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Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 7:39 pm
by shadzar
Neeeek wrote:
Kaelik wrote:Hey Stupid Roy:

If you were in the military, you must, legally, inform any employer that you were in the military.

Then you must, legally, inform them of your discharge status, which in this case is "dishonorable."
It's not a dishonorable discharge. IIRC it's a "Discharge: Medical: Homosexual".
Used to be a section 8. Remember Klinger on MASH always dressing up as a woman....

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 7:47 pm
by Crissa
I might also point out that kicking gays or people thought to be gay out of the military disrupts anyone's ability to study or advance because it basically sets any military member up for blackmail.

Also, the discharges disproportionally affect out military intelligence departments - we lose more than one in ten of our translators, for instance.


Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 8:09 pm
by shadzar
Don't recall if it has been said before, but it will probably upset ceilingcat for me to say an lolcat is something i am worried about....

Christianity is a problem with that Crissa.

Take ancient Rome. They GOT gays to join because then each pair was looking more closely out for his fellow man. Prior to Rome becoming over decadent it was ruling everything because its military employed gays as the main force, and heteros were not used as much.

I think also Greece used this thinking as well before Rome did.

So what you say has meaning in that disrupts the courses of action that the military is there for. Maybe not to the extent you mention, but in general its abilities be they translators, or anything else in general.

Then comes along bible-thumpers and military strength on a personal level dropped and was left up to technology to handle human incapabilities for things that were done quite well prior to electricity.

so whether for blackmail or just plain ignorance, just like is just for fear and control that it matters whether someone is gay, straight, bi, whatever.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 8:55 pm
by Jilocasin
Saying they can just get another job is pretty silly. There are a lot more problems than just that. I mean, my partner is good friends with someone who has to be closeted or he wouldn't be able to afford to complete medical school.

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 8:35 am
by Draco_Argentum
Roy wrote:So gay people can't be open about their sexual preferences in the military. Ok. As far as I'm concerned, sexual preferences aren't something to be open about ANYWAYS be you straight, gay, or giant fucking frog. So I'm not sure what the fucking problem is at all.
So, theres a conversation about a movie going on.

Straight man response: "Yeah, I saw that with my girlfriend." <- Good work straighty, way to be straight.

Gay man response: "Yeah, I saw that with my boyfriend." NO! Bad [EDITED], put your [EDITED] tree back in the closet.

Roy 'I totally have gay friends' does not support equal rights. Because hes a douche.

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 6:08 pm
by Roy
Since the dumbfuck squad is a bunch of bad liars and should stop lying, there is no point in saying anything productive. So fuck you, you fucking liars.


Because you deserve it.

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:02 pm
by TOZ
We deserve a advertisement? THE HORROR! :rofl:

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:46 am
by RobbyPants
Well, maybe you meant something different Roy, but everyone else is getting an entirely different meaning from the words you typed.

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:44 am
I don't see what's so bigoted about Roy's position. If heterosexual and homosexual were completely forbidden from referring to their orientation except whenever necessary, that would be insane and impossible to uphold, but not prejudiced.

But honestly, that's an impossible standard to uphold. I can't even refer to my mother and father as being happily married for all these years without rubbing their heterosexuality into other peoples' faces. And if I have to refer to them as 'my parents' all of the goddamn time I think I'd puke my pants.

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:13 am
by Kaelik
Lago PARANOIA wrote:I think I'd puke my pants.
You have an interesting anatomical anomaly. Or you should probably wear your pants like a normal person.

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:26 am
by CatharzGodfoot
Kaelik wrote:
Lago PARANOIA wrote:I think I'd puke my pants.
You have an interesting anatomical anomaly. Or you should probably wear your pants like a normal person.
I was wondering about that too...

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:56 am
You don't want me to elaborate. I don't want to have a repeat of the 'dog egg caviar' incident.

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:52 am
by Cielingcat
Lago PARANOIA wrote:I don't see what's so bigoted about Roy's position. If heterosexual and homosexual were completely forbidden from referring to their orientation except whenever necessary, that would be insane and impossible to uphold, but not prejudiced.
Roy's stated position isn't bigoted, but the position itself is a code phrase for "if gays were just all in the closet everything would be fine!" Because remember, no one ever seriously argues what Roy said, but they do argue that people can be gay as long as they don't "flaunt" it, which is to say, as long as you never find out they're gay.
I have no problem whatsoever with gay people, I just don't get why keeping that sort of thing in the bedroom or whatever it is you happen to actually fuck people is a problem.
Is a very specific code argument for "keep it out of my sight, because I am a lying douchebag who does, in fact, have a real problem with gay people."

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:35 pm
by Roy
RobbyPants wrote:Well, maybe you meant something different Roy, but everyone else is getting an entirely different meaning from the words you typed.
You mean like the words I typed that say I don't mean x, so the dumbfuck squad needs to stop saying I did in fact mean x?

And lucky for the dumbfuck squad, they don't like hotlinking.

Now, our resident lolcat is an insecure fuck that makes other insecure fucks look like pimp lords confidence wise, and who also gives other gay/tranny/whatever the fuck he/she is people a very bad name just by existing. However I know that most gay people are not like that. If I didn't, the resident lolcat would be the biggest poster child for pro gay hate - which is perhaps why he/she is so insecure about it and constantly displacing his/her self loathing onto me and others.

So cielingcat, be grateful I do know better, or else I would be everything you claim I am in the ultimate self fulfilling prophecy.

And to further smite your rampant line of dumbfuckery, I'm not hating on you because you're a trap. I'm hating on you because you are irredeemably stupid, which puts you in the same category as living legends like Aelryinth, Elennsar, Shadzar, and others.

Don't like that? Prove me wrong by demonstrating some actual brain power.

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 6:21 pm
by shadzar
Cielingcat wrote:Is a very specific code argument for "keep it out of my sight, because I am a lying douchebag who does, in fact, have a real problem with gay people."
So if you happen to be at a restaurant and a couple starts fucking each other on the table beside of you, are you going to be ok with that?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 7:59 pm
by RobbyPants
You idiot. There are laws against that and they apply equally regardless of sexual orientation.

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:44 am
by Cielingcat
shadzar wrote:So if you happen to be at a restaurant and a couple starts fucking each other on the table beside of you, are you going to be ok with that?
Doesn't it get sickening to exhibit this amount of intellectual dishonesty? Don't you like, start feeling that maybe, just maybe, you're a complete fucking douchebag?

I mean fuck, Roy's argument isn't "gay people should stop having sex in public!" because no one fucking does that, ever. That is not a thing that happens, and no one was fucking talking about that. His position is that gay people should never let anyone know they are gay, because if they do they are "flaunting" their gayness, and they're "[EDITED]" who deserve to be discriminated against due to their limp-wristed lisping and whatever else he doesn't like about them.

We know this because he is literally using the same argument, word for word, as everyone else who makes this argument. It's not a new thing, people make this argument every single day across the internet. He even used the "I have gay friends!" line, for fuck's sake.

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:56 am
by CatharzGodfoot
Cielingcat wrote:I mean fuck, Roy's argument isn't "gay people should stop having sex in public!" because no one fucking does that, ever.
Not that I disagree with you, but...

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:33 am
by Cielingcat
Ok, I admit, that's not entirely accurate, since some people really do go off and have sex in public places. I meant like, out in broad daylight in the middle of shadzar's restaurant, but that's not what I said.

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:12 pm
by Kaelik
Yeah, I limit myself to public places at night in the dark, thank you very much.

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:30 pm
by Roy
Cielingcat wrote:
shadzar wrote:So if you happen to be at a restaurant and a couple starts fucking each other on the table beside of you, are you going to be ok with that?
Doesn't it get sickening to exhibit this amount of intellectual dishonesty? Don't you like, start feeling that maybe, just maybe, you're a complete fucking douchebag?

I mean fuck, Roy's argument isn't "gay people should stop having sex in public!" because no one fucking does that, ever. That is not a thing that happens, and no one was fucking talking about that. His position is that gay people should never let anyone know they are gay, because if they do they are "flaunting" their gayness, and they're "[EDITED]" who deserve to be discriminated against due to their limp-wristed lisping and whatever else he doesn't like about them.
No, you are a dumbfuck, and you should feel like a dumbfuck.

My argument is that things should not be brought up when they aren't relevant. Rather a dude fucks dudes, ladies, or both is fucking irrelevant when discussing the military, or any other environment where a bit of professionalism is expected. Same thing for a female's preferences.

Get over your huge hard on/sandy vagina for wanting everyone to hate you, and maybe they'll stop doing that. And keep telling yourself that it's because of your sexual preferences and not because you are fucking brain dead.

Now I might bring up my preferences on here for the lulz, but in an environment where professionalism is to be expected (as opposed to problem solving by profanity, and telling everyone to fellate a large number of disembodied sex organs) guess what? I would keep my fucking mouth shut about LOL FURRY PORN because no one wants to hear that. Fuck, even when talking about normal hetero stuff most people don't want to hear about it if they aren't in a position to go do it. So guess what dumbfuck? A guy talking about plowing his girlfriend on the hood of his car often yields a similar reaction.
We know this because he is literally using the same argument, word for word, as everyone else who makes this argument. It's not a new thing, people make this argument every single day across the internet. He even used the "I have gay friends!" line, for fuck's sake.
No dumbfuck, I know the bigots, and have smited them on multiple occasions in the real world. They're the ones who JUST LIKE YOU seem to think that it's not considered ok to be gay unless you can scream it at the top of your lungs every five seconds without repercussions. Fun fact: That's not being gay, that's being insane. Don't believe me? Go run around outside yelling that you are straight. Let me know how that goes. Most gay and bisexual people don't feel a need to bring it up when it isn't relevant, and most of them hate the insane people that give them all a bad reputation in the eyes of the ignorant.

So guess who is really hating the gay people here? Is it the guy who asked an 'I don't get it' question, or the guy/girl/amorphous blob who actively goes out and gives gay people as a whole a bad reputation?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:49 pm
by Neeeek
shadzar wrote:So if you happen to be at a restaurant and a couple starts fucking each other on the table beside of you, are you going to be ok with that?
Yes. Wouldn't bother me in the slightest.

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:56 pm
by Neeeek
Roy wrote: No, you are a dumbfuck, and you should feel like a dumbfuck.

My argument is that things should not be brought up when they aren't relevant. Rather a dude fucks dudes, ladies, or both is fucking irrelevant when discussing the military, or any other environment where a bit of professionalism is expected. Same thing for a female's preferences.

Now I might bring up my preferences on here for the lulz, but in an environment where professionalism is to be expected (as opposed to problem solving by profanity, and telling everyone to fellate a large number of disembodied sex organs) guess what? I would keep my fucking mouth shut about LOL FURRY PORN because no one wants to hear that. Fuck, even when talking about normal hetero stuff most people don't want to hear about it if they aren't in a position to go do it. So guess what dumbfuck? A guy talking about plowing his girlfriend on the hood of his car often yields a similar reaction.
You've never spent any time with soldiers, have you? Because a guy talking about plowing his girlfriend on the hood of his car is a topic that would be run of the mill for them, while on duty. It may not be relevant, but it's so common as to not be noteworthy. And the difference is a gay guy mentioning he has a boyfriend carries an extreme penalty, while a straight guy going into extreme detail with photographic support about his sexual exploits wouldn't even get punished at all.

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 8:13 pm
by shadzar
Cielingcat wrote:
shadzar wrote:So if you happen to be at a restaurant and a couple starts fucking each other on the table beside of you, are you going to be ok with that?
Doesn't it get sickening to exhibit this amount of intellectual dishonesty? Don't you like, start feeling that maybe, just maybe, you're a complete fucking douchebag?

I mean fuck, Roy's argument isn't "gay people should stop having sex in public!" because no one fucking does that, ever. That is not a thing that happens, and no one was fucking talking about that. His position is that gay people should never let anyone know they are gay, because if they do they are "flaunting" their gayness, and they're "[EDITED]" who deserve to be discriminated against due to their limp-wristed lisping and whatever else he doesn't like about them.

We know this because he is literally using the same argument, word for word, as everyone else who makes this argument. It's not a new thing, people make this argument every single day across the internet. He even used the "I have gay friends!" line, for fuck's sake.
Here is the problem wiht it thought that you don't understand MANY do flaunt that they are gay.

I have 3 groups of gay friends. Not because they are totally self segregating, but in a way they are. The drags of course are drags. They want everyone around them in drag. This bothers few people because they just are what they are. The second group is hardly noticeable as gay, save for the heavier innuendo about gay things in everything form games like D&D to just about anything. This doesn't bother anyone either because again, they just are who they are.

This is where the third group comes in. Those who enter every building with "dance fingers" and as the drags put it "try to gay everything up". It isn't the dress, or the innuendo or just that they may be kisssing another guy, but every other word out of their mouth and action they do is to tell you they are gay.

Straights and the two other groups of gays cannot stand the 3rd group.

Groups 1 and 2 aren't a problem, but group 3 everyone hates. Not because they are gay, but how they act in general. Group 2 hates them because they "give gays a bad name and bad look".

It is like group 3 is that type of person (straight/gay/bi/black/white/whatever) that walks into a room and demands to be the center of attention.

GRoups 1 and 2 you could have a conversation with for hours and they slip in an "oh I'm gay", and nobody cares and the conversation goes on. Group 3 bursts into the room singing loudly "IM GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY"...literally.

So yeah some people ARE flaunting it. And nobody really gives a shit, because it doesn't matter, yet they still have to say they are gay 100 times an hour.

What else is that if not flaunting it?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:42 am
Seriously, the most charitable way I can read Roy is "I'm not gay, but my way to equality for gays is so important that we must not take one step back from it, even if it's actually a better way to equality." You also see that with dumbfucks arguing against gay marriage on the grounds that marriage should be abolished in general. I might even conceivably be able to argue that that's what he means, and that he's not bigoted at all, just that he and reality had a falling-out sometime in the past (re: what discussion of one's sexual orientation actually means). Might, except that words also have connotations, and you have a bunch to choose from to get the connotations you want.

Psst, Roy, little secret. You come across as dishonest if you use slurs when saying you're not a bigot.