[Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to automatically use the Exploit Weakness Stunt twice in every battle. If the creature has 10 Stamina or more, I will also vote to attempt Exploit Weakness a third time, including the Caarth Champion.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by pragma »

As a default policy, exploit weakness every round on the highest stamina remaining foe.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by Thaluikhain »

I feel that using exploit weakness say, 2 or 3 times initially would be best. Once it's doing extra damage, don't need to risk taking damage ourselves trying to increase it.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by Beroli »

Policy of Exploit Weakness twice, three times if the enemy's Skill is 10 or higher, wins 2-1.

Hermes Conrad Attack Strength: 15, CAARTH CHAMPION Attack Strength: 17. CAARTH CHAMPION Stunt Result 2, failure; CAARTH CHAMPION's STAMINA is 14. Stunt result 5, success. Hermes Conrad's Stamina is 22. Caarth Champion bleeds for 1. Caarth Champion's Stamina is 13.
Hermes Conrad Attack Strength: 18, CAARTH CHAMPION Attack Strength: 21. CAARTH CHAMPION Stunt Result 6, success. Stunt result 6, success. Hermes Conrad's Stamina is 18. Caarth Champion bleeds for 2. Caarth Champion's Stamina is 11.
Hermes Conrad Attack Strength: 18, CAARTH CHAMPION Attack Strength: 18. CAARTH CHAMPION Stunt Result 6, success. Stunt result 1, failure. Caarth Champion bleeds for 2. Hermes Conrad's Stamina is 14. Caarth Champion's Stamina is 9.
Hermes Conrad Attack Strength: 19, CAARTH CHAMPION Attack Strength: 19. Caarth Champion bleeds for 2. Caarth Champion's Stamina is 7.
Hermes Conrad Attack Strength: 21, CAARTH CHAMPION Attack Strength: 20. Caarth Champion bleeds for 2. Caarth Champion's Stamina is 3.
Hermes Conrad Attack Strength: 17, CAARTH CHAMPION Attack Strength: 15. Caarth Champion bleeds for 2. Caarth Champion is dead.

Stunned by the death of their champion, the Caarth warriors fall back, hissing in dismay and anger. Your men jeer and whoop in delight as the Caarth retreat back to the desert. You are glad that they did, for your men are close to exhaustion. Still, the ambush was a success. Hundreds of Caarth corpses litter the desert while you lost only a dozen men. You give your men a rousing speech and order that they return to Karnak Tor for a feast.

Back at the castle, you are surprised to see Telemechus, your father’s bodyguard and family’s most trusted servant. He has a look of deep sadness about him.

‘My lord,’ he says, ‘We must speak urgently in private.’

You take him to your quarters where you bid Telemechus to take a seat. You pour him a goblet of wine.

‘My lord. I am sorry to be the bearer of such sorry news, but I must tell you that your father died seven days ago. It appears that he died of old age, but as you know your father was a strong and healthy man and a fine warrior up until the day he died. No, we suspect something sinister is at hand. What, however, I don’t know. I bring this letter from your mother.’ Telemechus offers you a letter sealed with wax bearing your family insignia. Soundlessly, you take it.
My child,
I hope the battle against the forces of darkness fares well. However, I am afraid to say that they are now growing strong within our city as well as without it. I am sorry to tell you that your father is dead, assassinated by a cowardly poisoner. It happened at dinner all very suddenly and I think that it has something to do with the cult that your father was trying to oust from the higher orders of our society. As you know, there are many charismatic and insidious people trying to worm their way into power and influence, but it seems that this particular cult has become very successful even though you killed one of their members. There have been strange and dangerous things afoot with this cult since you left to fight the Caarth. We do not know their agenda, but they spoke of a new age and the return of the great one. Your father was investigating them before he died. I’m afraid that I do not know what he learnt for he would not speak of it to anybody lest the knowledge would put them in danger too. It seems that he was right. Now, merely a week after his death, young courtiers have started to infest this house like hyenas gathered around the corpse of a lion. They irritate me with their constant attention and their demands that I should marry one of them. I bid you to return home to avenge your father and save me from these disgusting leeches.
With love,
Helen, your mother.

You can do nothing for several minutes. When you left home, all was well, and now your father is dead and your house is overrun by opportunistic cowards.

‘I must leave tonight. Telemechus, you must stay here and defend the border while I am gone. I will prepare for my journey.’

You head to the storeroom for supplies. You replace your spear. You also fill a backpack with enough food for your journey, five torches, a flint and tinder and a water skin. Finally, you see Chiron, the healer, who tends to your wounds as best as he can in the short time you have (restore your Stamina to its Initial level). Eager to avenge your father and protect Carsepolis from this hidden danger, you set out immediately. You walk for hours along the grassland before the climate becomes more temperate and the vegetation becomes denser. You stop to rest and eat for a short time. While you are chewing on your dried meat, you think about the route you could take to Carsepolis.

Take the short but precarious trail through the mountains where people are said to learn peace?
Hack your way through the dense forest where it is said that the forces of nature bring humility to all people?
Follow the coast to your city along the sea which, according to legend will make invulnerable anyone who can survive in it for one hundred days?

Name: Hermes Conrad
Sex: Male
Skill: 12/12
Stamina: 24/24
Luck: 14/14
Cunning of Logann
Inventory: Sword, spear, shield (-1 to enemy Attack Strength), Steel helmet, 50 Gold Pieces, food, 5 torches, flint and tinder, water skin
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I cast a half vote for the forest to see if it can resolve Hermès’ fault.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by Queen of Swords »

Yeah, spending a hundred days by the sea is likely not going to help our mom at all.

Forest is the better of the remaining two options.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by Thaluikhain »

Yeah, forest.

(I hope Telemechus holds out against further attacks from Caarth)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by Beroli »

Your journey takes you through a land which gets more and more wooded as you travel it. Eventually, you must force your way through the undergrowth in order to continue. At dusk, you stop to rest, but, anxious to get home and save your mother, you press onwards. When it gets dark, you light a torch, but this brings little comfort as the fire pinpoints your location to beasts and bandits. After several hours of walking, you come to a clearing. At the centre of the clearing is a very tall tree bearing beautiful apples. These are not just any apples, as they have metallic colourings: gold, silver and bronze. You have heard of the remarkable power of such apples, and they are much sought after.

Try to take some of the enchanted apples?
Leave them and continue?

Name: Hermes Conrad
Sex: Male
Skill: 12/12
Stamina: 24/24
Luck: 14/14
Cunning of Logann
Inventory: Sword, spear, shield (-1 to enemy Attack Strength), Steel helmet, 50 Gold Pieces, food, 5 torches, flint and tinder, water skin
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to leave the apples, as this just spells TRAP in capital letters.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by Queen of Swords »

I'm tempted to see if our cunning can enable us to get an enchanted apple, so half a vote for this.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by pragma »

This doesn't feel like a cunning prompt to me, I'll trust noob's instincts here.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by Thaluikhain »

Leave well alone.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by Beroli »

Leaving the apples wins 3 to 0.5.

The forest begins to thin out a little again. After several days’ travel, you come to a camp full of rangers dressed in green and druids in white robes. Upon seeing you, two dozen rangers grab their bows and point them at you, ready to pincushion you with arrows if you make one false move. One of the druids approaches you. ‘Welcome, hero of Carsepolis. We know who you are and why you are here. Nevertheless, you have trespassed on our lands and we require you to prove your worth. If you can do so, then you will be free to travel through our lands. Otherwise, you will have to turn back and skirt our woodland. It will add an extra day to your journey but that will be no great hardship for you, I’m sure. This may be the best option for you if you are faint of heart, for the penalty of failing our challenge is death.’

You have Hubris.

You boast that you will beat any challenge that the druids could give you. The old druid merely smiles and tells you to follow him.

The druid takes you to a young woman in short white robes. ‘This is Atalanta, our fastest runner. If you beat her in a footrace, you may continue your journey with our blessing and gifts.’

The populace of the camp gathers round to see your race. The druid waits until all are quiet and you and Atalanta line up. ‘Go!’ shouts the druid, and Atalanta sprints off at an alarming pace, leaving you desperately trying to keep up with her.

You do not have the Speed of Pangara. Test your Skill with a -5 penalty; an 11 succeeds.

Surprisingly to everyone, not least yourself, you manage to close the gap between yourself and Atalanta until you and her are neck and neck. Can you manage one final push to victory?

You do not have the Strength of Telak. Test your Stamina on three dice with a -11 penalty; a 19 succeeds.

Against all odds you pass the finish line before the fleet footed druidess. The crowd is flabbergasted, but the druid declares you the winner. Later that day, you are initiated as part of the tribe of the woodland with a feast and dancing. You are taken away from the merriment by the old druid to be given gifts upon becoming part of the tribe. You may pick any three of the following items.

A wooden ring
A copper ring
Leather gloves covered in thorns
An obsidian bat amulet
A polished pebble
A bracelet of green metal
A wooden sword

Vote on which three to take.

Name: Hermes Conrad
Sex: Male
Skill: 12/12
Stamina: 24/24
Luck: 14/14
Cunning of Logann
Inventory: Sword, spear, shield (-1 to enemy Attack Strength), Steel helmet, 50 Gold Pieces, food, 5 torches, flint and tinder, water skin
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Half vote for the following items in order of preference:
Obsidian bat amulet
Leather gloves covered in thorns
Bracelet of green metal
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by Queen of Swords »

Second votes for the leather gloves and the bracelet. However, I’d like to pick the copper ring as the third item instead.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by pragma »

I'll vote the same as Queen of Swords
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by Thaluikhain »

I vote for gloves, amulet and bracelet.

(Ok, should have stopped for golden apples, it seems)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by Beroli »

Okay, assigning points to the items based on your votes:

JourneymanN00b gives the obsidian bat amulet 1.5 points, the leather gloves covered in thorns 1 point, and the bracelet of green metal 0.5 points.
Queen of Swords gives the the leather gloves covered in thorns 3 points, the bracelet of green metal 2 points, and the copper ring 1 point.
pragma gives the the leather gloves covered in thorns 3 points, the bracelet of green metal 2 points, and the copper ring 1 point.
Thaluikhain gives the leather gloves covered in thorns 3 points, the obsidian bat amulet 2 points, and the bracelet of green metal 1 point.

Obsidian bat amulet: 3.5 points.
Leather gloves covered in thorns: 10 points.
Bracelet of green metal: 5.5 points.
Copper ring: 2 points.

Winners: Leather gloves covered in thorns, bracelet of green metal, obsidian bat amulet.

These gloves will guide your hands in combat and ensure that your foes will feel the sting of the thorns. Once per combat, you may either automatically win one combat round or automatically succeed at one heroic stunt.

The bracelet has healing powers and it will make you immune to any poisons. At the end of each combat, the bracelet will restore 3 stamina points.

The druid picks up the amulet by the leather cord holding it and places it around your neck ‘This amulet, when worn about the neck, will become hot if someone is sneaking up on you with malicious intent. It will also make you more alert in combat.’ Once per combat, you may either increase your Attack Strength by 2 for one round or, when you have hit an opponent, deal an extra 4 damage to them.

Should you find yourself facing an opponent with no more than 6 Stamina for the rest of the gamebook (or until you lose one of these items, whichever comes first), I'll skip rolling and just go straight to "because of the gloves you auto-win the first attack round, and because of the amulet you deal 6 damage."

You have a joyful time at the dance and feast. The druids tend to your wounds (restore your Stamina to its Initial level). In the morning, you bid Atalanta and the rest of the tribe goodbye and continue your journey. You make good time through the woods and plains. You journey for several days until one morning when the sky is red from the dawn sun. As the first light spreads across the land, you see the shining city of Carsepolis in the distance. You are almost home.

You are sitting on a rock, eating the last of your rations when you see movement some distance away. You look in the direction of the movement to see a man in a leather jerkin aiming an arrow at you. He looses it. Before you can move, it hits you in the shoulder.

Throw your spear at him?
Chase him?

Name: Hermes Conrad
Sex: Male
Skill: 12/12
Stamina: 24/24
Luck: 14/14
Cunning of Logann
Inventory: Sword, spear, shield (-1 to enemy Attack Strength), Steel helmet, 50 Gold Pieces, food, 5 torches, flint and tinder, water skin, leather gloves covered in thorns (once per combat, you may either automatically win one combat round or automatically succeed at one heroic stunt), bracelet of green metal (immune to poison, regain 3 Stamina at the end of each combat), obsidian bat amulet (once per combat, you may either increase your Attack Strength by 2 for one round or, when you have hit an opponent, deal an extra 4 damage to them).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to chase him.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by Thaluikhain »

As throwing spear didn't work last time, yeah, try chasing.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by Queen of Swords »

Sure, chase him like the evil rabbit he is.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by Beroli »

The arrow was poisoned and you would die now if you did not have the bracelet.

You pull the arrow out of your arm and look around for the archer that ambushed you, but he is nowhere to be seen.

You did not throw your spear at him.

Eventually, you come to the gates of Caresepolis. The guards stand to attention and salute as you approach them. You walk through the gates and along the streets to where your house can be found. The atmosphere in the city is glum – it seems that a cloud has descended upon the people here. You walk up the stairs to your mansion where your steward is standing at the door, a look of melancholy upon his face. Upon seeing you, his face brightens.

‘My Lord…’ he says.

‘Greetings, Stelios. I will greet you properly when I have dealt with the infestation in my house.’ You stride down the corridors, following the sound of raucous merriment until you come to the banquet room. Your mother sits at the head of the long table bedecked with a glorious repast which is being torn apart by a score of drunk and uncouth courtiers like pigs feasting on caviar. Upon seeing you, the merriment stops. ‘I am the master of this house and you will all leave.’

‘Oh yeah?’ says one of the drunken courtiers, almost falling over as he gets up. ‘You won’t be ordering me about when I’m your daddy.’ Roars of laughter go up from the diners.

You remain stone faced. ‘If that’s the case, then you’re going to have to kill me.’

The young men all get up and draw short swords, eager for combat in the hope that you might kill some of their rivals. They all advance upon you with a drunken overconfidence. Once they are ten paces away, you draw your own sword and prepare your shield. You are going to enjoy teaching these men a lesson. Fight the courtiers as a single creature. As long as the courtiers’ Stamina is 10 or more, you must lose 1 Stamina point at the end of every combat round as you cannot block all of their blows.

COURTIERS Skill 8 Stamina 18

Vote on how to use the gloves and the amulet, whether/how to use Luck, and whether to change your default strategy for stunts. You might also want to establish a default strategy for the gloves and the amulet.

Name: Hermes Conrad
Sex: Male
Skill: 12/12
Stamina: 24/24
Luck: 14/14
Cunning of Logann
Inventory: Sword, spear, shield (-1 to enemy Attack Strength), Steel helmet, 50 Gold Pieces, food, 5 torches, flint and tinder, water skin, leather gloves covered in thorns (once per combat, you may either automatically win one combat round or automatically succeed at one heroic stunt), bracelet of green metal (immune to poison, regain 3 Stamina at the end of each combat), obsidian bat amulet (once per combat, you may either increase your Attack Strength by 2 for one round or, when you have hit an opponent, deal an extra 4 damage to them).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by JourneymanN00b »

If the skill of the enemy is 12 or more, then I vote to have the amulet increase the attack strength. Otherwise, I would like the amulet to deal extra damage. The gloves should always be used to succeed at one stunt.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by pragma »

Use amulet for extra damage and gloves for auto succeeding at a stunt. Exploit weakness at our first and second opportunity to get courtiers HP below 10.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 11: Ascent of Darkness

Post by Beroli »

Hermes Conrad Attack Strength: 21, COURTIERS Attack Strength: 15. 4 extra damage, Stunt result autosuccess. Courtiers bleed for 1. COURTIERS's Stamina is 11. Hermes Conrad's Stamina is 23.
Hermes Conrad Attack Strength: 23, COURTIERS Attack Strength: 19. Stunt result 6, success. Courtiers bleed for 2. COURTIERS's Stamina is 7.
Hermes Conrad Attack Strength: 19, COURTIERS Attack Strength: 13. Stunt result 3, success. Courtiers bleed for 3. COURTIERS's Stamina is 2.
Hermes Conrad Attack Strength: 14, COURTIERS Attack Strength: 9. Courtiers bleed for 3.

Your blows fell the courtiers easily. Some flee upon seeing your skill, but you chase them down and finish them off. Such is the penalty for being so disrespectful towards your house and your mother. You chase one man to his room and burst through the door. He is curled up on the floor. ‘Mercy!’ he shouts. When he sees the look on your face, he tries another tactic ‘I am the Crown Prince of Salamonis! Kill me and you may bring war upon Carsepolis. We might be too weak to fight you now, but think of how my murder will sound amongst the city-states. Spare me and I won’t hold it against you.’

You do not have Rage.

Spare him?
Execute him?

Name: Hermes Conrad
Sex: Male
Skill: 12/12
Stamina: 24/24
Luck: 14/14
Cunning of Logann
Inventory: Sword, spear, shield (-1 to enemy Attack Strength), Steel helmet, 50 Gold Pieces, food, 5 torches, flint and tinder, water skin, leather gloves covered in thorns (once per combat, you may either automatically win one combat round or automatically succeed at one heroic stunt), bracelet of green metal (immune to poison, regain 3 Stamina at the end of each combat), obsidian bat amulet (once per combat, you may either increase your Attack Strength by 2 for one round or, when you have hit an opponent, deal an extra 4 damage to them).
Last edited by Beroli on Sat Sep 02, 2023 10:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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