[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

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FF17: Appointment with F.E.A.R. (Take 2 - different Superpower)
FF51: Island of the Undead
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FF59: Curse of the Mummy
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

Post by Thaluikhain »

Yeah, go to the village for the Wand, leave the other stuff alone.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

That sounds like a good plan to me.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to get the wand from the village as well.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

Post by SGamerz »

Boris packed away the Eye Amulet...
At present you are wandering through the deserted streets of a Djaratian workmen's village where the people who laboured to build the Necropolis once lived. Their basic dwellings are in ruins now and there is nothing of use to you here. However, as you are returning to the central avenue through the City of the Dead you come upon a craftsman's workshop, still almost intact. Looking inside, you notice an iron ring attached to a flagstone in the middle of the room. If you want to try to lift the flagstone, tum to 67. Altematively, you can leave the workmen's village and explore the low stone buildings, if you haven't already done so, or make for the Temple of Sithera.
...and goes down to the village in search of the Iron Wand...
You raise the stone easily. Beneath it you find a shallow storage pit. In this are some decayed provisions and a peculiar, wand-like object, made of iron, that has remained untarnished in this dry atmosphere; its end is fashioned in the shape of a clawed hand. If you want to take the iron wand, add it to your Adventure Sheet.Whether you do or not, you will now have to leave the village. Where will you make for now: the Temple of Sithera or the low stone buildings, if you haven't been there already?
...which he now takes and puts in his pack as well.'

And since most of you voted not to try the embalming liquids, he heads straight for the Temple.
Making your way along the processional avenue of the Necropolis, you see the black pyramid looming up in front of you. However, before you reach the temple, you pass through other areas of the city that may be of interest. To your left, extending towards the distant edge of the cavern are the tombs of Djaratians, while to the right are shrines to their gods. Do you want to proceed by making for:

The tombs?
The shrines?
The Temple of Sithera?
We already know how to get the Sun Talisman and Waters of Life at the shrines, and there's nothing negative the process, and we know the Talisman is probably going to play the biggest part in whether we survive the mummy gauntlet later, so I'm sure you'd want to go for it again:
All the shrines have been either plundered or desecrated - except for one. Amid the destruction one, small, tomblike structure has been left untouched. Nearing the building, you sense a strong aura of Goodness washing over you like a refreshing wave. What could be inside to create this atmosphere of calm? You could open the door of the tomb and enter it or leave here without further delay.
Borise enters the tomb...
You push the door open with ease and enter a lavishly furnished burial chamber. The charms of Good protecting this tomb have saved it from the ravages of the evil ones. Lying on an ornate Djaratian couch is a body wrapped from head to toe in constricting bandages which have preserved it perfectly. As you approach, the Mummy does not move. You cannot help thinking that you may be able to gain further assistance here - but how? If you have some Oil of Lotus, turn to 384. Otherwise, you will have to go out of this tomb, leaving everything in place.
Some intuitive feeling tells you to anoint the Mummy with the oil. As soon as you do so, a shimmering light appears next to the couch and forms into the glowing, blue-white figure of a Djaratian woman wearing fine clothes an a falcon-shaped head-dress. Then the ghostly lady speaks to you in dulcet tones: "Stranger, why do you wake me from my sleep of eternity?" You feel compelled to be truthful, so you relate your mission to her. "I am Princess Nemset, daughter of Horari, twenty-fourth king of Djarat," the ghost says. "and I will help you in your task to destroy the Evil One. But first, I long to play my favourite game, Tenet, again." Nemset points to a table whose surface is divvied into a grid and with playing pieces set up on it. "If I teach you the rules, will you play against me?" the Princess asks sweetly.

Will you grant her request or, fearing that time is running short, will you tell her that you must leave at once?
...and entertains the princess in her board game.
The surface of the gaming-table is divided into fifty squares and at either end is a row of counters; one set is black and one set white. The whole set-up looks like this:


Nemset explains that the idea of the game is to get one of your pieces to the other end of the board; the first person to do so wins the game. Pieces can move one or two squares forward at a time but in no other direction. However, if, on your ham, your way is blocked by a piece directly in front of yours, you may move your piece just one square into an empty space on either side (but not backwards); this is the only time when you can move sideways. A good tactic is to try to trap your opponent's pieces so that they cannot move. Nemset chooses to play white and directs you where to move her pieces, while you are black. White goes first. Test your Skill, adding 2 to the dice roll. If you succeed, turn to 53. If you fail, turn to 129.
Dice roll = 8(+2) = 10. Success (and it was the exact same number we rolled last time).
You become engrossed in the game, forgetting your worries for a while. Soon the board looks like this:


As you can see, the piece, Black One, is trapped at the moment by White One and White Two. It is your turn; which piece will you move?

Black Two?
Black Three?
Black Four?
Black Five?
And we know the winning moves from here, too...
You move the piece sideways to the left, and Nemset moves White Two, two squares forward. Black One is now free to move. Will you move Black One or Black Two again?
It is a close-run thing, but you just beat Nemset to the end of the board. You have won! "I congratulate you, adventurer," Nemset says graciously. "For your success you deserve a prize." The ghost directs you to a golden casket inside the tomb. Opening it, you find an amulet on a golden chain, representing the sun, with twenty-four stylized rays of light projecting from it. There is also a small, decorative glass bottle, full of water, etched with the Djaratian symbol for life. "Take the Sun Talisman and the Waters of Life," says the princess, "and may they help you thwart the evil one." If you ever want to drink the Waters of Life (but not when you are in the middle of a combat), make a note of the paragraph you are reading at the time, then turn to 355. For now, add your new possessions to your Adventure Sheet, then turn to 322.
Note that we don't get another extra life for picking up the Water a second time, btw.
"Farewell, brave adventurer," says the ghost. "Remember, Akharis gains strength from his coffin." As you leave her tomb, the spirit of Princess Nemset adds, "May the gods of Djarat favour the noble-hearted."
Let's hope we get the chance to put that information to use this time round!
Will you now make your way to Sithera's forbidding temple or will you first explore the tombs of the Diaratians, if you have not already done so?
And here I assume you don't want a second round of that earlier mummy gauntlet at the tombs, so Boris heads for the temple again:
Before you stands the forbidding black pyramid that is the Temple of Sithera! Your quarry and your fate lie within. At the foot of the pyramid, an avenue of pillars leads up to a large dark opening, in front of which you can see two guards dressed in Djaratian garb. Will you boldly walk up to the entrance or look for another way into the temple?
Do we still proceed the exact same way from the last time here, until the big gauntlet?

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Boris O’Connell
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 12/12
Poison: 5/18
Equipment: Sword, backpack, Rope and Grapple, Firepowder (can be thrown at opponent at start of combat, hit after successful Skill test for 1D6 damage), Lantern + Skin of Oil (default light source), Oil of Lotus, Crystal Pyramid, Papyrus Scroll (subtract 20 from section number to translate hieroglyphic script), Statuette of Assamarra, God of the Sand, Ankh (Key of Life, set with 12 precious stones), Jet Cat, Earthenware jar (x4), Gold statue of Cracca, Lord of Rivers and Ferryman of the Gods, Dajaratian Book of the Dead, Falcon Breastplate (60 feathers), Golden Key ('34' inscribed on it), Eye Amulet, Iron Wand, Sun Talisman (24 rays of light projecting from it), Waters of Life (can be drunk at any time outside combat, turn to 355 for effect when drunk)
Provisions: 5
Gold: 3
Extra Lives remaining: 1
Notes: We received Cranno's Warning. "And all those who would despoil the shrine of Cracca, Lord of Rivers and Ferryman of the Gods, beware the wrath of the crocodile-headed one." We gained the Wisdom of Khunam (understanding of ancient Djaratian speech - add 30 to section number when spoken to in that language). Dajaratian dead making their journey through the underworld must face thirteen hazards.
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Yes, let's sneak in rather than risking an attack from two guards at the entrance.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to continue the exact same route as last time.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah, sneak in.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

Post by SGamerz »

Keeping out of sight of the guards, you creep round the side of the pyramid and soon discover an alternative way into the temple. There is a small hole, halfway up the side of the pyramid several metres above you. You could easily scramble up to it - but it could be a trap. Do you want to risk it and climb up to the hole, or will you use the main entrance after all?
Once again, Boris goes for hole penetration.
You squeeze through the small hole and crawl along a tunnel on your belly for a few metres. The tunnel suddenly slopes steeply downwards and you find yourself sliding into the depths of the temple. The tunnel eventually opens into a bare chamber and you are deposited on the hard stone floor. An archway leads out of this chamber and further into the temple, so this is the way you will have to go.
You find yourself in a long entrance hall. In front of you is a tall archway and on either side of it is a carved relief of Sithera, Goddess of Evil, ten metres high! Two cultists, their red robes bearing the motif of a rearing golden cobra suddenly run through the archway, their curved swords drawn. As you prepare to fight, you feel something strike you in the back and the world goes black...

Slowly you come to and take in your predicament. You are chained between two great pillars, your arms stretched out on either side of your body. You have been captured by the Cult of the Cobra! You have no idea how long you have been unconscious, but you have recovered in time to witness the ritual that will end in Akharis's resurrection! You are being held prisoner at one end of a vast chamber inside the Temple of Sithera. At the other end is a huge, ten-metre tall statue of the snake-headed goddess, her four taloned arms raised menacingly. Beneith the statue, on a raised dais, lies a large stone sarcophagus in side which is the mummified body of Akharisi The Mummy is huge and wears an ornate death-mask which covers most of the dead king's rotting face. At the base of the dais stand two large braziers, the magical fires of which fill the chamber with an unearthly glow. Standing between the braziers is a strikinglyy beautiful woman with black hair cut in the style of the ancient Diaratians. She is dressed in the robes of a Djaratian priestess, and in one hand she holds a staff, the top of which is carved to resemble a cobra's head. She is chanting an incantation in ancient Djaratian, and it is repeated by the crowd of cultists who stand between you and the dais. You are also horrified to see that a mass of Mummies, in various states of decay, are blocking the way to the High Priestess. These must be the Mummies of those loyal to Akharis, returned to life by the evil cult. You must stop this ritual! Standing slightly in front of you, on either side, are two cultists who are totally caught up by the ceremony in front of you. One holds your sword and the other has your backpack. But how are you to get free? In desperation you drag at the chains and feel one give slightly. The chains must have been here for centuries and they have weakened over time. If only you are strong enough...Roll three dice. If the total rolled is less than or equal to your STAMINA, turn to 289. If it is greater, turn to 388.
Our STAMINA is full this time. The cultists had been real gentle with us and knocked us about without doing any damage. So we can't fail this roll!
With one mighty wrench you snap the chains free from the pillars. Before the two cultists can react, you swing the chains at them and knock them both out! Then you grab your sword and backpack. Most of the cultists are still unaware of what is going on. Do you want to attack them, or would you rather attack the Mummies in order to reach the High Priestess and stop the ritual?
What will you use against the Mummies: fire or any charms you may have? If you have none of these, you will have to use your sword.
Sun Talisman activate!
If you are wearing a Sun Talisman, multiply the number of light rays projecting from it by eight, then turn to the paragraph with the same number as the total. Anything else you may have has no effect on these undead; so will you fight them with fire or with your sword?
The talisman starts to feel hot. Holding it up by its chain, you see that the sun is glowing brightly. There is a sudden flash, then a blazing beam of light shoots from the amulet into the undead horde with devastating effect. Several of the Mummies immediately burst into flames as their bone-dry wrappings ignite under the heat of the beam. Roll one dice and add 2. Make a note that this is the number of Mummies you have already destroyed. The talisman's power is expended, but Akharis's servants have already suffered the wrath of the sun god! Now will you attack the remaining undead with fire or your sword?
Number of mummies destroyed = 3 (+2) = 5.

...well, it's better than last time, but still could have been better.

Gauntlet time! There are still 10 mummies standing. Do we want to use our remaining skin of oil and/or Firepowder to take out anymore mummies before the swordfight starts?

Also what's our strategy regarding LUCK use? Do we follow what we did last time, and boost damage when we lose or tie more than 1 round against a mummy? (Our LUCK is higher this time round.) Will we or when do we use it to reduce damage?
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Post by Queen of Swords »

I was hoping we'd do much better with the Sun Talisman too.

Let's use our last skin of oil to take out one more mummy, so we have to fight nine of them. I'm still in favor of saving the Firepowder for the boss battle. After that, unless our Stamina is dangerously low, I vote for using Luck to increase damage if it looks as though any individual fight is going to last too long (though we should save some Luck for the final fight as well).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to use our last skin of oil, but not the Firepowder, and to use Luck to increase damage if any fight goes to 7 rounds or our hero's Stamina drops to 6.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I’d use both the skin of oil and the firepowder to wipe out more mummies (I’m sure some of the assorted things we’ve gathered will help with the final fight) and only use luck under the same circumstances we did last time.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

Post by Thaluikhain »

Unless specifically mentioned as having special rules for the end battle, firepowder will only do d6 damage, so might be best to end a mummy with it here, yeah.

Half vote for using oil and firepowder.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

Post by SGamerz »

Boris uses his last skin of oil to destroy 1 more mummy before engaging the remaining 9 with his sword.

Mummy#1 17, Boris O’Connell 21. M1 is at 10.
M1 17, BOC 24. M1 is at 8.
M1 13, BOC 16. M1 is at 6.
M1 20, BOC 20. Tie.
M1 14, BOC 15. M1 is at 4.
M1 17, BOC 16. BOC is at 16.
M1 14, BOC 19. Luck test roll = 9 (Lucky) M1 is destroyed.
Mummy#2 15, BOC 20. M2 is at 10.
M2 19, BOC 16. BOC is at 14.
M2 14, BOC 19. M2 is at 8.
M2 16, BOC 18. M2 is at 6.
M2 16, BOC 19. M2 is at 4.
M2 19, BOC 24. M2 is at 2.
M2 12, BOC 23. M2 is destroyed.
Mummy#3 18, BOC 17. BOC is at 12.
M3 14, BOC 24. M3 is at 10.
M3 15, BOC 17. M3 is at 8.
M3 19, BOC 16. BOC is at 10.
M3 14, BOC 22. M3 is at 6.
M3 18, BOC 21. M3 is at 4.
M3 16, BOC 14. BOC is at 8.
M3 14, BOC 22. Luck Test roll = 3 (Lucky). M3 is defeated.
Mummy#4 12, BOC 18. M4 is at 10.
M4 16, BOC 18. M4 is at 8.
M4 17, BOC 18. M4 is at 6.
M4 14, BOC 15. M4 is at 4.
M4 17, BOC 21. M4 is at 2.
M4 19, BOC 16. BOC is at 6
M4 14, BOC 17. M4 is destroyed.
Mummy#5 12, BOC 21. M5 is at 10.
M5 17, BOC 22. M5 is at 8.
M5 14, BOC 20. M5 is at 6.
M5 19, BOC 19. Tie.
M5 13, BOC 17. M5 is at 4.
M5 12, BOC 18. M5 is at 2.
M5 14, BOC 22. M5 is destroyed.
Mummy#6 13, BOC 19. M6 is at 10.
M6 15, BOC 21. M6 is at 8.
M6 18, BOC 21. M6 is at 6.
M6 20, BOC 14. Luck test roll = 5 (Lucky). BOC is at 5.
M6 19, BOC 19. Tie.
M6 12, BOC 14. M6 is at 4.
M6 18, BOC 23. M6 is at 2.
M6 19, BOC 22. M6 is destroyed.
Mummy#7 19, BOC 20. M7 is at 10.
M7 20, BOC 19. Luck test roll = 5 (Lucky). BOC is at 4.
M7 15, BOC 22. M7 is at 8.
M7 17, BOC 19. M7 is at 6.
M7 17, BOC 21. M7 is at 4.
M7 12, BOC 22. M7 is at 2.
M7 14, BOC 21. M7 is destroyed.
Mummy#8 17, BOC 16. Luck test roll = 6 (Lucky). BOC is at 3.
M8 18, BOC 19. M8 is at 10.
M8 17, BOC 20. M8 is at 8.
M8 15, BOC 18. M8 is at 6.
M8 19, BOC 24. M8 is at 4.
M8 18, BOC 14. Luck test roll = 5 (Lucky). BOC is at 2.
M8 18, BOC 20. M8 is at 4.
M8 13, BOC 21. M8 is at 2.
M8 13, BOC 19. M8 is destroyed.
Mummy#9 11, BOC 15. M9 is at 10.
M9 11, BOC 21. M9 is at 8.
M9 16, BOC 21. M9 is at 6.
M9 16, BOC 18. M9 is at 4.
M9 12, BOC 24. M9 is at 2.
M9 13, BOC 21. M9 is destroyed.

Boris barely scraps past with 2 STAMINA and 6 LUCK remaining!
As the last Mummy falls, you find yourself at the foot of the raised dais - in front of you stands the High Priestess of the Cult of the Cobra! Most of the cult have been left confused by your attack and are running around in panic and chaos, but their leader remains cold and calculating. You have interrupted the Ritual of Resurrection and now must prepare to face the fury of Sithera's acolyte. Are you wearing a ]Malachite Amulet? If so, turn to 223. If you, aren't, turn to 121.
This time we don't have the trap item.

Before you can reach her, the priestess casts a spell. At once thick, green smoke begins to pour out of one of the braziers and in its midst you can see a phantasmal shape forming. The demonic spirit has the body of a huge jackal, with two dog-like heads sprouting from its shoulders. Behind them a mass of serpent bodies writhe up along its back and two scorpion tails lash menacingly behind it. Do you have a Falcon Breastplate? If you have, turn to the paragraph which is the same number as the number of feathers on the falcon; if you haven't, turn to to 107.
Since we found it with the essential gold key, there's at least relatively less chance of it being a trap item (and would be an even more massive dick more if Green made it one).
The lapis lazuli set into the breastplate glows with an inner light and above you hovers a great spirit falcon, its wings scintillating with azure flames. The bird of prey swoops down on the phantasmal creature and tears at the beast with its ghostly talons, while the snake-heads strike at the falcon. Within seconds the battle is over and the jackal-spirit is back to the Demonic Planes. Its duty done, the falcon also vanishes.

Suddenly you feel the priestess's gaze upon you. Her eyes burn with with a crimson fire, and under her cruel eyes burn with a crimson fire, and under her cruel stare you feel the strength ebbing from your body. If you have an Eye-shaped Amulet, turn to 151. If you do not, turn to 344.
The amulet you are wearing protects you from the Evil Eye which the High Priestess is trying to use against you. Before she can try anything else, you run at the devious woman.
Before we join combat, I'm sure you'd want to heal up. There's been a few combat-less sections in succession, so feel free to vote on whether to consume any meals or Waters of Life.

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Boris O’Connell
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 6/12
Poison: 5/18
Equipment: Sword, backpack, Rope and Grapple, Firepowder (can be thrown at opponent at start of combat, hit after successful Skill test for 1D6 damage), Crystal Pyramid, Papyrus Scroll (subtract 20 from section number to translate hieroglyphic script), Statuette of Assamarra, God of the Sand, Ankh (Key of Life, set with 12 precious stones), Jet Cat, Earthenware jar (x4), Gold statue of Cracca, Lord of Rivers and Ferryman of the Gods, Dajaratian Book of the Dead, Falcon Breastplate (60 feathers), Golden Key ('34' inscribed on it), Eye Amulet, Iron Wand, Sun Talisman (24 rays of light projecting from it), Waters of Life (can be drunk at any time outside combat, turn to 355 for effect when drunk)
Provisions: 5
Gold: 3
Extra Lives remaining: 1
Notes: We received Cranno's Warning. "And all those who would despoil the shrine of Cracca, Lord of Rivers and Ferryman of the Gods, beware the wrath of the crocodile-headed one." We gained the Wisdom of Khunam (understanding of ancient Djaratian speech - add 30 to section number when spoken to in that language). Dajaratian dead making their journey through the underworld must face thirteen hazards.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

Post by Thaluikhain »

4 Provisions puts us at max health with 1 provision remaining, I suggest eating 4 times.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I have to wonder if we should just drink the Waters of Life, since it might give us some useful side effects for the next battle.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Eat four provisions and attack her.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to eat 4 Provisions.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

Post by pragma »

I'm with Darth, it's time for the waters if life (unless we use them to finish off Akharis somehow.)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

Post by SGamerz »

Boris downs 4 meals while his various magical charms and equipment are countering the priestess' magical attacks, restoring his STAMINA to the max.
Swinging your sword, you try to strike the High Priestess and so prevent her using her evil curse-magic against you again. To defend herself, the woman raises her cobra staff, which suddenly twists in her hands and comes to life! If the Priestess wins an Attack Round and hits you with the staff, as well as deducting the usual 3 points from your STAMINA you must add 1 to your POISON total!


If you win, turn to 397.
Well, this looks much easier than the mummies...

High Priestess 14, Boris O’Connell 21. HP is at 5.
HP 17, BOC 20. HP is at 3.
HP 18, BOC 18. Tie.
HP 21, BOC 17. BOC is at 16, and POISON is at 6.
HP 16, BOC 20. HP is at 1.
HP 16, BOC 21. HP is killed.

The High Priestess of he Cult of the Cobra falls to the dais with a dying cry: "Oh Sithera, aid us now!" Then she breathes no more. You have succeeded in preventing the Priestess from completing the Ritual of Resurrection (regain 1 LUCK point)! Hearing angry shouts, you turn to see the now reorganized cultists advancing towards you. While you are wondering how you are going to get out of this situation alive, the cult suddenly stop, their attention focused on the dais behind you. With a lump in your throat, you tum to see that the eyes of the great statue of the goddess are glowing with a sinister light. A bandaged hand then rises above the lip of the stone coffin and grips the edge, followed by another, and the decomposing body of Akharis rises from the sarcophagus. The Mummy stands, almost two metres tall, and the long-dead Djaratian king pierces you with a look of pure hatred! Akharis's evil goddess must have intervened and used her dark powers from the Demonic Plane to complete the resurrection of her loyal servant. You must stop this honor or Akharis's curse will still be fulfilled. The Mummy moans balefully and lumbers stiffly towards you. You are going to have to act quickly to destroy Akharis. Will you:

Use fire against the Mummy?
Use the Waters of Life (if you have them)?
Try to use some earthenware jars (if you have any)?
Use some other charm?
Try to remove Akharis's death-mask?
Try to destroy the sarcophagus from which he was raised?
Attack the Mummy with your sword?
I don't think any seasoned FF player is going to be surprised by the fact that they have to fight Akharis at the end no matter what, but having the demon just step in and complete the resurrection despite the ritual being ruined is kind of a lazy plot device...

Pretty much every option listed is available to us (although 'some other charm' is ambiguous and we may not have the specific charm it checks for). Which one do we try first?

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Boris O’Connell
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 6/12
Poison: 6/18
Equipment: Sword, backpack, Rope and Grapple, Firepowder (can be thrown at opponent at start of combat, hit after successful Skill test for 1D6 damage), Crystal Pyramid, Papyrus Scroll (subtract 20 from section number to translate hieroglyphic script), Statuette of Assamarra, God of the Sand, Ankh (Key of Life, set with 12 precious stones), Jet Cat, Earthenware jar (x4), Gold statue of Cracca, Lord of Rivers and Ferryman of the Gods, Dajaratian Book of the Dead, Falcon Breastplate (60 feathers), Golden Key ('34' inscribed on it), Eye Amulet, Iron Wand, Sun Talisman (24 rays of light projecting from it), Waters of Life (can be drunk at any time outside combat, turn to 355 for effect when drunk)
Provisions: 1
Gold: 3
Extra Lives remaining: 1
Notes: We received Cranno's Warning. "And all those who would despoil the shrine of Cracca, Lord of Rivers and Ferryman of the Gods, beware the wrath of the crocodile-headed one." We gained the Wisdom of Khunam (understanding of ancient Djaratian speech - add 30 to section number when spoken to in that language). Dajaratian dead making their journey through the underworld must face thirteen hazards.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to try the earthenware jars first.
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Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Agreed, we might as well find a good use for the jars now.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

Post by SGamerz »

Not sure what else to do, you hurl the jar on to the ground, smashing it to pieces and crushing the mummified bundle it held beneath your foot. Akharis's Mummy doubles up in agony as you do so. Of course, the preserved package must be one of Akharis's major internal organs, removed by the priests of Sithera centuries ago, as part of the embalming process. For every earthenware jar you have that you can destroy, deduct 2 point from Akharis's STAMINA; for every two jars smashed, you can also deduct 1 SKILL point from the Mummy. Now, while Akharis is weakened, will you:

Attack him with fire?
Use the Waters of Life, if you have them?
Use a charm against him?
Try to remove his death-mask?
Try to destroy the sarcophagus?
Use your sword?
With 4 jars, we took 4 STAMINA and (probably more importantly) 2 SKILL points off Akharis before the fight even begins!

What next?

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Boris O’Connell
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 6/12
Poison: 6/18
Equipment: Sword, backpack, Rope and Grapple, Firepowder (can be thrown at opponent at start of combat, hit after successful Skill test for 1D6 damage), Crystal Pyramid, Papyrus Scroll (subtract 20 from section number to translate hieroglyphic script), Statuette of Assamarra, God of the Sand, Ankh (Key of Life, set with 12 precious stones), Jet Cat, Gold statue of Cracca, Lord of Rivers and Ferryman of the Gods, Dajaratian Book of the Dead, Falcon Breastplate (60 feathers), Golden Key ('34' inscribed on it), Eye Amulet, Iron Wand, Sun Talisman (24 rays of light projecting from it), Waters of Life (can be drunk at any time outside combat, turn to 355 for effect when drunk)
Provisions: 1
Gold: 3
Extra Lives remaining: 1
Notes: We received Cranno's Warning. "And all those who would despoil the shrine of Cracca, Lord of Rivers and Ferryman of the Gods, beware the wrath of the crocodile-headed one." We gained the Wisdom of Khunam (understanding of ancient Djaratian speech - add 30 to section number when spoken to in that language). Dajaratian dead making their journey through the underworld must face thirteen hazards.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

Post by Thaluikhain »

I like the water of life, hopefully to make him mortal or something.
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Yes, try the Waters of Life on him.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 59 - Curse of the Mummy

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to destroy the sarcophagus, as I want to see whether we can weaken him further before using the Water of Life.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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