[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

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Which of these should I host a Let's Play of next?

Poll ended at Sun Jul 23, 2023 6:59 pm

Fighting Fantasy Never-Completed: Trial of Champions, Starship Traveller, Freeway Fighter, Seas of Blood, Portal of Evil, Battleblade Warrior, or Island of the Undead (say which one in comments if you choose this one)
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Fighting Fantazine Mini-Adventure: Return to Icefinger Mountains. Sequel to Caverns of the Snow Witch.
Fighting Fantazine Mini-Adventure: Vengeance at Midnight. Sequel to Appointment With F.E.A.R.
Marvel Super Heroes Gamebook: Through Six Dimensions. In this gamebook you play Dr. Strange.
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Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Gamebook: Curse of the Werewolf. In this gamebook you play the warrior Feral, who fought in the Khefan border wars for three years and is now returning home to the village of Mennan, where his late father Agnor the Wolf ruled.
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Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook: Crypt of the Vampire.
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Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebook: Castle of Lost Souls.
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Sorcery! as a warrior.
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I would not participate in any of these.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by Thaluikhain »

Take rum, and may as well look at ship next.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by Queen of Swords »

Ship in bottle!
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by Beroli »

Despite being exquisitely made and incredibly detailed, there does not seem to be anything unusual about the ship. Of course, you could always try smashing the bottle to examine the model more closely, although this would probably make a lot of noise and possibly alert others on the ship to your presence.

Smash the bottle?
Take a closer look at the desk?

Name: Bonnie Blood
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Skill: 12/12
Stamina: 16/20
Luck: 9/10
Weapon: Sword
Backpack contents: Lantern, Tinderbox, Shark's Teeth Bracelet, Magic Compass, Rope, 3 Gas Globes (when you choose to smash one before an enemy at the start of a battle, that enemy fights the battle with a -2 Attack Strength, provided they are not immune; Undead, Demons, and magical creatures are immune), Throwing Dagger (Test Skill before a fight to do 2 damage), Crab Doubloon, 10 Meals, candle, 2 dice, burned letter, diamond necklace, Bottle of Rum (+4 Stamina)
Gold Pieces: 38
Time Elapsed: 7 Hours
Last edited by Beroli on Mon Aug 14, 2023 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I say smash the bottle. The model probably has an essential clue that we need to find out the hard way.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by Queen of Swords »

Agreed, smash the bottle.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by Thaluikhain »

Also, we hate the captain, so smash his stuff.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by Beroli »

Having smashed the bottle, and been cut by a shard of glass (take 1 damage), you wait for a minute in case the sound of breaking glass has attracted anyone's attention. No pirates burst into the cabin so you proceed to examine the wreckage of the ship. Inside its fragile hull is a scroll. Unrolling the parchment you see that it is a map of a place called Bone Island:
Map of Bone Island.JPG
Map of Bone Island.JPG (130.93 KiB) Viewed 488 times
Written at the bottom of the map are the words, '460 leagues south'. Taking the map with you, you decide that it is time to leave Cinnabar's cabin. Test your Luck; an 8 succeeds.

You return to the corridor outside.

Open the far door?
Open the left door?
Open the right door?

Name: Bonnie Blood
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Skill: 12/12
Stamina: 15/20
Luck: 8/10
Weapon: Sword
Backpack contents: Lantern, Tinderbox, Shark's Teeth Bracelet, Magic Compass, Rope, 3 Gas Globes (when you choose to smash one before an enemy at the start of a battle, that enemy fights the battle with a -2 Attack Strength, provided they are not immune; Undead, Demons, and magical creatures are immune), Throwing Dagger (Test Skill before a fight to do 2 damage), Crab Doubloon, 10 Meals, candle, 2 dice, burned letter, diamond necklace, Bottle of Rum (+4 Stamina), Map of Bone Island
Gold Pieces: 38
Time Elapsed: 7 Hours
Last edited by Beroli on Wed Aug 16, 2023 9:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to eat a meal and open the far door.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
Queen of Swords
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by Queen of Swords »

Sure, might as well.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by Thaluikhain »

Might as well.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by Beroli »

You step through the doorway into the watery light of dawn: you are on the deck of the Virago. Milling about in front of you are the crew and standing at the fo'c'sle is Cinnaba himself, a mangy parrot perched on his shoulder. The evil captain looks round and, seeing you, screams to his pirates to capture you. There are far too many of them to take on by yourself so you do the only thing you can: you have no choice but to jump ship. The way to the side of the ship is blocked by the ruffians so you run for the rigging. Three pirates immediately step into your path.

First PIRATE Skill 6
Second PIRATE Skill 7
Third PIRATE Skill 5

Fight one round of combat against each of them. Neither of you is trying to damage the other one. If you lose an Attack Round, you are captured; each time you win an Attack Round, that pirate is knocked out of your way.

Bonnie Blood 20, First Pirate 8: First Pirate is knocked out of the way.
Bonnie Blood 17, Second Pirate 12: Second Pirate is knocked out of the way.
Bonnie Blood 16, Third Pirate 14: Third Pirate is knocked out of the way.

Each round, Bonnie does worse than the previous time and her opponent does better, but this isn't enough for her to be captured.

Scrambling up the galleon's rigging, you find yourself trapped, unless....Cutting a rope free, you grab hold of the end and jump into midair. Swinging down toward the pirates you flail about with your sword to keep them at bay. There is a cry of pain from one of the buccaneers and you see a red-haired woman clutching the stump where her hand used to be. You sail past the infuriated pirates over the edge of the Virago. Letting go of the rope, you drop several metres before hitting the water. The galleon continues on its course, leaving you stranded in the middle of the Western Ocean, as the crew watch you, laughing. Or are they really looking at you? They actually seem to be watching something behind you. 'Have a good swim!' shouts one of them. Turning round in the water you see the tell-tale triangular fin and, ducking your head under the waves, you see the Great White Shark closing in on you, jaws wide. You just have time to draw your sword before it is on you.

GREAT WHITE SHARK Skill 9 Stamina 10

Fighting underwater is difficult and thus you must fight with a -2 Attack Strength penalty. Also, unless you defeat the Great White Shark in fewer rounds than your current Skill you will drown! (So you have 11 rounds to win.) Though I am uncertain of the logic of both of them, I'll say you can throw a globe such that it will contaminate the water the shark breathes, and that you can throw your dagger into the shark's fin, though if you do the latter and the description of post-combat events indicates to me that you wouldn't reasonably get a chance to grab the dagger before the shark's corpse sinks, the dagger will be lost. (I honestly do not know if that is the case at the moment; I don't remember what directly follows this.) Vote on how and whether to use Luck, a globe, and/or the throwing dagger.

Name: Bonnie Blood
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Skill: 12/12
Stamina: 19/20
Luck: 8/10
Weapon: Sword
Backpack contents: Lantern, Tinderbox, Shark's Teeth Bracelet, Magic Compass, Rope, 3 Gas Globes (when you choose to smash one before an enemy at the start of a battle, that enemy fights the battle with a -2 Attack Strength, provided they are not immune; Undead, Demons, and magical creatures are immune), Throwing Dagger (Test Skill before a fight to do 2 damage), Crab Doubloon, 9 Meals, candle, 2 dice, burned letter, diamond necklace, Bottle of Rum (+4 Stamina), Map of Bone Island
Gold Pieces: 38
Time Elapsed: 7 Hours
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote not to use anything.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by Thaluikhain »

Second that. Excepting that we should use our luck to increase damage if we are about to suffocate and need to take the last 4 stamina off the shark in one hit.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by Beroli »

Bonnie Blood Attack Strength: 12, GREAT WHITE SHARK Attack Strength: 17. Bonnie Blood's Stamina is 17
Bonnie Blood Attack Strength: 14, GREAT WHITE SHARK Attack Strength: 13. GREAT WHITE SHARK's Stamina is 8
Bonnie Blood Attack Strength: 18, GREAT WHITE SHARK Attack Strength: 19. Bonnie Blood's Stamina is 15
Bonnie Blood Attack Strength: 19, GREAT WHITE SHARK Attack Strength: 11. GREAT WHITE SHARK's Stamina is 6
Bonnie Blood Attack Strength: 14, GREAT WHITE SHARK Attack Strength: 12. GREAT WHITE SHARK's Stamina is 4
Bonnie Blood Attack Strength: 21, GREAT WHITE SHARK Attack Strength: 17. GREAT WHITE SHARK's Stamina is 2
Bonnie Blood Attack Strength: 21, GREAT WHITE SHARK Attack Strength: 19. GREAT WHITE SHARK is dead.

Having jumped ship you are now stranded in the middle of the Western Ocean with no sight of land anywhere. The turquoise waters stretch in every direction as far as the horizon.

You did save a ship from the Wreckers.

Treading water, you catch sight of a vessel in the distance. Waving your arms furiously, you succeed in attracting the crew's attention. The sailors immediately set a course to pick you up. The ship comes alongside and you are hauled on board. Fortunately your oilskin backpack has kept all your Provisions and possessions safe and dry. You are greeted by a handsome man whose face is tanned from exposure to the elements and scarred on one side. 'Welcome to the Fortune,' he says. 'I am her captain and a bounty hunter by trade. My name is Conyn.' What, Conyn the bounty hunter - the man who killed Cinnabar? 'The very same,' he admits proudly. 'But tell me, who are you and how come we find you alone in the middle of the ocean?'

You relate your tale to a credulous Conyn over some fine Femphreyan port in his quarters, and by the time your story is done his expression has lost its former cheeriness.'Will you help me stop Cinnabar?' you ask.

'Of course I shall,' says Conyn resolutely, 'but how are we to find him? Do you know where the Virago was headed?

Why yes, you do: Bone Island is 460 leagues south and 370 leagues east.

'Ah, Bone Island,' muses Conyn. 'I've heard rumours about the place. Talk of dark magic and buried treasure, but I didn't know of its location until now.' Before directing his crew to set a course for Bone Island, Conyn turns to you. 'There are two different routes we can take. The quicker one should allow us to catch up with the Virago but will take us through the Crab Reefs, which are notorious for the gigantic crustaceans said to dwell there. However, if we avoid the reefs our journey will take longer. Which way do you think we should go?'

Through the Crab Reefs?
Around them?

Name: Bonnie Blood
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Skill: 12/12
Stamina: 15/20
Luck: 8/10
Weapon: Sword
Backpack contents: Lantern, Tinderbox, Shark's Teeth Bracelet, Magic Compass, Rope, 3 Gas Globes (when you choose to smash one before an enemy at the start of a battle, that enemy fights the battle with a -2 Attack Strength, provided they are not immune; Undead, Demons, and magical creatures are immune), Throwing Dagger (Test Skill before a fight to do 2 damage), Crab Doubloon, 9 Meals, candle, 2 dice, burned letter, diamond necklace, Bottle of Rum (+4 Stamina), Map of Bone Island
Gold Pieces: 38
Time Elapsed: 7 Hours
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by Thaluikhain »

Normally I'd say around, but we have a time elapsed thingy to keep track of, so through.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to go around the reefs, as I do not think our hero can take on giant crabs with the equipment she has now.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by Queen of Swords »

I'll go with through the reefs.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by Beroli »

In no time at all the Fortune is heading southeast across the Western Ocean. While on the voyage you rest and recover some of your strength. (Restore up to 4 Stamina points.) After a day you are approaching the Crab Reefs. Conyn's helmsman skillfully directs the vessel through the treacherous waters and it looks like the Fortune is going to get though unscathed. Then at the last minute disaster strikes! There is a terrible grating sound as the Fortune's hull scrapes across something in the channel and comes to a halt. Al the same time, several pairs of enormous pincers emerge from the sea. The ship is under attack from Giant Crabs. You attack the nearest of the huge crustaceans clambering up the vessel's side.

GIANT CRAB Skill 7 Stamina 9

Throwing the dagger would likely mean losing it, so you do not do so.

Bonnie Blood Attack Strength: 21, GIANT CRAB Attack Strength: 13. GIANT CRAB's Stamina is 7
Bonnie Blood Attack Strength: 16, GIANT CRAB Attack Strength: 15. GIANT CRAB's Stamina is 5
Bonnie Blood Attack Strength: 16, GIANT CRAB Attack Strength: 15. GIANT CRAB's Stamina is 3
Bonnie Blood Attack Strength: 15, GIANT CRAB Attack Strength: 16. Bonnie Blood's Stamina is 17
Bonnie Blood Attack Strength: 24, GIANT CRAB Attack Strength: 19. GIANT CRAB's Stamina is 1
Bonnie Blood Attack Strength: 14, GIANT CRAB Attack Strength: 19. Bonnie Blood's Stamina is 15
Bonnie Blood Attack Strength: 16, GIANT CRAB Attack Strength: 16.
Bonnie Blood Attack Strength: 14, GIANT CRAB Attack Strength: 18. Bonnie Blood's Stamina is 13
Bonnie Blood Attack Strength: 22, GIANT CRAB Attack Strength: 11. GIANT CRAB is dead.

Test your Luck; an 8 barely succeeds.

The rest of the crew having repelled the other attacking crabs, the Fortune sails free of the reef.
Sea Maiden.JPG
Sea Maiden.JPG (132.1 KiB) Viewed 388 times
At around noon the next day the previously clear sky suddenly, and inexplicably, darkens. As the Fortune sails on under the leaden sky, another ship comes into view off the port bow. It appears to be in a state of terrible disrepair and is surrounded by a pall of sickly green mist. Conyn looks at the vessel through his telescope and his face becomes ashen. You ask him what is troubling him. 'It is the Sea Maiden - a ghost ship,' he explains. 'Folklore has it that its crew and captain are cursed to sail the twelve seas for all eternity. We should avoid it at all costs!' You are now curious about the Sea Maiden.

Try to persuade Conyn to approach the ghost ship?
Go along with his plans to avoid it?

Also highlighting the option to eat here.

Name: Bonnie Blood
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Skill: 12/12
Stamina: 13/20
Luck: 7/10
Weapon: Sword
Backpack contents: Lantern, Tinderbox, Shark's Teeth Bracelet, Magic Compass, Rope, 3 Gas Globes (when you choose to smash one before an enemy at the start of a battle, that enemy fights the battle with a -2 Attack Strength, provided they are not immune; Undead, Demons, and magical creatures are immune), Throwing Dagger (Test Skill before a fight to do 2 damage), Crab Doubloon, 9 Meals, candle, 2 dice, burned letter, diamond necklace, Bottle of Rum (+4 Stamina), Map of Bone Island
Gold Pieces: 38
Time Elapsed: 7 Hours
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to approach the ghost ship, and to also eat a Meal.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by Thaluikhain »

I vote to eat, but half vote for avoiding scary ghost ship.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by Queen of Swords »

Eat, approach ghost ship.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by Beroli »

Approaching the Sea Maiden wins 2 to 0.5.

The bounty hunter finally agrees to approach the vessel but will have nothing to do with the ship himself. As the Fortune nears the Sea Maiden you see that the Sea Maiden's sails are rotten and the planks it is constructed from are covered with algae. Only the ghost ship's figurehead of a beautiful young woman appears untarnished. You can see no one on deck, the only sound being the moan of the wind in the ship's sails and the creaking of the mast.

Board the ship personally to explore further?
Leave it to its eternal voyage and sail on?

Name: Bonnie Blood
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Skill: 12/12
Stamina: 17/20
Luck: 7/10
Weapon: Sword
Backpack contents: Lantern, Tinderbox, Shark's Teeth Bracelet, Magic Compass, Rope, 3 Gas Globes (when you choose to smash one before an enemy at the start of a battle, that enemy fights the battle with a -2 Attack Strength, provided they are not immune; Undead, Demons, and magical creatures are immune), Throwing Dagger (Test Skill before a fight to do 2 damage), Crab Doubloon, 8 Meals, candle, 2 dice, burned letter, diamond necklace, Bottle of Rum (+4 Stamina), Map of Bone Island
Gold Pieces: 38
Time Elapsed: 7 Hours
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to board the ship, as there is no compelling reason not to see this through.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
Queen of Swords
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by Queen of Swords »

Yes, board the ship.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61 - Bloodbones

Post by Thaluikhain »

Since we are here, board the ship
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