4E Drow in chainmail bikinis should get a +5 damage bonus.

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Post by Username17 »

Elennsar wrote:
But what you keep saying, namely that it's OK, even desirable for individual playable characters to be sub par by design - that's bullshit. You're not even half right on that, you're just completely full of shit.
It is total bullshit that in order for you to be level appriopriate to a dwarf you have to gain the same bonuses that he does versus the same things.

You need to be able to contribute an equivalant amount, more or less (exactly when we have the dice randomizing is pretty damn hard to measure, particularly without a bell curve), but you do not need to be able to equal the elven tracker and scout at tracking and scouting to be able to track and scout well enough to keep up with things at your level.

Everyone needs to be good enough to contribute, but insisting that the dwarf must be as good at being a ranger or we yank the class away because he might as well not bother because he succeeds less of the time than the optimal ranger is eliminating any possibility of people who deal with a lack of natural talent at X by doing Y.
Get it through your thick fucking skull:

Being a good ranger does not mean getting the same bonuses to the same tasks!

A Dwarf Ranger can, and should, have different bonuses to different actions than an Elven Ranger. Sure, fine. Whatever. But that does not mean that he should be worse as a character. No one is especially arguing with you about your completely non-contentious idea that a Dwarf Ranger should be +1 at X and -1 at Y vs. an Elf Ranger. However, you keep insisting on generalizing this to state that the Dwarf should be -1 over all when compared to the Elven Ranger. And that's bullshit.

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Post by Elennsar »

Why is it more bullshit for dwarves to make bad rangers than for dwarves to be bad at spotting things, assuming there are other things dwarves can do that are equally useful to being rangers?

If its "-1 for the dwarf for being a dwarf whatever he does as an adventurer", that's bullshit. That's also not what I'm saying.
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Post by Username17 »

Why is it more bullshit for dwarves to make bad rangers than for dwarves to be bad at spotting things, assuming there are other things dwarves can do that are equally useful to being rangers?
Are you high?

One of them involves you being a balanced character with different strengths and weaknesses than other characters. The other involves you being an inferior, and therefore by definition an unbalanced character. In what way is that hard to understand?

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Post by Elennsar »

The part where you totally ignore that A) he may still be level appropriate, because while the elf is better, he is not incapable of success, and B) the part where he can do something else if being a ranger is on the "impossibly weak" list.

If every race does not have to do every class in the first place, every race does not have to get bonuses and penalties that effect every class identically either.

Say I have a +1 to hit people with a rapier (above and beyond the usual bonuses...I have Weapon Focus). Sometimes, I'll want to use something else because a rapier is an inferior option.

Am I an inferior character for not getting +1 to use maces when the time to use maces comes up?
Last edited by Elennsar on Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Username17 »

Elennsar wrote:The part where you totally ignore that A) he may still be level appropriate, because while the elf is better, he is not incapable of success,
I'm not ignoring that. That's exactly why he's not level appropriate. The Elf is Better. You can succeed with a commoner. That doesn't mean that he is in any way level appropriate.

Making a character sub par by design is bad design. Period. And the fact that it has taken you 11 pages of comments to still not realize that makes me think that you are troll or a moron.

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Post by Elennsar »

The elf is better =/= the other guys can't succeed often enough to win the amount of the time considered reasonable.

The elf can succeed on a 2 and you can succeed on a 4. Oh no.

Or a 12 and a 14 or whatever the odds are supposed to be.

If the dwarf can't make DC 25 at all (including a 20 other than "natural 20s are auto-successes"), then he's not level appropriate.

But an elf being a better scout does not mean that a dwarven scout is incapable of noticing things at the level he should notice them at level X, where X is anything over and including 1.
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Post by Username17 »

You keep making two aguments over, and over, and over again that are convincing noone. They will never convince anyone, because they are bad arguments. You need to come to grips with this.

The first argument is this:
  • Assume for the moment that it is OK fo a character to have a bonus in one situation and a penalty in another. In fact, let's assume that this is good because it makes one character different than another.

    Sure! We're totally willing to give you this premise!
  • Therefore it's OK for a character to have a bonus in the situation where they are an Elf Ranger, and a penalty in the situation where they are a Dwarf Ranger.

    Bzzzt! Wrong! You can't make that jump, because being "A Dwarf Ranger" is not a situation, it is the character. You don't stop being a Dwarf Ranger at any point, it stays with the character for life.
And the second argument is this:
  • Assume for the moment that small bonuses and penalties are OK to give out. After all, they are individually unlikely to push a character off the RNG.

    Sure. We're willing to give you that premise.
  • Therefore it's OK for a character to have a small bonus or penalty all the time.

    Bzzzt! Wrong! In a leveled system, getting a small bonus overall all the time is just like being higher level. Getting a small penalty all the time is just like being lower level. The level sets the character's average bonus so if you give permanent increases or decreases to that you literally have changed a character's effective level.
Your two arguments are bad. Both of them are bad. There is a clear and present logical disconnect in both arguments, which is why you have been making so little headway. What is really shocking however, is in how little ground you personally have given. You are wrong. Logically, demonstrably wrong. No one is going to think the less of you for admitting that - quite the opposite.

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Post by Elennsar »

Um, so you are unable to shift classes (either by stopping taking levels in being a ranger or converting levels in ranger to something else), ever?

How thrilling. That would be annoying even if I didn't suffer in an way shape or form from being a dwarven ranger.

If it is so inferior that it cannot do anything level appropriate, I won't pick it unless intending do something weak. And if the stuff is actually written clearly, instead of making it impossible to tell when you fall off the range, you will know what things are so penalized from what things are merely weakER (a race with no modifier to Int vs. one with a modifier to Int for being a wizard is not being "punished").
Therefore it's OK for a character to have a small bonus or penalty all the time.
Is not what I am saying. At all.

"Elves get a bonus to ranger skills." or even more so "Elves get +2 to Perception and Survival (two big things that come to mind when thinking of "what do rangers do")" does not mean "elven rangers get +2 to all rolls that they make in the entire game."

An elven ranger makes the same diplomacy checks as a human and will want to make them just as much.

Same with Intimidate or Bluff or Use Rope (whatever is done to make rolls for that useful) or Tumble.

Several other skills, but those are the easiest to name.
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Post by Orion »

Look, there are a lot of ways to make Minotaurs "bad at magic" without making Minotaur Wizards bad characters.

You could re-write the wizard class to have medium BAB and hit points, so that a Minotaur Wizard would have fewer spells but be able to beat people up with weapons.

You could introduce racial substitution levels giving wizards better hp and BAB only if they are minotaurs.


Note that in no way does making Minotaurs "bad at magic" even require giving them an INT penalty, nor is that particularly desireable. A more elegant solution would be to say that Minotaurs aren't allowed to play Wizards, but can only play Spellswords (assuming a system where Spellswords were balanced against wizards)

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Post by Elennsar »

If Minotaurs are "bad at arcane magic", and magic requires Intelligence, what is wrong with them having an Intelligence penalty?

Assuming that they can do some warrior mage that isn't a wizard just fine (and said warrior mage is equivalant), but "wizardry" is out...they might be just fine with some nonInt and nonarcane thing.

Naturally, this assumes that "wizard" is not "every goddamn spell you can think of", but that is an edit to be made anyway for reasons having nothign to do with minotaurs.
Last edited by Elennsar on Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Psychic Robot »

Racial substitution levels are, in my most humble opinion, the best way to differentiate classes while making them equal. Also, minotaurs sucking as wizards is okay. Really, it is. Minotaur wizards should be significantly stronger and hardier than their elven counterparts to help compensate for this weakness, but being really, really dumb is going to hurt the wizard more than being really, really weak.

It's just the way it is. Similarly, even if there are ways to make a charismatic fighter, losing Con and Str in favor of Cha probably won't balance out very well.

If it's such a huge problem for players, then be a jerk and take away the option for minotaurs to be playable. Or you can leave them as strong and dumb and tell players to get over it because the race/class combination just isn't that feasible because some races just don't work as some classes.
Count Arioch wrote:I'm not sure how discussions on whether PR is a terrible person or not is on-topic.
Ant wrote:
Chamomile wrote:Ant, what do we do about Psychic Robot?
You do not seem to do anything.
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Post by Draco_Argentum »

Gelare wrote:Is, in a word, incorrect. You simply can't take a game as complex as D&D and make every possible choice exactly equivalent. It's seriously not possible. Everyone really has to accept that there will be some variance in power level between the different race/class combinations, and from that point it's an empirical question how much people are willing to accept.
For the love of hatred, we know the system will not be perfect when implemented. Nobody is claiming otherwise. We all know a certain race is going to be the best ranger when the system is written. What we are saying is that its not okay to design a race to be better on purpose. Since this is a theoretical discussion that means "all races are equal" even though when put into practice we will miss that goal by some amount.

In short, stop conflating designed in power differences with accidental ones. You do not have a point and are just muddying the waters on purpose.

Talisman wrote:I would like to propose that a lot of the problem here is due to players playing in the GM's toy box. Kobolds and minotaurs have been used as examples a lot, and while I understand that they are just that - examples - they represent a problem with D&D specifically, and fantasy RPGs in general.
The issue as I see it is that the available PC races need to be similar enough. Everything that is available as a level one beginning character will have to be close. Thats why D&D has rubber forehead aliens for all the PC races. All of them are within the bounds of human variation, physically speaking. I propose as a theory that any races included need to have similar levels of deviation from each other for the game to work.

Elves and dwarves, sure thing. Want to add will o the wisps into the current PHB races? Not gonna work. The game gets balanced around what the PCs can do, its likely to be very hard to balance them if a racial choice allows a vastly different set of abilities.

I'd like to point out that people happily write 'Korean' on their character sheet in Shadowrun without getting bigger numbers for it.
Elsenar wrote:It is total bullshit that in order for you to be level appriopriate to a dwarf you have to gain the same bonuses that he does versus the same things.
What in the [EDITED]?! Thats blatantly not what Frank said. So blatantly that I'm going to call you a troll. Go fuck some other forum up.

[Edit]Fixed up Talisman quote and added more response. The [EDITED] in my response to Elsenar isn't an edit, its swearing that tgd blocks.[/Edit]
Last edited by Draco_Argentum on Thu Dec 04, 2008 11:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fuchs »

Elennsar sounds like he

a) doesn't get the difference between "Elves and Dwarves should be equally good rangers" and "An Elf PC and a Dwarf PC should be equally good rangers" and

b) has a problem if elves are not better rangers.
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Post by Username17 »

It is important to note that the argument:
  • There will be game balance issues in any final product with a finite playtesting period.
  • Therefore, it is OK to design balance issues into the game.
Is False.

Remember that balance error is just that - error. If you start with deliberate error in the system, then balance error is going to come and nail you to the wall. Error doesn't magically go away, it compounds.

Consider Savage Species. The monstrous characters were designed to be somewhat on the weak side. That is, game imbalance was specifically designed into the system. Then, error compounded that so that monster characters range from weak sauce to fake sauce. Had they been designed to be normal strength characters they would have fallen on a Gaussian Curve with some being weak and some being strong. But because they were designed to be unbalanced from the start, they are so weak as to be unusable.

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Post by Elennsar »

What in the [EDITED]?! Thats blatantly not what Frank said. So blatantly that I'm going to call you a troll. Go fuck some other forum up.
Insisting that a dwarf has to get the same bonuses to "ranger stuff" as an elf gets to "ranger stuff" or dwarves might as well be told "NO! No ranger for you!" is bull. So dwarves don't benefit from being archer-rangers and may actually be hindered as archer-rangers. OH NO!

As stated, I'm not saying that elves should get +2 to "all rolls when being a ranger", I'm saying that elves should do better at the scout-and-tracker skills that are one of the important things rangers (as distinct from some other class) do.

Dwarves, meanwhile, get something equivalant somewhere else.

So yes, dwarves are inferior at being archer-rangers.

On the other hand, elves are inferior at two-handed overwhelm, which dwarves do well.

Two-handed overwhelm doesn't particularly favor rangers (though its not useless), but it is a pretty good style for a fighter (which presumably means something better than "generic combat guy", but there's zillions of ways to do that).

So dwarves "make better fighters". They can wear heavier armor with less consequences and trade blows with something twice as big as them and come out covered in its blood.

So elves are better at the tracker and scout stuff, which means a lot to rangers. Dwarves are better at the tough and forceful stuff, which means less to rangers, and they might even be poor archers (though if they are, that needs to be compensated for with something they do well that's equally important in combat).

Making it so that no race can ever be unplayable or less than ideal at anything would suck. Making it so any race is unplayable most of the time (6+ out of 10 cases is enough to be most) would suck.

Note to the curious and thoughtful: "Elves make good rangers" is A) influenced by having been playing Warcraft 2 when I typed it and B) picking something other than "wizard" until we sort out how the wizard class relates to the other classes other than as the guy who dominates the game.

If elves make better rogues or ninja or whatever, that's okay.

In most areas (6/10 or so), elves have advantages in some ways and disadvantages in others the same as everyone else.

However, being able to run in heavy armor and laugh at the fatigue this should cause (and the encumbrance-slowing-movement factor) that dwarves get doesn't help them at being rangers.

Rangers need minimal encumbrance. Dwarves may be able to shrug off the burden of plate, but its still a burden rangers avoid. That's 50 pounds they could carry for something more useful then a bonus to AC they won't need if they're doing their job.

So as long as dwarves don't wind up as "unable to face level appropriate things (which could be done even if they'd be a good race for rangers if rangers don't add up to anything useful enough)", designing them so that some options are not wise needs to be balanced with "and some are", not by making them have no weaknesses to overcome by doing something that doesn't rely on ____ (whatever their weakness/es are).

"Being an adventurer and useful at that" is not tied solely to being good at whatever class you pick. You can make an excellent fighter in 3e as written and be miserably incompetent because fighters suck. if you're good at something useful, or useful at something good, you can contribute most of the time, like everyone else.

And just while making notes instead of saying what this post is intended to explain: It reads better as "Edited". Four letter words get overlooked a little more easily.

A note that I'm going to put in bold because I want to make it more visible.

Drow doing better (than normal) when wearing chainmail bikinis is one thing. Drow doing better than other races when wearing them (at whatever wearing them is supposed to do) is one thing. Drow being "better at being an adventurer than you" is so fething stupid that it needs to die a death too painful to be described. If elves make good archers, then nonelves need equally useful combat skills. If elves make good scouts, then nonelves need equally useful noncombat skills. And if elves are better adventurers, either we fethed up or they need a LA.
Last edited by Elennsar on Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bigode »

Dwarven rangers ought to be exactly as good as elven rangers. Elven fighters ought to be exactly as good as dwarven fighters. In different ways? Damn sure, but the characters ought to be all equal on average if they're of the same level. Will that fail, with them having some imbalance people might be able to fin if they look hard enough? Damn sure, but that will be an error, not "how the game ought to be".

I don't mind if a dwarven ranger/elven fighter feels a bit less of a ranger/fighter and more of a fighter/ranger, but they have to have equal power. The characters, not just the races (of course, the races included, to have any chance of achieving that for the characters).

What's the problem with the above?
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brotherfrancis75 wrote:Perhaps you imagine that Ayn Rand is our friend? And the Mont Pelerin Society? No, those are but the more subtle versions of the Bolshevik Communist Revolution you imagine you reject. (...) FOX NEWS IS ALSO COMMUNIST!
LDSChristian wrote:True. I do wonder which is worse: killing so many people like Hitler did or denying Christ 3 times like Peter did.
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Post by Elennsar »

When you try to do something your race is weak at and insist that this still apply.

But to quote myself...
If elves make good archers, then nonelves need equally useful combat skills. If elves make good scouts, then nonelves need equally useful noncombat skills.
If they're not equally useful, they don't have to make you equally useful as that specific class relative to another specific class, but they damn better be equally useful for the resulting character.

So a dwarf's +1 with axes doesn't help archer-ranger. An elf's +1 with bows does.

I'm for balancing it so that each race has something equally first, with areas of failure, areas of great triumph, and areas that they're competing essentially evenly...a +1 with swords is pretty equivalant to +1 with axes if axes are equally useful, but +1 with axes doesn't quite translate to +1 with bows because the circumstances are a different.

"Subpar" simply means "not the best". It should never mean "not good enough"...that's a deliberately seperate category.

And nothing that looks good enough should fail to be good enough...either we wrote it wrong in explaining or in statting.

Note: The reason for "balancing race first" is that you can change your class. Kind of hard to learn to be an elf though.
Last edited by Elennsar on Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kaelik »

Elennsar wrote:See, if you recognized that you literally have no idea how it feels to lose generations of friends then you would recognize my point. Nor do you have any idea to be a being with an alien thought process to humanity (unless you do, in which case you have no idea how to have a thought process that is alien to that mindset).

I'm curious Elennsar, do you recognize that you literally have no idea how it feels to attempt to hunt down and kill a lich and his dragon minions to prevent him from razing several cities that you kinda like?

What? You don't? Then you can't roleplay any character in any D&D game ever.

Or we can admit that Roleplaying means adopting a role, that you have never personally had, and that you then act as you believe that person must act.

But thank you for proving my point that you can never just admit you are wrong and that elves can totally have personalities that humans cannot, and instead insisting on such a laughable defense as, "You can't roleplay something unless it is actually your personal life."

It makes my job so much easier.

EDIT: Oh and:

1) Subpar means below average. IE not competent. That's why it's subpar not subfuckingawesome.

2) Race is usually a decision made after the decision of how you want to fight.

Assuming only three equal classes of Fighter/Mage/Rogue, that decision would be made before race, because it is more defining then race.
Last edited by Kaelik on Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bigode »

Elennsar wrote:When you try to do something your race is weak at and insist that this still apply.
Then it shouldn't be possible to play that, period. And that's why I'd never give a race a bonus to swording - I won't dictate the entire race never use anything else unless forced to.
Elennsar wrote:Note: The reason for "balancing race first" is that you can change your class. Kind of hard to learn to be an elf though.
Entirely possible. I'm not sure if you're one of those who like LotR, but I hear it's a big part of the source, and people totally learn elvenry there - even a dwarf.
Hans Freyer, s.b.u.h. wrote:A manly, a bold tone prevails in history. He who has the grip has the booty.
Huston Smith wrote:Life gives us no view of the whole. We see only snatches here and there, (...)
brotherfrancis75 wrote:Perhaps you imagine that Ayn Rand is our friend? And the Mont Pelerin Society? No, those are but the more subtle versions of the Bolshevik Communist Revolution you imagine you reject. (...) FOX NEWS IS ALSO COMMUNIST!
LDSChristian wrote:True. I do wonder which is worse: killing so many people like Hitler did or denying Christ 3 times like Peter did.
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Post by Elennsar »

You cannot roleplay something you cannot imagine. And playing a being with a mindset alien to anything human would be impossible.

Sure, you could guess at how an elf who has watched ten generations of human friends die of "old" age would feel, and you might be able to give a decent guess (elves appear to cope with grief similarly to how humans do, if not necessarily with the same actions, elven psychology is reasonably close to human).

Even if it was wildly unlike human actual behavior, if it was imaginable, you could do it.

For instance, an elf who deals with grief by planting flowers. Each rose bloom symbols a moment of joy.

But if you can't imagine how someone would feel, you can't roleplay that with any pretense towards accuracy.

I can admit I'm wrong when that's the case. When you learn how to think in inhuman ways, assume you can still use English, get back to me about being an alien and inhuman thing.
Then it shouldn't be possible to play that, period. And that's why I'd never give a race a bonus to swording - I won't dictate the entire race never use anything else unless forced to.
Define "impossible to play". Is it really that hard to say "Oh. Half-orcs have an Int penalty. Wizards need Int." means = "Better avoid being a wizard." for someone of sufficient intelligence to recognize those two facts?

As for "won't dictate"...that's taste. I don't mind all elves feeling that they should use bows...the reason for the +1 is that they're good archers.

But in that sort of thing, I'd rather make it so that there are a variety of things..."+1 with any one of the following weapons." and listing the ones the race uses most often. Some dwarves prefer hammers, some axes. Not many sword using dwarves (assuming the traditional mold, which as stated is not the one I want to use for the dwarves I'm creating. But in say, Middle-Earth, I'd go with it. Its just not how I would set up their culture and preferences.)
Entirely possible. I'm not sure if you're one of those who like LotR, but I hear it's a big part of the source, and people totally learn elvenry there - even a dwarf.
I am and not entirely. Some elven things, perhaps, but you can't transform from a dwarf to an elf.

Certainly a lot of learnable stuff you can pick up from an elven friend, however. Unfortunately, LotR elves would have to have a LA of at least 1.

Which brings up a point. No race with a LA of 0 should have any modifiers different than +0 from their race that are greater than can be compensated for by a feat unless this is a severe weakness (in which case some other solution needs to be available if at all possible...if Dwarves have really rotten eyesight, they will be trying to invent glasses)

"All things being identical otherwise, the elf is better." is fine. "The elf is better." means there's no point trying to be a good human scout, which would be unfun if humans are supposed to be able to scout well enough that we care.
Last edited by Elennsar on Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:34 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Elennsar wrote:You cannot roleplay something you cannot imagine.

Sure, but I can imagine some pretty far-out stuff.
And playing a being with a mindset alien to anything human would be impossible.
Um, what? Dude, read a book. Science fiction writers have been writing from alien perspectives for decades.
I can admit I'm wrong when that's the case.
I really don't believe you can. Your observed behavior is that of a near-pathological sophist.
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Post by Elennsar »

#1: Not going to argue with that.

#2: And demonstrating my point. You cannot describe an alien intelligence no human can comprehend's thought process.

You can sure as feth say that it has one and never get into how it is alien beyond using words like "unfathomable", however.

But "how would an alien being really think?" is a question you can't answer because if it is so alien we cannot comprehend it (we=humans in the literature), how is it possible for humans to describe it as writers?

#3: Your misperceptions of my behavior.

If I am wrong, prove it. Insulting me is a great way to make me think that you have no rational arguement against my point.
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Post by Voss »

Good gods.

Can we somehow tag people with custom titles? Because Elennsar needs to be tagged with 'King of Stupid'.
If elves make good archers, then nonelves need equally useful combat skills. If elves make good scouts, then nonelves need equally useful noncombat skills. And if elves are better adventurers, either we fethed up or they need a LA.
Why the fuck have you been arguing the opposite for 10 pages, then?
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Post by Elennsar »

Why the feth is insisting that elves should make good archer-rangers and that dwarves should make bad archer-rangers the opposite of "elves should be good here but dwarves should do SOMETHING ELSE that is equally as good" contrary to anything I've argued?

That may mean "dwarves in the fighter class", because fighters do something rangers don't.

But whatever that something else is, just because it doesn't benefit a particular class for dwarves to be awesome with mechanical things doesn't mean that being awesome with mechanical things shouldn't be equally effective at "adventurer".

My arguement is and remains the following:
1: Elves should make good archer rangers (or whatever).

2: Dwarves should make bad archer rangers (or whatever).

3: Dwarves do something as well as elves do archer ranger at something equally useful and productive that is a different role.

4: Elves are inferior at that (or another) something the same way dwarves are inferior archer rangers.

Not "Elven rangers are better than dwarven characters". Feth no.
Last edited by Elennsar on Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Elennsar wrote:If I am wrong, prove it. Insulting me is a great way to make me think that you have no rational arguement against my point.
You don't have a point. You have a schizophrenic ramble which contradicts itself whenever you find it convenient. There's nothing there to argue against.

You are now the second person ever I have put on ignore.
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