[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by deaddmwalking »

Nothing in our pocket but a trinket. I agree, he can work his con alone. We won't look honorable long if we make Rodriquez our pal.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes acknowledged; leaving Rodriguez to work his con tricks alone.

The sun is setting. A room at a cheap local hostelry will cost 1 Gold Piece, or 10 Salacoins, for one night. If you have enough money to pay for a room and want to spend it in this way, turn to 436. If not, you have no choice but to sleep rough in the street – turn to 456.

Lee Miles is still dead broke, so he will have to sleep rough in the street.

You wake the following morning to find yourself in the gutter, with a couple of rats curled up next to you, sharing your body’s warmth. You shoo them away in disgust. You have a crick in your neck and do not feel ready for the day at all. (Lose 1 STAMINA point.) But it could have been worse – at least it’s not winter! Turn to 86.


You might not have been in Salamonis long, but what you have learned is that anybody who wants to become an adventurer and take on any officially listed quests has to become a member of the Adventurers’ Guild first.

It’s a new day, and the bright morning sunlight fills you with a renewed sense of optimism. You soon find your way to the Adventurers’ Guild on Market Square, next to the Bazaar. The building might be in need of a few repairs – there are tiles missing from the roof and a couple of broken windowpanes – but its pillared entrance and sturdy, iron-bound oak door still speak of a faded grandeur. In some ways it reminds you of a grizzled veteran adventurer.

The Guild is open for business and, as you approach the entrance, your eye is drawn to the Quests Board outside. Pinned to the bottom board is a curl of parchment with three words written on it in neat calligraphic script: ‘Found – 1 Backpack.’ Could it be your missing pack?

You enter the Guild House at a run, your heart hammering in your chest. You find yourself in a large room that seems to be full of hard-bitten adventuring types – Flatlands Barbarians, salty sea dogs from the Skull Coast, Half-Elves from the Forest of Yore, Dwarfs from Stonebridge, and even black-clad warriors swathed in loose-fitting black robes from Chiang Mai – discussing everything from the price of throwing knives in Silverton to the whereabouts of a lost city in the Desert of Skulls, and rumours of a war brewing between two rival sorcerers. You approach the counter on the far side.

Standing behind it is an elderly gentleman with a warm smile and a twinkle in his eye. ‘And what can I do for you?’ he asks.

‘I saw you’ve had a backpack handed in and thought it might be mine,’ you say. You then proceed to tell him how you came to lose it in the first place.

When you have finished your story, the Guildmaster says, ‘How do I know what you say is true? You could be a scammer trying to claim something that doesn’t belong to you. Can you tell me what was in it?’

You rattle off the list of contents: a few personal mementos, a short sword, spare underwear – ‘Did your mum write your name in them?’ the Guildmaster laughs – your money bag and a copy of Longbeard’s Legends of the Windward Plains.

‘Sounds like it could be yours,’ says the man, ‘but are you prepared to put your money where your mouth is? You need to pay 1 Gold Piece if you want me to release it into your custody.’

This is outrageous – you’re having to pay to get your own pack back! – but it doesn’t seem like you have any choice.

If you have at least 1 Gold Piece, or the equivalent, turn to 108. If you don’t have the required fee, turn to 107.


Lee Miles does not have the required fee.

Your quest to become an adventurer would seem to have been doomed from the start. Test Your Luck. If you are Lucky, turn to 197. If you are Unlucky, turn to 217.

Rolling the dice yielded a 6, meaning that Lee Miles was Lucky. :D

Seeing how upset you are, the Guildmaster takes pity on you and hands you the pack. ‘After all, I can’t have it cluttering up the place any longer,’ he says with feigned annoyance.

You are delighted to be reunited with the canvas rucksack at least, and unpack it – there, in the middle of the Guild House – just to make sure nothing has gone missing.

Add the following items to your Equipment: Short Sword, Spare Clothes, a Purse containing 12 Gold Pieces and Longbeard’s Legends of the Windward Plains. (Add 1 point to your LUCK score and 1 point to your AMONOUR score.)

‘If you want to join the Adventurer’s Guild, you need to talk to me. For I am Jeskan Stovec, the Guildmaster.’

He explains that it will cost you 2 Gold Pieces and that will give you an Adventurers’ Permit, which means you can then take on any of the jobs posted on the Quests Board outside the Guild House. You can also use the permit to prove your credentials to any potential employer, such as a priestess wanting someone to find some magical fungi for her in the Moonstone Hills, or a merchant who’s looking to hire guards for his caravan travelling to Chalice. ‘But you look like you’re new to this game,’ he says, giving you the once-over. ‘If I were you, I’d get some training before setting yourself up as a sword for hire.’

Without having to be asked twice, you hand over the money and the Guildmaster writes out a permit for you. (Deduct 2 Gold Pieces and add the Adventurers’ Permit to your Equipment List.)

If you want to ask the Guildmaster for his advice regarding where to train, turn to 127. If you would rather set out on a quest straightaway and prove yourself as an adventurer that way, turn to 389.

Please make your votes before 7:00 PM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
Lee Miles
SKILL: 6 Initial Skill: 6
STAMINA: 9 Initial Stamina: 12
LUCK: 6 Initial Luck: 6
MONEY: 10 Salacoins = 1 Gold Piece
10 Gold Pieces
0 Salacoins
Short Sword
Spare Clothes
Longbeard’s Legends of the Windward Plains
Adventurers’ Permit
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by Beroli »

Ask the Guildmaster for his advice.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by deaddmwalking »

I'm always in favor of asking for advice even if I decide not to take it. He's got a warm smile and a twinkle in his eye - maybe his advice is good. Let's hear what he has to say.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by Thaluikhain »

Advice on where to train
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Asking the Guildmaster for his advice regarding where to train already received 3 votes, so I will have Lee Miles do this.

‘What do you suggest?’ you ask.

‘Well, Salamonis’s Palace of Learning houses King Salamon’s famous library. As well as containing books on myths, legends and monsters, there are also treatises about advanced fighting methods. Although nothing beats actual physical training when it comes to swordplay,’ he says. ‘Oran Flintforge will each you all he knows about tricks and traps, for a fee of 3 Gold Pieces, right here at the Guild. And I’ve heard tell that the Temple of Logaan teaches skills that, by rights, it shouldn’t be possible to teach.’

These all sound intriguing, but perhaps you’ve already met someone, since arriving in Salamonis, who could help train you. If you think you have, turn to 110. If not, what do you want to do?

     Visit the Halls of Learning?       Turn to 15
     Train with Oran Flintforge at the Guild?       Turn to 414
     Visit the Temple of Logaan?       Turn to 146
     Set off on your first quest?       Turn to 389


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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by deaddmwalking »

I think our Strong-arm friend could use the coin and we should try him.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Alright then; let's see if anyone who Lee Miles has met can help train him.

What have you learned since arriving in Salamonis? Do any of the following mean anything to you?

     The Forest of Spiders?       Turn to 202
     Benboy?       Turn to 222
     The Half-Darned Sock?       Turn to 242

If none of the above mean anything to you, turn to 115.

The Forest of Spiders and Benboy both mean something to Lee Miles, but not the Half-Darned sock. We will turn to section 202 first to see what hearing about the Forest of Spiders gets our hero.

Leaving the Adventurers’ Guild, you set off for the port where, as you had hoped, you find Ruznik Ullsen trying to sell his maps to new arrivals to the city.

‘Congratulations, my young friend!’ he exclaims when you tell him you are now a fully paid up member of the Adventurers’ Guild. ‘So, how can I help you today?’

You tell him about your desire to get a little training under your belt before you set out on your first proper quest.

‘Well, like I told you before, there’s the rumoured Testing Grounds in the Forest of Spiders, and for 4 Gold Pieces, I can teach you Spelling. That would prove useful, I’m sure.’

Make a note on your Adventure Sheet that if you later want to visit the Testing Grounds in the Forest of Spiders you need to turn to 467, and if you want Ruznik to teach you Spelling, and you can afford his fee, you need to turn to 357. However, for now, turn back to 110.

With Lee Miles back at section 110, we will next turn to section 222 to see what hearing about Benboy gets our hero.

By luck, you find Nanoc sitting on a bench on the edge of the Market Square, drowning his sorrows with a flagon of Willow Cider. You engage him in conversation, and it soon becomes apparent that he’s had a falling out with his wife.

‘I’m thinking of going back on the road,’ he says, despite what he told you yesterday about retiring his services as a Captain of the Strongarms. ‘There’s nothing for me here. Velenore Musek has asked me to find her some suitable bodyguards to accompany one of her caravans through the Trolltooth Pass and across the Flatlands to Wolftown. I’ll put in a good word for you, now you’ve got your Adventurers’ Permit, if you like,’ he adds. ‘It’s a great way to see the world, and I could teach you some advanced fighting techniques. But if you don’t fancy that, Thugruff’s always looking for willing recruits at the Testing Grounds located in the Forest of Spiders.’

Make a note on your Adventure Sheet that if you want to join Nanoc escorting Velenore Musek’s caravan, you need to turn to 150, and if you want to visit the Testing Grounds in the Forest of Spiders you will need to turn to 467. But for now, turn to 110 again.


With Lee Miles back at section 110, we will now turn to section 115 since The Half-Darned Sock does not mean anything to him at this point in the adventure.

What do you want to do now? Choosing something you haven’t tried already, will you:

     Visit the Halls of Learning?       Turn to 15
     Train with Oran Flintforge at the Guild?       Turn to 414
     Visit the Temple of Logaan?       Turn to 146
     Set off on your first quest?       Turn to 297


Important Note: According to publicly available errata, this section should also have the following note: “Or if you know of somewhere else to train, you may go there now.”

Please make your votes before 7:00 PM PDT or a choice receives 3 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
Lee Miles
SKILL: 6 Initial Skill: 6
STAMINA: 9 Initial Stamina: 12
LUCK: 6 Initial Luck: 6
MONEY: 10 Salacoins = 1 Gold Piece
10 Gold Pieces
0 Salacoins
Short Sword
Spare Clothes
Longbeard’s Legends of the Windward Plains
Adventurers’ Permit
If at 115, turn to 467 to visit the Testing Grounds in the Forest of Spiders
If at 115, turn to 357 to have Ruznik teach Spelling for 4 Gold Pieces
If at 115, turn to 150 to join Nanoc escorting Velenore Musek’s caravan
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by deaddmwalking »

With money in our pocket, I feel more confident about visiting the Halls of Learning (15).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by Beroli »

Learn Spelling.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by Thaluikhain »

Halls o learning.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Visiting the Halls of Learning won over having Ruznik teach Spelling for 4 Gold Pieces by a 2-1 vote, so Lee Miles will do this.

The Halls of Learning are made of several impressive and ornate edifices, which look as much like a palace as the royal seat of King Salamon himself. You approach the grand gated entrance, where you are met by a porter, who leads you to an audience chamber within. There you wait in line with the other people hoping to visit the King’s famous library or be admitted to the College of Hamaskis this day. Half an hour later, you find yourself standing before a tall lectern. Standing behind it is an equally tall man, with a bald, liver-spotted head, and wearing the purple robes of a Clerk of Hamaskis.

‘Name?’ he demands, peering at you through a pair of pince-nez glasses perched on the end of his aquiline nose. You tell him and the scholar makes a note of it in the huge ledger that rests on the lectern in front of him. ‘Purpose of visit?’

‘I wish to study here and unlock the secrets of King Salamon’s library.’

‘Are you sure?’ the gaunt man says, looking you up and down, an unimpressed scowl on his face. ‘You look more like a farmhand to me. Maybe a warrior, at a push. But it takes all sorts, I suppose. If you wish to be admitted to the Halls of Learning you must make an offering of 4 Gold Pieces to the library coffers and prove your worth as a student. Are you prepared to do that?’

If you are willing to pay 4 Gold Pieces to be admitted to the Halls of Learning as a novice scholar, turn to 286. If not, turn to 115 and make a different choice.


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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by deaddmwalking »

I'm willing. Pay 4 gold and enter as a novice.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Vote registered; paying the 4 Gold Pieces to be admitted to the Halls of Learning as a novice scholar.

You hand over the money. (Deduct 4 Gold Pieces.) ‘And now to prove your worth as a scholar,’ declaims the Clerk of Hamaskis. What’s this? You thought you would have to prove yourself through your studies. You did not realize you were going to have your credentials tested here and now on the spot! But before you can protest, the Clerk says, ‘The Halls of Learning were raised to the glory of Hamaskis, deity of learning and sorcery. He is one of the Greater Gods of Titan and a member of the Hall of the Mind. But according to Hamaskian tradition, who are his parents?’ How will you answer?

     ‘Logaan the Trickster and Libra, the Goddess of Justice and Truth.’      Turn to 40
     ‘Titan, the Father of the World, and Glantanka, Goddess of the Sun.’      Turn to 432
     ‘Atlan, the Messenger of the Gods, and Sindla, Goddess of Luck and Fate.’       Turn to 451

Please make your votes before 7:00 PM PDT or a choice receives 3 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
Lee Miles
SKILL: 6 Initial Skill: 6
STAMINA: 9 Initial Stamina: 12
LUCK: 6 Initial Luck: 6
MONEY: 10 Salacoins = 1 Gold Piece
6 Gold Pieces
0 Salacoins
Short Sword
Spare Clothes
Longbeard’s Legends of the Windward Plains
Adventurers’ Permit
If at 115, turn to 467 to visit the Testing Grounds in the Forest of Spiders
If at 115, turn to 357 to have Ruznik teach Spelling for 4 Gold Pieces
If at 115, turn to 150 to join Nanoc escorting Velenore Musek’s caravan
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by deaddmwalking »

I think the 3rd option sounds the most awesome so I hope it's that. 451.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Vote recognized; providing ‘Atlan, the Messenger of the Gods, and Sindla, Goddess of Luck and Fate’ as the answer.

‘Sindla is Hamaskis’s aunt,’ the scholar laughs in derision, ‘while Atlan is his nephew! I hardly think you are potential scholar material, do you? However, Hamaskis thanks you for your donation.’

You can’t ask for your money back now, even considering how poorly you have been treated by the Clerk, otherwise what would people think of you? You leave the Halls of Learning, feeling despondent, and decide on a different course of action. If you have a Holy Symbol, turn to 4. If not, turn to 469.


The streets of Salamonis are busier than you have ever seen them. It is the tenth day of the month of Winds and the Holy Day of Libra. The priests of her temple are parading through the city, carrying a statue of the Goddess of Justice and Truth before them. She is depicted as a beautiful woman holding a pair of scales. You pause for a few minutes to watch the procession.

While you are standing there, an excited young woman wearing the grey robes of Libra’s worshippers approaches you and pins a Holy Symbol, in the form of a pair of scales, to your tunic. You are filled with the euphoric feeling that the goddess is watching over you herself. (Gain 1 LUCK point, 1 AMONOUR point, and add the Holy Symbol to your Adventure Sheet.) Turn to 115.

Back at section 115, Lee Miles has the option of either training with Oran Flintforge at the Guild, visiting the Temple of Logaan, setting off on his first quest, visit the Testing Grounds in the Forest of Spiders, have Ruznik teach Spelling for 4 Gold Pieces, or join Nanoc escorting Velenore Musek’s caravan. Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PDT or a choice receives 3 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
Lee Miles
SKILL: 6 Initial Skill: 6
STAMINA: 9 Initial Stamina: 12
LUCK: 6 Initial Luck: 6
MONEY: 10 Salacoins = 1 Gold Piece
6 Gold Pieces
0 Salacoins
Short Sword
Spare Clothes
Holy Symbol
Longbeard’s Legends of the Windward Plains
Adventurers’ Permit
If at 115, turn to 467 to visit the Testing Grounds in the Forest of Spiders
If at 115, turn to 357 to have Ruznik teach Spelling for 4 Gold Pieces
If at 115, turn to 150 to join Nanoc escorting Velenore Musek’s caravan
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by Beroli »

Learn Spelling.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by Thaluikhain »

May as well.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by deaddmwalking »

Yes hopefully we won't spend money and be rejected without learning a damn thing. Except that higher education is robbery. :)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes acknowledged; having Ruznik teach Spelling for 4 Gold Pieces.

You meet Ruznik Ullsen again at the Boondocks and from there – as soon as you have paid him his fee of 4 Gold Pieces, of course (deduct the money from the Gold box on your Adventure Sheet) – he leads you to a smoky tavern called the Wizard’s Pipe. In a secluded booth in a dark corner of the drinking establishment, he sits you down with a flagon of ale and teaches you the art of Spelling. (Gain 2 STAMINA points from drinking the ale.)

‘It’s really quite simple,’ Ruznik says, rolling out a scroll on the table before you. It is made up of a grid of twenty-five squares filled with the letters A to Y. ‘In any given situation where you think you might want to cast a spell, unroll the Spelling Sheet, and lay your hands upon it. You then clear your mind and enter a meditative state to allow the Oracle to guide you. Any visions or messages you receive should guide you to spell out a particular word or words, and in doing so you cast your spell. Let me demonstrate.’

Ruznik closes his eyes and lays his hands on the scroll. You watch as, slowly at first, and then more quickly, his fingers begin to spell out a word using the grid of letters. The word they spell is ‘FLAGON’ and you watch in astonishment as, before your very eyes, Ruznik’s flagon magically refills itself.

‘Now you try,’ he says. ‘Remember, empty your mind and allow the Oracle to speak to you.’

‘What sort of spell do you want me to cast?’ you ask as you spread your hands out on the piece of parchment.

‘That is up to you,’ says Ruznik, ‘but don’t you feel it’s a little cold in here?’

‘You close your eyes and, as you clear your mind of all thought, it is as if you hear a voice speaking inside your head…’

There is a mighty warrior without sword or shield. Enemies use him against one another. His strength is fierce, but anyone can tame him. He will meekly serve any who know the trick of looking after him and feeding him properly, but if they let him grow proud, this ungrateful friend will soon turn against them.       [F_R_]

On page 368 you will find Ruznik’s Spelling Sheet. If you can work out the answer to the Oracle’s riddle, fill in the missing letters and then use the grid to turn the answer into numbers, add them together and then turn to the section with the same number as the total. If you cannot solve the riddle, or the section you turn to makes no sense (meaning you have got it wrong), turn to 333.

Spelling Sheet

Please make your votes before 7:00 PM PDT or a choice receives 3 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
Lee Miles
SKILL: 6 Initial Skill: 6
STAMINA: 11 Initial Stamina: 12
LUCK: 6 Initial Luck: 6
MONEY: 10 Salacoins = 1 Gold Piece
2 Gold Pieces
0 Salacoins
Short Sword
Spare Clothes
Holy Symbol
Longbeard’s Legends of the Windward Plains
Adventurers’ Permit
If at 115, turn to 467 to visit the Testing Grounds in the Forest of Spiders
If at 115, turn to 357 to have Ruznik teach Spelling for 4 Gold Pieces
If at 115, turn to 150 to join Nanoc escorting Velenore Musek’s caravan
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by deaddmwalking »

I think it is Fire.

12+111+80+3 = 206
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by Beroli »

Fire. Are we supposed to give the numbers for all four letters (yes, 206) or for the two missing ones, I and E?
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; turning to section 206 and providing ‘FIRE’ as the answer.

Your fingers move over the grid, spelling out the word ‘FIRE.’ As soon as the spell is complete, your open your eyes to see a small fire burning in the grate beside your booth.

‘Congratulations!’ Ruznik exclaims. ‘It would appear you have the knack as well.’ (Gain 2 AMONOUR points and 1 LUCK point, and tick off the Spelling Special Skill on your Adventure Sheet.)

Thanking your teacher for his help, you leave the Wizard’s Pipe in a buoyant mood. If you have a Holy Symbol, turn to 4. If not, turn to 469.


Lee Miles has a Holy Symbol.

You feel that you are much better prepared for what life as an adventurer might entail and so, excited to take on your first official job, you make your way to the Adventurer’s Guild. Turn to 297.


It is Stormsday when you return to the Adventurers’ Guild of Salamonis, and dark clouds are gathering over the city. You wonder if it is a sign that there are dark forces at work. (Put a mark on Stormsday on the Wheel of the Week on your Adventure Sheet.)

Since you first arrived in Salamonis, you have started to earn a reputation for yourself. This is represented by your AMONOUR score. Your experiences have also toughened you up and honed your skills. You have a pool of points equivalent to your current AMONOUR score, which you now need to share out among your different attributes. For every 2 points of AMONOUR you currently have, you may increase your Initial SKILL, STAMINA, or LUCK by 1 point. You may increase the same attribute more than once. Then increase your current score to this new maximum. Please note that your SKILL and LUCK scores may not exceed 12 points each, while your STAMINA score may not go higher than 24 points.

When you are done distributing your pool of points, and have updated your SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK scores on your Adventure Sheet, including their Initial scores, turn to 287.


You are just crossing the Market Square when a hand taps you on the shoulder. You turn to see a meek-looking older man, dressed in fine clothes, and carrying a small chest about his person.

‘I don’t believe I know you,’ he says. ‘New in town?’ You nod. ‘Then let me introduce myself; I am Odious Pinchpenny, the Royal Tax Collector. I am authorized by King Salamon to collect taxes from the citizens of Salamonis and any visitors to the city on his behalf. What is your purpose here in Salamonis?’

You tell Pinchpenny you have recently joined the Adventurers’ Guild and are on your way there now to look for work.

‘Is that so? Well, if you wish to seek employment here, then you must pay the Job Seeker’s Tax.’

A Job Seeker’s Tax? Whoever heard of such a thing? It would seem that the Royal Tax Collector is Odious by name and odious by nature.

‘And how much is that?’ you challenge him.

‘A trifling sum. A mere 2 Gold Pieces.’

It doesn’t sound like a trifling sum to you. What do you want to do?

     Deduct 2 Gold Pieces and pay the Royal Tax Collector?       Turn to 308
     Attack the man?       Turn to 328
     Make a run for it?       Turn to 348


Please make your votes on how to distribute Lee Miles’ pool of points and how to deal with Odious Pinchpenny before 9:00 AM PDT or a choice receives 3 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
Lee Miles
SKILL: 6 Initial Skill: 6
STAMINA: 11 Initial Stamina: 12
LUCK: 6 Initial Luck: 6
MONEY: 10 Salacoins = 1 Gold Piece
2 Gold Pieces
0 Salacoins
Short Sword
Spare Clothes
Holy Symbol
Longbeard’s Legends of the Windward Plains
Adventurers’ Permit
If at 115, turn to 467 to visit the Testing Grounds in the Forest of Spiders
If at 115, turn to 357 to have Ruznik teach Spelling for 4 Gold Pieces
If at 115, turn to 150 to join Nanoc escorting Velenore Musek’s caravan
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by deaddmwalking »

We have 5 Amonour so we can raise our stats by a total of +2. I think that we will get the most benefit by raising Skill, so I suggest we spend 4 points to raise Skill by +2.

We only have 2 Gold Pieces left, but starting a fight with the IRS seems like a fight we could lose badly. If we're going to go on a quest (and get paid) I think we can afford to avoid trouble and hope to build some coin quickly.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by Thaluikhain »

I agree with the above.
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