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Re: A Bizzare Min/Max Challenge

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:14 am
by User3
How can an elemental benefit from Enlarge person? Elementals aren't persons or am i missing something?


Re: A Bizzare Min/Max Challenge

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:38 am
by erik
josephbt at [unixtime wrote:1173348894[/unixtime]]How can an elemental benefit from Enlarge person? Elementals aren't persons or am i missing something?

It is sort of like a familiar. It has the Share Spells ability. So you cast it on yourself and stay within 5 feet to share it with your Elemental Companion.

Re: follow up on spirited charge suggestion

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 7:24 am
by erik
clikml at [unixtime wrote:1173224007[/unixtime]]]
If you want to sacrifice a wee bit of BAB for surprise, you can take a dash of arcane casting to kick off a battle with invisibility and then the first notice they get of your deadliness is when they fall down with a hole through their chest.

An Arcane Heirophant spirited charger is likely to skewer giants pretty quickly.

A human riding a dire bat

4 Druid/3 Wiz/3 Arcane Heiro/1 Hospitaler
Pow Atk, Mounted Combat, Ride By Attack, Spirited Charge
Improved Bull Rush, Shock Trooper

Average Damage (conservative 18 strength, +1 lance)
3d8+18 str+3 lance+42 power attack=76 per successful attack. A more optimistic damage total is around 90 per attack (get str higher, armbands of might, better lance).

Start with shared invisibility, cast haste upon sighting giants, use lion's pounce spell when charging for 3 attacks, and most giants will die..

Alternatively, drop the hospitaler level for another Arcane Heirophant level, and use heroics to get Shock Trooper. Then you can just use greater invisibility and use up all your druid spell slots to get a full attack each spirited charge.

Enlarging for more reach and damage could be fun too. Depends how much prep you get when you see giants. I'd imagine this character would have no trouble spotting them first.

[edit: removed inclusion of swift invisiblity, since that is a bard spell and not a wizard spell. Whoops.]

Re: follow up on spirited charge suggestion

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 5:07 am
by Brobdingnagian
Oh hell, why not just take all the cheese on this one?

Be a Pixie. Take your other seven levels in Rogue, max UMD, take Rapid Shot, and grab yourself a Wraithstrike. Just to be clear, I'm not sure if you can actually afford a Wraithstrike at level 11, but it would be literally the only piece of gear you need, aside from some Move Silently buffs and maybe some Hide buffs because why the hell not.

They can't see you and you're Wraithstriking, and so you're attacking AC 10. With a +5 BAB, a +2 to hit from being invisible, another +3 because Pixies get +8 to Dex and you gave yourself an 8, a +1 from your MWK Shortbow, and a -2 because you're Rapid Shotting, you're making two attacks a round at least at +9, meaning you always hit except on a natural one. Granted, the 1d4 shortbow and 4d6 Sneak Attack only allow for an average of 56 damage total from both attacks, but that's not what we're doing. We're skipping damage and forcing two DC 15 Fortitude saves each round. Eventually, they'll roll a natural one and fall asleep. Then we coup-de-grace them and see if they can make a DC 38 Fortitude save. They can't see you, you've buffed your MS so they can't hear you, especially since bullshit weapon rules state we can do this from as far as 80 feet away (if you want further, put more than 12 into your Dex instead of 8 (for a total of 20/+5) so you can deal with the first range increment and do it from 160 feet away and they're taking -16 to spot and listen) so we're sitting pretty.

Thank you oh great god of the swiss for granting us such holy cheese.

Re: follow up on spirited charge suggestion

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:00 am
by User3
Wait, what? Pixies are terrible.

Re: follow up on spirited charge suggestion

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 12:46 pm
by erik
How is that superior to say a drow using sleep arrows, since they have just as much claim to them, and we're really just hoping for a 1-auto fail save anywho? A drow gets more levels too, which means more everything.

Really anyone can get sleep poison however, that's what the creation spells are for afterall.

If you want to abuse poison, telekinetic thrusting weapons covered in poison you conjured could do the trick. A chained Steeldance spell (SpC) could animate koresh knows how many weapons and dice up giants as well.

To critique my builds, they might fail on the complexity front- Arcane Heirophant especially. In playing with another bonded summoner, it sure does seem to take a lot of the spotlight/game time up, sending in the earth elemental to scout around, explaining all its buffs, etc.

Re: follow up on spirited charge suggestion

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 1:49 pm
by MrWaeseL
Straight up, 11 levels of rogue. Use your level 11 ability for a bonus feat which becomes perfect two-weapon fighting as detailed here.
Now, simply chuck 4 acid flasks each round. (5 with rapid shot) As a deep halfling your attack bonus can easily be +14 (+7 bab +1 racial +1 size +5 dex). Giants have really low touch AC and no acid resistance, so you should cut trough them like butter.
Add some wands of minor creation to make your own ammo on the spot and you shouldn't even have to carry a medium load.
Edit: To make ranged sneak attacks you need to catch the giants in a grease spell. I'm hoping the sorceror has it known.

The best part is that you haven't even spent feats or bought equipment yet, so you can set yourself up for a great noncombat role as well. (Not that there are any noncombat encounters in the adventure that I know of, but it's nice to be the best at everything.)

Re: follow up on spirited charge suggestion

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:47 pm
by Brobdingnagian
clikml wrote:How is that superior to say a drow using sleep arrows

Because Drow aren't invisible all the time.

And it really isn't superior, perse, it's just funny to see big bad giants go down to a little pixie they can't even see.

Re: follow up on spirited charge suggestion

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 5:27 pm
by Zherog
MrWaeseL at [unixtime wrote:1174398591[/unixtime]]Straight up, 11 levels of rogue. Use your level 11 ability for a bonus feat which becomes perfect two-weapon fighting as detailed here.

Just a hunch - but I'd be willing to wager WotC interprets that differently than Frank. ;)

edit: and the rogue special ability comes at 10th level, not 11th. :tongue:

Re: follow up on spirited charge suggestion

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 5:55 pm
by MrWaeseL
Eh, it's not a flashy or overpowered character.