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Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:23 pm
by Sirocco
Hm. We could give one Firewater bottle to the giant. Then, transfer the remaining Firewater into the glass bottle. The end result would be one glass bottle full of Firewater, and one empty Firewater (dark-tinted) bottle to fill up with water for the trick.

Is this bending the rules too much?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:00 am
by Silent Wayfarer
Well, we do have an empty glass bottle, and since the color was never specified and the only bottles in the north seem to hold firewater... I'll allow it. :p
The Frost Giant marches off at a good pace. It's clear he enjoys watching you have to half-walk and half-run in order to keep up with him. He's soon joined by another Frost Giant, and shortly before the end of the day you find yourself in the encampment of the Great Jarl and about a hundred other Frost Giants. Pitched tents, massive wooden cabins, flocks of livestock and hungry-looking Snow Wolves abound. You're beginning to wonder what you've walked into. Turn to 29.
Frost Giants are assholes.
You are hauled in front of the huge cabin of the GreatJarl himself; add 2 to your Time Track. He's a monstrous Frost Giant with scarred arms and a missing left eye; he bristles with body hair which looks like fur, and is heavily tattooed into the bargain. Around the throne-like chair on which he sits is a collection of his prized treasures and trophies; the stuffed heads of huge animals and monsters, a pair of steel-tipped lances, a giant crossbow some two metres long, and a shield. It's unmistakeable: white-lacquered with a blue chevron and a small black Dragon detail in the top left-hand corner. This is what you have come for, but how are you going to get it? Of course, you start your speech with flattering comments about the Great Jarl's majesty and might, but the wary old Giant looks at you with his one good eye and an expression on his face which gives nothing away. You must choose one of two strategies with him: either you can suggest some kind of trial or challenge to obtain the shield you want so badly (turn to 111 if you do this), or you can try some kind of trade or bargaining approach (turn to 260 if you try this tactic).
I'm fairly certain we'll all be going for the challenge but I have to ask anyway. :p
Dirk el Dragoncock

Skill 11
Stamina 16/22
Luck 9/12

Honour 2
Nemesis 2
Time Track 32

Leather armor
2/12 Provisions
0 golds
Silver key
Longbow and arrows
Spiked boots
Ice pick
Viewing lens
Carved ivory polar bear
Steel mirror
Flask of Walrus Oil
Silver plaque with "Endimion" carved onto it
1 bottle of Larssen's Firewater
Smoke powder

20-stranded spider's web tattoo with a dragon's skull in it, seen on paragraph 55.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:02 am
by Darth Rabbitt
Oh, it's drinking contest time.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:51 am
by Mr Shine
Baldrick, fetch me my really strong ale.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:07 am
by Silent Wayfarer
The great Jarl gets your drift very quickly. His eye gleams with mischief and he leans forward to scrutinize you closely. "Well, runt, I am a giant of honor. is that not so?" he says as he turns to his followers. They all murmur in agreement "It amuses me that you seek a challenge to take this shield we have had for so many decades. Not many short folk would dare! You ae brave - stupid, but brave - so I shall accept. He rises to his feet, yawns and stretches, then lazily picks up his enormous, double-handed stone axe. The Great Jarl is probably seven metres tall and, quite honestly, he looks like he could have you for breakfast. Fighting him would be the toughest fight you have ever had in your life. Unfortunately, you don't have to fight him. His cabin door swings open and his son and champion strides in. He is introduced as Bagghurd and, while he looks about as smart as a rock, he makes his father look like a pygmy. He has muscles in places you wouldn't have thought possible, and he pauses in his habitual drooling to lick his lips at the thought of fighting you. If you are going to take up the challenge, turn to 204. If you decide to back down, turn to 170.
Bagghurd is actually quite the badass in combat and giants are really, really tough. Still, I assume we still want to fight... so fight!
The Frost Giants form a circle round you. Bagghurd's doting giantess wife oils his skin while he dons his heavy battle furs and readies his great axe. The Giants begin to chant their hero's name as you square up against each other. You must call on all your ability if you are to have any hope of success here! Of course, you may have a special trick to help you out (you must have a bottle of firewater left for this trick, of course). If you have, you know the name of the man who told you about it: turn his name into a number, using the following code: A = 1, B = 2, C=3... Z = 26. Double that number and turn to the paragraph with the same number. Otherwise, fight on!
Exposition interrupt! Nevill told us about the trick, so we get 14 + 5 + 22 + 9 + 12 + 12 = 74, x2 = 148.
You rise to your full height and challenge the Frost Giant champion to drink a bottle of firewater with you before the fight! The onlookers gasp as one Giant. You hand Bagghurd the real stuff, and you yourself drain the water in your own bottle. Bagghurd is certainly looking somewhat cross-eye after he has laboured to finish the drink, and you can deduct 2 from his Attack Strength during the coming fight. Return to 204.
BAGGHURD Skill 10 (-2 from firewatering) Stamina 21

If you reduce Bagghurd's Stamina to 2 or less, he surrenders and you are victorious! The Great Jarl spits at your feet, lifts up the shield and hurls it at you while his son snivels over the wounds you have inflicted on him. turn to 307.
Round 1
Dirk 19 Attack Strength 16/22 Stamina
Bagghurd 17 Attack Strength 21/21 Stamina (-4)
Luck test: 7 vs 9: success!

Round 2
Dirk 13 Attack Strength 16/22 Stamina (-2)
Bagghurd 14 Attack Strength 17/21 Stamina

Round 3
Dirk 15 Attack Strength 14/22 Stamina (-2)
Bagghurd 17 Attack Strength 17/21 Stamina

Round 4
Dirk 20 Attack Strength 12/22 Stamina
Bagghurd 14 Attack Strength 17/21 Stamina (-4)
Luck test: 6 vs 8: success!

Round 5
Dirk 13 Attack Strength 12/22 Stamina (-2)
Bagghurd 19 Attack Strength 13/21 Stamina

Round 6
Dirk 13 Attack Strength 10/22 Stamina (-2)
Bagghurd 17 Attack Strength 13/21 Stamina

Round 7
Dirk 18 Attack Strength 8/22 Stamina
Bagghurd 17 Attack Strength 17/21 Stamina (-4)
Luck test: 4 vs 7: success!

Round 8
Dirk 18 Attack Strength 8/22 Stamina
Bagghurd 15 Attack Strength 11/21 Stamina (-2)

Round 9
Dirk 15 Attack Strength 8/22 Stamina
Bagghurd 15 Attack Strength 11/21 Stamina

Round 10
Dirk 21 Attack Strength 8/22 Stamina
Bagghurd 17 Attack Strength 11/21 Stamina (-2)

Round 11
Dirk 13 Attack Strength 8/22 Stamina (-2)
Bagghurd 20 Attack Strength 11/21 Stamina

Round 12
Dirk 22 Attack Strength 6/22 Stamina
Bagghurd 14 Attack Strength 9/21 Stamina (-2)

Round 13
Dirk 19 Attack Strength 6/22 Stamina
Bagghurd 14 Attack Strength 7/21 Stamina (-2)

Round 14
Dirk 19 Attack Strength 6/22 Stamina
Bagghurd 12 Attack Strength 5/21 Stamina (-2)

Round 15
Dirk 18 Attack Strength 6/22 Stamina
Bagghurd 17 Attack Strength 3/21 Stamina (-2, defeated)
That was a really hairy fight. Still!
The Shield will add 1 to your Attack Strength in all combats - and it has other magical qualities, which you will not learn of until the right circumstances arise - suffice to say it may well save your life in the Night Dragon's lair! On the back of the Shield seventy iron rivets have been sunk to hold the front part snug to the back of the Shield. The number of rivets is the Shield Number, so make a note of this.

If you are ready to face the Night Dragon now, you know the number of the paragraph to turn to! If you have Magic Shield, Magic Armour and magic Sword, and you have not yet met the Loremaster, add the Shield Number, Armour Number and Sword Number together to get a total, then turn to the paragraph with that number. If you have both Armour and Shield and you tried to obtain the Sword but failed to do so, multiply the Armour Number by 4 and add this to the Shield Number. If you still seek either Armour or Sword, turn to 219.
wtb relic chest/wep
You decide to get as much distance between yourself and the Frost Giants as possible, in case they turn hostile. You march long and hard right through the night and into the following day. Add 2 to your Time Track, and you must eat two meals during this arduous, prolonged exercise.

The next day, you have a choice of routes to follow. If you wish to make for the town of Ismater, not having been there before, turn to 322. If you are hading westwards for the Sword, turn to 2. If you wish to strike out north-east for the Armour, turn to 17.
Well ,we're out of food and dangerously low on HP... Sword or Armour for us, lads!
Dirk el Dragoncock

Skill 11 (+1 from Magic Shield)
Stamina 6/22
Luck 6/12

Honour 2
Nemesis 2
Time Track 32

Leather armor
Magic Shield
2/12 Provisions
0 golds
Silver key
Longbow and arrows
Spiked boots
Ice pick
Viewing lens
Carved ivory polar bear
Steel mirror
Flask of Walrus Oil
Silver plaque with "Endimion" carved onto it
Smoke powder

20-stranded spider's web tattoo with a dragon's skull in it, seen on paragraph 55.

Shield Number: 70

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 11:12 am
by SGamerz
Well, at least Keith Martin actually gives the Shield a combat bonus, which is better than the lack thereof for the Shield of Faith in Vault of the Vampire.

Hmmm....a place with the word "Crypts" in it vs an old dwarf fortress? The latter sounds more attractive to me. I know we have to go to both anyway, but I'd feel better going to the crypts with some extra protection when we find the armour.

Armour first.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:02 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
With such low STAMINA it makes more sense to grab the armor first. We need as much protection as we can get.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:17 pm
by Mr Shine
Plus we apparently can't fail to get the armour. Let's go for the armour.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:48 am
by Silent Wayfarer
The march away from the mountains of the Giants lies downhill, so ifs not too wearying on your legs. Add 2 to your Time Track, and you must now eat a meal. You think fondly of the Magic Armour you seek; managing to evade a hungry grizzly bear last night made you realize you could certainly do with the protection of fine armour! You set off on a clear morning; turn to 217.
No meals, so we take 2 damage. This could be bad if we don't get food soon.
The rest of the day is spent marching through the rocky hills before you find a safe place to sleep. Add 2 to your Time Track and now you must eat a meal. Next moming you soon find a south-western turning from your path clearly signposted, "CARNEX". If you want to make for Carnex, not having been there already, turn to 8. If you want to press on north-westwards, turn to 85.
Carnex is the enemy's HQ, but it's still a town, and it might have food... also, a chance to dragoncock the enemy in the face.
Dirk el Dragoncock

Skill 11 (+1 from Magic Shield)
Stamina 4/22
Luck 6/12

Honour 2
Nemesis 2
Time Track 36

Leather armor
Magic Shield
0/12 Provisions
0 golds
Silver key
Longbow and arrows
Spiked boots
Ice pick
Viewing lens
Carved ivory polar bear
Steel mirror
Flask of Walrus Oil
Silver plaque with "Endimion" carved onto it
Smoke powder

20-stranded spider's web tattoo with a dragon's skull in it, seen on paragraph 55.

Shield Number: 70

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:48 am
by Sirocco
We need supplies badly. We're not that much known (low NEMESIS) so I think we should be safe. As long as the guy we tried to beat up isn't there to recognize us, that is.

Let's hit the town.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:06 pm
by SGamerz
Carnex in the hopes of finding some FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD for our starving bellies.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 2:33 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
Let's go to town and take their food. Hopefully without much violence.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 3:19 pm
by Silent Wayfarer
Add 2 to your Time Track for following the route to Carnex. What you find here is surprising - and grim. The town is walled, with guards prowling the battlements, keeping their crossbows levelled on any who approach. You advance slowly, making for the single closed gate on the east side of the town. It opens as you approach, allowing you a glimpse of a prosperous-looking settlement inside tbe walls. Two guards draw swords as you approach them; they look uncertain and one of them challenges you, demanding to know your name and purpose in coming here. Will you:

Try to bribe the guards? (Turn to 358)
Attack the guards and try to fight your way in? (Turn to 223)
Try to bluff your way through? (Turn to 32)
Back off and look for an alternative way into Carnex? (Turn to 135)
We have no money, so bribing might be hard...
Dirk el Dragoncock

Skill 11 (+1 from Magic Shield)
Stamina 4/22
Luck 6/12

Honour 2
Nemesis 2
Time Track 36

Leather armor
Magic Shield
0/12 Provisions
0 golds
Silver key
Longbow and arrows
Spiked boots
Ice pick
Viewing lens
Carved ivory polar bear
Steel mirror
Flask of Walrus Oil
Silver plaque with "Endimion" carved onto it
Smoke powder

20-stranded spider's web tattoo with a dragon's skull in it, seen on paragraph 55.

Shield Number: 70

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:16 pm
by Sirocco
"Hi, I'm selling these fine leather jackets!"

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:32 pm
by Mr Shine
Bluffing probably can't hurt.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:53 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
Bluff time.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:04 am
by Silent Wayfarer
"I'm a merchant from Rentarn, you say, and the guards see your bulging backpack. "Look, I'm down on my luck and I was told this was a place I could try my fortune." Test your Luck. If you are lucky, the guards believe your story , but they will demand 1 Gold Piece from you as "merchant's tax" for entering. If you are prepared to pay, turn to 333. If you won't or can't pay 1 Gold Piece, or if you are Unlucky, the guards will not let you into the town and make it clear that they are very suspicious of you. Will you:

Attack the guards and fight your way in? (Turn to 223)
Back off and look for an alternative way into Carnex? (Turn to 135)
Leave Carnex and try elsewhere? (Turn to 75)
FWIW, we were lucky, but couldn't pay. Attack, find another way (sneaky?) or give up?
Dirk el Dragoncock

Skill 11 (+1 from Magic Shield)
Stamina 4/22
Luck 5/12

Honour 2
Nemesis 2
Time Track 38

Leather armor
Magic Shield
0/12 Provisions
0 golds
Silver key
Longbow and arrows
Spiked boots
Ice pick
Viewing lens
Carved ivory polar bear
Steel mirror
Flask of Walrus Oil
Silver plaque with "Endimion" carved onto it
Smoke powder

20-stranded spider's web tattoo with a dragon's skull in it, seen on paragraph 55.

Shield Number: 70

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:29 am
by SGamerz
Do all 3 sections lead to 223??

Anyway, were in no fit shape for combat. Look for another way.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 1:25 am
by Silent Wayfarer
No, that's just me giving new and sadder meaning to the phrase "frighteningly retarded".

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 3:13 am
by Darth Rabbitt
Looking for alternatives is usually the best route for dealing with situations that can't be bluffed past.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:49 am
by Silent Wayfarer
You retreat a little way and try to formulate a plan for getting into Carnex undetected and bypassing the guards at the gate. Add 1 to your Time Track as you ponder and you must now eat a meal. After observing the comings and goings of the town, you consider that you have three options; ambushing one of the grey-robed men walking in and out of the place and taking his robes to bluff your way past the guards, (turn to 61), trying to get information out of one of the ordinary villagers (turn to 79) or giving up and going elsewhere (turn to 370)?
Yeeesh. After deducting the 2 Stamina for not having a meal, we're on the verge of death here. Decide!
Dirk el Dragoncock

Skill 11 (+1 from Magic Shield)
Stamina 2/22
Luck 5/12

Honour 2
Nemesis 2
Time Track 39

Leather armor
Magic Shield
0/12 Provisions
0 golds
Silver key
Longbow and arrows
Spiked boots
Ice pick
Viewing lens
Carved ivory polar bear
Steel mirror
Flask of Walrus Oil
Silver plaque with "Endimion" carved onto it
Smoke powder

20-stranded spider's web tattoo with a dragon's skull in it, seen on paragraph 55.

Shield Number: 70

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 10:17 am
by Mr Shine
I'd gofor a grey robed man, on the basis he would pobably carry some gold, which we could then convert into food when we get into the town. It'd have to be flawless, or flawless-1 with a less than 1/3 chance of a good luck roll, but we've got a sky high skill, and these grey robed men are weak. If we ask in the village or leave entirely we'll probably starve to death before the next time we can get food.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:03 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
Jump him, and hope that we roll well against him.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:57 pm
by SGamerz
I'd get more exposition from the villagers. If that doesn't get us in, hen I think the option to ambush a robed guy will still be there.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 1:53 pm
by Silent Wayfarer
Actually, you only get exposition from the villagers if your Nemesis score is high enough. Dirk's is not high enough.

Also, it would have required a wait + meal, which would have killed us.
You hide yourself at some distance from the main track into the town, and wait. Add 2 to your Time Track. Eventually a grey-robed, tall, lean figure strides away from Carnex along the trail. You can't use your weapon to best effect - his robes will be useless as a disguise if you've chopped them to shreds with a keen-edged sword. Because you have to pull your punches, you must subtract z from your Attack Strength during this fight!

GREY ASSASSIN Skill 9 Stamina 10

lf you win, you take the man's robes and pull them on over your armour. You head for the main gates with the cowl of the robe pulled firmly down over your face, and the guards let you pass. Turn to 333.
Round 1
Dirk 15 Stamina 2/22
Assassin 14 Stamina 10/10 (-2)

Round 2
Dirk 16 Stamina 2/22
Assassin 14 Stamina 8/10 (-2)

Round 3
Dirk 21 Stamina 2/22
Assassin 20 Stamina 6/10 (-2)

Round 4
Dirk 20 Stamina 2/22
Assassin 19 Stamina 4/10 (-2)

Round 5
Dirk 20 Stamina 2/22
Assassin 15 Stamina 2/10 (-2, killed)
Shit, we actually did it.
Now you're inside Carnex, you sense the chronic fear and tension that dominate the place. Everything appears normal, but the faces of the folk scurrying hither and thither are turned away from you, and small knots of grey-robed men stand nonchalantly at street corners, watching all who pass by. This is clearly a dangerous place full of potential enemies. You can explore the town openly, not losing much time, or you can keep your head down and be much more circumspect in your exploration. If you want to explore openly, turn to 103. If you decide to take extra time and be more careful, add 2 to your Time Track and turn to 125.
This is actually kind of a bullshit choice; the overt option eventually leads to the covert option anyway, with very little consequences for it. Just tell me whether you're going in hot and fast or slow and steady and I'll tell you what happens. In the meantime, the real decision awaits!
The town is broadly divided in halt with the bigger houses and those of merchants to the north and the homes of ordinary labourers and artisans to the south. You find a little food shop tucked away in a side street; if you want to get extra Provisions, you can buy them at 1 Gold Piece per meal here. The major features of Carnex appear to be the very large and spacious graveyards to the north-east, a group of three towers standing behind a curtain wall to the north, some fine gardens to the north-west, and a large brewery to the south-west. T here are also two taverns on the south side of town. Where will you go to now?

The taverns? (turn to 142)
The brewery? (turn to 175)
The gardens? (turn to 209)
The towers? (turn to 383)
The graveyards? (turn to 355)
It is a cruel joke that once again we have spent our money on nifty gewgaws instead of the essentials of life. :p
Dirk el Dragoncock

Skill 11 (+1 from Magic Shield)
Stamina 2/22
Luck 5/12

Honour 2
Nemesis 2
Time Track 39

Leather armor
Magic Shield
0/12 Provisions
0 golds
Silver key
Longbow and arrows
Spiked boots
Ice pick
Viewing lens
Carved ivory polar bear
Steel mirror
Flask of Walrus Oil
Silver plaque with "Endimion" carved onto it
Smoke powder

20-stranded spider's web tattoo with a dragon's skull in it, seen on paragraph 55.

Shield Number: 70