[Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by SGamerz »

Taking the low road...
There are two condors circling in the sky, getting lower and lower. One swoops down - it looks as though it landed just on the other side of a rocky outcrop. Slowly, so as not to alarm the bird, you step around the rocks. Only a short distance away from you, there are three of the large birds feasting on something. It looks as though it could be a dead guanaco. Another condor swoops down to join the others in their meal.

The birds are surprisingly ugly close up, with bald heads and hooked beaks. One of them spots you and gives an alarmed cry, hopping backward from the carrion, with its massive wings outstretched. The condor's wingspan looks twice your height. The bird cocks its head to look at you, then hops back to the dead animal.

Hunger gnaws at your stomach. Should you chase away the condors and eat some of the meat yourself?

If you decide to eat some of the meat, go to page 56.
If you decide to leave the condors to their feats, go to page 73.
Andean Condors:
- Andean condors are some of the world's largest flying birds. They weigh up to about 33 pounds (15 kg) and have a huge wingspan of up to 10.5 feet (3.2 m). Although the wandering albatross has a wider wingspan, Andean condors' wings are the largest of any bird.

- Because they're so large, that wingspan needs a bit of help. The condors live in areas where there are high winds so they can surf air currents without having to flap their wings.

- Andean condors are black. The male have a white collar around their necks. They have bald heads, similar to other vultures.

- Like all vultures, condors feed mainly on carrion, though they sometimes raid other birds' nests for eggs or newly hatched chicks.

- Andean condors are endangered. There are only a few thousand of them left.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by Thaluikhain »

Eating carrion? Yeah, maybe not. We can survive something like 3 weeks before starvation gets us, disease or food poisoning could kill us faster.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by Queen of Swords »

Agreed, we don’t know how long that animal has been dead.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to leave the condors to their feasts, as the meat is probably too old and ruined to be edible. The book will probably provide alternate food choices for our hero to consume.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by SGamerz »

2nd batch of pictures. This time, almost all of them are actually relevant to at least one of the sections where we saw them, except for a picture of generic snowflakes (which I haven't included) that appeared for about 6 different pages.

The avalanche:


The fire (admittedly, this is also pretty generic):


And most recently, the condors:

You watch the condors for a bit longer before continuing on your way. You skirt around the birds so as not to disturb them. You're far enough away from them that they look up and watch you but don't leave their meal. One of them watches you for awhile with something long, red and glossy hanging from its beak.

Go to page 88.
No infodump s4ection accompanying this...
You nearly trip over one of your bootlaces. They have come undone on both boots. You take off your gloves to tie them, crouching down with your back against a sudden strong gust of wind.

When you're finished, you turn to pick up the gloves from the rock. But they're not where you left them. The wind must have blown them off the rock! You start searching. Unfortunately, you look just in time to see one of them flying off down a very steep slope - far too dangerous for you to follow. The other glove is lying on the ground not far away but, as you reach it, the wind catches the glove, and whirls it over the precipice after the first one.

Does it matter that you've lost the gloves? Should you spend time and energy figuring out how to make some new ones? The weather's cold, but there aren't Artic conditions.

If you decide to try to make some new gloves, go to page 52.
If you decide not to bother, go to page 78.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by Thaluikhain »

Eek, we need new gloves or (bset case) our hands will go numb and we will be able to perform basic tasks like fire lighting properly.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Yes, make new gloves.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Make new gloves.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to try to make some new gloves, as frostbite is definitely a serious risk in this adventure.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by SGamerz »

You search in your backpack for something to make into a pair of gloves, or at least mittens, and you find an old thermal T-shirt.

Before you start, you make sure your bootlaces are securely tied. You rip the T-shirt in half and wind the material around one hand, making sure you can still move your fingers. Then you wrap an elastic band around it. It's trickier doing the same to he other hand, but you manage it with the help of your teeth. It's going to be difficult typing your shoelaces from now on, but at least your hands are warm.

Go to page 76.
You spot movement out of the corner of your eyes in the distance, you make out a group of eight small deer.

These are South Andean deer, which only live in this part of the world. They're rare, so you're lucky to see them.

The animals haven't caught sight of you. You must be downwind of them. They start to move off calmly, and you wonder if you should follow them. They might lead you to water, and you need to fill up your water bottle.

If you decide to follow the deer, go to page 83.
if you decide not to follow them, go to page 60.

South Andean Deer:
- South Andean deer, or huemul, are the national symbol of Chile and appear on the Chilean coat of arms.

- The animals are about 31.5 inches (80 cm) tall and brown or brownish gray in color.

- They are only found in the Andes in southern Chile and Argentina.

- Their numbers have decreased dramatically in he last 100 years, and they're now in serious danger of becoming extinct.

- The deer are preyed on by pumas and foxes, but habitat loss is their greatest threat.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Follow the deer.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Yes, follow the deer.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by Thaluikhain »

Follow, hope they aren't attracting pumas.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to follow the deer to see if they lead our hero to water.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by SGamerz »

By the time you arrive, the animals have moved on but you were right in thinking that they might lead to water. You discover a small shallow pond where they had been grazing. Sunlight glints on the surface of the water. It looks clear and clean.

It would take time and energy to make a fire, and you are very thirsty. You know that water in the Andes is famous for being pure and safe to drink. Also, you reason that the water must be clean if the animals drink it, so maybe it's not worth the bother of boiling it?

If you make a fire and drink boiled water, go to page 60.
If you decide to drink the water without being boiling it, go to page 106.
No info-dump section here...

(The same picture of the Andean deer is repeated here at a different scale.)
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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by Thaluikhain »

Boil anyway. A pond isn't flowing water, after all, and taking the time and effort is surely less dangerous than getting sick.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to make a fire and drink boiled water. Just because water in the Andes is famous for being pure and safe to drink does not mean that this particular water source is clean as well.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Agreed, boil the water.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by SGamerz »

You trudge along, feeling very tired. At least your improvised gloves are keeping your hands warm.

Snow-capped mountains soar above you, and the sun is out. But you're finding it very difficult to keep your spirits up. The mountains only remind you how vast and remote this landscape is and how small you are.

Go to page 112.
If you're paying attention to section numbers, you'd see that we come to this section if we chose not to follow those deer in the first place. It looks as though following them just gave us another opportunity to make a wrong choice and get ourselves killed. Yes, drinking un-boiled water is bad for health. Add the fact that there's no more reference to you drinking at all here, it almost made me suspect there may be an editorial error, although a quick skim of the pages didn't reveal any other likely pages it should have redirected us to.
As you round a rocky outcrop, you spot a bright blue lake below you. It's big and surrounded by boulders and scrubby grassland. There might be fish in the lake, and it would also be a good chance to fill up your water bottle.

You think it will take an hour or so to walk down to the lake/ Should you change direction and go to the lake, or carry on the way you're going?

If you decide to walk toward the lake, go to page 92.
If you decide to keep going as you are, go to page 62.
And this is another reason why I almost though the previous reference might have been an editorial error: the book doesn't seem to take into account the fact that we might have just found another pond not too long ago and should have had the chance to fill up our water bottle after boiling some for drinking earlier. I guess it could have been too shallow to provide enough water for that, but the transition still feels like something was left out.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by Thaluikhain »

We aren't actually going anywhere in particular, are we? So we've no reason not to change direction and head for the lake.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to walk toward the lake in order to get more drinking water.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by SGamerz »

You walk downhill across rocky terrain to the lake that is sparkling in the sunshine. Close to the shore, there's a beautiful sight: a flock of Chilean flamingos, bright pink against the blue water, feeding in the shallows.

Keeping your distance from the birds so as not to scare them off, you make a fire at the lake to boil water to fill your water bottle. The feeding birds remind you that the lake is probably full of food. The birds eat snails and aquatic insects, but there are bound to be fish here, too. Your stomach rumbles at the thought. Should you stop and fish? Some food would make you feel a lot better.

If you decide to fish in the lake, go to page 100.
If you decide not to, go to page 94.

Patagonian Lakes:
- Brilliant blue lakes are scattered throughout the Patagonian Andes. An area known as the Lakes District includes about 20 large lakes, which were carved into the landscape during the last ice age. It's the greenest part of Patagonia, and is covered in temperate rainforests.

- General Carrera Lake in Patagonia is South America's deepest lake. It has a maximum depth of around 1935 feet (590 m), and is roughly 124 miles (200 km) long, with an area of nearly 386 square miles (1000 sq km). Beautiful marble cliffs, which have been sculpted into amazing shapes and caves, rise at the edges of the lake.

- Lake Viedma is fed by Viedma Glacier, which flows into the lake. The spectacular ice sheet is 1.6 miles (2 km) wide at the western edge of the lake.

- Large Chilean flamingos are found in Patagonian lakes, especially the saltwater lakes,. You might also see striking black-necked swans.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to fish in the lake.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Agreed, try fishing.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lost in the Mountains of Death

Post by Thaluikhain »

May as well.
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