[Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; Lone Wolf will take a look over the low balcony.


An empty feeling grips your stomach as you stare upon the altar and inner sanctum of the subterranean temple. Your Kai senses burn as if every nerve in your body is screaming a warning to flee from this evil chamber. Huge braziers of molten metal encircle a black altar upon which lies fair Madelon, the daughter of Baron Vanalund. She seems to be entranced; her breathing is slow and shallow. Beyond the altar lie two massive doors, a gigantic skull engraved upon their black stone surface.

100. A procession of red-cloaked priests enters the temple.

     Out of your view, another door opens and a procession of red-cloaked priests enter the temple. Their heads are covered and they each carry strange amulets of carved black stone. They file past the altar, depositing the amulets in a circle around the young girl’s body and then file out again in total silence. Then you hear the sound of a distant drumbeat. Steadily it grows louder and nearer. The measured steps of steel-shod boots resound in its wake. Barraka is approaching.
     Turn to 215.


Barraka carries the stench of death and decay about him. He strides into the temple in his steel-shod boots of Gourgaz hide and slams shut the huge stone door with frightening ease. He stands in silence before pushing open the huge black doors engraved with the menacing skulls. Suddenly, a gale-force wind sweeps through the temple and your ears are filled by a terrible scream. Beyond the open doors, a pier of stone juts into the abyss of Maakengorge. You are staring into the chasm of doom.


     Barraka turns away from the windswept pier and walks slowly towards the altar. From a hidden scabbard he removes a twisted black dagger and holds its stiletto blade to the light. An evil blue flame runs up and down the black steel spike, flickering wildly in the ice-cold winds of Maakengorge. The sacrifice is about to begin.
     If you wish to draw your weapon and attack Barraka, turn to 274.
     If you decide to try and distract his attention from the altar without attacking him, turn instead to 119.

Please make your votes on how to act against this adventure’s big bad fascist before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Attack him.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

Yeah, attack.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; attacking the big bad fascist.


Barraka draws a razor-sharp scimitar, holding its mirror-like blade in his other hand. Then he advances towards you with deadly grace. You can sense his warrior prowess and feel his ice-cold nerve. Your fight will be hard… and it will be to the death.
     If you possess a Flask of Holy Water, turn to 283.
     If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 122.
     If you possess neither of these, or if you do not wish to use them, turn to 325.

Lone Wolf does not possess a Flask of Holy Water, but he possesses the Sommerswerd. I will assume that everyone here will want Lone Wolf to use the said Master Sword against this adventure’s big bad fascist.


As you raise your golden sword, the howling wind rises in pitch and intensity. It claws at your mind, filling your head with terrible images of death and horror. Barraka sees you falter and strikes a cruel blow that opens a wound in your cheek (lose 1 ENDURANCE point). The sudden sharp pain reawakens you to the presence of your enemy, and so the climactic battle begins.

(with Dagger of Vashna):

     You are being attacked by a very powerful Mindblast – the cry of Maakengorge itself. Your COMBAT SKILL is reduced by 4 for the duration of this combat (or only 2 if you possess the Kai Discipline of Mindshield). However, Barraka himself is a warrior who possesses a formidable strength of will. He is further aided by psychic spells of protection and is therefore immune to Mindblast.
     If you win the fight, turn to 350.

The combat:
Combat Ratio: 15 + 2 (Silver Helm) + 8 (Sommerswerd) + 2 (Kai Shield) – 2 (Maakengorge Mindblast with Mindshield Discipline) – 25 = 0
Round 1 Roll: 3
Player Endurance: 23 – 4 = 19
Barraka Endurance: 29 – 5 = 24
Round 2 Roll: 4
Player Endurance: 19 – 3 = 16
Barraka Endurance: 24 – 6 = 18
Round 3 Roll: 6
Player Endurance: 16 – 2 = 14
Barraka Endurance: 18 – 8 = 10
Round 4 Roll: 7
Player Endurance: 14 – 1 = 13
Barraka Endurance: 10 – 9 = 1
Round 5 Roll: 6
Player Endurance: 13 – 2 = 11
Barraka Endurance: 1 – 8 = -7

Lone Wolf gets some decent rolls and manages to slaughter the big bad fascist with Magnamund’s Master Sword in five rounds, although Barraka put up a strong fight and deals 12 ENDURANCE points of damage to our hero during the battle.


As Barraka dies, the wind suddenly rises in pitch and intensity, filling the temple with a mournful cry of despair. You feel the chill, malevolent spirit of Darklord Vashna engulfing you in an icy embrace, but you sense that it is powerless to harm you. The sacrifice has been foiled and the spirit of Vashna is doomed to lament for a victory that might have been.
     Lying on the black temple floor is the Dagger of Vashna. As you pick it up and tuck it into your belt (mark this on your Action Chart as a Special Item), the evil blue flame flickers and dies. As long as you possess this evil blade, Darklord Vashna and his legion of dead warriors will remain imprisoned in the chasm of doom. The dreadful powers of the Dagger fill your mind with horrific visions. If you decide to carry it on future Lone Wolf adventures, instead of leaving it behind in the safekeeping of your monastery, using it in combat will add 3 points to your COMBAT SKILL but reduce your ENDURANCE total by 3 whilst carried (this detrimental effect does not apply to the present adventure and might be lowered once you reach higher levels of Kai training). You vow never to let it fall into the wrong hands as long as you live.
     You free Madelon from the altar and carry her through the corridors of the temple that lead up to the surface. As you emerge into the moonlit ruins, an astounding sight greets your eyes. Barraka’s warriors are running from the ghost city in all directions, closely pursued by an army of cavalrymen. The light of the full moon, and the guttering torches that these soldiers carry, illuminates the sun-crest that bedecks their tunics. Word must have reached Holmgard for they are the Sommlending army, led by King Ulnar V himself.
     Your countryfolk praise your courage and daring, their strident cheers drowning the baleful cry of Maakengorge, for once again you have proved yourself a true hero of Sommerlund. As you deliver Madelon into the waiting arms of her loving father, his overwhelming joy fills you with a sense of great achievement. Indeed you are worthy of the title ‘Kai Warrior’. You have succeeded in your perilous mission, but the epic saga of Lone Wolf, the last of the Kai, is far from over.
     A new and deadly challenge awaits you in the distant desert realm of Vassagonia. If you possess the courage of a true Kai, you can face this challenge in the next Lone Wolf adventure:

Shadow on the Sand

350. Barraka’s men flee from King Ulnar and the army of Sommerlund.

Important Note: The Dagger of Vashna will indeed be considered as a Special Item and will not count towards Lone Wolf’s two-weapon limit due to the Dagger of Vashna’s relatively small size. It can obviously be used as a weapon in combat if needed.

Congratulations for exterminating this adventure’s big bad fascist and completing this adventure without using a single resurrection, as that is an impressive achievement. Although Lone Wolf killed a slightly larger number of fascists in this adventure than in the previous one, his kill count only went up from 37 to 42, which is not too exciting.

Given Lone Wolf’s existing equipment status and skillset, this is how I will set up our hero for book 5:

• Although there is no official mention of safekeeping within Book 5’s introductory sections, I will make safekeeping at the Kai Monastery available for Lone Wolf from this point forward. You may store any item in safekeeping at the Kai Monastery, and there is no limit to the number of items to store there. Items in safekeeping cannot be accessed during the adventure, but neither can they be permanently lost. You may withdraw any items at the beginning of an adventure during the equipment selection process as long as Lone Wolf’s inventory would comply with existing item limits.
• Lone Wolf will be given one resurrection, which will work just like the resurrection he used in Book 1 did. If he dies again after using his resurrection, he goes back to the beginning of Book 5.
• After taking a look at Book 5, Lone Wolf is more than capable of winning Book 5 with the equipment he currently possesses. Because of this, he will therefore not be allowed to take any additional equipment or Gold Crowns before beginning the adventure in order to keep things fair. Should he be sent back to the beginning after dying twice, however, he will be allowed to restock his equipment in the normal way before starting again.

Before we begin with Shadow on the Sand, which has one of the better storylines in my opinion, I will answer any questions about Book 4 to the best of my ability, and provide details about any the following encyclopedic entries that this book contains upon request:

• The Magnamund Archives (there is a picture and two short paragraphs under this heading)
• Sommlending Society
• The King’s Guard Cavalry
• The Border Rangers
• Sommlending Army Structure
• The Province of Ruanon
• The Mines of Ruanon
• Eshnar
• The Maakengorge
• Cloeasia
• Barraka
• Stoneworm
• Meresquid
• Vassagonian Warhounds
• Elix
• The Giak Glossary

Due to my work schedule, I will maintain my current once a day update frequency.

Please post any questions that you want answered, any encyclopedic entries that you want provided, or any feedback that you wish to give by 9:00 AM PDT.

1. Sixth Sense
2. Healing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat
3. Hunting: no need for a Meal when instructed to eat
4. Mindblast: +2 COMBAT SKILL points
5. Mindshield: no points lost when attacked by Mindblast
6. Animal Kinship
7. Mind Over Matter
8. Tracking
1. Dagger
2. Sommerswerd (In sections where it is specifically mentioned, +8 COMBAT SKILL and double damage against undead)
1. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
2. Alether Concentrate (+4 COMBAT SKILL for one fight)
3. Rope
4. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
5. Concentrated Laumspur Potion (+5 ENDURANCE)
6. Meal
7. Brass Key
8. Meal
• Kai Shield (+2 COMBAT SKILL when used in combat)
• Kai Gold Key
• Crystal Star Pendant (Reroll one number per adventure, unused)
• Silver Helm (+2 COMBAT SKILL)
• Ticket
• Red Pass
• Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 ENDURANCE)
• Firesphere
• Blue Stone Triangle
• Scroll
• Dagger of Vashna (+3 COMBAT SKILL, -3 ENDURANCE, not applied for this adventure)
BELT POUCH: 26 Gold Crowns
• When in combat, stop to ask whether to use any items or abilities if ENDURANCE is less than 11 or Combat Ratio is less than -4
• Visited the Ruins of Raumas
• Survived the perils of the Graveyard of the Ancients
• Visited Gorn Cove
• Bridge password is ‘sunset’
• Applied Baknar oil
• Visited a hut on ‘Raider’s Road’
• Visited the Ruins of Maaken
Last edited by JourneymanN00b on Wed Sep 06, 2023 6:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Alright folks, let’s start the fifth Lone Wolf book, Shadow on the Sand. Below is the cover art of Book 5 that was created by Alberto Dal Lago.


The Story so Far…
You are Lone Wolf, the last of the Kai Lords of Sommerlund, the sole survivor of the massacre that destroyed this warrior order during an invasion of your beloved homeland by Darklord Zagarna of Helgedad in MS 5050.
     It is now midwinter of MS 5055 and a mantle of snow lies knee-deep in the streets of Holmgard. You are summoned from your monastery in the hills by a royal messenger bearing a scroll, signed and sealed by the hand of King Ulnar V. You are surprised to read the King’s message, for it is a request for your help in solving an urgent problem that he describes as being of ‘great diplomatic importance’. It seems a somewhat unusual request to make of a warrior Kai, whose skills are better suited to the field of battle than to parleying with foreign envoys. However, dutifully you obey the summons and, upon your arrival at the King’s Citadel in Holmgard, all is made clear.
     The Zakhan of Vassagonia, the imperial ruler of this desert empire, has sent his most trusted envoy to Sommerlund to seek a treaty of peace between your two countries. The Zakhan has especially asked that you be the one who signs the treaty on behalf of your country. The reason for this soon becomes apparent.
     Less than a year ago, a renegade noble from Vassagonia called Barraka led his army of bandits in an attack upon the remote Sommlending province of Ruanon. This mining town and much of the surrounding land was overrun and destroyed. Many Sommlending lost their lives, and many more were enslaved and forced to labor in the mines of the Maaken range. When the regular convoy from Ruanon failed to arrive at the capital, King Ulnar sent you to investigate. A great battle ensued in which you defeated Barraka in mortal combat. Had it not been for your courage and skill, the safety of Sommerlund and all of the Lastlands would have been placed in grave peril by Barraka’s evil plans.


     ‘Your majesty, the Zakhan is gravely embarrassed by Barraka’s foul treachery. He is most anxious that our valued friendship and trust be restored. He begs that you send the Kai warrior, Lone Wolf, to sign a treaty of peace with him at the Grand Palace in Barrakeesh,’ whimpers the Zakhan’s emissary, as he kneels subserviently at the feet of King Ulnar.
     The king rises from his throne, barely able to conceal his distaste for the fawning envoy. He turns his gaze to you and bids you follow him to the privacy of an antechamber.
     ‘I have no liking for this desert realm, Lone Wolf, but I like the prospect of war even less. The Zakhan is old and frail, and has no son to ascede to his throne when he dies. Barraka was but one of many ruthless nobles who wait like jackals for the chance to seize power. I fear they have grown too impatient to allow the Zakhan to die a natural death. The treaty may not guarantee peace with Vassagonia once the Zakhan has passed away, but it will at least buy us precious time to strengthen our southern defenses.’
     The king leads you to a window and points towards the harbor, barely visible through the flurries of falling snow. A Vassagonian galley is moored at the harbor wall.
     ‘Go to Vassagonia, Lone Wolf. Sign the treaty and return quickly. Even though the Zakhan promises us peace, I fear the shadow of war may descend upon us before the year is out.’
     You wave farewell to Holmgard on this bleak midwinter’s day, hoping to return in time to see the spring thaw. But as you watch the spires of Holmgard fade from sight amidst the falling snow, you are blissfully unaware of the perils that await you in distant Vassagonia.
The recap: The ruler of the last adventure’s big bad fascist wants Lone Wolf to come to his palace to sign the peace treaty between Holmgard and Vassagonia. With no real choice in the matter, Lone Wolf heads to Vassagonia to comply with the said ruler’s wishes.

Due to the urgency of Lone Wolf’s task at Vassagonia, King Ulnar compels him to head for the Vassagonian galley at once without giving him any additional equipment. It remains to be seen whether this action will cause Lone Wolf’s adventure to end in failure or not.

The THE GAME RULES section is the same as that of Book 3, except for the last paragraph, which is replaced with the following text:
If you have successfully completed any of the previous adventures in the Lone Wolf series, you will already have your COMBAT SKILL, ENDURANCE points, and Kai Disciplines which you may now carry over with you to Book 5. However, if you deem it necessary, all lost ENDURANCE points may be recovered before starting Book 5. You may also carry over any Weapons, Backpack Items and Special Items that you held at the end of your last adventure and these should be entered on your new Action Chart. You are still limited to 2 Weapons, 8 Backpack Items and 12 Special Items. Through the experience you have gained in your last adventure you have learned a new skill, and you may now choose one extra Kai Discipline to add to your Action Chart.
Due to Lone Wolf’s Healing Kai Discipline and the lengthy amount of time that has passed between Books 4 and 5, all of his lost ENDURANCE points are fully recovered before starting this adventure.

The KAI DISCIPLINES section is the same as that in Book 1, except for the following changes:
• The second sentence of the introductory paragraph removes the phrase “and they are taught to all Kai Lords”, probably in order to make the section more gender neutral and to avoid confusion.
• The third sentence in the Camouflage section now reads “In a town or city, it enables them to blend in amongst the inhabitants, and it can help them to find shelter or a safe hiding place.” It is dubious why the extra “to” between “them” and “find” was added, as this edit does not make the sentence more grammatically correct.
• The third sentence in the Hunting section is removed and replaced with “You are aware that most of Vassagonia is arid desert; should your adventure lead you into this desert, the opportunities for successful hunting may not arise. But this skill is still very useful, for it also enables a Kai Lord to move with great speed and dexterity.” This is obviously to put the benefits of this Kai Discipline in the context of this specific adventure.
• The fourth sentence in the Weaponskill section now reads “When you enter combat using this weapon, you add 2 points to your COMBAT SKILL rating.” This rewording is probably meant to clear any confusion on when to apply the Weaponskill bonus.
• Different numbers are assigned for each of the weapons under the Weaponskill list.
• The first two sentences of the Animal Kinship paragraph now read “This skill enables a Kai Lord to communicate with some animals and predict the behavior of others. In some cases, it can permit a Kai Lord control over an animal’s instincts or actions.” This was probably to improve inconsistency when describing the player between each of the Kai Discipline descriptions.
• The first sentence of the Mind over Matter paragraph now reads “Mastery of this Discipline enables a Kai Lord to move small objects by focusing their concentration.” This is probably for the same consistency issues that the above edit was made for.
• The last paragraph is replaced with the following text:
If you have successfully completed Books 1-4 of the Lone Wolf series, completion of Book 5 will raise you to the rank of Kai Master. This means that you will have acquired all ten basic Kai skills. All of the items, including Special Items, that you have found and kept during your adventures, may then be used in the Lone Wolf ‘Magnakai’ series.
As with the first 4 books, The Play Option for the Healing Kai Discipline referenced in the opening post will not be used when running Book 5, since I believe this adventure’s difficulty is at an appropriate level without limiting the number of ENDURANCE points that Healing can restore.

Lone Wolf has the following Kai Disciplines to choose as his extra Kai Discipline to add to his Action Chart:

• Camouflage
• Weaponskill

The details of these Kai Disciplines can be found in the opening post.

As I previously said, the EQUIPMENT section will be skipped, since our hero is more than sufficiently equipped to win this adventure. Lone Wolf will instead be given a map of the desert empire. Should Lone Wolf die in this adventure after using his one resurrection, he will be allowed to get additional equipment and Gold Crowns at Holmgard before he sets out on his voyage to Barrakeesh.

The HOW TO CARRY AND USE YOUR EQUIPMENT section is the same as that in Book 4, only with the below change:

• The first sentence in the Gold Crowns section is replaced with the following text, “The currency of Sommerlund and Vassagonia is the Crown, which is a small gold coin.”

The RULES FOR COMBAT is the same as that in Book 1, except for the following changes:
• The text on the last sentence of Step 4 now reads, “(E represents points lost by the enemy; PC represents points lost by you – Lone Wolf.)”
• The second to last sentence of the second example now reads “You (Lone Wolf) lose 3 ENDURANCE points.”

The LEVELS OF KAI TRAINING section is the same as that in Book 1.

Your mission is one of peaceful diplomacy – but beware! The desert empire of Vassagonia has a notorious reputation for being a land of deceit and treachery. Be on your guard at all times. Make notes as you progress, as you will find they will be of great help in this, and in future, adventures.
     Many items that you find will aid you during your adventure. Some Special Items will also be of use in future Lone Wolf adventures, but others may be red herrings of no real use at all, so try to be selective in what you decide to keep.
     If this is your first Lone Wolf adventure, choose your Kai Disciplines with care – a wise choice and a great deal of courage should enable anyone to complete both parts of this adventure, no matter how weak their initial COMBAT SKILL and ENDURANCE points score may be. Successful completion of previous Lone Wolf adventures, although an advantage, are not essential for the completion of this book.
     May the spirits of your Kai Masters guide you on your perilous adventure.
For Sommerlund and the Kai!

Vassagonia Map

Closing Remarks
This book is rather special in that it is a 400-section adventure that is split into two parts. Due to the length and relative difficulty of this adventure, Lone Wolf will be given one resurrection. Upon death, this resurrection will send our hero back to the point where the first critical mistake was made to make the adventure winnable once more. The Action Chart will also be reverted to what it was at that point in the story. If Lone Wolf dies after these this resurrection is used, he goes back to the beginning of Book 5. So please make your decisions wisely. I also would like to remind everyone not to post any spoilers to respect the wishes of those who want to have a blind experience while playing this adventure.

Before we officially commence Part One of Book 5, please vote for the following choices:
Which additional Kai Discipline should our hero get?
Should we modify or create any rules for Lone Wolf to follow under certain scenarios to streamline the experience of playing this adventure?
Should we store any items in Lone Wolf’s inventory in the Kai Monastery for safekeeping?

All votes should be made before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Camouflage. Not voting to store anything.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

Camouflage. Besides hiding, they're also supposed to help us fit in in foreign places, which is where we're going for the diplomatic mission.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

After reading all of the votes, I will have Lone Wolf learn Camouflage as his new Kai Discipline, and not store anything at the Kai Monastery.



For twenty-five days, the Vassagonian galley sails a steady course for its home port of Barrakeesh, with only the briefest of stops at the Durenese harbor of Port Bax to break a safe but monotonous voyage.
     You use your time aboard the ship to good purpose, learning the Vassagonian language from the ship’s crew. They are eager to teach you, asking only in return that you tell them tales of your adventures in the Lastlands. For many of the sailors, these are the most exciting stories they have ever heard. By the time you reach Barrakeesh you have both mastered their language and won their deep respect.
     It is early afternoon when the ramparts of the desert capital are first sighted on the horizon. You push your way through the cheering crew and join the envoy at the prow of the ship. Beaming with pride, he hands you a telescope and invites you to view the land of his birth. The sight is breathtaking. You stare with fascination at the golden domes, the minarets, and green-tiled roofs that are shimmering beneath the hot desert sun, and you marvel at the splendor of the Grand Palace which dominates this magnificent city. Then you notice something odd. From every golden turret of the palace there flutters a long, black pennant. You ask the envoy of the meaning of the black flags. Horror floods across his face as he snatches the telescope from your hands.


     ‘By the spirit of the Majhan! He is dead … the Zakhan is dead!’
     As the bad news spreads throughout the ship, you pray that the peace treaty will be signed and honored by the Zakhan’s successor. The envoy is less than hopeful.
     The harbor of Barrakeesh is deserted save for a handful of citizens clad in black, and the only sound that greets you is the funereal toll of a bell that echoes around the harbor on this day of mourning. A horse-drawn carriage enters the harbor square, escorted by the cavalry of the Palace Guard. It slows to a halt near the gangplank of the ship and a dour man in turquoise robes steps out to meet you.
     ‘A thousand greetings, Lone Wolf, I am Maouk. I welcome you to our city on behalf of my master, his most sublime magnificence, Zakhan Kimah.’
     The envoy gasps with shocked surprise upon hearing the name of the new Zakhan. He turns to speak, his eyes wild with fear. ‘It is a trap,’ he gasps, ‘you must …’
     His warning is cut short by the blade of Maouk’s dagger. Suddenly, scores of black-clad warriors emerge from the shadows of the harbor buildings. They are Sharnazim, elite Vassagonian bodyguards. Quickly they close in with their swords drawn, surrounding you on every side. You must act quickly if you are to survive this deadly trap.
     If you wish to make a stand and fight against these overwhelming odds, turn to 36.
     If you choose to surrender to Maouk and his warriors, turn to 176.
     If you decide to turn and run back to the galley, turn to 104.

Please make your votes on whether to fight, surrender to, or run from the Vassagonian police state units before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

1. Sixth Sense
2. Healing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat
3. Hunting: no need for a Meal when instructed to eat
4. Mindblast: +2 COMBAT SKILL points
5. Mindshield: no points lost when attacked by Mindblast
6. Animal Kinship
7. Mind Over Matter
8. Tracking
9. Camouflage
1. Dagger
2. Sommerswerd (In sections where it is specifically mentioned, +8 COMBAT SKILL and double damage against undead)
1. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
2. Alether Concentrate (+4 COMBAT SKILL for one fight)
3. Rope
4. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
5. Concentrated Laumspur Potion (+5 ENDURANCE)
6. Meal
7. Brass Key
8. Meal
• Kai Shield (+2 COMBAT SKILL when used in combat)
• Kai Gold Key
• Crystal Star Pendant (Reroll one number per adventure, unused)
• Silver Helm (+2 COMBAT SKILL)
• Ticket
• Red Pass
• Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 ENDURANCE)
• Firesphere
• Blue Stone Triangle
• Scroll
• Dagger of Vashna (+3 COMBAT SKILL, -3 ENDURANCE)
BELT POUCH: 26 Gold Crowns
• When in combat, stop to ask whether to use any items or abilities if ENDURANCE is less than 11 or Combat Ratio is less than -4
• Visited the Ruins of Raumas
• Survived the perils of the Graveyard of the Ancients
• Visited Gorn Cove
• Bridge password is ‘sunset’
• Applied Baknar oil
• Visited a hut on ‘Raider’s Road’
• Visited the Ruins of Maaken
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

I'm pretty sure the envoy wouldn't have been killed if he was going to tell us to go with them, and I don't think Maouk would kill him if it wasn't to stop him from giving us good advice.

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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes counted; running from the Vassagonian police state enforcers won over surrendering to them by a 2-1 vote.


‘Take Lone Wolf!’ shouts Maouk. ‘But alive!’
     You sprint towards the distant galley. The crew is still unaware of the desperate situation. They have not witnessed the murder of the envoy and they are oblivious to your peril. Before you can give a shout for help, a horseman cuts across your path and blocks your access to the ship.
     If you wish to attack the horseman, turn to 20.
     If you choose to evade combat by diving into the sea, turn to 142.
     If you decide to surrender to Maouk’s men, turn to 176.

Again, Lone Wolf is faced with a choice to either fight, surrender to, or flee from the Vassagonian fascist squad. Please make your votes on how to deal with this situation before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Dive into the sea.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

Into the sea. It's a Vassagonian ship, the crew wouldn't dare help shelter us from their new ruler's men.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; fleeing from the Vassagonian fascist squad again by diving into the sea.


You hit the water and swim submerged until the pain in your lungs forces you up to the surface. Sharnazim are running in every direction. They are trying to surround the quay and prevent your escape. Gulping another breath, you dive again and swim towards a cluster of small boats moored less than fifty yards away.
     Through the clear blue water, it is easy to see the rubbish that litters the bed of the harbor. They are the discarded mementos of scores of merchant ships that have docked at the quayside over the years. Clinging to the shaft of an old anchor is a strange, jelly-like blob. A mass of short tubes stick out from its sides, and a long hook-like scoop hangs beneath its rubbery body. Without warning, the blob suddenly jets towards you, propelled by water from its mass of breathing tubes. It is a Bloodlug, a deadly predator, and it is hungry to feed on your flesh!
     If you have the Kai Discipline of Animal Kinship, turn to 134.
     If you do not possess this skill, you can fight the creature (turn to 12), or you can attempt to evade it (turn to 95).

Lone Wolf has the Kai Discipline of Animal Kinship.


You call upon your Kai Discipline in order to force the creature away. The Bloodlug swiftly changes direction and jets towards a small squid that has taken refuge in a large copper urn. You continue swimming and keep a watchful eye on the Bloodlug as it engulfs and devours the helpless squid.
     Turn now to 95.


You surface beside a covered skiff. Anxious to avoid the deadly scavengers that infest the waters of Barrakeesh harbor, you haul yourself aboard and hide beneath the boat’s canopy of woven rushes. You are breathless from the exertion of your swim, but you dare not make a sound. Maouk’s men are everywhere. They are racing along the harbor walls, their eyes searching the water for any sign of your whereabouts. If you are to escape from them, you must think of something to divert their attention.
     If you have the Kai Discipline of Mind Over Matter, turn to 184.
     If you do not possess this skill, turn instead to 56.

Lone Wolf has the Kai Discipline of Mind Over Matter.


Staring out across the harbor, you notice a large, white-domed warehouse perched near the water’s edge. A platform on its upper floor overhangs a merchant dhow moored at the quayside below. Standing on this platform are several earthenware tuns: huge spice containers destined for the trading emporiums of Ragadorn. You focus your attention on one of these tuns and concentrate all your Kai skill into making it move. Sweat trickles freely down your face from the strain, but you soon hear a distant crash that confirms your efforts have been successful. The tun has fallen and shattered onto the deck of the dhow below.
     To continue, turn to 153.


Maouk orders his black-clad troops to search the area, threatening them with death if they allow you to escape. You bite your lip and await a chance to run.
     Creeping from one boat to the next, you reach a narrow flight of stone steps. At the top of the steps, beyond a small paved square, lies a maze of crooked alleyways that disappear into the shadows of the Thieves’ Quarter. You are less than twenty feet from safety when a cry echoes across the water: ‘There’s the Kai!’
     Sprinting along the deserted passage, you climb a stairway and emerge into an open courtyard. The sound of hooves clattering on the cobblestones below urges you onwards. There are three possible exits from this courtyard: a high, nail-studded gate to the left, an alley to your right, and a straight, paved pathway that leads off towards an arch. You must make a quick decision for Maouk’s men are hot on your heels.
     If you possess the Kai Discipline of Tracking, turn to 42.
     If you wish to enter the gate, turn to 75.
     If you choose to enter the alley, turn to 117.
     If you decide to take the straight pathway through the arch, turn to 169.

Lone Wolf possesses the Kai Discipline of Tracking.


Your Kai sense warns you that the alley is a dead end. If you take that exit from the square you will certainly be trapped. Only two other choices remain: the high, nail-studded gate to your left, or the path directly ahead.
     If you choose to go through the gate to your left, turn to 75.
     If you decide to take the path ahead, turn to 169.

Here’s the recap: After hitting the water, Lone Wolf uses Animal Kinship to force a bloodthirsty Bloodlug predator away from him. He then hides behind a skiff and uses Mind over Matter to break a huge spice container, which distracts the Maouk’s fascist enforcers. Unfortunately, they spot Lone Wolf as he makes his way to the Thieves’ Quarter alleyways. His Tracking tells him that the nail-studded gate to his left or the path straight ahead are the only two safe ways forward. Please make your votes between fully embracing the communist way or maintaining a centrist approach before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Trying to get over a high, nail-studded gate with pursuers right behind us sounds unwise. Take the path ahead.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; Lone Wolf will maintain a centrist approach by taking the path ahead.


You enter a broad street where vendors compete for space for their stalls beneath overhanging balconies. The market is crowded with people. They are all wearing a black sash as a mark of respect to the memory of their dead Zakhan. Unlike in most of Barrakeesh, business continues here as normal.
     You pass a stall that is festooned with black sashes, each costing 2 Gold Crowns. If you wish to buy a Sash, pay the vendor and mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item, which you wear over your tunic (you do not need to deduct a Special Item if you already carry the maximum twelve). Hurrying away from the stall, you dodge into a narrow passage that is lined with eating houses and small taverns. The smell of food is mingled with the odor of stale wine, and the air is alive with chatter and gossip. Your attention is drawn to a notice freshly pasted to a tavern wall. The bold headline reads:


     If you choose to stop and read the proclamation, turn to 88.
     If you decide to continue along the passage, turn to 113.

Please make your votes on whether to buy a Sash or not and whether to stop to read the notice or continue Lone Wolf’s flight from the Vassagonian police state before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Buy a sash, not being in mourning is likely to make us stand out, and besides the dead Zakhan was apparently a good guy.

Read the proclamation.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

Buy sash, read poster.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

Buy sash and read.

(Huh, I thought the book was going to railroad us into being captured and then have to escape)
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; buying a Sash and reading the notice.


The poster is written from right to left in flowing Vassagonian script. The time you spent learning this language aboard the galley was time well spent, for you have little difficulty in translating the proclamation:

‘His most illustrious majesty, Zakhan Moudalla the Exalted, has passed into the realm of the Majhan. May his spirit never die! By the grace of the Council of Kadi, the Funtal of Kara Kala and the Judicar of Barrakeesh, it is decreed that Kimah, Emir of Ferufezan, Protector of the Dry Main, shall by right claim the throne of Vassagonia. Through the unity of the Seven Cities he will lead his people to greatness. Long may he reign!’

     (You may wish to note the information contained in the proclamation for future reference). A scuffle breaks out at the end of the passage as a handful of Sharnazim try to force their way through the crowd. In the confusion, a fruit stall is overturned. Its owner curses the clumsy soldiers at the top of his voice. Then his stream of invective halts in mid-sentence; the luckless man has been summarily beheaded for his insolence.


     You turn and run, splashing through the shallow drainage channel which bisects the length of the foul passage.
     To continue, turn to 113.


The passage ends at a tree-lined plaza. You know you must find somewhere to hide for your Sommlending features and your Kai cloak and tunic make you stand out like a sore thumb among the city crowd.
     To your left is a small dwelling with a curious wooden sign hanging above the door. It is carved in the shape of a fish. To your right you notice a tavern. The sign above the tavern door seems oddly appropriate:


If you possess the Kai Discipline of Healing, turn at once to 53.
     If you do not possess this skill, you can enter the dwelling (turn to 157), or you can enter the tavern (turn to 188).

Lone Wolf possesses the Kai Discipline of Healing.


You recognize the sign of the fish. It is the symbol of an order of monks known as ‘The Redeemers’, a silent order devoted to a lifetime of prayer, pilgrimage, and the study of the healing arts.
     If you choose to enter the dwelling, turn to 157.
     If you decide to enter the tavern instead, turn to 188.

Please make your votes on where to hide before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

1. Sixth Sense
2. Healing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat
3. Hunting: no need for a Meal when instructed to eat
4. Mindblast: +2 COMBAT SKILL points
5. Mindshield: no points lost when attacked by Mindblast
6. Animal Kinship
7. Mind Over Matter
8. Tracking
9. Camouflage
1. Dagger
2. Sommerswerd (In sections where it is specifically mentioned, +8 COMBAT SKILL and double damage against undead)
1. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
2. Alether Concentrate (+4 COMBAT SKILL for one fight)
3. Rope
4. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
5. Concentrated Laumspur Potion (+5 ENDURANCE)
6. Meal
7. Brass Key
8. Meal
• Kai Shield (+2 COMBAT SKILL when used in combat)
• Kai Gold Key
• Crystal Star Pendant (Reroll one number per adventure, unused)
• Silver Helm (+2 COMBAT SKILL)
• Ticket
• Red Pass
• Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 ENDURANCE)
• Firesphere
• Blue Stone Triangle
• Scroll
• Dagger of Vashna (+3 COMBAT SKILL, -3 ENDURANCE)
• Sash (does not count towards 12 item limit)
BELT POUCH: 24 Gold Crowns
• When in combat, stop to ask whether to use any items or abilities if ENDURANCE is less than 11 or Combat Ratio is less than -4
• Visited the Ruins of Raumas
• Survived the perils of the Graveyard of the Ancients
• Visited Gorn Cove
• Bridge password is ‘sunset’
• Applied Baknar oil
• Visited a hut on ‘Raider’s Road’
• Visited the Ruins of Maaken
• Read the Barakeesh proclamation
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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