Breaking GURPS

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Re: Breaking GURPS

Post by shirak »

Here's how I broke G3. Nowhere near the best thing in the game but awesome nonetheless.

The Weaponguard 37.500.000GP
A complete Council Weaponguard (fifteen swords!) can really ruin an assassin’s day. Though the cost is prohibitive, the Weaponguard has proven time and again its worth. These swords are enchanted to be fast and agile. Their purpose is both defense and surgical strikes. They will often target legs and arms to quickly bring an opponent down. The Weaponguard is enchanted with a variation of the Weapon Spirit spell that brings all fifteen swords under the control of a single intelligence. The Weaponguard has IQ 15, Tactics 20, can speak and has the Advantage Combat Reflexes. It also has Alertness 5 and Sense Danger.
Very Fine Shortsword, Dancing Weapon, Accuracy +3, Puissance +3, Defending Weapon +3, Quick-Draw, Ghost Weapon. Power 20 (works in low mana areas). Total Cost 2.500.000
Attack 21, Parry 14, Speed 5, Damage Cut 3d+7, Imp 2d+4 (Low mana 2d+6, 1d+6)

The Weaponguard will rarely go for All-Out-Defense but when it does it can parry up to thirty times in a single round.

Not nearly as impressive as Suki, my "Monk" with Magery 3 and Deathtouch 25
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