Favored Souls [Tome of Virtue]

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Favored Souls [Tome of Virtue]

Post by Kaelik »

First off, the Favored Soul blows. It casts worse than a Cleric, because it's a spell level behind. It casts worse than a Cleric, because it casts "spontaneously" from a short list of spells known, often only one, instead of preparing from all Cleric spells in existence. It has a few shitty features that are probably less than what a Cleric gets from Domains, and definitely less than casting three spells, and oh right, it casts worse than a Cleric because it casts off two fucking attributes!

Bottom line, it blows goat dicks, and whomever made it needs to be stuffed upsidedown in a trash can for a duration of infinity.

So how to make them not suck?

Well, a Favored Soul is supposed to be someone blessed by their god with some sweet powers, so how about those powers be based off actual fucking things their god does.

So a favored soul of Auril is just a snowscaper. A Favored soul of Talos is a Storm Lord, and a Favored soul of Obadi is Druid.

But some people are slightly more complex than that, so they still need classes made for them.

In this case, here is a goddam list of FR and Greyhawk deities. If you think a class matches, I'll add it in.

Kossuth: Fire Mage
Silvanus: Druid
Talos: Storm Lord
Auril: Snowscaper
Obad-hai: Druid
Kord: Barbarian
Huhueteotl: fire
Lendor: Time Mage
Wee Jas
St. Cuthbert
Anyway So I'm going to be making some Favored Souls that are just that.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Kaelik »

Favored of Vecna
"No he's not a zombie, this is just my really slow brother Ted."

HD: d6
BAB: Bad
Saves: Good Will, Bad Fort and Reflex
Skills: 6+Int, Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Disguise, Forgery, Hide, Knowledge (All), Move Silently, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, UMD
Alignment: Usually Evil, for obvious reasons.

1: Touch of Unlife, Deathsense, Glyphs
2: Lifesense, Curse of Death. Zombie Slave
3: Disguises, Ask Vecna (Divination), Nondetection
4: Skeleton Minion, Undead Immunities
5: Arcane Sight, Spectral Hand
6: Undead Grafting (Minions)
7: Gaze of Vecna
8: Reactive Touch, Ask Vecna (Contact Other Plane)
9: Invisibility, Mummy
10: Lichdom
11: Deathtouch
12: Mindblank, Undead Grafting (Self)
14: Paralysis
16: Vampire Squad
20: Demilich

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Favored of Vecna (hereafter FoV) are proficient with Light armor and simple weapons.

Touch of Unlife (Su): As a swift action, a FoV may make a touch attack, and deal 3 per FoV level negative energy damage to a target within 5ft (Or farther if a larger creature).

Deathsense (Su): A FoV knows the location of any non living body within 120ft, even if he does not have line of effect to the body. He also knows whether or not the body has been turned into an undead, and any effects that might influence it's future turning into an undead (IE, if it died from an undead that creates spawn, or from negative levels).

For the purposes of targeting, treat this as blindsight, but it does not allow the FoV to target when he does not have line of sight/effect to the body if he would normally need it.

Glyphs (Sp): A FoV may have up to 1/2 his FoV level (Round up) in Glyphs at a time, each of up to 1/2 his FoV level, rounded up from the Glyph list. Each Glyph is a small object or paper with the glyph inscribed on it. Creating a Glyph takes one minute of concentration and destroys a glyph of the FoV's choosing if he already has his maximum.

To activate a Glyph, the FoV must have it in hand, and use a free action to rub it the right way. Only an FoV may do this, and only for his own Glyphs. When this is done, the Glyph has it's effect, which is allowing the FoV to cast the spell at Caster level equal to FoV level, with a DC of 10+1/2 Character level+Int Modifier. Drawing a specific Glyph is a free action if done as part of the action of activating it. Once activated, the Glyph disappears, substituting for any material component, experience component, or focus of the spell, and the FoV must use his next standard action to begin casting the spell.

Non Detection (Su): A FoV is constantly under the effects of the NonDetection spell, at CL = to Character level, as if cast by himself.

Lifesense (Su): A FoV gains Lifesense.

Curse of Death (Ex): A FoV is cured by negative energy even if he isn't undead. He is also harmed by positive energy, even if not undead.

Zombie Slave (Sp): As a full round action, a FoV may animate a single creature with HD equal to or less than his own into a Zombie from a body (which will have twice as much HD as the original form, and so may have more HD than the FoV). You can only have one, but then you get a second one when you get access to each new type of undead minion.

Disguises (Sp): The FoV may use Disguise Self on himself at will as a standard action. He may also use it on his Zombie Slave, and any future undead he creates by means of FoV class features.

Ask Vecna (Sp): A FoV may use Divination once per day to ask Vecna a single question. This is identical to the spell Divination, except that if Vecna doesn't want the FoV to know the truth, the answer will be whatever Vecna wishes. The Caster level is equal to FoV level.

At level 8 the FoV may use Contact Other Plane at will, but he must always ask Vecna, who counts as a Greater Deity, but with knowledge of everything (reroll results of don't know). This is subject to the problem as above.

Skeleton Minion (Sp): The FoV may animate any creature with HD equal to or less than his own as a Skeleton (with an appropriate body). He can only have one initially, but when he gets access to Mummies he can make a second one, and an additional one with each type of undead he gets access to.

Undead Immunities (Ex): A FoV becomes like an undead, gaining immunity to all poison, sleep, paraylsis, stunning, disease, energy drain, fatigue and exhaustion.

Arcane Sight (Su): The FoV has an Arcane Sight effect on himself at all times, except his eyes do not glow blue.

Spectral Hand (Sp): The FoV may use Spectral hand at will as an SLA, and this hand may make ranged touch attacks for any supernatural or spell like abilities the FoV possesses in the action they normally use.

Undead Grafting (Su): As part of a ritual that takes one minute, a FoV may graft other undead parts onto his undead minions, giving them benefits as described in the graft entry at the end of this class. Each Undead my only have one graft type applied.

At level 12 He may apply grafts to himself as well, and each minion (and himself) can be subject to two grafts.

Gaze of Vecna (Sp): A FoV may, as a standard action, gaze at one target, Panicking it for 3 rounds if it fails a Will save against DC 10+1/2 Character level+ Int modifier. This is a Mind affecting effect, however all types of undead are instead rendered helpless for 3 rounds by an effect that is not mind affecting. The FoV does not need to specify the type of Gaze, Vecna uses his perfect knowledge to make sure the correct effect occurs based on which the person is.

Reactive Touch (Su): Touch of Unlife becomes an immediate action.

Invisibility (Sp): A FoV may use invisibility as a spell like ability at will, but it only affects himself and his undead minions.

Mummy (Su): A FoV may mummify a corpse and bring it to unlife in a ritual taking one day. This Mummy has the stats of CR 5 SRD mummy, but with feats chosen by the FoV. It advances two undead HD per level the FoV gains after nine. The mummy may give orders to the other minions, and if it does so, they are capable of making bluff checks to stay in disguise at the Mummies check result, as long as they don't try to speak.

Lichdom (Ex): The FoV becomes a Lich. Not by applying the MM template, but he does get to spend one day in ritual crafting a Phylactery, which also has the properties of any major magic item he wishes (at the moment of creation, then the properties are set). This Phylactery then allows him to grow a new body in 1d4+1 days after his demise. If the item is being used by another for over half that period, then it corrupts their body, killing them, and using their body. They are entitled to a Will Save DC 10+1/2 Character level+Int modifier to notice the effect and realize they should take the item off. (It requires specific knowledge of this Phylactery effect to realize the item is anything other than a cursed Major Magic Item, a DC 35 Knowledge Religion check. Though PCs may extrapolate from the assumption of a Lich, or from divinations.)

Additionally, when becoming a Lich, the FoV gains immunity to death effects, ability damage to physical attributes, cold, electricity, and polymorph effects.

They also gain a +5 natural armor bonus to AC, DR 15/magic and bludgeoning, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +2 Int, and a +8 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks.

He counts as undead for the purpose of spell effects of all kinds (including immunity to Fort saves that don't affect objects), and is really an undead, but he keeps his Con score and his d6 HD.

Deathtouch (Su): When using Touch of Unlife, the FoV may also apply one negative level with the touch, healing undead an additional 25 HP, or acting as a normal negative level on opponents.

Mindblank (Ex): A FoV gains Mindblank at this level as a persistent nonmagical effect.

Paralysis (Su): When affected by Touch of Unlife, living creatures must make a Fort save against DC 10+1/2 Character level+Int modifier or be Paralyzed permanently. Successfully saving against this effect once grants 24 hour immunity.

Vampire Squad (Ex): The FoV gains a Vampire Squad consisting of one Vampire with a CR equal to FoV's CR -2, and as many Vampire Spawn as he wants. The Vampire joins because he sees what's good for him, so a new one can be found if the first should die, by just divining the location of a vampire that meets the CR requirements and demanding his allegiance. Alternatively, one of the Vampire Spawn may be promoted and mysteriously gain a bunch of levels. Vampire Spawn are replaceable by the normal means if the Vampire still lives.

Demilich (Ex): The FoV becomes a Demilich. He is now a true Lietuent of Vecna, and as such gains Divine Rank 0, the ability to use Imprisonment as an SLA at will. He gains immunity to Critical hits and non lethal damage.

He also gains a ring that gives him Regeneration 2 per round (all), and a +2 Deflection bonus to AC that stacks with all other deflection bonuses.

And his name is irreversibly changed to Kangaxx.

Ghastly Stench (Ex): By culturing Ghast skin on top of the body, You grant an undead creature the Ghast's stench class feature, with a DC of 10+1/2 creatures HD.

Devourer's Stomach (Su): By implanting an essence container in a creature, you grant it the Devourer's Trap Essence and Spell Deflection qualities.

Mohrg Claws (Su): Creatures killed by this creature in melee rise as zombies 1d4 days later. However, because you aren't a real Mohrg, they are not under your control.

Madness Shield (Su): By binding an Allip to another undead, you redirect all attempts at mind reading, mind control, or telepathy on this undead to the Allip, and the instigator suffers the normal effect of attempting such an action on an Allip. With this active, order given to this undead must be verbal.

Night Crawlers Heart (Su): The undead radiates an aura of the desecrate spell at all times.

Nightwing Cloak (Su): By sewing a Nightwing's wing into the skin of an undead, they gain Spell Resistance equal to 10+CR, and damaged reduction 15/silver and magic.

Vampiric Claws (Su): Each successful natural weapon attack heals this undead 5HP, or gives it 5 Temp HP. The Undead also gains Fast healing 2.

Visage of the Mummy (Su): By carving a Mummies mask over the face of this undead, any creature seeing it is subject to the Despair (Su) ability of a Mummy, except that the DC is 10+1/2 HD of the undead. This doesn't work if applied to a Mummy.

Wight (Su): If any natural attacks from this undead strike their target this round, the target takes one negative level. If the undead strikes multiple creatures, they all take one negative level. If it strikes the same creature multiple times, it takes one negative level. If it dies of negative levels, it spawns as a Wight at the next sunset.
Level 1: Identify, Cause Fear, Chill Touch, Ray of Enfeeblement, Protection from Good, Deathknell, Wall of Smoke

Level 2: Unholy Blight, Obscure Object, Locate Object, See Invisibility, Misdirection, Gentle Repose, Desecrate, Blindness/Deafness, Command Undead, Kelgore's Grave Mist, Ghoul Glyph

Level 3: Bestow Curse, Dispel Good, Magic Circle Against Good, Halt Undead, Ray of Exhaustion, Vampiric Touch, Contagion, Invisibility Purge, Speak with Dead, Skull Watch, Greater Disrupt Undead, Mind Poison, Spider Poison

Level 4: Detect Scrying, Locate Creature, Scrying, Hallucinatory Terrain, Illusory Wall, Fear, Phantasmal Killer, Enervation, Death Ward, Greater Magic Weapon, Poison, Horrid Sickness,

Level 5: False Vision, Mirage Arcana, Raise Dead, Slay Living, True Seeing, Unhallow, Unholy Aura, Spirit Wall, Night's Caress,

Level 6: Analyze Dweomer, Legend Lore, Circle of Death, Symbol of Fear, Fleshshiver, Undeath to Death, Forbiddance, Find the Path, Harm, Opalescent Glare, Incorporeal Nova,

Level 7: Banishment, Sequester, Greater Scrying, Vision, Insanity, Control Undead, Waves of Exhaustion, Finger of Death, Barghest's Feast,

Level 8: Dimensional Lock, Trap the Soul, Discern Location, Screen, Horrid Wilting, Symbol of Death, Binding, Blackfire, Heart of Stone, Greater Bestow Curse

Level 9: Power Word Kill, Weird, Energy Drain, Soul Bind, Wail of the Banshee, Implosion, Mass Harm
This list is currently SRD only, plus two necromancy spells that I really like and remember off the top of my head.

Some notes about possible additions:

1) The theme is "Divinations, Illusions that hide things (in a non combat way), and Necromancy stuff" plus some Enchantments or Abjurations that involve setting up defensive strongholds.

2) Don't give them too much variety in attack spells. They should never be able to be as good as a Wizard on the attack, most effects have either the Fear or Death tag, or don't actually bring someone completely out of the fight. Also, they lack good AoE attacks (till 9th level), and that's intentional.

3) They should not be given any ability to create undead reliably outside of killing others. They get to create undead from their class features, and from killing others and then trying to take control of them, that's it. No Animate Dead of Create Undead was intentional, so don't add any from other sources.

4) Be mindful of the fact that they don't have to pay any XP or Material components.
Last edited by Kaelik on Wed Apr 17, 2019 12:46 am, edited 11 times in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Kaelik »

This is a Placement
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Orca »

There's any number of D&D deities of luck who would probably favour rogues. Bahamut goes for paladins, Miellikki for rangers IIRC.

A question: do you think favoured soul might be better handled by one of the scaling feats used in Tome games? Being favoured by your god might not preclude holding down a job as some other class IMO.
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Post by Koumei »

I'm interested in seeing your take on the Favoured Soul of Loviatar.
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Post by PhaedrusXY »

Koumei wrote:I'm interested in seeing your take on the Favoured Soul of Loviatar.
I bet you are. Who isn't? :biggrin:
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Post by Koumei »

Oh, you don't understand. She's the only deity I like enough to play a Cleric of. Four, to date. One straight pure Cleric, two into Maiden of Pain (one CL and a feat in exchange for a Stunning touch attack, channeling all touch attacks (including Touch spells) through the whip and so on) and one Scion (Ultimate Prestige Classes (Mongoose). Most broken PrCl ever).

I could probably whip one up write one up, but I'd like to see Kaelik's take on it.
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Post by For Valor »

Mask wrote:And for the love of all that is good and unholy, just get a fucking hippogrif mount and pretend its a flying worg.
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Post by Koumei »

It's a Baldur's Gate 2 thing.

Possibly Kelemvor FS could just be a Knight. They are all Knighty. Or maybe I'm thinking of some other one, that specifically gets a spell that's "You move like a Chess Knight".

Pelor should totally be the new and unimproved one, the counterpart to Vecna - one lost his hand and eye, the other lost his balls. Domains include GOOD HARVESTS and not "kicking the shit out of undead".

Tiamat and Bahamut can probably be done by taking the Dragonwank Adept and making it not suck.
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Post by Maxus »

Tempus from FR could be all about Barbarians and fighters. As I recall, he's the god of war and combat.

Hieroneous' favored souls are Kantian Paladins.

Olidammara should have Jesters and Thief-Acrobats. Mask could probably get rogues and assassins.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Kaelik »

Okay, so I want to say something now because I have to.

NO, bad.

The point of Favored Souls is that their God imbues them with some bullshit powers.

As such, they totally can't be imbued with being a rogue, or likewise. It's supposed to be special shit.

So a Favored Soul of Kord is not a Fighter, it's a guy who can cast Divine Power at will as a swift action and do Kord like stuff. Barbarians can be bent to this type of theme, because they get magical bonuses and the ability to negate magic, or to be so tough that things don't hit them, but just saying "Spellcaster X is a favored soul of Y" or "skill based class X is a favored soul of Y" is just wasting people's time. Yes you can play a Fighter who worships Kord, or a Rogue who Worships olidammaru, but that's not the same thing as being a favored soul of X. Mages who cast ice spells are not Favored Souls of Auril, Snowscapers are.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Maxus »

I was thinking of there being Favored Soul feats or alternate features or exploits for people who have the misfortune to be a devout follower of Tempus or some god of other non-magic people. They can totally get the special powers showing they're in their god's favor, such as a Fighter being able to call up Bull's Strength any time they want, or an FS of a thief-god being able to just say "Yes, I succeed on my Bluff check".

But not all of the favored souls need a whole class to reflect that.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Koumei »

I wrote up a couple of Favoured Souls (two days without Internet, nuff said). Would it be acceptable to post them up here, or should I GTFO and make my own thread?
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Post by Kaelik »

Maxus wrote:But not all of the favored souls need a whole class to reflect that.
No Favored Souls need a whole class to reflect it. But neither do force mages, storm lords, or the distinction between Wizards and Sorcerers.

I'm writing up classes, and taking other people's classes. Suck on it.

@Koumei: Yes you can post them here. Look at those two lists of deities, even though there is overlap, that's still a shitload.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Koumei »

I just didn't want to come barging on in and derailing things like a rude motherfucker. But without further ado...

The Favoured Soul of Loviatar

"Life is suffering. Let me help you live."

Class Features:
Hit Die: 1d6
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Saving Throws: Good Fort and Ref
Skill Points: 4+Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (Any), Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty, The Planes or Religion), Listen, Perform (Oratory), Sense Motive, Use Rope
1First Level Blessings, Code of Conduct, Bulletproof Beauty2
2Lasher, Whip the Soul2
3Second Level Blessings, Touch of Pain3
4Addicted to Pain, Extract Agony3
5Third Level Blessings, Reaching Lash +5'3
6Power Through Pain4
7First Perfection, Fourth Level Blessings4
8Burning Pain, Terrible Torture4
9Fifth Level Blessings, Eternal Sadomasochism4
10Chosen of Loviatar, Reaching Lash +10'5
11Sixth Level Blessings, Vile Scarification5
12Second Perfection, Flay Foes5
13Seventh Level Blessings5
14Treasured Touch of Exquisite Agony5
15Eighth Level Blessings, Reaching Lash +15'6
16Ring of Dominance6
17Third Perfection, Ninth Level Blessings6
18Scourge of the Planes6
19Tenth Level Blessings6
20Maiden of Pain, Reaching Lash +20'6

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: the Favoured Soul of Loviatar is proficient with Light Armour but no shields. She is proficient with Simple Weapons, Whips and Whiplike Weapons (such as the Whip-Dagger, Scourge, Nagaika, Stingray Whip and Scorpion Whip).

Blessings (Sp): the Favoured Soul of Loviatar has various blessings she can channel. Some are used to bless her or her allies, others are used to "bless" enemies. These are Spell-Like Abilities, with a caster level equal to her hit dice and a Save DC of 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Although Blessings can be used at will, there is in fact a limit to them: as she gains more levels, she gains more Attunements. Every morning when she pray, she may attune spells to herself for the day, up to the limit given. Any given Blessing Level may only have a maximum of two of its spells Attuned at a time. When the spells are Attuned, she can cast them at will. For spells that are not Instantaneous, casting it again while it is already in effect ends the effects of the first one.

Attuned spells actually leave markings on her body or mind. For each one, she must choose to gain either a form of Mental Taint, a form of Physical Taint, or some symbolic image of the spell to appear as a welt or tattoo on her body.

In the former case, spending time with her can allow for a Sense Motive check, opposed by her Bluff check. If she does not beat their result, they realise she has an unnatural mental trait. In either latter case, if the trait or marking is not actively hidden or covered, it can be seen. In either case, if the trait is recognised, then they can make a Spellcraft or Knowledge (Religion) check with a DC equal to 10 + her hit dice to identify what Blessings she has Attuned.

Bulletproof Beauty (Su): the Favoured Soul may add her Charisma modifier as a Profane Bonus to her Armour Class when wearing Light or No armour.

Code of Conduct (Ex): the Favoured Soul of Loviatar has a code of conduct that she should probably adhere to, otherwise Loviatar will punish her for 30 days or until Atonement is cast upon her, also requiring a thorough thrashing.

Lasher (Su): starting at level two, the Favoured Soul can channel Spell-Like Abilities through Whips and whip-like weapons. She must decide to do so when making the attack (as a Standard action) - if the attack misses then the ability use is wasted. If it hits, then the target is affected (though may still attempt any saving throws and Spell Resistance applies as normal).

Whip the Soul (Su): starting at level two, the Favoured Soul can strike especially well with whips. She threatens squares normally, does not provoke for attacking with them, deals real damage at no penalty if she so wishes, and the effects are not negated by any amount of Armour or Natural Armour.

Touch of Pain (Su): the third-level Favoured Soul of Loviatar can cause terrible pain with a simple Touch Attack as a Standard Action. She may channel this through a whip or whiplike weapon, benefiting from the reach. The target must pass a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) or be wracked with pain, suffering a -2 Penalty to attack rolls, damage rolls, AC and Reflex Saves for one minute per hit die she possesses. This is a [Pain] effect.

Addicted to Pain (Ex): at level four, the Favoured Soul of Loviatar becomes addicted to Liquid Pain. Though she suffers withdrawal as normal, she never suffers ill effects from taking the drug, and can never overdose from it, even if she were to inhale her own weight of the liquid or something equally stupid.

Extract Agony (Su): at level four, the Favoured Soul of Loviatar can extract Liquid Pain from a target with a Full Round Action. The target must be in actual pain (suffering from a [Pain] effect for instance), and doing so ends their suffering - and makes them fresh for more torture. The dose of Agony so created will last for a number of days equal to the hit dice of the victim, before turning to murky water. Additionally, any given creature can only produce one dose per day, no matter how much you torture them afterwards.

Reaching Lash (Su): at level five, and every five levels thereafter, the Favoured Soul's reach with Whips and whiplike weapons extends by five feet.

Power Through Pain (Su): starting at level six, the Favoured Soul can consume a dose of Liquid Pain as part of the action of using a Blessing. Doing so does not grant her the usual effects. Instead, it treats her Caster Level as four higher for the purpose of things like range, duration, area, number of targets, damage and Spell Resistance, but not the Save DC, nor "winning with Blasphemy".

First Perfection (Ex): at seventh level, Loviatar helps to perfect her Favoured Soul. The Favoured Soul gains an Enhancement Bonus to Charisma of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), and a winged Fly Speed of 60' (Average).

Burning Pain (Su): beginning at level eight, anyone who fails their saving throw against the Favoured Soul's Pain Touch also suffers 2 points of Dexterity Damage from the swelling and inflammation, and treats all other creatures as having Concealment, due to the tears they can't help but weep. The tears continue for the duration of the pain effect.

Terrible Torture (Ex): at level eight, the Favoured Soul of Loviatar can perform ritual sacrifices and gain the benefits of them, but without killing the target - in fact, killing them causes the attempt to fail. She must inflict pain (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual or other) upon them, however - but them enjoying the pain does not cause any penalty. This may be done once per week.

Eternal Sadomasochism (Su): at level nine, the Favoured Soul of Loviatar gains two benefits. The first is magical sadism: any time she causes damage or a [Pain] effect, she gains temporary hit points equal to her hit dice plus her Charisma Bonus. These do not stack with any other temporary hit points, and disappear at the start of her next turn.

The second effect is magical masochism: she is immune to non-lethal damage, and does not suffer penalties or the loss of actions from [Pain] effects. Additionally, any time she is subject to such an effect or takes damage, she gains a +4 Morale Bonus on attack and damage rolls until the end of her next turn.

Chosen of Loviatar (Ex): at level ten, the Favoured Soul is blessed to be able to take even more of a beating. She gains Fast Healing 10, and anybody who so much as kisses her receives the effects of Liquid Pain (with a Save DC of 10 + half her hit dice + her Constitution Bonus). They cannot overdose on it, however. Finally, the penalty of her Pain Touch becomes -4.

Vile Scarification (Ex): should an eleventh-level Favoured Soul of Loviatar ever score a critical hit against a foe, the damage is Vile Damage. It leaves a visible scar that will not go away until the damage is removed, and also creates a focus through which she can Scry upon the victim (assuming she uses the Blessing) with no range limit and no Saving Throw.

Second Perfection (Ex): at level twelve, the perfection continues. The Favoured Soul gains an Enhancement Bonus to Dexterity equal to one third of her hit dice (round up), and can see in all darkness, even magical darkness, like a Devil.

Flay Foes (Ex): starting at level twelve, the Favoured Soul of Loviatar can strike with such ferocity that it tears the skin from targets with a spray of blood. Once per round, when she hits a target with a Whip or whiplike weapon, the target suffers an additional 1d6 Vile damage per 4 hit dice she has (round up). If she uses the Power Attack option, that damage is also Vile.

Treasured Touch of Exquisite Agony (Su): at level fourteen, the Favoured Soul of Loviatar has a more potent Pain Touch. If they fail their save, they are Stunned for 1d4 rounds and she gains a dose of Liquid Pain instantly.

Ring of Dominance (Su): at level sixteen, a magical marking forms on one of the Favoured Soul's ring fingers. It looks like an actual ring made of interwoven vines with bleeding thorns. Once per day, she may bite her finger with a Full Round Action, drawing blood and taking 1 point of damage. A loyal Erinyes is then summoned. The Erinyes must kiss that finger and taste her blood, at which point it becomes her servant, able to remain on the plane for the rest of the day. Otherwise, it is banished after just one minute. The Erinyes has a CR 3 less than her own, and can be a Brachina or have additional racial hit dice, class levels, prestige class levels or levels of True Fiend.

Third Perfection (Ex): at level seventeen, the perfection is complete. The Favoured Soul gains an Enhancement Bonus to Intelligence of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), and gains a constant True Seeing effect.

Scourge of the Planes (Su): the eighteenth-level Favoured Soul can Planeshift at will. Doing so leaves behind a bleeding wound in the plane, a gate that others can freely travel through for 1d4 hours.

Maiden of Pain (Ex): at level twenty, the Favoured Soul of Loviatar changes shape to look identical to Loviatar herself, although her size, race etc. all remain the same, even if this is illogical. Also she is invited to Planeshift to Loviatar's private abode to engage in eternal BDSM. Furthermore she gains Divine Rank 0 (and all benefits that go along with it). Additionally, Loviatar gifts her with a (black) Handy Haversack that is inexplicably filled with rope, manacles and candles. If you contact Loviatar to ask why, she takes it back because you should know by now. Finally, by spending 4 or more hours engaging in hardcore BDSM with one or more Clerics of Loviatar, the Clerics regain spell slots as though a day had passed and they had rested and prayed for spells.

Code of Conduct and Penalties:
Code of Conduct:
[*]Pray every evening and morning, accompanied by self-flagellation (or, for pairs or groups, reciprocal-flagellation)
[*]Never Coup-de-Gras a helpless foe; that ruins the fun
[*]Never torture someone to death; they're of no use when that happens
[*]Flee if you must, but never surrender or submit
[*]Never give anything completely freely - there must always be some price to pay even if that price is yet to be paid
[*]Always accept an honest surrender, but make them understand the price of their defeat
[*]Do not forgive, do not forget: punish all wrongdoings
[*]No matter how hard the situation, never give up and despair
[*]If you should fail, then accept the punishment, grow stronger and try again
[*]Spread the love (and agony) of Loviatar. Consent is not necessary

Penalties for non-adherence:
She loses access to all Blessings and to Eternal Sadomasochism and the Perfections (if you have them yet) for 30 days (or until Atoned).
Blessings by Level:
First Level:
Command, Endure Elements, Protection From Chaos, Protection From Good, Angry Ache, Bane, Shield of Faith, Rhino's Rush, Lesser Vigour
Second Level:
Enthrall, Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Calm Emotions, Desecrate, Thousand Needles, Speak With Dead, Rage, Charm Person, Rebuke, *Mystic Lash
Third Level:
Suggestion, Refreshment, Magic Vestment, Magic Circle Against Chaos, Magic Circle Against Good, Wrack, Bestow Curse, *Dance of Pain, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
Fourth Level:
Dominate Person, Sustain, Spell Immunity, Order's Wrath, Unholy Blight, Enervation, Fire Shield, Shout, Lesser Planar Ally, Heroism
Fifth Level:
Greater Command, Stoneskin, Righteous Might, Dispel Chaos, Dispel Good, Symbol of Pain, Mark of Justice, Scrying, Greater Rebuke
Sixth Level:
Geas/Quest, Mass Bear's Endurance, Hold Monster, Create Undead, Pox, Harm, Banishment, Song of Discord, Symbol of Persuasion
Seventh Level:
Mass Suggestion, Globe of Invulnerability, Shield of Law, Wave of Pain, Horrid Wilting, Discern Location, Greater Heroism
Eighth Level:
True Domination, Spell Turning, Dictum, Unholy Aura, Waves of Exhaustion, Greater Shout, Sympathy, Final Rebuke
Ninth Level:
Dominate Monster, Iron Body, Bigby's Crushing Hand, Blasphemy, Energy Drain, Storm of Vengeance, Trap the Soul
Tenth Level:
Monsrous Thrall, Despoil, Eternity of Torture, Evil Weather, Mindrape

Mystic Lash Evocation [Force]
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Components: V, DF
Duration: 1 round per level or until dropped
Save: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
Effect: a 15' long strand of glowing force extends from the user's hand. This can be used as a wielded whip with an Enhancement Bonus equal to the caster's level divided by 3 (round down), resolved as Touch Attacks. The base damage is 1d6 Force damage. This is real damage, not negated by armour. The Spell Resistance of targets does apply every time the weapon hits.

Dance of Pain Conjuration
Casting Time: 1 Full Round Action
Components: V, S, DF
Duration: 3 rounds
Range: Close
Target: one creature that has suffered damage
Save: Fort 1/2
Spell Resistance: No
As the caster dances, obsidian blades and hooks form, swarming about the target in an imitation of her movement. The blades seek out those that have been harmed, as though smelling blood - if a target has not suffered any damage, they are unaffected. If they have even one hit point of unhealed damage, they must pass a Fortitude Save - even applying to Undead and similar - or suffer 3d6 + Caster Level in damage each round for the duration. If the target is below half their maximum hit points, the damage is doubled.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Jan 07, 2014 9:54 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by PhaedrusXY »

Hypnotic Rump (Su): at level five, the Favoured Soul of Loviatar has a permanent Hypnotic Rump effect active. Any foe she moves away from, or who elects to gain a Flanking bonus against her, must save against the effect.
This is the greatest ability EVAR! It's even better than the Chaos Knight's Summon Giant Dead Frog ability.
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Post by Kaelik »

Problem: Half your Domainss and effects don't exist.

What the fuck is a Masochism and Sadism effect? Also Torrent of Tears.
Last edited by Kaelik on Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Prak »

Domination: CD
Pain: BoVD
Endurance: BoED
Suffering: SpComp
Retribution: SpComp
Wrath: BoED, Dragon Magazine
Lust: Dragon Magazine

Masochism and Sadism: spells from BoVD

Torrent of tears.... I got nothing. Not from BoVD, BoED, Spell Compedium, crystal keep's index doesn't even have it. But I'm sure it's a spell from something.
Last edited by Prak on Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Kaelik »

Okay, Vecna tentatively finished, glyph list of all SRD spells that will be on it, and undead grafts prompted by SRD undead.

Go ahead and give it a skim.

Also changed glyphs to not allow for avoidance of Verbal components, or of reducing long casting times to one standard action.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Koumei »

The domains can be found in either SpComp, random Forgotten Realms stuff (where Loviatar is from), CD or Book of Vile Body Piercings.

Torrent of Tears is from Complete Garbage.

Sadism and Masochism are from Book of Vile Body Piercings.

Hypnotic Rump is from... shit I can't remember. One of the D&D sex books, it's the one that's just about magic, and is meant to be immature and funny.

I'll give Vecna a look once I get back from the doctor.
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Post by ubernoob »

Book of erotic fantasy?
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Post by Maxus »

He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Koumei »

Maxus wrote:Nymphology.
That's the one. There are several "Sex+D&D" things out there, showing we like sex just as much as the people who actually go out having sex at nightclubs. Seriously, I can count 2 published things and 2 netbooks. If you count that piece-of-shit d20 modern as D&D* then there's another, Black Tokyo - that is, if you find anything in that erotic**.

Also, fiddling with one for Bahamut, which in turn will just need small mods to be for Tiamat. Might then go do something lulzworthy like Ilsensine or something mainstream like Kord (with inspiration from Godhand).

I like this project: it makes it easy to get my post-count up for me to become a King.

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Post by Kaelik »

Favored of Pelor
"The Light of Pelor burns bright, cleansing us all of taint."

HD: d8
BAB: Average
Saves: Good Fort and Reflex, Bad Will
Skills: 4+Int, Balance, Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Religion), Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot.
Alignment: Any Alignment (See, Aspects).

1: Aspect of Pelor, Force of Life, Pelor's Light
2: Gift of Light, Burn Undead
3: Burst of Light
4: Piercing Light
5: Bolt of Glory, Unwilling Light
6: Gift of Life, Daylight
7: Greater Turning, Sunlight
8: Healing Light
9: Radiant Assault
10: Of Pelor

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Favored of Pelor (hereafter Pelorite) are proficient with all Armor, all Shields, and Martial Weapons. Also, any weapon with the Brilliant Energy quality.

Aspect of Pelor (Ex): For reasons unclear to anyone besides Pelor, Pelorites come in different varieties, all of which are gifted with Pelor's blessings. Pelorites of the Golden Sun worship a Neutral Good Pelor who opposes undead, and uses the Sun and Strength to protect the common people. Pelorites of the Bright Sky worship a True Neutral Pelor of the Sun and positive energy who opposes undead as unnatural, and seeks to bring the light of Peace to the world by opposing both extremes, Pelorites of the Burning Hate worship a Neutral Evil Pelor of the Sun and Positive Energy who opposes undead because they can't suffer the heat of the sun, and therefore piss him off.

A Pelorite must choose an aspect of Pelor to worship, and be within one step of this aspect in alignment. This means all possible alignments can be represented by Pelorites.

Force of Life (Su): A Pelorite gains a pool of positive energy equal to his Character Level X Charisma modifier. As a standard action he may channel any amount of this energy into a touched creature. This heals them or damages them as normal for positive energy. If used to damage an undead, A Pelorite may choose the amount "All" and if this amount exceeds the HP of the undead, he retains the leftover.

It requires five minutes of meditation in a well lit area to replenish this pool to maximum. The Pelorite's Pelor's Light ability counts for this purpose.

Pelor's Light (Sp): As a standard action, a Pelorite may cause himself to give off light. He gives off a 60ft area of bright light, followed by shadowy light out to 120ft. He may then use this light as an attack action to fire a Ray of Light that does 1d6 light damage per character level to living creatures, 1d8 damage per Character level to creatures susceptible to light (Drow, Kobolds, Orcs, ect.) and Evil Outsiders, and 2d6 Damage per character level to undead.

In addition, anyone struck by this light is dazzled.

Each such Ray reduces the radius of bright and shadowy illumination by 10ft.

Gift of Light (Sp): A Pelorite may create a glowing ball of light with bright light out to 40ft and shadowy light out to 80ft. This ball floats harmlessly beside him. He may give possession of this ball to any willing adjacent creature as a free action, it will then follow them in their square.

Additionally, at any time, he may use the ball as a scrying sensor, seeing everything that is within it's light radius, by merely concentrating as a standard action. He also gains knowledge of it's location relative to him.

This ball cannot cross Planar Boundaries.

Burn Undead (Sp): A Pelorite may cause all undead within the radius of any light effect he has created to immediately take 1d6 per Character level damage, Reflex save half DC 10+1/2 Character level+ Cha modifier, as a swift action. He may only do so 2+Cha mod times a day.

Burst of Light (Sp): A Pelorite may use Glitterdust as a Spell Like Ability at will, except that it is an Evocation [Light] spell that creates bright light for an instantaneous duration, and does nothing about invisible or hiding people. Also the saving throw is Ref negates DC 10+1/2 character level+Cha mod.

Piercing Light (Su): All of the Light that a Pelorite creates is Bright now, any light that would be shadowy is instead bright. In addition, all light from the Pelorite acts as an Invisibility Purge effect, and penalizes all Hide checks with a -20 penalty.

Notice that this effectively doubles the uses of Pelor's Light as a Ray between needed refreshes.

Bolt of Glory (Sp): The Pelorite may now call down a Bolt of Glory from above, this bolt does 1d4 damage per character level and forces a Will save DC 10+1/2 Character level+Cha mod, or be Dazed for one round. The bolt instead does 1d6 damage to undead or evil outsiders, and the DC is 14+1/2 Character level+Cha Mod for them.

Unwilling Light (Su): The Gift of Light feature can know be gifted to unwilling targets.

Gift of Life (Su): The Pelorite may now use his pool of positive energy as a ranged touch attack. Assume it always hits willing targets.

In addition, he may expend 10 points to cure any status condition that a heal would normally cure, either separately, or as part of the same action as infusing positive energy for it's normal healing purposes.

Further, he can heal ability drain at a rate of 2 points per point drained, or negative levels at 3 points per negative level.

Daylight (Sp): A Pelorite may use Daylight as a SLA at will.

Greater Turning (Su): A Pelorite can now Turn undead as a Cleric of his Character level, except that each turn attempt is a Greater Turning attempt, as the Sun domain granted ability.

Sunlight (Sp): A Pelorite gains a number of Sun Points equal to his Character Level each day at Sunrise (regardless of if he is aware of it, or currently on a plane with no sunrise, Pelor has his ways). He may use these points to use Sunbeam or Sunburst as a SLA, costing one or two Sun Points respectively. DCs are 10+1/2 Character level+Cha mod.

Healing Light (Su): The Pelorite may distribute points from his Force of Life pool as a free action with no need for a touch attack to any target within one of his light radii.

Radiant Assault (Sp): A Pelorite may use Radiant Assault as an SLA by spending 3 Sun points. DC is 10+1/2 Character Level+ Cha mod.

Of Pelor: A Pelorite becomes capable of casting spells as a Cleric of Pelor of 8th level at this level, using Cha instead of Wisdom for casting. Further advancement of this casting can be done by taking Prestige Classes, preferably ones that grant domains, since at this point, the Pelorite has slots for those, but no Domains himself.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Koumei »

Okay, FS of Vecna is really cool. I'm not interested in Vecna and yet I would play that class, because it's interesting and level-appropriate. For a moment I was worried the Grafts would use that Undead Graft thing from Fiend Folio/Seafood Eat You, but then I remembered you're not a retard.

Spell list is distinct and does the job.

The Favoured Soul of Bahamut

"Raa, raa, Terra Flare! 9999!"

Alignment: Neutral Good or Lawful Good

Hit Dice: d12
BAB: average
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude
Skill Points: 2+Int
Class Skills: Abuse Magic Device, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot
Proficient: Light, Medium and Heavy Armour, all Shields, Simple and Martial Weaoins
Level:Special:1st level SLAs2nd level SLAs3rd level SLAs4th level SLAs
1Draconic Vision, Breath of Fire1---
2Dragon's Sharpness, Immunities2---
3Magic Gaze, Icy Breath3---
4Bahamut's Scales I, Breath Shape: Ball31--
5Dragon Wings, Blindsense32--
6Dragon Tail, Breath Shape: Spread42--
7Shocking Breath, Blazing Claws43--
8Bahamut's Scales II431-
9Silver Dragon Breath, Aura of Fear432-
10Dragon Mount433-
11Dispelling Breath, Legend Lore443-
12Talk to Bahamut, Bahamut's Scales III4431
13Gold Dragon Breath, Smite Evil Dragons4432
14Forceful Breath, Sacrifice4442
15Breath Shape: Pillar, True Seeing4443
16Stunning Breath, Bahamut's Scales IV4444
17Platinum Scales5444
18Fucking Massive5544
19Dragon's Blessing5554

Class Features:
Draconic Vision (Ex): the Favoured Soul of Bahamut gains Low Light Vision, and Darkvision out to 60'.

Breath of Fire (Su): the Favoured Soul of Bahamut also gains a Breath Weapon that can be used once per two rounds. It is either a 30' cone or a 60' long 5' wide line (user's choice each time), and deals 1d10 Fire damage per level with a Ref save for half (DC 10 + half HD + Con). Every even level, add 5' to the length/width of the cone and 10' to the length of the line.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as the Favoured Soul gains levels, he gains access to Spell-Like Abilities according to the table above. He knows all of them of any given level, but can only cast any of a given level a certain number of times per day (in total). The save DC is always 10 + half HD + Cha.

Dragon's Sharpness (Ex): at level two, the FSoB gains two Claw attacks and a Bite attack. These deal damage as normal for the Favoured Soul's size and are Magic weapons.

Immunities (Ex): at level two the Favoured Soul gains immunity to [Fear] effects, Magical Sleep effects, Magical Paralysis effects and Fire damage.

Magic Gaze (Sp): at third level the Favoured Soul has a permanent Arcane Sight effect. If dispelled it is merely suppressed for 4 rounds. With a Full Round action, the FSoB can glare at an item to duplicate an Identify effect upon it.

Icy Breath (Su): at third level, the FSoB may substitute Cold Damage for the Fire Damage of his breath weapon. Everything else remains the same.

Bahamut's Scales I (Ex): at level four, the FSoB becomes more draconic. His Natural Armour improves by 1, and his Strength and Intelligence each improve by 2.

Breath Shape: Ball (Su): starting at level four, the Favoured Soul may also choose to fire is breath weapon as a 15' radius burst out to Medium range.

Dragon Wings (Ex): at level five, the Favoured Soul grows a pair of wings that grant a Fly speed equal to his land speed (average).

Blindsense (Ex): at level five the Favoured Soul gains Blindsense out to 30 feet.

Dragon Tail (Ex): at level six the Favoured Soul gains a Tail slap that deals damage as normal for his size and adds Strength and a half like a two-handed weapon. It also grants a +3 Racial bonus to Balance and Swim checks.

Breath Shape: Spread (Su): at level six the FSoB also learns how to modify his breath weapon to be a spread, radiating out from himself. He is not actually included in the area of effect, however. It reaches out to 30 feet, plus 5' per two levels after level six.

Shocking Breath (Su): at seventh level, the FSoB can modify his breath weapon to deal 1d6 Electricity damage per level.

Blazing Claws (Su):starting at level seven, the Favoured Soul of Bahamut can use a Swift action to surround his claws and fangs with flames. This adds 2d6 Fire damage to his Claw and Bite attacks.

Bahamut's Scales II (Ex): at level eight, the Favoured Soul becomes more draconic. His Natural Armour improves by 1, and his Strength increases by 2. Additionally his type changes to Dragon if it wasn't already that.

Silver Dragon Breath (Su): at level nine, the FSoB gains an additional breath weapon, one that may only be used once per minute. It is a 30' cone that causes those in the area to make a Fort Save (DC 10 + half HD + Con) or be Paralysed for 1d6 rounds.

Aura of Fear (Su): at level nine, the Favoured Soul also gains a Fear Aura, like a dragon, extending out to 30 feet. The save DC is 10 + half HD + Cha.

Dragon Mount (Ex): at level ten, the Favoured Soul of Bahamut is given a Wyvern as a mount. He may choose its Feats. Every level he gains, it gains an additional Dragon Hit Die, and if it dies, another one wanders along in 7 days. When the Favoured Soul reaches level 20, the Wyvern gains the Half Dragon (Silver) template.

Dispelling Breath (Su): starting at level eleven, the Favoured Soul may forego dealing any damage with his breath weapon to instead cast a Greater Dispel Magic in the entire area of effect (the area the breath would cover). His caster level is equal to his hit dice.

Legend Lore (Sp): at level eleven, the FSoB gains the ability to cast Legend Lore once per day.

Talk to Bahamut (Sp): starting at level twelve, the FSoB can cast Contact Other Plane once per day, except Bahamut is always contacted (Greater Deity that basically knows everything but has the option of saying "I don't want to tell you" in some cases).

Bahamut's Scales III (Ex): at twelfth level, the Favoured Soul becomes even more draconic. His Strength and Charisma each increase by 2, and his Natural Armour increases by 1.

Gold Dragon Breath (Su): at level thirteen, the Favoured Soul of Bahamut gains another type of breath weapon, that can be used once per minute. It is a 30' cone and all in the area must pass a Fort save (DC 10 + half HD + Con) or take 1 Strength damage per 3 levels the FSoB has.

Smite Evil Dragons (Su): also at level thirteen, the FSoB becomes Smitey. Whenever attacking an Evil aligned Dragon, the Favoured Soul may add his Charisma modifier (if positive) to the attack roll and his Hit Dice to the damage roll.

Forceful Breath (Su): at level fourteen, the FSoB learns how to channel raw magic through his breath weapon. He may elect to deal 1d6 Force damage per level instead of the regular damage, though saving throws still apply.

Sacrifice (Su): beginning at level fourteen, the FSoB can spend an Immediate action to redirect a damaging effect from an ally within 20' to himself. He takes all damage instead of the ally, though other effects hit the ally as normal.

Breath Shape: Pillar (Su): starting at level fifteen, when the FSoB uses the Breath Shape: Spread, it instead becomes a column, extending 150' high, plus 10' per level above 15. The radius is the same as that of the Spread.

True Seeing (Su): at level fifteen onwards, the FSoB permanently benefits from a True Seeing effect.

Stunning Breath (Su): starting at sixteenth level, any time anyone fails the Reflex save against the Favoured Soul's Fiery Breath Weapon, they must make a Will Save (same DC) or be Stunned for 1d4 rounds.

Bahamut's Scales IV (Ex): at level sixteen, the transformation is basically complete, and the quicker of you may have noticed that the 1/2 Dragon template was picked up (have a biscuit). His Strength and Constitution each increase by 2, and his Natural Armour improves by 1.

Platinum Scales (Ex): at level seventeen, the FSoB grows new, shining platinum scales that are dazzling to behold. He gains Spell Resistance (9+HD) and a +3 Racial bonus to all saving throws.

Fucking Massive (Ex): at level eighteen, the FSoB grows one size category larger, as does his Wyvern. This includes the bullshit stat mods.

Dragon's Blessing (Su): at level nineteen the FSoB gains a completely pointless ability. Once per day, he may roll 1d20 as a Swift action and discard the result.

RAWR IMA DRAGON (Ex): at level twenty, the Favoured Soul of Bahamut actually becomes a dragon. Treat him as an Adult Prismatic Dragon who looks metallic instead of prismatic - change his size and subtypes, add the hit dice and abilities, and replace his racial ability score modifiers with those of the dragon. Keep all class features, including the stat boosts and the size increase. His mount then grows enough size categories to still be able to carry him. At this point in time, if he isn't crusading against evil dragons, he fucking well should be.
Spell-Like Abilities:
1st Level: Wings of Cover, Remove Curse, Shout, Light, Wingbind

2nd Level: Greater Mighty Wallop, Bull's Strength, Suppress Breath Weapon, Burning Blood, Holy Weapon

3rd Level: Scintillating Scales, Greater Heroism, Magic Circle Against Evil, Imperious Glare, Animate Breath

4th Level: Heal, Antimagic Field, Power Word: Stun, Planeshift, Crown of Glory
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:51 am, edited 3 times in total.
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