[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 33 – Sky Lord

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Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

This is the ultimate in stupid random choice. Even in House of Hell, you could tell the Earl that you didn't want to eat or drink anything.

Shall we gesture vaguely to the blue liquid?
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 33 – Sky Lord

Post by SGamerz »

Green usually mean safe, but in this book blue is probably the safer choice. Blue.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Queen of Swords wrote:
Sun Aug 21, 2022 2:51 am
This is the ultimate in stupid random choice. Even in House of Hell, you could tell the Earl that you didn't want to eat or drink anything.

Shall we gesture vaguely to the blue liquid?
I dunno, stopping to play games while pursued by the orange blob was pretty bad.

May as well go for blue.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 33 – Sky Lord

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered, Jang Mistral will drink the blue liquid.

You take a sip. Ugh! It is putrid. Your hosts burst into fits of laughter. ‘No, no,’ Mursatu says at last, ‘that is foot ointment!’ Now understanding, you remove your boots and place your feet in the soothing liquid. Marsutu does likewise with the green liquid, while Bok serves you both a tankard of hot, spicy mead which tastes delightful. After refilling and draining your mug several more times, you roll to the floor, beaming a foolish grin. With paralysis creeping on, you close your eyes and drift into a jolly dream, while the night outside passes slowly and quietly. Turn to 54.

You awaken with blurred eyes and a terrible headache. Deduct 1 point from your STAMINA. You are alone and so, after a short wait, you go in search of your hosts. Leaving the parlour, will you follow the passage left (turn to 326), or right (turn to 284)?

Please vote before 12:00 PM PDT to guarantee that it will be counted.

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Jang Mistral
SKILL: 12 Initial Skill = 12
STAMINA: 10 Initial Stamina = 24
LUCK: 6 Initial Luck = 12
CREDITS: 8 Initial = 10
6 Provision Tablets
Flask of Strong Acid
Bottle of Acid
Piece of Rock-salt
RESURRECTIONS: 0[/spoiler]

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 33 – Sky Lord

Post by Thaluikhain »

Oh, back to totally random choices. Go left then.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Sure, left.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 33 – Sky Lord

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered, Jang Mistral will follow the passage left.

You soon get lost in the manor’s complex labyrinth of corridors, stairways and twisting tunnels. Exasperated, you open one of the few doors you come to and enter a spacious chamber. All the walls are lined with shelves, and all the shelves are filled with books, three-dimensional photographs, and mysterious knick-knacks. You are in a private study. Curiously for some reason, three books on one shelf have been placed upside down. Will you take down:

Relative Non-Relativity? Turn to 104
Poets of the 57th Century? Turn to 355
Baba’s Book of Homemade Wines? Turn to 305

Please vote before 2:00 PM PDT to guarantee that it will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 33 – Sky Lord

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

The book of homemade wines stands out the most by not being future themed.So pick up that one.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Homemade wines. Why not.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 33 – Sky Lord

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered, Jang Mistral will take down Baba’s Book of Homemade Wines.

The entire bookshelf revolves, carrying you with it into a dimly lit storeroom with is cluttered with gadgetry. Unable to find a way back to the study, and unable to find another exit form the room, you decide to spend some time prying around. The significance of your find now becomes apparent. The store contains a huge cache of weapons: laser-rifles, rays, vacuum grenades, battle armour and much, much more – enough to equip a small, élite army. You even find a dozen suits of fully charged Newbury’s pan-dimensional polyarmour, an extremely sophisticated item which enables its wearer to exist in both the 3rd and the 17th dimension simultaneously. The practical result of this miracle technology is that, for a time, the user may pass through walls and other obstacles without damaging either himself, the suit or the obstacle. You have never worn pan-dimensional armour before, but decide to try on a suit now. First you don the moulded face-mask, then the front plate, with its lasers mounted in a small chest cavity, then the thigh pads, greaves, and, finally, gloves. These items are attached to you by leather thongs tied at the back. Pan-dimensional suits are manufactured as front-pieces only; the back is left uncovered and exposed. Thus the wearer can only walk forward through an obstacle, never backwards or sideways. For this reason, pan-dimensional soldiers must always attack, since they cannot retreat without exposing their backs to the enemy. Now fully equipped, do you wish to pass through the wall and back into the study (turn to 385), or slip through the floor to investigate the basement (turn to 184)?

Please vote before 4:00 PM PDT to guarantee that it will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 33 – Sky Lord

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Since nobody voted, I will have Jang Mistral pass through the wall and back into the study.

You re-enter the study, then, walking through several walls, find yourself in the mansion’s old-fashioned kitchen. Here, you disturb a grumpy, boil-nosed chef, who drops a newly baked soufflé in his surprise. The ill-tempered creature grabs a laser-carver and, using a large pot as a shield, rounds on you.


If you win, you must discard the polyarmour, as its power is draining and you are finding it difficult to move. Turn to 284.

The fight:
[spoiler]Player shoots first since his rating (7) is higher than the Chef’s.
Round 1: Player Attack Roll: 6, Chef Shields: 8;
Chef Attack Roll: 2, Player Shields: 10
Round 2: Player Attack Roll: 4, Chef Shields: 8;
Chef Attack Roll: 4, Player Shields: 10
Round 3: Player Attack Roll: 5, Chef Shields: 8;
Chef Attack Roll: 5, Player Shields: 10
Round 4: Player Attack Roll: 3, Chef Shields: 8;
Chef Attack Roll: 3, Player Shields: 10
Round 5: Player Attack Roll: 1, Chef Shields: 6;
Chef Attack Roll: 6, Player Shields: 10
Round 6: Player Attack Roll: 6, Chef Shields: 6;
Chef Attack Roll: 1, Player Shields: 8
Round 7: Player Attack Roll: 2, Chef Shields: 4;
Chef Attack Roll: 2, Player Shields: 8
Round 8: Player Attack Roll: 2, Chef Shields: 2;
Chef Attack Roll: 2, Player Shields: 8
Round 9: Player Attack Roll: 1, Chef Shields: 0;[/spoiler]

As expected, Jang Mistral actually manages to kill the Chef without too much trouble. A pleasant change from previous combat-weapon clashes.

You eventually find your way to the main entrance of the mansion and out on to the terraces surrounding it. Not far away stand Marsatu and Bok. Marsatu appears to be giving the servant some instructions – what a pity you cannot lip-read! After a minute Marsatu turns to you, while Bok, having received a pat from his master, trots away north-eastwards along the causeway. ‘Hm,’ begins Marsatu, ‘last night you began to tell me about your mission.’ (This you do not recall.) ‘Well, I’ll help you right enough; just follow me.’ You are led back through the manor’s passages to a room with a huge old-fashioned fireplace. Above this, on a broad mantelpiece, is a pewter figurine to which Marsatu now draws your attention. ‘Behold!’ he cries, twisting a curiously wrought golden key into the figurine’s single eye-socket. The entire fireplace swivels aside to reveal, upon a recessed shelf behind, seven small crystalline globes. Each sphere is transparent, and contains a tiny object. ‘Choose two,’ says Marsatu. You may choose any two from the following list and add them to your Adventure Sheet. The spheres contain:

     a drill-helmet
     some battle-armour
     an infra-red sensor helmet
     an audio-amplifying headset
     jet boots
     a metal hound

When you have chosen, turn to 233.

‘A wise choice!’ comments Marsatu. ‘The spheres are skew-dimensional containers, warping volume as we know it. Break them at the appropriate time to receive your chosen items in full size. Now, we are good friends, yes!’ You are not sure whether this is a statement or a question. In any case, before you can reply, Marsatu snatches your laser-sword and electro-javelin. ‘An exchange of presents is a good feeling!’ he cries. Deduct 1 point from your SKILL. Marsatu now leads you to his stables, where two bizarre mechanical contraptions have been saddled. One of these, an emerald-green machine resembling an enormous grasshopper, is for your use. The other, no less spectacular, is a gigantic metal turtle with a plush leather seat set high upon its shell. Marsatu sinks into it, declaring: ‘Now we are almost ready to seek the Dome of Marvels and end your mission. The way is tricky, and I will guide you for a while – for a modest fee.’ (Remove all your remaining credits from your Adventure Sheet.) ‘Now, mount your grasshopper, and turn the controls thus and so, and we will be on our way!’ Obeying Marsatu’s commands, you steer your beast to the causeway, while Marsatu follows close behind. Turn to 333.

Several hours later, you approach a high tower overshadowing the causeway. Marsatu explains: ‘Within the tower is a large, circular platform, called the Roundabout. It consists of a central disc and three rotating rings. If the rings are turn in the proper sequence and thus activated, we can be transported to anywhere on Aarok – even to the Dome of Marvels. It is the only way we can reach the dome, but I fear we will encounter some trouble. You see, only one person knows how to operate the rings, and that is …’ ‘Giant Jym Ego!’ booms a mighty voice. From the tower a mighty man storms out, fifteen feet tall with plaited hair and a curly red beard. ‘And I am he. I’ve been expecting you both. How fare you, Marsatu? I haven’t seen you for some time. I’m afraid the toll’s risen again, so I hope you both have large purses and generous dispositions. I’ve got expensive tastes. Ha, ha!’ Legend has it that the Roundabout was built long ago, to ensure that Aarok’s enemies could never reach the defence centre. At the time, the Roundabout could be controlled only by its maker, a giant who collected a small toll for his work. Before he died, he passed its secrets on to his eldest son, who then became its operator. The tradition has been retained, with control passed from father to son, for thousands of years. Three hundred years ago, when Aarok was abandoned, the Roundabout’s operator decided to remain behind. Now his great-great-grandson, giant Jym Ego, is in control. But Jym is boisterous and greedy, a thoroughly despicable character … ‘Well, how much do you have?’ yells Jym. Of course, Marsatu took all your credits when he offered to act as your guide. Now what will you do: ask Marsatu for some money to pay your toll (turn to 168), attempt to sweet-talk Jym into providing you with a free trip (turn to 195), or fight him and try to operate the Roundabout yourself (turn to 67)?

Please vote on what two items to take from Marsatu and where to go next before 7:00 PM PDT to guarantee that it will be counted.

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Jang Mistral
SKILL: 11 Initial Skill = 12
STAMINA: 10 Initial Stamina = 24
LUCK: 6 Initial Luck = 12
CREDITS: 0 Initial = 10
6 Provision Tablets
Flask of Strong Acid
Bottle of Acid
Piece of Rock-salt
RESURRECTIONS: 0[/spoiler]

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 33 – Sky Lord

Post by SGamerz »

Choose helmet and headset because those are the ones described with specific functions in their names.

Attempt to sweet-talk.
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Power gauntlets and headset; attempt to sweet-talk.

I really hope the end of the mission is in sight.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 33 – Sky Lord

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Thank you for your votes. I will break the 1-1 tie and have Jang Mistral will take the infra-red helmet over the power gauntlets. Jang Mistral will also take the audio-amplifying headset, and attempt to sweet-talk Jym into providing you with a free trip, since these options were unanimously chosen.

‘Great giant, O most noble Jym,’ you begin, ‘indeed you are worthy of a generous fare. No doubt the Roundabout can only be operated by yourself: a character of great skills and cleverness of mind.’ ‘Duh, yep!’ replies Jym, quite flattered. You go on grovelling for some time and have almost charmed Jym into providing a free fare when Marsatu chips in: ‘Balderdash! Jym, you are an oaf, and I am tired of having to pay your toll. You are a scoundrel and a knave to boot, and I have brought this gentleman along to do just that!’ Jym erupts. Turn to 21.


Matters are finally sorted out. Marsatu, as payment for his fare, must eventually hand over to Jym all his credits. However, since you cannot pay, Jym makes a diabolical suggestion. ‘I will take you wherever you wish, if you will entertain me for a while. Can you juggle?’ he quips. ‘No. Dance or sing? No. Well, never mind. I have invented a special kind of entertainment for non-payers. Just follow me.’ Jym leads both of you with your machines into his tower. In a circular hall on level X, you find the Roundabout. The giant snaps his fingers and, apparently from nowhere, three armoured ruffians appear: a Glip, a one-eyed Scuttlebug, and an exotic yellow Aarok Mutant. The Glip, dressed head-to-toe in red battle-armour, is mounted on a six-legged red animal; he is holding a stout electro-lance. His companions wield an assortment of javelins, lasers, and inertia-less chains. Jym faces you. ‘You must play a game of Galactic Joust on my Roundabout. These three warriors, and perhaps a few others, will be your adversaries. In order to win, you must defeat each of them. Now, you must enter the Roundabout upon your mechanical beast, and I will explain the rules.’ With no alternative, you obey. Turn to 48.

For this game, refer to diagram 2 on the inside front cover. You enter the central (white) platform of the Roundabout. On the outermost (red) circle stand your three adversaries (in the positions shown in the diagram). ‘Now,’ announces the giant, ‘the rules are simple. You are on a white circular platform from which you must not move. Before you are three rings: red, blue and yellow, each divided into twelve segments. Built upon some of these segments are screens (shown in black). The screens are high and you cannot see over them. It is possible at times for either yourself or your opponents to rotate the coloured rings, with their screens, in a manner which I will now describe …’

1. The game is conduced in moves, each of which consists of four phases.

2. During phase 1, you control the red ring; you must rotate it (and your opponents on it) either one segment clockwise or two segments anti-clockwise. Your phase then ends.

3. During phase 2, Glip controls the red ring; he must rotate it one segment clockwise or one segment anti-clockwise. After doing so, he will check his position: if he has an unobstructed (screen-free) line of sight to you, he will charge across the rings and attack. If, however, his path is blocked by a screen, his phase ends.

4. During phase 3, Scuttlebug controls the blue ring; he must rotate it either one segment clockwise or not at all. Again, if after doing so he has an unobstructed view, he will attack. Otherwise, his phase ends.

5. During phase 4, Mutant controls the yellow ring; he must rotate it one segment anti-clockwise. If after doing so he has an unobstructed view, he will attack; otherwise, his phase ends.

6. If you destroy an enemy, another warrior will appear on the red ring, in the same position as that just vacated.

7. The game ends victoriously for you only if you destroy at least one of each type of enemy. If you have not destroyed at least one of each type at the end of a move, you must begin the next move from step 2, above. However, you have a maximum of four moves to complete the game; otherwise, you will automatically be obliterated.

Giant Jym Ego drops a spotted handkerchief. ‘Let the game begin!’ It is your phase first. If you have the ionic sphere, turn to 199; otherwise, turn to 345.

Below is said diagram 2.

Jang Mistral does not have the ionic sphere.

You decide to turn the red ring one segment clockwise, then your phase ends. Glip turns the red ring one segment anti-clockwise, but his path to you is blocked by a screen, so his phase ends. Scuttlebug rotates the blue ring one segment clockwise, and his phase ends. Finally Mutant rotates the yellow ring one segment anti-clockwise. He can see you at the end of his phase, so he charges across the rings to attack. You begin swivelling the laser-cannon attached to your mechanical beast towards him, but you are too late. He is upon you and you must fight hand-to-claw.


If you win, another Mutant appears on the vacated spot on the red ring. The second move begins. Will you turn the red ring one segment clockwise (turn to 250), or two segments anti-clockwise (turn to 150)?

The fight:
[spoiler]Round 1: Yellow Mutant Attack Strength: 13, Player Attack Strength: 23;
Yellow Mutant Stamina: 6, Player Stamina: 10
Round 2: Yellow Mutant Attack Strength: 14, Player Attack Strength: 20;
Yellow Mutant Stamina: 4, Player Stamina: 10
Round 3: Yellow Mutant Attack Strength: 11, Player Attack Strength: 18;
Yellow Mutant Stamina: 2, Player Stamina: 10
Round 4: Yellow Mutant Attack Strength: 10, Player Attack Strength: 19;
Yellow Mutant Stamina: 0, Player Stamina: 10[/spoiler]

As expected, Jang Mistral flawlessly destroys the Yellow Mutant.

Please vote before 8:30 PM PDT to guarantee that it will be counted.

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Jang Mistral
SKILL: 11 Initial Skill = 12
STAMINA: 10 Initial Stamina = 24
LUCK: 6 Initial Luck = 12
CREDITS: 0 Initial = 10
6 Provision Tablets
Flask of Strong Acid
Bottle of Acid
Piece of Rock-salt
Infra-red Sensor Helmet
Audio-amplifying Headset
RESURRECTIONS: 0[/spoiler]

Space Combat Sheet:
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 33 – Sky Lord

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Since nobody voted, I will have Jang Mistral turn the red ring two segments anti-clockwise.

Glip now turns the red ring one segment anti-clockwise, but his path is blocked by a screen. Scuttlebug rotates the blue ring one segment clockwise, and he too is foiled. Finally Mutant turns the yellow ring one segment anti-clockwise, but his phase ends. The third move begins. Will you rotate the red ring one segment clockwise (turn to 58), or two segments anti-clockwise (turn to 153)?

Please vote before 9:00 AM PDT or a 3-vote majority is reached to guarantee that it will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 33 – Sky Lord

Post by Thaluikhain »

Um...ok, lots of random things happened since I was logged on last.

Anyway, I think that if we turn two segments anti-clockwise the Glip is one segment away from being able to attack us, and will be able to make that move, so try that?

Be easier if the diagram updated every move, and our player should be ale to see the updated things anyone.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 33 – Sky Lord

Post by SGamerz »

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 33 – Sky Lord

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered, Jang Mistral will rotate the red ring two segments anti-clockwise.

Glip now turns the red ring one segment clockwise, and has an unobstructed path. Aiming an electro-lance, he charges on his armoured steed into your rear. You are unable to bring all your weapons to bear on him in time.


If you win, another Glilp appears on the vacated segment on the red ring. Next, Scuttlebug rotates the blue ring one segment clockwise. Finally Mutant rotates the yellow ring one segment anti-clockwise, and the third move ends. Now, will you rotate the red ring one segment clockwise (turn to 106), or two segments anti-clockwise (turn to 299)?

The fight:
[spoiler]Player shoots first since his rating (7) is higher than the Glip’s.
Round 1: Player Attack Roll: 1, Glip Shields: 6;
Glip Attack Roll: 2, Player Shields: 8
Round 2: Player Attack Roll: 2, Glip Shields: 4;
Glip Attack Roll: 2, Player Shields: 6
Round 3: Player Attack Roll: 5, Glip Shields: 4;
Glip Attack Roll: 5, Player Shields: 6
Round 4: Player Attack Roll: 4, Glip Shields: 4;
Glip Attack Roll: 2, Player Shields: 4
Round 5: Player Attack Roll: 4, Glip Shields: 4;
Glip Attack Roll: 3, Player Shields: 4
Round 6: Player Attack Roll: 1, Glip Shields: 2;
Glip Attack Roll: 3, Player Shields: 4
Round 7: Player Attack Roll: 2, Glip Shields: 0[/spoiler]

Jang Mistral has a tense battle, as the Glip reduces the Grasshopper’s Shields to 4 before he manages to destroy the Glip.

Please vote before 6:00 PM PDT to guarantee that it will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 33 – Sky Lord

Post by Thaluikhain »

Um, by my reckoning, the Scuttlebug is blocked by a screen on the blue circle which will be out of the way if move clockwise. So if we move clockwise, and the Glip moves anti-clockwise back to the same position, the Scuttlebug can rotate the circle giving it a clear path to attack.

(Assuming the Glip doesn't move it clockwise, do monsters have to move so other monsters can attack?)

So, clockwise, I think.
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Thank you, everyone, for figuring out what to do. I looked at the latest weird random puzzle and mentally checked out.
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Post by SGamerz »

Queen of Swords wrote:
Mon Aug 22, 2022 6:49 pm
Thank you, everyone, for figuring out what to do. I looked at the latest weird random puzzle and mentally checked out.
I'm actually just going to follow Thaluikhain's lead here. When I said "agreed", I wasn't just agreeing with his vote to go anti-clockwise (although the reasoning seemed sound), I also completely agree that the diagram ought to be updated every turn so that we have access to information that the PC should have as well. The puzzle itself makes a bit more sense to me than the aircraft one, but it's hard to keep track of the current status.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 33 – Sky Lord

Post by Beroli »

Yeah, I might actually like this puzzle, if Sky Lord came packaged with a turner rather than a diagram, or an updated version of the current situation opposite each page while playing it.

But since neither is the case, I will refrain from asking JourneymanN00b to get out MSPaint and draw a new diagram. :tongue:
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 33 – Sky Lord

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I did consider writing updated figures, but my handwriting is horrible, and the best I can do is either to take a picture depicting a scribbled mess, or use MSPaint like Beroli said in order to create a different type of abomination. It does not matter anyway now, as it turns out that registering your votes to have Jang Mistral rotate the red ring one segment clockwise caused him to win the game.

The Glip turns the red ring one segment anti-clockwise, and charges along a clear path into your flank.


If you win, a new Glip appears on the vacated spot on the red ring. Next, it is Scuttlebug’s phase. He decides not to rotate the blue ring. Turn to 212.

The fight:
[spoiler]Player shoots first since his rating (7) is higher than the Glip’s.
Round 1: Player Attack Roll: 1, Glip Shields: 6;
Glip Attack Roll: 1, Player Shields: 8
Round 2: Player Attack Roll: 3, Glip Shields: 4;
Glip Attack Roll: 3, Player Shields: 8
Round 3: Player Attack Roll: 2, Glip Shields: 2;
Glip Attack Roll: 6, Player Shields: 8
Round 4: Player Attack Roll: 1, Glip Shields: 0[/spoiler]

Jang Mistral destroys the Glip without too much trouble.

With a clear path to you, the Scuttlebug attacks.

If you win, turn to 258.


The fight:
[spoiler]Player shoots first since his rating (7) is higher than the Scuttlebug’s.
Round 1: Player Attack Roll: 2, Scuttlebug Shields: 10;
Scuttlebug Attack Roll: 5, Player Shields: 10
Round 2: Player Attack Roll: 1, Scuttlebug Shields: 8;
Scuttlebug Attack Roll: 3, Player Shields: 10
Round 3: Player Attack Roll: 5, Scuttlebug Shields: 8;
Scuttlebug Attack Roll: 5, Player Shields: 10
Round 4: Player Attack Roll: 1, Scuttlebug Shields: 6;
Scuttlebug Attack Roll: 2, Player Shields: 10
Round 5: Player Attack Roll: 3, Scuttlebug Shields: 6;
Scuttlebug Attack Roll: 5, Player Shields: 10
Round 6: Player Attack Roll: 6, Scuttlebug Shields: 6;
Scuttlebug Attack Roll: 5, Player Shields: 10
Round 7: Player Attack Roll: 4, Scuttlebug Shields: 6;
Scuttlebug Attack Roll: 3, Player Shields: 10
Round 8: Player Attack Roll: 1, Scuttlebug Shields: 4;
Scuttlebug Attack Roll: 3, Player Shields: 10
Round 9: Player Attack Roll: 4, Scuttlebug Shields: 4;
Scuttlebug Attack Roll: 5, Player Shields: 10
Round 10: Player Attack Roll: 2, Scuttlebug Shields: 2;
Scuttlebug Attack Roll: 1, Player Shields: 8
Round 11: Player Attack Roll: 4, Scuttlebug Shields: 2;
Scuttlebug Attack Roll: 3, Player Shields: 8
Round 12: Player Attack Roll: 3, Scuttlebug Shields: 2;
Scuttlebug Attack Roll: 5, Player Shields: 8
Round 13: Player Attack Roll: 5, Scuttlebug Shields: 2;
Scuttlebug Attack Roll: 5, Player Shields: 8
Round 14: Player Attack Roll: 1, Scuttlebug Shields: 0[/spoiler]

Since he was again the attacker in this combat-weapon clash, Jang Mistral destroys the Scuttlebug without too many problems.

The game is over and you have been victorious. Giant Jym Ego snorts. ‘Bah! You deceived me. You must be a professional player. Still, I am generous to a fault. To the Dome of Marvels you may go.’ Jym instructs Marsatu to join you on the Roundabout’s central platform. ‘Now, close your eyes and don’t peek, or I’ll send you to the Dome of Horrors instead!’ You both obey the giant’s instructions, and you sense the rings spinning. Then you feel a waft of air and a heavy jolt. You risk taking a look around. You have indeed reached the Dome of Marvels. In fact, you are sitting on top of it! Turn to 337.

Marsatu, squatting beside you, is peering beyond the dome’s steeply curving rooftop to the ground, half a mile below. But your two mechanical beasts have not appeared, and you strongly suspect Jym of thievery. Marsatu is certain of Jym’s guild. ‘Swindled by that gigantic gas-bag!’ he wheezes. ‘He’ll pay for his insolence. I’ll have him flayed skinless by a ten-tailed prickle-puss! But first, to our business. Down there,’ Marsatu points, ‘is the entrance. I’ll meet you down there.’ Pulling on a pair of magnetic boots, Marsatu runs down the sloping sides of the dome. He has left you stranded. How will you get down? You examine the two spheres Marsatu gave you earlier. If you have brought them with you, you may now wish to use the sphere containing the drill-helmet (turn to 4), the jet boots (turn to 156), or power-gauntlets (turn to 46). If you have none of these items, or do not with to use them, turn to 196.

Jang Mistral has none of these items.

You push yourself and slide with increasing speed over the dome’s steepening side. You hit the ground with a heavy ‘thunk’. Deduct 3 points from your STAMINA. In a daze you look about you. Not far away, snickering at your misfortune, is Marsatu. Turn to 363.


Marsatu guides you through the yawning gateway, into the Dome of Marvels. You are most disappointed. Apart from a solitary egg-shaped obelisk cemented into the floor, the interior is bare. ‘Of course,’ explains Marsatu, ‘this was once a fabulous place, filled with the wonders of the galaxy. Some of the most famous artists in the universe performed here. It was here that Madame Du Braggit, the renowned comedian and political satirist, recited her ‘Greatest Joke of the Universe’ before Aarok’s king and high nobility. Unfortunately the king construed Madame Du Braggit’s joke as being a slur against himself – and of course you know the rest of the story. It is said that her headless ghost sometimes wanders into the dome, laughing hysterically, though why she should do so, or even how for that matter, is beyond me!’ Marsatu now points towards the obelisk. ‘That is the way to Vault 6, and the defence centre. Your mission is almost at its end!’ You both approach the obelisk, but just as you reach it, a large Prefecta leaps out from behind it. ‘Peek-a-boo!’ it muses. ‘We’ve been expecting you both!’ It moves towards you brandishing an electrified whip and scythe. If you have either of them, you may wish to use the sphere containing the metal hound (turn to 288) or battle-armour (turn to 246). If you have neither of these, or do not wish to use them, turn to 275.

Jang Mistral has neither of these items.

Marsatu leaps behind you as the Prefecta attacks.


If you win, turn to 24.

The fight:
[spoiler]Round 1: Prefecta Attack Strength: 15, Player Attack Strength: 14;
Prefecta Stamina: 8, Player Stamina: 5[/spoiler]

All right folks, so the Prefecta lands a hit on Jang Mistral, bringing down his Stamina to 5. Should Luck be used for the rest of the fight? If so, should it be used to reduce the damage that our hero takes or to inflict additional damage?

The first choice to receive two votes (or two votes over all other choices) will be used to resolve the rest of the battles. If no option has a winning margin before 9:00 AM PDT, I will make the choice based on which votes are cast.

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Jang Mistral
SKILL: 11 Initial Skill = 12
STAMINA: 5 Initial Stamina = 24
LUCK: 6 Initial Luck = 12
CREDITS: 0 Initial = 10
6 Provision Tablets
Flask of Strong Acid
Bottle of Acid
Piece of Rock-salt
Infra-red Sensor Helmet
Audio-amplifying Headset
RESURRECTIONS: 0[/spoiler]

Space Combat Sheet:
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
Posts: 6333
Joined: Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:45 am

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 33 – Sky Lord

Post by SGamerz »

I don't think our current LUCK is high enough to be worth the risk. Right now we only need 1 more hit than he does to win, and with the difference in our SKILL levels I think we are more likely to make it without LUCK test.
Posts: 6248
Joined: Thu Sep 29, 2016 3:30 pm

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 33 – Sky Lord

Post by Thaluikhain »

Our luck is such that we'd be better off trying to use it to fail, if that was an option. Since it isn't, just fight normally.

(Also, shame about the Galactic Joust game, if it had a turner like Beroli suggested, you've got the basis of a simple, but decent game there)
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