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Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:59 pm
by koz
Korwin wrote:Pretty shure I had an NAP with Bogarus...
This is what happens when I stale for a week! Sorry about the breach. I'll withdraw my forces and wait for 3 turns before attacking again. However, consider the NAP ended. I'm also willing to compensate you in a gem type of your choice (say, 10 of them) for the breach.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:13 pm
by Korwin
Well I'll take Death Gems in that case.
(would like it more if you took one of the others. If they extend their alliance after I'm dead you will be the next target. [IMHO])


Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:15 am
by koz
Hey guys, I don't think I have the time to participate in this game anymore, due to serious RL concerns, specifically related to time. If you guys can find a sub for me, that would be great, but otherwise, I'll have to go AI. Sorry about that - can't help it.

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:06 pm
by Korwin
Would be nice if you took your army of my Fort until the NAP runs out...

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 6:56 am
by koz
Sorry, I staled! Will remove them as soon as I can.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:18 pm
by MisterDee
I think Bogarus just went officially AI, guys.

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 1:03 am
by koz
Mister_Sinister wrote:Hey guys, I don't think I have the time to participate in this game anymore, due to serious RL concerns, specifically related to time. If you guys can find a sub for me, that would be great, but otherwise, I'll have to go AI. Sorry about that - can't help it.
Yeah, I did go AI, as I said I would. It's not that I don't wanna keep playing - I just have no time of any kind right now.

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:49 am
by Korwin
Is Orion/Ulm still playing?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:11 pm
by MisterDee
Mister_Sinister wrote:
Mister_Sinister wrote:Hey guys, I don't think I have the time to participate in this game anymore, due to serious RL concerns, specifically related to time. If you guys can find a sub for me, that would be great, but otherwise, I'll have to go AI. Sorry about that - can't help it.
Yeah, I did go AI, as I said I would. It's not that I don't wanna keep playing - I just have no time of any kind right now.
No problem (as far as I'm concerned, anyways) - I just wanted to make sure everyone knew it so as to maintain a level playing field. Didn't mean to call you out :)

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:56 pm
by Korwin
Uhm Orion, Steahlty Commanders who produces units on Enemy Forts and permasiege them is considered cheating.
Shure you stalled and couldnt know I would take your Fort this turn, but thats the next point... you stalled the last 3 turns...

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:43 pm
by Korwin
Somehow I dont think, Marignon will stop the Blood Saccing when I'm dead.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:37 pm
by Drago0661
Korwin wrote:Somehow I dont think, Marignon will stop the Blood Saccing when I'm dead.
Of course, and Midgard can blood sac too. Its just a fight for the remaining VPs.

On a different note, I'll be away tomorrow until the evening of the following day, I was wondering if I could get an extension.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:49 pm
by Drago0661
I staled...

Come on, I gave enough notice for an extension >.<

Can I ask for a rollback please?

EDIT: Upon seeing my turn, nothing i was worried about happened, I'm just a turn behind on blood slave usage and some constructions, don't bother with the rollback.

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:47 am
by koz
Yeah, that was me not thinking and/or being snowed the fuck under. My apologies.

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:36 pm
by Korwin
Vanheim against Marignon. My money is on Marignon.
How many VP do you still need?

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:48 pm
by Drago0661
As of this turn I need 1 more VP to win, Midguard needs 3.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:13 pm
by MisterDee
Yeah, at this point my money is also on Marignon. :)

I'm not sure what the etiquette is on conceding victory, but at this point I don't think I have a snowball's chance in hell. Even if by a small miracle I manage to retain the two VPs Marignon is surely going to start sieging next turn, I absolutely don't have the armies to seize VPs from Marignon, and obviously at this point I'm not winning the attrition game either.

So let's call it a game, right?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 5:14 pm
by Korwin
Well, if you really think its so hopeless. You can try some Endgame tests anyway. You might learn something for the next time.

Since Marignon only needs another VP its not like you need to fear an long suffering. (Unless you are winning, of course :D)

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:35 pm
by Drago0661
Well I'm storming a VP that belongs to Midguard next turn (i love the sieging power of imps and devils), and if that fails, I'm currently sieging ctis' old capital that has nothing in it.

The game should be finishing soon, so if you want to try anything/everything throw it at me now!

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:10 am
by MisterDee
Ah, why the hell not. Let's take this to the short, gory end.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 6:30 pm
by MisterDee
Well, that was quick. :)

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:42 pm
by koz
So, a winner is Drago?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:43 pm
by MisterDee

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:07 am
by Drago0661
lol, although it was a cool battle to end on. one of my mages decided to not cast flame storm though... :/


Now that the game is over I'm just gonna reflect on how it went from my perspective in a nutshell:

Bad start, my capital has 2 adjecent provinces and i care about production. I misscript and lose crossbowmen, that sets back my expansion. Meanwhile I notice Ctis grabbing everything and building shit tonnes of forts.

Ctis got out of hand, I propose a team up with the other nations, they agree. I offered a place outside of the forums to coordinate our movements, Midguard and I were mainly there, Ulm never turned up, and Bogarus turns up once then stale chains.

While Ctis fought Ulm and Midguard I pushed into Ctis territory one fort at a time, all while building up my blood economy, as my gem income sucks balls.

A big battle occurs between me and Ctis, banefire vs fire evocation (including holy pyre), heavy casulties on both sides, but i come out on top. however that force i was left with is unable to sucessfully storm a fort of sauromancers.

I regroup and midguard attack ctis' capital, I notice that Ctis took all of his sauromancers out of his fort as his army makes its way to defend his capital, I take that fort in the following turns.

Its around this time that my God has finished conquering most of the underwater provinces and starts raiding where he bumps into ctis' God a few times, my God loses the first battle because there was a sauromancer with banefire there. But I managed to predict where Ctis would move his God and have my God intercept him, where Ctis' God dies for the 2nd time (1st time to Ulm's crossbowmen).

Midguard's assualt on Ctis' capital was defeated and Ctis showed that he had tartarians, Midguard was then sceptical about defeating Ctis, as he said he didn't plan a late game strategy, but i assured him blood can keep up with death in the late game. I also point out that if we can stop him sieging forts by killing his undead chariots with say pugatory, he wouldn't be able to take back the forts we've gained. So I ask for some fire gems to help towards that. I also ask midguard for some jade knives to help with dominion pushing.

So at this point i'm getting about 100 blood slaves a turn, i've summoned a fallen angel, the arch devils with a fire brand and the banishment scythe, a vimpire lord casting blood rite for more vampires (my thought proccess that if banefire was going to kill troops anyway, immortal troops are great with my dominion pushing power) and I've been blood sacrificing on all fronts to increase my dominion (and still haven't found an indie province with an indie nature mage, which i need to start forging jade knives).

I notice that one of Bogarus' (still staling) provinces (province 57) has been over taken with barbarians. Since I was looking for more provinces to blood hunt from I have my god take it. Now as a habit of mine i cast bowl of blood (blood site searching) in every province, since there are some good blood sites out there and its only 2 slaves per cast.

But Holy Shit, it turns out that province 57 had the Summoning Circle (60 bonus blood magic, aka 60% discount on blood rituals aka costing 40% of the original cost) in it!

Needless to say, I kicked my blood economy into overdrive, if it wasn't a fort and had over 5000 population and wasn't near the frontlines, it was getting blood hunted. While doing that I moved all my b3 ritual casters from my capital there (had to use items to move underwater, and map move 1 is painfully slow).

From there I was spamming imps, and 3 red seconds to grab provinces that my god and arch devil raided, and fortify them quickly. Starting with the VP next to Ctis' capital. From there I start Blood sacrificing from these quickly fortified provinces in Ctis' territory with jade knives, cast eternal pyre and purgatory (thanks to the arch devils with f4+2boosters), the looming hell (thanks to a heliophagus that starts with b4+3boosters) and stellar focus (thanks to the s3 arch devil + 2 boosters).

With casting so many hordes from hell and infernal forces just start to swarm everything in imps and devils, build forts with 3 red seconds and start blood sacing from those forts and the forts i captured, eventually domkilling Ulm (who has been staling for over a 12 turns now) Ctis (thanks to Midguard also blood sacing outside his capital) and Bogarus (who went AI after staling for so long).

The hordes of imps and devils snatch up some more VPs to where i'm at 5of6 needed to win, at which point I just throw my horde + nearby mages at one of Midguard's VPs and grab it for the win.

The End.

So yea, the Summoning Circle basically won me the game.

Just wanted to fire a question at Ctis:
I saw the tartarians at the battle with you and Midguard at your capital, then some later that where naked and wounded, trying to raid some of the provinces that i raided. But then died to 20PD. I think i also saw a tartarian with b6 at some point.
I know you had a bunch in your capital, what was the deal with them? How come no pimped out Tartarians were waltzing out wrecking shit?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:17 am
by Korwin
Bad strategy on my part. While I had Tartarians, I had few (and to late)and now way to heal them or even gift of reason the non-feebleminded ones.