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Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:23 pm
by Maj
Crissa wrote:If Ghirardelli tastes like wax, it's too old.
No. To me, all Ghirardelli tastes like wax. My sister bought and brought me some on her last trip up here (She lives in San Rafael). It's just gross.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:51 pm
by Judging__Eagle
Count_Arioch_the_28th wrote:It's called "not having a choice". You can't get chocolate in America that isn't either made by Hershey (seriously, they now own all the major chocolate compabies), or isn't made by the same processes.

Well, technically you do have a choice, you can choose not to eat chocolate at all. :tongue: But if you haven't known anything better, then you don't notice as much.
Actually, there's a choice that everyone can make.

Two Words: Baker's Chocolate.

Everyone can get their hands on the stuff; just buy the semi-sweet, butter-sweet, or 70% cocoa stuff. It's about 3-ish$ for a box of each. The 70% stuff comes in a slightly smaller box (you get 2 less squares; the regular boxes get 8).

I've stopped paying 10$ for a tiny flat bar of high-grade chocolate for a long time now.

The best is that buying stuff like 90% or 99% chocolate is retarded, since anyone can buy plain Baker's Chocolate which is 100% chocolate (bitter a hell, not fore newbies); and costs 1/3 as much, to give you as much as 3x the amount that the 'specialty' stuff costs.

I'm not sure on what specific brands are available in the states, but people must cook where you live, and the grocery stores will stock plain baker's chocolate at the very least. If you're lucky, t...

Nevermind, I looked up the company. They're sold by Kraft foods company.

You can probably get this stuff all over the fucking place, it's fucking Kraft. They sell their products all over the US and Canada.

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:15 pm
by Crissa
You know what else I was thinking? Chocolate is rated on a few things... Snap, bitterness, sweetness, smoothness, and the melt.

Chocolates may taste waxy if your tongue's temperature is too low for the chocolate. It's supposed to melt at body temperature. But not everyone is actually the same temperature... My spouse runs a degree or two warmer than average, and some people run colder. Which when you're eating something that's supposed to melt at the touch of your tongue, will make a big difference if you can taste it or not.

Cocoa butter melts at ~90F

So it's why chocolate to be put in ice cream is formulated to have a lower melting point, so you can taste it while still getting the smoothness... You change the amount of sugar, how much cocoa butter or other fats in the chocolate... And sometimes merely changing the crystalline form of the frozen fats will do it. Chocolate bars generally are in a high state than you generally get, which is why chocolate chips after they've been baked melt at a lower temperature than before you bake them.


Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:52 pm
by Avoraciopoctules
Another chocolate brand I like.

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:33 pm
by josephbt
Last summer, i survived a sudden cardiac death syndrome. Turns out that my brain had some sort of attack which shut down the heart and then the heart shut down the brain. Cause? No one knows. Just guesses and theories.

So, food i shouldn't eat b/c this or that: all meat but chicken and most of the marine life(purine theory), anything with a high fat content(drugs i'm taking kill my liver), anything with a high calcium content(drugs i'm taking wreck havoc with my kidneys) and anything with stimulans(coffee and such). Also alcohol.

But i can't lay of the

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:57 pm
If someone could give me a good recipe for shrimp/sausage gumbo then I would be much obliged. Mind, I prefer my gumbo more like soup than stew, but this is really for the guests so.

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 2:25 am
Oh god I almost ate a tuna fish sandwich made with mayo that's a year past its 'best used by' date.

I did taste some of the mixture to ensure that the pickle/olive/lemon/tuna/mayo mixture was correct, though. About a fourth of a teaspoon, though.

Oh my Lord, I'm in trouble.

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 4:19 pm
by josephbt
"best used by" is not the same thing as "expiration date". the first one just tells you if the food will change its sensory qualities by that date, and the alter one tells you that it is not edible beyond that date.

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 4:48 pm
by Judging__Eagle
josephbt wrote:
But i can't lay of the
There's this small 7-store chain of gourmet food + delicatessan shops where I'm from called Denningers: foods of the world, they sell a decent burek that some indepentant cook makes; they come in beef, spinach and ricotta and a mix of fruit flavours. They're the round, layered kind of burek. I haven't eaten any of them in a while though. Years really.

I also love Halva and Baklava. Halva is.... not so great for you, but it's ground up sesame seeds with honey, and sometimes chocolate mixed in.

Baklava is usually too heavy, but my sister found a place that sells organic vegan baklava, and the stuff is very light on the stomach, and really delicious, I can eat the vegan/organic version a lot without getting sick of it.

Something that I shouldn't eat, but love, is hamburgers. There's a harvey's at my campus and I often get a single or double patty burger loaded with everything minus relish, ketchup or any of the other sauces except two (onions, pickles, hot peppers, tomatos, lettuce ( shredded boston D:) mustard and mayo).

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:58 pm
by Crissa
Mayo is fine past the use by date. It just becomes unappetizing to most americans... You can do many horrible looking things to mayo and it'll be fine.

Originally, it was only to be used after it turned clear by aging.


Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:46 pm
by bourdain89
i eat zingers. they are twinkies covered in a raspberry like sauce and coconut and are made by hostess. they are quite disgusting but i still get them every time i go near the hostess outlet

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:48 pm
by zeruslord
bourdain wrote:they are quite disgusting but i still get them every time i go near the hostess outlet
Knowing where the Hostess outlet is is the very first mistake you made.

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:02 pm
by bourdain89
zeruslord wrote:
bourdain wrote:they are quite disgusting but i still get them every time i go near the hostess outlet
Knowing where the Hostess outlet is is the very first mistake you made.
I know im so ashamed but its right down the street from this storage place my family had so i was bound to go in there eventually

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:23 pm
by Crissa
I love zingers ^-^


Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:18 am
by Ganbare Gincun
Thai Iced Tea.

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:02 am
by Crissa
There's this place around the corner that gives free refills on Thai Iced Tea with dinner or lunch...


Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:29 pm
by Maj
I wish I could drink Thai tea... Not only does the caffeine kill me, but when you're breast-feeding, drinking caffeine guarantees a bitchy little baby.


Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:40 am
by Caedrus
I mildly irradiate all my food in the microwave.


Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:14 pm
by Count Arioch the 28th
Maj wrote:I wish I could drink Thai tea... Not only does the caffeine kill me, but when you're breast-feeding, drinking caffeine guarantees a bitchy little baby.

there exists other kinds of babies? I always assumed that humans were hard-wired to like babies so they don't toss away something that screams and squirts poo at them reflexively.

On topic, I do have to watch my food carefully. My perception really sucks, and I have the constitution of a horse, which means I have eaten all sorts of gross things without realizing it.

One time, I ate a half pount of raw shrimp because I thought it was pre-cooked. I eat my steaks and burgers almost raw if I'm cooking for myself, I tend to not notice when things have gone bad.

Exceptions: I can't drink milk within one week of the date because it becomes so bitter I can't drink it. Also, most vegetables are bitter and inedible to me, broccoli is bitter enough to cause me physical pain to give an example.

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:09 am
by Maj
CA wrote:there exists other kinds of babies? I always assumed that humans were hard-wired to like babies so they don't toss away something that screams and squirts poo at them reflexively.
My son isn't like that 98% of the time, but if I've had too much caffeine (we're talking minor amounts like 15 mg), or he hasn't taken a nap in a long-ass time, he gets a little bitchy.
CA wrote:I eat my steaks and burgers almost raw if I'm cooking for myself, I tend to not notice when things have gone bad.
I eat red meat as raw as I can because I hate it cooked (thank you, Mom). But my taste buds are super-sensitive to spoilage. I hate gross food.
CA wrote:Also, most vegetables are bitter and inedible to me, broccoli is bitter enough to cause me physical pain to give an example.
That sucks. I've discovered that while I prefer to eat most vegetables in organic form rather than not, organic zucchini is disgustingly bitter to me. It's weird.

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 1:12 am
Oh Lord, I don't know what's worse.

The fact that I ate nothing but watermelon for two days straight or the fact that I don't regret doing it.

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 1:57 am
by Maj
What's wrong with watermelon?

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 4:22 pm
by tzor
Never ate watermellon as a kid; always feared I'd swallow a seed. :eek:

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 5:47 pm
Nothing, except for the fact that I ate nothing BUT watermelon for two days in a row. Because eating other foods would've impacted on watermelon time.

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 6:30 pm
by The Vigilante
I get terrible gas when I eat hummus. But I can't help it, I often make toast just to eat it with the fucking thing. It's particularly awful since I don't often pass gas and they aren't as bad as some people's, except when I ate hummus. Then it's WMD-grade.