[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 36 – Armies of Death

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 36 – Armies of Death

Post by Thaluikhain »

Look for guide.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 36 – Armies of Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered, Zen-Kut-Sedatche will enter the ‘Blue Pig’ tavern to find a guide.

The tavern is quite small inside and there are not many customers. The atmosphere seems friendly, so you make your way over to the bar to ask if the barman knows of any guides. He points to a table in the far corner and says, ‘Ask old Thog over there. He used to be the best.’ You walk over to the table and sit down next to an old battle-scarred warrior. You explain that you want to hire a guide. ‘Where do you want to go?’ he asks in a deep voice. Will you reply:

Through the Forest of Fiends? Turn to 319
To the Starstone Caves? Turn to 57

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Post by Queen of Swords »

Starstone Caves, to meet the Oracle.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 36 – Armies of Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Vote registered, Zen-Kut-Sedatche will reply that he wants to go to the Starstone Caves.

‘So, you are another foolish person who wishes to see the Oracle, are you?’ If you decide to reply ‘Yes’, turn to 144. If you prefer to reply ‘No’, turn to 27.

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Post by Queen of Swords »

Why would we ask to be taken to the Starstone Caves if not to meet the Oracle? Do we look as though we're really into spelunking?

Say yes.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 36 – Armies of Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Vote registered, Zen-Kut-Sedatche will reply “Yes.”

‘I don’t know if you know it already,’ continues Thog, ‘but the Starstone Caves is very dangerous, trap-ridden system of passageways and caves, one of which is the hideaway of the Oracle. Even though he has many powers to offer this land, he really loathes all the lying, cheating, thieving, hypocrisy, deceit and all the other bad ways of the beings in Allansia. He will tolerate those who show initiative, however. And if you survive his traps, that will show initiative enough: he’ll speak with you. And I’ll take you there for 30 Gold Pieces.’ You pay Thog his fee and go back with him to the inn.

Early next morning you rouse your men and are soon marching south-eastwards. Thog starts to tell you all about his adventures which, after two hours, become extremely boring. Before noon, you give the order to rest for food, just to stop Thog from talking. Even so, he rambles on, spitting crumbs from his mouth while describing the more exciting moments from his tales. Thankfully, you reach the Starstone Caves before dusk and ask Thog to tell you all he knows. ‘Two things I should tell you,’ he replies. ‘Always turn right at every junction. And if you have to choose a number you can see, don’t choose one with a four in it. What questions the Oracle will ask you I’m afraid you will have to answer for yourself. You must go on your own and find out.’ You wave goodbye to your men before disappearing into the mouth of the dark cave, a lit candle in one hand and your sword in the other. Turn to 219.

The cave funnels down a passageway which is dark and cold. Droplets of water fall from the ceiling with a loud ‘plop’ into shallow pools on the floor and occasionally you think you can hear a woman’s laugh coming from a long way away. The passage soon ends at a junction. If you wish to go left, turn to 17. If you wish to go right, turn to 121.

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Adventure Sheet
SKILL: 10 Initial Skill = 10
STAMINA: 3 Initial Stamina = 17
LUCK: 4 Initial Luck = 7
Key with the number ‘222’
Yeti tooth
Ring with the number ‘45’
Hopper (Say “One, one, one” to turn invisible if hopper is sitting on shoulder)
Brass owl
Copper lantern
Ivory box
Green vase
Obigee’s sword
Green pill (+8 Stamina when used)
Gold seal with the number ‘332’
1 Rewind
3 Restorations
3 Item Wishes[/spoiler]
Last edited by JourneymanN00b on Tue Sep 06, 2022 6:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 36 – Armies of Death

Post by Beroli »

Go right until we have a reason to distrust Thog.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

As in the House of the Undying, always right.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 36 – Armies of Death

Post by SGamerz »

Yeah, given that we were told the formula for the maze, just keep going right at every turn and choose number options that don't include the number 4 until we see the Oracle.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 36 – Armies of Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Going right already got 3 votes, so Zen-Kut-Sedatche will do this.


A large stone slab blocks your progress down the passageway. However, a slot for a key and a crack between the slab and the side wall lead you to suppose that it could slide into the wall. Three skulls are mounted on stone plinths round the slot, each with a key placed on top and a number stamped on the forehead. If you wish to try a key in the slot, choose a number and turn to it. If you would rather walk back to the junction and try the other passageway, turn to 17.

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 36 – Armies of Death

Post by Beroli »

Put key 93 in the slot.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 36 – Armies of Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Enough votes are present to choose key 93, so Zen-Kut-Sedatche will make that decision.

The key turns in the slot and you hear a faint click. With a coarse grating sound, the stone slab slides back into the wall and you are able to proceed along the passageway. However, it soon ends at another junction. If you wish to go left, turn to 235. If you wish to go right, turn to 381.

I think there already exists a sufficient number of votes to go right in this scenario as well, so I will skip voting for this part. Please let me know if you object to this.


The passageway opens out into a high-ceilinged cave, brightly lit by hundreds of burning candles. In the middle is a marble fountain carved in the shape of a young goddess, dressed in long robes. Water trickles from an urn which she is holding under her left arm and in her right hand she holds a pair of scales; a metal cup rests on top of a plaque in which the word ‘Libra’ is etched. If you wish to drink some water from the fountain, turn to 11. If you would rather walk through the cave and down the passage in the wall opposite, turn to 221.

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 36 – Armies of Death

Post by SGamerz »

Follow the hag's advice and drink the water from the god(dess). That gold piece we spent for the advice is too precious to waste!
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 36 – Armies of Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Vote registered, Zen-Kut-Sedatche will drink some water from the fountain.

You feel no different for having drunk the water, apart from feeling more refreshed. Neither poisoned nor filled with sudden energy, you walk rather disappointedly through the cave and down the passage in the wall opposite. Turn to 221.


You walk safely along the passageway for fifty yards until you arrive at a crude sign on the wall which reads ‘GIVE GENEROUSLY’. Beneath the sign is a large wooden box with a wide slit in the lid. Put whatever you wish into the box before proceeding along the passageway. Turn to 76.



The passageway opens up into another cave, although this one is completely empty. However, you have a choice of exits. In the far wall you see the mouths of three tunnels, each one carved to resemble the open mouth of a strange creature, the likes of which you have never seen before. You notice that three of the teeth in the upper jaws of the carved heads have numbers chiselled into them. Choose whichever tunnel you wish to go down and turn to the appropriate number.

Please make your votes on what to put in the wooden box and where to go next before 9:00 AM PDT or a 3-vote majority is reached to guarantee that they will be counted.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

We have 117 GP. I'm in favor of putting a few (say, 7 GP) into the box.

Also, go down tunnel 273.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 36 – Armies of Death

Post by SGamerz »

Sure, donate 7 GP and go down the only tunnel without a '4'.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 36 – Armies of Death

Post by Thaluikhain »

7 is a good number, yeah, got down 273 and stupid Libra popping up again.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 36 – Armies of Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered, Zen-Kut-Sedatche will put 7 Gold Pieces in the wooden box and go down tunnel 273.

You step warily into the mouth, expecting a trap to be sprung at any moment. But nothing happens and you are able to walk on until the passage ends at yet another junction. If you wish to go left, turn to 372. If you wish to go right, turn to 393.

I have said it before, but I believe there already exists a sufficient number of votes to go right in this scenario as well, so I will skip voting for this part. Please let me know if you object to this automatic decision.

The tunnel grows noticeably warmer and is now also bathed in a soft, purple light. As you walk on, it gets even hotter and the light becomes brighter. You begin to sweat and have to squint to reduce the glare of the strong purple light. Suddenly the floor gives way beneath you, and you find yourself sliding, feet first, down a steep, coiling chute. You see the end of the chute coming but are sliding too quickly to be able to stop yourself from falling out. You land with a splash in a pool of hot purple liquid, which is situated in the centre of another cave. You climb out of the pool and realize that purple light envelops you, radiating out from your body. If you drank the water from the fountain earlier, turn to 42. If you did not drink there, turn to 160.


Zen-Kut-Sedatche has drunk the water from the fountain earlier.

Drinking the Water of the Gods has saved you from a horrible death. The radiating glow gradually dies down and soon you are back to normal. You look round the cave and find no exits leading from it. A man’s face is carved in the rock wall, its eyes closed and its mouth open. As you walk over to examine it closer, the eyes open and a deep voice booms out of the mouth, saying, ‘I am the Oracle. Although you are not welcome here, I admire your determination and effort. No matter how noble your cause, you must pay for the answers to your questions. I too will ask you questions in return. Answer any incorrectly and you will pay with your life. I will start the proceedings, as I know everything. First, you may start by bestowing gifts upon me. You were in Zengis recently. I hope you took the trouble to buy me a brass owl, and I must know how much you paid for it.’ If you have a brass owl and can remember how many Gold Pieces you paid for it, turn to that number. If you do not have a brass owl, turn to 206.

Zen-Kut-Sedatche does have a brass owl, and he paid 10 Gold Pieces for it.

You reach into your backpack and pull out the brass owl. ‘Put it down on the floor,’ continues the Oracle. ‘Good. But, alas, I am very greedy and want something else. Do you have a green vase you could give me?’ If you have a green vase and can remember how many Gold Pieces it cost, turn to that number. If you do not possess a green vase, turn to 297.

Zen-Kut-Sedatche does have a green vase, and he paid 20 Gold Pieces for it.

‘Excellent!’ booms the Oracle’s voice as you pull out the vase from your backpack. ‘Now I’m going to ask you a question, but I’ll let fate decide on its difficulty. Let me roll my dice.’ Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, turn to 341. If you are Unlucky, turn to 263.

The Luck roll yielded a 6, meaning that Zen-Kut-Sedatche was Unlucky.

‘You are very unlucky, so I am forced to ask you a question that you may find a little obscure,’ continues the Oracle. ‘I have also been fascinated by the sea and seafaring, and once I met a man called Obigee. He lives in Zengis and works at an inn. Perhaps you stayed there? He loves racing and sails on the Harem. Now, here’s the question. How many crew sail on board Harem?’ If you know the answer, turn to that number. If you do not know the answer, turn to 108.

Zen-Kut-Sedatche knows the answer which is 8, according to the picture that Obigee showed him back at Helen’s House.

‘Well answered, my friend,’ says the Oracle. ‘Now, the final test. I want you to perform some magic for me. You can hear me, but you cannot see me. I think we should be equals. Make yourself invisible!’ If you own a pet Hopper, turn to 224. If you do not own this creature, turn to 108.


Zen-Kut-Sedatche does own a pet Hopper.

The docile creature sitting on your shoulder awakes from its slumber as you tap it gently on the head. Hoping the Hopper will have the powers its vendor claimed for it, you try to recall the numbers that will trigger its invisibility. If you know the number, turn to it. If you do not know the number, turn to 303.

Zen-Kut-Sedatche does know the number, which is One, one, one. So we will turn to 111.

The Hopper makes several peculiar signs with its funny little hands while uttering a strange noise in the back of its throat. Suddenly you are invisible. You clap your hands but cannot see them. A few minutes later, you return to your visible state.

‘There’s just one more thing,’ the Oracle says frustratingly. ‘I need a gold brooch. My daughter says she needs one – although I don’t know what for, because she is ninety-eight years old. So, if you would be so kind as to give me a gold brooch, I will be in a position to help you.’ If you possess a gold brooch, turn to the number that is inscribed on it. If you do not possess a brooch, turn to 297.


Zen-Kut-Sedatche does not possess a gold brooch, but an item wish will be used here to obtain one. Please let me know if you object to this. The golden brooch has the number ‘89’ inscribed on it, so we will turn to that section next.

‘Thank you so much,’ says the Oracle, ‘And now, how can I help you?’ You explain that you believe the Oracle can help you to defeat Agglax; you ask if this is true. ‘So, you wish to destroy the Shadow Demon? It is good that you have your army with you, as you would never reach Agglax alone. His forces are too great in number for you to slip through them. You must battle your way through to him. You will find a trail of destruction east of the Forest of Fiends. Follow that trail and you will soon catch up with the Shadow Demon’s army of death. Even if you destroy his army, however, Agglax will fight on alone. Your weapons will not harm him. Only a void spell will obliterate the Demon. You must find the Crystal of Light. When you are within six feet of Agglax, hold the crystal in both hands and say “Three, two, one – begone.” That is how you will rid this land of the Shadow Demon. Goodbye and good luck.’ The eyes of the stone face close again and you hear a grating sound behind you. Looking round, you see a section of wall sliding back. Filled with new confidence, you step into the tunnel that is revealed. Turn to 280.

The wall slides back into place behind you and you feel suddenly trapped as you walk on. Further along the tunnel you notice a piece of paper on the floor. If you wish to pick it up and read it, turn to 343. If you would rather just walk on, turn to 166.

Please make your votes before 6:00 PM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
SKILL: 10 Initial Skill = 10
STAMINA: 3 Initial Stamina = 17
LUCK: 3 Initial Luck = 7
Key with the number ‘222’
Yeti tooth
Ring with the number ‘45’
Hopper (Say “One, one, one” to turn invisible if hopper is sitting on shoulder)
Copper lantern
Ivory box
Obigee’s sword
Green pill (+8 Stamina when used)
Gold seal with the number ‘332’
1 Rewind
3 Restorations
2 Item Wishes[/spoiler]
Last edited by JourneymanN00b on Wed Sep 07, 2022 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Yes, let's use an item wish. The Oracle gave us five, count 'em, five hoops to jump through. That we managed four of them is good enough for me, so I'm in favor of using an item wish for the fifth.

Pick up the paper and read it.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 36 – Armies of Death

Post by SGamerz »

Always read random bits of text that turn up in an Ian Livingstone adventure. That's almost as vital as buying or looting everything that isn't nailed down.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 36 – Armies of Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered, Zen-Kut-Sedatche will pick it up and read it.

There is some writing on the paper, but it is in a language that you do not understand. If you are carrying the Hopper, turn to 125. If you are not carrying the Hopper, turn to 294.

Zen-Kut-Sedatche is carrying the Hopper.

The Hopper jumps up and down on your shoulder, yapping frantically like an excited puppy. ‘No right turns on the way out the caves,’ squeaks the Hopper. ‘What would you do without me?’ You make a couple of facetious suggestions and walk on.


The tunnel opens out into a large cave and continues in the far wall. Between you and that tunnel, however, stands a tall, reptilian creature with two heads. It skins a dead snake with its dagger and then takes one bite out of the snake with each head. Armoured reptilians with two heads and an appetite for snakes can mean only one thing – Calacorms! You step slowly into the cave, your hand on your sword-hilt. The Calacorm’s heads both start talking at once and you have difficulty understanding what it is saying. Thankfully it takes another bite of snake with one head and continues talking with the other. ‘Exit permit must be signed and sealed,’ it says to you irritably. Thrusting a piece of parchment into your hands, it shouts, ‘Your seal! Give me your seal!’ If you have a gold seal, turn to the number that is inscribed on it. If you do not have a seal, turn to 132.

Zek-Kut-Sedatche does have a gold seal. The number “332” is inscribed on it, so we will go to section 332.

You reach for your seal and stamp it down on the hot wax which the Calacorm drips on to the parchment. After signing your name above it, the Calacorm grunts and says, ‘Go.’ Without waiting for it to change its mind, you cross the cave to the tunnel. Turn to 377.

You walk into the tunnel and soon arrive at a junction. If you wish to go left, turn to 85. If you wish to go right, turn to 214.

Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PDT or a 3-vote majority is reached to guarantee that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 36 – Armies of Death

Post by SGamerz »

Hey, even Ian Livingstone understands the importance of moderation. We leant heavily fascist on our way in, so now we need to balance it out as we leave. That's Zen.

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Post by Queen of Swords »

No right turns on the way out. Go left.
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Post by Beroli »

Queen of Swords wrote:
Wed Sep 07, 2022 1:56 am
No right turns on the way out. Go left.
Yes, this.
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