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Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 8:37 pm
by Iaimeki
Jacob_Orlove wrote:Obviously that MT is going to look bad at an odd character level. At level 8, though, you're casting 4th level spells just like everyone else.

And yes, let's compare that to a PHB caster class. How about the Sorcerer? Granted, it's not as good as a Wizard or Cleric, but Sorcerers are still plenty good enough to beat up on level-appropriate monsters, and this MT compares pretty favorably to a standard Sorc.
I was too hasty in composing my assessment. What I should have said is that 50% of the time, this MT is a level of spells behind.

As for the sorcerer, I stand by my original case: the class is not balanced with respect to the other core casters. Now, if you maintain that it is balanced with respect to the monsters, this implies that the other casters are too strong. I am agnostic on this point: I don't feel like I have enough experience to comment on the relative power of the sorcerer vis-a-via the monsters. I chose to balance according to the stronger core casters because there were more of them so it requires less work. Still, dropping other caster levels in exchange for being able to cast more low-level spells is not a trade I believe any smart caster will make, because the ability to throw the maximum level of spells available is so important.

Bigode, if you're convinced Leadership is a problem, that probably means that a variety of abilities based on it need to change, such as the [Leadership] feats themselvse and also class abilities that grant cohorts at level-2. I'm not unconvinced that Leadership isn't too powerful, but I don't even know where I'd start trying to figure out what the appropriate balance point is. Perhaps a feat should be less than a level, but if so, how much? If you do change Leadership you'd probably want to look at some of these classes again.

As for the EL equivalent of Leadership, I actually made a mistake in my calculation. The basic equation for the effective level of a combination of individual creatures is 2*log_2 \sum_i 2^{l_i/2}, where the l_i's are the individual levels. If you do the algebra for the effective level for a creature with some l who has a partner \delta l levels lower, it works out to be l+1.17, so Leadership's benefit is a bit smaller than I'd thought.

Some of my NPC class abilities are direct from RoW feats, chosen because of importance and simplicity to adjudicate. I didn't follow an explicit algorithm in the creation of the NPC classes, but if you wanted to separate out the various components, here's what I'd look at. First, PC classes should grant about 1 ability/level. If you use ToG rules, subtract out the various numeric bonuses the given NPC class should get, and the remainder have to be class abilities to represent e.g. stuff like being able to fly or teleport. For a character of level l, feats give [2 + (l-1)%5](1 + l%3) = 2 + 2(l%3) + (l-1)%5 + (l%3)[(l-1)%5] abilities; up to around level 15, that's approximated rather well by just 1 ability/level, so that's what I did. All told, you want somewhat more than two abilities/level, though I tended to stick to two just to simplify it.

I think I understand what you're trying to accomplish; I listed my classes just to give you a vague idea of my plans so you could use them, or not. I think for NPCs the spell-lists could use a lot of trimming: long-duration buffs should be built into the class itself, and lots of specialized spells just dropped altogether. For PCs they should probably stay in to some extent.

My basic idea is that the caster level determines the level for level-based effects and stat bonuses, while spell level sacrificed determines what wild shape abilities you have access to. To determine what abilities druids should have at what levels, I suggest looking at animal CRs for the first 10 levels or so, and then going into whatever you feel is appropriate for higher-level druids to shift into (the core uses plants and elementals, for no particular reason I can determine). This is how I was getting the lists of abilities I was generating.

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 12:55 am
by Bigode
Iaimeki wrote:Bigode, if you're convinced Leadership is a problem, that probably means that a variety of abilities based on it need to change, such as the [Leadership] feats themselves and also class abilities that grant cohorts at level-2. I'm not unconvinced that Leadership isn't too powerful, but I don't even know where I'd start trying to figure out what the appropriate balance point is. Perhaps a feat should be less than a level, but if so, how much? If you do change Leadership you'd probably want to look at some of these classes again.
As to the balance point: man (well, it's the default assumption :P), you made a bunch of skill feats consdered successful! More seriously, the thing is: if you care, look at the RoW combat feats; then tell me the leadership ones don't stand head and shoulders above them. And yeah, I did already change classes to remove their cohorts; yes, they might need inspection now, and yes, the fact that I haven't measured the classes I use by the Same Game Challenge (for a number of actual reasons, not just lack of time) might be considered a problem.
Iaimeki wrote:As for the EL equivalent of Leadership, I actually made a mistake in my calculation. The basic equation for the effective level of a combination of individual creatures is 2*log_2 \sum_i 2^{l_i/2}, where the l_i's are the individual levels. If you do the algebra for the effective level for a creature with some l who has a partner \delta l levels lower, it works out to be l+1.17, so Leadership's benefit is a bit smaller than I'd thought.
Ah, you derived it on your own. Sorry, I even forgot about that because the DMG actually supplies a (rounded, of course, but I've no problem with you busting out the actual one) value: a mixed pair of CRs X-1 and X3 s said to have EL X.
Iaimeki wrote:Some of my NPC class abilities are direct from RoW feats, chosen because of importance and simplicity to adjudicate. I didn't follow an explicit algorithm in the creation of the NPC classes, but if you wanted to separate out the various components, here's what I'd look at. First, PC classes should grant about 1 ability/level. If you use ToG rules, subtract out the various numeric bonuses the given NPC class should get, and the remainder have to be class abilities to represent e.g. stuff like being able to fly or teleport. For a character of level l, feats give [2 + (l-1)%5](1 + l%3) = 2 + 2(l%3) + (l-1)%5 + (l%3)[(l-1)%5] abilities; up to around level 15, that's approximated rather well by just 1 ability/level, so that's what I did. All told, you want somewhat more than two abilities/level, though I tended to stick to two just to simplify it.
Heh, to approximate the feat ability gain curve, I came with the pretty exact method, if one cared: each level between 1 and 10 gives one ability, except 1, 4 and 8 (which give 2 each), odd levels above 10 give 2 each, and even levels above 10, 3 each. But doesn't you adding both ability sources up and saying I'd want the total mean that you think I'm gonna make classes that make up for not having feats? I want to make each of the three* a perfectly normal PC class, and then come with lists and tables (and possibly open "Feats" as an actual feat) that enable quick creation of anything, so the classes would actually tend towards 1 ability/level, and then have the other stuff added if and when they're under-equipped. BTW, your extra abilities were meant to compensate for "using NPC wealth tables", not "barely any equipment to speak of", right?

*: since last post, I noticed that, of the "simple" classes I had, hardly any one except Frank's marshal could be called diplomatic (since the closest's the effectively the thief-acrobat without UMD; the diplomatic classes I alluded to all use some FX); thus, I might spend some thought on that.
Iaimeki wrote:I think I understand what you're trying to accomplish; I listed my classes just to give you a vague idea of my plans so you could use them, or not. I think for NPCs the spell-lists could use a lot of trimming: long-duration buffs should be built into the class itself, and lots of specialized spells just dropped altogether. For PCs they should probably stay in to some extent.
I don't really disagree, but: I intended to have PC classes be used for quick NPC construction (in which case one can't do much other than say "be wary of long-term effects"), and even for NPCs, embedding them might limit, for example, how useful they are for support of other characters (and I suppose even in your original idea, what an NPC did out of combat wasn't intended to be glossed over, judging by the existance of the diplomat class - hey, your list already helped, thanks ...). Still more to consider on the issue.

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 2:51 am
by Surgo
I'm not sure if this was taken into consideration or not, but I feel it's worth throwing out there. I don't see the Mystic Theurge, as presented by Iaimeki, as problematic even without leadership. In addition to the action limit issue already raised, I feel like it isn't too strong because of the lack of ridiculous class features.

What would you be doing if you weren't taking the Mystic Theurge PrC? I'm not sure if you're playing a Cleric (as I rarely play them), but if you're a Wizard that means you're taking the Incantatrix PrC. I propose that the power granted by that PrC outstrips anything that the Mystic Theurge is offering (though potentially only barely in some cases -- can Divine Metamagic be used to enhance your arcane spells?). You can theoretically learn the Cleric spells you want as arcane as a Wizard before level 11, and at/after level 11 you definitely can thanks to everyone's favorite Planar Binding target.

I'm not really sure of PrCs outside the Incantatrix that are extremely good for Wizards, though I'm sure they exist, and not at all of PrCs for Clerics. Is there a Cleric PrC in line with the Incantatrix? If not, the Mystic Theurge could be a very attractive option there. But I propose that a Wizard would be better off going for the Incantatrix.

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 5:04 am
by Jacob_Orlove
Yeah, Clerics can take Dweomerkeeper, and Druids can take Planar Shepherd.

But I thought we were using full casters as the baseline. If we bring in PrCs like those, then a Wizard 20 (or even a Druid 20) becomes underpowered. That's not going to work.

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:31 pm
by Iaimeki
Bigode wrote:More seriously, the thing is: if you care, look at the RoW combat feats; then tell me the leadership ones don't stand head and shoulders above them. And yeah, I did already change classes to remove their cohorts
Well, I'll say that I think some classes really want to have cohorts: the two particular examples that jump to mind are the paladin and knight, for something to ride, but you can make an argument for the druid, etc. If I were to do something with cohorts and Leadership in general, I'd want to have more playtesting, because I don't see any other good ways to figure out what a balanced cohort looks like. My intuition is that Leadership isn't so much stronger than the other RoW feats, at least not in relevant level ranges, but I could be wrong. If you have a different intuiotion, I'd appreciate hearing about it.
Bigode wrote:I want to make each of the three* a perfectly normal PC class, and then come with lists and tables (and possibly open "Feats" as an actual feat) that enable quick creation of anything, so the classes would actually tend towards 1 ability/level, and then have the other stuff added if and when they're under-equipped. BTW, your extra abilities were meant to compensate for "using NPC wealth tables", not "barely any equipment to speak of", right?
I assumed PC wealth tables. The revision I never completed (and lost the copy of) used the unfinished ToG rules. In light of Frank's recent comments about the designers' attitudes and NPC equipment, that might require a further adjustment to think about novaing off consumables, but I really don't want to think about that, if for no other reason than novaing makes it trivial for an NPC to TPK the party in many cases (scroll of blasphemy with a high caster level is cheap and lethal).

Jacob and Surgo, I did have PrC abilities in mind when I was designing the MT. Obviously, there's a huge gap between incantatrix and geometer so this doesn't provide many balance guidelines, but even wizards get bonus feats from higher class levels and clerics want to PrC to _anything_ that advances classes and has nontrivial class feastures (greater than its prerequisites, at least), so PrCs do provide a real advantage to non-MTs over MTs.

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 12:09 am
by Bigode
Iaimeki wrote:Well, I'll say that I think some classes really want to have cohorts: the two particular examples that jump to mind are the paladin and knight, for something to ride, but you can make an argument for the druid, etc. If I were to do something with cohorts and Leadership in general, I'd want to have more playtesting, because I don't see any other good ways to figure out what a balanced cohort looks like. My intuition is that Leadership isn't so much stronger than the other RoW feats, at least not in relevant level ranges, but I could be wrong. If you have a different intuiotion, I'd appreciate hearing about it.
OK, I can get behind the concept that some concepts might need cohorts, even though I personally disagree (for example, I'd be happy if a mounted character's needs could be adequately supplied by equipment instead of some "named" character that often nobody gives a damn about, the rider being no special exception). But I think any of those would do better looking like familiars - though able to survive exposure to actual combat, sure - than like almost-PC-sized chunks of killing contribution.

As for Leadership, even taking the DMG one, it's text's actually "Each round of combat, a wizard spell 2 levels below the ones you could cast if you were a single-classed wizard appears, deployed in the best manner you could figure, for no particular reason. A not-incosiderable number of times per day, the 2-level penalty isn't applied." I fail to see how that couldn't be ridiculously better than all (almost, at least) non-leadership combat feats. In case anyone cares, I doubt similar results wouldn't surface in comparisons between BoG intelligent items and other equipment, to the point anyone would walk around with 8 handicapped mettalic sorcerers.
Iaimeki wrote:I assumed PC wealth tables. The revision I never completed (and lost the copy of) used the unfinished ToG rules. In light of Frank's recent comments about the designers' attitudes and NPC equipment, that might require a further adjustment to think about novaing off consumables, but I really don't want to think about that, if for no other reason than novaing makes it trivial for an NPC to TPK the party in many cases (scroll of blasphemy with a high caster level is cheap and lethal).
I asked what wealth table you assumed would represent what a NPC-class-constructed opponent would carry - I suppose you didn't mean they were supposed to have their equipment-equivalent abilities along with PC-grade personal equipment; did you? About Frank's comments, there's also the custom-tailored equipment issue; actually, Skip's model might work fairly well with only a cap on maximum single-item price (which PCs actually need as much; I'm not even sure the NPC cap needs to be different from the PC one).

MT-PrC comparison: the incantatrix in particular shouldn't be used as example (for being widely known as overpowered by even the standards of wizard PrCs); and while we might not know what PrCs are balanced, Tome-compatible design can always go back to the original measuring - monsters; no, I haven't run a Same Game Challenge for the MT; I just honestly can't imagine it not beating everything ...

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 4:25 am
by Iaimeki
Bigode wrote:OK, I can get behind the concept that some concepts might need cohorts, even though I personally disagree (for example, I'd be happy if a mounted character's needs could be adequately supplied by equipment instead of some "named" character that often nobody gives a damn about, the rider being no special exception). But I think any of those would do better looking like familiars - though able to survive exposure to actual combat, sure - than like almost-PC-sized chunks of killing contribution.
Cohorts don't always work well as equipment. Sure, it would be nice if there were reasonable things for higher-level characters to ride so that if your mount isn't a cohort you can expect its combat lifetime to be longer than one round. Still, there's a dramatic need for cohorts: your talking unicorn or dragon companion doesn't have the same flavor if it's a piece of equpiment, and Sancho Panzo or Dr. Watson are emphatically not equipment.

The current familiar mechanics, like most of the D&D mechanics, suck: familiars are useless potential XP-sinks except for the few cases where it's possible to turn one into a monstrous death-machine with obscure hacks. They also involve a lot of unnecessary additional work because you have to take some animal and then apply at least one (in practice two or more) additional layer of numbers to make it a "familiar." It's a lot more straightforward to just pull monsters straight from the books when that's appropriate.

There's room to debate about the exact value of a cohort. A CR-2 cohort is theoretically half of a normal character, a CR-4 one-fourth, and so on. At some point, a cohort is not worth a feat. Rather than changing the Leadership mechanics, if you believe that crossing point is lower, decrease the CR of cohorts; with enough evidence, the rest of us might even agree with you :).
Bigode wrote:I asked what wealth table you assumed would represent what a NPC-class-constructed opponent would carry - I suppose you didn't mean they were supposed to have their equipment-equivalent abilities along with PC-grade personal equipment; did you? About Frank's comments, there's also the custom-tailored equipment issue; actually, Skip's model might work fairly well with only a cap on maximum single-item price (which PCs actually need as much; I'm not even sure the NPC cap needs to be different from the PC one).
Oh, no. My NPC classes were designed to be run without any additional equipment at all, except possibly some flavor items that let them fight in particular situations or signature items like flaming swords or what-not.

The real problem with the custom-tailored equipment issue, besides the fact that optimized NPCs just buy tons of one-shot instadeath items and that PCs might justifiably wonder why every NPC they encounter has equipment targeted at their weaknesses, is that it's just far too much work to design equipment for every NPC encounter in a game. That's really what I was trying to remedy.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:41 pm
by Leress
Here is a suggestion for the Mystic Theurge...

Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 5, Knowledge (nature) or Knowledge (religion) 5.
Spells: Ability to cast 2nd-level arcane and 2nd-level divine spells.

Hit Die: d4.

Class Skills: The mystic theurge's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Points/Level: 2 + Int Modifier.
BAB: Poor (1/2), Saves: Fort: Poor; Reflex: Poor; Will: Good.

Level, Abilities:
1 +2 arcane spellcasting levels, +2 divine spellcasting levels
2 +1 arcane spellcasting level, +1 divine spellcasting level
3 +1 arcane spellcasting level, +1 divine spellcasting level
4 +1 arcane spellcasting level, +1 divine spellcasting level
5 +1 arcane spellcasting level, +1 divine spellcasting level
6 +1 arcane spellcasting level, +1 divine spellcasting level
7 +1 arcane spellcasting level, +1 divine spellcasting level
8 +1 arcane spellcasting level, +1 divine spellcasting level
9 +1 arcane spellcasting level, +1 divine spellcasting level
10 +1 arcane spellcasting level, +1 divine spellcasting level
11 +1 arcane spellcasting level, +1 divine spellcasting level
12 +1 arcane spellcasting level, +1 divine spellcasting level
13 +1 arcane spellcasting level, +1 divine spellcasting level
14 +1 arcane spellcasting level, +1 divine spellcasting level
15 +1 arcane spellcasting level, +1 divine spellcasting level
16 +1 arcane spellcasting level, +1 divine spellcasting level

All of the following are class features of the mystic theurge prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Mystic theurges gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Spellcasting: Every level, a mystic theurge casts spells (including gaining any new spell slots and spell knowledge) as if she had also gained a level in both an arcane and a divine spellcasting class she had previous to gaining that level.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:30 am
by CatharzGodfoot
Leress wrote:Here is a suggestion for the Mystic Theurge...
If you do that sort of MT, why not just make it 'must be able to cast first level arcane spells and first level divine spells' and give +1 level of an two spellcasting classes each level?

Really, though, it would be nice if the Mystic Theurge PrC added level-appropriate divine casting to any arcane caster (the Theurge Mystic PrC would add arcane casting to any divine spellcaster, although there's already the Dweomercheater). It could be something as simple as 'choose one divine spellcasting class. That class's spell list is added to your arcane spellcasting class list.' It could be a feat.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:32 am
by Leress
CatharzGodfoot wrote:
Leress wrote:Here is a suggestion for the Mystic Theurge...
If you do that sort of MT, why not just make it 'must be able to cast first level arcane spells and first level divine spells' and give +1 level of an two spellcasting classes each level?

Really, though, it would be nice if the Mystic Theurge PrC added level-appropriate divine casting to any arcane caster (the Theurge Mystic PrC would add arcane casting to any divine spellcaster, although there's already the Dweomercheater). It could be something as simple as 'choose one divine spellcasting class. That class's spell list is added to your arcane spellcasting class list.' It could be a feat.
That's a good idea.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 3:01 am
by the_taken
Leress wrote:
CatharzGodfoot wrote:
Leress wrote:Here is a suggestion for the Mystic Theurge...
If you do that sort of MT, why not just make it 'must be able to cast first level arcane spells and first level divine spells' and give +1 level of an two spellcasting classes each level?

Really, though, it would be nice if the Mystic Theurge PrC added level-appropriate divine casting to any arcane caster (the Theurge Mystic PrC would add arcane casting to any divine spellcaster, although there's already the Dweomercheater). It could be something as simple as 'choose one divine spellcasting class. That class's spell list is added to your arcane spellcasting class list.' It could be a feat.
That's a good idea.
Which one? There's two of them.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 3:03 am
by Leress
the_taken wrote:
Leress wrote:
CatharzGodfoot wrote: If you do that sort of MT, why not just make it 'must be able to cast first level arcane spells and first level divine spells' and give +1 level of an two spellcasting classes each level?

Really, though, it would be nice if the Mystic Theurge PrC added level-appropriate divine casting to any arcane caster (the Theurge Mystic PrC would add arcane casting to any divine spellcaster, although there's already the Dweomercheater). It could be something as simple as 'choose one divine spellcasting class. That class's spell list is added to your arcane spellcasting class list.' It could be a feat.
That's a good idea.
Which one? There's two of them.
The "add divine casting to arcane list" one.

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 8:12 am
by Bigode
For starters, my answer to the MT.
Iaimeki wrote:Cohorts don't always work well as equipment. Sure, it would be nice if there were reasonable things for higher-level characters to ride so that if your mount isn't a cohort you can expect its combat lifetime to be longer than one round. Still, there's a dramatic need for cohorts: your talking unicorn or dragon companion doesn't have the same flavor if it's a piece of equpiment, and Sancho Panzo or Dr. Watson are emphatically not equipment.
They aren't someone's class features either, they're actual people. You can walk around with whoever you want, but that's a matter of roleplaying, and it's quite ridiculous to claim "yeah, the drow's totally part of my battle performance". So, the dumb stuff's equipment or feats (and thus actually a sort of minor benefit, not "a wizard slave"), and the NPCs are ... NPCs.
Iaimeki wrote:The current familiar mechanics, like most of the D&D mechanics, suck: familiars are useless potential XP-sinks except for the few cases where it's possible to turn one into a monstrous death-machine with obscure hacks. They also involve a lot of unnecessary additional work because you have to take some animal and then apply at least one (in practice two or more) additional layer of numbers to make it a "familiar." It's a lot more straightforward to just pull monsters straight from the books when that's appropriate.
True. The thing I'm thinking currently's that the creatures that indeed show up as class features would have a class for them, designed to be tilted towards durability (i.e. it's expected to survive all battles in which a PC takes part, but is individually a very minor contributor).
Iaimeki wrote:There's room to debate about the exact value of a cohort. A CR-2 cohort is theoretically half of a normal character, a CR-4 one-fourth, and so on. At some point, a cohort is not worth a feat. Rather than changing the Leadership mechanics, if you believe that crossing point is lower, decrease the CR of cohorts; with enough evidence, the rest of us might even agree with you :).
Perhaps, but I honestly thought it was self-evident that having 2 characters was better than even having one 2 levels higher, so ... still, having a cohort class would make that moot.
Iaimeki wrote:The real problem with the custom-tailored equipment issue, besides the fact that optimized NPCs just buy tons of one-shot instadeath items and that PCs might justifiably wonder why every NPC they encounter has equipment targeted at their weaknesses, is that it's just far too much work to design equipment for every NPC encounter in a game. That's really what I was trying to remedy.
Well, under a reasonable GM, that'd be more "tailored to the place where they are" than "tailored to the day's enemies (a.k.a. PCs)", but I agree that the no-item model works best.

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 3:13 am
by Aktariel
Iameki, would you happen to have and be willing to give to me, a copy of this document in whatever form you keep it in (assumed to be .doc or .odt or the like).

I want to saves copies for offline use, but the board formatting is a beast.

Good work, by the way. I enjoyed these a great deal.

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 3:27 pm
by Iaimeki
Bigode wrote:They aren't someone's class features either, they're actual people. You can walk around with whoever you want, but that's a matter of roleplaying, and it's quite ridiculous to claim "yeah, the drow's totally part of my battle performance". So, the dumb stuff's equipment or feats (and thus actually a sort of minor benefit, not "a wizard slave"), and the NPCs are ... NPCs.
I really think there need to be rules to play pairs of characters (at least) who are integral to one another. You can't ask another player to take on the role of Sancho Panza, but a foil is totally an appropriate thing to want for certain types of characters and stories.
Bigode wrote:Well, under a reasonable GM, that'd be more "tailored to the place where they are" than "tailored to the day's enemies (a.k.a. PCs)", but I agree that the no-item model works best.
If you tailor it to the place they are rather than the PCs specifically, they'll underperform. To make the model where NPCs have significantly less wealth than PCs yet still challenge PCs work, you have to custom-fit equipment for the PCs.
Aktariel wrote:Iameki, would you happen to have and be willing to give to me, a copy of this document in whatever form you keep it in (assumed to be .doc or .odt or the like).
In this case the answer is, "two long text files with board formatting already applied." I'd be willing to give it, but that's not much better than just copying the quoted text from my posts.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 1:59 am
by Aktariel
I would appreciate it, yeah. The board formatting screws the hell out of my Word documents.

PM me a link or something.

Much appreciated.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:16 pm
by the_unthinkable
This is good stuff.

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:00 am
by Korwin
Since this class got into the Tome-PDF I have got some questions. Hopefully somebody can clarify.
Iaimeki wrote:
Concept PrCs

Dragon Disciple
My grandmother was a dragon, and I bet you'd taste good with ketchup.


Race: Any nondragon.
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 8.
Feats: Dragon Descendant.
Languages: Draconic.
So you don’t need to be an Sorcerer or other Caster (even if the Feat is wasted if you are not an Sorcerer). Is that intended?
Iaimeki wrote: Draconic Strength (Ex): A dragon disciple gains a racial bonus to Strength equal to twice her class level. She also gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength.


Size Increase (Ex): At 3rd and 9th levels, a dragon disciple doubles in height, her weight increases eight times, and her size increases one category. If she becomes Large, her reach becomes 10 feet; if she becomes Huge, her reach becomes 15 feet.
I assume the boni from the Size Increases are allready build into the class.
But could see an agrument for the other side. Should be explicitly mentioned if you get an extra 16 Str and 8 Con from the Size increases, or not.

If the size increases are additionally you could get from medium size to Colossal and would get
+32 Str., -4 Dex, +16 Con, +5 NRK from the Size increases
and the +20 Str. +10 NRK from the Class
and per RAW the Stats wouldn’t change in the Alternate Form (NRK would get lost...)

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:29 pm
by Quantumboost
So you don’t need to be an Sorcerer or other Caster (even if the Feat is wasted if you are not an Sorcerer). Is that intended?
That is probably not intended, especially since it isn't true. The feat prerequisite is one of the [Affinity] feats introduced under the Sorcerer entry - and Iaimeki specified that all [Affinity] feats require at least one level of Sorcerer.

So in order to qualify for the PrC, you need the feat which in turn requires you to have a level in Sorcerer. You're probably best off going with a bunch of Barbarian or Knight or something with a one-level Sorcerer dip though, since the casting progression is an afterthought.
I assume the bonii from the Size Increases are already build into the class.
But could see an argument for the other side. Should be explicitly mentioned if you get an extra 16 Str and 8 Con from the Size increases, or not.

If the size increases are additionally you could get from medium size to Colossal and would get
+32 Str., -4 Dex, +16 Con, +5 NRK from the Size increases
and the +20 Str. +10 NRK from the Class
and per RAW the Stats wouldn’t change in the Alternate Form (NRK would get lost...)
Colossal dragons have 43-47 Strength, which is a far cry from the 62 that would indicate from a normal-Strength Dragon Disciple; you *should* go without the bonuses from size increases. Like, morally. It probably should be explicit, as you say, but nobody but the mods who's still on these boards can modify the original post. And I don't think the mods are going to try to adopt this whole thing, especially since it's a lot like a last will and testament or something.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:03 am
by Korwin
Missed this, was looking for an Pre.-Req. entry...
All Affinity feats require one level of sorcerer. You can only take one Affinity feat that has no prerequisites.
It probably should be explicit, as you say, but nobody but the mods who's still on these boards can modify the original post.
Second opinion helps, wasnt shure I was missing something.