturn to the mat then delivers a running dropkick!


They lock up, they both go to the ropes... SLINGBLADE! And then the heel hook from Utena! She's taking this seriously - and she certainly should!


And there's our first foul! Sailor Saturn cracks Utena in the head with the brass knuckles, dazing her, and earning a warning.


And straight away, Saturn delivers a Death Valley Driver, going for ruthless aggression on Utena's head.


Sailor Saturn gets into Utena's guard, she reaches in but Utena catches her and starts delivering closed fist punches to the head! The referee warns her, but already Saturn is bleeding from the face!


Saturn, blood running down her face, locks in the Rings of Saturn, but it's far too early! Utena is able to pull free and escape.


Snap DDT by Sailor Saturn there on Utena and... oh no, good heavens no! She's trying to break Utena's leg with those chairs! Somebody do something!


Saturn tries for a hurricanrana, but that's a lazy pin there - it nearly works, but not quite. Still, straight away she goes straight for a running Death Valley Driver!


Utena traps Saturn again for more punches to the head. I can't blame her for this violence at this point, look what this match has already become.


They lock up... oh no, the brass knuckles come out again! But still, Utena isn't bleeding yet - that's incredible!


But Utena responds to that weapon with one of her own, delivering a strike with her sword!




Now Sailor Saturn takes Utena down with a drop toe hold, and locks in the Sickle Hold.


Paydirt! Saturn takes a moment to taunt, and then gets her Sickle hold locked in once again.


Utena brings the sword out again, then dives off the turnbuckle for a Five Star Frog Splash! One! Two! Th- no, Saturn kicks out!


Once again, Sailor Saturn hits the paydirt, and goes for the Sickle Hold. She keeps going for that hold, and- yes, it works! Utena taps out! Sailor Saturn has picked up her first win!



Here we are for match three. Is it going to be a friendly match with proper sportsmanship? Is it going to be a relaxed, lazy affair where they don't care about it? Let's see - they do take a slow approach, a few jabs, but then Pluto delivers a quick Blade Runner!


And then a Time Bomb! Pluto really is hitting hard with a signature move there!


But Neptune lifts Pluto, then throws her to the mat before going for the ground and pound, landing multiple punches to the back of the skull. There's our first warning from the referee!


Sailor Neptune only gets a one-count with that deadlift German Suplex, but she's still in control!


And then a Fisherman Suplex!


All of a sudden, Pluto drops into a chinbreaker, then locks in the Scorpion Deathlock, wrenching Neptune's lower back!


There are a few more jabs, then Sailor Pluto extends a hand... I wouldn't trust that - oh and Neptune doesn't either! She just delivers a hard kick to the midsection!


Sailor Pluto lands the Twist of Fate to shift momentum in her favour!


Oh, now Sailor Neptune has stolen Sailor Pluto's Dead Scream Piledriver, and flips over for the pinfall! One! Two! Threeooo no! They're really taking this seriously!


HEAVY RAIN by Neptune!


Sailor Neptune is left dazed, Pluto takes the opportunity to throw the 2-sweet, then runs to the ropes. And then she spins around Neptune into a Tornado DDT!


And now Pluto locks in a variant of the figure-4 leglock. Neptune needs to reach to the ropes, they're right there, but Pluto keeps rolling in the other direction, making it harder... Neptune submits, that's the end of the match!



Match four, and you have to think the pressure is on Moka to save the day: the past three matches have been won by members of Lunar Club and Galaxia-gun, so this is the one chance to end on a high point. Well this is a good start, hitting a sharp axe kick to the back of the head!


They lock up, and Sailor Uranus throws Moka like a ragdoll with that fallaway slam!


And now it's... the Blade Runner from Sailor Uranus! Maybe she's trying to hurt Moka's mouth so she can't get a good bite!


Moka misses with a thrust kick, so Uranus responds first with the SPACE SWORD, and then another Blade Runner! She's just unstoppable so far!


Haruka goes running to the ropes, but Moka counters with an incredible chokeslam! That turned things around, let's see if she can capitalise.


Never mind, Sailor Uranus delivers a Space Tornado in the middle of the ring... ALMOST THREE! Almost three! Come on Moka, you need to show that earlier dominance!


Oh, and a spinning crucifix bomb! There's just no stopping the powerhouse of the outer senshi it seems.


Finally, Moka gets back in the game, twisting the arm then delivering a high kick to the face.


TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER! There we go, that's how you regain control!


Now she throws Sailor Uranus to the turnbuckle, and charges in for a great spear! This is all Moka's game right now!


The Space Sword comes out again, and oh no, she's drawn blood. Moka needs that blood, that's her food! Well I suppose we all need blood really, and I just talked over that last-moment kick-out.


Once more, the Space Tornado, and I think this might be it - one, two, three, it's over. The Sailor Senshi have taken over this whole night.



Post-Match Interviews:

Sailor Lead Crow:
"Keeping up? I'm not 'keeping up' with Aluminum Siren, I'm excelling and she happened to have her match before I had mine. As expected of my rival, naturally she's two and nil like me! Galaxia-gun... ichiban!"

"I really thought I had this one. It's not even losing that bothers me, but the way I lost. That's a comedy hold, it's made to humiliate your opponent... and I guess it did. I need to find my edge again."

Sailor Saturn:
(Saturn just glares at the interviewers until they leave)

"Aaah, son of a bitch! I don't know if there even were rules in that match. Everything hurts, hey give me that ice pack. I promise I'll come back stronger."

Sailor Pluto:
"What, you thought we'd take it easy? That one of us would lie down? No, you haven't been paying attention to the Outer Senshi. We're all about forging strength. I did what had to be done. Well played to Neptune, she used some cheap tricks there and I approve."

Sailor Neptune:
"I wish I could have won that one, but what can you do? At least the winner truly deserved that victory. I'm only a little jealous, but I'll acknowledge Pluto's power and skill."

Sailor Uranus:
"We're winning all the matches, taking it away! It looks like the commissioner and main roster are having a very bad week, doesn't it? Well, I don't have any pity for you - you invited this with your weakness, so it's no good complaining now."

"...those early attacks were what did it. Once she rocked my jaw, I was lagging behind, and then when she sliced me open... hey you there with the microphone, can you lean a little closer just a moment? I need a top-up."


So we're a third of the way through - seven out of twenty one nights - and everyone has had two matches. Let's see where the scores stand: Sailor Venus (B), Sailor Pluto (C), Sailor Lead Crow (A), Sailor Aluminum Siren (D), Punie (C) and She-Ra (B) are sitting at the top with four points each. Princess Valkyrie (B), Satsuki (C), the Witchblade (A), Kurumi (D), Rem (C) and Chacha (B) are all in the Zero Points Club. Everyone else has two. There are just these three groups, but it's still anyone's game, it's too early to make predictions. And as we go, we will likely see the numbers spread out across a wider area. Stay tuned!
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 8

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Night 8 of our tournament! Last night ended on a sour note with Lunar Club and Galaxia-gun picking up wins across the board, so let's see if things go better for us tonight!

In our first match, Shizuka takes it to Sailor Moon straight away, but it's an even start, an exchange of blows and a headlock countered into a backdrop. Shizuka did mention before the match that she intends to make up for last night's results and give us something to hope for, but right this moment that doesn't seem to be happening.


Sailor Moon forces Shizuka back into the corner, then lifts her up and delivers an incredible Moonsault Fallaway Slam! I think she earned the right to pose after that one!


Now Usagi misses a Pele kick, and Shizuka makes her pay for it! A slap, two kicks, and then a rapid series of chops to the chest! She's taking this one entirely seriously so far!


Now it's Sailor Moon in the corner, and Shizuka charges in with a powerful dropkick, again going right for the ribcage!


And here's something we haven't seen her do before - she pulls out a kitchen fork and just jams it into Sailor Moon's head - you can't eat those dumplings! Now Usagi is bleeding from the skull.


Oh my goddess! Lunar Club really bring out the worst in everyone, and here's Shizuka proving it with an uppercut straight to the twinkle cave!


She grabs her from behind, looks like she's going for a Ger- wait no, look where her hands are! That's the BOOB-PLEX! ONE! TWO! THREE! Shizuka starts us off with a win against Lunar Club, and she does it her way!



Here's match two, and barring a double disqualification we're going to see one competitor leaving the Zero Points Club. Chacha is quick to take Valkyrie down with a single-arm suplex.


Now it's a scoop slam, and Chacha goes into her Bow and Arrow Lock, really stretching Val-Q's back out.


Valkyrie starts taking over though, and lands a Suplex de la Luna - it's only good for a one count, but she is now in control.


But now Chacha hits the hanging vertical brainbuster, using Valkyrie's move against her!


Valkyrie takes over again, and just starts twisting and wrenching the neck. This match is starting to take a vicious turn.


Time to go for a ride! Princess Valkyrie lifts Chacha onto her shoulders for an airplane spin - you can see her eyes twirling around in dizziness!


What a great spinning powerbomb from Val-Q! And... that's it, that's all it took! Princess Valkyrie has picked up her first win!



Match three starts off rough, with Ryuuko throwing Rem into the turnbuckle then just bullying her down with her boot!


This fight quickly leaves the ring, and Rem lands a snap suplex, but can't capitalise as Ryuuko takes her down with a drop toe hold.


Oh! What foul play, with a poke to the eyes! And then Rem rolls through for a calf crusher, but Ryuuko can escape pretty quickly.


Now Rem slides in to get that heel hook locked in. Ryuuko is clearly in pain, her leg is in serious danger here. But she does manage to roll to the ropes and force a break. Still, she might already have a target on that knee.


Ignore that piece of wood that made it into the ring, it didn't get used, and now! Rem hits... that spinning move! It ends in a cover, but it's only good for two!


They're both still in this game - look at this series of counters and reversals!


Ow! Fantastic Pele kick there by Ryuuko, escaping Rem's grasp and knocking her down!


Out comes the sword, and Rem takes a serious hit! Then Ryuuko goes up top and delivers a moonsault stomp to the midsection! I think she might be back in control.


GO TO SLEEP! Rem lands that stiff knee to the face, but it seems Ryuuko is still awake.


Rem is out of the ring, and Ryuuko goes flying outside with a head-scissors takedown - and then a cutter straight after! She goes back in, but Rem is down - she might be out! Fourteen... fifteen... she starts climbing to her feet... sixteen... she's in, Rem rolls in and avoids the count.


Rem somehow is back in action, she takes Ryuuko down, runs up and stomps her, then- oh that's just uncalled for! A headbutt to Parts Unknown!


Rem takes Ryuuko down again, she taunts - I don't think this is the time for flair, Rem. But- wait, a simple roll-up, and she grips the legs, she keeps the shoulders pinned down under her behind, that's three! Ryuuko couldn't kick out, so a simple pinning hold was what it took! Rem gains her first two points!



Match four begins carefully - Asuka against Sailor Jupiter, and they take their time with a series of kicks. Neither one wants to make the first mistake, oh and here's why! Jupiter falls for Asuka's ninja magic and is taken to the ground!


Now they're making up for lost time, with Last of the Dragons from Jupiter!


Jupiter tries going for the Storm Breaker, but Asuka escapes, and then moments later she hits her finisher, Deep Darkness! One! Two! Thre- no! So close!


Lightning Spiral from Sailor Jupiter, and it's so close to a three-count, they're just delivering rapid-fire signature moves!


Jupiter is bust wide open after a sword slice, and the fight goes outside the ring. But Sailor Jupiter takes control of Asuka again with another Lightning Spiral, and then throwing her into the barricade! Wait, Asuka suddenly strikes with her sword, and she might be in control again!


After another strong kick, Asuka is down, and Sailor Jupiter throws the 2-sweet to the crowd. She lifts Asu- wait, Asuka lifts her up, and straight into the Deep Darkness again! One! Two! THREE! Lunar Club just lost both their matches tonight, and the ninja of Hanzo academy is regaining steam!



Post-Match Interviews:

"I said I'd save the day, and that's exactly what I did. Who even cares about the rule breaches against these guys? Weapon use is what half of us are used to, after all, and maybe if they leave on stretchers they won't come back."

Sailor Moon:
"Damn it, damn it, damn it! It's NOT FAIR! I'm the leader here, I'm supposed to be the run away winner with a full twelve points! This is all so stupid! I want a nap..."

Princess Valkyrie:
"I did it! I fought a clean match, I fought honourably, and I came out on top. I won some points and there's still time to win the whole thing. I'm sorry, Chacha, but I'm sure you'll get your victory soon!"

"Still zero points... that was a fair fight, but I couldn't pull it out. I can't blame her, I have to blame myself for this, and wonder what I'm doing wrong. There has to be something, some way I can begin winning."

Dream Hunter Rem:
"Finally I'm out of the Losers' Club! There's the victory, and sure maybe it wasn't the cleanest of matches, but it was never going to be, look at who my opponent was! And yeah, she goes nearly naked into the ring, of course I'm gonna' slap and pinch them titties and dive for the goods! And look where it got me: victory."

"DAMN IT! You, you saw all that didn't you? The referee sure didn't, that blind asshole is completely useless. All those fouls from her, you know it's not like you can put kinesio tape over those bits... Interview over, fuck off and bother someone else!"

"Today, you saw some real ninja magic - you saw it, but she didn't! And that's where my victory started. She focused on her power, and it didn't work. We can ALL defeat these invaders and return to the good old days, we just all need to use our strengths and exploit their weaknesses."

Sailor Jupiter:
"This isn't over! I'm going to get my revenge, mark my words!"
(Jupiter kicks the desk over)
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

A Discord channel has the highlights, gifs and interviews. There is no point spending more than thirty seconds trying to post to this fucking mess of code, so here: Witchblade picks up her first win against Sailor Mars even after a kick to the lady area. She-Ra is the first to defeat Sailor Venus. Punie defeats Sailor Mercury by stoppage, choking her out with the triangle choke, winning their "who is the best technical wrestler?" contest. And Natsuru is bust open but defeats Aluminum Siren, handing her her first loss.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Sir Neil »

Amazing work so far. I'm familiar with the inner Senshi and She-Ra, and have heard of the outer scouts and Witchblade, but I don't know anything about the other competitors or their shows.
Koumei wrote:If other sites had plenty of good homebrew stuff the Den wouldn't need to exist. We don't come here because we like each other.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Aika is from Agent Aika, a show about underwear. The first season is the one I'm drawing from, where she's an adult and has a technological braziere that transforms her, even taking on a new personality. It transforms (and ends the effect) of its own will. It has a lot of influence from the secret agent genre generally, including a love for drawing details on aircraft, the instant-KO karate chop to the back of the neck, the universal effectiveness and safety of tranq darts, and the heavy use of brass instruments in the music.

Moka is from Rosario to Vampire, a show about underwear (also it has vampires or something). It's more of a harem/magical girlfriend show, but Moka does transform - her true self, a merciless fighter, is sealed away inside a more innocent persona.

Cutey Honey is super old-school magical girl, and it's good-hearted fun.

Lead Crow and Aluminum Siren (they spell it the American way) are both from Sailor Moon - villains in the final series, where it's an intergalactic Sailor war.

Natsuru and Shizuka are from Kampfer, where people at a school are just bestowed magical girl status (& weapons) in a battle between factions as a proxy war between outer forces. Natsuru is usually a guy, but turns into a magical girl.

Chacha is from Akazukin Chacha, and I'm ashamed to say I'ven't actually seen it.

Hydra and Valkyrie are from [UFO Princess / Ultramaiden][Valkyrie/Walkure] (choose the name components as you prefer). It's late 90s? early 00s? trash, but good fun. Princesses run away to Earth from another world, things happen and now their powers are sealed until they transform. It also has a raygun that turns people into catgirl maids, which is powerful technology.

Kurumi is from Steel Angel Kurumi, an early 00s show that is practically forgotten even by the internet. She's s robot with a heart, and can transform to protect the human she imprinted on.

Rem is from Dream Hunter Rem, which does the Project A-Ko thing of starting life as a hentai, then going "wait what if we change to something family friendly?" so there's... quite the change. Anyway, her magical power is pulling out a gun and shooting demons in the face. Not with magical love bullets, more with lead/copper? bullet bullets.

Punie-chan is from Dai Mahou Touge. It's a short parody series where she's a magical princess from a brutal tyrant kingdom, has a chain-smoking mascot that wants to kill her, and can animate legions of vegetables to kill themselves to prepare food. But in combat, her magical powers are an array of wrestling submission holds, with "Princess" appended to the name.

Utena is from Revolutionary Girl Utena. I'd suggest watching just a few episodes to marvel at the symbolism, the music, and how over the top almost everything is, but then switching to the movie, Adolesence of Utena. The anime, movie and manga all basically tell the same story, but quite differently, and indeed with different endings. The movie has the scene where they turn into cars. No this is not something pre-established, it's just done because it makes a great moment, and it's either symbolism for "breaking free from the constraints of societal expectations and going your own way" or symbolism for sex. It could go either way. Anyway, she duels with a sword, and the goal in it is to cut the rose from your opponent's breast pocket, but that could also just be symbolism for actually murdering them with a sword (or for sex, it could go either way).

Asuka is from Senran Kagura, an anime about tits (also ninja I guess). It started life as a series of video games, and although the anime did that crazy thing where it actually breaks even and pays for itself (a rarity), it's still really the games that it's remembered for. The ninja can sort of unleash their ultimate mode, with minor transformations. They can also summon spiritual versions of the animals that empower them, have weapon techniques, and have a super-double-ultimate transformation where all their clothes disappear apart from underwear/swimsuits, basically cutting their defence to boost attack power and speed.

Satsuki and Ryuuko are from Kill La Kill. Which... okay, so Gurren Lagann is "Gainax do mecha shows (about mecha combat, not Evangelion)... GAINAX STYLE!" right? And Needless is "Gainax do post-apocalyptic martial arts ala Fist of the North Star... GAINAX STYLE!" And Panty & Stocking is "Gainax do Nickelodeon style cartoons... GAINAX STYLE!" etc? KLK is "Gainax do magical girl... GAINAX STYLE!" There's a secret plot for SENTIENT CLOTHING to take over the world, and super-powerful clothing that grant transformation powers, and people must be freed from the tyranny of clothes.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

And the last two nights, sans gifs because fucking around with links takes too much effort. If someone else on the Discord channel for violently hard-left communists (also occasionally we talk about games) posted on the Den I'd delegate. Maybe I'll come back later and put them in.

Night Nine
Night nine is upon us, and we have some intense matches scheduled: Sailor Mars faces the Witchblade, before Sailor Venus takes on She-Ra, both heading into this on undefeated streaks! Next up, it's the big one that everyone has been waiting for, where Punie fights Sailor Mercury in a battle to determine who the best submission grappler is. Finally, Natsuru will take on Sailor Aluminum Siren in an effort to stop her rampage.

Match one begins with a mixture of violence, with fierce shots by the Witchblade, then she begins choking her foe. They get back up, and- oh! It was only a matter of time before Mars delivered that kick! We need to institute an instant-DQ system, none of this five-count crap!

Mars is still on that offence, with complete disregard for the rules. She snaps two of Witchblade's fingers, which will definitely help prevent future claw attacks.

They go to the ropes, then Sailor Mars hits a slingblade! But she can't really capitalise, Witchblade is back on her feet and grips her hard with a bear hug, trying to squeeze the life out of her!

BURNING HAMMER! But it's by the Witchblade! She slams Mars head-first into the mat, with no mercy whatsoever!

Now it's a cross-arm suplex, she keeps the wrist control, rolls through... BAM! That knee to the face really rocked Mars, and left her dazed for a follow-up release German suplex!

Chokeslam! And then a codebreaker! The Witchblade is finally on the rampage we worried about, and it looks like this match might be the start of her winning streak.

And it's another chokeslam! Witchblade then delivers a solid running punch, then covers Sailor Mars - one, two, three! She has picked up a decisive victory!


Sailor Venus is used to being in control, and tries throwing She-Ra head-first into the turnbuckle. But She-Ra is too strong for her, and takes over. Let's hope this is the end of Venus' rain of terror.

Venus throws She-Ra to the ropes, but Greyskull's finest just shoves her down, before locking in the Texas Cloverleaf! I didn't know she'd ever been to Texas!

Now Sailor Venus is the one thrown to the ropes, and She-Ra takes her down with a back kick, before locking in a cross-arm camel clutch! She's really torturing Minako's back there with these stretches.

Venus is in control again, knocking She-Ra down then wrapping her up with a Regal Stretch! She doesn't have it locked in for long though.

What a great kicking combination by She-Ra - she's had enough of the Sailor Senshi, and is just unloading hard shots on her!

What a beautiful backflip dropkick! She-Ra is completely in control of this match!

Venus is thrown out of the ring, then She-Ra launches off with a spring-board dropkick, taking her down once again!

Sidewalk Slam, practically turning Sailor Venus inside-out! Pay no mind to the kendo stick dropped earlier, it didn't get put to use.

Oh, this might be it - Crystal Clash by She-Ra, then she locks in the torture rack! She's really punishing Sailor Venus here, and gets the submission! Venus has been defeated!


Some people may consider this one the main event - we could see some REAL catch wrestling! They both take it slow to start with, being careful. There are a few quick take-downs and reversals. Mercury goes for an Imanari roll, but catches only air, and straight away Punie is in charge with a crooked head-scissors and arm lock.

Mercury locks in the Octopus Stretch for a brief moment, but it's far too early to be trying complex holds like that - she's just showing off, and so far I don't think that's a good idea.

Sailor Mercury starts taking control, using some of her variety of offence - a dragon screw, then a Blizzard Suplex! She's more of a hybrid competitor than the purely submission-based Punie-chan after all.

Woah, now it's Punie's turn to show some swagger, with the hanging necklock there. That hurts your ankles, your neck AND your pride, all in one!

And again! that's a fancy move, but it's not working, so she goes to something a bit more traditional, with the Gracie-killer, the double wrist lock!

Punie spears Mercury to the mat, but gets caught in her guard, and Mercury locks in a head-and-arm scissors, trying to choke her out. That could be a good move, but she needs to make sure she doesn't get pinned in the process.

Now Sailor Mercury is really in charge, and she hits the Shine Illusion! Punie has just had her head driven into the mat and she could be a sitting duck for further assault.

Mercury goes for the green mist, but Punie ducks under, rolls, and locks in the knee-bar. Mercury dribbles that toxic goo onto the mat as her knee gets bent backwards!

Good hurricanrana from Punie, she keeps the head-scissors applied though and rolls into the head-and-arm scissors and... did Sailor Mercury tap out there? Did she submi- no! No, she PASSED out! Sailor Mercury is out cold, and the referee has to stop the match! Punie has won, and is the better technical wrestler!


With all the blood we haven't had so far, it seems Natsuru wants to make up for lost time - she's starting off going for weapons!

Siren lifts Natsuru onto the turnbuckle and - oh my god! That's the Chaotic Victory Star Drop! That's one of the forbidden moves of pro wrestling! But Natsuru kicks out after only one count!

And Siren follows this up with a Swanton Bomb, then locks in a figure-4 neck lock! She has quickly taken control, and I'm afraid this match might go like all of her matches have so far.

And there's her finisher, the Galactic Tsunami Driver! Siren's leg nearly catches the barbed wire on that bat there, but I think the real damage just happened to Natsuru's head!

And now she's biting! We've just had our first blood for the night, bu- oh never mind, Natsuru counters straight away with her Blue Magic!

What a great Blizzard Suplex by Aluminum Siren, but it's not enough! Natsuru kicks out just before the count of three, and is still in this.

And she starts turning things around, sliding into a heel hook! Natsuru might be desperate, but she's still going.

Even more biting, but Natusuru just powers up like a real main character! She lifts Siren and drops her into the Galactic Tsunami Driver!

Natsuru can only get a two-count after a Michinoku Driver, but the fact is, she's taking control and might just have what she needs for this.

But now Siren responds by stealing the Blue Magic! She covers, but it's only good for two!

Here's another Galactic Tsunami Driver - Siren is just delivering big move after another, wearing Natsuru down under the onslaught.

Siren hits Natsuru with a low dropkick to the shins, taking her down. Then she climbs up top and launches into the FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH!

Natsuru lands another Michinoku Driver, one, two, No! It's so close! But they're both standing again, Siren spits the green mist but Natsuru slides low, avoids it and catches her with the heel hook again! But that's not enough, and once they're back up, she breaks the momentum with a nipple cripple, going straight for them big old tiddies!

Here it is again, BLUE MAGIC! One! Two! THREE! Natsuru has just defeated Sailor Aluminum Siren, that's her first defeat! The Sailor Senshi have picked up losses tonight and things are looking positive for Magical Girl Pro Wrestling!


Post-Match Interviews:

"...I did it, I dug down and I won. But... but at what cost? I could feel it taking over, and now the monster might be out. What if we wipe Lunar Club out, only for me to become the next big villain?"

Sailor Mars:
"What a lousy night - we had such a good start, but suddenly things turn sour, why do they make us fight everything one on one? How about a tag division? I hear daft old men like my grandpa think that has legs, let's give it a try!"

"Still undefeated. I hope I was able to inspire the others in B-Block and show how to defeat Lunar Club, especially Venus. She's such a disrespectful opponent you just want to slap the taste out of her mouth every time you see her... and tonight I did."

Sailor Venus:
"Well crap, there goes my streak. But she's still going strong. What did I do wrong that time? Before this everything was going smoothly, and I don't feel like I did anything too differently. Well, if she wins the block, maybe she'll have to have eyes on the back of her head going into the semi-finals. Because something just might happen."

"When she wakes up, Mizuno Ami will learn a lesson: I AM the submission master. I AM the catch wrestling princess. I AM Punie-chan! Next time we meet, do this: JUST. TAP. OUT."

Sailor Mercury:
"This isn't the end - I'm going to face her again for a rematch, but first I need to review the match, see where I went wrong, and adjust my tactics. I know, I'm nearly out of this: my only hope for winning the block is basically if I win every match going forward and Punie loses every match going forward. ONE of those can be a draw instead, but that's it, I am close to out, and may need to focus more on pride, and revenge."

"Ha... hahaha... I did it! I defeated a member of Galaxia-gun! No matter how many times she dropped me on my head, no matter how often she went for my boobs - I train with Shizuka, you think I'm not prepared for that?"

Sailor Aluminum Siren:
"No... I lost a match! I can't believe it! Did you see the way she cheated with all those weapons? That whole thing should be called off! I just want to settle in with some comfort food now..."


Night Ten

Night ten is underway, with Cutie Honey and Agent Aika starting off! There are a few counters and reversals here, nice scramble to defend against the takedown attempt, then Aika lands the DDT!

Honey backs Aika into the corner, but some people are best given their space - Aika retaliates with the reverse piledriver!

And she follows up with the Ultrinate Driver! This is just sheer brutality, so early into the match!

And another DDT before locking in a sleeper - Aika is focusing on the neck here a- oh my god! She lifts Honey for another piledriver!

But Honey takes over, and starts with the quick strikes, snap suplexes, and twisting the knee. She's still in this, despite the rough start.

What a great rolling Senton, and then the Slingblade! Honey then follows up with the Sunset Flip pin, but it's not enough for three!

Canadian Destroyer! Could this be it? One! Two! No, so close!

Then that combination of kicks, Honey is just taking over now! Aika seems to be exhausted and just out of offence.

Once again I spoke too soon! Aika takes Honey down with a running lariat, then covers for one! Two! THREE!

Match two begins with an exchange of strikes, before Utena pulls Princess Hydra into her guard. She gets the leg pinch, and starts landing fierce punches to the head until slammed out of it - just like with her last match!

Chin crusher, then a knee to the side! Hydra is hitting hard! Utena goes for a suplex but - oh, that kick to the groin was uncalled for!

Hydra hits a buzzsaw kick and- wait, the referee is stepping in... Utena is out! That kick just knocked her out cold! This was our fastest match yet!


Now Satsuki - who still has zero points - is facing the undefeated Sailor Pluto, and really wants to take the fight to her. She gets the best of an exchange of strikes, then slides in with a kick to the head - a good start!

But Pluto is back in this, and delivers a double knee buster before applying the sleeper hold. Satsuki can get a foot on the ropes, but it shows how quickly things change in these early stages.

Pluto is right in charge again with the Death Valley Driver, then she goes up top... hurricanrana! That's a lazy pin attempt, and it doesn't pay off.

DEAD SCREAM PILEDRIVER! But Pluto isn't ready to pin Satsuki it seems.

Satsuki retaliates though, launching Pluto out of the ring with that slice of her sword. But Sailor Pluto has found something under the ring - why do we even have a baseball bat here?

Twist of Fate by Sailor Pluto! But now she's exhausted, she can't capitalise on this.

Pluto runs to the ropes, but Satsuki counters with a great spinning kick. It doesn't stop Sailor Pluto though, who delivers the TIME BOMB!

Blade Runner by Sailor Pluto, then she throws a 2sweet to the crowd. She extends her hand, don't acc- no! Satsuki, why did you fall for it? There's no sportsmanship with Lunar Club! Pluto rolls her into a cross armlock!

Slingblade by Sailor Pluto, and then - oh no we've seen her win with this before. It's the Nagata style figure-four, and Satsuki taps out! The match is over, and probably Satsuki's hopes for winning the block, too.


Here we are for the main event, and Kurumi really needs a win. Sailor Uranus puts her on the turnbuckle, probably going for a superplex but it's too early for that! Kurumi knocks her down then hits a great Senton bomb!

What a great Air Raid Crash there! Surely Kurumi has rattled Haruka's brain with that one.

Frankensteiner by Kurumi, and then she goes for a lazy pin... that was close! How heavy are robots that she nearly gets three this early just with sitting on the face? Or does Sailor Uranus just like the view?

Kurumi seems to be on fire, but we've seen her run out of steam after a good start before. That combo of strikes might be what she needs, but let's see if she can keep going.

Kurumi delivers an incredible powerbomb to Haruka and slides into a deep cover... but it's still only good for two!

Out comes the Space Sword - Sailor Uranus is done with playing by the rules. And then she follows with a spear tackle!

Haruka keeps going for the sword but still Kurumi isn't bleeding! She lands an impressive backflip double kick, then a spear of her own!

HIGH! FLY! FLOOOW! Sailor Uranus covers, one! Two! Kurumi kicks out!

Oh but here it is, Space Tornado Ogawa! Sailor Uranus covers, one! Two! Three! She picks up another win for the Outer Senshi of Lunar Club, denies Kurumi her first win, and creates another bad day for the commissioner!


Post-Match Interviews:

"Going into this, it wasn't my intent to injure her, I just wanted to finish the match quickly. I sort of feel bad about going for all of those piledrivers, but you don't go into wrestling without accepting the danger, right?"

"You have to expect every opponent will go all-out. And I played to my strengths, too, between the kicks and agile moves. It was just a bad match-up for me. I won't let this dampen my spirits, I still have three matches ahead of me."

"And just like that, the match is over - I think our entrances lasted longer! Want to know how to beat the Senshi? Kick them in the fucking head!"

"Sorry, I can't comment on the match. I can't remember what happened, just that my head and neck hurt."

Sailor Pluto:
"That's right, completely undefeated. Still, that match was just Free Points - everyone defeats the so-called Queen of Honnouji."

"No comment."

Sailor Uranus:
"That robot girl might be a loser, but I'll admit this much: she can unleash a good onslaught in the early stages. Yes, I underestimated her a little bit, and had to remember why I'm here - it's not about winning or losing, it's about HURTING people. And I happened to win while doing it."

"I'm starting to see a pattern. An opponent bites me, then wins. Another opponent bites me, then wins. An opponent takes a SWORD to me, and wins. Maybe the problem is I keep adhering to the rules. It could be time for a change."
Well, that was Night 10 - a bloodless night, but still not clean by any stretch. The scores are starting to paint pictures for the end game, but let's see what happens tomorrow!
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 11

Night eleven is upon us, folks, so let's get things underway. It's starting off with Lead Crow against her primary target, Sailor Moon, and then Sailor Saturn and Chacha will clash. Rem will take the fight to Sailor Neptune, and we close out with Moka and Sailor Jupiter in a battle for the strongest kick!

To start off, Lead Crow goes straight for the F5, the Galactic Tornado, but Sailor Moon escapes. They lock up - oh my goddess, she tries again and hits this time!

A leaping cutter from Lead Crow takes Usagi to the ground, and then she locks in the sharpshooter. The ropes are just there, but that can seem a long way away when you're twisted into a pretzel of pain.

Now Lead Crow lands a leaping stomp, then twice goes up top before diving onto Sailor Moon. She's just pummelling the moon princesses' midsection!


Sailor Lead Crow locks in a stranglehold alpha, and Sailor Moon is struggling. She manages to roll free, but you have to think her neck and shoulder hurt, never mind the lack of air.

GRENADE! And then she's in the corner, tuning up the band... superkick from Lead Crow! She's all over this match, completely in control.


And now a stolen finisher - Lead Crow hits Usagi with the Moon Breaker, and she might well be broken.

Another stomp... an elbow, and there's that stranglehold again... it's over, Sailor Moon has given up! Lead Crow has just claimed her bounty!



Match 2 has a promising start for Chacha with a headscissors takeover, let's see if she can capitalise and keep the pressure on.

Ouch, that Canadian Destroyer certainly hurt! They circle... overhead belly-belly suplex from Chacha!

She goes for her Bow and Arrow Lock, but it's too early for the submission. Even so, she stays in control of the action. Saturn hasn't managed any real offence yet.

DESTINO! And then the sword! Chacha is relentless here! Saturn rolls out, she grabs a chair and she might just need it.


What a great burst of flame by Chacha, and then the Eiffel Parachute, but they're right on the ropes there, there won't be a pinfall.

They both run to the ropes... oh no! A referee collision, and I'm not sure that was entirely accidental. Red-Shoes Uno has taken a nap, and he's bleeding from the head.


Now Saturn starts taking over, with the exploder suplex, then a snap suplex right onto the chair! Now she's just delivering punches straight to the face, and that's two people bleeding in this match!


Death Valley Driver from Sailor Saturn!

They leave the ring again, and Saturn hits a running Death Valley! Chacha is in a serious condition here as Sailor Saturn reaches for a sledgehammer under the ring.

Paydirt from Sailor Saturn! And then she gets the sickle hold locked in, Chacha is struggling... she reaches out... no, she taps! Chacha couldn't take any more!



Match 3 starts slow - both athletes are going for quick throws and trips, taking their time with this. But then Rem hits that low headbutt! Neptune is straight back up though and delivers her finisher off the bat!


Beautiful saka otoshi from Neptune there, you don't see that move often! And then straight away into the pin - one, two, three! Just like that! How is this over so quickly?



Match four starts with an exchange of kicks - in fact both are mostly going for strength displays, landing kicks back and forth. Finally they lock up, but even then, that's an axe kick! Moka is now in control.

That doesn't last, and after an Enziguri kick, Jupiter drags Moka away from the ropes and lands a Kamigoya!

Moka hits a clothesline, then straight away takes a kama to Jupiter's head! So much for their exchange of kicks, this is personal!


Jupiter is in charge again, and lands a Lightning Spiral! One! Two! So close! Come on ref, look at her shoulders, not her underwear!


Bloody Cross by Moka, delivering a hard impact straight to the ribs and heart of Sailor Jupiter! And another one! She lifts her opponent again, and... TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!


Oh here we go, a rough choke from Moka takes Sailor Jupiter down. She then goes for the cross-legged neck lock, the reverse triangle, and it looks like those chest injuries aren't good for breathing - Jupiter has just passed out! Thanks to Moka, we have some hope as the night closes!



Post-Match Interviews:

Sailor Lead Crow:
"Mission complete. Sorry Usagi, but you were my target, and I never lose. I have taken you out, proven myself the best of my team, and moved one step closer to the championship."

Sailor Moon:
"...but I specialise against fighting threats like her... how could I lose? How can I face the rest of Lunar Club after this?"

Sailor Saturn:
"...that one was a given. Interview over."

"I did everything I could... I was doing so well until she split my lip there. It all started when the referee was taken out. Will I never win as long as they are in this league?"

Sailor Neptune:
"I think everyone expected a rapid victory by me. Rem just doesn't have the height, strength or experience to hang with real wrestlers in the big league."

"It was just over so soon! I don't even know how it all went wrong!" I might be out of this tournament, but at least I can make life hard for them, going forward.

"We're all sick of Lunar Club - and the rest of that mob. Jupiter might be the one I respect from a strength standpoint, and now we had our match and I proved myself better. So all of you trash in Lunar Club... know your place!"

Sailor Jupiter:
"Damn it, I really thought I had this one in the bag. I'm usually the one booting others in the face and just throwing them through the air, you know? Can we get a replay on that Lightning Spiral, I'm almost certain that was really three, if the ref could actually look where he's supposed to."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 12

Here we are for Night 12 of the tournament, starting with Witchblade against Cutey Honey. We then see Sailor Venus, on the back of her first loss, against Hydra, who herself had a big win recently. Next it's Satsuki with zero points against a desperate Sailor Mercury seeking redemption after her big defeat, and finally Kurumi, also in the zero points club, will take on Natsuru.

There are a lot of strikes in the early stages of this - jabs, kicks, solid punches and even some eye poking. But Honey starts getting the advantage, with a running dropkick to the face, followed by a snap suplex. Will she be in charge of the whole thing?


Now Witchblade is in the corner, Honey stomps her down... oh come on, that's not very sporting! I know her theme says she's the girl with the cute rear, but you don't need to rub it in literally!


Honey still has control of the match, though, with a slingblade, a pose, then an incredible reverse Frankensteiner!


Oof, codebreaker by the Witchblade! And then another one straight after that! And then she borrows the Canadian Destroyer! That's a solid series of attacks right there, and I think the beast is taking over!


Witchblade catches Honey out of the air and slams her with a spinebuster! One! Two! NEARLY three!

There is another exchange of strikes, it looks like Honey is bringing some more offence, but that is cut short with a final codebreaker, and Witchblade covers for the three count.



Here we are with match two, and it starts with some good technical wrestling - Hydra sprawls to counter that take-down attempt, but Minako takes the back with a hammerlock, wrenching her shoulder and elbow. You might want to stick with the standing game and the strikes, Hydra.

Like that! BOOM, clothesline! And then a solid boot to the face, and a Dominator as the exclamation mark!


And another Dominator, before locking in the Mexican Surfboard stretch! Hydra is showing off a little, but you have to admit it's working!


They are both being careful, blocking attacks... wait, that's the Love-Me Chain by Sailor Venus! Hydra twists free pretty quickly, but Venus just follows straight up with the Frankensteiner into the triangle choke. That's an impressive display.


Here's an Octopus Stretch attempt by Hydra, I doubt you can out-wrestle Sa- well shut my mouth, she gets the submission victory! Sailor Venus doesn't have any more fight in her, and audibly gives up!



Match three starts with just a few jabs and foiled take-down attempts. It looks like both are being wary here. But Satsuki begins getting in the lead with a few take-downs and a dragon screw.


Oh come on now! I have the commissioner's voice in my headset telling me not to make any tasteless jokes about this, and we apologise to the audience for what you just saw. This isn't going to win you any matches, it will just make Mercury angry.

See what I mean? Mercury takes Satsuki down and goes straight for the heel hook. She's scrambling for the ropes... oh, I saw that look of pain there, the referee sees something is wrong and calls for the bell... but Mercury has the hold locked on still! She's destroying Satsuki's knee even after the stoppage. Satsuki might be permanently injured!


(The match was seriously 2 min long, and that's at the double-timer-speed the game uses, so there was about one real minute of activity.)


All right, I think we'll see some better wrestling for our main event, and we will try to keep you notified of Satsuki's condition - she is currently being helped out to the back. Meanwhile, Natsuru wastes no time and goes straight for her finisher, but Kurumi kicks out at two.


What a terrific brainbuster there by Kurumi! A lazy pin that doesn't pay off, and then straight away a single-arm suplex! She's still trying to pace herself, but those big moves are effective.


Here's that great combination of strikes, then the backflip kick... and a spear! Natsuru was just about knocked out of her shoes!


A Frankensteiner throws Natsuru into the middle of the ring, and Kurumi rolls her up... wait, that's it! A three-count! Kurumi just picked up her first victory in the tournament! This has been a night of highs and lows, but we end with the cheerful music of her entrance theme, and the tears of joy at this win!



Post-Match Interviews:

"I knew something like this would happen - I was angry there at her taunting, and then... then the monster unleashed. I hope I didn't break her jaw, but also, maybe she learned some respect."

"I get it, the ring is no place for having fun and joking around. Interview over, my mouth hurts."

"Wham! I'll win doing it my way, I'll beat you at your own game, I'm here to prove myself the best! It's going to be everyone else carrying MY bags, going forward!"

Sailor Venus:
"...I just didn't have my heart in it, that match. I still feel the previous loss. That's the one that matters. And that's why I lost this one. No need even going over the footage, if we fight again in the future I'll win for sure. But first, I want my revenge against She-Ra."

Sailor Mercury:
"Huh, regret? No. She tried to humiliate me in that match. Her, with zero points, when I was at my lowest. If you're going to fight like that, save the time and go drown yourself. I felt something in her leg tear, maybe she can return in six to twelve months."

(Satsuki is not available for comment. We understand she has damage to her lateral and anterior cruciate ligaments.)

"I DID it! I did it, everyone! My first victory in the tournament, finally proving myself! Did you all see that burst of offence? Everyone, thank you for believing in me - I promise there will be more wins going forward, and I will earn a title shot one day!"

"I wanted a quick victory there, obviously I underestimated her. And that burst of offence at the start probably cost me in the long run. Still... good for her. I really can't be mad about this."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 13

It's Night 13 of the Galaxy-1 tournament, and what a line-up we have! Shizuka sets out to end Lead Crow's undefeated streak, then Valkyrie faces Sailor Saturn. Ryuuko will challenge Sailor Neptune, and finally, we have Asuka versus Moka.

What is this, a Young Bucks match? Lead Crow hits the superkick then locks in a sharpshooter early on, surely this is a five star match just from that!


There is some back and forth, but Crow is quick to regain her early lead, with a Galactic Tornado followed by a mighty spear tackle!

GRENADE! Then Lead Crow climbs up top, she waits for Shizuka to stand, and leaps off for the tornado DDT! Then she goes to the ropes and hits a chop to the neck!


Here comes that stranglehold that proved so successful in the past... and Shizuka passes out! She didn't manage any real offence in this first match, leaving Sailor Lead Crow looking completely unstoppable!



Now in match two, both competitors attempt drop kicks at the same time, both to no effect. Val-Q takes Saturn down with a throw, then starts twisting the head and neck!

Sailor Saturn throws a punch, Valkyrie blocks it and counters, then she lifts Saturn into a hammer-toss powerbomb. One... two... only a two count, it's too early for victory.

Now Saturn is perched up top and... ow, what a landing! That's the Kinniku Buster! Right on the back of the neck!


Sailor Saturn gets some offence now, with a drop toe hold to take her opponent down, then she locks in the Code of Silence! That's a good choke hold, but Valkyrie manages to force her way out.


A solid body slam, and another hammer toss power bomb! Another pin attempt... and three! Princess Valkyrie has defeated Sailor Saturn!



We've had some good sportsmanship so far, even though they were largely one-sided matches. Let's see if either of these things continue for the rest of the night. Sailor Neptune is quick to deliver an Emerald Flowsion, then follows up with a springboard hurricanrana - she doesn't get the pin though.


Ryuuko can turn the tides at least momentarily with that overhead kick, then she locks in that stretch, wrenching at the upper back and shoulders. With any luck, it might do enough damage to give her the edge throughout this match.

Apparently not - Neptune takes her down, then lands a High Fly Flow to the spine! And then it's a deadlift German suplex!


Oh no, out comes the scissor-sword! And then a firebird splash! I don't know what hurt more out of those - but it's still not enough for three.

OH NO! A Chair-Related Incident (TM)! That was a direct hit, and the referee practically allows it! There's just a warning, and he still counts the fall - close, so very close!


It's beginning to look a lot like Ryuuko has this on- and shut my stupid mouth, Neptune gets the reverse scissors locked in, and picks up a victory by submission! The moment I said it, she proved me wrong with that choke hold!



It's time for the main event, and our resident ninja refuses to be intimidated by Moka, taking her down in the early stages!


Oh no, here's our first blood for the evening! Moka bites Asuka's face and takes a sip, looking for more strength already.

The both go off the ropes, but Moka gets the best of the exchange with her clothesline, then- oh my goddess! She's just cutting Asuka's face with that kama! Can someone stop this? I think we've already had more than half a Muta of blood!


Asuka gets some offence of her own in now, still not showing any sign of slowing down despite her injuries. She rolls into the triangle lancer, cranking Moka's neck! It's not enough for a submission, but she's having an effect still.


We have an exchange of strikes, then- a big boot by Moka! Oh, but Asuka is right back to her feet and lands a superkick! They're both down!

The ninja vanishing trick works, Moka is left confused and Asuka takes her down with a sleep-neckbreaker.


Headscissors takeover by Asuka, and.... there's a choke sleeper, getting it locked in firmly. It looks like vampires do have to breathe still, as Moka fades - she passes out! The referee calls for the bell!



Post-Match Interviews:

Sailor Lead Crow:
"...oh look, I'm four-nil, eight points. Looks like I'm about guaranteed to win the block, so you may as well give me the title now."

"Yes, I really thought I could stop her. Why even show up if you DON'T think you can win? Yes, I was wrong, I just couldn't even get started. I get it, I need to get stronger."

"VICTORY! Another member of Lunar Club falls, and this one is defeated BY ME. Here and there, they're crumbling. Soon enough, they won't even have their alliances."

Sailor Saturn:

Sailor Neptune:
"Hey, stop pestering the silent guardian. Don't worry, I picked the victory up for our team tonight, we're still strong overall. I really don't get what's going on with the near-naked warriors, but clearly it's not strength. And that's a funny story about the alliances, because when you're in Lunar Club, it's for-for-for-for-fooor life! Except the Inner Senshi."

"Oh wouldn't it be easy just to say I was too distracted worrying about Satsuki? No, no excuses. I LOST. Yeah. I tried everything, I played the game their way, and it didn't work. That doesn't win matches, I guess, you need to excel at your own style."

"Eheh, no comment really. I still need to get my forehead looked at for all the blood, I'm just glad I still won."

"Had I won, I would have wondered if maybe I went too far in that match. But clearly, I didn't go far enough. Well done, Asuka, you need to keep that level of aggression for the whole thing now."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

I'm spending a week visiting my sister interstate, so the tournament is merely on hold during this time. Don't worry, it will be back soon enough!
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 14

All right everyone, it's the much awaited night fourteen of our tournament at Magical Girl Pro Wrestling! Tonight we will see Agent Aika against Sailor Mars, Utena versus She-Ra, the undefeated Punie facing Sailor Pluto, and a real grudge battle here: Sailor Uranus in one corner, Sailor Aluminum Siren in the other!

Our first match starts off with rapid action - a Frankensteiner by Sailor Mars, but Aika is right back on her feet, takes Mars down and delivers a great giant swing! She's exerting her superior strength here.


Now Aika applies the Code of Silence, but Mars escapes pretty quickly. Still, this is an impressive start by Aika.


Bam! Inverted piledriver from Aika - but Sailor Mars is back on her feet straight away, goes for another head-scissors throw... Aika is right back up and just lands another inverted piledriver! There are big moves everywhere!


Sailor Mars takes Aika down with a double knee buster, then goes straight for the blatant choke! The referee steps in, but Mars clearly wants it understood she doesn't care about rules.


Now it's Sailor Mars giving a display of strength, just chucking Aika into the middle of the ring like a big old sack of potatoes!


Oh my god! The impact of that stolen Burning Hammer just straight-up bounced Sailor Mars right out of the ring!


Sailor Mars is doing great with the offence here, making another come-back and putting the strikes in, but Aika delivers a tights-pulling piledriver and... that was three! She gets the pinfall!



Okay, our second match has a slower start, both are testing the waters with some jabs and quick takedowns, but already She-Ra is taking control. Look at that dropkick!


Oof, there's the Crystal Clash! And a running clothesline to follow, then a dangerous brainbuster! She-Ra is just absolutely in charge of this.


And another brainbuster! One, two, th- no, not quite! Utena still wants to keep going!!


There's a DDT by Utena, but that's basically the only real offence she's managed to get in so far. Can she turn this around?


Oh, what a terrific spear by Utena! Things looked so desperate but now she's suddenly lit up and going wild! That diving kick nearly knocked a tooth out!


Huge overhead suplex by She-Ra, but this time Utena cuts the momentum short, hitting the Shouten-Kai! Now they're both down, clearly exhausted by this battle.


Utena is out, and She-Ra dives outside to take her down. Then it's a hammerlock suplex on that hard floor! Can Utena find a way to coun- yes, she brings her sword out! And still the referee is the only one bleeding all over the place after a simple bump!


Oh dear, She-Ra lifts Utena up and into the torture rack! The torture rack! The referee checks, and he calls for the bell, it looks like Utena has given up!



This match starts with Pluto's advantage - she's out to prove her dominance and do what Mercury couldn't, though it actually is in Sailor Mercury's best interest for Sailor Pluto to pick up this win!


There's the head-scissors combination that defeated Mercury, but it's too early and Pluto powers out. She's not going to let it finish so soon.


Death! Valley! Driver! Sailor Pluto takes Punie down hard, but Punie is able to use a dragon screw then a single-leg trip to keep Pluto grounded. She then goes for the Princess Cross Armlock, really hyperextending that elbow joint!


Sailor Pluto goes straight for the Tombstone Piledriver! But that's not enough, so she lifts Punie then delivers a leaping cutter to her dazed opponent.


Pluto delivers a hard Time Bomb there, but she's also slow to rise. Still, Punie is dazed and- and she falls for the trap! Now Pluto gets the cross armlock applied!


They both go for weapons outside, but Punie knocks the half table from Pluto's hands. Then she just smashes that light tube into her face before locking in the hanging bat lock! What a combination there!


What's this? That's- that's Orienteering With Napalm Death! And it looks like Sailor Pluto has submitted, Punie's undefeated streak continues!



Our final match is about deep enmity, and both competitors are out for blood even more than points. Siren starts with a poke to the eyes, and that's enough of an advantage to get the vertical suplex, and then a Blizzard Suplex to follow!


Sailor Aluminum Siren is all over Sailor Uranus here, getting the fish stretch sleeper applied. It's not enough on its own, but we all know the importance of weakening your opponent.


And speaking of being out for blood! Siren bites Haruka's face, drawing blood, but Sailor Uranus is the stronger of the two and just lifts her overhead before dropping her on her face!


Now Haruka is back on top and in control, landing punches straight to the back of the head. It's a bit late for the referee to be talking about rules now!


Paydirt by Sailor Uranus! And then a great deadlift German Suplex, but it only gets a one-count!


Haruka has some more offence we haven't seen yet in this tournament, applying the tarantula stretch! It's an illegal hold, but there are still a few seconds of agony for Aluminum Siren.


Crack! What a great back heel kick to the bleeding forehead! Siren takes a moment to admonish her foe, then pulls her away from the ropes and applies the cross-legged pin for victory!



Post-Match Interviews:

"I know we're all sick of those brats and want to dump them on their heads - then straight out the door - but really the fact is I'm not that interested in having matches against them. It's not a great challenge, it's just a matter of accepting the cheap shots then overpowering. Oh well, keep looking forward I suppose."

Sailor Mars:
"I just can't believe it, match after match... I had such an amazing start, but since then I've basically been relegated to losers' corner with Usagi. That's just embarrassing, and even after I pulled out some new offence..."

"I have nothing but respect for the Rose Prince, Utena. I thought I had that match easy at first, but then she came to life and pushed me right to the limits. That was an exciting match, and I want to offer her a rematch after the tournament. It was the whole point of MGPW!"

"I guess I was a slow starter, and that slow start meant I just couldn't really overwhelm her. Look, it was a great match, I can't deny it, I'm not ashamed of my loss there. But I wanted the win, I'm still just a bit disappointed."

"Eight points~ Eight points~ I know Pluto was meant to be one of the best that whole gang had, and I know this also means Mercury is officially unable to win, but oh well, you have to accept that in a wrestling tournament, the best wrestler is going to be the actual wrestler! Eat shit, losers, a numbers advantage means nothing in the face of true skill and power!"

Sailor Pluto:
"Damn it... every joint hurts after that. Huh? No, I'm not glad I just destroyed Mercury's chances - I'm in this for my OWN victory, that's the only thing you pay attention to. But I couldn't grab success for myself, I tried matching her wrestling skills with technical arts of my own... but I should have played to my own strengths."

Sailor Aluminum Siren:
"And business as usual! Yes, I had that earlier loss, but that's ONE loss surrounded by wins! And this is the win that matters, taking out Sailor Uranus! When my foot hit Uranus, it was the greatest joy ever - for me. And to see her blood all over the ring... hahaha, tonight there will be a great victory feast!"

Sailor Uranus:
"I can't believe the Animamates are rampaging all over us! We were supposed to be the true threat, the invaders that annihilated everything! As soon as she bit my face open, the blood started interfering and I had so much trouble seeing. I know it all went downhill there. But we need to do something about them as a group. It's time for more team-based combat."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 15

Ladies and gentlemen, it's night fifteen which means we're two thirds of the way into this tournament! We'll be starting with an important in-faction battle, pitting Sailor Moon against Sailor Mars, surely with leadership on the line! Then Chacha will face She-Ra in an effort to redeem herself, before Rem takes on the undefeated Punie. The final match pits Sailor Jupiter against Sailor Aluminum Siren, a grudge match by default!

The first match starts off slow - they're not taking it at a relaxed pace, they're just being cautious, each respecting the other enough not to make a joke of it. But it looks like Sailor Moon might start off well, knocking Mars down then hitting the Suplex de la Luna!


We're still in the early stages, but Mars goes for the Burning Hammer early, trying to break her alleged friend's neck! She still only gets a 2-count though!


And there's the heartbreaker! And... I don't even know what that hold is called, but Sailor Moon is certainly putting the hurt on with it!


Mars delivers a Fire Bomb, then a stomp to the back of the knee! Is she trying to disable Usagi to prevent her hitting her finisher?


There's a kick, and- oh! Sailor Moon delivers the Moon Breaker, then straight away performs a standing moonsault, one! Two! No, Mars kicks out with half a second to spare!


Look at that set of dodged attacks by both - the referee is slow to get to them after a collision forced him to take a nap, but after another heartbreaker, Sailor Moon locks in the sharp shooter. It's not enough though, Mars escapes.


Sailor Moon delivers a Super-Rana there and one, two- three! It's three! She picked up the win just like that! Sailor Moon stands tall over her friend, teammate and rival!



After a moment to staple the referee's forehead shut and wipe the blood away, we're on to the next match, and Chacha really wants to make a statement - she's the first to attack, body slamming She-Ra. But it's not about making the first attack, it's about making the last attack.

Heeere we go, She-Ra lifts Chacha... oh! Powerslam! One! Two! Th- that was close, we nearly had a three count this early! But Chacha takes She-Ra down again, then delivers a ground dragon screw. Chop that tree down!


She-Ra is in the corner, and Chacha keeps this assault going with a dropkick - she's not letting up, nor should she!


What a great Eiffel Parachute But it's only good for a two-count!


She-Ra has had almost no offence in this ma- well just as I speak, now she overtakes Chacha and delivers a hard clothesline. But again, the tables turn! Reverse Rana by Chacha and a two-count!


Chacha ducks that clothesline attempt, then grabs her foe and lands a great Canadian Destroyer! When was she in Canada?


Chacha is still in charge, wait, an escape by She-Ra, another Power Slam... one, two... three! Almost out of nowhere, She-Ra picks up another win by the skin of her teeth!



Here we go, eight points versus two poin- oh come on! That worked ONCE, for Minako, after SWORD violence! Show some respect there Punie, I don't care how you finished your last battle in your anime!


That initial burst of violence from Rem was good, but it's not keeping her on top. Here we go with a Princess Cross Armlock from Punie, but Rem escapes.


And here's the Princess Ankle Lock - that's a double toe hold for the catch wrestling enthusiasts at home, but whatever you call it, Rem got away.


The fight leaves the ring and goes outside, and now Punie locks in the Orienteering With Napalm Death! Still, you can't win outside the ring, even if she does tap out - and she doesn't! Punie breaks the hold at fifteen and they both slide back into the ring to avoid a count out.


Now Punie throws Rem into the turnbuckle, lifts her up... incredible Avalanche Crucifix Powerbomb there! She's going for all sorts of new moves in this match.


Rem delivers a solid front facebuster to Punie-chan, then rolls into a camel clutch... wait, hang on- did she just? Yes, Punie just submitted! I heard her say it, the match is over! Rem just scored another victory and defeated the previously undefeated!



Here's match number four, and it started with just defensive moves and some tentative kicks, but here we are going to the top. But it's too early, and Jupiter just throws Siren down with a sacrifice drop.


Look at that kick combination! And then a leaping leg drop! It's like if Hulk Hogan was a girl and not a thousand year old racist! Wait, there's the biting, Siren knows what to do any time she's in trouble it seems.


Jupiter is bleeding heavily from the face, and Siren twists her into the arm trap half crab, really twisting away. Jupiter escapes but oh no, there's the green mist!


Now Siren is just tiring Jupiter out, bouncing her off the ropes and making her run laps! She finally hits the clothesline, but Jupiter is really panting - you can see her chest heaving, and that's not just the normal jiggling going on there, she's gasping for breath.


There's an octopus stretch by Siren, but Makoto escapes her clutches - it could be sweat, blood or the green mist but either way she slides free only to get spat on again! Someone tell Siren there's a pandemic going on!


Here's some real offence from Sailor Jupiter, Last of the Dragons! And then a vicious kick combo! And another leg drop! And one more devastating kick! This is what she needs to do in order to win!


Jupiter just hurls Aluminum Siren over the top rope, completely taking over this match. Then she dives over with a hard springboard dropkick to the temple- wait, Siren is up, and hits the Galactic Flowsion!


Here they both are, fighting back in the ring and- another Galactic Flowsion! And the referee intervenes, he's checking and, yes, it looks like Sailor Jupiter was knocked out! That's a KO victory for Siren!



Post-Match Interviews:

Sailor Moon:
"FINALLY! Another victory from your beloved heroine and main character of this saga. Just remember, whichever person is chosen first gets to be the leader, and they'll ALWAYS be the leader. It's no use trying to challenge them - Sailor Moon Says!"

Sailor Mars:
"How annoying! I couldn't even beat that bun-headed idiot crybaby klutz! Now I really do have to play second fiddle for the rest of my life. I was here looking for success so I could stand out, earn myself some better days... but no, back to being the back-up."

"I know people are wondering if I held back and went easy on her for a good showing. The answer is no - I tried an early victory, and failed. Then Chacha was relentless, I ended up needing to go for some desperation strikes just so I had the space to hit that move. It looks like that one is effective against her, but the fact is she nearly won. If I win this, I'm offering title matches both to Chacha and Utena... and I guess I have to do the same for Hydra."

"Nearly won this, nearly succeeded there. Who even cares about nearly in a world of reality? I just don't think I'm cut out for the heavyweight league any more. More and more, it looks like I'm really just a junior."

"Eat shit, Punie! You tried playing the game my way, but I'm better at being me than you are! Maybe if you stuck to your own style it'd be different, but I didn't even have to use my finisher in that to beat you! I hope you do win the tournament, because then we get our rematch and that's my chance for the title!"

"Oh, you're so serious Punie-chan, always down to business. What boring matches, never playing around and having fun. Never doing fancy moves. Well fuck off the lot of you! Look what happens when I don't wrestle like a wrestler, when I try to entertain you ignorant monkeys! Next time I'm back to breaking limbs."

Sailor Aluminum Siren:
"And another two points for me, and I think I'm taking this tournament home! Too bad for all of those in Lunar Club - Inner and Outer senshi, neither of you are any match for Galaxia-gun! Oh look at that poor thing being carried out on a stretcher. I guess you can be blessed by having double the interview time with me! Just kidding - I'm already going to go celebrate!"
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 16

It's time for Night 16, and we already have a pretty good idea who is advancing to the semi-finals - but you never know how things can change in professional wrestling! Our first match pits the Witchblade against Sailor Lead Crow. Next we have Sailor Venus facing Sailor Saturn in their inter-factional battle, and then it's more Inner against Outer with Neptune fighting Mercury. And then the main event: Natsuru competes against Moka.

The Witchblade starts off in the lead with our first match - a couple of vicious knee strikes, then a punch to the head, and then she gets the bear hug in, crushing Crow's ribs.


Lead Crow rakes the eyes, but Witchblade is in charge of this with an elbow and then- oh my goddess, she's trying to cripple her for life!


Witchblade grabs Crow from be- oh, a low blow! And then she goes for the stranglehold. The Witchblade slips free but Lead Crow just hits the Grenade, and then a superkick!


Spear! Spear! Spear! Lead Crow is really dominating now, delivering a buzzsaw kick after that to build momentum.


What a blatantly illegal attack there! Lead Crow is just stabbing Witchblade with a fork, look at all that blood! Wait, chokeslam by Witchblade!


That injury just seems to have lit a fire under the Witchblade, she's in charge once again with not one but TWO chokeslams!


What's this? It's- the iron claw! I'm surprised Crow can even stand! And after that clothesline, it looks like she can't - Witchblade just served Lead Crow her first defeat on a platter, bathed in her own blood!



Our second match starts with some careful jabs, even Minako is taking this seriously, and that's a rare one. Oh, but with good reason - Saturn catches that jab and rolls into a cross armbreaker! Venus has her feet under the ropes though.


Sailor Venus did pat "kiddo" on the head on the way into this, making her lack of respect clear. Well, I guess here's the response, with brass knuckles to the forehead.


A great slide there by Venus catches Saturn in the heel hook, but Sailor Saturn is quick to escape - then launches a low-angle dropkick straight to the kneecap.


And there's the Heartbreaker - and another heel hook! Venus is completely merciless now!


Ow, another heartbreaker! And she locks in the rear head-and-arm scissors... they're both so close to the ropes... no! Saturn passes out before she can reach! Venus wins!



Here we go with round three, and it's close to a mirror match. Neptune is a little bit older, taller, faster and stronger, but Mercury has that edge in technical wrestling. But there's nothing technical about that elbow strike... a deadlift German follows, but it's too early for a pinfall.


Dragon Screw by Mercury! Oh no, Neptune follows with an Emerald Flowsion! She's not messing around here!


Neptune is all over Mercury now, knocking her down with Heavy Rain! Then it's the Blade Runner! Now they're back up, and Mercury barely counters that suplex attempt with a side arm lock.


They circle some more, and Sailor Neptune hits a great fisherman suplex! They're right against the ropes so there's no pin, and almost straight away Mercury wraps her up in the octopus stretch.


Paydirt by Sailor Neptune! She takes a moment to pose, then lifts Mercury and kicks her in the back of the head!


Beautiful Blizzard Suplex by Sailor Mercury, but Neptune manages to get her shoulder up.


Shine Illusion! And the roll-through for one, two, she kicks out! But wait, straight away ANOTHER Shine Illusion! One, two, three! That's the three-count! Of the two, Sailor Mercury stands supreme!



Here we are for our main event, and- wow, great axe kick from Moka! And straight away she's bringing the kama out, digging for a snack.


Moka avoids that big boot attempt and hits a superman punch! Then it's the kama again! Oh no, blood is flowing freely, and now Moka locks in a choke sleeper, just squeezing the life out of Natsuru.


Natsuru is firing up, she delivers a sharp elbow to the back, then uses her- is that really magic? It's a magic spell! But it doesn't help, Moka grabs her and delivers the Bloody Cross!


Blue Magic! And again! Two in a row, but they're halfway through the ropes! And Moka can take advantage, chokeslamming Natsuru!


Great kick by Moka there, but Natsuru slips behind and delivers a Blue Thunder Bomb! It's only good for 2 though.


Tombstone piledriver by Moka, but Natsuru just stands back up and responds with a brainbuster! They're both exhausted now.


Here's another Tombstone! And then... GLORIA!


Oh and here's the biting, it only makes sense for a vampire when there's so much blood around the place. She's powering up, but Natsuru looks to be getting fired up as well!


And here's the third, away from the ropes - Blue Magic! And it's good for three! Natsuru wins the match!



Post-Match Interviews:

"Look at all this blood... I'm glad I beat her. I'm glad I proved she CAN be beaten. But when that fork started stabbing me, I just knew I had to fight. I hurt her so much, and I just want to keep going, want to hurt more people!"

Sailor Lead Crow:
"You know what? I don't even care at this point - I'm guaranteed to win the A-Block, I just need to care about winning the semi-finals then going on to take the whole thing."

Sailor Venus:
"Tough luck short-stuff, the OG Inner Circle are the real best! I dig that shot with the knuckles, I admire your spirit, but the fact is we ARE better fighters than you. What an embarrassing betrayal. Hey Rei, come over here, 2sweet me sis!"

Sailor Saturn:

Sailor Mercury:
"And there we go, that question is answered. Yes, I'm only going to be second-best of the B-Block, but that still puts me above the entire Outer Senshi faction."

Sailor Neptune:
"...I hate the boasting and careless attitudes of most of them. But Sailor Mercury is the only member of that team I respect. I will grudgingly admit she got the better of me. But it won't always be like that."

"There's another victory. I know, I'm probably not taking the title home with my mixed results, but I'll take every win that I can. They mean something, even if it's just for me."

"...I know. I made some stupid mistakes. I need to drink blood for nourishment, but some people only get stronger when they see their own blood. I really don't like those big-boobed blue-haired types, so annoying! But this one time, they actually came out on top."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:54 pm
Location: South Ausfailia

Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 17

Everyone, it's night seventeen, with the end of the tournament so close. Tonight we're pitting Shizuka against Honey. Then we have the battle between members of Team UFO - Hydra and Valkyrie are competing to see who the REAL main character is! Next Team Kill will battle itself, sister versus sister, with Ryuuko and Satsuki crossing swords. And finally, Kurumi will face Asuka.

Our first match starts bloody, as Shizuka is quick to jam her fork into the skull of Honey. Already things are taking on a dark turn in this match.


Honey lands a fantastic kick, then a quick spinning toe hold to twist the knee. She throws Shizuka into the corner, then the ropes, and- yes, this is it, Honey Flash! It's the 6-1-9! But it doesn't get the 1-2-3!


Shizuka delivers some hard strikes, but Honey is the one actually landing the big moves, with a great Canadian Destroyer, then a backbreaker... and a leaping cutter!


There's another Canadian Destroyer! Oh, Cutey Honey waits in the corner, she's lining up, and that's a powerful thrust kick! Shizuka had a good start, but can't get it together.

The match goes outside, and ow! Shizuka attacks the chest and midsection of Honey with that kendo stick! Can that turn the tides?


It looks like she is running this again, slicing Honey with the kama... the referee has some words, but she has words of her own! And another hard kick to the head!


Even more cutting, even more blood! This isn't okay! Honey can't see through the blood, and then we have a spinning armbreaker. Shizuka is definitely in charge.

Oh no! Just as I thought Shizuka was taking this seriously enough to go all-out with violence, she goes for that move! That's disappointing.


Quick frankensteiner by Honey, and she follows with a standing moonsault, 1... 2... 3! That's it, in just one moment she turned the tables and took the victory!



Now it's a battle brought to you by UFO Princess Valkyrie. Look at this exchange in the early moments, with reversals and counters!


Hydra is wailing on Valkyrie, delivering stiff punches to the face.


Valkyrie hits a beautiful running dropkick there to take Hydra down, then delivers a Suplex De la Luna into the turnbuckle!


That's the Hydra Bite! But Valkyrie is back to her feet straight away, and rolls into a solid stomp!


That's a good Michinoku Driver there by Hydra, two... th- oh so close! Val-Q manages to kick out!


And here we are with the One! Winged! Angeeeeel! ONE! TWO! TH-NO, Hydra kicks out! I don't think anyone has ever kicked out after that move! And she can throw a hard kick straight away!


The referee has had an enforced nap for a bit, he is bleeding from the forehead, but even after a high dropkick the same can't be said for Valkyrie. And then a Dominator from Hydra!


There's an elbow, and another Suplex De la Luna... one, two, three! That's three! Val-Q gets the win and makes it clear that she is still the main character of her show!



Match three, and Satsuki has to know her opportunities for victories are drying up. And by the same token, you have to think Ryuuko knows about that knee injury. We have a bow-and-arrow lock here... but the older sister escapes, then replies with a suplex.


They're still fighting in that confined area, Satsuki blocks a punch and just clocks her sister, then locks in a fierce stretch to both shoulders.


Dragon Screw by Satsuki, she's really in the lead he- wait, overhead kick by Ryuuko, and then it's her turn to lock that stretch in! They're matching each other, move for move here.


We have another dragon screw by Satsuki, then she rolls into a double calf slicer, but Ryuuko can escape. Then it's a single calf slicer! She's showing no mercy to her sister.


Oh! There's the first sword attack of the night, by Ryuuko! She was the first to attack with a blade! But even so, it doesn't draw blood, meanwhile the referee is bleeding again from ANOTHER collision.


Look at that flurry of violent chops by Ryuuko! She's probably planning on ending thi- wait there's a sword attack by Satsuki! They're both bringing the blades out. Moonsault and one, two, no, so close!


We have another application of the double calf slicer, just really trying to blow the knees out, but Ryuuko struggles free and stands... wait, DESTINO!


Could this be it? Could this be where a bleeding Satsuki, cut multiple times by her sister's blade, can come out on top? They trade blows, but Ryuuko gets the best of it, she's the one standing! She twists the Queen of Honnouji into a pinfall... and three! Ryuuko is the winning sister!



The referee has had his face stapled and glued, and we've mopped the floor. Let's see how violent match four is. Kurumi gets an early start with those strikes, but Asuka doesn't get overwhelmed. She knocks the robot down and locks in a Kabel Maria.


Falling clothesline by Asuka! And then the triangle lancer! I think Kurumi JUST barely managed to get one toe on the bottom rope though.


Asuka grabs Kurumi around the waist, she's squeezing her in a bear hug - that's how Kurumi lost her first match in the tournament! But she powers out, and straight away lands a vertical brainbuster!


Here we go, Kurumi applies a Texas Cloverleaf, but Asuka is out. Then it's a kick, and the stretch muffler! She's really torturing the ninja here.


Kurumi tries to lift Asuka from behind, but that's countered with a sharp elbow. But that's not enough to dissuade her, Kurumi follows with a soulful powerbomb!


We have an exchange of strikes, and Kurumi finishes with a dropkick but Asuka has a superkick in response!

Kurumi delivers her backflip dropkick, but Asuka busts out the ninja magic. She catches Kurumi from behind and delivers the Saka Otoshi!


Backdrop by Kurumi, they're both down, they're both exhausted... Kurumi stands first, and wraps Asuka into the La Magistral cradle, one! Two! THREE!



Post-Match Interviews:

"I didn't expect her to cheat so early, to start slicing my face open right from the opening bell. I'm lucky I could retaliate and take the wind from her sails. For a bit it looked like I was done for, but every heroine can power up in desperate times."

"I can't believe it! I went for maximum violence, and only the tiniest amount of playing around. I took it seriously! But it's strange, when someone DOESN'T use weapons suddenly it's so much harder. Is it really holding back to use a blade and not a suplex?"

"Sorry Hydra... I didn't want to hurt you, we're really a team. Well, sort of. We're a team when it's really necessary. But we had to fight each other for this, and I had to do what was necessary to win. It's not like you held back either, right?"

"My only regrets... were losing. And not cheating. And not kicking her in the goddamn throat. And not pillmanizing her ankles. And losing."

"We both knew this match was coming... we didn't know who the winner would be, even walking into that match. But it was just a matter of time until our battle. I feel a little bad for the referee there, but he knows the risks. I'm glad to prove myself, I suppose..."

"I know you have questions about me losing. I'm not in the mood. Interview over."

"Tada! Supreme victory... of that match in particular. I had a really slow start in this tournament, I was already out of the runnings before my first win, but now? Now I'm finally on a roll! Going forward, I can feel good about myself and start working up the ladder for a title shot!"

"I can't believe that even ninja magic didn't work. I really thought I had it in the bag there, but when she starts going, there is so much power... she goes from enthusiastic but unskilled to... a heavyweight champion!"
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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