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Re: Anime

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 4:25 pm
by Username17
MRW wrote:Then how is anime defined? I thought it was the japanese term for a cartoon.

It is. Ichi the Killer is, however, a live action splatter movie. ... [br][br]It has a cult following because of the whole "tongues get ripped out on screen". But it has production values in line with the seventh season of power rangers.


Re: Anime

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 7:38 pm
by MrWaeseL
Ok, thanks.

Re: Anime

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 5:34 pm
by Josh_Kablack
Gankutsuou totally kicks ass. So much so that I'm rereading Dumas now.

The odd effect with the clothing patterns being stationary while the characters wearing the clothes move through them is pretty neat and draws your eye towards the incredible detail put into the "costuming" in the series.

Re: Anime

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 6:36 pm
by Maj
Silly and scary "trailers" on Cartoon Network are introducing Hi Hi Puffy Amiyumi. I wonder if that was what got them to do the Teen Titan's theme song?

Re: Anime

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 12:49 am
by Username17
You should watch "Captain Tylor". Awesome show.

One friend said of one of the characters:

"His sense motive is so bad that he is fialing to bluff checks that Tylor is not actually making."

Check it out, you'll see what he means.


Re: Anime

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 2:37 am
by Josh_Kablack
FrankTrollman at [unixtime wrote:1102553376[/unixtime]]You should watch "Captain Tylor". Awesome show.

You should and it is.

I've been recommending it on forums for years.

Re: Anime

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:50 pm
by Ramnza
I love Ranma 1/2 and by extension Inuyasha.
Bring on Ghost in the Shell and the cult classic, Akira. Loved Evangelion, but I hated the hurt my brain. Enjoyed Wolves Rain, but again the end. I've moved beyond my earlier phase with Dragon Ball Z, but I still loved it and Teen Titans rocks, but they need to get with the program and make need episodes.

As for Ichi, it was fun to watch.

Re: Anime

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:00 am
by Ramnza
How could I forget:bash:
If you're interested in some really awesome story lines with cool plots and cultural inspirations, try Twelve Kingdoms. It rocks the house. I'm serious. :jump:

Re: Anime

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:27 am
by Username17
Ramnza wrote: Loved Evangelion, but I hated the hurt my brain.

OK, it's very simple:

Ikari Gendo had been routinely disobeying orders from Seele because he didn't share their goals - which were to destroy the entire universe in a manner that would allow their inner circle to remake it as they desired. It turns out that Gendo's plan the whole time was to instead destroy the universe in a manner which would keep anyone from remaking it - because that was the only way he could be reunited with Yui (his wife), who had taken up residence in unit 01 (Shinji's EVA). In an effort to make this come about he had implanted a small portion of Adam into his hand and attempted to use Rei to fulfill the prophecy and destroy the cosmos with himself having control over what happened next - which would be nothing.

Rei and Yui intervened on Shinji's behalf (because in their own fvcked up way they love him) and refuse to destroy the universe. But Seele have a back-up plan in the form of a bunch of remote control EVA units which thouroughly trash the place and eat Asuka. Many things are revealed at this point, like the fact that Seele has apparently been putting a lot of effort into making sure that Shinji is apathetic and depressed enough to allow their plan to go through. Units 04-12 (the black and whte flying things which are remote controlled and run on ground up clonal chunks of Ayanami Rei) grab Unit 01 and begin the end of the world ritual - which ends the world.

At this point, Seele would have been able to create a new world with their own egos, but it turns out that they failed to take into acocunt that Shinji still wants to have sex with a manic depressive German girl. After much soul searchig, he decides to restart the world exactly as it was - which unfortunately means that the sea is filled with human blood and huge chunks of human meat grown to enormous proportions are littered about the landscape. Because the world as it was was in the middle of a giant world-ending ceremony/armagaeddon.

However, Shinji brought back all the people, so even though Asuka was eaten (twice!) by synthetic angels, she's back to share the world with him. He thinks better of the whole thing and starts to kill her, but realizes that there really is love in the world and stops. They fall into a tearful embrace of self-pity and despair, the barriers between human souls that allow us to remain as separate people have been restored, and the screen fades to black.

Got that? Piece of cake.


Re: Anime

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:39 am
by Lago_AM3P
Originally posted by Toastyfrog wrote:Animator: Hi, mom. Today, I drew a gigantic, naked 14 year old girl falling into bloody chunks. Is... is it too late for me to become a salaryman?

Re: Anime

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:20 am
by Ramnza
In response to Frank's post
Had no idea that it was his mom in the suit. When did they drop that bomb? Clearly I missed something.

Re: Anime

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:55 am
by Username17
They hint at it several times.

For example, when Shinji is fighting the 2 dimensional gate angel and is trapped in the non-space "inside" it - he is getting warm fuzzy maternal attention. And then there's the whole subsequent thing where unit 01 gives birth to him. And how every time he's in danger the suit activates and goes on a rampage. And there's that little white spark that appears when he calls out for mom - but only while he's connected to the robo-demon.

But they actually lay it out explicitly.

Remember the experiment that goes tragically wrong? The one where Dr. Akagi attempted to disentangle Shinji's mom from having vanished into the Eva unit? That was unit 01. They repeated the procedure to get Shinji out, only this time it worked - remember that Ritsuko had said that the first attempt had failed.

In End, there is a flashback to Yui explaining the whole plan. Basically, she wants to make sure that humanity will last forever, and her method of doing that is to transfer one human into an Eva unit so that there will always be a monument of humanity standing, even after the sun itself has grown cold and black.

Yui Ikari wrote:Yui: Yes. Humans can only live mortally on this planet. But, EVA can live forever with the human soul that lives within its body. Even after 500,000,000,000 years have past, the earth, moon, and even the sun have disappeared, it will still exist as long as one person is alive. Although it will be very lonely, as long as that person still lives...


Re: Anime

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 6:12 pm
by Boulie_98
rapanui at [unixtime wrote:1081213246[/unixtime]]NARUTO!!!!!NARUTO!!!!!NARUTO!!!!!NARUTO!!!!!NARUTO


Re: Anime

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 4:33 pm
by Josh_Kablack
Currently halfway through Last Exile. It's really amazing how much better Final fantasy gets when it's just presented as a coherent story and doesn't pretend to be an interactive game experience.

Re: Anime

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:56 am
by Rob_Knotts
Has anyone here seen much of either Bleach or Samurai Champloo? Because of a falling out with some anime-fan friends I've barely had any interest in anime of the last year and a half. However, during that time I've been just as active on the internet as ever, and I've seen enough for me to start developing a new interest in these two shows.

Any opinions on Bleach or Champloo:confused:
(aside from what they do to your hair)

Re: Anime

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 6:26 am
by Crissa
My artist spouse likes those two, but I think I turned out to like Champloo more than her (I watched it all the way through).

The art style, the not always focus on combat, and using quick jumps and angle shots intrigues her.


Re: Anime

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 6:37 am
by Artless
Champloo is definitely worth checking out. It's funny, it has a great style and is a thoroughly enjoyable watch, even when it's boring. (It rarely is.)

Bleach is something that, for me at least, you really have to kind of play it by ear. Most of the time, its a typical Shonen show where the bad guys get stronger whenever the last one dies and the good guys have to catch up with training sequences or immediate "powerups." I liked watching it before the Soul Society arc, a major event in the series. Friends of mine and the people I talk to online agree that they genuinely enjoyed the show before that point; where things had a sort of different feel than most shows of its nature, as the action sequences sat in their own little place of an episode or chapter. But as soon as the Soul Society arc starts up, it's like the Namek arc in Dragonball.

Re: Anime

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 6:47 am
by shirak
Rob_Knotts at [unixtime wrote:1184219765[/unixtime]]Has anyone here seen much of either Bleach or Samurai Champloo? Because of a falling out with some anime-fan friends I've barely had any interest in anime of the last year and a half. However, during that time I've been just as active on the internet as ever, and I've seen enough for me to start developing a new interest in these two shows.

Any opinions on Bleach or Champloo:confused:
(aside from what they do to your hair)

I haven't seen Samurai Champloo. I've seen all of Bleach except for about half the Vampire Arc which I found boring as hell and irrelevant to the rest of the storyline (please don't try to tell me I'm wrong. It's an opinion). I found Bleach pretty good but very slow at times. Haven't seen the last episodes yet but once I have a few I will. I hate seeing one episode a week.

I'm currently watching One Piece, having finally decided to see what the fuss is all about. I loved it.

I'm also watching Cooking Master Boy which is like Yakitake! Japan only wiht any kind of food and in China.

Re: Anime

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 12:35 pm
by Cielingcat
Champloo is a very weird show that is nevertheless quite entertaining. I don't actually know what kind of drugs the people who thought it up were on, but I think they need to distribute them to more studios.

Re: Anime

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 1:19 pm
by Crissa
Champloo has alot of art, history, and contemporary studies wrapped up and then put into modern terms. It's very fun, and often crazy.


Re: Anime

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 7:38 am
by Catharz
It's the one by the Bebop guys, right? IIRC it was visually impressive but rather uninteresting. Certainly not as good as Pokeman.

Re: Anime

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 8:33 am
by PhoneLobster
I'm agreeing, it rather bored me, but then at least it wasn't boring AND pretentious the way bebop was.

But what is this "Pokeman" you speak of, is it a show about fighting men that fit in your pocket?

Re: Anime

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:11 pm
by shau
I have an irrational love of anime, which is to say that I probably would watch anything if it was drawn by the Japanese. Here are a couple of my favorites.


You almost have to have heard of this. Follow Lina Inverse, a hyperactive mage with the power of a lesser god as she detonates most of a medieval fantasy world. It is actually a pretty good example of what a high level D&D game should look like, in that it follows a group of "heroes" who spend most of their time exploding random "bad' people and taking their stuff. Mages rule the world, and token fighter Gourry needs an artifact sword to keep up.

Oh yeah, it is a slapstick comedy.

Bad Points:
The show tries to be action as well as comedy. Unfortunately, it is well established that Lina can launch a spell that has all the power of a nuclear bomb whenever she wants to. This results in many fight scenes that should be over in 2 seconds, but strangely aren't.

Full Metal Panic

This presents itself as a mecha action show, but that is not what kept me entertained. The show's great because of the comedy.

You see, the plot requires Sagara Sousoke, a mecha pilot for that incredibly high tech peacekeeping force Mithril, to keep a high school girl named Kaname safe. Since Sousoke is highschool aged, it seems like the best way to do this is to enroll them in her school. Unfortunately, Sousoke's like the first shadowrun character anyone ever plays. He has all his karma allocated into stuff like mech driving and automatic weapons. So he does stuff like detonate his locker when someone slips a love letter in their, fearing it may be a terrorist attack.

Btw, am I the only one he really did not like Witch Hunter Robin? I seriously predicted all of the series major plot twists by the third episode. The story attempts to present deep moral issues, but all of the characters never seem to consider the possible moral ramifications of their actions, so we end up watching a bunch of morons running around doing evil and generally destructive things.

Re: Anime

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:06 am
by JonSetanta
Witch Hunter Robin has great music and visuals, but I grew bored with it after episode 6 or so; it does indeed become predictable, like many kid's cartoons. This show should not have, given its adult-look, but it dawned on me that it was both for kids and extremely SIMPLE.

I try to like Bleach, I really do. I saw up to episode 17 or so with my girlfriend and parts were funny but far and few between.
I also have deep hatred for any Japanese cartoon that features predominantly in HIGH SCHOOL. Those retarded outfits, the mannerisms, the godawful food, it's all the same in every fucking show from that island, and I refuse to watch any of it. Sadly, this includes many anime mentioned previously. Naruto, strangely, does not revolt me in this same way, given its unique fantastical non-Japanese setting and complete lack of ironed white collared shirts and short blue skirts.

Project A-Ko is an exception to this rule due to the amount of Sheer Awesome outweighing the wash of Sheer Ramen-slurping Social-Clique Schoolkid Douchebaggery.

My favorite would have to be Bastard!! the short DVD release. Yes, it was unfinished and unpopular and much was left out from the comic, found here in huge scanlated volumes... ... 721[br][br]... but has the best spellcasting in any cartoon I have ever seen, the coolest battles, and the weirdest anti-hero in existence (his English voice was done by the guy that does Cosmo in "Fairly Odd Parents")
Well, it's my favorite at the moment, and there have been a lot more in the past. I read the comics rather than watch shows but Slayers is indeed funny, and OnePiece has a FANTASTIC comic yet absolute shitty show.

Robotech, Dragonball (and to lesser extent, DBZ) and Escaflowne stand out in my memory as being previous favorites from my childhood to high school years.

Appleseed may have been one of the biggest sleeper comics of its genre, having only recently made it to game and movie while it has been out since the late eighties. Highly recommend reading it, yet I still have to find the show.

Best anime movie? Akira. I still look for better, but have yet to find any that beat it. And I'm trying damn hard!

Re: Anime

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 6:34 pm
by Leress
So I am not the only one who has seen Bastard!!! I would agree that it's a good show. I converting the spell from Bastard to Slayers d20 just to add more spice to the setting.

I can't say what my favorite anime movie is, but I can tell you the worst one I have seen...E.Y.E.S. of Mars

The worst OVA I have seen was Ninja Ryukenden: The Anime (Ninja Gaiden)