[Let's Play] Give Yourself Goosebumps: Into the Jaws of Doom

Stories about games that you run and/or have played in.

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Which book should I run next?

Storytrails 3: The Evil of Mr. Happiness
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Storytrails 4: The Haunters of Marsh Hall
Virtual Reality 1: Green Blood
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Virtual Reality 3: The Coils of Hate
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Virtual Reality 4: Necklace of Skulls
Total votes: 3

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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

You decide to check out the abacus.
The abacus is a wooden frame with metal bars in it. The bars have little beads that you can slide from left to right.
A sign that explains that the Chinese people have used abacuses to keep track of numbers for thousands of years.
Okay—so that's an abacus.
What now? you wonder. (We have the PDA)

The PDA told you the Crash Code might be on the abacus. With the code, you can turn off the Super Computer—permanently!
The abacus looks like this:
The sign under it explains that the bottom row represents ones, the middle row tens, and the top row hundreds.
The number of beads slid toward the right indicates each numeral in the number. The lone beads to the left of the black bar are worth five times as much as the beads to the right, if they're slid over to the bar.
There are two beads slid to the right on the top row. The lone bead on the left isn't slid over to the bar. "That must mean the Crash Code is two-hundred-and-something," you mutter. "I think."
Too bad math isn't your best subject.
Can you read the rest of the abacus? If you can, write down the Crash Code. You'll need it later.

Any guesses?
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Looks like a 247 to me
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

So then I assume we go to the only thing on the floor we haven't checked out, the futuristic computers:

You decide you're ready for the futuristic computers.
They are totally cool!
Instead of screens and keyboards, they have visors and gloves. You put them on. The world you see inside the visors is completely generated by the computers.
The sign over the exhibit reads A TICKET TO VIRTUAL REALITY.
You just hope it's not a one-way ticket!

I assume we put on the gloves and visor for the same reason as above:

You pull on the gloves and set the visor over your eyes.
For a moment, you can't see anything.
Then, as you flex your fingers, sounds start to come from the little speakers in the helmet. Images begin forming in the blackness.
You gasp as a world appears around you.

You find yourself on a long, winding stairway in a stone tower. The only light comes from flickering torches mounted on the walls.
You discover that wen you point a finger, you can zoom up the stairs. It's like flying!
Before long, the stairway ends. You are in the high tower of an ancient castle.
You whistle as you peer out the windows. You see forests, lakes, mountains. All of them seem totally real!
But then you hear a terrifying sound.

A roar echoes through the castle. The terrible cry sends a chill through your spine. It even scares the birds in the forest below. They erupt into a frenzy of flapping wings.
You're startled when you suddenly can't move. You're being pulled toward the sound. You can't stop yourself!
You zoom into a huge room at the castle's lowest level. When you discover the source of the noise, you gasp with fear...

Sitting in the center of the room is a tremendous dragon with red scales and giant bat-wings!
The beast gazes at you and chuckles.
"Come to slay me, have you?" it asks.
You know that voice.
The dragon is the Super Computer!
You're so nervous that you can barely take a breath, much less talk. Maybe you should just put an end to this nightmare.
What should you do?

Talk to the dragon?
Take off the gloves and visor?
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Talk to the dragon
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Post by SGamerz »

Chat up the sexy dragon
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

You clear your throat.
"You're the Super Computer, aren't you?" you ask, trying to sound bold.
The dragon rears to its full height. It stares down at you as if you were an insect.
"I am that, and much more!" it roars. "I have taken over the Hall of Incredible Science. And soon I will take over the world!"
Wow! This is one nutty computer! But maybe it will listen to reason.
"Uh—since you're going to take over the world anyway, maybe you could let me go," you suggest meekly.

The dragon laughs nastily. Flames flicker from its nostrils as it stares down at you.
"You aren't going anywhere!" it cackles. "You're trapped in here with me now. Forever!"
"Oh, yeah?" you retort. "We'll see about that."
Brave words. But what are you going to do now? (We have the PDA on our list.)

You remember what the PDA told you.
You clench your fists and whisper, "Crash Code."
A number pad appears in front of you in a puff of smoke.
The dragon rears back and hisses.
"No! Wait!" it roars, wings flailing.
But you don't wait. You punch in the Crash Code.
Let's just hope you got it right...

(Omegon suggested 2-4-7)

The dragon lunges for you. You punch in the numbers 2-4-7 as fast as you can. You hope you got it right!
Just as the beast's huge maw is about to swallow you, a terrible groan fills the castle. It sounds like an earthquake!
The dragon screams, but the sound fades as the monster breaks into a thousand little parts.
Rocks fall from the ceiling. You put your hands over your head and close your eyes.
When you open them, you can't believe what you see.

You're still in the virtual world. A tiny elf girl is perched on the rubble in front of you.
"Wh-who are you?" you stammer.
"I'm the Personal Digital Assistant—PDA!" The elf sounds offended. "Who else could I possibly be?"
You decide it's not even worth answering that question.
Then the elf smiles. "Congratulations! You crashed the Super Computer—for good! Nice work."
"Uh...thanks. And thanks for the help," you manage.

"My pleasure," the elf answers, bowing. "I don't often meet a human who can outsmart a Super Computer."
"Thanks," you reply, blushing a little.
All around you, the wreckage of the castle is transforming into a beautiful forest. The riot of change is making your head feel funny.
The elf smiles. "Now it's time for your reward."
She grabs your hand, then points her finger. Immediately the two of you zoom through the air.

You land at a stone temple in the middle of a jungle.
Hey, you recognize this scene. It's from your favorite movie, Operation Buzzard. Stagehands rush by, carrying props.
"They're filming the sequel," the PDA explains.
"Wow!" you exclaim. "Does this mean I get to meet my all-time favorite movie star, Terry Thomas?"
"In a way," the PDA answers. She hands you a mirror.
You stare into it. Hey! That's not your face.
It's the face of Terry Thomas!
"But how—how—" you sputter.
The PDA grins. "It's virtual reality, remember? You can be anyone you want! Now, are you ready for the first scene?"
"I guess so," you reply. Wow! This is so excellent!
"And...action!" the director calls.
A rumbling sound fills the air. Glancing up, you spot an elephant charging toward you. Uh-oh! What should you do?
Suddenly, you realize you never read the script.
Looks like you'll have to wing it. You glance around. You could grab a vine and try to swing to safety—or you could...
"Oh, no," you groan. "Here we go again!"

So that's the book. Questions, comments, concerns? Also, currently The Haunters of Marsh Hall and Necklace of Skulls are tied for "what book next." Anyone care to break that tie?
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Thaluikhain »

So, the master computer tells us we'll be stuck in virtual reality forever, and at the end of the book we are still in virtual reality?
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Thaluikhain wrote:So, the master computer tells us we'll be stuck in virtual reality forever, and at the end of the book we are still in virtual reality?
The Super Computer was the only thing forcing us in there (if we tried taking off the gloves and visor before talking to it we just go back to the computer room. If we try it after talking it doesn’t work and we’re trapped forever.)

That being said I don’t see why we would want to stay in VR after that, and being trapped is a more interesting reading of the ending.

Speaking of virtual reality, Necklace of Skulls is the winner. I’ll probably set it up tonight.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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