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Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 11:58 pm
by SlyJohnny
The boulder is there to roll off and fall on us if we try to bash or hack the door down. We likely can't interact with it, though maybe precasting Web would catch it. But I'd rather use knock if we're going to use any magic.

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:58 pm
by Darth Rabbitt

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 3:30 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
This spell will open any one locked door or chest or untie ropes when cast.
You step upon a raised step and it sinks beneath your weight. Suddenly a boulder crashes down. 2d8 damage, save vs Stone for half.
Psych, the boulder's trigger was an unfindable pressure plate all along. [2d8:7], save [d20:18] vs TN 4, becomes 3 damage.

Proceeding, we hit another trap. [1d6+170:176]
Some poor soul was not as lucky as you; his remains are impaled on a spiked branch here.
Keep going? Retrace?
Christov Yetta, 10th Level Elf (2.1 million exp)
125 years old, Lawful
Fair-skinned and auburn-haired, Christov is a sprite 5'3" and 119 lbs. His steel gray eyes and firm jawline present a deadly menace to enemies. Christov is a doughty warrior, but has a kind heart and champions the oppressed. He has a strong love for his people and will do whatever it takes to return the bounty to the land. Considered fearless, Christov in reality is terrified of drowning and falling.
Abilities: Str 12, Int 17, Wis 13, Dex 14, Con 16, Cha 11
Saves: Poison 2+, Wands 4+, Paralysis 4+, Breath 3+, Spells 2+
HP: 24/64, Armor Class: 0, THAC0: 7
XP: 15, Honor: 10, Persistence: 5, Selfishness: 2
Level 1: Magic Missile, Read Magic x2, Sleep, Ventriloquism
Level 2: Invisibility, Mirror Image, Phantasmal Force, Web
Level 3: Haste, Hold Person, Fireball
Level 4: Remove Curse, Wall of Fire
Level 5: Dissolve
Possessions: Battle Axe +1, Chain Mail +3, Healing Potion*, Amber Crystal of Escape, Hand Axe*, Rope*, Polished Shield*, Dagger, Grapple*, Backpack, Cloak*, 90 gp, Rations (5 days), Waterskin (5 drinks), 5x Platinum bar (worth 200 gp each), Ring of Pleasantness (2 charges), Potion of (Levitation?), Scroll of Fly, Scroll of Fireball, Scroll of Passwall.

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 4:44 pm
by SlyJohnny
Well, that sucked. Press on and hope this is worth it.

Whats our hp right now?

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 5:53 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
Current character sheet is in the spoiler block.

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 5:06 am
by Darth Rabbitt
Chug healing potion and then press on.

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 1:07 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
Healing potion seems reasonable on even one vote, since we aren't wasting any and there'll still be room for more heal if we stumble across any.
Miraculously, your wounds begin to heal and the aches leave your bones. Cure 1d6+1 points of damage.
I guess I meant plenty of room for more heal. Basic Set-quality weak sauce. [d6+1:5]

Aaand it wasn't worth it. [d6+170:174]
Your foot catches on an unseen wire. With a whoosh, the room starts to flood with sand and you start to sink. To escape, roll 14 or less on 1d20 or use a rope. Take 2 points of damage each round you are trapped.
Fortunately, rope autosaves us. Good old rope.

Where to next?

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 2:29 pm
by SlyJohnny
Oh wow, the locked door was just another, longer route to the previous prize, one that avoided that one big fight? And we got the worst of both worlds because we did both?

I'm not sure whether we should explore the whole place, or whether that's a sunk cost fallacy and we should just get out now.

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:37 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
Depending on just how Gygaxian this adventure is, it could be either.

That being said, get out now.

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 1:06 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
Nothing between us and the world map, so...


Where to we want to head for? And are we climbing over the barricade again or do we want to use the Fly scroll?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 7:14 pm
by Iduno
angelfromanotherpin wrote:Nothing between us and the world map, so...


Where to we want to head for? And are we climbing over the barricade again or do we want to use the Fly scroll?
Go back to the intersection, and take the first right?

I'd also vote for climb.

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 8:09 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
Do you mean the first intersection in the Fallen Glory map?

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 4:02 am
by Iduno
No, on the wilderness map. I was following the "road" formed by the dashed line.

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 1:14 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
There's no particular need to follow the road, which provides neither increased speed nor a better random encounter set, and the first right only leads back to town, but we can head towards those three trees. Of course, first we have to climb out, and on the way we're going to run into that giant again.

At the wall:
Here is a 20-foot tall wall. A mammoth slab of stone blocks the only entrance.
• Leave?
• Climb it? √
• If the giant is with you?
Roll 1d20 (if you have rope and grapple add +4). If less than 15, you fall.
[d20+4:20] Done.

On the way, we hit an RE. [d20:6]
Old folks offer you a cart ride. Move 8 hexes next turn, and don't roll for an encounter.

This is a strange little moment created by the RNG. Presumably these old folks came from off-map right, saw the giant on the road, and decided to try an alternate route down this canyon, but Christov tells them it's a dead end.

Anyway, 4/8 hexes later, we hit giant again.
The sound of snoring fills the valley. It stops at your approach. From behind a boulder, a leering giant steps.
• Fight! √
Technically, we could talk again, but that would just take us down the contest route again, and that doesn't get us anyplace we haven't been before.
The giant swings a sapling.

• Attack?
• Try to trip him (with rope and grapple)?
• Use some item (specify)?
The giant is apparently too aggressive to cast at, which is a bummer.

Character Sheet:
Christov Yetta, 10th Level Elf (2.1 million exp)
125 years old, Lawful
Fair-skinned and auburn-haired, Christov is a sprite 5'3" and 119 lbs. His steel gray eyes and firm jawline present a deadly menace to enemies. Christov is a doughty warrior, but has a kind heart and champions the oppressed. He has a strong love for his people and will do whatever it takes to return the bounty to the land. Considered fearless, Christov in reality is terrified of drowning and falling.
Abilities: Str 12, Int 17, Wis 13, Dex 14, Con 16, Cha 11
Saves: Poison 2+, Wands 4+, Paralysis 4+, Breath 3+, Spells 2+
HP: 24/64, Armor Class: 0, THAC0: 7
XP: 15, Honor: 10, Persistence: 5, Selfishness: 2
Level 1: Magic Missile, Read Magic x2, Sleep, Ventriloquism
Level 2: Invisibility, Mirror Image, Phantasmal Force, Web
Level 3: Haste, Hold Person, Fireball
Level 4: Remove Curse, Wall of Fire
Level 5: Dissolve
Possessions: Battle Axe +1, Chain Mail +3, Healing Potion*, Amber Crystal of Escape, Hand Axe*, Rope*, Polished Shield*, Dagger, Grapple*, Backpack, Cloak*, 90 gp, Rations (5 days), Waterskin (5 drinks), 5x Platinum bar (worth 200 gp each), Ring of Pleasantness (2 charges), Potion of (Levitation?), Scroll of Fly, Scroll of Fireball, Scroll of Passwall.

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 6:03 pm
by Iduno
Trip the giant.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 4:17 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
You may attack with the grapple (1d4) with a -5 to your Hit roll. If you hit, your foe must save or you trip him and gain one free attack or automatically Evade.
We can use our rope and grapple like this on any enemy, it's just also a printed option for the giant for some reason.
1 Hill Giant; Save 12; Evade 11
Talk –; AC 0; THAC0 12; Atk: 2d8
Spcl: 1-2 (M59), 10-11 (M60), 20 (M61)
Immune: Fire Wall, Hold; TS sack
XP 12; HP 36
Round 1: Us [d20-5:4], miss; Him: [d20:10] miss.
(I'm going to switch to regular fighting at this point, and we'll use the Smash option.)
Round 2: Us [d20:1], miss; Him [d20:4] miss.
Round 3: Us [d20:7], miss; Him [d20:9] miss.
Round 4: Us [d20:17], hit for [d8+3+12:21] damage. Him [d20:6], miss.
Round 5: Us [d20:13], hit for [d8+3+12:16] damage, he's dead.

We are revenged for his treachery! Also, his treasure type is sack, which we haven't seen before. There are four sacks, and I'll pick one at random. [d4:1] It's the first sack with a modifier of 5. The basic roll is d6+22, so [d6+27:31].
This bag seems weighty, but when you look inside you see nothing. To your amazement, though, when you reach in you pull out 3 torches, 4 carbuncles (worth 1000 gp each), a frying pan (d6 weapon), a blanket, an obviously magical staff, and a hambone (1 ration). This must be a bag of holding.
This is a staff of striking with 8 charges left. Each charge causes 2d6 points of damage if you hit. After that, it is just a normal staff that can cause 1d6 damage.
Staff's a dud, unfortunately, but a good haul overall.

Anyway, four hexes later our ride drops us off. It's still the middle of nowhere, so I assume that they're turning back to Offmapistan. Six hexes after that, we have another RE. [d20:16]
You encounter a wild horse and manage to mount it. You may ride without rolling for random encounters until you reach an encounter space, then the horse runs away.

Now that we can reach most anywhere on the map without being interrupted on the way, do we want to change our destination?

Character Sheet:
Christov Yetta, 10th Level Elf (2.1 million exp)
125 years old, Lawful
Fair-skinned and auburn-haired, Christov is a sprite 5'3" and 119 lbs. His steel gray eyes and firm jawline present a deadly menace to enemies. Christov is a doughty warrior, but has a kind heart and champions the oppressed. He has a strong love for his people and will do whatever it takes to return the bounty to the land. Considered fearless, Christov in reality is terrified of drowning and falling.
Abilities: Str 12, Int 17, Wis 13, Dex 14, Con 16, Cha 11
Saves: Poison 2+, Wands 4+, Paralysis 4+, Breath 3+, Spells 2+
HP: 24/64, Armor Class: 0, THAC0: 7
XP: 27, Honor: 10, Persistence: 5, Selfishness: 2
Level 1: Magic Missile, Read Magic x2, Sleep, Ventriloquism
Level 2: Invisibility, Mirror Image, Phantasmal Force, Web
Level 3: Haste, Hold Person, Fireball
Level 4: Remove Curse, Wall of Fire
Level 5: Dissolve
Possessions: Battle Axe +1, Chain Mail +3, Healing Potion*, Amber Crystal of Escape, Hand Axe*, Rope*, Polished Shield*, Dagger, Grapple*, Backpack, Cloak*, 90 gp, Rations (6 days), Waterskin (5 drinks), 3x Torch, Frying Pan, Blanket, 5x Platinum bar (worth 200 gp each), 4x Carbuncle (worth 1000 gp each), Ring of Pleasantness (2 charges), Potion of (Levitation?), Scroll of Fly, Scroll of Fireball, Scroll of Passwall, Staff of Striking (8 charges).

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 4:13 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
Have we been to 30? If not then hit there, it's the opposite side of the map and it looks like there's something there.