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Post by Username17 »

Koumei wrote:
hyzmarca wrote:Her videos aren't particularly new or insightful insightful. This is shit that people were talking about in the 90s. The early 90s.
To be fair, while there's nothing new in the videos, the points are still just as valid now as they were back then.
My problem is that it's just as valid. Which is to say that the valid points are still valid and the invalid points are still invalid. Yes, women are still disproportionately shown in powerless roles, but no we don't have a complete lack of unsexualized female protagonists. FFS, the first Metroid title came out in 1986, and Samus has been sitting as a concrete counterexample to Anita Sarkeesian's universal claims since she was two years old.

Even really trivial amounts of research would keep her from making half the claims that she does, and when she does bring up genuinely sexist characters or situations, she often describes the story structures completely incorrectly - indicating a total lack of familiarity with the subject matter she is nominally critiquing.

And then, completely aside from the fact that she doesn't seem to know diddly about video games and has no business offering a critique on them from a feminist or any other perspective - there's the other problem where the perspective she has is one of "sex negative feminism." That's the branch of feminism that thinks it is somehow empowering to women to insult "sluts." So yeah, she's basically the Canadian Taliban.

Basically, Anita Sarkeesian deserves to have incoherent rage thrown in her direction, because she is a hack and also her viewpoints are abhorrent. Unfortunately, the incoherent rage of many of the internet's creepier denizens are also really offensive, and Anita Sarkeesian is able to collect and post those as part of her own fund raising channels, giving her money to spew more bullshit. Unless and until X-Box Live trolls stop using rape threats as go-to invectives, concern trolls like Sarkeesian will continue to be able to enrich themselves with faux outrage against them. It's sad really.

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Post by Koumei »

Ah, staying clear from drama has a drawback: you don't get all the details. I wasn't aware of her joining the Canadian Taliban.

Also, Samus actually did transform in the most recent Metroid game, such that she needs a man to hold her hand through everything. Not that this one example shoots your point apart (here, I'll name Sonya and Chun-Li. If they had been born as real people when their respective games came out, they would be old enough to drink now, and they were always bad-ass fighters all the way through), but just because if you weren't aware of the latest Metroid game, it's my duty to cause despair and disappointment. And she still can't be replaced by a cake without the game changing, so there is that I guess.
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Post by tussock »

nockermensch wrote:Right, time to write something that has been in my mind for some time now, which can make some all of you hate me, but fuck that. It needs to be said:
I'll hate on you, nockers.
The first point is that being oppressed and persecuted became something you can cash in for social currency points in today's World.
This is not true. It just isn't. Oppressed people are legion and they have no power and no ability to cash anything in. There is no social currency for any of the billions of oppressed people in the world. It just sucks, and you simply don't hear about it.

Yes, you can see one or two people being professional victims, if you dig. But they're also real and most of them actually gain much bigger problems from further oppression than they will ever gain by going public with it. Going public sucks, and you simply don't hear about it. Or you do, because Edward Snowden went public, and the little bit of state oppression he was under kinda rocketed.

Yes, there are also totally fake victims. They are starkly obvious. It's the wealth and power they hold and the lack of actual victimisation. They are also extremely tiny in number compared to actual victims of oppression and marginalisation. Like, there's a handful of them, and there's billions of actual oppressed people. It's like someone mentioned rape and your first thought was how there is such a thing as fake rape complaints, rather than the approximate 2% conviction rate on the actual rapes.
Bla bla bla, Israel is complaining that everyone's out to get them because of anti-Semitism.
OK, so yes, because there were some six million Jews in Europe who survived the holocaust, and there are some six million Jews in Israel who mostly descend from those people. In living memory, people were literally out to get every single one of them proper dead because of anti-Semitism. Most of their neighbours have variously not accepted their nation as even existing for most of its history.

The people who survived the holocaust, they were the ones who saw it before it got bad. They fled and they hid just because a few politicians were virulent anti-Semites and there were a few more attacks than usual. The people who assumed things would be alright, they mostly died. It was very bad.
I don't think this is some kind of perfectly orchestrated conspiracy.
Real conspiracies are just people with common interests taking the time to assist each other for mutual benefit. Israel will usually manage to act in Israel's interest with or without them.

It goes like this: Somebody posts a article critical of Israel in a board or social media. Somebody on the comments posts LE HAPPY MERCHANT together with some racist phrase.
There are a big old bunch of racists and anti-Semites in the world. Huge giant bunches of them. I would venture it's billions. Racism is super common. Someone does X, racist does Y, people don't really hassle or block the racist, the racism is just left there, often times a bunch more racists pile on and add some more racism. That makes you uncomfortable because now the Jew is getting away with stuff, because of racism which might even be fake.

Again, it's like someone yells rape, and your first thought is, "ooh, there's fake rape complaints, don't you know."

Because the people he wants to keep down just shot their own credibility in the foot head there.
Again, the simple answer is the people who hate Israel are very often racist and anti-Semites. Some of them are also oppressed by Israel, and some of the oppressors are also racist with anti-Islamic sensibilities.

Your argument might be "Racism often gets in the way of talking sense." Yes, it does, "often" being due to the preponderance of racism. So well spotted. Nonsense makes no sense.

siege mentality
Also every single person in the actual siege in Gaza and the West Bank. Siege mentalities do affect people who are under siege. You might also have a think about how the "besieger mentality" probably isn't going to be all that different, having to keep such a close eye on them in case they fight back (and they do fight back, constantly). It's a lot like the history of apartheid South Africa, people get nasty on both sides, and it's up to the side with the real power to stop it and make peace instead.

Then I noticed the same pattern being used regarding GamerGate, only with Misogyny being used instead Racism.
To rephrase: "Then I noticed that misogynists are also very common, and their nonsense is similarly harmful to the process of making sense of things."

Well, that was it. Feel free to call me paranoid now.
Pretty much, but I do it often enough myself. Conflate lots of people being a thing with that thing being organised by the powerful. Rather than how powerful people just have to ride whatever popular wave is peaking at the moment, because having a lot of influence is still not the same as having all of it, or even most of it, or even much of it at all, but staying on top is what makes you the top (rather than being worthy or something).
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Post by tussock »

FrankTrollman wrote:Basically, Anita Sarkeesian deserves to have incoherent rage thrown in her direction, because she is
A woman who made some small mistakes in framing an otherwise correct stance on misogyny in computer games, partly from being too fucking young to know most of that nitpicking stuff. Quite alright then, no misogyny here, Frank is incoherently outraged about young people not knowing things from when they were two years old in general.

Most people though? They hate Anita Sarkeesian because she's a woman talking about man-things, and so couldn't possibly understand. Thus all the nitpicking.
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Post by Username17 »

tussock wrote:
FrankTrollman wrote:Basically, Anita Sarkeesian deserves to have incoherent rage thrown in her direction, because she is
A woman who made some small mistakes in framing an otherwise correct stance on misogyny in computer games, partly from being too fucking young to know most of that nitpicking stuff. Quite alright then, no misogyny here, Frank is incoherently outraged about young people not knowing things from when they were two years old in general.

Most people though? They hate Anita Sarkeesian because she's a woman talking about man-things, and so couldn't possibly understand. Thus all the nitpicking.
Tussock, you're stupid and should feel stupid. If someone is going to take money from people to critique things, they should know something about the things they critique.

If you complain about an event happening "off camera" when it factually happens on camera, then probabilities are very high that you didn't actually experience the thing you're critiquing. Which in turn means that when you accepted money from people in order to critique the thing in the first place, you scammed them. Anita Sarkeesian is a scam artist.

The nitpicking is actually super important. It indicates that she's getting her information about the things she's condemning off of wikipedia and guess work rather than by actual observation of the titles themselves. And remember, some of these universal statements are made without even doing so much as checking wikipedia beforehand. It's not like wikipedia doesn't have a female video game character list for you to scroll through. It's not complete or anything, but it sure as fuck has Samus on it.

She makes sensationalist claims based on shoddy research and willful ignorance in support of a particular brand of feminism that isn't amazingly less restrictive on women than what the most hard core misogynists are offering. And she whips up funding by posting anonymous rape threats that she probably really got.

She follows the exact script of the "Moral Majority" fucktards. Right down to the soliciting money to fight a never ending battle against moral reprobates. Basically, she's these guys. The only difference is that she's nominally protecting women from lechers and the wearing of short skirts instead of protecting... women... from lechers and the wearing of short skirts.

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Post by Longes »

tussock wrote:
FrankTrollman wrote:Basically, Anita Sarkeesian deserves to have incoherent rage thrown in her direction, because she is
A woman who made some small mistakes in framing an otherwise correct stance on misogyny in computer games, partly from being too fucking young to know most of that nitpicking stuff. Quite alright then, no misogyny here, Frank is incoherently outraged about young people not knowing things from when they were two years old in general.

Most people though? They hate Anita Sarkeesian because she's a woman talking about man-things, and so couldn't possibly understand. Thus all the nitpicking.
I'll try to remember some good female characters of the top of my head, who are not Samus.

Jade, from Beyond Good and Evil
Refia, from Final Fantasy 3 (there is not much characterisation in this game, but Refia didn't want to be a blacksmith as her father and ran away from home to become an adventurer)
Kerrigan, from StarCraft (unrescued damsel in the terran campaign, major villain afterwards)
Lara Croft, from Tomb Raider
Faith, from Mirror's Edge
Imoen, from Baldur's Gate
Liara T'Sony, from Mass Effect (damsel in her recruitment mission, badass afterwards)
April Ryan, from The Longest Journey
Fall-From-Grace, from Planescape: Torment
Aveline, from Dragon Age 2
Lightning, from Final Fantasy 13
Red, from Transistor

Saying that female characters are rare in video games is wrong and untrue.

*I don't think that games featuring AFGNCAAPs should count for either side. Yes, Doom marine is a man, but that's pretty much the only thing we know about him.
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Post by Longes »

Koumei wrote:Ah, staying clear from drama has a drawback: you don't get all the details. I wasn't aware of her joining the Canadian Taliban.

Also, Samus actually did transform in the most recent Metroid game, such that she needs a man to hold her hand through everything. Not that this one example shoots your point apart (here, I'll name Sonya and Chun-Li. If they had been born as real people when their respective games came out, they would be old enough to drink now, and they were always bad-ass fighters all the way through), but just because if you weren't aware of the latest Metroid game, it's my duty to cause despair and disappointment. And she still can't be replaced by a cake without the game changing, so there is that I guess.
I've never played Metroid, but wasn't the "transformed Samus" only featured in Metroid: Other M, and was universally reviled?

EDIT: I've just watched her game idea, with the damsel trope reversal. Isn't that exactly the plot twist in Monkey Island? Guybrush arrives at the church to stop Ellaine and LeChuck's wedding, only to learn that Ellaine has already escaped and is using the wedding to assassinate LeChuck?
Last edited by Longes on Sat Oct 18, 2014 10:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Neeeek »

Koumei wrote:Ah, staying clear from drama has a drawback: you don't get all the details. I wasn't aware of her joining the Canadian Taliban.

Also, Samus actually did transform in the most recent Metroid game, such that she needs a man to hold her hand through everything. Not that this one example shoots your point apart (here, I'll name Sonya and Chun-Li. If they had been born as real people when their respective games came out, they would be old enough to drink now, and they were always bad-ass fighters all the way through), but just because if you weren't aware of the latest Metroid game, it's my duty to cause despair and disappointment. And she still can't be replaced by a cake without the game changing, so there is that I guess.
Hmm. Sonya and Chun-Li are actually examples that sort of prove the point: They are both token chicks. In the original version of SFII and Mortal Kombat, they were the only female characters, with 7 playable male characters, plus 4 more male characters as bosses in SFII and 2 in Mortal Kombat. Even the expanded edition of SFII only had one more woman, while adding 3 more men. Later additions of MK had a lot more women, though, IIRC.
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Post by Chamomile »

No one ever said that powerful women in games weren't rare. They are and that is bad. Sarkeesian contends that they don't exist at all, and that is false.
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Post by Meikle641 »

Neeeek wrote:Hmm. Sonya and Chun-Li are actually examples that sort of prove the point: They are both token chicks. In the original version of SFII and Mortal Kombat, they were the only female characters, with 7 playable male characters, plus 4 more male characters as bosses in SFII and 2 in Mortal Kombat. Even the expanded edition of SFII only had one more woman, while adding 3 more men. Later additions of MK had a lot more women, though, IIRC.
So? That's SF2; there are quite a few other SF games. There are at least 10 female Street Fighters, of that I'm sure. I don't actually play the series, so I'm bad with the names.

Also, as a general thing... Some Female Game characters:

I did have a nice list of women in video games (as in, programmers, writers, etc), but I seem to have lost it. I'll see if I can track it down again.
Last edited by Meikle641 on Sat Oct 18, 2014 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by OgreBattle »

Haha, the mandudeguy that is the producer of femfreq tweeted a challenge that "nobody can name any women who don't use sex as a weapon in 3rd person games". Somebody said portal and he goes "HAHAH WRONG THATS 1ST PERSON" and then declared victory.

I then tweeted 21 games for him to look at, with characters like Front Mission 4's genius scientist strategist giant robot pilot lead Elsa
https://twitter.com/HokutoAndy/status/5 ... 4841823233
'course he ignored it

There's other women voices in games critiquing out there too

I really focus on the negative too much, makes me grind my teeth, so instead I'm focusing more on promoting things I like and enjoying them.

Like Kite Tales, a youtuber that makes videos on games she likes.

She made a rebuttal to femfreq's 'damsel in distress'

She also has a guide of "how to play video games and not get mad"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMAwxTt ... q8Vea6IliQ

warning for the diabetic, her videos are super duper sugary sweet.
Last edited by OgreBattle on Sun Oct 19, 2014 1:08 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Leress »

Two things:

One: Orge Heather was from Silent Hill 3 not 2. Still a good list anyway (even though I have a feeling he will pull some shit with you putting Aya Brea on the list).


I have some links surround this I found interesting.


www.nichegamer.net/2014/10/on-gamers-cu ... gamergate/



Tussock, you don't know what you are talking about.
I've never played Metroid, but wasn't the "transformed Samus" only featured in Metroid: Other M, and was universally reviled?
Yes, and Yes.
Last edited by Leress on Sun Oct 19, 2014 3:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
Koumei wrote:I'm just glad that Jill Stein stayed true to her homeopathic principles by trying to win with .2% of the vote. She just hasn't diluted it enough!
Koumei wrote:I am disappointed in Santorum: he should carry his dead election campaign to term!
Just a heads up... Your post is pregnant... When you miss that many periods it's just a given.
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Post by hyzmarca »

Also, its less needing a man to hold her hand and more agreeing with someone she respects that firing off weapons capable of vaporizing the squishy people around her even if she doesn't come close to hitting them is a bad idea on a joint mission, a story justification for the bag of spilling that almost makes sense. The marines don't want her to accidentally kill them, which is very possible given the firepower that she's known for throwing around.

And that's followed by one short PTSD flashback when she's unexpectedly confronted by the guy who set her mother on fire in front of her when she was three and whom she had recently killed. Because having a short PTSD flashback when someone resurrects the giant space dragon that killed your parents isn't exactly unreasonable. Even Rambo has PTSD flashbacks.
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Post by Maxus »

Well, here's the thing.

Samus by that point had run into Ridley multiple times. She's beaten him every time they got into a slugout fight.

And then, after repeated exposure and leaving him for dead four or five times (Ridley having a tenacity of life like a goddamn Bleach character), she has a PTSD flare. After multiple times where she didn't freeze, she kicked his ass.

It's just kinda...Not what people imagined Samus as being. Certainly not after twenty or thirty years and, I don't have a problem repeating, kicking Ridley's ass five times, three of them while he was a damn mega-cyborg.
Last edited by Maxus on Sun Oct 19, 2014 5:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by tussock »

FrankTrollman wrote:
tussock wrote:
FrankTrollman wrote:Basically, Anita Sarkeesian deserves to have incoherent rage thrown in her direction, because she is
A woman who made some small mistakes in framing an otherwise correct stance on misogyny in computer games, partly from being too fucking young to know most of that nitpicking stuff. Quite alright then, no misogyny here, Frank is incoherently outraged about young people not knowing things from when they were two years old in general.

Most people though? They hate Anita Sarkeesian because she's a woman talking about man-things, and so couldn't possibly understand. Thus all the nitpicking.
Tussock, you're stupid and should feel stupid. If someone is going to take money from people to critique things, they should know something about the things they critique.
And yet here we are spending time, again, talking about Anita Sarkeesian. Instead of every other reviewer and journalist and judge and politician and people who have a lot more power and influence than some random young woman you'd have never heard of if it weren't for the massive wave of misogyny that started up before she even got a chance to open her mouth.

As people have pointed out, almost every games journalist is corrupt, the system is a disaster zone of kickbacks and freebies, and almost of them are men. And guess who we're talking about? And guess why? That's right, because she talks about misogyny rather than pixel counts or triangles per second or amazing vistas or whatever other bullshit the others get wrong all the time.

And you're right, Frank. She gets plenty of the small stuff wrong. You're just being you about that. So now you're critiquing games critics, you will of course learn more about the history of the industry and critique the lot of them. Because people who don't know what they're talking about to complete perfection shouldn't talk at all. As you say.

@Folders full of women.

Yeh, there's thousands of games, so it's totally cool there's ten of them with women in who aren't victims or vapid girl sidekicks. Ms. Pacman, for goodness sake. Lara Croft with the extra boob-physics for the tank top, and hair-physics for the giant pig-tails. That one in the power armour that everyone thought was a man. Everywhere.
Last edited by tussock on Sun Oct 19, 2014 5:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

OgreBattle wrote: She also has a guide of "how to play video games and not get mad"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMAwxTt ... q8Vea6IliQ
That is an absolute delight to watch. I was a bit worried at "Really? In 'how to have fun', step four is 'have fun'?" but then the puppet flipped out that it should not be that hard, so all was good.

Solid Snake is very realistic there, I hope to see puppet version in the next Metal Gear game.
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Post by OgreBattle »

Koumei wrote: Solid Snake is very realistic there, I hope to see puppet version in the next Metal Gear game.
Not in a Metal Gear game, but neverless puppet snake was playable

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Post by Koumei »

That's good enough for me. And IIRC, Stephen Fry is the narrator for LBP.
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Post by Longes »

OgreBattle wrote:Haha, the mandudeguy that is the producer of femfreq tweeted a challenge that "nobody can name any women who don't use sex as a weapon in 3rd person games". Somebody said portal and he goes "HAHAH WRONG THATS 1ST PERSON" and then declared victory.

I then tweeted 21 games for him to look at, with characters like Front Mission 4's genius scientist strategist giant robot pilot lead Elsa
https://twitter.com/HokutoAndy/status/5 ... 4841823233
'course he ignored it
Jonathan McIntosh @radicalbytes · Oct 14
FYI “leading” means she’s the star of the game so ensemble casts don’t count. If you have to unlock her it’s not a star role (See Sheva).
Listing Elizabeth from BioShock Infinite as a lead character? Disqualified (and blocked) for ignoring the simplest of instructions
Now, I personally hate Elizabeth for being an extermely manipulative character (not a manipulative person - a character made to manipulate the player), but come on. She is the keystone of the plot.
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Post by Kaelik »

Also, from just what is presented there, leading wasn't a stipulation, so if it was added after the fact, that is even funnier, because he is retroactively disqualifying all counterpoints one by one.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Leress »

Here what the tweet said:
Let’s play a game. How many female leading playable 3rd person video game characters whose sexuality is NOT used as a weapon can you name?
https://twitter.com/radicalbytes/status ... 6254108672

then his next tweets:
Ok, now compare that relatively short list to the huge number of games starring male leads. The ratio is at least 100 to 1. See the problem?
https://twitter.com/radicalbytes/status ... 5920260096

but his does say some dumb things like:
This reminds me of the laughable way many game wikis list non-playable female sidekicks as “protagonists”.
https://twitter.com/radicalbytes/status ... 9903280130

his point:
! RT @upsettingshorts The point that asking the same question about dude protags would be COMPLETELY LAUGHABLY ABSURD is lost on em I guess.
https://twitter.com/radicalbytes/status ... 8648296448

There are also a couple of other tweets that are silly.

So yeah is he is moving goal post.

Last edited by Leress on Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
Koumei wrote:I'm just glad that Jill Stein stayed true to her homeopathic principles by trying to win with .2% of the vote. She just hasn't diluted it enough!
Koumei wrote:I am disappointed in Santorum: he should carry his dead election campaign to term!
Just a heads up... Your post is pregnant... When you miss that many periods it's just a given.
I want him to tongue-punch my box.
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Post by DSMatticus »

tussock wrote:And yet here we are spending time, again, talking about Anita Sarkeesian. Instead of every other reviewer and journalist and judge and politician and people who have a lot more power and influence than some random young woman you'd have never heard of if it weren't for the massive wave of misogyny that started up before she even got a chance to open her mouth.
Tussock, I really just don't have the energy for you. But I want to remind you that it wasn't until a few days ago, when you learned that a judge had been appointing attorneys to represent unborn fetuses for the purpose of delaying abortions until they were legally impermissible and shaming those who seek them, that you were ready to accept that Republicans are really, really bad for women. Even though in your last post the "binders full of women" joke you cracked is lifted straight out of the mouth of the 2012 Republican presidential candidate - I assume you didn't just now learn that that was a thing.

You really have no credibility on matters of feminism. You burnt it all up when you spent... what, years? defending the notion that the only real difference between red team and blue team were the colors of their shirts. The people like you who say stupid bullshit like that (and there a surprisingly large number of you) make it harder to condemn instances of very real, very harmful sexism. It is perhaps inappropriate of you to jump into a discussion on feminism days after discovering that you have been helping (however slightly) kick feminism in its metaphorical balls for years. That realization should probably come with a period of introspection and reevaluation where you consider your beliefs, discover a bunch of them are piles of ass, and toss them out to start over. Think of it like growing out of libertarianism. Embarrassing that you had the phase, but you'll be a better person in the end.

But your qualifications to discuss feminism aside, what you just did is called the fallacy of relative privation. It has a wikipedia article. You are encouraged to read it, and in so doing better equip yourself to not make terrible posts in the future.
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Post by Count Arioch the 28th »

I'm actually very disappointed that Sarkeesian canceled her speech at Utah. She should have done the speech and started it with a challenge calling the fucker threatening to shoot people out.
Last edited by Count Arioch the 28th on Sun Oct 19, 2014 9:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Chamomile »

That would require courage and confidence and other traditionally male traits. Sarkeesian's not a fan of bucking gender roles.
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Post by Count Arioch the 28th »

Courage... or stupidity. Lord knows I've done some very stupid things because I thought someone was trying to intimidate me into doing the opposite.
In this moment, I am Ur-phoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my int score.
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