Sig's Maneuvers

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Sig's Maneuvers

Post by JonSetanta »

Sig's Maneuvers

Or, Sig's Second Big Attempt At Helping Warriors, post-Weaponsoul

Let's get one fact straight. I like spellcasters. Hell, I love spellcasters.

... but I'm also a fair guy. I hate to see people punished for making bad RPG choices out of being new players, or fans of a non-spellcasting genre.

My first attempt at a non-Tome of Battle warrior didn't go so well. In the process of defining new ability interactions the very mechanic descriptions themselves devoured large portions of writing.
Starting new is a rough way to go.

So, I backtracked and studied the ToB for a few weeks, making sure I knew how Swordsage and Warblade work, as well as the ins-and-outs of maneuvers. It's a good common ground for many players to begin on, rather than wedging a new ruleset into the game.
I summed up every Weaponsoul or similar rough concept of attacks, buffs, and whatnot as maneuvers rather than implement a new system for it.


Maneuver Level : Name - maneuver type, change to action type if any, special requirements if any - effect

1 : Battle Surge - boost, immediate, 1 round - add +1 to user's BAB for every 5 levels; this adjustment may increase Base Attack beyond 1 per level and adds to all BAB-dependent effects

1 : Dashing Parry - counter, Slashing or 1-handed weapon - user may make 1 move action and lose 1 move action from later in the same round; roll for a melee attack as normal but add INT bonus: prevent a successful attack on user or an ally of choice if user's opposing attack roll is higher than enemy's attack roll; if the user's result is higher by at least 10, the enemy is hit with the user's weapon attack

1 : Killing Intent - boost, use with up to 5 attacks - add BAB + STR or BAB + DEX to damage for each limb used to attack with a weapon

1 : Restraint - boost, immediate, 1 encounter - user may choose not to damage as many targets as desired within own area attacks, may also choose to deal nonlethal damage with any attack made and add WIS bonus to that nonlethal damage

1 : Valliant Block - counter, Bludgeoning or 2-handed weapon or shield - user may make 1 move action and lose 1 move action from later in the same round; reduce damage from an attack or area effect that would harm the user, or the user and all allies within that same space, by an amount equal to BAB x4 + CON bonus; alternatively, all damage from 1 attack may be retargeted to user's weapon

2 : Air Spike - strike, Piercing or Slashing weapon - user may choose to Take 10 with this maneuver's attack roll; melee touch attack with + BAB x60 feet to reach

2 : Crater - strike, Bludgeoning or Piercing weapon - user may choose to Take 10 with this maneuver's attack roll; 1 attack is made against the AC of all enemies in area, area effect deals melee damage in radius 5 feet per BAB sphere burst originating from user (does not damage user or own items)

2 : Force Wave - strike, Slashing or Bludgeoning weapon - user may choose to Take 10 with this maneuver's attack roll; 1 attack is made against the AC of all enemies in area, melee attack becomes a line BAB x20 feet long and 5 feet wide damaging all within path

2 : Momentum Thrust - strike, swift - user charges and flies a distance equal to 2 moves in a straight line, ends movement with a single melee attack; if the attack hits, user may make 1 additonal move action

2 : Sling - boost, 1 encounter - add BAB x10 feet to all thrown attack ranges and melee reach; weapons thrown return to user's hand at end of round

3 : Brush Off - stance - only 1 move action may be made each round without ending this stance; add BAB to AC and Reflex saves against non-melee attacks and spells, rays, traps, and attacks made with reach greater than 5 feet; automatically ignore ranged attacks made by enemies with less BAB than you

3 : Cloudwalk - stance - treat air as ground for purposes of movement whenever doing so is beneficial to user

3 : Far Sling - boost, 1 encounter - add BAB x30 feet to all thrown attack ranges and melee reach; weapons thrown return to user's hand after each attack

3 : Garial Grip - boost, 1 encounter - only 1 move action may be made each round without ending this stance; add BAB x2 to all Grapple checks, gain the Constrict ability to deal an additional BAB x1 damage when grappling, and automatically win Grapple checks against enemies with less BAB than you

4 : Runic Null - strike - end 1 ongoing effect (such as stance or boost, spell duration, item) by touching the source with a weapon, attack roll must be higher than save DC of effect when applicable; constant effects are suppressed until end of encounter

4 : Air Beam - strike, Piercing or Slashing weapon - user may choose to Take 10 with this maneuver's attack roll; melee touch attack with + BAB x100 feet to reach

4 : Chasm - strike, Bludgeoning or Piercing weapon - user may choose to Take 10 with this maneuver's attack roll; 1 attack is made against the AC of all enemies in area, area effect deals melee damage in radius 20 feet per BAB sphere burst originating from user (does not damage user or own items)

4 : Doorstrike - strike - as Dimension Door but ends with a single attack dealing an additional BAB x4 Force damage; if the attack hits then the user may still take actions afterward, but if attack misses or nothing is targeted the user may not take actions until their next turn and BAB x4 Force damage is dealt to everything within a 5 foot radius burst centered on user (Reflex save/negate); if the user's BAB is 8 or higher, the Dimension Door distance is doubled

4 : Force Slam - strike, Slashing or Bludgeoning weapon - user may choose to Take 10 with this maneuver's attack roll; 1 attack is made against the AC of all enemies in area, melee attack becomes a line BAB x60 feet long and 15 feet wide damaging all within path

4 : Revenge - counter - after taking damage from a melee attack, touch attack, trap, or other non-ranged effect, one of user's melee attacks automatically hits source

5 : Crocodile Grip - boost, 1 encounter - only 1 move action may be made each round without ending this stance; add BAB x5 to all Grapple checks, gain the Constrict ability to deal an additional BAB x3 damage when grappling, and automatically win Grapple checks against enemies with less Strength or BAB than you

5 : Dramatic Pose - stance - attacks can not be made to specifically target user unless enemy succeeds Will save vs. DC 10 + BAB + CHA, user can not make attacks without ending this stance but time spent in Dramatic Pose may also be used to recover maneuvers

5 : Ignore the Lessers - stance - only 1 move action may be made each round without ending this stance; add BAB x5 to AC and Reflex saves against non-melee attacks and spells, rays, traps, and attacks made with reach greater than 5 feet; automatically ignore ranged attacks made by enemies with less Dexterity or BAB than you

5 : Portstrike - strike - as Teleport but ends with a single attack dealing an additional BAB x6 Force damage; if the attack hits then the user may still take actions afterward, but if attack misses or nothing is targeted the user may not take actions until their next turn and BAB x6 Force damage is dealt to everything within a 10 foot radius burst centered on user (Reflex save/negate); if the user's BAB is 14 or higher, the Teleport effect is replaced with that of Greater Teleport

9 : Gatestrike - strike - as Gate but user may only create a connection and the user is sent flying through; effect ends with a single attack dealing an additional BAB x10 Force damage and Gate closes at the end of that round, but if attack misses or nothing is targeted the user may not take actions until their next turn and BAB x10 Force damage is dealt to everything within a 30 foot radius burst centered on user (Reflex save/negate)


Cautious Warrior [Feat: Combat]
You may choose to automatically go last in an encounter. If any other characters also always go last, roll initiative normally but you all go after normal initiative order.
If you go last in an encounter, for every enemy that attempts to harm you or an ally you may automatically hit that enemy 1 time during the encounter.
BAB 6 : If an enemy successfully harms you or an ally with an attack or effect, you gain +BAB to saves and AC against that same attack or effect until the end of that encounter.

Aggressive Warrior [Feat: Combat]
You may choose to automatically go first in an encounter. If any other characters also always go first, roll initiative normally but you all go before normal initiative order. You must attack on your first turn or you are stunned until your second turn.
BAB 6 : All weapon damage rolls you make are maximized.

Reactive Warrior [Feat: Combat, Maneuver]
You may use 2 Counter maneuvers each round; the first maneuver uses your single Immediate action as normal but the second is free. The Counter maneuvers need not affect the same target.
You may recover a single Counter maneuver whenever you make a successful attack but no more than once each round.

Mobile Warrior [Feat: Combat, Maneuver]
You may make a single move action as part of a maneuver or attack. This movement provokes unless the attack is a charge or stated otherwise.
Movement granted by this feat is not made with your usual move actions if an attack is made in the same round; if you attempted no attack in the same round, you lose 1 move action in the next round.
BAB 6 : Extra movement granted by this feat does not provoke.
BAB 11 : Extra movement granted by this feat is doubled in distance.

Dedicated Warrior [Feat: Combat]
Status effects do not begin to harm you until the next round.
BAB 6 : Damage may be delayed until the next round as long as no damage is currently delayed in this manner.
BAB 11 : Harmful status effects do not begin to affect you until up to 10 rounds pass. Once this time passes, all status changes delayed affect you at the same time.
BAB 16 : All damage may be delayed for up to 10 rounds. Once this time passes, all damage delayed affects you at the same time.[/u]
Last edited by JonSetanta on Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:
Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:25 pm
Nobody gives a flying fuck about Tordek and Regdar.
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