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Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:24 pm
by Shrapnel
Damn! I wish I'd thought of that before I bought Fort Max. Oh, well, it's all good still. Either way, I get a two-foot-tall guy with a crotch.

Does that sound the way I hope it sounded?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:39 am
by Koumei
So, I spent the past week (from Christmas' Eve, during the day, to today, New Year's Eve, in the evening), in hospital. I return, minus one gall bladder and multiple gall stones. There was some complication, pretty much the entire inner abdominal area became inflamed, in the end I was asking to see a doctor so I could sign consent for euthanasia. But the inflammation has gone down, the fever has gone down, and in anywhere from 2-6 weeks I'll be right again. And the fentanyl injections and morphine injections just made the pain go away like magic. It was incredible to have that relief, but not worth the pain of having the medical issues. Like, if someone was thinking "I want to get high", I would not recommend they suddenly develop a massive set of stones and suffer inflammation just for the pain shots.

Anything interesting happen in the last week? I've been without Internet.

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:55 pm
by Red_Rob
In Hospital on Christmas Eve for a week? What a shitty thing to happen. Are there any long term effects to having your gall bladder removed or is it another appendix-like "bonus" organ you just get to give you incredibly painful disorders?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:10 pm
by erik
Red_Rob wrote:In Hospital on Christmas Eve for a week? What a shitty thing to happen. Are there any long term effects to having your gall bladder removed or is it another appendix-like "bonus" organ you just get to give you incredibly painful disorders?
It does indeed serve some functions (and likely the appendix does as well), mostly in helping with digestion. After a successful surgery you can live a long and happy life without it, but there can be complications from having it removed.

Here's wikipedia on the removal procedure.

Sorry you went through all that Koumei. I hope it gets better soon. As for the last week in the rest of the world, it was mostly filler.

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:47 pm
by JigokuBosatsu
Get better soon, that's rough.

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 12:43 am
by Koumei
The appendix has some uses in digestion and helping the immune system (and for those literary fellows, for containing information not found in the main body). The gall bladder also vaguely aids in digestion. But the human body is full of spare parts you don't really need, and some of these can end up being more trouble than they're worth.

I think they mostly exist to help rule out intelligent design, because if an actual creator sat down and decided to make humans the way we are, then fuck, my dog is smarter than that deity.

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:53 am
by Maxus
There's a Neil Tyson Whatsisname commenting on that.

Like how the reproductive and waste disposal organs are pretty much the same. There's not a city planner in the world who would try to combine Funland and a sewage plant.

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:56 pm
by ishy
Get well soon Koumei

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:01 pm
by Darth Rabbitt

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:44 pm
by Koumei
Now that I'm out of hospital and don't have a horrible tube stuck in my side, I'm getting better every day. Sure, I'll never have a career in bareknuckle boxing, but we already knew that from the start.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 12:25 am
by Maxus
Glad to hear you're doing better

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 12:28 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
Despite giving up drinking, losing weight, eating healthy, and cleaning up my life, I am gifted with heart problems.


The last 12 hours have somehow been the worst experience of my life and that is a fucking achievement. I had just gotten out of debt, now I got a multi thousand medical bill to keep me down some more. And more is no doubt on the way. I hate this fucking universe and wish I had a way to destroy it.

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:24 am
by Maj
This year, I only put three things on my Christmas list: a new tea kettle, a new sewing basket, and Legos. When asked why I didn't put anything else on the list, I told my brother it was because it would reduce the probability of me receiving Legos. Because I really, really wanted a new set.

So he bought me this.

I started work on this today around 2 PM. It's now just after 10 PM and I'm a little more than halfway finished. My brain feels like I just took the SATs, but the thing is awesome. There's a forge with a waterwheel that turns the forger's hammer, a cute little woodstove stove in the blacksmith's quarters upstairs that opens and closes, a little street vendor, horse and cart... It's super cute. The best part is that it doesn't have a lot of big chunky pieces - it's serious business. Color me impressed.

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:35 pm
by RobbyPants
Maj wrote:This year, I only put three things on my Christmas list: a new tea kettle, a new sewing basket, and Legos. When asked why I didn't put anything else on the list, I told my brother it was because it would reduce the probability of me receiving Legos. Because I really, really wanted a new set.

So he bought me this.
Wouldn't it increase the probability?

Still, that's awesome. I got the large Monster Hunter's castle. It's all vampires and steam punk cyborgs. What's not to like?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:46 pm
by Count Arioch the 28th
Got the results back.

It seems that I have a right bundle branch block. Which is a nerve thing, that according to the websites I looked at happens to old people and athletic people more often. And they tested for blood clots in the lungs, heart deformations, and everything looked good so it's probably something I've been living with (which makes sense considering that I randomly get overheated and winded even when I'm not working particularly hard sometimes. and why my pulse and blood pressure has always been very low).

Also, I am no longer fat enough to be in any risk groups for heart attack according to the cardiologist. And despite my bacon-filled diet, my cholesterol levels are all good. Maybe the Epic Meal Time guys are right...

I guess it's not that bad considering (although falling out at the gym scared the shit out of me, I don't think it counts as a heart attack but I've felt like I got hit by a truck since then, it tore me up bad), and there are options for people that can't pay their medical bills these days, so I guess destroying the universe would have been premature.

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:32 pm
by erik
Glad to hear that its only a RBBB. As far as heart troubles go, that one's not so scary.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:49 am
by Calibron
I'm really glad to hear that things are not as bad as they could be, Count. Life has been cruel enough to you as it is.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 5:00 am
by fbmf
Good to hear, Count.

Game On,

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:16 pm
by Amethyst_Butterfly
Maj wrote:
So he bought me this.

!!!!!!!!!! That set is AWESOME!@!!!

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 10:27 pm
by Count Arioch the 28th
Does anyone else notice that Amethyst only posts here when I start posting again then leaves when I stop? I have gone from feeling scared and angry to just feeling a lot of pity...

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 10:39 pm
by sabs
dude.. can't you just put each other on ignore and move on :)

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:06 pm
by Count Arioch the 28th
I know her trolling style.

EDIT: I have wanted this over with for years. I do not know why she won't just walk away if her life is supposedly so awesome.

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 5:18 am
by Orion
I may soon have an apartment.

My girlfriend and I broke up in mid-November. A bunch of friends offered me temporary accommodation, so I hung out with them while I arranged transit home to enjoy the holidays with my family. At the beginning of December I came back to Chicago to look for an apartment, thinking I would still have friends to stay with. It turned out that most of our friends had only offered me a place because my ex had asked them to take me off her hands until I left town. This time they didn't help so I ended up couchsurfing halfway across the city every night for a couple of weeks, occasionally just spending the night on my laptop Clarke's, a 24-hour diner with wifi. I also spent all my money at cafes and restaurants. Then a friend offered me his place for 3 weeks while he and his roommates traveled. I spent the first week sleeping, and the second looking for an apartment. This was complicated by the fact that everything is his apartment is broken, including the internet. So back to Clarke's it was.

Well, someone finally got back to me and I'm renting a room. It'll be ready for me on the 15th. Meanwhile, my friend and his roommates have re-possessed their apartment. But assuming I can survive another 10 days of homelessness without spending all my money on food, the end is in sight. I'm going to look to extravagances like "two meals in one day."

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 5:46 am
by Prak
Ask Frank how he survived in Prague without an apartment. All I really recall is that he took lots of bus rides. Assuming you live in a decent-ish area, it'll give you an opportunity to at least close your eyes for a bit.

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 10:04 am
by Koumei
Oh goodie, arguments with insane libertarians who believe in rights as some mystic natural inviolable status that cannot be changed yet thinks "People should have some minimum standard of living" is pure Marxism and equal to enslaving people and making decisions for them.

So glad I'm a week past surgery and can drink again.