[Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

Nimron convinces Darow Blackaxe to venture into Paradise to retrieve the Hammer of Vitroin to heal Grona Marblefist so she can kill the fyrsnaca.

You follow the now broken track that leads away from the main road, toward the mountain. It is untended and covered with debris and growth. Around you are the sounds of the forest animals, but little else. As you near the mountain, you leave the track and press on through the undergrowth, always being sure to keep the track within sight. At last you find yourself in a small valley nestled between two of the mountain's spurs. The air around you vibrates with deep echoes of some soundless vibration within the rocks at your feet. The sound is not like that of thunder, but there is still an aptness to the name Thunderdelve, for the atmosphere is filled with the tension one feels after the lightning strikes and before the thunder voices itself.

Set back into a cliffside, under an overhanging ledge, is a large set of thick doors—the front gates of Thunderdelve. Behind them lie the upper halls of Paradise. They are indeed substantial, made of ironwood and bound with rusting iron. Intricate grooves running across the doors mark where they were at one time filigreed with silver or gold, but vandals have dug out the precious metals long ago. A rusting portcullis hangs partway in front of the doors. A tangled web of vegetation and rotting debris blocks most of the gateway, but a path has been cleared to the left-hand door. It stands ajar.

Creep closer to the door?
Look for the secret entrance Nimron told you about?

Character Sheet: Darow Blackaxe
Level 9 Dwarf
Gender: Male
Strength 17 (+2 to hit)
Intelligence 6 (-1 to Intelligence checks)
Wisdom 9
Dexterity 12
Constitution 13 (+1 to each hit die)
Charisma 10
Armor Class: 4 (chain and shield)
Main weapon: Warhammer. Will hit a -7 AC on a 20, will hit a 10 AC on a 3
Hit Points: 54/54
Alignment: Neutral
Warhammer, Shield, Backpack, Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, Large Sack
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold
Detection of Traps and Stone Construction
Saving Throws:
Poison or Death Ray 4 (must roll a 4 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Magic Wands 5 (must roll a 5 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Paralysis or Petrification 6 (must roll a 6 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Dragon Breath 7 (must roll a 7 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Rod, Staff, or Spell 8 (must roll an 8 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Last edited by Beroli on Tue Jan 31, 2023 2:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to look for the secret entrance, get to place where our fallen stuff is, get the two vials (but not drink them), and check the gaping hole in the west wall next.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

You skirt the mountain and find the small waterfall. Following his directions, you creep underneath the overhanging ledge, so that you are between the waterfall and the mountainside. The ring on your finger tingles and you see witchfire outline a secret door in the rock. You open it and creep inside.

You are at the top of a short flight of rough hewn steps. It is dark, but you can tell that the cuts in the stone are fresh. Water is dripping, and some of the steps look slippery.

Treating uncontested vote as taking you down the steps...

You proceed carefully on the dark, slippery stairs, your infravision used to full capacity. Make a Dexterity check; an 11 succeeds.

You nearly slip on the slimy steps, but catch yourself.

You are in a small dusty room. There is no sign of life. Your ring outlines a secret door on the west. A set of rough stairs leads up. Some of the steps look wet and slippery.

(The module offers you the option to go right back up the stairs, but you don't take it. You instead open the secret door and go through it.)

You find yourself in a bedroom. On the northern wall is a canopied bed draped in silk and satin, layered with pillows. On the south wall is a cot covered with fur throws.

You leave the room by the west door.

This corridor is well-used and fairly clean. The northernmost door on the east seems to be polished.

You go through the south door.

This short, very dusty passage vibrates with the sound of thunder.

Avoiding the trap door you somehow instinctively know is there, you proceed south.

The roaring sound is quite loud here and is caused by twin waterfalls cascading down the eastern wall, falling into a clear pool that runs the length of the room. Spanning the center of the pool and leading to a set of great doors standing between the two falls, is a bridge of crystal. The bridge hums as it vibrates from the pounding of the two falls. Even the floor, made of red quartz, vibrates with a low rumbling sound. This great hall looks as though at one time it might have been quite festive. The water in the pools looks wholesome and, judging from the scattered buckets, must serve as the bandits' principle water source. The doors to the north, south, and west can be barred shut, so this hall can serve as an interior line of defense in case of attack. The southern door was until recently barred shut.

You choose the east door. You cross the crystal bridge, the water thundering loudly beneath your feet, the bridge's vibrations rising through your boots, and you grasp the door's great handles. You push, but nothing happens. The doors are firmly locked, or barred from the other side. You could never break through so much ironwood, and besides, only Barin knows what wicked thing the noise might arouse.

Nimron did tell you something to do here.

"Barin's Forge!" you shout, proclaiming the words old Nimron taught you. Nothing happens. But then, growing from a single bright point, witchfire burns through the ironwood, running like water through channels that once held golden filigree. Silently, the magic light dies away, and the doors swing open.

This enormous, once-festive hall is now in ruins. Charred tables, benches, and skeletons lay tumbled together where they fell during the sudden and fiery onslaught of the fyrsnaca. The room is filled with the sound of dull thunder constantly booming in the distance. An enormous gem glows high up on a central pillar. You have heard of this fabled uncut stone, the Heir's Stone. It was left exactly where it was found when the dwarves were excavating this hall. Standing at the base of the pillar is a statue of a happy dwarf, his arms thrown wide in greeting.

You take account of the exits now. The great doors leading to the west are coated with mithril. The smaller doors on the north and south have both been blasted off their hinges or burned away. Above the northern and southern doors are more runes.

A great arch in the eastern wall opens onto a descending flight of stairs.

As you enter the hall, you sense movement. You look around and notice the statue of the dwarf is moving toward you, its face carved into a smile, its fists clenched. You know these dwarven statues are controlled by a key word but you do not know it.

Retreat back the way you came?
Try to dodge around the statue and go to the north door, south door, or eastern flight of stairs (specify which one)?
Attack the statue?

And here I stop, as I require input; I'm guessing the verdict will be "dodge around the statue and go to the south door, if that fails run through the south door as soon as the statue is knocked over," but I don't want to assume.

Character Sheet: Darow Blackaxe
Level 9 Dwarf
Gender: Male
Strength 17 (+2 to hit)
Intelligence 6 (-1 to Intelligence checks)
Wisdom 9
Dexterity 12
Constitution 13 (+1 to each hit die)
Charisma 10
Armor Class: 4 (chain and shield)
Main weapon: Warhammer. Will hit a -7 AC on a 20, will hit a 10 AC on a 3
Hit Points: 54/54
Alignment: Neutral
Warhammer, Shield, Backpack, Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, Large Sack
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold
Detection of Traps and Stone Construction
Saving Throws:
Poison or Death Ray 4 (must roll a 4 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Magic Wands 5 (must roll a 5 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Paralysis or Petrification 6 (must roll a 6 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Dragon Breath 7 (must roll a 7 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Rod, Staff, or Spell 8 (must roll an 8 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to dodge around the statue and go through the south door.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Thaluikhain »

Given all the trouble it is, half vote for finally destroying the statue.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

As you move past the statue, it lunges for you. It moves faster than you do, but hopefully your reactions are quicker. (They might be!) Make a Dexterity check; a 15 fails. (They're not!)

You dodge around the stone dwarf, but he is too quick for you. He grabs hold of your arm and begins to crush it in his vice-like grip.

Dwarf: AC 3; HD 6'; hp 5/35; MV 120'(40'); #AT 1 fist; D 2-8; ML 12; AL N

With a 12 Morale, the stone dwarf will not attempt to disengage and so any decisions about letting him would be irrelevant.

Something special will happen if you deal 8 or more damage in one blow (except it won't, because it doesn't have that many hit points left) or if the statue rolls a 20.

Darow wins initiative and hits with a natural 20 for 8 damage, smashing the statue. Good time to mention that if you'd finished translating the scroll you found with the mold, you would have found the key word to make the statue back down?

The statue crumbles. Nothing is left but half a face. However, there is more here than rock. You stoop and scoop up an enormous ruby (worth 6,000 gp). It is the statue's heart!

You go through the south door.

This once-handsome hall was covered by carvings and mosaics. They are now cracked and broken. The door on the north is blasted off its hinges. A portion of the western wall has collapsed into a gaping pit. Foul vapors waft up out of it. On the south is a beautiful door of mithril covered with gems in the design of a forge surmounted by a five-starred crown.

You go through the copper door and find the still-warm body of a dwarf wearing one iron boot, sprawled over an empty phial from which a green liquid has spilled over the floor. You loot her corpse without compunction and then decide what to do about the other two phials with liquid in them: one red, one purple. You are not considering taking them along unidentified; you must sip one or leave them.

Looking at how much you're now carrying, in lieu of calculating actual weight/volume limits, I'm saying that you leave your nonmagical shield, both warhammers, and the duplicate tinderbox and iron spikes behind.

Vote on whether to take the statue's ruby heart, whether to put on any of the assorted jewelry Delfi was carrying, whether to sip the red liquid, whether to sip the purple liquid, and whether to leave and go somewhere else from the hallway.

Character Sheet: Darow Blackaxe
Level 9 Dwarf
Gender: Male
Strength 17 (+2 to hit)
Intelligence 6 (-1 to Intelligence checks)
Wisdom 9
Dexterity 12
Constitution 13 (+1 to each hit die)
Charisma 10
Armor Class: 3 (chain and shield +1)
Main weapon: Sword +3. Will hit a -10 AC on a 20, will hit an 8 AC on a 2
Hit Points: 54/54
Alignment: Neutral
Sword +3, +1 mithril dagger "Sting," Dagger +1, Shield +1, Backpack, wolf's head ring, Large Sack, opal-studded dagger sheath worth 110 gold, dagger, dice, bell, Backpack, Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, 3 large sacks, phial of red liquid labeled "Poison for sword," three ~50-gold-piece figurines, three bags of assorted gems worth 2,000 gp total, 2500-gold-piece emerald necklace, 500-gp pearl, filthy bearclaw necklace, cleaver, kitchen knife
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold
Detection of Traps and Stone Construction
Saving Throws:
Poison or Death Ray 4 (must roll a 4 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Magic Wands 5 (must roll a 5 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Paralysis or Petrification 6 (must roll a 6 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Dragon Breath 7 (must roll a 7 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Rod, Staff, or Spell 8 (must roll an 8 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Ah, yeah. we got some pretty good stats now. Put on the ring and the bearclaw necklace.

Try sipping the purple phial. I assume one of these is good.

ed: also, take the ruby heart.
Last edited by Darth Rabbitt on Wed Feb 01, 2023 4:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Sorry, I was too busy to finish translating the scroll due to IRL issues.

I vote to take the ruby heart, wear the ring and necklace, and drink the purple phial's liquid. Still cannot figure out why the hero cannot simply take either phial unidentified, as they don't weigh too much and should be fairly easy to carry. Finally, I vote to check the gaping hole in the west wall next.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

This flavorless liquid suddenly gives you a keen sense of memory and reason. It is a potion of mind control. If you drink it before fighting vapor ghouls, they are not able to drain your Intelligence.

Sip the red liquid?
Go back to the hallway and go somewhere else from there?

Character Sheet: Darow Blackaxe
Level 9 Dwarf
Gender: Male
Strength 17 (+2 to hit)
Intelligence 6 (-1 to Intelligence checks)
Wisdom 9
Dexterity 12
Constitution 13 (+1 to each hit die)
Charisma 10
Armor Class: 3 (chain and shield +1)
Main weapon: Sword +3. Will hit a -10 AC on a 20, will hit an 8 AC on a 2
Hit Points: 54/54
Alignment: Neutral
Sword +3, filthy bearclaw necklace (worn), wolf's head ring (worn), +1 mithril dagger "Sting," Dagger +1, Shield +1, Backpack, Large Sack, opal-studded dagger sheath worth 110 gold, dagger, dice, bell, Backpack, Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, 3 large sacks, phial of red liquid labeled "Poison for sword," three ~50-gold-piece figurines, three bags of assorted gems worth 2,000 gp total, 2500-gold-piece emerald necklace, 500-gp pearl, cleaver, kitchen knife, 6000-gold-piece ruby heart, potion of mind control (immune to Intelligence drain for one fight)
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold
Detection of Traps and Stone Construction
Saving Throws:
Poison or Death Ray 4 (must roll a 4 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Magic Wands 5 (must roll a 5 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Paralysis or Petrification 6 (must roll a 6 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Dragon Breath 7 (must roll a 7 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Rod, Staff, or Spell 8 (must roll an 8 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Hmm. We've had one good and one bad. Since Darow isn't short on HP I'd suggest we quit while we're ahead and go back to the hallway.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to go back to the hallway and check the gaping hole in the west wall next.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

Map Segment 364.PNG
Map Segment 364.PNG (4.59 KiB) Viewed 495 times
All but the northeast corner of this room has fallen into the pit. You carefully move along the narrow remains of the floor. The stone is cracked and burnt. The broken stone has formed a narrow bridge that spans the chasm and leads he west. The raw stone of this accidental bridge disappears into the gloom beyond. Thick vapors float below it, filling the air with their noxious smell. There is nothing else to see in this broken room.

Cross the bridge?
Go back to the east and make a different choice?

Character Sheet: Darow Blackaxe
Level 9 Dwarf
Gender: Male
Strength 17 (+2 to hit)
Intelligence 6 (-1 to Intelligence checks)
Wisdom 9
Dexterity 12
Constitution 13 (+1 to each hit die)
Charisma 10
Armor Class: 3 (chain and shield +1)
Main weapon: Sword +3. Will hit a -10 AC on a 20, will hit an 8 AC on a 2
Hit Points: 54/54
Alignment: Neutral
Sword +3, filthy bearclaw necklace (worn), wolf's head ring (worn), +1 mithril dagger "Sting," Dagger +1, Shield +1, Backpack, Large Sack, opal-studded dagger sheath worth 110 gold, dagger, dice, bell, Backpack, Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, 3 large sacks, phial of red liquid labeled "Poison for sword," three ~50-gold-piece figurines, three bags of assorted gems worth 2,000 gp total, 2500-gold-piece emerald necklace, 500-gp pearl, cleaver, kitchen knife, 6000-gold-piece ruby heart, potion of mind control (immune to Intelligence drain for one fight)
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold
Detection of Traps and Stone Construction
Saving Throws:
Poison or Death Ray 4 (must roll a 4 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Magic Wands 5 (must roll a 5 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Paralysis or Petrification 6 (must roll a 6 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Dragon Breath 7 (must roll a 7 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Rod, Staff, or Spell 8 (must roll an 8 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to cross the bridge. Maybe our hero gets lucky and crosses the chasm.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

Map Segment 365.PNG
Map Segment 365.PNG (4.87 KiB) Viewed 479 times
You proceed slowly, testing each step before placing your full weight on the spot. The fyrsnaca obviously struck above and below this patch of stone, accidentally creating the bridge. Perhaps more than casual fatehad a hand in the stone's preservation. A loose stone slips from under foot, and you stumble, falling to your hands and knees. With single-minded intent, you crawl slowly toward the bridge's end.

(The book asks which way you are crawling; the answer is west.)
Map Segment 240.PNG
Map Segment 240.PNG (4.21 KiB) Viewed 479 times
The eastern end of this room has collapsed into the pit, except for a narrow bridge leading over the chasm and to the east. A sickly, snake-like stench fills the air. This room is filled with sword racks and suits of chainmail. Old shields and axes hang from the walls. The armor is rusty but serviceable. The weapons are serviceable but are at -2 to hit because of dullness. (You have weapons and armor, so you don't take these.)

Investigate the room further?
Exit by the north door?
Exit by the west door?
Go back across the bridge?

Character Sheet: Darow Blackaxe
Level 9 Dwarf
Gender: Male
Strength 17 (+2 to hit)
Intelligence 6 (-1 to Intelligence checks)
Wisdom 9
Dexterity 12
Constitution 13 (+1 to each hit die)
Charisma 10
Armor Class: 3 (chain and shield +1)
Main weapon: Sword +3. Will hit a -10 AC on a 20, will hit an 8 AC on a 2
Hit Points: 54/54
Alignment: Neutral
Sword +3, filthy bearclaw necklace (worn), wolf's head ring (worn), +1 mithril dagger "Sting," Dagger +1, Shield +1, Backpack, Large Sack, opal-studded dagger sheath worth 110 gold, dagger, dice, bell, Backpack, Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, 3 large sacks, phial of red liquid labeled "Poison for sword," three ~50-gold-piece figurines, three bags of assorted gems worth 2,000 gp total, 2500-gold-piece emerald necklace, 500-gp pearl, cleaver, kitchen knife, 6000-gold-piece ruby heart, potion of mind control (immune to Intelligence drain for one fight)
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold
Detection of Traps and Stone Construction
Saving Throws:
Poison or Death Ray 4 (must roll a 4 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Magic Wands 5 (must roll a 5 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Paralysis or Petrification 6 (must roll a 6 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Dragon Breath 7 (must roll a 7 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Rod, Staff, or Spell 8 (must roll an 8 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to investigate the room further.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Investigate further.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Thaluikhain »

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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

Surely this room is the old armory. You look about for a special table or chest, but see none. Hanging on a fragment of the eastern wall that drops down from the ceiling over the bridge, is a great hammer of pure mithril, studded with emeralds and diamonds. It matches the description of the legendary Hammer of Vitroin. You can sense power radiating from it.

The module offers you the choice to leave it there, but I feel confident you won't do that.

You move onto the bridge and reach up to grasp the hammer, but before you take it, you feel something tug at your feet and try to pull you off the bridge. While trying to regain your balance, you look down and see four red, bloated worms writhing about your legs. They crawled out of the pit when you reached for the hammer, almost as if they were guarding it. You are trapped on the bridge, and you must fight with whatever weapon you already have.

Eager though I'm sure you were to replace your +3 sword with the Hammer of Vitroin.

Red worms: AC 7; HD 2 + 2; hp 10,15,12,8; MV 90'(30'); #AT 1 bite; D 1-4 + poison; ML 9; AL C

Something special will happen if you are bitten, if they roll a 1, if they roll a 20, if you roll a 20, or if you lose. As indicated, you can't retreat, so no reason to pause. You automatically attack worm 4 first.

The worms win initiative and miss, miss, miss, and miss, with a 5, 9, 6, and 7 to hit. (They need a 14 to hit AC 3.) Darow hits with a 13 for 12 damage, killing Worm 4, and orients on Worm 1.
The worms win initiative. Worm 1 hits with an 18 for 3 damage.

Hundreds of the worm's razor-like teeth rasp against your leg. You feel a burning sensation. You must make a Saving Throw vs. Poison each time you are bitten, or suffer double damage.

Darow rolls a 15 to save, no extra damage.

Worm 2 hits with a 20 for 3 damage.

The worm bites at your arm, and you parry with your weapon. Savagely, the worm snaps at your weapon, bites it in two and swallows it, leaving only the handle in your fist. If you have another weapon, you may draw it but cannot attack that round. If you have no other weapon, you must fight with your fist, causing 1 point of damage plus any Strength Bonus per hit.

The good news is you have multiple other weapons. The bad news is, goodbye, +3 sword. The slightly-good news is that I'm reading that is instead of doing damage to you.

Worm 3 hits with a 20 for 4 damage. Since Darow is not holding a weapon, it's just a standard hit. Darow rolls a 19 to save; no added damage.

Darow is up and can equip another weapon; I can think of reasons for multiple weapons so here I pause for a vote.

Character Sheet: Darow Blackaxe
Level 9 Dwarf
Gender: Male
Strength 17 (+2 to hit)
Intelligence 6 (-1 to Intelligence checks)
Wisdom 9
Dexterity 12
Constitution 13 (+1 to each hit die)
Charisma 10
Armor Class: 3 (chain and shield +1)
Main weapon: Fist. Will hit a -7 AC on a 20, will hit a 10 AC on a 3
Hit Points: 47/54
Alignment: Neutral
Filthy bearclaw necklace (worn), wolf's head ring (worn), +1 mithril dagger "Sting," Dagger +1, Shield +1, Backpack, Large Sack, opal-studded dagger sheath worth 110 gold, dagger, dice, bell, Backpack, Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, 3 large sacks, phial of red liquid labeled "Poison for sword," three ~50-gold-piece figurines, three bags of assorted gems worth 2,000 gp total, 2500-gold-piece emerald necklace, 500-gp pearl, cleaver, kitchen knife, 6000-gold-piece ruby heart, potion of mind control (immune to Intelligence drain for one fight)
Coinage: 605 gold, 85 electrum, 569 silver, 20 copper
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold
Detection of Traps and Stone Construction
Saving Throws:
Poison or Death Ray 4 (must roll a 4 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Magic Wands 5 (must roll a 5 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Paralysis or Petrification 6 (must roll a 6 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Dragon Breath 7 (must roll a 7 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Rod, Staff, or Spell 8 (must roll an 8 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Draw our less special +1 dagger in case this one also becomes worm food.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Thaluikhain »

Might as well. Also, a bite that normally does 3 damage destroys a +3 sword? Huh.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to use Sting to finish the battle.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

Drawing the non-mithril magic dagger wins 2 to 1.

Darow draws the non-mithril magic dagger.
The worms win initiative. Worm 1 hits with a 19 for 1 damage, Worms 2 and 3 miss with a 7 and a 5. Darow saves with a 10.
Darow hits with a 19, doing 7 damage to Worm 1.
The worms win initiative. Worms 1 and 2 miss with a 9 and a 6. Worm 3 hits with a 20, eating the dagger.
Darow draws Sting.
The worms win initiative. Worms 1 and 3 miss with a 2 and a 9. Worm 2 hits with a 15 for 4 damage. Darow saves with a 16.
Darow wins initiative and hits with a 17 for 5 damage, killing Worm 1. The remaining two worms roll a 10 for morale and attempt to disengage. Let them?

Character Sheet: Darow Blackaxe
Level 9 Dwarf
Gender: Male
Strength 17 (+2 to hit)
Intelligence 6 (-1 to Intelligence checks)
Wisdom 9
Dexterity 12
Constitution 13 (+1 to each hit die)
Charisma 10
Armor Class: 3 (chain and shield +1)
Main weapon: +1 mithril dagger "Sting." Will hit a -8 AC on a 20, will hit a 10 AC on a 2
Hit Points: 42/54
Alignment: Neutral
Filthy bearclaw necklace (worn), wolf's head ring (worn), +1 mithril dagger "Sting," Shield +1, Backpack, Large Sack, opal-studded dagger sheath worth 110 gold, dagger, dice, bell, Backpack, Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, 3 large sacks, phial of red liquid labeled "Poison for sword," three ~50-gold-piece figurines, three bags of assorted gems worth 2,000 gp total, 2500-gold-piece emerald necklace, 500-gp pearl, cleaver, kitchen knife, 6000-gold-piece ruby heart, potion of mind control (immune to Intelligence drain for one fight)
Coinage: 605 gold, 85 electrum, 569 silver, 20 copper
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold
Detection of Traps and Stone Construction
Saving Throws:
Poison or Death Ray 4 (must roll a 4 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Magic Wands 5 (must roll a 5 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Paralysis or Petrification 6 (must roll a 6 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Dragon Breath 7 (must roll a 7 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Rod, Staff, or Spell 8 (must roll an 8 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Victory Boxes: 16
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to allow them to disengage.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

The two surviving worms crawl back into the pit. In disgust, you kick the two bloated red bodies off the bridge. Straining, you stand on tiptoe and take down the great hammer. It throbs in your hands, its might immediately manifest.

Nimron did ask you to retrieve the Hammer of Vitroin.

You have done your duty for Nimron. Now you must return with the hammer to Grona Marblefist. With it, she may be healed. As you begin to leave the room, a bright light shines forth from the hammer, and it speaks, "I sense your desire to leave Paradise. I would
know why."

You look down at die hammer and reply, "I must take you to Grona Marblefist, your Keeper. She is in need of your healing, that she may return and combat the fyrsnaca that has ruined these halls."

The hammer speaks again, "The Keeper's health is not my concern. Too long have I hung here useless. Are you not a dwarf? If there be a fyrsnaca, take me yourself and together we shall combat it." To battle the fyrsnaca is in conflict with your agreement with Nimron. Suddenly, the hammer resists you mightily.

Your Will is (Intelligence+Wisdom) 15. You are wounded, so you must apply (1d8) 4 as a penalty, for 11. The Hammer's Will is 14.

Your will melts. You realize that you will never be able to take the hammer from Thunderdelve but that you are just as capable of facing a fyrsnaca as is Grona Marblefist. You will find the fyrsnaca and slay it yourself with the help of the hammer. The hammer has taken complete control of you. You can use no other weapon, and you cannot leave Thunderdelve until the fyrsnaca is destroyed.

Hammer of Vitroin: warhatnmer + 1, +3 vs. wyrms; Int 9; Ch 12; Alignment Chaotic

This artifact is designed to combat the creatures which are the particular bane of dwarves—dragons, worms, and giant snakes of any sort. When confronting monsters of this nature, the Hammer's special powers are manifest:
1. The wielder must make a Control Check if they refuse to attack the wyrm;
2. The wielder gains + 2 on all saving throws during the battle;
3. The wielder can be cured by the Hammer of light wounds (2-7 points of damage) up to 3 times daily. The Hammer is absolutely connected to the Clanhome of Thunderdelve and will vehemently resist being taken from the halls unless for the purpose of fighting a nearby wyrm. The Hammer can ESP the wielder to verify their true purpose for wanting to leave.

Exit to the north?
Exit to the west?
Exit east across the bridge?

Character Sheet: Darow Blackaxe
Level 9 Dwarf
Gender: Male
Strength 17 (+2 to hit)
Intelligence 6 (-1 to Intelligence checks)
Wisdom 9
Dexterity 12
Constitution 13 (+1 to each hit die)
Charisma 10
Armor Class: 3 (chain and shield +1)
Main weapon: Hammer of Vitroin. Will hit a -8 AC on a 20, will hit a 10 AC on a 2. Damage: 1d6+3, 1d6+5 against wyrms.
Hit Points: 42/54
Alignment: Neutral
Filthy bearclaw necklace (worn), wolf's head ring (worn), +1 mithril dagger "Sting," Shield +1, Backpack, Large Sack, opal-studded dagger sheath worth 110 gold, dagger, dice, bell, Backpack, Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, 3 large sacks, phial of red liquid labeled "Poison for sword," three ~50-gold-piece figurines, three bags of assorted gems worth 2,000 gp total, 2500-gold-piece emerald necklace, 500-gp pearl, cleaver, kitchen knife, 6000-gold-piece ruby heart, potion of mind control (immune to Intelligence drain for one fight), Hammer of Vitroin: warhammer + 1, +3 vs. wyrms; Int 9; Ch 12; Alignment Chaotic; can heal 2-7 damage three times per day; +2 to all saving throws while fighting wyrms; The Hammer of Vitroin is in charge here
Coinage: 605 gold, 85 electrum, 569 silver, 20 copper
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold
Detection of Traps and Stone Construction
Saving Throws:
Poison or Death Ray 4 (must roll a 4 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Magic Wands 5 (must roll a 5 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Paralysis or Petrification 6 (must roll a 6 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Dragon Breath 7 (must roll a 7 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Rod, Staff, or Spell 8 (must roll an 8 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Victory Boxes: 18
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to exit to the west.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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