[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 28 - Phantoms of Fear

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Which of Robin Waterfield's FF works would you like to play next?

Poll ended at Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:39 am

Masks of Mayhem (FF23)
Phantoms of Fear (FF28)
Deathmoor ((FF55)
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Post by SGamerz »

You gather some logs and uproot several bushes to make a screen across the mouth of the cave. This won't fool the cave's occupant, if it returns, but it will give you advance warning of its return, since it would make a noise while removing the screen. You do not sleep well, since you are constantly half expecting to hear the animal coming back - but it doesn't. Only one brief vision deepens your otherwise shallow sleep, but it is a dream of great and awesome beauty.

You see yourself standing in the centre of a ring formed by six pools, which you know instinctively are bottomless. Two of the pools are filled with liquid fire, which continually changes shape and colour, and seems to form recognizable images - but they are gone before you can identify them, and a new image has taken the place of the other, forever lost. Two of the pools are filled with water; in your dream you look into one of these pool and know that the water is burning cold, though it does not freeze over. You see reflected in the pool a dark, star-studded night sky, but these are not the familiar constellations which circle Titan. The last two pools, arranged opposite each other as the other pairs are too, are funnels for mighty winds. One pool is exhaling and the other inhaling, as if they were the breath of the world, and the strength of their blasts would either suck you into the fathomless depths or blow you into the heavens. Gain 2 POWER points and turn to 319.
POWER score is now at 20!
In the morning, when you wake up, you tear away the screen from the mouth of the cave. Dawn light floods in from the sun, which has risen just over the tops of the trees in the forest plain below. You can now see more of the cave than you could last night, and you realize that it goes deeper into the mountain than you had thought. At the back of the cave, screened by a boulder, a narrow tunnel winds away into darkness. It is so narrow that you would have to wriggle through, pushing your backpack and sword in front of you. You can feel no draught issuing from the tunnel, nor is there any other indication that it might lead anywhere. Will you explore the tunnel, or continue up the hillside?
Penetrate deeper?
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Post by JourneymanN00b »

Having to push the sword and backpack in front of DVS in order to explore the tunnel is just *asking* for trouble and is not a risk that I am comfortable taking. The lack of a draught is also not a good sign.

My vote is to continue up the hillside.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah, this is the kind of thing that leads to either a game over/fuck you or a bonus, and since we just got a bonus I'm pretty sure it's the former. Continue up the hillside.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

We already got two Power points and some information, so searching further is not likely to have a good outcome. Go up the hillside.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

I vote for penetrating the hole further, but I might not have had it not looked like that option would lose the vote.
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Post by SGamerz »

The last stretches of the hill are hard going. The trees are thinner; scree covers the slope and provides little or no soil for roots, and little or no safe footing for a traveler. The trees which line the ridge are bent into weird shapes as if by a constant westerly wind. Eventually, you arrive, panting, at the crest itself, and you lie down on the ground to survey the scene below you. The western slope of the range of hills descends fairly gently into a valley, where all seems to be peace at harmony. The trees there seem still to be clothed in spring green. But this fresh copse ends with shocking abruptness in terrain which is unlike anything you have seen before, awake or in your worst nightmares. You realize that you are looking out over the blighted part of the forest, which your dream revealed to you. It is considerably larger than you thought it would be: it stretches for kilometres.
Empathy knows no distances, and as a Wood Elf you can feel the pain of the suffering forest, even though you are still some way from it. What likes before your eyes is like a mockery of the forest you know and love. There are trees all right - although many areas have been devastated, as if by fire or by a horde of careless axe-wielding Dwarfs. In contrast to the clarity of the air where you are and in the pleasant valley below, the cursed region in the distance is shrouded by a murky haze, which rolls and seethes with a chaotic lie of its own. But your observations of the scene are cut short by a sudden harsh cry, which rips the still air, silences the birds twittering in the trees above you, and sends a spirit of chill fear into your heart. You jump to your feet in alarm. Will you run and hide from whatever vast being may be the source of this sound or stay where you are?
Yet another "do you want to stay still" option. Do we now?
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Post by JourneymanN00b »

Running and hiding would just put our character at the mercy at whatever is causing this fear. My vote is to have DVS stay where he is, as he has very good skill and can at least prepare himself to fight whatever is coming after him.
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Agreed. Let's stay where we are.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Stay stay stay
All you had to do was stay

(Neither amongst her best work, but I prefer the latter when she'd definitely gone pop rather than country)
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Post by SGamerz »

There is no sign of any living creature that might have uttered the unearthly cry you heard. While you watch from the hill, however, the swirling haze which covers the blighted forest suddenly leaps into greater motions and, even though you are far away, you are simultaneously struck by a furious blast of sorcerous wind, which knocks you off your feet. Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, turn to 175; if you are Unlucky, turn to 93.
Our first Luck test in this game....

Dice roll = 5 (Lucky).
At the moment the wind struck, you were fortunately breathing out, so none of the evil blast entered your lungs.
We just avoid a penalty in SKILL, STAMINA and POWER.
You continue your journey on all fours. It is some time before you dare to pick yourself up and proceed as normal through the trees. You wonder whether the blast of wind was directed by some intelligent mind towards you in person, or whether it was the instinctive response of Evil towards Good.

You realize that, however hazardous your journey up to now has been, the dangers have at least been reasonably familiar. Once you reach the blighted land, however, you suspect that you will enter an uncharted region of unknown terrors.
Before long, you are at the foot of the hills, and you enter the glade whose spring greenery you admired from above. There is no doubt in your mind that this is an enchanted place, containing the power of Good. The air is fresh and sweet, small flowers dapple the sward, and the trees - mainly silver birches - are filled with trilling birds. You have no idea whose enchantment the place is under, but you can guess why it is there - as a bastion against the Evil of the blasted lands beyond. You revel in the pleasant atmosphere as you stroll among the trees. Soon you come to a fair-sized pool, which is fed by a bubbling brook. Will you drink from the pool, bathe in it, or avoid any contact with it?
Do we like pool?
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Post by JourneymanN00b »

This is a tough one for me. On one hand, the place seems to be affiliated with Good, so the pool should be beneficial for us, on paper. On the other hand, the reference "as a bastion against Evil" might indicate that this pool might be "forbidden", and we might be angering any guardians of the pool by coming into contact with it. I've played games where it works out both ways.

I think, though, that I really do not see too much to gain by coming into contact with this pool and do not want to take that risk of touching it. My vote is to avoid any contact with the pool.

However, bathing in the pool is my second choice, as I think we should go all in with the pool if we are opting to have any contact with it.
Last edited by JourneymanN00b on Mon Aug 03, 2020 3:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Drinking? Might help if the water is part of a "bastion against Evil".

Bathing? I don't know if the water has to be drunk to benefit us, but at the same time, I doubt we'll emerge covered in leeches. Might also be something of value inside the pool, though this seems like a long shot.

Couldn't decide, therefore tossed a coin and it came up in favor of drinking.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The water is 'a bastion against evil.' If we bathe in it, it will soon drip away and protect us no more. Drink it, and we will carry it for a longer while inside us. Besides, evil is more of an interior than an exterior threat.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

angelfromanotherpin wrote:If we bathe in it, it will soon drip away and protect us no more. Drink it, and we will carry it for a longer while inside us.
Too bad we can't bathe and drink, though maybe not in that order.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I’d be in favor of drinking.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

The water is clear and refreshingly cool. You may add 2 STAMINA points. After drinking, you sit on the bank and gaze in wonder around you. Somewhat to your surprise, you find that your head is resting on the soft turf. You drift off to sleep.
Technically, bathing was the best option, but in this case we didn't too much. We missed an additional LUCK bonus (2 points, we could have used one of them), and also gets to remove a SKILL penalty from a specific encounter which we didn't pick up.

Not touching the water at all means we would miss this upcoming next section completely....
In your dreams, the fairy folk who tend this enchanted garden appear to you. They tell you that they are the secret children of Galana, goddess of plant and fertility. They dance and teach you many things about plants that even the Wood Elves do not know. Finally, they invite you to stay with them, to combat Evil by tending their Garden of Good. It is a sweet temptation, especially to a Wood Elf. Roll one die. If you roll 1-5, turn to 31; if you roll 6, turn to 296.
Galana isn't just the goddess of plant and fertility. She's also the creator of Elves in Titan. I'm pretty sure all Titan Elves are aware of that so it's surprising that it wasn't mentioned.

Die roll = 1.
You harden your resolve and spurn the offer of the fairies; your destiny lies in more direct action. You awaken from the dream and find that the glade has vanished. You are right on the border of the blighted land; all that is left of the enchanted glade is a single elder tree. The tree is obviously magical: your attention is drawn to its branches in particular, because of their regular arrangement. You notice that there are exactly twenty-two branches (note this on your Adventure Sheet). All but one are normal, leafy boughs; but the other is silver and gleams with its own inner light. You pluck it, stow it in your backpack, and take your first step into Ishtra's cruel kingdom.
That was, in fact, a 1/6 chance of Game Over that we just escaped from. If we rolled a 6, the PC gives in to the temptation and stays to tend the magical glade.....and gives up his important quest. Narrative-wise not exactly a bad ending (the text leaves it ambiguous on whether Ishtra succeeds in conquering Titan), but a definite fail in gameplay.

1/6 chance isn't too bad in itself, but the loot we just picked up makes it kind of a necessary gamble for PCs with low SKILL and really low POWER, since it's one of the required items that gives low-stat PCs an alternative way to beat the End Boss.
After only a few steps in the corrupt forest, you know that something is wrong. It is not just the sense of Evil, which you will get used to as you would to a bad smell which is not noticed after a while. There is something more...something within yourself.

You will find that from here on, in your adventure, you are unable to cast any spells. One of Ishtra's defences is to prevent any magic except his own being effective in his domain. You retain your POWER score, however: there may yet be some use for it!

As you walk forward, the evil mist which you saw from the hillside seethes around you, as if urging you to return. Lightning plays over to right; a tall pine, throttled by ivy which is wriggling even now, loom in your path. From your survey from the hillside, you know that this blighted part of the forest is almost circular in shape, spreading out from a centre which must be where the entrance lies to Ishtra's underground stronghold. All you have to do is follow the steady worsening of the blight and you will reach your goal.

One obstacle at a time, however. You have reached one of the patches of bare ground, where the trees have rotted away to nothingness. Will you cross the clearing or walk around it, keeping to the trees?
Yeah, I did mention in the very first post of this topic that the access to magic spells in this book doesn't last long..... >.>
The magic spell system is one of the things that just wasn't implemented well in this book. I don't think there's a single encounter in the book where casting spell is needed to get past any obstacle. Some are mildly helpful at best. On the whole, its a very marginal privilege for characters who have a lot of POWER to spare, but most of the time you're better off saving those POWER points for later when they become really important.
Adventure Sheet:
Name: Dickolaus Von Scrotunheim
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 9/10
Equipment: Telessa (sword), Leather Armor, Backpack, Water Flask, Potion of Strength (restores STAMINA to Initial value), Wild Boar's tusks, Antler-horn (12 branches), Elder Tree Branch (22 branches in the tree)
Provisions: 6
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Post by JourneymanN00b »

Something bad is definitely present in the clearing, since the trees have rotted away to nothingness in that area. My vote is to walk around it and keep to the trees.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Walk around.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Walking is healthy, let's do more of it.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Don't cross into the danger area, walk around it.
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Post by SGamerz »

The rot which has created the clearing has also started to affect the trees on the edge of the clearing. You step on something squelchy, and a foul smell rises; when you look down, you see that it was a root, rotted from the inside by the Evil in the soil. And then...was it a trick of the shifting half-light of this place, or did that root move slightly? No, it was not your imagination, for now several roots are squirming towards you, dripping noxious slime.

And now they are joined by a dozen more, and now more. You must hack your way through these roots. If you have a hatchet, you can add 1 to your Attack Strength for each round, as you wield your sword in one hand and the hatchet in the other.


If you win, you leave a foul mess behind you and break away, further from the clearing, where the rot has not yet warped the trees so much. Turn to 6.
There's a combat encounter both via the clearing and via this way. Both are pretty weak enemies, but the one in the clearing is slightly stronger.
Roots 14, DVS 22. Roots is at 10.
Roots 9, DVS 22. Roots is at 8.
Roots 10, DVS 23. Roots is at 6.
Roots 15, DVS 23. Roots is at 4.
Roots 17, DVS 15. DVS is at 15.
Roots 14, DVS 21. Roots is at 2.
Roots 12, DVS 19. Roots is defeated.
We actually got hit once, losing the 2 STAMINA that we just restored from the pool.
You continue through the cursed forest. The leaves are brown and swollen beyond their normal size; there is a constant dripping of vile liquid from the leaves on to the soggy ground. Late in the afternoon - or so your guess it to be, but the sun is usually invisible beyond the seething brown mist - you come across a definite trail, trending to your left. You dread to think what manner of creatures may have made a trail in this doomed place. Will you follow this trail or continue through the trackless trees?
The trail is to our left, so the votes are probably a foregone conclusion, but I still gotta ask: do we follow the trail?

Adventure Sheet:
Name: Dickolaus Von Scrotunheim
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 9/10
Equipment: Telessa (sword), Leather Armor, Backpack, Water Flask, Potion of Strength (restores STAMINA to Initial value), Wild Boar's tusks, Antler-horn (12 branches), Elder Tree Branch (22 branches in the tree)
Provisions: 6
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Post by JourneymanN00b »

Quickly! Follow the trail! (Shameless plug for one of the better movies that I watched in my childhood)

Of course I'm voting for the left option. To choose otherwise without a compelling reason would be to endorse fascism. A fear of possible creatures that might have made a trail is not a compelling reason. At all.
Last edited by JourneymanN00b on Tue Aug 04, 2020 6:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Sure, follow the trail.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Follow the linear danger area.
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Post by SGamerz »

You walk warily along the trail. To your relief, nothing pounces out at you from the woodland on either side, and there appear to be no traps. The trail leads straight to a fenced-off area. Inside the fence the trees have been cleared, but great holly bushes have been allowed to spring up. The hollies are so dense that you cannot see whether or not there is anything else apart from them here. The spot has obviously been created by an intelligent mind - but for what purpose? For all you know it could be a nursery for poisonous holly bushes. Will you go into the fenced-off area or avoid it?
Are we a trespasser?
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