[Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

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Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to use 2 Karma to try to get the better result, but not use any for HP loss.
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by pragma »

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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by SGamerz »

Die roll = 2+2 (+4) = 8. Our use of Karma wasn't sufficient, and we just fell short of passing!

Your flight path leads you in a zigzag pattern through the air, knocking into any mini-robots that are using laser weapons on your companions. Below, you see Storm taking advantage of the enemy's temporary disorientation. The X-Men's team leader grabs hold of a charred tree branch and smashes any attackers that come too close.

"Way to go!" you cheer.
Storrn shouts up at you, "Rogue! Look out..."

You look up to find yourself flying directly into a sphere that is aiming a tiny metal prod at you. You can't pull up quickly enough to avoid a collision. The prod jabs at your forehead, and suddenly you can't move.

Oh, my gosh! I'm fallin'! you think as you watch Storm and the ground grow rapidly closer and closer.
Switching POV...

Your warning to Rogue has come too late. The sphere's prod hits the younger woman's head, and her face contorts in pain. You watch in horror as the supposedly invulnerable mutant freezes in midair and begins falling, apparently too stunned to fly. A moment later, she crumples to the ground with a sickening thud. Subtract 3 from Rogue*s Health points.

Goddess! What sort of weapon could harm Rogue? you wonder. Intent on protecting her, you leap to her side. brandishing your makeshift weapon to keep the robots at bay.
Man, the damages are ramping up...

Can we really hold these things of? you wonder, or will they return with reinforcements?

Already you can see the spheres that are left closing in on you. but slowly. as though they're wary of what you might do. They probably plan to use some other weapons, like the metal bindings the first sphere used on Wolverine, you guess.

From the top of the hill comes an unnerving grating sound, You look up, fearing to discover a fresh troop of mini-robots. On the top of the rise. though, framed by the last rays of the setting sun, is a human figure. You can Just barely tell that it is a woman in a pair of army overalls as she aims some sort of gun at the minirobots.

It's the gun making the grating noise, but it's a welcome sound after all. A few of the spheres explode. while the rest nee in all directions.

"Hurry!" the woman shouts, waving for you to follow her. "'We can't stay out here. It's getting dark."

You don't take time to ask why she fears the dark. "Logan! Help me with Rogue," you order.

"There's life in the kid yet," Wolverine says, grinning.

"Mah teeth!" Rogue moans.

"Your teeth? They're all still there," you say. smiling, as Wolverine hefts her into his arms.
"But they hurt. Mah teeth are killin' me," the girl cries out. "All mah bones ache!"

"Sounds like the sphere hit her with some sort of low frequency sonic weapon," Nightcrawler reasons. "If so, she'll recover. but she may ache for a while."

"Ah can walk by mahself," Rogue insists, so Wolverine puts her down gently but keeps a protective arm around her waist, just in case.

The four of you climb the rest of the way up the hill, where the woman waits impatiently. Just beyond the hilltop stand the burned-out skeletons of three bar. racks buildings. The woman leads you to the door of a fourth building that is miraculously untouched by the fire.

As your rescuer punches up a longer series of numbers on the door's electronic control panel, you take a moment to study her. She looks as if she's in her late twenties or early thirties, about your own height. with very short, brown hair, and freckles. She's not a classically beautiful woman, but the health and confidence she radiates makes her exceedingly attractive.

The door slides open with a smooth swoosh, and you are all ushered inside.

After pushing a button on the wall to close the door and then ordering "Screen up" into an intercom, the woman turns back to greet you. "Welcome to what's left of Obar Island, otherwise known as Nerd Paradise.

"Thank you," you reply. You're a little puzzled by her apparent cheerfulness in the midst of the chaos around you. "And thank you for rescuing us."

"Anytime. friend. We can't all be blithering cowards," Jesse sniffs. "Follow me. The others will be surprised to see you."
At least we're finally out of that first sequence of bot encounters...

This encounter isn't outright lethal, but the damages can stack up the more we fail at FEATs. Also if we successfully take out the wave of bots by ourselves before the rescuer arrives, we would have earned some Karma.

There's going to be some fairly long updates after this, so pausing here briefly for votes on whether to substitute Rogue's HP with Karma.

Stats Card:
HP: 18/22
Fighting w Claws: 16
Fighting w/o Claws: 8
Intuition: 16
Fast Healing: 20
HP: 18/18
Agility: 4
Strength: 10
Power Absorption: 10
HP: 20/21
Fighting w/o Claws: 4
Agility: 6
Leadership: 6
HP: 20/21
Fighting w/o Claws: 4
Agility: 10
Teleportation: 6

Group Karma Pool: 27

Boon Cards:
1x Wolverine
3x Nightcrawler
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote not to use any karma for HP loss.
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by pragma »

I think rogues hp should be 15/18 in the last stats card. Sure, absorb the damage for now. No need to dig into karma for health until we're low anyway, and maybe we can heal.
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by SGamerz »

pragma wrote:
Sat Apr 08, 2023 2:24 am
I think rogues hp should be 15/18 in the last stats card.
I generally deduct the HP only after it's confirmed that the players prefer to lose HP over Karma.

You and your fellow X-Men follow the womam, Jesse, through a trangled mass of warm, stuffy corridors, up and down staircases and elevators, and in and out of empty waiting rooms. Beside you, Wolverine frowns. You wonder if he feels as lost as you do.

As you stride alongside Storm, you begin to feel uneasy. Even with your instinctive sense of direction, you 're not sure that you could find your way back.

"Flamin' place must be bigger on the inside than it Is on the outside," you mutter.

Jesse stops In her tracks. "Do you really think so? That's what Michael and I think, too, but Thomas and Jonathan say that's impossible. Greg. of course, stays perfectly neutral on the subject. Part of the complex is underground. I think maybe we're in that part."

Storm nods and whispers, "It feels as though we are underground."

You remember that Storm is claustrophobic, though she can usually manage to keep her fear under control, You wonder if she's struggling with it now.

"You sure you aren't leading us around in circles?" you ask Jesse.

"Oh, quite. As a matter of fact, here we are now." Jesse opens a door and leads you into a large control room.
The room looks like an airport control tower without windows, full of computer control panels and LED screens. Or maybe it's more like a miniature NORAD, the North American Air Defense Command headquarters sheltered in the Rocky Mountains.. You've been there, and the only difference is that this room isn't full of uniformed soldiers. You see only five people here, all dressed in civilian clothing—three men, another woman, and a boy not more than ten years old.

"Hey, guys! Company!" Jesse calls out. Five curious faces turn in your direction. One of the men gasps. "How did they get past the shield?"

"Oh. Jonathan, calm down," Jesse says with a laugh. "Obviously. I Invited them in. Can't have them wandering about at night. It's dangerous out there."

"Are you crazy?" Jonathan shouts. "Henry told us not to lower the shield for any reason."

"Henry can go brush his teeth with a light-sabre. for all I care," Jesse replies with a sniff.

Jonathan bristles. "Wait a minute. You couldn't have lowered the shield. The controls are all in here. Unless—"Jonathan looks at the boy, Michael, who remains seated very quietly at one of the control panels, looking innocently up at the ceiling.

'"Michael?" Jonathan calls in a derisive tone as he heads menacingly toward the boy.

Michael bolts past Jonathan and hides behind Jesse. Tired of being ignored, you step in front of Jonathan before he can reach the two of them.

"You make a habit of threatening little kids, Mac?" you growl. Jonathan, more than six feet tall. towers over your short frame.

"Out of my way, mister!" he orders you.

"Your way?" you ask challengingly "You got a deed for this piece of floor, pal?"

Just as the man before you tenses his muscles, preparing to push you, you unsheathe your claws with a snikt and hold one fist up to his chin so he can see just what he's up against.

"'Wolverine!" Storm whispers warningly. "Remember, we are guests here!"

"Yes," Jesse agrees. "Jonathan. you really are an incredibly poor host." The woman steps up to Jonathan and gently pulls him away from you. He has turned very pale, transfixed by the three adamantium daggers you waved in his face.

Without further comment* you retract your claws. One of the other men steps forward, the eldest of the bunch, at least fifty years old with white hair and an old-fashioned bow tie. He doesn't seem to show the least hint of fear, nor is he overconfident. He reminds you of Professor Xavier: both men carry an aura of civilization that affects everyone around them.

"Welcome to Obar Island, I'm Dr. Gerald Laughlin, director of this research facility, such as it is." You move aside for Ororo to step forward. She deals better with strangers than you do, another reason she is the leader.

"1 am called Storm." she explains, accepting Dr. Laughlin's outstretched hand. "And this is Rogue, Nightcrawler, and Wolverine. Please excuse us for trespassing, but we saw the fire and thought you might need help."

"Very decent of you." Dr. Laughlin smiles. "You've already met Dr. Kirsch." He nods toward Jesse. "And this is Dr. Thomas Craig." Dr. Laughlin points to a man seated at a security monitor. Dr. Craig holds up a hand in silent greeting, then turns back to the viewing screen, apparently no longer interested in your presence.

"And this is Dr. Jonathan Andrews," Dr. Laughlin continues. Andrews merely scowls at you. "You must forgive Jonathan 's ungracious welcome, but our security chief's instructions were quite explicit—we were not to lower the shield for any reason."

He looks pointedly at Jesse and says. ' 'Dr. Kirsch's sense of humanity, however, is rather stronger than her discipline. And she is inclined to take advantage of Michael's youthful Judgment."

"I weighed the decision carefully." Michael protests. "I wouldn't have lowered the screen if I hadn't thought it was the correct thing to do."

You take a more careful look at the boy standing behind you. Although he looks like an ordinary, short, skinny kid, he speaks better than most adults. with perfect enunciation and a good deal of conviction.

Dr. Laughlin smiles fondly at the boy without comment.

"Meet Michael Taggert and his mother, Mrs Leona Taggert." he concludes. indicating the other woman In the room with a nod of his head.

Storm nods at each of the adults, smiling warmly at Michael, who is now standing beside you and observing you as carefully as you studied him. "You are also a member of the team?" Storm asks Michael.

"Yes, ma'am," Michael says, nodding. "specializing in cyber-neuronics."

"Cyber-what?" Rogue asks.
"Cyber-neuronics. Simply put," Michael explains, "it is the study of the actions and reactions of people and things programmed to behave as people—how and why they do what they do."

"Things programmed to act like people?" Nightcrawler asks.

"The centi-bots." Jesse explains.

"You mean those flamin' little monsters outside that tried to kill us?" you ask indignantly. "You programmed them?"

"Well. yes, but not to kill peopke." Michael protests.. "We programmed them to serve as guards. Later we hoped to program them for high-risk services."

"Burning buildings, cave-ins, maybe even hostage situations," Jesse explains. "The centi-bots can get into tight places, and they're well armed and armored, but ultimately expendable. A few days ago, though, they started to malfunction."

"Either the group dynamics subroutines are confusing them, or else they're being reprogrammed somehow," Michael adds.

"They didn't look confused to me," you mutter.

"Reprogramming is impossible," Dr, Craig mutters without turning around from his viewing station.

"No, it isn't!" both Jesse and Michael reply at the same time.

"Enough!" Dr. Laughlin reprimands. "Let's save that discussion for later. Why don't we make our guests more comfortable before we delve any deeper into our story?" he suggests.

If any members of your team took damage in the battle with the centi-bots. turn to 76. If no one lost any Health points, turn to 49.
In fact, everyone in the team in the injured...

Mrs. Taggert brings out a first-aid kit hands it to Dr. Laughlin. Even though she had the good sense to recognize your injuries, you can sense that she's both nervous and shy around everyone here, not just the X-Men.

"How did you get those claws?" the boy asks, staring intently at the knuckles of your glove.

"Michael!" Leona Taggert gasps. "Mind your manners."

"That's okay," you reassure her. Looking down at the boy, you explain, "I don 't remember exactly. Why? Is it important?"

"I want a set for myself." Michael declares. Nightcrawler chuckles as he sorts through the first-aid kit which Dr. Laughlin has placed on a tabletop.

"They could come in real handy. couldn't they?" Jesse muses.

"A tail would be neat, too," Michael adds.

Now it's your turn to laugh. It's impossible.to tell if Kurt Wagner is blushing beneath his indigo face. but he proceeds to treat your teams' wounds in a no-nonsense way, with his tail wrapped firmly around his waist.

If you or any of your X-Men teammates took damage in the battle with the centi-bots. you may add 1 back to your Health points as Nightcrawler administers first aid. If Wolverine took any damage from the centi-bots, turn to 113. If Wolverine's Health points are at maximum. turn to 49.
Wolverine lost 4 HP, so even with the first-aid, he's still not at max. (Storm and Nightcrawler are, though.)

Kurt uses some sort of spray on the bruised areas of your flesh, The pain is relieved immediately, though the damage beneath will take a little more time to heal.

Determined to take advantage of your momentary safety, you sit down on a chair and stretch out to relax t conserving your energy so your body can heal more.

Make a Fast Healing FEAT by rolling one die and adding the result to your Fast Healing ability. If the total is 21, turn to 15. If it is 22, 23, 24, or 25, turn to 183. If it is 26 or more, turn to 30.
Well, I'm pretty sure that rolling badly in this case isn't dangerous, but do we want to try and use Karma to maximize our gains on this healing attempt anyway?

Stats Card:
HP: 19/22
Fighting w Claws: 16
Fighting w/o Claws: 8
Intuition: 16
Fast Healing: 20
HP: 16/18
Agility: 4
Strength: 10
Power Absorption: 10
HP: 21/21
Fighting w/o Claws: 4
Agility: 6
Leadership: 6
HP: 21/21
Fighting w/o Claws: 4
Agility: 10
Teleportation: 6

Group Karma Pool: 27

Boon Cards:
1x Wolverine
3x Nightcrawler
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by pragma »

No karma here.
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote not to use any karma as well.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by SGamerz »

Die roll = 6(+20) = 26! We got the best result anyway!

As you relax, you both feel and see your miraculous healing powers begin to work. The bruises on your flesh disappear before your eyes, and your muscles and joints no longer ache. You may add 2 more points to your Health, then turn to 129.
Still not at full Health, though, just 1 point short.

After putting away the first-aid equipment, Dr. Laughlin returns to the table where you are all seated. Now maybe we'll get some answers abut what's going on here, you think to yourself, but you wait patiently for Storm to speak for the team.

Dr. Laughlin seats himself across from you. "I know you took a great risk In coming here. You deserve an explanation."

"Are you under some kind of siege here?" you ask. Dr. Laughlin nods.

"We set up the facility here a month ago. We needed someplace large and secure to test the centi-bots. For a few days, everything was going just fine. The centis were judged ready to take over security. so the army unit that was stationed here left. The centi-bots started acting peculiarly almost immediately, but only a few at a time. Three days ago, they became hostile, All at once they ceased obeying our orders and began attacking us. We locked ourselves in here behind the mass field and improvised the subsonic pistols, such as Dr. Kirsch is wearing. They're crude, but they can be exceedingly effective against the centis."

From a holster at her hip, Jesse pulls out the weapon she used against the centi-bots and twirls it expertly about her finger like a Western gunfighter.

"It temporarily scrambles the centi-bots' internal control signals so they can't fly," she explains. "Those centis that are armed with particularly delicate weaponry sometimes explode."

*'What Is this mass field you mentioned?" you ask.

"There are two, actually," Dr. Laughlin explains. "One around the building—"

"And the other around the island?" Nightcrawler guesses.

"Yes." Dr. Laughlin nods. "Both are one-way fields. You can leave this building anytime by passing right through the mass wall, but we'd have to shut down the field again before you could get back in. Nothing with a mass greater than a few micrograms can cross it."

"But why does the field around the island let people In instead of keepin' them out?" Rogue queries.

Wolverine props his feet up on the table. "A security precaution. kid," he guesses. "Am I right?"

Dr. Laughlin nods again. "The theory is that if people on the outside noticed the barrier, they would become more curious about the island."

"But if they pass through the barrier, they can't get out, and your security chief rounds 'em up for trespassin' Wolverine guesses.

"Essentially, yes, though, actually, you've been the only people to defy the warning buoys," Dr. Laughlin replies.

"This field has nothing to do with keeping your mini-Frankensteins from escaping?" you ask, suspicious.

"Well, not at first," Dr. Laughlin insists. "Now, of course, it is one of the reasons we just lower the shields and escape to the mainland."

"What's the other reason?" Rogue asks.

"There's something else out there," Michael chimes in.

"We think," Dr. Laughlin adds.

"I saw something on the outside monitors," Michael insists.

"Shadows. It's more likely you imagined them," Dr. Andrews comments.

"If you hadn't fallen asleep on watch, you would have seen them, too." Michael replies heatedly.

Dr. Andrews turns purple with rage and starts toward Michael again. A soft whistle from Wolverine forces the scientist to reconsider his action, and he stews again in silence,

"Something else has to be out there," Jesse explains. "Two of our security personnel were missing when we locked ourselves in here, so we made up some sonic pistols so the other guards could go looking for them. They went out at night, when centi activity is lowest— the little beasts are equipped with solar rechargers, so they have to slow down after dark. We figured that, and the pistols, would make It safe enough for them. But they never came back."

Jesse points to a row of viewing screens where Dr. Craig is seated. Two monitors show the outside of the headquarters building bathed by a few stark spot-lights. The rest of the screens are dark. "We haven't seen anyone but you on the security monitors," the female scientist tells you, "but we can't see much of the island at night. Whoever—or whatever—is out there must be using the cover of darkness. They must have captured our security guards."

You nod, now understanding hurry to get indoors before the sunset.

"Unless the guards have skipped without us," Dr. Cralg says sourly, still not turning around to address anyone in particular.

"Herb and Rich and Ray wouldn't do that!" Michael shouts angrily, his fists clenched as if he might hit the cynical researcher.

*'Were these guards wearin' army uniforms?" Wolverine asks.

"You've seen them?" Dr. Laughlin asks excitedly.

*'We found a body in the water;' Wolverine answers. "Stabbed with a sword. Looked like a professional job." Seeing the blood drain from Mrs. Taggert's pained face and the looks on the faces of the elderly scientist and the boy, you feel like kicking Wolverine. Why must he always be so cold? you think. Even Jesse is staring daggers at Wolverine. She must have guessed the guards were killed, you realize, but she didn't want to upset the others.

Aloud, you tell Dr. Laughlin, "I'm very sorry."

"If he was stabbed with a sword, it couldn't have been a centi that killed him," Jesse says.

"Why is that, Fraulein?" Nightcrawler asks.

*'None of the centis has any long-bladed appendages," Jesse says. "So someone else must be out there."

Dr. Andrews bursts out. "Yes! And you just let them in. you idiot! Now they can murder us, too."

Jesse fixes Dr. Andrews with a withering glare. "Jonathan, these are the X-Men. They do not murder people. They're heroes. They've come to rescue us."

"They're outlaw mutants!" Dr, Andrews argues. "They're responsible for unimaginable destruction!"

"So's the U.S. Air Force," Jesse sniffs, "but that's never stopped you from designing weaponry for them."

"I appreciate the vote of confidence," you say to Jesse. "It is true that our purpose in coming here was to offer what assistance we could, but what makes you so certain that Dr. Andrews isn't correct?"

"I was in 'Tökyo a few years back. I watched you guys in action when you saved that city from that huge green dragon. As far as I'm concerned, actions speak louder than—well, even louder than old Jonathan here."

You smile, recalling that battle. It was one of your last before your powers were destroyed. Brave people died in that catastrophe, but in the end, after the monster had fled, presumably back to its own world, the Japanese government had thanked you. Gratitude was something your team wasn't used to receiving—it certainly rarely came from the U.S. government, which had more reasons to thank you than It would ever know.

"These shadows that you saw—what did they do?" you ask Michael.

"They sneaked into the generator building." Michael replies. "A few minutes later—kablooey!"

"That's what started the fire." Dr. Laughlin says. "The mass field kept burning trees from falling on top of this building, but the heat almost roasted us. And we were In the dark for some time."

"But you have power now," you note, indicating all the lighted control panels around you.

"There's an experimental generator in the basement, meant originally Just for the mass field," Jesse explains.

"How long will it last? Perhaps you should be conserving your energy." you suggest.

"The power will last as long as it needs to," Jesse says.

"Jesse just kicks the generator and it keeps running," Michael adds with a giggle.

"That so?" Rogue laughs.

"Steel-toed boots," says Jesse. "Got to know how.to talk to these machines. If we were to search outside, you could let us back in when we returned."

"Yes," Dr. Laughlin agrees.

"You can't lower the field again!' * Dr.. Andrews argues.

"Jonathan, please," Dr. Laughlin sighs, "I am still the director here."

"Henry will not allow it."

"Better run and tell Henry quick, Jonathan," Jesse teases.

"I'll do precisely that!" Dr. Andrews declares as he scurries from the room.

"Thomas? Do you have any objections?" Dr. Laughlin asks.

"You know that I do not involve myself in policy," Craig replies. "I'm a scientist, not a politician."

"It's your life at stake as well as ours," Dr. Laughlin points out.

Dr. Craig shrugs.

"Don't worry about Thomas, Gerald," Jesse jokes. "He'll be standing at the pearly gates arguing with St. Peter that he can't possibly be dead, and if old Pete has any sense, he'll send him back to Earth."

"Can you loan us one of those subsonic pistols?" you ask Jesse.

"Sure. Take this. I'll just whip up another one." Jesse answers, handing her weapon over to you.

From the corner of the room, Michael's mother asks meekly, "You aren't all going to leave us, are you?"

"You'll be safe behind the field, Mrs. Täggert," you reply.

"But Dr. Kirsch is having trouble with the mass field," the woman argues.

You look over at Jesse. She stares up at the ceiling, as though reluctant to meet your gaze. "We have plenty of power, but the field is controlled by the computer, and there are some bugs in the program," she admits.

"I'll have to leave someone here," you decide. "I think, Wolverine, you should be one of those who investigates. I'll stay behind."

"To yourself you think, This way I won't be a hindrance to Logon, with only my human skills to rely on. But you also feel that you will be the most competent at convincing Henry, whoever he is. of the need to lower the shield to let your teammates back in.

Who should I send with Wolverine, and who should I keep here with me? you ask yourself. I may need Rogues superior strength if the generator collapses, and Wolverine and Nightcrawler work well together. On the other hand, Rogue would be much safer outside than Kurt, and Kurt, like me. is much better at dealing with people.

If you decide to send Rogue with Wolverine and keep Nightcrawler at the base with you, turn to 199. If you want to keep Rogue with you and send Nightcrawler outside with Wolverine, turn to 39.
Finally, an actual choice! How should we split the teams?

Stats Card:
HP: 19/22
Fighting w Claws: 16
Fighting w/o Claws: 8
Intuition: 16
Fast Healing: 20
HP: 16/18
Agility: 4
Strength: 10
Power Absorption: 10
HP: 21/21
Fighting w/o Claws: 4
Agility: 6
Leadership: 6
HP: 21/21
Fighting w/o Claws: 4
Agility: 10
Teleportation: 6

Group Karma Pool: 27

Boon Cards:
1x Wolverine
3x Nightcrawler
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by pragma »

I think nightcrawler with wolverine, mostly because I want bug fight score to pair with storm, and rogue's strength fits the bill.
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by Thaluikhain »

Half for for sending rogue out, as Nightcrawler is better with people.
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to send Nightcrawler with Wolverine, as Rogue's strength and generator concerns are the tipping point on why I think this pairing is best.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by SGamerz »


"I think Rogue had better stay here with me, just in case I need her later," Storm says. "Nightcrawler and Wolverine, you take a look around outside."

You give a small sigh and resign yourself to Storm's orders. You like Storm 's company, but the prospects for action inside the research base seem rather slim.

"You are certain that the mass wall around the building will not prevent us from getting out?" Kurt asks.

"You won't even notice it, unless you try to come back through it," Dr. Laughlin assures him.

"I'll escort you back to the outer door," Jesse offers helpfully.

"No need, Fraulein," Nightcrawler says, smiling.

"You might get lost." Jesse warns.
Wolverine laughs. "The elf never gets lost, sweetheart, Why don't we start at that beach we saw when we came here?" he suggests.

"Ja." Nightcrawler agrees. "Sounds good."

"Be seein' ya," Wolverine says and winks at Michael. Nightcrawler lays his hands on Wolverine's shoulders and with a loud bamf, the two men teleport away.

"Far out!" Michael breathes.

"Perhaps you have a map of this installation that 1 could study," Storm suggests.

"You can call up the maps on the computer," Dr. Laughlin explains.

"I'll show her how." Mrs. Taggert volunteers. "You've been on watch for ten hours now, Gerald. Why don't you get some rest?"

"Thank you, Leona," Dr. Laughlin replies. "I think I'll do just that."

Yawning, the director leaves the command center. Mrs. Täggert offers Storm a chair at a computer terminal, but you aren't very interested in maps.
"Maybe ah could help you whip up some more of those sonic pistols," you suggest to Jesse.

"A woman of action, eh?" Jesse teases. "I have to run down and check on the mass field again. Michael, why don you take Rogue down to the sound lab and show her how we build the subsonic pistols? I'll join you as soon as I can."

"Is that okay with you, boss?" you ask Storm, who is studying the graphics screen before her with intense concentration.

"Fine, Rogue," she says without looking up.

You follow Michael and Jesse out of the command center. At a branch of the corridors, the female scientist parts from your company. Behind you, she calls out,

"Have fun!"

"Why are the passages so twisty?" you ask Michael as you follow him through the maze of rooms and corridors.

"Security—to confuse possible intruders. It works, too. When Henry arrived, he got lost first thing."

"But ah thought Henry was the head of your security."

"Not really. Herb was, but when he didn't come back, Henry appointed himself. See, the government sent Henry to investigate our reports about the centis going haywire. Jesse calls him a paranoid nephew of Uncle Sam, and that's why Dr. Andrews runs and tells him everything. Dr. Andrews was hired for this project solely on the basis of his qualifications as a snitch. Jesse says Dr. Craig was hired because he's good without being imaginative."

"My, my! Jesse certainly has some interestin' opinions. What about Dr. Laughlin?"

"Dr. Laughlin's all right, .e discovered me, so to speak, after I won second prize in the New York State Public School Science Fair. I would have won first, but Dr. Laughlin was the only Judge there who was capable of understanding the implications of my work. He offered me this job."

"Ah see. And how did you get to be such a brilliant kid?" you ask.

Michael shrugs. "My mom taught me, mostly. She's a teacher."

"Sounds like she must be pretty good at her work."

"She's the best. But they don't pay teachers very well, you know. So she quit so I could come and work here. I think she misses it, though."

The two of you ride up an elevator. and Michael explains, "We're on the second underground level. This is where all the laboratories are."

"What about your dad?" you ask.

Michael mumbles something you can Just barely hear, but you recognize his embarrassment immediately. You've felt the same way before.

"My dad left my mom. too," you tell the boy.

Michael does not reply, but you can tell he's thinking about what you just said. He leads you into a lab and offers you a stool to sit on. As he starts pulling out equipment from cabinets and piling it on a workbench, he asks, "How did you get to be a super hero, anyway?"

"It jus' happened. Ah'm a mutant, you know." You shrug. unwilling to go into all the details.

"What else can you do besides fly?" Michael asks.

"Well, ah 'm pretty strong. Ah can get hit without gettin hurt. When ah touch people, ah absorb their minds and make them go unconscious for a little while."

"Sounds neat."

"Sometimes it is. Sometimes, though, it's awful."


"Ah can't control my absorbin power. If ah touch someone's skin with mine, ah absorb him, whether ah want to or not."

"Oh. I'Il bet that's why your costume isn't as sexy as Storm 's."

Your eyes widen in surprise. "Just how old are you?" you ask Michael suspiciously.


"That explains it. A teen-ager. For your information, ah don't always dress like this, but ah do have to be careful, mostly so ah don't absorb my friends."

"Can you take off your gloves and help me with these wires?" Michael shows you how to do some of the simpler wiring that goes into the sonic pistols while he adjusts the frequency of the tiny amplifiers. You put three of the subsonic pistols together in about twenty minutes, then you and Michael decide to have a little fun testing them out by aiming them at an oscilloscope microphone.

"You're a good shot," you tell Michael, a little surprised after seeing him flatten the wave signal on the oscilloscope every time he fires.

"Thanks. must be getting better. Before we got stuck here, Jesse used to take me out to shoot cans, but I wasn't very good at it. Real guns are too heavy and loud. This is easier."

"We'd better be getting back to the control room." you suggest as you slip two of the pistols inside your belt.

You'rre met with a nasty surprise upon your return to the control room, however. Dr. Andrews has returned with the station's self-appointed security chief, and you discover that you know him, "Henry" proves to be none other than Henry Peter Gyrich, and as far as the X-Men are concerned, he Is your sworn enemy!

You have had contacts—unpleasant ones— with Henry Gyrich before. If Gyrich had his way, all mutants—the good along with the bad—would be rounded up and forced to live in internment camps. What makes him so dangerous, though, is the power he wields as a member of the National Security Council. He once tried to neutralize your mutant abilities, but by accident, he hit Storm instead, leaving her with only her human skills and talents. You felt guilty about Storm's loss on your behalf. but Gyrich apparently never suffered a twinge of remorse.

Dr. Craig seems completely oblivious to the scene, staring at the monitors as though no one else were about. Mrs. Täggert is nowhere in sight. Dr. Andrews is holding some sort of huge, modern rifle. Storm is seated at a table, with Gyrich standing beside her. His jacket is off, revealing a shoulder holster containing a revolver. When Dr. Andrews sees you, he swings the rifle around to point it at you.

Your teammate doesn't seem the least bit worried, however. As a matter of fact, Storm looks somewhat amused by this petty dictator. Gyrich is obviously overheated. He has his sleeves rolled up. and sweat beads on his forehead.

"Glad to see you could join us, Rogue," the government agent says with a sneer. "By the way, you are under arrest for trespassing on government property. Maybe later we'll be able to tack on some of the older outstanding charges against you. Where Is Dr. Kirsch?"

You have to laugh at his audacity. "Why should I tell you, Gyrich?"

"Dr. Kirsch is on report. She and Michael Täggert are both to be confined to their quarters so they won't make any more trouble."

"You mean so they can't let Wolverine and Nightcrawler back inside," you say. "Don't you realize that we came out here to help you, you jerk?"

"We don't need any help from mutants!" Gyrich growls, "Now. sit down. The weapon Dr. Andrews holds will damage even you. I guarantee it. Michael. your mother is waiting for you in your room."

"I'm going to go tell Jesse that you 've got her micro-rifle!" Michael says, "Boy, are you gonna get it!"

Gyrich circles around you to move toward the door and escort Michael out of the control room, but the boy tenses defensively, Then, with a sudden burst of ferocity, he pushes Gyrich straight at you* shouting, "Here, Rogue! Catch!"

Gyrich stumbles toward you, and you instinctively reach out to grab him. It occurs to you that he might make a good shield against the weapon Dr. Andrews holds.

You must make a Strength FEAT by rolling one die and adding the result to your Strength ability. If the total is 13 or less. turn to 128. If it's 14 or more, turn to 148.
Rogue's Strength is 10, so this is another 50/50 thing. Do we spend any Karma on this test?
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by pragma »

I wonder what the fear is since rogue is probably much stronger than Gyrich.

Any rate, I vote for 2 karma. This feels high stakes.
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by SGamerz »

pragma wrote:
Mon Apr 10, 2023 6:57 am
I wonder what the fear is since rogue is probably much stronger than Gyrich.
If the test is about whether or not Gyrich manages to avoid being grabbed, it does seem that more appropriate for it to have been an Agility test instead...

Die roll = 2+2(+10) = 14! The use of Karma saved us from a bad roll here!

You manage to catch Gyrich, and with your superior strength, you have no problem holding him up. Suddenly, he ceases struggling and collapses in your arms.

With a gasp, you realize that you never put your gloves back on. and now that you've touched the government agent's bare forearms, you have absorbed his mind!

Dr. Andrews, unable to fire because his boss Is in the way. turns to fire at Storm, but she is no longer seated at the table. Andrews swings around, but the leader of the X-Men is nowhere in sight.

Dr. Craig has finally turned his attention away from the monitors. A flicker of amusement lights his eyes. "I think the ladies have the upper hand, Jonathan. Why don't you put down the micro-rifle before you do some serious damage?"

"Don't just sit there, Thomas!" Andrews snarls. "Do something!"

"What do you suggest?" Dr. Craig asks dryly. "1 don't usually keep a supply of hand grenades in my coat pockets." He turns back to his monitors, once again uninvolved.

"Please lay down your weapon, Dr. Andrews," you say. "Ah won't hurt you."

The scientist looks with horror at the unconscious form of Henry Gyrich in your arms. Obviously. he has no reason to believe you.

"He's just unconscious. Honest!"

From the mind of Henry Gyrich, you know that Dr. Andrews is not the weapon-wielding type. He thinks weapons are too dangerous, but Gyrich, playing on Andrews*s fear, convinced him it was the only way to keep you from killing someone.

"You know, if you miss," Michael says, "the blast will reflect all around and probably mess up all the computers. maybe even lowering the mass field. It may even hit you."

Dr. Andrews closes his eyes as though he's in pain. Then he drops the weapon to the floor.

Storm leaps over a control panel and scoops the rifle up. "Just slide that little red box out of it," Michael tells her, pointing to the weapon. "'It's the power pack."

Storm disengages the power pack and pockets it. Then she hands the weapon back to Dr. Andrews. With a surprised look, he accepts it, only to lay it down immediately. "You—you aren't trying to destroy the base, are you?" he asks, looking frightened.

"No. Dr. Andrews," Storm replies calmly. "We came here to help you."

You lay Gyrich on a table and turn to face your leader, saying, "You may change your mind about helping them when you hear what this jerk Gyrich has been up to here."

"Well, enlighten me, child," Storm orders you.

"These people were here buildin' these centis because Gyrich told them that the centis would be used for security purposes - hostages situations, stuff like that."

"That's right," Michael says.

"Well, Gyrich had other plans for these critters," you explain.

"Such as?" Storm asks, all attention.

"How about a riddle? What else, besides centis, is steel-gray and purple, made of metal, and likes to attack mutants whenever it gets a a chance? Need a hint? Think real big."

"Goddess!" Storm whispers. "Not a Sentinel!"

"Yep!" you say, nodding. "Gyrich picked out the name centi 'cause the little monsters were supposed to be one one-hundredth the size of a Sentinel. They're programmed to take orders from Sentinels. That way, the Sentinels could send them into tiny spaces - elevators, taxis, sewers, gift boxes from Bloomindales..."

"Are they obeying a Sentinel now?" Storm asks.

"Gyrich isn't sure. As far as he could establish, there aren't supposed to be any government Sentinels near enough to send commands along the frequency the centis receive."

"But it is quite possible there is one about - left over from an old battle." Storm guesses.

"And if it's damaged, the centis can repair it," you warn her.

"Now I am getting concerned for Wolverine's and Nightcrawler's safety," Storm says.

"Me, too," you whisper.

"The Sentinels were built to capture or kill any mutants they find," Storm muses. "The X-Men have defeated the deadly giant robots in the past, but only when they worked as a team. If there's a Sentinel out there that Gyrich doesn't know about, it might be controlled by some super villain, but more likely it's a rogue, deciding its actions for itself. And with Sentinel logic, devoid of compassion or pity, the creature can be a ruthless killer of mutants - or anyone else who gets in its way."

"The one who's in the most trouble now is Gyrich," Jesse's voice says. She's standing in the command center doorway, listening to your conversation. "When he comes to, I'm going to kill him."

"You'll have to take a number," you joke grimly.

"I told him I wouldn't work on any Sentinel projects," the female scientist goes on. She scoops up the micro_-rifle and turns to Dr. Andrews. "Don't touch my toys again, Jonathan," she warns, waving the rifle under his nose.

Jonathan backs away, but then he says, "If there is a Sentinel controlling the centis, why did they try to destroy us? We're not mutants,"

"That's true," Jesse agrees. "Why, there are even those among us who are throw-backs to the Neanderthals!" She casts a glowering look at Gyrich.

"The Sentinel could be trying to insure that no one discovers lt." Storm explains. "Eventually, it will have to get inside the base to destroy the outer mass wall in order to escape. Our job will be to find it and destroy It. But first we must wait for Wolverine and Nightcrawler. I wonder what they are doing now..."

Nightcrawler teleports the two of you just above the beach, and you fall softly onto the cool sand. The moon is nearly full, but the sky has turned cloudy, so that one moment, you can see quite clearly, and the next, all about you is shadow.

Nightcrawler looks up at the shining silver sphere. "No offense, mein Freund, but you are not exactly my first pick for a stroll along a moonlit beach."

You chuckle. "Trust me, pal. You wouldn't want to bring anyone you really like to this place."

"You sense danger?" Nightcrawler asks.

You take a deep breath. The breeze coming off the lake freshens the otherwise fire-scorched air. It also keeps you from picking up any human scents that might be on the island, so you can 't tell what has made you feel uneasy. "I sense evil."

"Interesting. Why did you pick this place to start?" Kurt asks.

"If there are other people here, this'd be a likely place for them to have landed. to avoid being seen. If they're smart, they've got a guard watching the docks to see who else arrives."

"Shall we have a word with this person, assuming he exists?" your partner asks.

"Yeah. Let's." You walk along the beach toward the wooded path following the shoreline.

Make an Intuition FEAT by rolling one die and adding the result to your Intuition ability. If the total is 19 or less, turn to 35. If it Is 20 or more, turn to 138.
Wolverine's Intuition is 16. Do we spend any Karma here?

Stats Card:
HP: 21/22
Fighting w Claws: 16
Fighting w/o Claws: 8
Intuition: 16
Fast Healing: 20
HP: 16/18
Agility: 4
Strength: 10
Power Absorption: 10
HP: 21/21
Fighting w/o Claws: 4
Agility: 6
Leadership: 6
HP: 21/21
Fighting w/o Claws: 4
Agility: 10
Teleportation: 6

Group Karma Pool: 25

Boon Cards:
1x Wolverine
3x Nightcrawler
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to spend 1 Karma to give a higher than 50% chance of success.
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by pragma »

Works for me
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by SGamerz »

Die roll = 4+1(+16) = 21.

Just before you step on the wooded path, that follows the shoreline. you notice several peculiar parallel lines in the sandy dirt.

'What is It?" Nightcrawler asks as you bend over to examine them.

"Footprints," you reply.

"Mighty peculiar footprints," the blue mutant comments.

"Those marks are meant to mask footprints. They're made by blades attached to the bottoms of shoes. It's an old ninja trick," you explain.

"Good. Better to fight old ninjas than young ones."

You don't crack a smile, but Kurt's attempts at levity don't go unappreciated. A group like the X-Men needs someone to lift their spirfts, and the German-born acrobat's sense of irony and word play does the trick more often than not.

"Can you get us into the branches of that tree?" you ask, glancing upward.

"One sugar maple branch, coming up!" Kurt teleports both of you to a location high in the tree. You sit as still as a hunting cat. Nightcrawler crouches beside you, his tail occasionally switching slowly. After several minutes, your patience is rewarded. Two shadowy figures are moving along the edge of the beach, keeping near the forest. You catch their scent. Mikey's "shadows" are men after all.

Leaping from the tree, you land in front of them. "Hit first, ask questions later," has always been your motto in dealing with ninjas.

Make a Fighting FEAT by rolling one die and adding the result to your Fighting Without Claws ability. If the total is 10 or less. turn to 190. If it's Il or 12, turn to 171. If it's 13 or more, turn to 115.
Ninja's are unfortunately still human, so Wolverine has to hold back and not use his claws. Fortunately, it looks like he only needs to roll above 2 to succeed. Seems like a good chance, but do we want to improve that further?
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote not to use any Karma here.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by SGamerz »

Die roll = 3(+8) = 11. Medium result!


Your fist slams into one ninja's chest, sending him crashing into a bush. Then you turn to deal with the second one. He lunges at you with his sword drawn. Unsheathing your claws, you parry his strike and slash at his arm. The ninja backs off, but you know it's a ploy - you can smell the first one sneaking up behind you.

You slam your foot into the ninja behind you, and he makes a highly improbable second visit to the bush he just pulled himself out of. Temporarily distracted, you lose sight of the ninja with the sword, until you feel the blade slice into your shoulder.

Make a Fast Healing FEAT by rolling one die and adding the result to your Fast Healing ability. If the total is 21 or 22, turn to 65. If it is 23 or more, turn to 88.
Another one with decent to good odds for us. Do we want to improve that?
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by pragma »

No karma seems fine here too
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by SGamerz »

Die roll = 5(+20) = 25.

You ignore the wound in your shoulder as nothing more than a flesh wound. Still, yo must subtract 2 from your Health points. You catch a familiar scent in the air and realize that the ninja's blade was poisoned. Fortunately for you, your mutant healing power has healed it,

The ninja before you pauses, astonished that you're still alive.

"Never hesitate, bub!" you growl, leaping at him and knocking him off balance. You dispatch him with a quick karate chop. Rising to your you turn to the beach. where you can hear your partner saying something to his mute ninja opponent. It sounds as if it's something about being unarmed.

Snatching up a sword from one of your fallen foes. you call out, "Hey, Captain Blood! Here! Catch!"

Nightcrawler catches the blade deftly by the handle and starts slashing at the ninja before him in earnest.

You watch with amusement. The ninja's style and Kurt's are completely dissimilar. The ninja keeps his strikes short and while Kurt waves his sword and swashbuckles as though he's performing for a Hollywood camera.

Despite the theatrics, the blue-furred mutant appears to be a better swordsman than his opponent. The ninja is beginning to wear down under the bizarre barrage of improvised movie script swordplay Nightcrawler is using.

"Surrender in the name of Her Majesty the Queen!" Kurt shouts dramatically. "Return the kidnapped Dauphin, or most surely you will swing from the gibbet!"

"Aren't you mixing your movie clichés?" you call from the sidelines. Exasperated, the ninja tries to beat a hasty retreat. You down him with a flying tackle, and with one quick bash, you put an end to his struggling.

"I don't think he was enjoying himself much." Kurt says, puzzled.

"Maybe he's seen that movie before." you offer.

"Critics!" Nightcrawler sniffs, tossing his head In mock arrogance. You laugh. though actually the blue mutant looks quite dashing with a sword.

You give the ninja sword a twirl, enjoying the feel of its balance. You'd like to take it with you, but you have no sheath to put it in. You roll the ninja over, intent on "borrowing" his sash for the purpose. To your horror, you discover there's very little of his body inside the clothes! Before your eyes, the rest of it vaporizes away!

"Wolverine!" you whisper in shock. "This man is disintegrating!"

"Yep." he answers matter-of-factly. "The Hand assassins do that when they die—and even when they become unconscious. Don't want any prisoners to be taken."

"These are the Hand? The same ninja assassins who tried to kill you in Japan? But why are they here?"

"Obviously, someone hired l em to do a job here...What's that?" he points to a weapon tucked inside the ninja's belt.

You lift it out. "A subsonic pistol. He must have taken it from one of the guards."

"Why would a ninja assassin need a subsonic pistol?" Wolverine muses, puzzled.

"For the same reason we do—to fight off the centis?" you guess.

"If that's true, it's good news for us."

"Yes," you agree. "That would mean that the centis are giving them trouble as well."

"I think it's time we reported back to Storm," Wolverine says.

You glance one last time at the shell of clothing that only minutes ago held a man. A shudder runs down your spine as you wonder what sort of fanatic would do such a thing to himself, or allow it to be done to him, "Ja. Let's go!" you reply.

You teleport back to the clearing in front of the research base and start toward the entrance. No invisible field blocks your way.

"They've shut off the mass wall," you note.

"Let's hope It's because they saw us coming and not because it collapsed," Wolverine mutters.

Suddenly, your fellow X-Man whirls around, sensing some danger. Behind you. a ninja springs out of the darkness. Wolverine is ready to leap back into battle, but you grab his arm and hold him back.

With amusement, you watch the ninja bang into the mass wall and fall back.

"I think they have the mass wall back up."

"I think you're right," Wolverine agrees, grinning.

The door to the base slides open, and Storm and Mrs. Täggert usher you inside quickly.

"Nice timing!" Wolverine says.

"That Is Dr. Kirsch's doing," Storrn explains. "1 am glad you are both back safely. What was that thing that came at you?"

Quickly, you fill the X-Men leader in on your discovery of the Hand's presence on the island.

"This gets worse and worse!" Storm mutters. "Kurt, I want you to explore the base thoroughly with Mrs. Taggert. We may need you to play the shell game with these people."

"The shell garne? What's that supposed to mean?" Leona Taggert asks curiously.
"A defensive maneuver," Storm explains. "You are all peas, and the rooms of this base are the shells. Nightcrawler will teleport you around to different rooms, making It difficult for the enemy to find you, should they breach the mass field. Nightcrawler, when you've finished, report to the command center. Wolverine, come with me."

You and Mrs, Taggert watch Storm lead Wolverine down the corridor. You marvel at how efficiently she has taken charge of the situation.

Pausing for votes on whether to substitute Karma for Wolverine's HP loss earlier (and also partly to break up the long update).
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by pragma »

No karma for hp
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by Omegonthesane »

The Hand were the basis for the Foot Clan in TMNT, similar to how the chemical spill that created the TMNT is a visual reference to the chemical spill that created Marvel's Daredevil.

Anyway no karma for HP, Wolverine can suck it up and might also actually just get another fast healing chance before he next loses a meaningful amount of HP idk.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I also vote not to use any Karma for this one as well.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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