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Post by RobbyPants »

RandomCasualty2 wrote:
Blasted wrote: It's a "Framework"; bunch of APIs, which Microsoft would like all programmers to use.
It has native implementations for C++,C#, whatever VisualBasic is called now, IronPython, IronRuby, F#. There are other implementations for a whole bunch of other languages and an opensource implementation called 'Mono'.

I concur with .NET being the corporate standard. Especially for medium/medium-large businesses and those who are MS exclusive.
Not quite sure I follow. Doesn't C++ create a self-contained exe file that doesn't require other stuff to run?

Or does .NET include a development kit (compilers and the like) that people can use?
I'm not sure about C++. I created a really small C# exe on one computer and moved it to another, and it complained that I didn't have the right version of .net to run the thing.

So, I know using C#, you need to make sure anyone running your exe has the right version of .net.
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Post by Blasted »

This is because you're implicitly requiring the libraries that .NET provided when you compiled the program.

Getting the versions of your libraries right is a joy that all operating systems have. Windows happens to do it worst, in that it doesn't have a decent package manager and .NET changes regularly. Adding a 'marketplace' to windows 8 seems to be a reasonable way to mitigate this.
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Post by shirak »

I own two HDDs, one split between NTFS5 for Win 7 and Ext4 for Mint. The second is a nearly full 1,5TB Seagate (NTFS5 too). My problem is that one day WinXP (changed to Win7 later, same results) stopped seeing the disk. No label, size showed up as zero and when I tried to access it it prompted me to format it, claiming it was RAW. I tried TestDisk and failed spectacularly (it showed the wrong size and the dev told me to give up or lose the disk).

Mint and NTFS-3G seem genuinely puzzled as to why i have a problem since they can access the damn disk just fine. And now for the scary part:

If I mount the drive under Linux and then restart the machine (but not shut it down) Windows can read it just fine!

The developer of TestDisk suggested I buy a new disk, copy my data and reformat the original. I am probably going to do that but my question to you is what the hell is going on?
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Post by Surgo »

That is really odd and to be honest I have no idea at all, I've never heard of that before.

At first I thought it was that Windows put it in some state that it screws up something when it tries to mount it, and Linux fixes that state somehow. But the fact that it works when you restart the machine but not shut it down...what the fuck?
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Post by RobbyPants »

What's the difference between shut down and restart other than the machine not coming back on?
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Post by Crissa »

The machine doesn't come back on.

Originally there was a possibility of retaining memory glitches or whatnot with a 'soft' reboot, but that's really rare in modern computers. Shut down denies power to components so that they can't contain any information or bad settings while a soft boot doesn't actually pull the plug from them long enough for those settings to be refreshed.

On a Mac, this is instead dealt with a PRAM reset, as a soft boot actually does reset all components directly connected to the main board. On a PC, the components may not all be reset in a soft boot.

When you have a 'hard' boot (from a shutdown), the bios gives out new instructions to the components. In a soft boot, prior settings may interfere with this step.

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Post by krainboltgreene »

Getting the versions of your libraries right is a joy that all operating systems have.
I found a nifty Ruby Gem that packs the software, Ruby, and whatever gems I required in the software, into a nice little EXE.
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