[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by SGamerz »

Enter the village. That's the entire reason we made this detour earlier.
Queen of Swords
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by Queen of Swords »

Agreed, enter the village.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by Thaluikhain »

To the village.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; Ariel Faust Constantine will enter the village to see if she can help in any way.

As you enter the village of Aryll you notice that many of the buildings have large red crosses painted on their doors, a sure sign of plague in the household. Near by, two men are unloading bodies from a cart and throwing them on one of the bonfires. The smell of the burning turns your stomach but, determined to help these people, you call out to the men and explain to them what your intentions are. With smiles of relief they take you to see the village elders, who are in a large stone building in the middle of Aryll.

While you are in Aryll, you could catch the plague yourself. Normally several days pass before the disease ends in the victim’s death, but increased exposure to it will increase the rate of infection in your body. You must keep a close check on the plague’s progress; this is reflected by your INFECTION score (start a record of this on your Adventure Sheet). At present, your INFECTION score is 1. If your INFECTION score ever totals 15 or more, immediately make a note of the paragraph you are on and turn to 13, unless you are engaged in combat. For now, if you have any Aramance or Tagrin, turn to 224. Otherwise, turn to 321.


Ariel Faust Constantine has Aramance.

The herbs Aramance and Tagrin both have properties which help ward off disease. By eating either of the plants you will reduce any additions to your INFECTION score by 1 point, even if this reduces them to zero. Eating both plants will have the same effect as eating just one. Now turn to 321.

If you have the Beggar’s Curse, turn to 138. If you haven’t but you do have a Rat Bite, turn to 90. If you have neither of these afflictions, turn to 279.

Ariel Faust Constantine has neither of these afflictions.

The elders, two men and a woman, listen as you tell them that you want to help free the village of the plague. ‘Aryll is overrun with rats,’ says Edgar, one of the elders, ‘and it is clearly these vile creatures which are carrying the plague. We ourselves have a plan to rid the village of them. If we could trap the rats in an old barn on the outskirts of Aryll, then we could destroy them, but we can think of no way of luring them all into the same place at the same time.’ If you have a set of Charmed Pipes, you may be able to help the villagers (turn to 241). If you do not, there is little you can do, so you leave Aryll; turn to 359.


Ariel Faust Constantine has a set of Charmed Pipes.


You walk out into the centre of the village and, putting the pipes to your lips, you begin to blow. At once a beautiful tune rises from them, slow and mysterious. You are suddenly aware of hundreds of pairs of eyes watching you. Crawling out of the cellars and sewers of Aryll, in their hordes, come the rats. Some are thin and scrawny, while others are as large as dogs and are covered in coarse black hair. You can see their sharp, yellow teeth and in every red eye there is a look of sheer malevolence. The tune played by the pipes increases in pace and the rats swarm towards you in a river of furry bodies. You lead the way out of the village to the barn and find yourself skipping along to the dancing rhythms of the melody. Every last rat follows you into the barn and, once they are all inside, the villagers slam the doors shut and bar them. Then the people of Aryll set fire to the dry straw heaped round the barn with blazing torches. If the plan is to work, you must keep playing until the last possible moment or the rats will escape. Smoke billows into the barn and flames start to lick up the walls. The rats, as if in a trance, ignore the imminent danger until you can see that the roof of the barn is ablaze and you stop playing. All at once the barn is filled with the terrified squeaking of the rats trying to flee but finding themselves surrounded by walls of flame. As the doors are barred, your only means of escape is via the hayloft. As you dash across the barn to the ladder which leads up to the hayloft, the plague-rats try to bite you. Roll one die and add 1 to the result. Increase your INFECTION score by this total and also lose that many points from your STAMINA score. You scramble up the ladder and run towards the opening in the wall at the end of the hayloft. Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, turn to 17. If you are Unlucky, turn to 329.


Rolling the die for the bites yields a 3, so Ariel Faust Constantine gains 3 Infection points after taking into account the Aramance’s effects and loses 4 Stamina points.

Rolling the dice yielded a 4, meaning that Ariel Faust Constantine was Lucky. :D

Although the wooden floor of the hayloft is rotten with age, it holds up under your weight as you run across the boards and dive out through the opening. You hit the ground, several metres below, just as the barn roof collapses in a flurry of sparks (lose 2 STAMINA points because of the fall). You listen to the dying screeches of the rats until they are drowned by the roaring flames and the barn is just a smoking ruin. Cheering, the villagers take you back to the elders. This time it is the woman, Malva, who addresses you. ‘We thank you on behalf of all the village,’ she says. ‘With the rats gone there is hope again for the people of Aryn’s Hill.’ What was that Malva said? If you have heard the name ‘Aryn’s Hill’ before, turn to 180. If you have not, turn to 60.

Ariel Faust Constantine has heard the name “Aryn’s Hill” before, back at the story-telling competition.

Remembering the pilgrim’s story about Gwythain the Protector, you ask the elders if they can explain the reference in the legend to the warrior-priest cutting out the canker that grew in Aryn’s Hill. Malva tells you that the name ‘Aryll’ is a corruption of Aryn’s Hill. ‘In the rumoured past of this village,’ says Manoc, the third elder, ‘there is a story about a servant of the Dark God Disease who unleashed plagues of rats and flies on the world. He was killed by the Protector and was buried in a crypt, said to be under the hill on which Aryll stands. A stone marks the spot.’ Could this evil be stirring again after all these centuries? Do you want to investigate further (turn to 251) or will you leave the village and waste no more time here (turn to 60)?


Please make your votes before 6:00 PM PST to be sure that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
[spoiler]Ariel Faust Constantine
SKILL: 12 Initial Skill = 12
STAMINA: 18 Initial Stamina = 24
LUCK: 10 Initial Luck = 12
Turn to 13 if INFECTION is 15 or more
Silver Key With ‘252’ Engraved
Protective Leather Gauntlet
Scarlet Lady
Drake Nettle
Heal-all (restores Skill and Stamina to Initial levels and +2 Luck)
Ilithorn Rose
Phoenix Grass
Charmed Pipes
Jar of Powder
Knows Demonic Word of Command
Say ‘One, two, away’ to send a falcon with SKILL 7 STAMINA 5 against an opponent
Reduce any additions to INFECTION by 1 point
RESURRECTIONS: 4[/spoiler]
Last edited by JourneymanN00b on Thu Jan 05, 2023 1:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by Thaluikhain »

Investigate thingy.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by Queen of Swords »

Yes, investigate.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; Ariel Faust Constantine will investigate further.

You ask the elders if you can be taken to the place where the crypt is said to be. The village tanner, Gerog, leads you to the spot at the bottom of the hill. At the point where the stone used to rest, part of the hillside has caved in, opening a way into the earth. You are determined to deal with this terror once and for all. Lighting your lantern, you enter the tunnel, watched by an anxious Gerog. Your lantern casts flickering shadows over the walls of the tunnel as you follow its twists and turns through the darkness. Turning a corner, you hear a snarl, then you see the gigantic rat running towards you down the tunnel. The beast is at least one and a half metres in length and the diseased yellow of its eyes tells you that it too is a plague carrier.


If you kill the rat, add 2 to your INFECTION score and turn to 195.

The fight:
[spoiler]Round 1: Plague Rat Attack Strength: 11, Player Attack Strength: 19;
Plague Rat Stamina: 3, Player Stamina: 18
Round 2: Plague Rat Attack Strength: 15, Player Attack Strength: 19;
Plague Rat Stamina: 1, Player Stamina: 18
Round 3: Plague Rat Attack Strength: 9, Player Attack Strength: 22;
Plague Rat Stamina: -1, Player Stamina: 18[/spoiler]

As expected, Ariel Faust Constantine flawlessly kills the plague rat.

Soon the tunnel broadens out into a small chamber; on the opposite side of the room is a pair of large, stone doors. Above the doors a skull has been carved out of the rock, underneath which you read the legend: All Good souls, do not ye enter here. Lying on the floor on either side of the doors are two decaying human corpses. You could turn back now, but you must put an end to the evil in this place. As you approach the stone doors the eyes of the nearest body flick open. Horrified, you watch as the two Plague Zombies get to their feet and shamble towards you. Roll one die and add 4. If the result is less then, or equal to, your FAITH, turn to 221. If it is greater, turn to 73.

Rolling the die and applying the modification yielded a 9, which is greater than Ariel Faust Constantine’s Faith.

You fend off the disease-ridden Undead with your sword as they try to grasp you with clawed hands. Fight them one at a time.

Second PLAGUE ZOMBIE       SKILL 7       STAMINA 6

If you win, add 4 to your INFECTION score. Putting all your weight against the doors, you push them far enough to squeeze through. Turn to 259.

The fights:
[spoiler](First Plague Zombie)
Round 1: First Plague Zombie Attack Strength: 14, Player Attack Strength: 14;
First Plague Zombie Stamina: 7, Player Stamina: 18
Round 2: First Plague Zombie Attack Strength: 14, Player Attack Strength: 22;
First Plague Zombie Stamina: 5, Player Stamina: 18
Round 3: First Plague Zombie Attack Strength: 13, Player Attack Strength: 18;
First Plague Zombie Stamina: 3, Player Stamina: 18
Round 4: First Plague Zombie Attack Strength: 15, Player Attack Strength: 18;
First Plague Zombie Stamina: 1, Player Stamina: 18
Round 5: First Plague Zombie Attack Strength: 10, Player Attack Strength: 16;
First Plague Zombie Stamina: -1, Player Stamina: 18

(Second Plague Zombie)
Round 1: Second Plague Zombie Attack Strength: 9, Player Attack Strength: 17;
Second Plague Zombie Stamina: 4, Player Stamina: 18
Round 2: Second Plague Zombie Attack Strength: 14, Player Attack Strength: 20;
Second Plague Zombie Stamina: 2, Player Stamina: 18
Round 3: Second Plague Zombie Attack Strength: 14, Player Attack Strength: 19;
Second Plague Zombie Stamina: 0, Player Stamina: 18[/spoiler]

Ariel Faust Constantine flawlessly dispatches the two Plague Zombies.

Beyond the doors you find yourself in a large cavern, your lantern barely illuminating the roof of the cave. As you begin to walk across the chamber, the ground becomes softer underfoot and … What was that? Something cold and clammy just squirmed against your legs. Looking down, you are filled with revulsion at the sight that meets your eyes: the cavern seems to be full of huge, bloated, green maggots which are writhing around in the slime that covers the cave floor. Disgusted, you hastily run towards the other side of the cave where you can make out another stone door. All at once a terrible buzzing fills the air. You look up and see a mass of winged bodies, covered in stiff green hairs and at least half a metre in length, flying straight at you. The multi-faceted eyes of the Carrier Flies reflect the light from your lantern while long, sharp mouth-parts dart in and out in anticipation. Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, turn to 354. If you are Unlucky, turn to 216.

Rolling the dice yielded an 8, meaning that Ariel Faust Constantine was Lucky. :D

As you run across the cavern, the flies are angrily trying to sting you and pass on the dreadful disease they are carrying. Fight the flies as if they were one creature. Every time you lose an Attack Round, you do not lose any STAMINA points; instead, you must add 2 to your INFECTION.


Once you have fought three Attack Rounds, you reach the door and escape the flies by running through it and slamming it shut behind you. Turn to 320.

The fight:
[spoiler]Round 1: Carrier Flies Attack Strength: 11, Player Attack Strength: 15;
Carrier Flies Stamina: 9, Player Infection: 8
Round 2: Carrier Flies Attack Strength: 12, Player Attack Strength: 19;
Carrier Flies Stamina: 7, Player Infection: 8
Round 3: Carrier Flies Attack Strength: 18, Player Attack Strength: 20;
Carrier Flies Stamina: 5, Player Infection: 8[/spoiler]

Ariel Faust Constantine does not take any hits during the three Attack Rounds.


You are standing at one end of a pillared crypt. Patches of phosphorescent algae grow on the walls and ceiling, giving off a dim light – but it is the smell that strikes you most forcibly. The stench of disease and putrefaction is sickening and you gag at the smell. While you are in the crypt you must reduce your SKILL by 2 points because of the vile stench. At the other end of the crypt is a large sarcophagus and rising out of it is a disgusting mass of pseudopods and seething, rotting flesh. This living embodiment of decay and corruption was once human, a servant of the Dark Gods; over the centuries it has become the Canker, the festering source of the plague that has been threatening Aryll. Between you and the sarcophagus, however, there are at least a dozen Plague Zombies, resurrected from the dead victims of the plague. Roll one die: this is the number of Zombies you must get past in order to reach the sarcophagus. For each Zombie faced, roll one die and add 4. If the result is less than or equal to your FAITH, the undead creature is repelled by your aura of Goodness and you can go on to face the next one. If the result is greater than your FAITH, you must fight the Zombie. Each Plague Zombie has SKILL 6 and STAMINA 6. For each Zombie you have to fight, add 2 to your INFECTION, regardless of the outcome. If you survive all your opponents, turn to 395.

Rolling the die yield a 3, meaning that we will need to get past 3 Zombies to reach the sarcophagus.

The first Zombie die roll and modification yields a 6, which is less than Ariel Faust Constantine’s Faith. She moves on to the second Zombie.

The second Zombie die roll and modification yields a 5, which is less than Ariel Faust Constantine’s Faith. She moves on to the third Zombie.

The third Zombie die roll and modification yields a 5, which is less than Ariel Faust Constantine’s Faith. She proceeds to paragraph 395.

The evil Canker reaches for you with foul tentacles. Will you:

Attack the Canker with your sword? Turn to 186
Throw your lantern at the monstrosity? Turn to 292
Throw a Heal-all at it (if you have one)? Turn to 346

Ariel Faust Constantine does have a Heal-all. Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PST or a 3-vote majority is reached to be sure that they will be counted.

After tomorrow morning, I will not have a reliable internet connection until Wednesday evening since I will be away with family, so progress is going to slow to a standstill until then.

Adventure Sheet
[spoiler]Ariel Faust Constantine
SKILL: 12 Initial Skill = 12
STAMINA: 18 Initial Stamina = 24
LUCK: 9 Initial Luck = 12
Turn to 13 if INFECTION is 15 or more
Silver Key With ‘252’ Engraved
Protective Leather Gauntlet
Scarlet Lady
Drake Nettle
Heal-all (restores Skill and Stamina to Initial levels and +2 Luck)
Ilithorn Rose
Phoenix Grass
Charmed Pipes
Jar of Powder
Knows Demonic Word of Command
Say ‘One, two, away’ to send a falcon with SKILL 7 STAMINA 5 against an opponent
Reduce any additions to INFECTION by 1 point
RESURRECTIONS: 4[/spoiler]
Last edited by JourneymanN00b on Thu Jan 05, 2023 1:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by Beroli »

Throw the Heal-All at it.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by SGamerz »

Don't waste the Heal-All here, it's probably meant to save us from some otherwise incurable affliction, not to use as a weapon.

Throw the lantern.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by Thaluikhain »

Yeah, that makes sense, throw the lantern.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Agreed, I'd rather save the Heal-All for a potentially game-over situation. Throw the lantern at it.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Curse of the Mummy taught me that throwing fire sources at undead monsters is the best course of action. Throw the lantern at it.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes counted; Ariel Faust Constantine will throw the lantern at the monstrosity, as that won over throwing a Heal-all at it by a 4-1 vote.

The oil from your lantern splashes over the hellish creature and bursts into flames. It screams in pain and lurches towards you.

CANKER       SKILL 6       STAMINA 8

If you defeat this spawn of evil in fewer than nine Attack rounds, add 4 to your INFECTION score and turn to 6. If you do not, turn to 53.

The fight:
[spoiler]Round 1: Canker Attack Strength: 17, Player Attack Strength: 17;
Canker Stamina: 8, Player Stamina: 18
Round 2: Canker Attack Strength: 15, Player Attack Strength: 14;
Canker Stamina: 8, Player Stamina: 16
Round 3: Canker Attack Strength: 11, Player Attack Strength: 17;
Canker Stamina: 6, Player Stamina: 16
Round 4: Canker Attack Strength: 18, Player Attack Strength: 16;
Canker Stamina: 6, Player Stamina: 14
Round 5: Canker Attack Strength: 12, Player Attack Strength: 14;
Canker Stamina: 4, Player Stamina: 14
Round 6: Canker Attack Strength: 13, Player Attack Strength: 19;
Canker Stamina: 2, Player Stamina: 14
Round 7: Canker Attack Strength: 17, Player Attack Strength: 21;
Canker Stamina: 0, Player Stamina: 14[/spoiler]

Ariel Faust Constantine defeats the Canker in 7 Attack Rounds and takes 4 Stamina damage in the process.

You have destroyed the evil source of the plague in Aryll: the Canker is no more. Restore 2 LUCK points. With the Canker dead, the Plague Zombies have become lifeless corpses again. You waste no time in escaping from the crypt. Gerog is surprised but elated to see you and takes you back to the village, where you are given a hero’s welcome. The elders invite you to a banquet to be held that evening where you will be guest of honour. Remembering your search for the Black Grimoire, you decline their offer and tell them of your quest. They cannot tell you anything as to the whereabouts of the book; however, as a reward for saving Aryll, the elders agree to reveal to you the secret location of the barrow of Gwythain the Protector: it lies high in the hills to the south and is guarded by a druidic sect who worship the Earth-mother. The warrior-priest is said to be buried there with his sword, Deliverer, the Blessed Blade. Manoc tells you that such a weapon would be an invaluable aid against the evil of Nazek and his Demons. Before you leave Aryll, the elders give you a bag containing 6 Gold Pieces, enough Provisions for 3 meals and another lantern (if you have lost yours). Will you now make the long diversion south to Gwythain’s barrow (turn to 96) or set off directly westwards out of Aryll (turn to 359)?

I am going to be out of town to visit family now, so I will not have reliable access to the internet until Wednesday evening. Please make your votes before 6:00 PM PST on Wednesday to guarantee that they will be counted. I might update sooner if a 3-vote majority is reached before that time, but I would not count on that.

Adventure Sheet
[spoiler]Ariel Faust Constantine
SKILL: 12 Initial Skill = 12
STAMINA: 14 Initial Stamina = 24
LUCK: 11 Initial Luck = 12
Turn to 13 if INFECTION is 15 or more
Silver Key With ‘252’ Engraved
Protective Leather Gauntlet
Scarlet Lady
Drake Nettle
Heal-all (restores Skill and Stamina to Initial levels and +2 Luck)
Ilithorn Rose
Phoenix Grass
Charmed Pipes
Jar of Powder
Knows Demonic Word of Command
Say ‘One, two, away’ to send a falcon with SKILL 7 STAMINA 5 against an opponent
Reduce any additions to INFECTION by 1 point
RESURRECTIONS: 4[/spoiler]
Last edited by JourneymanN00b on Thu Jan 05, 2023 1:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Let's go get the magic sword.

Our Infection score, at 11, is close to 15, but we still have the Heal-all, so fingers crossed that we won't need it for anything else.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Go get the magic sword.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by SGamerz »

Go get the magic sword at the barrow. It's probably a mandatory item.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes acknowledged; Ariel Faust Constantine will make the long diversion south to Gwythain’s barrow.

You have been travelling into the hills for only half an hour or so, when you start to sweat heavily. Red blotches appear on your skin and some open into weeping sores. The Canker may still have its revenge, as you are now dying from the plague! If you have a Heal-all, in desperation you gulp down the contents of the flask – and you feel a golden warmth spreading through your whole being. The blessed panacea has destroyed the plague within you. Reduce your INFECTION score to zero and restore up to 6 points of STAMINA, but ignore any other instructions given as to the use of the Heal-all. Cross the Heal-all off your Adventure Sheet and turn to 249. If you do not have a Heal-all, the Canker enjoys the ultimate triumph … in your own tortured death.

Ariel Faust Constantine does have a Heal-all, which she will use to destroy the plague within her. We will now proceed to paragraph 249.

Having rested after your terrible ordeal, you continue your trek through the barren hills with renewed determination. Grey clouds scud across the overcast sky. You are filled with a strong sense of the past as you walk through the highlands; the very earth under your feet feels ancient. Then you see it. Rising up ahead of you on the horizon is the mound of earth that is Gwythain’s Barrow. Before you can reach the barrow you have to pass through a circle of tall stones. As soon as you enter the circle, you are surrounded by a group of people clad in white robes. The druids take hold of you and drag you before their High Priest, who is wearing a ceremonial horse-skull mask and mane. ‘This is sacred ground,’ says the High Priest. ‘What is your purpose here?’ Will you reply that you wish to enter Gwythain’s Barrow (turn to 111) or try to bluff your way out by saying that you found yourself here by accident (turn to 305)?



I will not have any more access to the Internet until Wednesday, so this will be my final post until then. Please make your votes before 6:00 PM PST on Wednesday to ensure that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
[spoiler]Ariel Faust Constantine
SKILL: 12 Initial Skill = 12
STAMINA: 20 Initial Stamina = 24
LUCK: 11 Initial Luck = 12
Turn to 13 if INFECTION is 15 or more
Silver Key With ‘252’ Engraved
Protective Leather Gauntlet
Scarlet Lady
Drake Nettle
Ilithorn Rose
Phoenix Grass
Charmed Pipes
Jar of Powder
Knows Demonic Word of Command
Say ‘One, two, away’ to send a falcon with SKILL 7 STAMINA 5 against an opponent
Reduce any additions to INFECTION by 1 point
RESURRECTIONS: 4[/spoiler]
Last edited by JourneymanN00b on Thu Jan 05, 2023 1:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by Beroli »

We wish to enter Gwythain's Barrow.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Tell them the truth, that we want to enter the barrow.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

We wish to enter the barrow.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by SGamerz »

Ninja honesty!
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by Thaluikhain »

Be honest.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I got access to the Internet today, and I should have access for the next several days. However, I will be going dark again next weekend and will not have access until Monday. I hope that everyone had a nice Christmas as we have Ariel Faust Constantine reply that she wishes to enter Gwythain’s Barrow.


‘Only those who are worthy may enter the burial-place of the Guardian of the Land,’ the High Priest announces. ‘The means of testing is decreed.’ The druids make you kneel before a small stone at the far side of the circle; there are numbers carved into it. Spreading his arms wide, the High Priest speaks again: ‘This is the Equinox Stone, with which are calculated the holy cycles of the year. Like all such stones, it has a mystic number of great power and importance. What is the mystic number?’ Staring at the carvings on the stone, you frantically try to reason out what the mystic number is (take a look at the illustration on the page facing this paragraph). When you think you know the answer, turn to the paragraph with the same number. If that paragraph does not make any sense, you have chosen wrongly (turn to 305). If you cannot solve the puzzle, you tell the druid you do not know what the number is (turn to 305).

Please make your votes before 6:00 PM PST or a 3-vote majority is reached to ensure that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Would I be correct in assuming that the grid reads:
[56] [21] [--]
[--] [35] [63]
[42] [--] [14]

In that case, they're all multiples of 7, which I assume is the mystic number. Though I'm not sure what's up with the blank squares in that case.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 53 – Spellbreaker

Post by SGamerz »

I'll second the vote for 7 as the answer.
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