[Base Class] Dark Knight

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[Base Class] Dark Knight

Post by Shokorai »

Considering that there was a lack in critique on a previous board, I was suggested by a member named Flamewarrior to bring my creation to this place.

I am still trimming it, giving it feats and finishing the Dark Sword maneuvers, but as it were, I am still looking for possible aids and suggestions from those more knowledgeable than myself.

This incarnation of the Dark Knight is based on the Dark Knight of Final Fantasy XI, the Fell and Dark Knights of Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions, and the Dark Knight known as Cecil in Final Fantasy IV.

To those whom decide to post and critique, I thank you.
Version 0.4.2
Created by Sho (MDH)

"Few understand the torment through which we go. Fewer understand the sacrifice we commit for the sake of others."
As a dark knight, you benefit from a diverse study and training that allows you to utilize dark techniques and spells to be rid your enemies in combat. While not sturdy at first glance, your abilities speak for themselves, allowing you to maintain as a front-line warrior that can stand alone in adversity or support his allies. Your Dark Sword discipline affords you key melee options to topple your opponent, and your training in the arts of magic allow you to fall back on a possibly less direct approach should the situation not warrant a sword.
Abilities: As a melee class, both Strength and Constitution are stipends necessary to excel. Charisma, too, is important for it allows the dark knight to function as a spell-caster and expands upon his martial and supernatural abilities.
Races: Dark knights can come in all shapes and sizes, but they are especially prevalent in societies or cultures that behold a dark nature unto its own or pride their very heritage of magic. Humans, though a young race, bear many a dark knight to the world when touched by magics most forlorn.
Alignment: Any, Except True Neutral.
Starting Gold: 6d4x10 gp (150 gp).
Starting Age: As Paladin.
Hit Dice: d8.

Base Attack Bonus: Full (Good).
Saving Throws: Good Fortitude, Poor Reflex, Poor Will.

Class Skills
The dark knight's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility) (Int), Listen (Wis), Martial Lore (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), and Spot (Wis).
Skills Points at 1st Level : (4 + Intelligence Modifier) x 4
Skills Points at Each Additional Level : 4 + Intelligence Modifier

Table: The Dark Knight
Class Level & Class Features per Level
1st Blood Weapon, Dark Heart
2nd Arcane Circle
3rd Last Resort +1d6
4th Weapon Bash
5th Soul Eater
6th Last Resort +2d6
7th Diabolic Eye +1
8th Blood Mantle
9th Last Resort +3d6
10th Diabolic Eye +2
11th Dark Seal
12th Last Resort +4d6
13th Diabolic Eye +3
14th Blood Vigil
15th Last Resort +5d6
16th Diabolic Eye +4
17th Soul Crush
18th Last Resort +6d6
19th Diabolic Eye +5
20th Dark Apotheosis

Dark knights are proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armors and shields, except tower shields.

A 1st-level dark knight has knowledge of two weapon techniques (hereby referred to as maneuvers to maintain clarity and uniformity). Dark knights draw on the Dark Sword discipline.

Dark knights learn additional maneuvers with more levels, and in order to use some maneuvers, the dark knight must meet their prerequisites. At 4th level, and each subsequent even level, the dark knight can exchange one of his maneuvers for another maneuver of any level he is capable of initiating.

Dark knights recall expended maneuvers by turning themselves inward into their very own dark aspect, and this aspect usually makes an appearance on the battlefield, intimidating those near the dark knight. The dark knight is only required to roll an Intimidate skill check as a standard action in order to regain 1 expended maneuver, but those within 5 feet of the dark knight must make their opposed level checks or become Shaken for 1 round.

Class Level / Maneuvers Known / Maneuvers Readied / Stances Known
1st 2 / 2 / 1
2nd 3 / 2 / 1
3rd 4 / 2 / 1
4th 4 / 2 / 2
5th 5 / 3 / 2
6th 5 / 3 / 2
7th 6 / 3 / 2
8th 6 / 3 / 2
9th 7 / 4 / 2
10th 7 / 4 / 3
11th 8 / 4 / 3
12th 8 / 4 / 3
13th 9 / 5 / 3
14th 9 / 5 / 3
15th 10 / 5 / 3
16th 10 / 5 / 4
17th 11 / 6 / 4
18th 11 / 6 / 4
19th 12 / 6 / 4
20th 12 / 6 / 4

At 1st level, the dark knight first takes up the path of the Dark Sword, focusing pure and sometimes carnal emotion and intent into his very weapon. Everyday, as a swift action, the dark knight can imbue his weapon with a vampiric property. This property may persist for rounds equal to the dark knight's class level plus his Constitution Modifier. These rounds do not have to be used consecutively, but once the dark knight uses them all, he must wait until the next day to perform a Blood Weapon. Whenever the dark knight inflicts damage with his weapon while maintaining a Blood Weapon, he gains "blood" points equal to the weapon's damage rolled, including any Enhancement Bonuses upon the weapon. Blood points are treated like temporary hit points except unlike sources of temporary hit points, blood points gained in this fashion stack with themselves (this does not extend to temporary hit points gained from another source). Hit points gained in this fashion last for 1 hour. Nonliving creatures, such as the Undead or Constructs, struck by the dark knight while he is maintaining a Blood Weapon do not forfeit any hit points to the dark knight.

"If it bleeds, then you shall know vigor by its red sustenance."

At 1st level, the young dark knight also steeps himself into the corrupting darkness within his very own heart. The darkness within the dark knight gives way and grows into an aspect that reveals a duality that is true to every soul, and as such, the dark knight gains the ability to choose an alignment diametrically opposed to his own. For instance, if the dark knight is Lawful Good, then he may choose to either select Chaotic or Evil for the purposes of his Dark Heart, or if the dark knight is Neutral Evil, then he could only choose Good for the purposes of his Dark Heart. After selecting an alignment, the dark knight becomes able to use items, equipment, and cast spells with the chosen alignment as an alignment descriptor without shifting alignment nor being affected by the harmful effects which would be dealt to those outside alignment restrictions of the chosen alignment.

Further more, when the dark knight would be affected by a spell with an alignment descriptor similar to the alignment chosen for his Dark Heart ability, the dark knight is instead unaffected by the spell. For a spell with an alignment descriptor similar to the dark knight's chosen alignment for his Dark Heart ability to affect the dark knight, the caster must make a Caster Level check versus the dark knight's level plus his Charisma Modifier. If this check succeeds, then the dark knight is affected normally, but if it fails, then the dark knight is affected by the spell as though he bore the alignment chosen for his Dark Heart ability.

At 2nd level, the dark knight gains a bonus equal to his Charisma Modifier (with a maximum bonus equal to his dark knight class level) on saving throws made against spells and spell-like effects.

At 3rd level, the dark knight learns how to cast aside his own defense in order to make sure that his strikes hurt and hurt well. Whenever the dark knight attacks, he can opt to perform a Last Resort, and all attacks he makes during the round inflicts 1d6 extra damage that is not multiplied on critical hits. Unlike the rogue's Sneak Attack or the ninja's Sudden Strike, the dark knight's Last Resort does not need its target(s) to be Flat-Footed, Flanked, or denied their Dexterity Modifier to their Armor Class. It is the doggedness and shear power that the dark knight throws into every attack that secures its added potential. During the next round, starting with the dark knight's turn, he is considered Flat-Footed and loses his Dexterity Modifier and all Dodge Bonuses to his Armor Class until his very next turn. At 6th level, this extra damage increases to 2d6, and every three levels thereafter, it increases by another 1d6.

At 4th level, the dark knight becomes able to hit harder than ever before and strikes so profoundly that it halts his foes in their tracks. Whenever the dark knight attacks, he can opt to have one of his attacks be performed as a Weapon Bash, and if the dark knight inflicts any damage with this attack, then the target must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + the dark knight's Constitution Modifier + half his dark knight class levels) or be stunned for 1 round. If the weapon the dark knight uses while performing a Weapon Bash has an enhancement bonus, then that enhancement bonus is added to the save difficulty class. This ability can be performed times per day equal to 1 + half the dark knight's Constitution Modifier (minimum 1). Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be stunned.

At 5th level, the dark knight can shed his own life force to empower himself with dark power. The dark knight can expend hit points in multiples of 3 up to his dark knight level, and for each 3 hit points expended, the dark knight gains a +3 bonus to all damage rolls for one round.

At 7th level, the dark knight's dark power heightens his very senses. During a round in which the dark knight pays hit points in order to utilize his Soul Eater ability, the dark knight gains a +1 bonus to his attack rolls and his Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma ability checks and related skill checks, excluding any Knowledge skill checks. At 10th level, this bonus increases to +2, and every three levels thereafter, it increases by another +1.

At 8th level, the dark knight learns how to innately draw on the vigor of those surrounding him. While maintaining his blood weapon, when an opponent sustains damage within his range of threat, the dark knight can opt to halve that damage and gain blood points equal to the amount of damage sustained. The dark knight may only use this ability once per round.

At 11th level, the dark knight can choose to let his dire skills haunt his opponent, once more. When the dark knight initiates a Dark Sword maneuver or casts a dark knight spell and his target passes their saving throw against either, the dark knight can force the target to roll their save, once more. Further, the dark knight can expend a spell slot to grant the target a penalty equal to the level of the spell slot expended to this ability. This ability can be performed times per day equal to 1 + half the dark knight's Charisma Modifier (minimum 1). This ability, however, can only be used once in any given round.

At 14th level, the dark knight gains the innate ability to hone his senses upon the very living, their radiant essences of life showing like beacons for him to follow. The dark knight essentially gains Lifesense which extends 60 feet.

At 17th level, the dark knight can channel his stores of stolen vitality into one single blow. As a full-round action, the dark knight expends all current blood points and makes a melee attack against one creature within its threat range. This target creature then sustains damage equal to twice the total amount of blood points expended. The creature may attempt a Will save (DC 10 + half the dark knight's class level + the dark knight's Charisma Modifier) to sustain half damage.

At 20th level, the dark knight becomes an eternal pall of twilight constituted as one single being. First, when the dark knight would be affected by a spell or effect from any source that normally does not harm targets bearing its own alignment descriptor as an alignment, the dark knight is considered to be that alignment for all regards to its effect, ignoring any and all effects which would affect targets of different alignment.

Second, the dark knight is forevermore treated as an outsider rather than as a humanoid (or whatever the dark knight’s creature type was) for the purpose of spells and magical effects. Additionally, the dark knight gains damage reduction 10/magic, which allows him to ignore the first 10 points of damage from any attack made by a nonmagical weapon or by any natural attack made by a creature that doesn’t have similar damage reduction. Unlike other outsiders, the dark knight can still be brought back from the dead as if he were a member of his previous creature type.

Lastly, while the dark knight maintains his Blood Weapon ability, he no longer is required to confirm critical hits against his targets. This means that every critical threat automatically is a critical hit.

Beginning at 1st level, a dark knight gains the ability to cast a small number of arcane spells, which are drawn from the Sorcerer/Wizard spell list. The dark knight may only cast spells drawn from the Evocation, Necromancy, and Enchantment schools. Dark knights may also choose to add a single school to their selection from the following: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Illusion, and Transmutation. To cast a spell, a dark knight must have an Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a dark knight’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the dark knight’s Charisma modifier.

Like other spellcasters, a dark knight can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Charisma score.

Upon reaching 4th level, and at every three dark knight levels after that (7th, 10th, 13th, and so on), a dark knight can choose to learn a new spell in place of one he already knows. In effect, the dark knight “loses” the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell’s level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged.

Unlike a wizard or cleric, a dark knight need not prepare his spells in advance. He can cast any spell he knows at any time, assuming he has not yet used up his spells per day for that spell level. He does not have to decide ahead of time which spells he will cast. Also, due to the training a dark knight goes under to endow himself with his dark abilities, a dark knight casting spells chosen from the dark knight spell list suffers no arcane spell failure when wearing light, medium, or heavy armor.

Class : Spells/Day (Spells Known)
Level : 0th / 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th
1st 2 (2) / - (-) / - (-) / - (-) / - (-)
2nd 2 (3) / - (-) / - (-) / - (-) / - (-)
3rd 3 (3) / - (-) / - (-) / - (-) / - (-)
4th 3 (3) / 0 (2) / - (-) / - (-) / - (-)
5th 3 (3) / 1 (3) / - (-) / - (-) / - (-)
6th 4 (4) / 2 (3) / - (-) / - (-) / - (-)
7th 4 (4) / 2 (3) / 0 (2) / - (-) / - (-)
8th 4 (4) / 3 (3) / 1 (3) / - (-) / - (-)
9th 4 (4) / 3 (4) / 2 (3) / - (-) / - (-)
10th 5 (5) / 3 (4) / 2 (3) / 0 (2) / - (-)
11th 5 (5) / 4 (4) / 3 (3) / 1 (3) / - (-)
12th 5 (5) / 4 (4) / 3 (4) / 2 (3) / - (-)
13th 5 (5) / 4 (5) / 3 (4) / 2 (3) / 0 (2)
14th 5 (6) / 4 (5) / 4 (4) / 3 (4) / 1 (3)
15th 6 (6) / 5 (5) / 4 (4) / 3 (4) / 2 (3)
16th 6 (6) / 5 (5) / 4 (5) / 3 (4) / 2 (3)
17th 6 (6) / 5 (6) / 4 (5) / 4 (5) / 3 (4)
18th 6 (6) / 5 (6) / 5 (5) / 4 (5) / 3 (4)
19th 6 (6) / 5 (6) / 5 (5) / 4 (5) / 3 (4)
20th 6 (6) / 6 (6) / 5 (6) / 4 (6) / 4 (5)

Level: DRK 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 Ft. + 5 Ft./2 Levels)
Targets: 1 creature
Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: No

With jet-black cloud consumed hand outstretched, you try to wrench from your chosen victim his very essence, imbuing yourself with their own charisma. The target is suddenly struck by a black tendril that strikes out from the utter darkness in your palm, its touch draining them of 2d4 points worth of Charisma. The points drained by this spell are then transferred to the caster, granting him an arcane bonus equal to the points drained to his own Charisma. A successful Will save will however negate the effect of the spell, and the chosen target will not be affected by the touch of the strike.

This effect cannot cause any creature's attribute score to fall below 1, and any damage will stop upon reaching 1. The bonus received by this effect will be drained up to the number of points dealt as damage before the creature's ability score reached 1.

Level: DRK 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 Ft. + 5 Ft./2 Levels)
Targets: 1 creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: No

With jet-black cloud consumed hand outstretched, you try to wrench from your chosen victim his very health, imbuing yourself with their own vigor. The target is suddenly struck by a black tendril that strikes out from the utter darkness in your palm, its touch draining them of 2d4 points worth of Constitution. The points drained by this spell are then transferred to the caster, granting him an arcane bonus equal to the points drained to his own Constitution. A successful Will save will however negate the effect of the spell, and the chosen target will not be affected by the touch of the strike.

This effect cannot cause any creature's attribute score to fall below 1, and any damage will stop upon reaching 1. The bonus received by this effect will be drained up to the number of points dealt as damage before the creature's ability score reached 1.

Level: DRK 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 Ft. + 5 Ft./2 Levels)
Targets: 1 creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: No

With jet-black cloud consumed hand outstretched, you try to wrench from your chosen victim his own nimble qualities, imbuing yourself with their own dexterity. The target is suddenly struck by a black tendril that strikes out from the utter darkness in your palm, its touch draining them of 2d4 points worth of Dexterity. The points drained by this spell are then transferred to the caster, granting him an arcane bonus equal to the points drained to his own Dexterity. A successful Fortitude save will however negate the effect of the spell, and the chosen target will not be affected by the touch of the strike.

This effect cannot cause any creature's attribute score to fall below 1, and any damage will stop upon reaching 1. The bonus received by this effect will be drained up to the number of points dealt as damage before the creature's ability score reached 1.

Level: DRK 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 Ft. + 5 Ft./2 Levels)
Targets: 1 creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: No

With jet-black cloud consumed hand outstretched, you try to wrench from your chosen victim his intellect, imbuing yourself with their own intelligence. The target is suddenly struck by a black tendril that strikes out from the utter darkness in your palm, its touch draining them of 2d4 points worth of Intelligence. The points drained by this spell are then transferred to the caster, granting him an arcane bonus equal to the points drained to his own Intelligence. A successful Will save will however negate the effect of the spell, and the chosen target will not be affected by the touch of the strike.

This effect cannot cause any creature's attribute score to fall below 1, and any damage will stop upon reaching 1. The bonus received by this effect will be drained up to the number of points dealt as damage before the creature's ability score reached 1.

Level: DRK 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 Ft. + 5 Ft./2 Levels)
Targets: 1 creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: No

With jet-black cloud consumed hand outstretched, you try to wrench from your chosen victim his very strength, imbuing yourself with their own power. The target is suddenly struck by a black tendril that strikes out from the utter darkness in your palm, its touch draining them of 2d4 points worth of Strength. The points drained by this spell are then transferred to the caster, granting him an arcane bonus equal to the points drained to his own Strength. A successful Will save will however negate the effect of the spell, and the chosen target will not be affected by the touch of the strike.

This effect cannot cause any creature's attribute score to fall below 1, and any damage will stop upon reaching 1. The bonus received by this effect will be drained up to the number of points dealt as damage before the creature's ability score reached 1.

Level: DRK 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 Ft. + 5 Ft./2 Levels)
Targets: 1 creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: No

With jet-black cloud consumed hand outstretched, you try to wrench from your chosen victim his very consciousness, imbuing yourself with their own wisdom. The target is suddenly struck by a black tendril that strikes out from the utter darkness in your palm, its touch draining them of 2d4 points worth of Wisdom. The points drained by this spell are then transferred to the caster, granting him an arcane bonus equal to the points drained to his own Wisdom. A successful Will save will however negate the effect of the spell, and the chosen target will not be affected by the touch of the strike.

This effect cannot cause any creature's attribute score to fall below 1, and any damage will stop upon reaching 1. The bonus received by this effect will be drained up to the number of points dealt as damage before the creature's ability score reached 1.

Dark knights are what their names suggest: knights or warriors whom have willingly, or sometimes unwillingly, succumbed to the darkness that snatches at the hearts of all living things. With this connection, or corruption, the dark knight is granted power, but more often than not, this gain is set-back by some deep brooding pain dwelling inside. The dark knight may not always feel pain, but the attachment made to the "other side" of his conscience can leave him emotionless, cold, or even overbearing at times. The further the dark knight walks the path of the Dark Sword, too, the further he slips into his darkness, and as such, he may lose more of his very self, his personality and his senses.

Religion: Dark knights are usually not known to be a very religious few, but those who do take to prayer do so with dieties which share their alignment and beliefs. Good or Lawful dark knights who believe that the end result well justifies the means to acquire it in the battle against Evil may very well serve such gods as Helm, St. Cuthbert, or Tyr. Evil dark knights, warriors who steeped into the darkness for power, flock to Erythnul and Hextor to do their bidding.

Other Classes: Dark knights get along with most other typically martial classes, such as Barbarians or Fighters, seeing them as brethren on the battlefield. Dark knights regard sorcerers and wizards as being frail but necessary companions, and clerics are treated quite amiably as they revere them to be a high resource and partner. Paladins never sit well with dark knights and for good reason. There stands a long running rivalry between the two classes for generations upon generations.

Combat: Dark knights are considered to be ferocious adversaries, and as a dark knight, you will usually strike dead any opposition and ask questions later. Enemies who beg for mercy deserve their deaths at your hand unless they provide you with an ample enough tribute to halt your advances, if only for the time being. Early on, your Blood Weapon ability is your life source; with little to any available equipment or magic to tend to wounds, you will depend on your own sword to stave off immediate death. Your Dark Sword maneuvers are to be used without hesitation, bringing swift victory over your opponents.

Advancement: Age, gender, nor race is considered one over the other when it comes to the ranking of a dark knight. The Dark Sword welcomes all who would steep themselves in the darkness to clutch at it, and it is the fight one endures against their very own darkness inside that grants them strength. Should a dark knight accept it and bond with it or force it to do his very bidding is a choice all to his own. As you progress, while you do not learn as many maneuvers as most other sublime martial classes, you are granted a knowledge of spells, and with these spells, you can couple them with known maneuvers, cover previously weak and vulnerable aspects, or create a whole new plan on which to fall back in emergencies.

"Yeah, I met a dark knight, once. I thought he was pretty cool until he told me to go suck on a moogle, whatever the hell that is..." ~ Garret Matthews, Commoner

Daily Life: Dark knights go on from day to day in duty much as any other warrior, and if he should serve any god, then he may be as pious as any paladin can be to the beliefs and cause of his chosen deity. Dark knights are mostly described in the same venue as that old play on words: lone wolves. They spend their time in either tranquil meditation or training, combating the darkness within them, or they seek to gratify their more carnal urges, spreading destruction, mayhem, or plight.

Notables: The first dark knight to come into existence would be Mardar Gregorian Saints, brother to Asgenar Dorian Saints and heir to the Saints Family Lineage of the Sovians. Long ago, duty called upon the paladin brothers to confront a dire evil which threatened to extinguish all that was good in the world, and venturing with their companions and allies through a menagerie of vile hosts, their wills were tested on a continuous basis. Mardar, thought to be the strongest Saints ever given birth, was conceived to capable in besting this difficult road with ease, but arrogance and greed preyed upon his warrior's heart. By half and through their quest, Mardar would drop the code of the paladin and stake his heart with its own darkness. No-one noticed much of the change, except Asgenar, and when their journey had finally come to an end, he seeked out his brother and questioned him on his actions, on why he would drop the traditions of his people.

"Stagnant and diminishing are the teachings of the Saints, Asgenar," he foretold to him before vanishing into the darkness. Within the next few generations, there would come a new clan which called themselves descendants of Mardar, disciples of the Dark Sword path.

Tozier Sabatt is one such person who believes himself to be a descendant of Mardar, but it is his own belief that anyone who accepts and utilizes the Dark Sword is a brother in arms, a cousin with the very same blood and straits. Tozier is a dark knight who works to spread the Dark Sword.

Organizations: The teachings of the Dark Sword and its manner of being taught can vary within each region. Young pupils can be shown the path by a lone dark knight in a village wishing to pass down his skills, or there can be an order entirely devoted to the discipline of the Dark Sword, beckoning for new followers to have the courage or will to embrace it or kidnapping fresh kin to brainwash into slaves of the blade itself.

NPC Reaction: Dark knights receive prestige in communities or societies which would have them, especially so in cities or nations that have functioning guilds dedicated to the Dark Sword. Otherwise, they are feared, prone to suspicion, and reviled by others, always thought to be a slave to the whims of the darkness that serves them, or they themselves serve. Paladins and such classes akin to paladins particularly hold a grudge against dark knights and their ilk and may sooner trust an Imp over them.

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), or Martial Lore can research dark knights to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including the information from lower Difficulty Classes.
DC 10: There are tales of warriors who have harnessed a swordsmanship steeped in darkness. These warriors are called dark knights.
DC 15: Dark knights are disciples of the path of the Dark Sword, and wielders of the dark technique, they utilize the corruption within their own hearts to empower themselves. There is a long standing rivalry between this breed of knight and paladins to this day.
DC 20: Dark knights, while masters of the Dark Sword, are also able practitioners of the magical art. They are able to drain their foes own life away to sustain themselves, and using what ill-gotten force they have torn abruptly from their victims, they can strengthen their body and their blows.
DC 30: Information about notable dark knights, drawn from the section above.

Dark knights fit well in any campaign in which its states and regions are besieged with war. As the tides constantly change and the body count tolls higher, nations and domains can begin to research the ways of the Dark Sword, selectively choosing their finest warriors and cadets to take up the path to fight for honor, for glory, and for their cause. Dark knights may also find a place in a macabre story as their supernatural powers spring from the well of corruption and darkness within themselves, or even from the surrounding environment, and as the tale turns ever darker, the dark knight himself can gain more strength.

Adaptation: This class can fit in any campaign, because every culture has its twist and has been touched upon by the darkness at one point in time or another.

Sample Encounter

A traveling party who wanders into a lord's domain which daily contends with barbarians, brigands, or marauders may find themselves encountering an inquisitive dark knight who will question them of their origins and intentions for being upon his lord's land. If the party shows that they are law abiding or mannerly towards the knight, they may find themselves a strong ally for their trip through the area. If the party or any of its members overly question the presence of the dark knight or worse make rude or unlawful comments to him or about his lord, then they may find themselves fighting someone they may have wished to have never met.

EL 13: Tozier Sabatt is not a tall man, but he is not a man who can be defined as being short, either. Stout and robust, he bears a muscular frame, and over that body, there can be found scars running its length and width, testaments to his many visits to the war front. He is a man surprisingly adamant about the concrete and written word, voicing every need for order and dismissing every word against what he would believe to be the "right way". Though, he appears to always be fanatical about his beliefs and bears a proud, dignified visage, closer inspection will benefit those to see that within his eyes there is a cold and frigid soul, cloudy yet hollow, and damp.

Tozier Sabatt
"Where is the Law in this decadence? Where is there honor? Where there is none, I will forge it wrought of the Chaos!"
HP 109 (13 HD) [ 13d8+52 ]
Male Human [ Dark Knight 13 ]
Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid.
Initiative +3, Senses Listen +10, Spot +10.
Aura Pall of Twilight, Reaving Shadow, Bulwark of Despair, Arms of Sorrow.
Languages Common, Infernal.
AC 27, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 27.
Miss Chance None.
Immune None.
Resist None.
Spell Resistance None.
Fort +15, Ref +6, Will +7.
Fort +21, Ref +12, Will +13 vs. Spells and Spell-like Abilities.
Speed Land 30 Ft. (6 Squares).
Melee Harrower (+2 Axiomatic Scythe of Impaling) +20/+15/+10 (2d4+8+2d6), Rebellion (+2 Anarchic Keen Greatsword) +20/+15/+10 (2d6+8+2d6).
Base Attack +13, Grapple +18.
Attack Options Harrower, Rebellion, Maneuvers and Spellcasting.
Special Actions Blood Weapon, Dark Seal, Last Resort, Soul Eater, Weapon Bash.
Dark Sword Discipline Maneuvers Black Torrent Slash, Duskblade, Guillotine, Heartrender, Heedless Harrow, Pervert Cross, Shadowblade, Wounding Brand.
Dark Knight Spells/Day (Bonus School: Divination, Caster Level 13th)
\4th\ - (0+1/Day) Forcewave, Siphon Constitution.
\3rd\ - (2+1/Day) Arcane Sight, Dispel Magic, Ray of Exhaustion.
\2nd\ - (3+2/Day) Darkbolt, Detect Thoughts, Ghoul Touch, Scorching Ray.
\1st\ - (4+2/Day) Charm Person, Death's Call, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, True Strike.
\0th\ - (5+0/Day) Detect Magic, Flare, Light, Read Magic, Touch of Fatigue.
Abilities Str 20, Dex 8, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 23.
Special Qualities Damage Reduction 3/-, Dark Heart (Chaotic).
Feats Ability Focus (Weapon Bash), Blade Meditation (Dark Sword), Cleave, Improved Initiative, Vehemence.
Flaws Shaky (Power Attack).
Traits Relentless.
Skills Concentration 9 ranks (+13), Intimidate 12 ranks (+20), Knowledge (Arcana) 5 ranks (+6), Knowledge (History) 5 ranks (+6), Knowledge (Nobility) 5 ranks (+6), Listen 19 ranks (+9), Ride 10 ranks (+9), Spot 9 ranks (+9).
Possessions +2 Adamantine Full Plate, +2 Amulet of Natural Armor, +4 Belt of Giant Strength, +2 Buckler, +6 Cloak of Charisma, +3 Ring of Defense.
Blood Weapon (Su): Everyday, Tozier Sabatt gains 17 rounds for which he may persist his Blood Weapon ability. When he successfully strikes a living creature, he gains blood points equal to the weapon's damage rolled plus 2. Blood points gained in this fashion last for 1 hour.
Dark Heart (Ex): Tozier can use items, equipment, and cast spells which bear the Chaos descriptor or a Chaotic alignment without shifting alignment nor being affected by the harmful effects which would be dealt to him for not having a Chaotic alignment. Also, when Tozier would be affected by a spell or spell-like ability with Chaos or Chaotic as an alignment descriptor, the caster must make a caster level check (DC 20) or Tozier is affected by the spell as though he bore the Chaotic alignment.
Dark Seal (Su): Whenever Tozier initiates a Dark Sword maneuver or casts a dark knight spell against a target which successfully passes its saving throw, seven times per day, he can force that target to re-roll the same saving throw. In addition, he can expend a dark knight spell slot to grant the target's re-roll a penalty equal to the spell slot expended.
Last Resort (Ex): Whenever Tozier attacks, he can opt to have his attacks be performed as a Last Resort, and if the attacks successfully hit their targets, each attack inflicts +4d6 damage more. After Tozier's turn, he loses his Dexterity Modifier and all Dodge Bonuses accrued to his Armor Class, making him Flat-Footed until his next turn.
Soul Eater (Su): Once per round, Tozier can forfeit his own hit points in multiples of 3 to a maximum of 39 hit points in order to inflict +3 more damage with his attacks for each multiple of 3 hit points expended.
Diabolic Eye (Su): During a round in which Tozier uses his Soul Eater ability, he gains a +3 bonus to all attack rolls and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma ability checks and related skill checks, excluding any Knowledge skill checks.
Weapon Bash (Ex): Whenever Tozier attacks a target, five times per day, he can opt to have his attack be performed as a Weapon Bash, and if the attack deals any damage to the target, it must make a Fortitude Save (DC 24) or be stunned for 1 round. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be stunned.
Last edited by Shokorai on Wed Nov 26, 2008 11:58 pm, edited 47 times in total.
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Post by Shokorai »

The Dark Sword Discipline

The key skill for Dark Sword is Concentration (Con), and its save difficulty class is modified by Constitution. Its preferred weapons are Greatsword, Longsword, Scythe, and Sickle. This school's save Difficulty Classes are modified by Constitution.

Classes: Dark Knights. Crusaders and Warblades can attempt to learn the Dark Sword discipline from a Dark Knight at least four levels higher.

Darkside [Su] (Boost) - Burn your very life away to instill your strikes with fervor, doubling your weapon's critical threat range and granting a bonus to rolls made to confirm critical threats.
Harsh Slice (Strike) - . . . . .
Paling Brand [Su] (Strike) - You forfeit your own life's essence to cast forth a wave of your own distraught energy, dealing 1 damage for each 1 hit point expended.
Pall of Twilight [Su] (Stance) - Radiate a 10 Ft. radius aura that grant foes a -2 penalty to all Saving Throws.

Daring Dirge (Boost) - When you perform a Last Resort, you deal +1d6 more damage, and struck foes are Sickened.
Sanguine Sword [Su] (Strike) - You summon forth a foul glare in the sky that bleeds blades upon your foe, dealing your weapon's damage dice plus 1/Initiator Level; Damage inflicted to your foe is rendered as hit points for you.
Draining Crucible [Su] (Stance) - Radiate a 10 Ft. radius aura that cause foes to bleed faster; damage caused by bleeding grants hit points.
Reaving Shadow [Su] (Stance) - Radiate a 10 Ft. radius aura that grant foes a -1/2 Initiator Levels penalty to Armor Class.

Heartrender, Lesser [Su] (Strike) - Utilizing your dark prowess, you force even the stoutest and more resilient brave hearts to waver and succumb to awe and fear.
Infernal Strike [Su] (Strike) - You stab the earth, and releasing your darkness into its hearth, you beckon the shadows to cleave asunder your foe's magic; Struck foes with magic casting ability grant you temporary spell slots.
Pervert Cross (Strike) - With great fervor, you strike twice against your foe or attack two foes at once, carving an obscure cross with their bloodstains; If one strike succeeds as a critical hit or threat, then treat both attacks as though they have threatened a critical.

Dreadside [Su] (Boost) - . . . . .
Hearthsurge (Strike) - . . . . .
Bloodlet [Su] (Counter) - . . . . .
Wounding Brand [Su] (Strike) - Forfeiting more of your living essence, you hurl chastising destructive waves over your foes that also impedes their senses.

Heartrender [Su] (Strike) - . . . . .
Heedless Harrow (Boost) - When you perform a Last Resort, you deal +2d6 more damage, and struck foes are Dazed.
Shadowblade [Su] (Strike) - Your blood-drenched weapon pierces the earth, and from below, you impale your foes with a ghostly crimson edge.
Arms of Sorrow [Su] (Stance) - . . . . .
Bulwark of Despair [Su] (Stance) - . . . . .

Duskblade [Su] (Strike) - Your darkness clutches at your foe's magic more than ever, speaking dark whispers that threaten to steal their power away completely.
Embrace the Taint [Su] (Counter) - . . . . .
Guillotine (Strike) - With rapid succession, you hail an assault against one foe without repute, performing a full attack action as a standard action.

Black Torrent Slash (Strike) - . . . . .
Heartrender, Greater [Su] (Strike) - . . . . .
Ruinous Brand [Su] (Strike) - . . . . .

Reckless Rampage (Boost) - When you perform a Last Resort, you deal +3d6 more damage, and struck foes are Paralyzed.
Falling Down [Su] (Counter) - . . . . .
Luster of the Deep-Seated One [Su] (Stance) - . . . . .

Absolvement through Desecration [Su] (Strike) - . . . . .

Dark Sword (Boost)
Level: Dark Knight 1
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Until your next turn

Carnal fury surges through your veins, and shedding away your very own life, you charge upon your foe a single astounding blow.

As part of the maneuver, you must expend hit points. You expend 2 hit points or hit points equal to your Constitution Modifier, whichever is more, and you double your weapon's critical threat range. When confirming any critical threats you make during the round you initiate this maneuver, you add a +2 bonus or a bonus equal to your Constitution Modifier to the confirmation roll, whichever is more.

Paling Brand
Dark Sword (Strike)
Level: Dark Knight 1
Initiation Action: Full-Round Action
Range: 30 Ft.
Target: Cone Effect, Affected Targets up to your Constitution Modifier (Max. 3)
Duration: Instantaneous

A stinging sensation penetrates your body, washes over it, and resounds through it, and with your sacrifice, you reveal a white and ghostly aura emanating from your weapon that lashes out and tears through all in your path.

As part of the maneuver, you must expend hit points. You may only expend hit points to a maximum equal to your Initiator Level times your Constitution Modifier. These hit points are then used as the damage which will be inflicted against targets caught within this maneuver's range of effect, a 30 Ft. cone. You may only affect a certain number of targets within the cone up to your Constitution Modifier or to a maximum of three, whichever is less. This damage is considered to be entropic damage. This is a supernatural ability.

Harsh Slice
Dark Sword (Strike)
Level: Dark Knight 1
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One Creature
Duration: Instantaneous; See text

With such brevity, you slam your weapon into your foe, digging in and through as though it would cut anything by shear force alone.

As part of this maneuver, you make one melee attack against one foe within range. This attack inflicts +1d6 more damage, and the struck target must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 11 + Constitution Modifier) or bleed profusely, sustaining 1 damage during each of its own turns. This bleeding persists until the creature is healed by a Cure spell or treated by a Heal skill check (DC 15).

Pall of Twilight
Dark Sword (Aura)
Level: Dark Knight 1
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Aura

You exude an aura that extends outward in a 10 feet radius around you. Foes caught within the range of the aura are granted a -2 penalty to their saving throws.

Daring Dirge
Dark Sword (Boost)
Level: Dark Knight 3
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Until your next turn

Until your next turn, when you perform a Last Resort, you inflict +1d6 more damage. Also, successfully struck targets must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 12 + Charisma Modifier) or be Sickened.

Reaving Shadow
Dark Sword (Aura)
Level: Dark Knight 3
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Aura

You exude an aura that extends outward in a 10 feet radius around you. Foes caught within the range of the aura are granted a penalty to their Armor Class equal to half your Initiator Level.

Sanguine Sword
Dark Sword (Strike)
Level: Dark Knight 3
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Range: Close (25 Ft. + 5/2 Initiator Levels)
Target: One Creature
Duration: Instantaneous

An eye-sore opens, befoulment itself given form as a glaring crimson hue, bleeding down upon your foe and ensuing more bloodshed by conjuring forth a blade composed of the very crimson ichor that rained from above through an unfortunate victim.

As part of this maneuver, you make one ranged touch attack against one foe within Close Range while wielding a preferred weapon of the Dark Sword discipline. For this attack, you add your Constitution Modifier rather than your Strength Modifier to the attack and damage rolls and you gain a bonus to this attack's damage equal to your Initiator Level. If this attack is successful and inflicts damage, you steal hit points equal to the damage inflicted to your foe.

Heartrender (Lesser)
Dark Sword (Strike)
Level: Dark Knight 5
Initiation Action:

". . . . ."

Infernal Strike
Dark Sword (Strike)
Level: Dark Knight 5
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Range: Close (25 Ft. + 5/2 Initiator Levels)
Target: One Creature
Duration: Instantaneous

". . . . ."

Pervert Cross
Dark Sword (Strike)
Level: Dark Knight 5
Initiation Action:

". . . . ."

Dark Sword (Counter)
Level: Dark Knight 7
Initiation Action: Immediate Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous

". . . . ."

Dark Sword (Boost)
Level: Dark Knight 7
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Until your next turn

". . . . ."

Dark Sword (Strike)
Level: Dark Knight 7
Initiation Action: Full-Round Action
Range: Personal
Target: 30 Ft. Radius (Burst)
Duration: Instantaneous

". . . . ."

Wounding Brand
Dark Sword (Strike)
Level: Dark Knight 7
Initiation Action: Full-Round Action
Range: 60 Ft.
Target: Cone Effect, Affected Targets up to your Constitution Modifier (Max. 5)
Duration: Instantaneous

This maneuver is like Paling Brand except for every 1 hit point you expend for this maneuver, you deal 2 points of entropic damage to targets caught within its area of effect. You may only expend hit points to a maximum equal to your Initiator Level times your Constitution Modifier. Foes struck by the dark wave must make two separate Fortitude saves against becoming, first, blinded and, second, deafened for rounds equal to your Constitution Modifier. This is a supernatural ability.

Dark Sword ()
Level: Dark Knight
Initiation Action:

". . . . ."

Dark Sword (Strike)
Level: Dark Knight 9
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Range: Close (25 Ft. + 5/2 Initiator Levels)
Target: One Creature
Duration: Instantaneous

". . . . ."

Dark Sword ()
Level: Dark Knight
Initiation Action:

". . . . ."

Dark Sword ()
Level: Dark Knight
Initiation Action:

". . . . ."

Absolvement through Desecration
Dark Sword (Strike)
Level: Dark Knight 17
Initiation Action: Full-Round Action
Range: Melee Attack
Target: One Creature
Duration: Instantaneous; See text

". . . . ."
Last edited by Shokorai on Thu Nov 27, 2008 2:26 am, edited 16 times in total.
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Post by Shokorai »

New Feats

Desperate Blows [General]
Having known only the din of battle, you force and heave every attack through your opponents even if your body can no longer keep up.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 15, Combat Reflexes, Last Resort +2d6.
Benefit: You are able to still make attacks of opportunity while Flat-Footed due to using your Last Resort ability. Any attacks of opportunity made until your next turn that are successful against targets deal the added damage of your Last Resort ability.

Vehemence [General]
You have no qualms with showing off your fiercer side.
Prerequisite: Charisma 15.
Benefit: You can demoralize an opponent within your threat range as a move action. In addition, an opponent effectively Shaken by your demoralize is Shaken for rounds equal to your Charisma Modifier.
Normal: You can demoralize an opponent within your threat range as a standard action, and an opponent that fails his character level check is only Shaken for 1 round.
Special: This feat can be applied to the dark knight's refresh mechanic which states it must make an Intimidate skill check in order to regain an expended maneuver.

Feats in the works: Arcana Killer, Muted Soul.
Last edited by Shokorai on Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Shokorai »

Reserved (For updates and rulings).

-Altered spell-casting spell levels, spell slots, and spells known.
-Altered spell list from Dark Knight to Sorcerer/Wizard (Conjuration, Enchantment, Evocation, and Necromancy).
-Altered Dark Heart, combined with Dark Apotheosis, made into Dark Resonance.
Last edited by Shokorai on Sat Oct 11, 2008 10:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Maxus »

Well, you're going to get critique, but not from me. I can tell you that people 'round here will likely find it underpowered and rip the spellcasting at the very least.

Plus, most Denizens find it preferable to use "Tome" rules, which include a revision of the feat system and some streamlining of the combat rules.

But, hey, welcome aboard. Just remember that the commentary around isn't actually with malicious intent--we're just a bunch of abrasive people anyway and if people are being, in your view, excessively graphic and rude, well, it's how the etiquette evolved around here.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Bigode »

I'm Flamewarrior. Should start by saying there's a nice "spoiler" [sic] tag here. Aside from that, yeah, the spellcasting'll be ripped just as I did previously - also, I'm not too happy with the shorter skill list. :) Finally, this is the thread with the similar class that I mentioned. Welcome aboard.

Ah, yeah: I might as well add that I wanted to condense both classes into one - at least prior to the Dark Sword discipline, neither was complete. But nobody else needs to particularly care.
Last edited by Bigode on Thu Sep 25, 2008 2:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
Hans Freyer, s.b.u.h. wrote:A manly, a bold tone prevails in history. He who has the grip has the booty.
Huston Smith wrote:Life gives us no view of the whole. We see only snatches here and there, (...)
brotherfrancis75 wrote:Perhaps you imagine that Ayn Rand is our friend? And the Mont Pelerin Society? No, those are but the more subtle versions of the Bolshevik Communist Revolution you imagine you reject. (...) FOX NEWS IS ALSO COMMUNIST!
LDSChristian wrote:True. I do wonder which is worse: killing so many people like Hitler did or denying Christ 3 times like Peter did.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

I'll be honest, I don't want to look at a class that makes me have to learn all over how to build a character.

You can seriously just write 4 different "dark" classes; Dark Destroyer (melee), Dark Demagogue (party buffer/healer/leader type), a Dark Deplorable (more casty) and a Dark Deciever (rogue type, but good at lying/bluffing).

Unless the concept is seriously do everything, the character class sort of falls short of being interesting and more importantly, concise enough, to want to play.

It's complex, but that's not the same as interesting.

A simple class is actually quite hard to come up with I've found.

Really, make a list of what this character class does when at level 3 they do any of these:

1. Meeting a town official that doesn't want to give you information
2. Encountering two Troglodytes.
3. Seeing a hallway covered in glowing runes
4. Encountering an Ankheg
5. Fighting an lvl 3 wizard (using spells that kill you, like magic missile)
6. Fighting a pack of human commoner zombies (6)
7. Crossing difficult terrain (river, brush, snow, cliff face, dark tunnels)
8. Encountering a Centaur

Once you can verbally describe what the character does in those situations, you can build a class to fulfill your expectations.

I've given your class more than the initial "TL;DR", but it's really got a lot of material. I also notice that you pretty much have this ready to be published, what with the Knowledge checks, pre-made NPC and the like.

I'd suggest testing that NPC against 10 EL 14 encounters to see how well the class performs against the 50/50% test for determing class balance. The problem is that very high level encounters take a while to play out and the higher level some character is, the less they look like other characters of their same level.

Given that all CRs are given equal weight, you should win/lose one half of all encounters that are a CR equal to your own; if you win, you're over powered some where, if you lose you're underpowered somewhere.

We know here that the PHB Bard, Barbarian, Fighter, Monk and Paladin can't pretend to win 50% of their matches at lvls 7 and up; while the Cleric, Druid, Ranger, Rogue and Wizard can and will win those same matches.

The sorcerer doesn't count as a class except for advanced players that want a challenge.
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Post by Maxus »

Okay, I took at a look at the spellcasting...

Frankly, it's not enough.

Bump it up to Bard Progression for both Spells-Per-Day and Spells-Known. Give him Caster Level equal to Character Level. Make the special Dark Knight spells Sorceror/Wizard spells, and then allow the Dark Knight to choose spells from a list of three or four schools that fit his theme--I noticed spells from Evocation, Divination, Abjuration, and Necromancy, but you may want to decide what schools really fit the theme, as well as what would be useful. For an idea, take a look at the Dungeonomicon Assassin.

I'm ambivalent towards the Tome of Battle stuff, but that's mostly because I'm lazy and haven't ever taken the time to really understand it--and I'd have to borrow the book, besides.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Shokorai »

I would like to thank those who have contributed to the thread and critiqued my class.

As per your suggestions, these are my feelings.
Maxus wrote:Okay, I took at a look at the spellcasting...

Frankly, it's not enough.

Bump it up to Bard Progression for both Spells-Per-Day and Spells-Known. Give him Caster Level equal to Character Level. Make the special Dark Knight spells Sorcerer/Wizard spells, and then allow the Dark Knight to choose spells from a list of three or four schools that fit his theme--I noticed spells from Evocation, Divination, Abjuration, and Necromancy, but you may want to decide what schools really fit the theme, as well as what would be useful. For an idea, take a look at the Dungeonomicon Assassin.
When I first built this class, I had my sights set on it equaling in power with the Rebalanced class series, most prominently the Rebalanced Paladin by OneWingedAngel on the Wizards boards.

Other than that reason for it to share in highest spell level and caster level reachable, there's also abilities core to the Dark Knight that make the levels of the spells themselves not at all too worrisome even in mid-to-late level games. The dark knight can decrease saves by Aura, Maneuvers, and Spells, and many feats already usable by many other Charisma-centric classes also aid the Dark Knight in this very department, examples being Dreadful Wrath and Never Outnumbered.

Of course, I may give the Dark Knight 0th level spells that begin from first level. That would be truer to "half-casting" in my own regards since zero to four is half the range of zero to nine. This would also help in regards to full caster level progression.

Dropping the spells also would be a very horrid thing. While Cecil nor Gaffgarion cast spells that were learned from their core class, Dark Knights in Final Fantasy XI could prove to be a moderately decent magic unit in due part to its indirect status anomaly and "Absorb" spells (these spells adapted to D&D via the "Siphon" spells).

Bard and Duskblade can keep their 7/10ths and 3/5ths spell level castings. It appeals to them more in my opinion.

I did agree with one idea you struck upon; perhaps, Dark Knight spells should be any spells within certain schools from the Sorcerer/Wizard spell lists. That was a very good idea.

If I was to pick any schools at this moment, then I would have to say Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, and Necromancy with possibly an additional school provided by some specialization or variant.
Last edited by Shokorai on Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Wait, onewingedangel´s paladin?

Yeah, we´ve seen it here. It´s not really all that good, or well written.

Mostly b/c it uses a pile of new mechanics that don´t allow it to contribute to a party enough that it would make a group made up of clerics, druids, rangers, rogues and wizards want to give up a cleric or druid as their melee tank.

Iaimeki wrote one up that I had a player play up till level 7 and it kept pace with the rest of the party just fine.
The Gaming Den; where Mathematics are rigorously applied to Mythology.

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Post by SunTzuWarmaster »

Maybe I will write a formal review later, but frankly I would never play it.

Melee is hard to play for the following reasons:
Guessing AC
Being a primary target for spells, ranged attacks, melee attacks, and spell-based touch attacks
- Power Attacking for the correct number
- Combat Expertise for the correct number
- Moving to keep combat options readied (you want to be able to use Whirlwind Attack soon, but you want to hit enemies now).
- Keeping all of the combat options on the table: You want to be able to Bull Rush, Grapple, Sunder, Trip, unleash a flurry attack, hit once for crazy damage. Much of this is done by selection of the correct feats.
- Action management (drop one weapon, quickdraw another weapon, activate a fighting style, whirlwind attack, and bull rush can all be done in a round)

Spellcasting is hard for the following:
- Keeping defenses up for long enough to be relevant
- Doing decent damage, when appropriate
- Stopping enemies, when appropriate
- Solving problems, when appropriate
- Preparing the appropriate spells to due the above
- Figuring out what the most effective spell is for a given situation
- Figuring out what your spellcasting options are
- Action management (fly as a move action, Glitterdust to reveal and blind hidden enemies, Improved Mirror Image when someone attacks you)

You have presented to me a melee class, with all of the complicated stuff of a melee class. You have presented to me a spellcasting class with all of the complicated stuff of being a spellcaster. On top of this, you have presented a class that get the Fighter-spells of a Tome of Battle character. Seriously, what the fuck? Sure, maybe it could be good, maybe it could even measure up to the Tome Monk, Samurai, or Barbarian. But would you honestly like to play a character that seriously has 33 combat options at level 10 (15 from feats (~3/feat), 6 maneuvers, 3 auras, 9 spells), not counting class abilities? THIRTY THREE.

Doesn't sound like any fun, frankly.
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Post by Shokorai »

Judging__Eagle wrote:Wait, onewingedangel´s paladin?

Yeah, we´ve seen it here. It´s not really all that good, or well written.

Mostly b/c it uses a pile of new mechanics that don´t allow it to contribute to a party enough that it would make a group made up of clerics, druids, rangers, rogues and wizards want to give up a cleric or druid as their melee tank.

Iaimeki wrote one up that I had a player play up till level 7 and it kept pace with the rest of the party just fine.
I have a very good friend with whom and another few individuals I have campaigned, and this friend has played the Rebalanced Paladin to 10th level.

As far as tanking, melee, and healing went, he stayed toe-to-toe with our main damage dealer (an Iaidoka samurai) and our healer (cleric).

I would not mind seeing this other paladin, though.
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Post by Bigode »

SunTzuWarmaster wrote:You have presented to me a melee class, with all of the complicated stuff of a melee class. You have presented to me a spellcasting class with all of the complicated stuff of being a spellcaster. On top of this, you have presented a class that get the Fighter-spells of a Tome of Battle character. Seriously, what the fuck? Sure, maybe it could be good, maybe it could even measure up to the Tome Monk, Samurai, or Barbarian. But would you honestly like to play a character that seriously has 33 combat options at level 10 (15 from feats (~3/feat), 6 maneuvers, 3 auras, 9 spells), not counting class abilities? THIRTY THREE.

Doesn't sound like any fun, frankly.
While I do object to having both spellcasting and maneuver mechanics too, the number of options in itself's actually something I'd like. Nothing wrong with 3 abilities/level.
Shokorai wrote:I would not mind seeing this other paladin, though.
Download the .pdf here and see Community Material (which I'd recommend), or just the class.
Hans Freyer, s.b.u.h. wrote:A manly, a bold tone prevails in history. He who has the grip has the booty.
Huston Smith wrote:Life gives us no view of the whole. We see only snatches here and there, (...)
brotherfrancis75 wrote:Perhaps you imagine that Ayn Rand is our friend? And the Mont Pelerin Society? No, those are but the more subtle versions of the Bolshevik Communist Revolution you imagine you reject. (...) FOX NEWS IS ALSO COMMUNIST!
LDSChristian wrote:True. I do wonder which is worse: killing so many people like Hitler did or denying Christ 3 times like Peter did.
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