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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 21 - Trial of Champions

Posted: Sun May 08, 2022 10:12 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
Climb down into the lair, lest it have been guarding any keys or rings.

Posted: Sun May 08, 2022 10:19 pm
by Queen of Swords
Agreed, let's see if we get anything good out of this.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 21 - Trial of Champions

Posted: Sun May 08, 2022 11:07 pm
by JourneymanN00b
Votes registered, Ben Richards will climb down into the lair.

You drop knee-dep into the thick, brown sludge. The dark brown body of the Bloodworm is about eight metres long, and is coiled round inside its stinking lair. You poke around in the sludge with your sword and come into contact with something solid. You reach down and pick up a corked bottle. You wipe off the sludge and see that it is made of dark green glass. There is a piece of paper inside the bottle which reads, ‘There is a door behind the pile of stones.’ It makes no sense to you, but you make a mental note of it. Finding nothing else of use, you climb out of the lair and carry on walking along the tunnel. Turn to 174.

The tunnel turns sharply to the left and then doubles back on itself. You walk along it for fifty metres before coming to a wooden door. The lower jaw-bone of a dog is mounted crudely above the door. If you wish to open the door, turn to 26. If you would rather walk on, turn to 379.


Please make your votes before 6:00 PM PDT to guarantee that it will be counted.

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Ben Richards
SKILL: 10 Initial Skill = 12
STAMINA: 11 Initial Stamina = 19
LUCK: 4 Initial Luck = 11
Leather Pouch
3 Gold Rings
Bone Medallion
Phial of Red Dust (turn to paragraph 238 to use)
Boots of Speed
Magic Broadsword
Glass Balls
Iron Key
Wooden Whistle
“There is a door behind the pile of stones.”
2 Rewinds
1 Restoration
2 Extra Gold Rings[/spoiler]

Posted: Sun May 08, 2022 11:52 pm
by Queen of Swords
Open the door, maybe the rest of Lassie's skeleton is behind it.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 21 - Trial of Champions

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 1:03 am
by JourneymanN00b
Vote registered, Ben Richards will open the door.


As soon as you touch the door-handle you hear loud barking and growling. You push the door open and see a vicious-looking two-headed black dog straining at a leash fastened to a hook in the far wall of a small room. Its eyes are red, and saliva drips continuously from its fanged mouths. The room is a terrible mess, with everything broken or chewed by the dog. However, on a shelf mounted on the wall behind the dog, there is a metal box. Will you:

Attack the dog? Turn to 294
Blow your wooden whistle (if you have one)? Turn to 67
Close the door and walk on up the corridor? Turn to 379

Please make your votes before 8:00 PM PDT to guarantee that it will be counted.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 21 - Trial of Champions

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 1:22 am
by Thaluikhain
Blow whistle at the dog/dogs.

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 3:51 am
by Queen of Swords
Blow the whistle.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 21 - Trial of Champions

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 4:36 am
by JourneymanN00b
Votes registered, Ben Richards will blow his wooden whistle.

The high-pitched note emitted by the whistle has a tranquillizing effect on the dog. It stops growling and slowly its eyes start to close. It flops down to the floor and is soon fast asleep. Turn to 217.

You step over the dog, reach up to the shelf and take the box. You prise it open with your sword and find a copper bracelet inside. If you wish to place the bracelet on your wrist, turn to 317. If you would rather leave the room without it and continue along the tunnel, turn to 379.

Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PDT or a choice gets a 3-vote majority to guarantee that it will be counted.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 21 - Trial of Champions

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 12:35 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
Bracelet will probably either give or take Skill, Stamina and/or Luck. Try it on, I suppose.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 21 - Trial of Champions

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 5:19 pm
by JourneymanN00b
Votes registered, Ben Richards will place the bracelet on his wrist.

As soon as you place the bracelet on your wrist, your arm feels weak and starts to shake. The bracelet is cursed, but you are unable to remove it. Lose 2 SKILL points and 1 LUCK point. There is nothing you can do except leave the room and carry on as best you can. Turn to 379.


The tunnel continues straight ahead until it ends at a T-junction. If you wish to turn left, turn to 162. If you wish to turn right, turn to 251.

Please make your votes before 6:00 PM PDT to guarantee that it will be counted.

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Ben Richards
SKILL: 8 Initial Skill = 12
STAMINA: 11 Initial Stamina = 19
LUCK: 3 Initial Luck = 11
Leather Pouch
3 Gold Rings
Bone Medallion
Phial of Red Dust (turn to paragraph 238 to use)
Boots of Speed
Magic Broadsword
Glass Balls
Iron Key
Wooden Whistle
“There is a door behind the pile of stones.”
Cursed Copper Bracelet
2 Rewinds
1 Restoration
2 Extra Gold Rings[/spoiler]

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 21 - Trial of Champions

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 5:31 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
Turn left.

Damn, this book is heavy on the stat penalties.

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 11:25 pm
by Queen of Swords
Darth Rabbitt wrote:
Mon May 09, 2022 5:31 pm
Damn, this book is heavy on the stat penalties.
Yeah, unless we get some Skill and Luck boosts, no way is this going to end well.

Turn left.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 21 - Trial of Champions

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 2:40 am
by JourneymanN00b
Votes registered, Ben Richards will once again stand against fascism and turn left.

You soon come to the edge of a pit which looks too wide for you to jump across. If, nevertheless, you wish to take a running jump over the pit, turn to 276. If you would rather walk back up the tunnel and past the T-junction, turn to 251.

Please make your votes before 9:00 PM PDT or a choice gets a 3-vote majority to guarantee that it will be counted.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 4:18 am
by Queen of Swords
Go back and past the T-junction.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 21 - Trial of Champions

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 2:28 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
I’m wondering if the boots of speed will help us with the running jump.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 21 - Trial of Champions

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 5:28 pm
by JourneymanN00b
Thank you for your votes. The "go back and past the T-junction" vote was more definite in intent than the other vote, so Ben Richards will walk back up the tunnel and past the T-junction.

There is an archway in the left-hand wall through which you see a brass bell mounted on the wall at the end of a narrow corridor. If you wish to ring the bell, turn to 90. If you would rather continue straight on, turn to 333.

Please make your votes before 6:00 PM PDT to guarantee that it will be counted.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 21 - Trial of Champions

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 6:09 pm
by Thaluikhain
Ring random bell

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 9:27 pm
by Queen of Swords
Sure, ring the bell.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 21 - Trial of Champions

Posted: Wed May 11, 2022 2:10 am
by JourneymanN00b
Votes registered, Ben Richards will ring the bell.

A delicate sound rings out from the small bell as you tap it with the hilt of your sword. You hear a fluttering of wings overhead. You get ready to defend yourself, but a white dove flutters down and settles on top of the bell. Much to your amazement it is holding a gold ring in its beak which it drops into the palm of your hand. With the ring safely stored in your pouch, you walk back down the corridor and turn left into the tunnel. Turn to 333.

The tunnel ends at a T-junction. Looking left, you see that the way is blocked by a pile of rocks. To your right, you see a wooden door some twenty metres down the tunnel. If you wish to investigate the rock-pile, turn to 96. If you wish to walk towards the door, turn to 375.

Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PDT or a choice gets a 3-vote majority to guarantee that it will be counted.

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Ben Richards
SKILL: 8 Initial Skill = 12
STAMINA: 11 Initial Stamina = 19
LUCK: 3 Initial Luck = 11
Leather Pouch
4 Gold Rings
Bone Medallion
Phial of Red Dust (turn to paragraph 238 to use)
Boots of Speed
Magic Broadsword
Glass Balls
Iron Key
Wooden Whistle
“There is a door behind the pile of stones.”
Cursed Copper Bracelet
2 Rewinds
1 Restoration
2 Extra Gold Rings[/spoiler]

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 21 - Trial of Champions

Posted: Wed May 11, 2022 4:08 am
by Darth Rabbitt
Investigate to find the door behind the pile of stones.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2022 4:38 am
by Queen of Swords
Yes, let's find the door.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 21 - Trial of Champions

Posted: Wed May 11, 2022 8:51 am
by Thaluikhain
Left is traditional, and yeah, pile o' rocks hiding door.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 21 - Trial of Champions

Posted: Wed May 11, 2022 5:34 pm
by JourneymanN00b
Votes registered, Ben Richards will investigate the rock-pile.

You pull a few rocks away from the pile and see that there is a doorway behind. If you wish to spend time clearing away the rocks so that you can open the iron door, turn to 215. If you would rather walk to the door on the other side of the T-junction, turn to 375.

Please make your votes before 6:00 PM PDT to guarantee that it will be counted.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2022 8:24 pm
by Queen of Swords
Yes, clear away the rocks and open the door.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 21 - Trial of Champions

Posted: Thu May 12, 2022 2:23 am
by JourneymanN00b
Votes registered, Ben Richards will spend time clearing away the rocks so that he can open the iron door.

It takes about twenty minutes to clear the rocks away. Eventually you turn the handle of the door and shove on it with your shoulder. The rusty old door creaks open and you find yourself standing in a disused tunnel. The air is dank and musty and you cannot see far into the gloom. But as your eyes become accustomed to the dark, you can see that there is no way forward, as the roof of the tunnel has caved in. On the back of the door there are words and numbers written in chalk, but it is too dark to see them properly. If you wish to fetch a torch from the main tunnel so that you can see to read the words and numbers, turn to 394. If you would rather forget about the derelict tunnel and walk to the door on the other side of the T-junction, turn to 375.

Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PDT or a choice gets a 3-vote majority to guarantee that it will be counted.