So, check my build?

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So, check my build?

Post by Prak »

Just wondering what people think of the build I've got going right now, looking for any suggestions on increasing effectiveness:

Gorath ("Deathblade" of the Dhall Clan) Hellbound
Hellbred Uthuk Y'llan Paladin 4
Medium Humanoid (Hellbred) - HD 4d10(38 )+8+12= (HP:58 )
Alignment: Lawful Good
Speed: 30 ft.
Initiative: +1

Armour Class: 23 (+6 armour, +2 shield, +1 dex, +3 natural armour); Touch: 11; Flatfooted: 21

Greatsword +7m (one handed) 2d6+7, 19-20/x2
Lrg. Spiked Gauntlet +9m 1d6+5, x2

Saves: Fort +8, Reflex +4, Will +4

Abilities: Str 22, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 14

Skills/lvl 4+1= 5/lvl

Notable Items:
Breakdown of abilities:

Abilities (4d6, reroll 1s, drop lowest)
S 22 (18+4 racial)
D 13
C 15 (13+2 racial)
I 14 (16-2 racial)
W 12 (13-2 racial+1[4th])
Ch 14 (1)

Init +1
BAB +4, Grap +9
Fort +8 (base +4, con +2, divine grace +2)
Ref +4 (base +1, dex +1, divine grace +2)
Will +4 (base +1, wis +1, divinegrace +2)


1. Paladin 1, Smite Evil, Detect Evil, Aura of Good (Devil's Favour [racial bonus], Devil's Flesh)
2. Paladin 2 (Devil's Stamina [house rule bonus], Monkey Grip [house rule bonus])
3. Paladin 3 (Devil's Tongue, Power Attack [house rule bonus], Cleave [house rule bonus], Devil's Aura [house rule bonus])
4. Paladin 4 (Great Cleave [house rule bonus], Devil's Sight [racial bonus])

Concentration (Con) 5r+2ab=+7
Diplomacy (Cha) 4r+2ab-3misc=+3
Intimidate (Cha) 0r+2ab+7misc=+9
Heal (Wis) 6r+1ab+2misc=+9
Knowledge: Nobility and Royalty (Int) 2r+2ab=4
Knowledge: Religion (Int) 5r+2ab=+7
Sense Motive (Wis) 6r+1ab=7

Devil's Favour (+2 on an atk, save or check, [#Devil Touched Feats/day])
Devils' Flesh (+1/2[#DTF] Natural Armour and Intimidate, -[Natual Armour] Diplomacy
Devil's Stamina (+2hp/DTF, FH [#DTF] for 5 rounds 1/day)
Monkey Grip
Power Attack
Devil's Aura (Aura of Fear for one round, Will, [#DTF]/day)
Devil's Tongue (Daze & Flatfoot target w/i 60', Will, [#DTF]/day, Std. Act., Swift act for 2 uses)
Great Cleave
Devil's Sight (DV 60', Activate Blindsight 30' for 5 rnds as swift action [#DTF]/day)

Gear Breakdown
Lrg. Spiked Gauntlet
Lt. Xbow (it was loot)
MW Longsword (also loot)
MW Heavy Mace (loot)

Banded Mail
[+6 AC Dex +1 ACP -6 35% ASF]
Heavy Steel Shield
[+2 AC -2 ACP 15% ASF]

general adventuring gear... haven't had much of a chance to rack up magical shinies.
stole layout from JE.

DM's not using Tome, but he is using a house rule from BESM d20, we can convert xp to character points on a 100 to 1 basis, and feats cost a point, which is how I have so many bonus feats. Looks like he's allowing a max conversion of Lvlx100xp to lvl cp.
Last edited by Prak on Wed May 27, 2009 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by ubernoob »

Monkey Grip is retarded.
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Post by virgil »

And yet I know people who routine ban it because it's overpowered. Here's a reason why: they're dumb.

It's a feat for people who want even more swinginess in their fights.
Last edited by virgil on Wed May 27, 2009 1:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
Come see Sprockets & Serials
How do you confuse a barbarian?
Put a greatsword a maul and a greataxe in a room and ask them to take their pick
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Post by ubernoob »

virgileso wrote:And yet I know people who routine ban it because it's overpowered. Here's a reason why: they're dumb.

It's a feat for people who want even more swinginess in their fights.
No, it's retarded because it makes you worse. Just power attack for two for better effect.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

You might want to ask about buying cross-class skills after you get all the feats you want or hit a feat cap.
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Post by SunTzuWarmaster »

Monkey Grip is bad (as noted).

Looks like you ought to just spam Devil feats from here on out. Each additional one currently gives you:

+1/2 point of NA
+2 hp

and 1x/day:
+2 on a roll
Aura of Fear
Daze/FF ray

oh yea, and Great Cleave is stupid. I know the "keep on killing until you stop" is cool, but I have seen it make play exactly once in the last 5 years. For the most part, enemies aren't low enough level that you can kill more than the 2 Cleave will give you.

Pick up a tactical feat or two (Shock Trooper) for great justice. Or, you seem to be lacking the classical mounted combat feats that paladins normally have.
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Post by Prak »

Monkey grip was basically for pure flavour and so I could use a shield with my great sword, and it only cost me 100xp, so I wasn't too worried about it's optimal-ness. I mean, hell, I just picked up four ranks of craft (metalworking) so I can repair some iron defenders I had to cut down in the first adventure. I claimed the adventure site that just happens to be within the city and am using it as a base of operations, and figured if I can get the iron defenders fixed up and re-animated that I can have a few guards. I'm not too concerned about feats and skills at the moment, though I am looking for a prestige class.

So far I'm looking at:
Anointed Knight as my ninth level.
Fist of Raziel next level (we just hit fifth tonight.)
Sword of Righteousness, if I find any exalted feats that are worth it.
Maybe Divine Crusader/Pious Templar, if I can work out what deity my character would serve.
hmm.. there's an interesting class called Martyr in quintessential paladin...
Martyr wrote:1st- Take the pain (take all melee and ranged weapon damage for a person with 5'+5'/wis mod; 2nd- Hardened (DR 0+Wis Mod/-); 3rd- Motivating Sacrifice (companions gain +1 morale bonus for initiative, attacks and damage/10 points damage martyr takes in combat, if martyr falls in combat, companions gain additional +2 morale bonus); 4th- Pain is my strength (martyr can convert damage taken into Con damage at rate of 5 pts damage to 1 Con, doesn't lose HP for lower con until end of battle, and every 2 Con damage gives martyr +1 atks, damage and saves); 5th- Last Stand (remain conscious and active below 0 points, gain +2 morale to atk and damage, max 20, +1 saves, max 10, for every point below 0. death threshold is equal to -10 minus class level minus con or wisdom mod, whichever is greater. Once this ability is used, martyr dies at end of combat and immediately ascends to the higher planes, and will not return to life in any way. Martyr can choose to not use this ability)
AEG's got an interesting Masked Avenger PrC
Masked Avenger wrote:1st-Favoured Enemy; 2nd-Ambush (+4 competence bonus to attacks, damage, skill and ability checks during surprise round); 3rd-bonus (combat oriented) feat; 4th- Favoured Enemy, Darkness is my Ally (low light vision; also gives darkvision 30', or +15', at seventh and Blind fight, or a +4 spot in poor lighting at 10th); 5th- Face of the Unseen (+4 Disguise, Hide, and Move Silently); 6th- Bonus Feat, Strike Fear into the Heart of the Enemy (Favoured Enemies must make will save or suffer -2 morale penalties on attacks, damage and saves, and must try to flee. Non-intelligent creatures, undead and creatures with 6+ HD are immune.); 7th- Favoured Enemy; 8th- Lightning Speed (+10 spd, +2 initiative); 9th- Bonus Feat; 10th- Favoured Enemy.
how's it look? I just know it sounds cool, no clue whether it's worth it or not... Full BAB, Good Ref and Will.
hmm... might go Renegade Mastermaker after taking a class called Sacred Smith from Quintessential Paladin... Sacred Smith is an item creating class that allows one to make a "minor relic", basically allowing one to make a magic item without needing to worry about ability to cast the spells, but must pay 100xp per unavailable spell level... so I'd just wait until Renegade Mastermaker 1 to craft my minor relic and make it my battlefist... no real reason for these classes other than I find them interesting.

any suggestions?
SunTzuWarmaster wrote:Looks like you ought to just spam Devil feats from here on out. Each additional one currently gives you:

+1/2 point of NA
+2 hp

and 1x/day:
+2 on a roll
Aura of Fear
Daze/FF ray
I already spammed 'em all I could. I'm thinking about either reflavouring other "bad-touched" feats and getting dm apporval, or writing up some new Devil Touched Feats.
oh yea, and Great Cleave is stupid. I know the "keep on killing until you stop" is cool, but I have seen it make play exactly once in the last 5 years. For the most part, enemies aren't low enough level that you can kill more than the 2 Cleave will give you.
actually we've been getting spammed with hordes of low level shit and spellcasters... I killed a necromancer with one hit earlier.
Pick up a tactical feat or two (Shock Trooper) for great justice. Or, you seem to be lacking the classical mounted combat feats that paladins normally have.
I'll have to take a look at the tacticals, I typically suffer from TL;DR when it comes to those... and didn't worry about mounted stuff because I didn't have a mount, but I just got my special mount ability last night, so I'll start looking at mounted combat.
Last edited by Prak on Wed May 27, 2009 10:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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