[Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to quietly cross the room to the secret door.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

You tiptoe toward the secret door, trying to maintain your footing on the slimy floor. Make a Dexterity check; an 11 fails.

You slip slightly and fall against a scroll rack, sending several scrolls tumbling noisily to the floor. The bats hanging from the ceiling descend in a black cloud. Most of them swarm out the fissure in the ceiling, but two dive and attack you.

Giant bats: AC 6; HD 2; hp 13,9; MV 180'(60'); #AT 1 bite; D 1-4; ML 8; AL N

Vote on under what circumstances to retreat (with the secret door closed, you'll need to run back down the hall and deal with the statue if you choose this), on whether to let one of them retreat if they try, and on which to attack first. Something special will happen if you roll a 20.

Character Sheet:
Delfi Ironboot
Level 8 Dwarf
Gender: Female
Strength 16 (+2 to hit)
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 11
Dexterity 5 (+2 Armor Class penalty)
Constitution 17 (+2 to each hit die)
Charisma 9
Armor Class: 5 (chain and magic shield, Dexterity penalty)
Main weapon: +3 sword. Will hit a -14 AC on a 20, will hit an 8 AC on a 2
Damage: 1d8+5
Hit Points: 16/61
Alignment: Neutral
+1 mithril dagger "Sting," Warhammer, Sword +3, Dagger +1, Shield +1, Backpack, wolf's head ring (worn),Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, Large Sack, opal-studded dagger sheath worth 110 gold, dagger, dice, bell, Backpack, Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, Large Sack, phial of red liquid labeled "Poison for sword," three ~50-gold-piece figurines, three bags of assorted gems worth 2,000 gp total, 2500-gold-piece emerald necklace, 500-gp pearl, filthy bearclaw necklace, cleaver, kitchen knife
Coinage: 605 gold, 85 electrum, 569 silver, 20 copper
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold
Detection of Traps and Stone Construction
Saving Throws:
Poison or Death Ray 4 (must roll a 4 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Magic Wands 5 (must roll a 5 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Paralysis or Petrification 6 (must roll a 6 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Dragon Breath 7 (must roll a 7 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Rod, Staff, or Spell 8 (must roll an 8 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to attack the bat with 9 HP, and to let them retreat if either of them want to.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

Delfi wins initiative and hits Bat Two with a 15 for 6 damage. Both bats miss with rolls of 4 and 8 (they need a 13).
Delfi wins initiative and hits Bat Two with an 18 for 11 damage, dropping Bat Two. Bat One rolls a 7 for morale and keeps attacking. Bat One hits with a 17 for 3 damage.
Bat One wins initiative and misses with a 3. Delfi misses with a 2.
Delfi wins initiative and hits with a 10 for 10 damage. Bat One hits with a 19 for 2 damage.
Delfi wins initiative and hits with a 19 for 11 damage, dropping Bat One.

You shake your head, making sure no bats are stuck in your hair. You proceed to the secret door.
Map Segment 289.PNG
Map Segment 289.PNG (1.38 KiB) Viewed 784 times
This metal door creaks back on its rusty hinges. Inside are more, better-preserved scrolls. Yet here too, the dampness has seeped in and some of the scrolls are moldy.

Investigate further?
Go back to the room with the worms?
Go back to the statue room?

Character Sheet:
Delfi Ironboot
Level 8 Dwarf
Gender: Female
Strength 16 (+2 to hit)
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 11
Dexterity 5 (+2 Armor Class penalty)
Constitution 17 (+2 to each hit die)
Charisma 9
Armor Class: 5 (chain and magic shield, Dexterity penalty)
Main weapon: +3 sword. Will hit a -14 AC on a 20, will hit an 8 AC on a 2
Damage: 1d8+5
Hit Points: 11/61
Alignment: Neutral
+1 mithril dagger "Sting," Warhammer, Sword +3, Dagger +1, Shield +1, Backpack, wolf's head ring (worn),Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, Large Sack, opal-studded dagger sheath worth 110 gold, dagger, dice, bell, Backpack, Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, Large Sack, phial of red liquid labeled "Poison for sword," three ~50-gold-piece figurines, three bags of assorted gems worth 2,000 gp total, 2500-gold-piece emerald necklace, 500-gp pearl, filthy bearclaw necklace, cleaver, kitchen knife
Coinage: 605 gold, 85 electrum, 569 silver, 20 copper
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold
Detection of Traps and Stone Construction
Saving Throws:
Poison or Death Ray 4 (must roll a 4 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Magic Wands 5 (must roll a 5 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Paralysis or Petrification 6 (must roll a 6 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Dragon Breath 7 (must roll a 7 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Rod, Staff, or Spell 8 (must roll an 8 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Thaluikhain »

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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to investigate further.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

You walk in and put your hand on a scroll, ready to take it down from the shelf. Suddenly, you realize that this is no normal mold. It is yellow mold. You dare not move; you hardly dare breathe. Make a Dexterity check; a 17 fails.

You gingerly lower your hand to your side. Slowly, you move toward the door. But as you do, your back hits a shelf. The yellow mold spores explode. You instantly take [1d6]4 points of damage and leap out the door before the spores engulf you completely. Make a Saving Throw vs. Poison; an 11 succeeds and so you do not take a further 2d6 damage.

You discover you still have the scroll you picked up in the yellow mold room! Fortunately, it is not contaminated. You risk striking a light to read by. The few bats on the ceiling fly back up the fissure. Most of the scroll is too badly damaged to read, but you can make out the end section wrapped closest to the spool.
Inscription 8.1.PNG
Inscription 8.1.PNG (194.94 KiB) Viewed 766 times
Inscription 8.2.PNG
Inscription 8.2.PNG (123.71 KiB) Viewed 766 times
Inscription 8.3.PNG
Inscription 8.3.PNG (127.47 KiB) Viewed 766 times
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

Inscription 8.4.PNG
Inscription 8.4.PNG (189 KiB) Viewed 765 times
You return to the hall and go through the south door to once again confront the statue, which moves toward you on your arrival.

Fight it?
Try to dodge past it and reach the south door, eastern flight of stairs, or western doors by which you first entered this hall (specify which one)?
Retreat back into the hall and go to fight the worms?

Character Sheet:
Delfi Ironboot
Level 8 Dwarf
Gender: Female
Strength 16 (+2 to hit)
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 11
Dexterity 5 (+2 Armor Class penalty)
Constitution 17 (+2 to each hit die)
Charisma 9
Armor Class: 5 (chain and magic shield, Dexterity penalty)
Main weapon: +3 sword. Will hit a -14 AC on a 20, will hit an 8 AC on a 2
Damage: 1d8+5
Hit Points: 7/61
Alignment: Neutral
+1 mithril dagger "Sting," Warhammer, Sword +3, Dagger +1, Shield +1, Backpack, wolf's head ring (worn),Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, Large Sack, opal-studded dagger sheath worth 110 gold, dagger, dice, bell, Backpack, Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, Large Sack, phial of red liquid labeled "Poison for sword," three ~50-gold-piece figurines, three bags of assorted gems worth 2,000 gp total, 2500-gold-piece emerald necklace, 500-gp pearl, filthy bearclaw necklace, cleaver, kitchen knife
Coinage: 605 gold, 85 electrum, 569 silver, 20 copper
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold
Detection of Traps and Stone Construction
Saving Throws:
Poison or Death Ray 4 (must roll a 4 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Magic Wands 5 (must roll a 5 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Paralysis or Petrification 6 (must roll a 6 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Dragon Breath 7 (must roll a 7 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Rod, Staff, or Spell 8 (must roll an 8 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

First picture translation:
D and in such a manner have I made the creatian heirs arm and placed him base af heirs stane he must treated mast courteously f he will attac any stran

I will see if I can translate the rest of the pictures should I have the time.

In the meantime, I vote to try to dodge the statue and head to the south door.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

As you move past the statue, it lunges for you. It moves faster than you do, but hopefully your reactions are quicker. (...) Make a Dexterity check; a 6 fails.

You dodge around the stone dwarf, but he is too quick for you. He grabs hold of your arm and begins to crush it in his vice-like grip.

Dwarf: AC 3; HD 6'; hp 35 (20 remaining); MV 120'(40'); #AT 1 fist; D 2-8; ML 12; AL N

Something special will happen if you deal 8 or more damage in one blow or if the statue rolls a 20.

Round One: Delfi wins initiative and misses with a 6. The statue misses with a 5.
Round Two: Delfi wins initiative and hits with a 17 for 6 damage. The statue hits with a 9 for 6 damage.
Round Three: Delfi wins initiative and hits with a 13 for 9 damage.

You have done 8 damage in one hit and so:

With a brutal blow, you knock the statue over. You can run from the hall and out the exit of your choice while the statue recovers. Alternatively, you can continue the fight and automatically win initiative in each remaining round.

Run out the south door?
Finish the fight?

Character Sheet:
Delfi Ironboot
Level 8 Dwarf
Gender: Female
Strength 16 (+2 to hit)
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 11
Dexterity 5 (+2 Armor Class penalty)
Constitution 17 (+2 to each hit die)
Charisma 9
Armor Class: 5 (chain and magic shield, Dexterity penalty)
Main weapon: +3 sword. Will hit a -14 AC on a 20, will hit an 8 AC on a 2
Damage: 1d8+5
Hit Points: 1/61
Alignment: Neutral
+1 mithril dagger "Sting," Warhammer, Sword +3, Dagger +1, Shield +1, Backpack, wolf's head ring (worn),Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, Large Sack, opal-studded dagger sheath worth 110 gold, dagger, dice, bell, Backpack, Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, Large Sack, phial of red liquid labeled "Poison for sword," three ~50-gold-piece figurines, three bags of assorted gems worth 2,000 gp total, 2500-gold-piece emerald necklace, 500-gp pearl, filthy bearclaw necklace, cleaver, kitchen knife
Coinage: 605 gold, 85 electrum, 569 silver, 20 copper
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold
Detection of Traps and Stone Construction
Saving Throws:
Poison or Death Ray 4 (must roll a 4 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Magic Wands 5 (must roll a 5 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Paralysis or Petrification 6 (must roll a 6 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Dragon Breath 7 (must roll a 7 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Rod, Staff, or Spell 8 (must roll an 8 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to run out the south door with only 1 HP remaining, and hope that our hero finds another healing source very soon.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

What JN said.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

Statue.JPG (181.65 KiB) Viewed 700 times
Map Segment 306.PNG
Map Segment 306.PNG (3.81 KiB) Viewed 700 times
This once-handsome hall was covered by carvings and mosaics. They are now cracked and broken. The door on the north is blasted off its hinges. A portion of the western wall has collapsed into a gaping pit. Foul vapors waft up out of it. On the south is a beautiful door of mithril covered with gems in the design of a forge surmounted by a five-starred crown.

Pass through the copper door on the west?
Pass through the silver door on the southeast?
Pass through the brass door on the northeast?
Pass through the mithril door on the south?
Pass through the gaping hole in the west wall?
Go back through the north door?

Character Sheet:
Delfi Ironboot
Level 8 Dwarf
Gender: Female
Strength 16 (+2 to hit)
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 11
Dexterity 5 (+2 Armor Class penalty)
Constitution 17 (+2 to each hit die)
Charisma 9
Armor Class: 5 (chain and magic shield, Dexterity penalty)
Main weapon: +3 sword. Will hit a -14 AC on a 20, will hit an 8 AC on a 2
Damage: 1d8+5
Hit Points: 1/61
Alignment: Neutral
+1 mithril dagger "Sting," Warhammer, Sword +3, Dagger +1, Shield +1, Backpack, wolf's head ring (worn),Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, Large Sack, opal-studded dagger sheath worth 110 gold, dagger, dice, bell, Backpack, Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, Large Sack, phial of red liquid labeled "Poison for sword," three ~50-gold-piece figurines, three bags of assorted gems worth 2,000 gp total, 2500-gold-piece emerald necklace, 500-gp pearl, filthy bearclaw necklace, cleaver, kitchen knife
Coinage: 605 gold, 85 electrum, 569 silver, 20 copper
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold
Detection of Traps and Stone Construction
Saving Throws:
Poison or Death Ray 4 (must roll a 4 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Magic Wands 5 (must roll a 5 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Paralysis or Petrification 6 (must roll a 6 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Dragon Breath 7 (must roll a 7 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Rod, Staff, or Spell 8 (must roll an 8 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to go through the copper door.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

Map Segment 307.PNG
Map Segment 307.PNG (1.17 KiB) Viewed 679 times
The copper-plated door is green with age and scorched by fire. It swings back slowly on stiff hinges. This dwarf home is now decayed, its furnishings covered by mold. You look around and notice that there are pitchers, empty phials, sealed jars. You open one of the sealed jars. Inside are a dozen dried bat wings.

Go back to the hall outside and make another choice?
Open the door to the west?

Character Sheet:
Delfi Ironboot
Level 8 Dwarf
Gender: Female
Strength 16 (+2 to hit)
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 11
Dexterity 5 (+2 Armor Class penalty)
Constitution 17 (+2 to each hit die)
Charisma 9
Armor Class: 5 (chain and magic shield, Dexterity penalty)
Main weapon: +3 sword. Will hit a -14 AC on a 20, will hit an 8 AC on a 2
Damage: 1d8+5
Hit Points: 1/61
Alignment: Neutral
+1 mithril dagger "Sting," Warhammer, Sword +3, Dagger +1, Shield +1, Backpack, wolf's head ring (worn),Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, Large Sack, opal-studded dagger sheath worth 110 gold, dagger, dice, bell, Backpack, Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, Large Sack, phial of red liquid labeled "Poison for sword," three ~50-gold-piece figurines, three bags of assorted gems worth 2,000 gp total, 2500-gold-piece emerald necklace, 500-gp pearl, filthy bearclaw necklace, cleaver, kitchen knife
Coinage: 605 gold, 85 electrum, 569 silver, 20 copper
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold
Detection of Traps and Stone Construction
Saving Throws:
Poison or Death Ray 4 (must roll a 4 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Magic Wands 5 (must roll a 5 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Paralysis or Petrification 6 (must roll a 6 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Dragon Breath 7 (must roll a 7 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Rod, Staff, or Spell 8 (must roll an 8 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to open the door to the west.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

Map Segment 308.PNG
Map Segment 308.PNG (829 Bytes) Viewed 663 times
This bedchamber is as moldy as the outer room. Dust lies thickly everywhere. The walls are covered with shelves holding strange objects—skulls, and skeletons of small animals. A cache of phials catches your eye. You examine them and see that all but three have deteriorated into powder.

Sip the phial of red liquid?
Sip the phial of green liquid?
Sip the phial of purple liquid?
Leave the phials, return to the hallway, and make another choice?

Character Sheet:
Delfi Ironboot
Level 8 Dwarf
Gender: Female
Strength 16 (+2 to hit)
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 11
Dexterity 5 (+2 Armor Class penalty)
Constitution 17 (+2 to each hit die)
Charisma 9
Armor Class: 5 (chain and magic shield, Dexterity penalty)
Main weapon: +3 sword. Will hit a -14 AC on a 20, will hit an 8 AC on a 2
Damage: 1d8+5
Hit Points: 1/61
Alignment: Neutral
+1 mithril dagger "Sting," Warhammer, Sword +3, Dagger +1, Shield +1, Backpack, wolf's head ring (worn),Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, Large Sack, opal-studded dagger sheath worth 110 gold, dagger, dice, bell, Backpack, Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, Large Sack, phial of red liquid labeled "Poison for sword," three ~50-gold-piece figurines, three bags of assorted gems worth 2,000 gp total, 2500-gold-piece emerald necklace, 500-gp pearl, filthy bearclaw necklace, cleaver, kitchen knife
Coinage: 605 gold, 85 electrum, 569 silver, 20 copper
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold
Detection of Traps and Stone Construction
Saving Throws:
Poison or Death Ray 4 (must roll a 4 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Magic Wands 5 (must roll a 5 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Paralysis or Petrification 6 (must roll a 6 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Dragon Breath 7 (must roll a 7 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Rod, Staff, or Spell 8 (must roll an 8 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to sip the phial of red liquid.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Thaluikhain »

Could be a b goblet thing, so I vote for green.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

Going to need a tiebreaker.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I like the Goblet B theory, so drink green.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

My subjective impression is that Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks actually have a lot more examples of "good things on both ends, bad in the middle" than the other way around. That's certainly the case in Caverns of the Snow Witch (the brass ring, as you know, summons a minion; the gold ring protects from the dragon's cold breath; the silver ring reduces your Skill and Stamina). But enough of my seemingly-irrelevant tangent.

This bitter liquid burns your throat. You take two points of damage. Making a Saving Throw vs. Poison to see if the further damage would be 1d4 or 2d4 is redundant. Delfi's last thought is, "A dwarf killed by poison, how embarrassing."
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

Vote on whom Nimron convinces to venture into Thunderdelve next.

Option One: Darow Blackaxe
Level 9 Dwarf
Gender: Male
Strength 17 (+2 to hit)
Intelligence 6 (-1 to Intelligence checks)
Wisdom 9
Dexterity 12
Constitution 13 (+1 to each hit die)
Charisma 10
Armor Class: 4 (chain and shield)
Will hit a -7 AC on a 20, will hit a 10 AC on a 3
Hit Points: 54/54
Alignment: Neutral

Option Two: Ondrin Silverheart
Level 7 Dwarf
Gender: Female
Strength 11
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 9
Dexterity 18 (-3 Armor Class bonus)
Constitution 14 (+1 to each hit die)
Charisma 11
Armor Class: 1 (chain and shield, Dexterity bonus)
Will hit a -5 AC on a 20, will hit a 10 AC on a 5
Hit Points: 42/42
Alignment: Neutral
Potion of Strength

Option Three: Goin Cleftfist
Level 7 Dwarf
Gender: Male
Strength 12
Intelligence 16 (+2 to Intelligence checks)
Wisdom 12
Dexterity 16 (-2 Armor Class bonus)
Constitution 13 (+1 to each hit die)
Charisma 9
Armor Class: 2 (chain and shield, Dexterity bonus)
Will hit a -6 AC on a 20, will hit a 10 AC on a 4
Hit Points: 35
Alignment: Neutral
Axe +1

Option Four: Nara Crystalmace
Level 7 Dwarf
Gender: Female
Strength 14 (+1 to hit)
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 11
Dexterity 13 (-1 Armor Class bonus)
Constitution 10
Charisma 13 (+1 Charisma check bonus)
Armor Class: 3 (chain and shield and Dexterity bonus)
Will hit a -7 AC on a 20, will hit a 10 AC on a 3
Hit Points: 35
Alignment: Lawful
Mace +1, +2 vs. undead
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Eh, it was either going to heal us or kill us. Go with Darow Blackaxe, I think (if he kicks the bucket, then Ondrin should probably be next pick). And loot everything from Delfi's body when we get the chance, especially that +3 sword and +1 shield.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Sigh. I vote to pick Darow Blackaxe and make our way to Delfi's body, take the phials (but not drink them), and check the gaping hole in the west wall next.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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