[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Stories about games that you run and/or have played in.

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Which of the below are you most interested in completing?

Island of the Undead (FF51)
Deathmoor (FF55)
Total votes: 3

Queen of Swords
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by Queen of Swords »

I'd like to check out the chest.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by SGamerz »

Randomizer determines that we check out the chest:
You insert a knife into the chest and prise it open, half surprised that no poison darts come flying out at you, but the surprise inside might be worse. Lying in the chest is a tiny bronze manikin; it is crafted in the shape of a faceless human form and begins to increase in size as soon as you open the lid. As it grows, its metal hands reach out towards you. If you want to try to close the chest before the thing can get out, turn to 9. If you want to attack the manikin straight away, turn to 268. If you want to let the manikin out and just wait and see what happens, turn to 369. If you want to run away, turn to 46.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by Thaluikhain »

Close the box!

EDIT: I mean, we got wait and attack as other others, so might hint at it not being hostile, but it's creepy, so I vote to close the box.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to close the box as well.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by SGamerz »

Test your Skill. If you are successful, you manage to seal the manikin inside the chest before it can escape. Now you can examine the swords, if you haven't already, or leave and search elsewhere. If you fail, the manikin bursts out of the chest and grows to full human size, and you are forced to fight it, turn to 268.
We can't fail the test, so we successfully seal the manikin back in. Do we want to check out the swords now?
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I will vote no and to leave and search elsewhere.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by Thaluikhain »

Half vote for examining swords.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by SGamerz »

Removing the sword from the clips which hold it in place causes a sealing plug in the wall to be prised loose, and a stream of black powder flows out, pouring over the mantel and into the fire. It explodes very noisily on impact, and you get a faceful of smoke, ashes and flame. Deduct 3 points from your STAMINA (4 points if you have the disease Lung Rot).You think you can hear a gloating laugh coming from somewhere. The sword looks very well crafted but, alas, it's
just an ordinary sword. Now you can force open the chest if you haven't already done so or leave this room and search elsewhere.
We do have Lung Rot (although it hasn't done much so far aside from this incident) so we lose 4 STAMINA.

Nothing left to do now except leave...
Standing in the middle of this strange chamber with your back to the door you entered by, you must open a door you haven't tried yet. Will it be:

The door to your left?
The door to your right?
The door straight ahead of you?
Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Fred
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 11/12
Equipment: Knife, Backpack, Waterskin, Leather Jerkin, Sword, Bottle of Blade Venom (+1 damage for one combat), Rope (x2), Wooden Pole, Gold Key (found in section 40), Potion of Stamina x2 (restores lost STAMINA points up to one-half of Initial STAMINA when drunk, rounding fractions up), Flask of Grog (+4 STAMINA, +1 Attack Strength for next combat after drunk), Magic Sword (+1 Attack Strength in combat), Shield (x2), Lantern, Bottle of Monks’ Herbal Liqueur x2 (4 doses in total, each restores 4 STAMINA when drunk), pestle and mortar, Herbiary (dog-eared pages: page 311 on the Rat-tailed Fungus, page 175 on the Pitcher Plant, page 266 on the Axeplant), Sapphire (50 facets), Topaz (24 facets), Skeleton Key, Small Pearl, Brass Orb (picked up in section 63), Fire Ruby (60 facets), Tiger Eye stone, stone axe, Tomb Dust, Empty Bottle. Diamond (280-carat), Ethereal Oil (1 dose), Sprectrebane (1 dose), Potion of Luck (restore 1-3 lost LUCK points (roll one die and divide by 2, rounding fractions up), Blue Potion (turn to 237 to find out effect when drunk), Bottle of Acid (x2), bag of metal spikes and rods
Provisions: 3/12
Gold: 8
Afflictions: Lung Rot
Extra Lives remaining: 20/23
1) Message pieced together from torn scraps of paper found in monastery: "There is conflict between the wizards, Caltarelair has certainly quarrelled with one of his fellows and a magic duel cannot be far away. One of them has begun to dabble in magic other than elementalism. Ralsteen the Hermit may have sensed any disturbance at the Circle; I am too weak to risk visiting it. I must hasten to hide the Crystals, and I will hide them in pairs, one pair in..."
2) Parraine will do us a service three times before we bury his bones. He can perform any of the following acts at any time as one service: cure one disease, strengthen our sword so that it inflicts 6 points of damage to the STAMINA of an enemy as the result of a successful hit in combat (can choose this service after we hit the enemy), and he can heal for up to 8 points of lost STAMINA (this cannot be carried out during a combat).
3) The magical password to a door without a lock or handle somewhere below in the dungeons is 'elementarae'.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to eat one Provision and check out the door to the left.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by Thaluikhain »

May as well.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by SGamerz »

The door of this small, cosy room swings open easily. Inside, a large oval table almost fills the room and four throne-like chairs are placed round it. One chair is upholstered in red material, one in brown, grey and gilt, one in blue and one in yellow. Above each chair hangs a portrait of one of the wizards. Three of the chrairs and three of the pictures have been attacked and slashed; only the red chair, with its portrait of the Master of Fire hanging above, remains intact. The last wizard's picture glowers back at you: the face is saturnine, heavy-eyed and clean-shaven, but with an unmistakable glint of evil in his cruel smile and unflinching gaze. If you have a lantern and some oil, you may destroy this portrait by burning it if you want to; turn to 335. Alternatively, you can search through the room or leave and try somewhere else.
Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Fred
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 11/12
Equipment: Knife, Backpack, Waterskin, Leather Jerkin, Sword, Bottle of Blade Venom (+1 damage for one combat), Rope (x2), Wooden Pole, Gold Key (found in section 40), Potion of Stamina x2 (restores lost STAMINA points up to one-half of Initial STAMINA when drunk, rounding fractions up), Flask of Grog (+4 STAMINA, +1 Attack Strength for next combat after drunk), Magic Sword (+1 Attack Strength in combat), Shield (x2), Lantern, Bottle of Monks’ Herbal Liqueur x2 (4 doses in total, each restores 4 STAMINA when drunk), pestle and mortar, Herbiary (dog-eared pages: page 311 on the Rat-tailed Fungus, page 175 on the Pitcher Plant, page 266 on the Axeplant), Sapphire (50 facets), Topaz (24 facets), Skeleton Key, Small Pearl, Brass Orb (picked up in section 63), Fire Ruby (60 facets), Tiger Eye stone, stone axe, Tomb Dust, Empty Bottle. Diamond (280-carat), Ethereal Oil (1 dose), Sprectrebane (1 dose), Potion of Luck (restore 1-3 lost LUCK points (roll one die and divide by 2, rounding fractions up), Blue Potion (turn to 237 to find out effect when drunk), Bottle of Acid (x2), bag of metal spikes and rods
Provisions: 2/12
Gold: 8
Afflictions: Lung Rot
Extra Lives remaining: 20/23
1) Message pieced together from torn scraps of paper found in monastery: "There is conflict between the wizards, Caltarelair has certainly quarrelled with one of his fellows and a magic duel cannot be far away. One of them has begun to dabble in magic other than elementalism. Ralsteen the Hermit may have sensed any disturbance at the Circle; I am too weak to risk visiting it. I must hasten to hide the Crystals, and I will hide them in pairs, one pair in..."
2) Parraine will do us a service three times before we bury his bones. He can perform any of the following acts at any time as one service: cure one disease, strengthen our sword so that it inflicts 6 points of damage to the STAMINA of an enemy as the result of a successful hit in combat (can choose this service after we hit the enemy), and he can heal for up to 8 points of lost STAMINA (this cannot be carried out during a combat).
3) The magical password to a door without a lock or handle somewhere below in the dungeons is 'elementarae'.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to search through the room.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
Queen of Swords
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by Queen of Swords »

Agreed, search the room.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by SGamerz »

You find a small rosewood cabinet at the far end of the room and open its panelled doors. Inside stands an array of crystal glasses, a decanter of brandy, and a full bottle of rich, heavy, port wine. Looking at them, the word 'poison' rises unbidden to your mind, but the drinks may be fortifying and refreshing . What will you do? Will you:

Drink some brandy?
Drink some port?
Burn the painting if you haven't already done so?
Leave and try elsewhere
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to drink some port.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by Thaluikhain »

Yeah, try the B option of drinking port.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by SGamerz »

You crack open the bottle by breaking it at the neck, trusting that its undrawn cork will guarantee it hasn't been interfered with. You swallow qulte a lot before realizing how much you've drunk. It will not be wise to drink more, but now you are refreshed (regain 4 STAMINA points) and your slight feeling of euphoria will give you courage in battle (add 1 to your Attack Strength for the next two combats). Now, will you:

Drink some brandy?
Burn the painting, if you haven't done so already?
Leave and try elsewhere
Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Fred
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 11/12
Equipment: Knife, Backpack, Waterskin, Leather Jerkin, Sword, Bottle of Blade Venom (+1 damage for one combat), Rope (x2), Wooden Pole, Gold Key (found in section 40), Potion of Stamina x2 (restores lost STAMINA points up to one-half of Initial STAMINA when drunk, rounding fractions up), Flask of Grog (+4 STAMINA, +1 Attack Strength for next combat after drunk), Magic Sword (+1 Attack Strength in combat), Shield (x2), Lantern, Bottle of Monks’ Herbal Liqueur x2 (4 doses in total, each restores 4 STAMINA when drunk), pestle and mortar, Herbiary (dog-eared pages: page 311 on the Rat-tailed Fungus, page 175 on the Pitcher Plant, page 266 on the Axeplant), Sapphire (50 facets), Topaz (24 facets), Skeleton Key, Small Pearl, Brass Orb (picked up in section 63), Fire Ruby (60 facets), Tiger Eye stone, stone axe, Tomb Dust, Empty Bottle. Diamond (280-carat), Ethereal Oil (1 dose), Sprectrebane (1 dose), Potion of Luck (restore 1-3 lost LUCK points (roll one die and divide by 2, rounding fractions up), Blue Potion (turn to 237 to find out effect when drunk), Bottle of Acid (x2), bag of metal spikes and rods
Provisions: 2/12
Gold: 8
Afflictions: Lung Rot
Extra Lives remaining: 20/23
1) Message pieced together from torn scraps of paper found in monastery: "There is conflict between the wizards, Caltarelair has certainly quarrelled with one of his fellows and a magic duel cannot be far away. One of them has begun to dabble in magic other than elementalism. Ralsteen the Hermit may have sensed any disturbance at the Circle; I am too weak to risk visiting it. I must hasten to hide the Crystals, and I will hide them in pairs, one pair in..."
2) Parraine will do us a service three times before we bury his bones. He can perform any of the following acts at any time as one service: cure one disease, strengthen our sword so that it inflicts 6 points of damage to the STAMINA of an enemy as the result of a successful hit in combat (can choose this service after we hit the enemy), and he can heal for up to 8 points of lost STAMINA (this cannot be carried out during a combat).
3) The magical password to a door without a lock or handle somewhere below in the dungeons is 'elementarae'.
4) +1 Attack Strength from port for next 2 combats (2/2 remaining)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by Thaluikhain »

Half vote for burning the painting, because it seems interesting. If it was important it probably would have come up already.
Queen of Swords
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by Queen of Swords »

We drank a good thing, so let's not risk drinking a bad thing. Try burning the painting instead.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I'm not sure that burning the painting of the Master of Fire is a good idea, considering that inducing said master's element might actually make it more powerful. I vote to leave and try elsewhere.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by SGamerz »

You douse the picture in oil and set fire to it. However, applying fire to a painting of the Master of Fire is not a wise action: the visage of the wizard spits fire over you as his portrait goes up in flames: lose 4 points from your STAMINA. Now you may search the room or leave and try elsewhere.
Searching the room leads to the last section again, so this is basically just to decide whether or not you want to try some brandy after all before we leave?

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Fred
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 11/12
Equipment: Knife, Backpack, Waterskin, Leather Jerkin, Sword, Bottle of Blade Venom (+1 damage for one combat), Rope (x2), Wooden Pole, Gold Key (found in section 40), Potion of Stamina x2 (restores lost STAMINA points up to one-half of Initial STAMINA when drunk, rounding fractions up), Flask of Grog (+4 STAMINA, +1 Attack Strength for next combat after drunk), Magic Sword (+1 Attack Strength in combat), Shield (x2), Lantern, Bottle of Monks’ Herbal Liqueur x2 (4 doses in total, each restores 4 STAMINA when drunk), pestle and mortar, Herbiary (dog-eared pages: page 311 on the Rat-tailed Fungus, page 175 on the Pitcher Plant, page 266 on the Axeplant), Sapphire (50 facets), Topaz (24 facets), Skeleton Key, Small Pearl, Brass Orb (picked up in section 63), Fire Ruby (60 facets), Tiger Eye stone, stone axe, Tomb Dust, Empty Bottle. Diamond (280-carat), Ethereal Oil (1 dose), Sprectrebane (1 dose), Potion of Luck (restore 1-3 lost LUCK points (roll one die and divide by 2, rounding fractions up), Blue Potion (turn to 237 to find out effect when drunk), Bottle of Acid (x2), bag of metal spikes and rods
Provisions: 2/12
Gold: 8
Afflictions: Lung Rot
Extra Lives remaining: 20/23
1) Message pieced together from torn scraps of paper found in monastery: "There is conflict between the wizards, Caltarelair has certainly quarrelled with one of his fellows and a magic duel cannot be far away. One of them has begun to dabble in magic other than elementalism. Ralsteen the Hermit may have sensed any disturbance at the Circle; I am too weak to risk visiting it. I must hasten to hide the Crystals, and I will hide them in pairs, one pair in..."
2) Parraine will do us a service three times before we bury his bones. He can perform any of the following acts at any time as one service: cure one disease, strengthen our sword so that it inflicts 6 points of damage to the STAMINA of an enemy as the result of a successful hit in combat (can choose this service after we hit the enemy), and he can heal for up to 8 points of lost STAMINA (this cannot be carried out during a combat).
3) The magical password to a door without a lock or handle somewhere below in the dungeons is 'elementarae'.
4) +1 Attack Strength from port for next 2 combats (2/2 remaining)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I do not think that getting more drunk is wise. Instead, I vote to eat a Provision and leave.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by SGamerz »

Since there is previous opinion stated by another voter that the other drink probably a bad thing because we already drank the good one, I will proceed with living.

Yes, the brandy is not only bad, it's actually a straight Game Over type of poison, not just STAMINA loss!

Back in the chamber outside, there's only one door left that we haven't tried, so we go through that one:
The door before you is sealed and it resists all your attempts to force it open. You will be able to brave the terrors which lie beyond it only if you have a diamond. If you do have one, you will know how many carats the gem has; turn to the paragraph with that number. If you do not have a diamond, you will not be able Lo progress; you have failed and your adventure ends here.
We do have a diamond:

As you feel the door begin to give against your onslaught, the room you are standing in starts to react to your efforts. The bony protuberances all round it begin to sparkle and spit small fiery fragments at you, and it's going to take you a little while yet to open the door- If you have a Bronze Manikin with you, turn to 159. If you haven't turn to 194.

No, we don't have that Bronze Manikin with us...
You have to force the door open as fiery missiles begin to rain down in earnest from the glowing, sparking protrusions all over the ceiling and floor. It's like being in the middle of a firework display, and every bit as dangerous. You must Test yow Skill, adding 2 to the dice roll. II you are successful, you force open the door. if you fail, you are struck by a missile and must lose 1 Point from your STAMINA, so you have to try again (Testing yow Skill as before). When you manage to open the door, turn to 355.
We can actually fail the test, but at least a failure costs only 1 STAMINA, and we're unlikely to fail many, if at all.

Dice roll = 3+1+2 = 6 (Success). We succeed on the first attempt.

A long corridor stretches before you as far as a red door in the distance. There is a heat haze here, and sweat drips from your brow as you take a cautious step along the passageway. You see that large alcoves are cut into both sides of the passageway between you and the door, and in each stands a red-boned skeleton armed with a broadsword. If they become animated and you are sure that they will, they will be a formidable gauntlet for you to have to run. If you possess a Blue Potion and wish to use it here, turn to 344. If you want to run full pelt for the door in the distance, turn to 62. If you decide to attack the Red Skeleton in the first alcove, turn to 275. If you decide to walk along the corridor quietly and hope that the Skeletons won't animate, turn to 292.
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