Page 10 of 17

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:52 am
by JourneymanN00b
Reading the letters and the diary received 2 votes, so No Name Nova will take a look at them.

The letters are all addressed to a girl by the name of Amy Fletcher. They were written by her Aunt Helen who has a New York address. The early letters write of her disapproval of Amy going to work as a cook for a man of questionable character in a castle in a remote part of Romania. She asks if Amy is being well looked after, and when she will be returning home to New York. Her later letters beg her to come home. As the months go by her communications become more frantic, with Aunt Helen ‘worried sick’ about the things Amy has written to her, such as her having seen ‘men in white coats’ and Gingrich Yurr acting ‘totally weird’ and hearing ‘terrible screams’ coming from the basement. You put the letters down and are about to pick up the diary when suddenly you hear a noise outside. It’s the sound of footsteps coming down the hallway. If you want to investigate, turn to 303. If you want to close the bedroom door and lock it, turn to 258.


Please make your votes before 7:00 PM PST to guarantee that they will be counted.

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 2:02 am
by Thaluikhain

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 2:05 am
by SGamerz

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 3:01 am
by JourneymanN00b
Votes registered; investigating.

You sneak a look through the doorway and see two Zombies approaching. They should not be much of a problem for a veteran Zombie-slayer! If you win, turn to 169.

For yet another time, I will assume that the machine gun is used for this fight, not that it matters much.

The fight:
Round 1: Zombies Killed: 11
Zombies Remaining: 0

If you want to go back into the bedroom to read the diary, turn to 123. If you want to search the pockets of the Zombies’ clothes, turn to 384.

Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PST or a choice receives 2 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
No Name Nova
DOLLARS $: 132
‘Hendrix’ Bag
Small Key Stamped With ‘9’
Hack Saw
Sports Clothes
13 Boxes of Bullets
Blacksmith’s Tongs
Gold Locket With Gold Chain
Yellow Notepaper Printed With ‘combination lock number: 181’
13 Boxes of Shotgun Cartridges
Steel Pulley
Brass Key Stamped With ‘111’
Tape Measure
Pair of Reading Glasses
Pocket Romanian-English Dictionary
Car Keys
Empty Plastic Bottle
Empty Flask
Pair of Silver Frog-shaped Cufflinks
Notebook Page Written With ‘Password reminder: my car’
3 Cases of Machine Gun Bullets
Flak Jacket
Set of Keys Each Stamped With No. 1 Through No. 8
Small Gas Cylinder
Change of Clothing
Laboratory Coat
Clown Outfit
Cowboy Hat
Policeman’s Helmet
Fairy Princess Costume
Space Helmet
Sailor’s Uniform
False Beards
1 Med Kit (+8 STAMINA)
1 Small Med Kit (+4 STAMINA)
Barehanded: 1d6-3
Small Penknife: 1d6-2
Baseball Bat: 1d6
Crowbar: 1d6
Pistol: 1d6+2
Axe: 1d6
Machine Gun: 2d6+5
Loaded Handgun: 1d6+2
GRENADES: 3 (2d6+1)

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 4:08 am
by SGamerz
Search the zombies first

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 5:31 am
by pragma
Read diary first

I expect zombies to interrupt whatever activity we pick, and I think the diary may have a good hint.

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 6:06 am
by Queen of Swords
pragma has a point. Diary first.

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 6:35 am
by Thaluikhain
Makes sense, read diary.

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 7:09 am
by JourneymanN00b
Reading the diary received 3 votes, so No Name Nova will engage in privacy invasion.

You pick up the diary and see that it is this year’s, and that the last entry was made just a week ago. Back in January Amy writes about how excited she is to be in Romania and how she is enjoying life as a cook in the castle. It is bitterly cold but she loves the beauty of the snow-covered hills and rugged countryside. There’s more snow in February, and it’s colder, but life is great. Her mood starts to change in March when she hears bad rumours about Gingrich Yurr. In April she writes that she is concerned by the arrival of white-coated scientists. Two weeks later her anxiety turns to fear on learning that the scientists are carrying out experiments – on humans! She hears terrible screams and cries for help coming from the basement, although she writes that she is not brave enough to go down there to find out what is going on. A month later she writes about the constant flow of people arriving against their will, taken down to the basement cellars, never to be seen again. Across one double page she scrawls in large capital letters, ‘I am scared out of my mind.’ There is an entry in late July which simply says, ‘OMG there are Zombies in the basement!!!’ She asks Gingrich Yurr many times if she may leave but he will not let her. On 27th July she tries to escape during the night but is caught and brought back. Her last entry reads, ‘I am going to try to escape again tonight. I will die if I stay here. Gingrich Yurr is insane. He is building an army of Zombies and intends to take over the world. He must be stopped.’ It all makes sense. But where is Amy now? Did she manage to escape? At the back of the diary there is an entry which reads, ‘Note to self. The rickety old lift’s buttons are faulty. For G, press 2 and G together. For B, press 2 and B together – not that I ever would!’ You put the diary down and walk back to the lift, thinking about the fate of Amy Fletcher. If you want to press buttons 2 and G to go to the ground floor, turn to 257. If you want to press buttons 2 and B to go down to the basement, turn to 24.


Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PST or a choice receives 2 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 7:20 am
by SGamerz
If she said she won't ever go down to the basement, there's probably something important there. 2 and B.

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 7:44 am
by Thaluikhain
Makes sense, though maybe it's the endgame. Anyway, try the basement.

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 7:55 am
by JourneymanN00b
Pressing buttons 2 and B to go down to the basement received 2 votes, so No Name Nova will head down to that floor.

The old lift descends slowly, juddering and rumbling. It finally grinds to a halt at the basement, where the doors slide slowly open. There is another set of sliding doors which you step through. You find yourself standing in a cold corridor lit by ceiling lights with square-shaped frosted glass shades. The ceiling is painted a cheerless mustard colour. The walls are the same colour above a waist-high strip of dark green tiles, many of which are missing. The paint on the walls is old and cracked, smeared with blood in several places. You sniff the air sharply, noticing an acrid chemical smell. To your right some twenty metres away, there are swing doors made of vulcanized rubber across the corridor. Suddenly you hear the sound of footsteps coming down the corridor to your left. If you want to find out who is coming down the corridor, turn to 45. If you want to walk through the swing doors, turn to 31.

Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PST or a choice receives 2 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 6:43 pm
by JourneymanN00b
Since nobody voted, I will have No Name Nova find out who is coming down the corridor.


It soon becomes apparent who is coming down the corridor. A pack of nineteen Zombies is heading towards you, lead by somebody you recognize. It’s a man with a bald head, orange overalls and black army boots. It’s Boris, but not as you remember him. He is no longer human. He has weeping blisters and open sores on his head. His eyes are bloodshot and bulging out of their dark sockets. His top lip has been ripped away, revealing bleeding gums and broken teeth. Boris has turned into a Zombie. He lurches towards you brandishing a pistol, seemingly unaware that it is a weapon. He urges the Zombies behind him to attack you, not that they need encouragement, shouting at the top of his voice, ‘Got to kill them all! Got to kill them all!’ over and over again. You have no choice but to fight him and the other nineteen Zombies behind him. If you win, turn to 149.


I assume for yet another time that No Name Nova is going to use the machine gun. If the die rolls are bad, our hero certainly has a chance getting killed. Should any grenades be used to even the odds before facing the 20 Zombies? Please make your votes on how many grenades should be used for this battle before 7:00 PM PST or an option receives 2 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 7:20 pm
by Queen of Swords
Use a grenade.

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 1:59 am
by Thaluikhain
Use a grenade, yeah.

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 3:12 am
by JourneymanN00b
Votes registered; using a grenade before the fight begins.

Rolling the dice and applying the appropriate modification reveals that the grenade deals 5 damage to the Zombies before the fight begins.

The fight:
Round 1: Zombies Killed: 10
Zombies Remaining: 5, Player Stamina: 10
Round 2: Zombies Killed: 12
Zombies Remaining: 0

Beyond the pile of bodies you see that the corridor carries on into the distance. Not far ahead you see a polished steel door in the right-hand wall. If you want to open the door, turn to 294. If you want to search through Boris’s pockets, turn to 118. If you want to walk past the steel door, turn to 341.

Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PST or a choice receives 2 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
No Name Nova
DOLLARS $: 132
‘Hendrix’ Bag
Small Key Stamped With ‘9’
Hack Saw
Sports Clothes
13 Boxes of Bullets
Blacksmith’s Tongs
Gold Locket With Gold Chain
Yellow Notepaper Printed With ‘combination lock number: 181’
13 Boxes of Shotgun Cartridges
Steel Pulley
Brass Key Stamped With ‘111’
Tape Measure
Pair of Reading Glasses
Pocket Romanian-English Dictionary
Car Keys
Empty Plastic Bottle
Empty Flask
Pair of Silver Frog-shaped Cufflinks
Notebook Page Written With ‘Password reminder: my car’
3 Cases of Machine Gun Bullets
Flak Jacket
Set of Keys Each Stamped With No. 1 Through No. 8
Small Gas Cylinder
Change of Clothing
Laboratory Coat
Clown Outfit
Cowboy Hat
Policeman’s Helmet
Fairy Princess Costume
Space Helmet
Sailor’s Uniform
False Beards
1 Med Kit (+8 STAMINA)
1 Small Med Kit (+4 STAMINA)
Barehanded: 1d6-3
Small Penknife: 1d6-2
Baseball Bat: 1d6
Crowbar: 1d6
Pistol: 1d6+2
Axe: 1d6
Machine Gun: 2d6+5
Loaded Handgun: 1d6+2
GRENADES: 2 (2d6+1)

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 4:14 am
by SGamerz
Search his pockets.

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 4:55 am
by Thaluikhain
Search all the things.

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 5:24 am
by JourneymanN00b
Searching through Boris’s pockets received 2 votes, so No Name Nova will start with the corpse looting.

Even though he tried to kill you, you are saddened by Boris’s death. He was simply a victim of Gingrich Yurr’s insane plan; he didn’t know that he’d been turned into a Zombie and wasn’t aware of what he was doing. Apologizing to Boris for the intrusion, you carry out a quick search of his pockets which yields a small torch. You stand up, vowing to hunt down Yurr to avenge poor Boris. If you want to open the steel door, turn to 294. If you want to walk on past the door, turn to 341.


Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PST or a choice receives 2 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 5:48 am
by pragma
Eat a medkit and open steel door.

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 6:37 am
by Queen of Swords

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 6:40 am
by JourneymanN00b
Opening the steel door received 2 votes, so No Name Nova will check it out. As requested, a Med Kit will also be used to heal our hero.

As you open the steel door you are met by a blast of cold air. You peek into the refrigerated room and see lots of animal carcasses hanging on butcher’s hooks, attached to chains fixed to the ceiling. There must be at least thirty half-sides of frozen beef and pork suspended from the ceiling. If you want to take a look inside the room, turn to 5. If you would rather close the door and continue along the corridor, turn to 341.

Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PST or a choice receives 2 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
No Name Nova
DOLLARS $: 132
‘Hendrix’ Bag
Small Key Stamped With ‘9’
Hack Saw
Sports Clothes
13 Boxes of Bullets
Blacksmith’s Tongs
Gold Locket With Gold Chain
Yellow Notepaper Printed With ‘combination lock number: 181’
13 Boxes of Shotgun Cartridges
Steel Pulley
Brass Key Stamped With ‘111’
Tape Measure
Pair of Reading Glasses
Pocket Romanian-English Dictionary
Car Keys
Empty Plastic Bottle
Empty Flask
Pair of Silver Frog-shaped Cufflinks
Notebook Page Written With ‘Password reminder: my car’
3 Cases of Machine Gun Bullets
Flak Jacket
Set of Keys Each Stamped With No. 1 Through No. 8
Small Gas Cylinder
Change of Clothing
Laboratory Coat
Clown Outfit
Cowboy Hat
Policeman’s Helmet
Fairy Princess Costume
Space Helmet
Sailor’s Uniform
False Beards
1 Small Med Kit (+4 STAMINA)
Barehanded: 1d6-3
Small Penknife: 1d6-2
Baseball Bat: 1d6
Crowbar: 1d6
Pistol: 1d6+2
Axe: 1d6
Machine Gun: 2d6+5
Loaded Handgun: 1d6+2
GRENADES: 2 (2d6+1)

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 6:55 am
by SGamerz
Look in every room.

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 7:21 am
by Thaluikhain
Peek inside all rooms.

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 7:42 am
by JourneymanN00b
Taking a look inside the room received 2 votes, so No Name Nova will go inside.


You pick your way carefully between the hanging carcasses as you make your way towards the back of the room. You can see your own breath crystallize in the freezing air. Without warning one of the hanging pig carcasses swings towards you, pushed by an unseen hand. You are momentarily caught off balance as a young female Zombie dressed in a tattered beige jumper and torn black leggings jumps out from behind a hanging side of beef wielding a chainsaw. Could it be Amy? You have no time to think before the Zombie fires up her chainsaw and attacks you. The initiative is hers. Roll one die. If you roll 1-3, turn to 130. If you roll 4-6, turn to 98.

Rolling the die yields a 4.

The Zombie thrusts the roaring chainsaw towards you. You try to jump out of the way of the rotating blade but are caught on the arm by the sharp teeth. Lose 3 STAMINA points. If you are still alive, turn to 70.

You jump backwards to give yourself time and space to take aim at the Zombie. A single shot is all that it takes to bring her down. The chainsaw continues to roar until you pull it out of her hands to switch it off. If it was Amy there is nothing you can do for her now. You thank her for the chainsaw (2d6+3) which should be a very effective Zombie-stopper if you are happy to carry the heavy weapon. Reduce your STAMINA by 1 point if you take it. After deciding what to do, you leave the refrigerated room and turn right along the corridor. Turn to 341.


You soon arrive at a row of cells running along both sides of the corridor. The front of each cell has floor-to-ceiling iron bars with doors built in. All of them are hanging open. There is a terrible stench coming from the cells which you recognize as the putrid undead stink of Zombies. But there is no sign of them. Perhaps they were released by Boris? You walk on and arrive at a staircase going up. You climb it and find yourself on the ground floor of the north wing of the castle. You are at one end of a long hallway which turns right at the far end. There are two doorways opposite each other in the middle of the hallway. The one on your right would appear to open onto the courtyard. There is a telescope mounted on a table next to this door. Suddenly a young, blonde girl dressed in jeans and a white T-shirt and carrying a small shoulder bag appears from around the corner at the far end of the hallway. Half walking, half running, she keeps glancing behind her, acting as though somebody is following her. Before you can call out to her, she opens the door to your left, just as a pack of Zombies appears from around the corner in hot pursuit. The girl closes the door quickly behind her. The Zombies begin hammering on it and you hear the girl scream. You have no choice but to go to her rescue and fight the Zombies, all seventeen of them. If you win, turn to 245.

Once more, I assume that No Name Nova is going to use the machine gun. This is yet another fight that could kill our hero if bad dice rolls occur. Should any grenades be used to even the odds before facing the 17 Zombies? Please make your votes on whether to take the chainsaw in the refrigerated room and whether to use a grenade before the fight before 9:00 AM PST or a choice receives 2 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
No Name Nova
DOLLARS $: 132
‘Hendrix’ Bag
Small Key Stamped With ‘9’
Hack Saw
Sports Clothes
13 Boxes of Bullets
Blacksmith’s Tongs
Gold Locket With Gold Chain
Yellow Notepaper Printed With ‘combination lock number: 181’
13 Boxes of Shotgun Cartridges
Steel Pulley
Brass Key Stamped With ‘111’
Tape Measure
Pair of Reading Glasses
Pocket Romanian-English Dictionary
Car Keys
Empty Plastic Bottle
Empty Flask
Pair of Silver Frog-shaped Cufflinks
Notebook Page Written With ‘Password reminder: my car’
3 Cases of Machine Gun Bullets
Flak Jacket
Set of Keys Each Stamped With No. 1 Through No. 8
Small Gas Cylinder
Change of Clothing
Laboratory Coat
Clown Outfit
Cowboy Hat
Policeman’s Helmet
Fairy Princess Costume
Space Helmet
Sailor’s Uniform
False Beards
1 Small Med Kit (+4 STAMINA)
Barehanded: 1d6-3
Small Penknife: 1d6-2
Baseball Bat: 1d6
Crowbar: 1d6
Pistol: 1d6+2
Axe: 1d6
Machine Gun: 2d6+5
Loaded Handgun: 1d6+2
GRENADES: 2 (2d6+1)