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Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:05 pm
by koz
Rej, could you please clarify what you mean by 'normal feats' here?

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:30 pm
by the_taken
I'm looking at playing a Sister Repentia, but I'm just wondering how much DR she gets. Having DR 2/- at level 7 is a bit low, especially since the first six levels of Adaptes Sororita is only giving some magical powers. Nice and flavourful powers, but if it's only based upon Repentia levels it will only progress to DR 4/-

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:14 am
by Koumei
I forgot how much stuff was included under the "Rage" tag. Assume you have the minimum Barbarian levels necessary for that many Rage dice - so DR 5/- at AS 6/Repentia 1

Rejakor: I might run something - perhaps PSAS - once I'm more chipper.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:29 am
by Rejakor
Eh what what?

Rebellion in the colonies? Shameful!

Right, I knew that would be a problem as I was looking at the post seconds before I collapsed into unconsciousness. By 'normal' feats I mean you obtain a normal amount of feats. You can spend those feats however you like, but if you pick weapon focus I will be very very sad and look at you with doleful eyes.

If there isn't a feat for what you want, I will flex my somewhat limited homebrew muscles and build one!

Or y'know, just let The Person Who Made Dungeon Crusade do it, since they're right here and all. Rassin fassin kids, always foiling my plans..

Utterfail: Sure, although five players is probably my limit for ease of use and thematic reasons.

-Anyone else who is thinking of playing-: I'll keep one space open (so, a max of 6 players) for someone who kicks my ass with their character concept so hard i'll be feeling it when my grandchildren ask me to tell them stories about the barbaric past.

Furthermore, and before we get into the specifics of character delineation, where should this game be run? Possible options include here, mythweavers (sheet and dice tools are verra nice, but I think they have some weird pg 13 requirements or something), elliquoy? Is that how you spell it? That place, never been there, but koumei seems to like it. Basically, I have little opinion but i'd like to gather yours, like some kind of gathering beetle of some description.

On the topic, addendum, and note of PSAS: I would love to play in a koumei PSAS game! But it seems like you would prefer to play, so I will change my preference to playing with koumei in a PSAS game. In actuality, the game you ran at Arcanacon sounded insanely awesome, and i'm somewhat intimidated by the idea of running a game for you, and at the same time kinda want to play in a game you run.

Also what's adding to the pressure is that no-one else has come forward, putting the weighty weight of fulfilling expectations on my sloped (but broad) shoulders.


EDIT: 'playing with koumei' sounded weird

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:20 am
by Koumei
No really, at a future date (after this game has started at least), I'll run a PSAS game and it'll be awesome.

As for where, I of course approve of Elliquiy, since:
A) it allows (but doesn't require) adult activity and I'm a pervert
and B) I'm already registered there, so it's one less step for me

Name: Sister Superior "Halo" Euphrati
Age: 29
Sex: Female
Skin: Tanned
Hair: Reddish Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Distinguishing Marks: Fleur de Lys on left cheek, Aquila tramp-stamp

Not exactly her, just a picture I did a while ago... with a mouse

Background: Terra-Born
Class/Level: Adepta Sororitas 6/Sister Superior 1
STR09-1(13 +1)
CHA18+4(22 +6)

HP: 63/63
Damage Reduction: 50%/Adamantine (or 25%/-)
Speed: 30' (20' armoured)
Init: +4

AC: 28 (+10 Armour +3 Dex +5 Deflection)
-touch 18
-flat 25
FORT+15(+21 vs Magic)
REF+9(+15 vs Magic)
WILL+15(+21 vs Magic)

BAB/Grapple: +7/+8
-Melee +8
-Range +11

[*]Immune to Gas/Drowning
[*]+2 vs Enchantments
[*]Magic Circle vs Evil
[*]Immune to Dazzle/Blind
[*]Non-Adamantine damage is at 50%, Adamantine is at 75%

Prof: Light and Medium Armour
Prof: Simple and Martial Weapons
Prof: Pistol and Rapid Fire Firearms
Faith: (+5 bonus at 14 HP or less)
[*]Smite Chaos: 4/day, +2 to hit, Know: Religion check to damage
[*]Turn Daemons: 1/day as Turn Undead, Outsiders [Chaotic, Evil]
[*]Faith Healing: 1/hour, Cure Moderate Wounds 2d8+7 (Su)
[*]Redemption: 1/minute, Immediate Know: Religion replaces Saving Throw
Vigilant Aura: Permanent Magic Circle Against Evil
Impenetrable Faith: Cha to saves vs Magic
Spell Resistance 17
Hated Foe (Psykers and Spellcasters):
[*]+6 on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Weapon Damage
Condemnation: Swift action, allies get +4 to hit, +7 damage
Low-light Vision
Charmed (1/story arc, auto-save or cause an auto-miss. Sisters start as Friendly)

The Nice Imperial
[*]Diplomacy vs lvl+Cha+Fear mods to cause Surrender in Cowering/Panicked
[*]Talk to ally for 1 round, remove [Fear] effects
[*]Have a Requisition!
[*]Charging, become flat for a round to add 1d6 damage
[*]Provoke, add BAB (+7) to all damage
[*]Extra BAB attacks are only at -2
Great Fortitude
[*]Save Bonus
[*]Bonus HP
[*]Die at -20
Insightful Strike
[*]Wis replaces Strength for melee attack rolls
[*]My Wis > their Wis and Dex: I have the Edge
[*]Double melee threat range

Know: Religion+12
Use Rope+14
Sense Motive+12

Power Armour (+10 Armour bonus, Max +3, Penalty -6, Light Fortification)
[*]Fully Sealed, Visor, Radio Comms 100'
Boltgun (100' range Rapid Fire, +11/+9 (4d6 F/S 20/x3), clip-30)
Bolt Pistol (50' range Pistol, +11/+9 (3d6 F/S 20/x3), clip-20)
Chainsword (+10/+8 melee (1d10+1 S plus 1 Con, 17-20/x2), 2d6 Rending at end of round)
Melta Bombs:
[*]attach to device, 5' radius explosion
[*]20d6 Fire damage, Fort half (DC 25), no more than half can be negated.
Repressor Armoured Transport (requisition)
5 clips of Bolter Ammo, 2 of Bolt Pistol
2 clips each of:
Kraken Penetrator Rounds for Bolter (requisition, 18-20/x2, -10 DR)
Frag Rounds for Bolter (requisition, Wounding, 1d6 "splash")
Inferno Rounds for Bolter (requisition, Fire damage, catch fire 1d6)
Tempest Rounds for Bolter (requisition, Electric damage, Fort DC 20 vs Stun 1 round)
Holy Ammunition for Bolter (requisition, Holy, Axiomatic)
Cloak of St. Aspira (free requisition, +4 to Cha and Will saves, +5 Deflection to AC, +DR 25%)

Euphrati was born on Holy Terra, which meant she led a blessed life, right up until her parents were trampled to death during a pilgrimage to see the Emperor. Luckily, word somehow got back to her babysitter who, being a good person (but not so good as to raise her to adulthood and for free), had her sent off to the Schola Progenum.

It was there that Euphrati discovered the merits of studying and working hard (being fed/not being shouted at), and quickly formed bonds of friendship with almost everyone she came into contact with. Good at cheering others up, she was almost surrounded by friends all the time.

Soon, she graduated and was accepted as an Initiate for the Adepta Sororitas, and soon after, accepted fully into their ranks where she was given her own boltgun and power armour. It was only after the [INFORMATION EXPUNGED BY ORDER OF INQUISITOR [NAME REMOVED FOR SECURITY REASONS]] crusade that her lively, positive attitude and ability to care for others and make them do as they are told showed her as a prime candidate for Sister Superior*.

*Request to become a Mistress was denied: "she has (more than) the necessary enthusiasm, but is too loving and would likely be soft on the Repentia."

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:09 pm
by the_taken
Looks like it's time for Character Sheets!

Love the skill change Rejakor. Do bonuses to the orriginal skills affect the new skill, or just the use of the skill?

Hope you don't mind if I copy the template your are using Komei. Also who do I declare as my referral on Elliquiy?
Name: Sister Repentia Alita
Age: 21
Sex: maybe later
Skin: Pale
Hair: Chestnut
Eyes: Bloodshot, Olive
Distinguishing Marks: Whipping scars on back

Background: Pirate Offspring
Class/Level: Adepta Sororitas 6/Sister Repentia 1

HP: 65
Damage Reduction: 5/-
Speed: 30'
Init: +2

AC: 16 (+2 Dex, +4 Cha) 14 (-2 Rage)
-touch (+2 Dex, +4 Cha) (-2 Rage)
-flat (+4 Cha) (-2 Rage)
FORT+11+13 vs magic
RAGE FORT+13+15 vs magic
REF+7+9 vs magic
RAGE REF+9+11 vs magic
WILL+4+6 vs magic
RAGE WILL+6+8 vs magic

BAB/Grapple: +7/+10
-Melee +10
-Rage Melee +12
-Range +9
-AoO 4
+2 to hit [Human] foes

Prof: Light and Medium Armour
Prof: Simple and Martial Weapons
Prof: Pistol and Rapid Fire Firearms
Faith: (+5 bonus at 15 HP or less)
[*]Smite Chaos: 4/day, -1 to hit, Know: Religion check to damage
[*]Turn Daemons: 1/day as Turn Outsiders [Chaotic] or [Evil]
[*]Faith Healing: 1/hour, Cure Moderate Wounds 2d8+7 (Su)
[*]Armour of Contempt: Cha added to all AC. Swift Action makes Intimidate Check equal AC
Impenetrable Faith: add Cha to saves vs Magic
Vigilant Aura: Permanent Magic Circle Against Choas
Spell Resistance 17
Booty: always have an additional free "Requisition" weapon, always have special ammos, 1,000gp in gold bricks
Rip and Tear: all melee attacks deal 1 point of Strength damage to all targets they damage, all adjacent foes DC 16 Reflex save or be Blinded for one round

When doing melee damage to a foe or being struck by a foe, may choose to enter a Rage as an immediate action. while Raging, gains a +2 morale bonus to hit and damage in melee combat and may apply any Rage Dice to melee damage rolls. also gains a +2 to saves, -2 to AC, DR X/- with “X” being equal to half level +2 (rounded down).
While Raging, cannot cast spells, activate magic items, use spell-like abilities, or drop weapons or shield. Rage lasts until hasn't struck an enemy for three consecutive rounds nor suffered damage from an enemy for three consecutive rounds. may voluntarily end Rage as full-round action.
[*]+3d6 Rage Dice

Horde Breaker
[*]Dex gives extra AoO
[*]When dropping an opponent in melee, spend an AoO to make another "Cleave" attack.
[*]May take free 5" step before or after a "Cleave" attack
[*]Charging, become flat for a round to add 1d6 damage
[*]Provoke, add BAB (+7) to all damage
[*]Extra BAB attacks are only at -2
Great Fortitude
[*]+3 Fort
[*]Bonus HP
[*]Die at -20
[*]+3 to Balance
[*]Whirlwind Attack: full round action to move and attack everything on the way. one attack roll
[*]after a whirlwind attack +1 AoO

+2 to Spot [Human], +2 to Use Rope and Escape Artist, +3 bonus to Balance
Use Rope+14free ranks 10
Intimidate+14ranks 10
Know: Religion+10ranks 10
Acrobatics+14ranks 10
Athletics+13ranks 9
Perception+8ranks 9

-Blood-Drinking Greatsword
-2 points of Constitution damage with each hit
-successful hit Rends the target, 4d6 damage at the end of the round
-built-in 1-use Flamer
[*]Shotgun, clip-12
-Scattershot: 20' cone, 3d6 Bludgeoning damage, Ref half (DC = Attack roll)
-Solid Shot: 60' range, 3d6 Bludgeoning, crit 20/x3
-Executioner Rounds: 100' range, 2d6 Piercing damage, crit 19-20/x2, not affected by cover or any miss chance
[*]3 doses Stimm
[*]3 doses 'Slaught
Booty requisition:
30' cone of fire, 6d6 Fire damage, Ref half (DC = Attack roll), canister-10, ignores cover
Failed save: target burns (1d8 Fire per round)
Each extra attack merely adds +2d6 damage to the one attack
(so 6d6 fire as a standard action, or 8d6 as a full round action?)
Sister Alita's childhood was easier than many people, in some ways. She was growing up in a orphanage on a space station when all the boys decided to play pirate. Being a girl, she was 'captured' and given to the captain as a 'sex slave'. Since the captain was eight years old, this position composed of laundry and dish washing duties.

When she was 12, her captain sold her to a Church of the Ministrum, as a serf of the Holy Emperor. However, during her placement interview, she innocently told the interviewing Mother Sinistria that she had been sex slave since an early age. Fearing the child's soul had been corrupted by carnal sins, Alita was immediately indoctrinated into the Repentia order to be cleansed.

This involved much spanking, and later whippings.

Today, Sister Repentia Alita is a loyal, sin free subject of His Holy Emperor, may His divine glory shine upon her and protect her from despoilers of His sacred love.

I just noticed how much ability damage I'll be doing... :3

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:58 pm
by Koumei
the_taken wrote:Also who do I declare as my referral on Elliquiy?

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:34 pm
by Rejakor
Depends. If it's a racial or equipment bonus (tigger legs or climbing kit) it applies to the specific use of the new skill that it would previously have given a bonus to. If it's more unspecific, like 'you are really athletic, +3 to jump checks' you divide that bonus by the number of skills conflated and add it to the skill as a whole. So instead it would read 'you are really athletic, +1 to athletics checks'(+3/jump, swim climb, = +1).

Oh yes, and:
Koumei wrote:Use Rope +14
made me laugh. Good ol' use rope. Enabling innuendo since it was first put into the game.

Placing ranks into Use Rope does not cost you skill points. It's an ass to conflate with the other skills, but it's a massive point sink for no reason, so you can just choose to have it, not have it, half have it, whatever, go wild.

Oh yes, and because I didn't specify - you can use req points to req stuff outside the requisition options for your class! It may be summarily taken away. By me. Though. Sorry. And if it does you don't get your req points back. That's life in the Imperium though, jolly fun and games and free candy! Oh and you don't have the proper permits for it, even if I don't take it off you before the game starts. So uh, avoid some nosy official getting his claws into it, I guess. Not that you can't vaporize the sucker, but it might cause trouble.

Also I can't find where 'Slaught and Stimm are and what they do. I know they're drugs, but I can't find your rules for them Koumei. Oh, and you have 2 req points remaining. You get 4 from class levels (7/2, rounded up) and a repressor only costs 2.

Also, you can't drive a repressor, as you have pilot, and not drive, which is a separate skill (cause I figured..well.. I figured it would be cool to split them up and have characters who are good at either pulling wheelies or pulling immelmanns?) not that that is a problem, you can totally send it puttering down the street and stop at red lights and things, just don't expect to be doing jumps off pieces of rubble or ramming anything or expertly cornering in a high speed tank chase. Also, you have AC 24, not 23, due to having +4 dex. Interesting stat choices, by the way, I quite approve.

Also it seems we're doing character design and sheet posting in this thread. And that's awright, much as I don't want to steal koumei's cash thread in the faint hope someone else will offer to run a game and i'll get to play in it. I'll be looking into how to set up a game thread/ooc thread/forum over at elliquarium, and should have that set up shortly.

And while we're on the topic of aquariums: What are people's opinions and preferences when it comes to gratuitous violence and daemonette nipples? (Before we even get onto koumei's reference to 'lesbicious tendencies' (which i'm going to assume to mean consensual sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation)) Because occasionally someone's head is going to explode in blood and 'bits' and occasionally there are going to be daemonettes, and yes, those daemonettes are going to have nipples. This is a serious issue, so stop your giggling in the back, and reply with reasoned, adult, discussion.


EDIT: There is nothing funny about daemonette nipples! They are very serious business! Stop tittering!

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:56 pm
by Koumei
Rejakor wrote: Placing ranks into Use Rope does not cost you skill points. It's an ass to conflate with the other skills, but it's a massive point sink for no reason, so you can just choose to have it, not have it, half have it, whatever, go wild.
Okay, I'll put them in something else.
Also I can't find where 'Slaught and Stimm are and what they do. I know they're drugs, but I can't find your rules for them Koumei. Oh, and you have 2 req points remaining. You get 4 from class levels (7/2, rounded up) and a repressor only costs 2.
I... may have forgotten to write them up. Or they could be buried somewhere. And I'll think of something else to requisition.
Also, you can't drive a repressor, as you have pilot, and not drive, which is a separate skill
Whoops, I'll fix that.
Also, you have AC 24, not 23, due to having +4 dex. Interesting stat choices, by the way, I quite approve.
Actually, Max Dex to AC of Power Armour is only +3
And while we're on the topic of aquariums: What are people's opinions and preferences when it comes to gratuitous violence and daemonette nipples?
I'm generally fine with typical violence stuff. I'm not that into violence and gore and horrors of war, but whatever happens happens. I'm a big fan of sex, personally.
(Before we even get onto koumei's reference to 'lesbicious tendencies' (which i'm going to assume to mean consensual sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation))
There is nothing funny about daemonette nipples! They are very serious business! Stop tittering!
Oh I see what you did there.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:22 am
by Mask_De_H
Depending on highly advanced decision making methods that totally aren't me flipping a coin/rolling a die I'll either be Seraphim, Culexis/Mechanicus Assassin, or Scout Mehrine

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:41 am
by koz
Violence, sex, whatever - bring it all on! I have no issues.

Also - do we have a game thread yet?

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:17 am
by Utterfail
I'll have a character finished sometime tommorrow, I looked at all the classes and am leaning towards tactical sergant and then into librarian if it gets there.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:05 pm
by Rejakor
Let's get tactical, marines!

I think that is from halo 1. Sarge was such an awesome dude.

As for getting a game thread up, i've signed up at elliquing and i'm now waiting to be 'approved', dunno how long that's going to take.

So I guess it's a choice between start here, start there in the PG13 (ugh) section, or wait. I guess i'll get started once I have 5 character sheet looking things. Or tomorrow. Whichever comes sooner.


EDIT: Koumei: Yeah I totally forgot about max dex, whoops, me = smart.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:57 pm
by Utterfail
It's not quite finished, I need to requisition 2 more points worth of stuff, and do skills, but here's what I have. Also, I know you said "Not weapons" are 1/2 a req point, but the Cloak of St. Aspira probably is worth more, verdict?

Code: Select all

#           _______         _______ _______  _______ _______________________ _______           #
#          (  ____ \\     /|  ___  )  ____ )(  ___  )  ____ \__   __/  ____ \  ____ )          #
#          | (    \/ )   ( | (   ) | (    )|| (   ) | (    \/  ) (  | (    \/ (    )|          #
#          | |     | (___) | (___) | (____)|| (___) | |        | |  | (__   | (____)|          #
#          | |     |  ___  |  ___  |     __)|  ___  | |        | |  |  __)  |     __)          #
#          | |     | (   ) | (   ) | (\ (   | (   ) | |        | |  | (     | (\ (             #
#          | (____/\ )   ( | )   ( | ) \ \__| )   ( | (____/\  | |  | (____/\ ) \ \__          #
#          (_______//     \|/     \|/   \__/|/     \|_______/  )_(  (_______//   \__/          #
#                                                                                              #
#     Player Name: Utterfail                 Character Name:                                   #
#            Race: Adeptus Astartes                  Gender: Male                              #
#           Class: Tactical Marine 1                  Level: 7                                 #
#          Height:                                   Weight:                                   #
#         Chapter: Salamander                         Diety: Emporer, duh.                     #
#                                                                                              #
#  .---------------.  .-----------------------------.  .------------------.  .-------------.   #
#  | Ability |Temp.|  |      -=Saving Throws=-      |  |Hit Points| 71:71 |  | -=Attacks=- |   #
#  |---------+-----|  |-----------------------------|  |----------+-------|  |-------------|   #
#  |Str|13:+1|17:+3|  | Fort | +10 =  7 + 1 + 2 + - |  |Damage    | 25%/  |  |BAB| +7/+2   |   #
#  |Dex|16:+3|  :  |  | Ref  | +5  =  2 + 3 + - + - |  | Reduction| Addy  |  |-------------|   #
#  |Con|13:+1|  :  |  | Will | +11 =  7 + 4 + - + - |  |----------+-------|  |Grapple| +12 |   #
#  |Int|14:+2|  :  |  '------+----------------------|  |Speed     |20' Lnd|  |-------------|   #
#  |Wis|18:+4|  :  |         |Total Base Mod Msc Mag|  |----------+-------|  |Melee | +10  |   #
#  |Cha|18:+4|  :  |         '----------------------'  |Initiative|  +3   |  |------+------|   #
#  '---------------'                                   '------------------'  |Ranged| +10  |   #
#                                                                            '-------------'   #
#                                                                                              #
#  .----------------------------------.  .-------------------------------------------------.   #
#  |         -=Armor Class=-          |  | Defensive Item | AC | MDex | ACP | ASF | Other  |   #
#  |----------------------------------|  |----------------+----+------+-----+-----+--------|   #
#  | 25 = 10 + 3 + 10 + - + 2 + - + - |  | Power Armor    | 10 |  +3  | -6  | 50% | Lt. Ft.|   #
#  '----------------------------------|  |----------------+----+------+-----+-----+--------|   #
#            |Dex Armr Shd Nat Enh Dfl|  |                |    |      |     |     |        |   #
#            '------------------------'  '-------------------------------------------------'   #
#                                                                                              #
#    .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.     #
#    |       Weapon       | Crit. |Damage|Types| Size |Range|Hit|         Other          |     #
#    |--------------------+-------+------+-----+------+-----+---+------------------------|     #
#    | Fire Spit          | ----- |3d6+1 |Fire | ---- |10 ft|+10| 1d4+1 Burn, touch atk. |     #
#    |--------------------+-------+------+-----+------+-----+---+------------------------|     #
#    | Plasma Pistol      | 20x2  |5d6 OR|Fire/|Pistol|50 ft|+10|Touch Attack, Overheats.|     #
#    |                    |       | 2d6  | Elec|      |     |   | Canister: 10           |     #
#    |--------------------+-------+------+-----+------+-----+---+------------------------|     #
#    | Bolt Gun           | 20x3  | 4d6  |Fire/|Rapid |100  |+10|Clip: 30                |     #
#    |                    |       |      |Sonic| Fire | foot|   |                        |     #
#    |--------------------+-------+------+-----+------+-----+---+------------------------|     #
#    | Chainsword         |19-20x2|1d8+1 |Slash|One-H.|Melee|+10|1 Con damage, 2d6 Rend  |     #
#    |--------------------+-------+------+-----+------+-----+---+------------------------|     #
#    | Plasma-Flame Combi |None OR|2d6 OR|Fire/|Pistol|10'Cn|---|Plasma/Flame Can.:10/ea.|     #
#    |                    | as PP | as PP|as PP|      |OR PP|---|Ref DC Atk Roll or FIRE |     #
#    '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------'     #
#                                                                                              #
#    Feature           Description               Feature           Description                 #
#   ----------------- ------------------------- ----------------- -------------------------    #
#   Command           Use a move action to give Low Light Vision   See 2x in Low Light.        #
#                      bonuses or extra actions Powerful Build     Count as large when         #
#                      to other characters.                         beneficial, no reach.      #
#   Inspire Courage   All allies within 50'     Fast Healing 3     Heal 3 HP per round.        #
#                      of the Sergant may       Resistances        Elec 10, Cold 10            #
#                      use his Will Save vs     Immunities         Fire                        #
#                      [Fear] effects.          Vulnerability      Cold                        #
#   Furious Charge    Full attack on a charge.  Combat Lore        Swift Action to use Kn.     #
#                                                                   check on on a foe. Get     #
#                                                                   +4 vs Saves, and on        #
#                                                                   grapple and trip if        #
#                                                                   Successful.                #
#                                               Wooden Stairs      CAN'T USE THEM!             #
#                                                                                              #
#                           _______ _______ _______________________                            #
#                          (  ____ \  ____ \  ___  )__   __/  ____ \                           #
#                          | (    \/ (    \/ (   ) |  ) (  | (    \/                           #
#                          | (__   | (__   | (___) |  | |  | (_____                            #
#                          |  __)  |  __)  |  ___  |  | |  (_____  )                           #
#                          | (     | (     | (   ) |  | |        ) |                           #
#                          | )     | (____/\ )   ( |  | |  /\____) |                           #
#                          |/      (_______//     \|  )_(  \_______)                           #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#  -Salamanders [Chapter]                       -Pyromancy [Psyker, Level]                     #
#                                                                                              #
#   Immune to Fire. Vulnerable to Cold.         0: Scorching Ray and Heat Stroke as Spell-     #
#   Get Fire Spit. Speed reduced to 20 ft.         Like abilities at will.                     #
#   No penalties to speed for armor.                                                           #
#                                               3: Fireball and Parboil once/hour as           #
#                                                  Spell-Like abilities.                       #
#                                                                                              #
#                                               6: Wall of Fire and Black Fire as Spell-Like   #
#                                                  abilities at will.  Quickened Flamestrike   #
#                                                  1/day.                                      #
#                                                                                              #
#                                              10: Immune to Fi.... Wait, I already have that. #
#                                                                                              #
#  -Two-Weapon Fighting [Combat]               -                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#   +0: No penalties for TWF, get attacks                                                      #
#       equal to main hand attack on standard                                                  #
#       or full attack.                                                                        #
#   +1: Get an extra AoO each round for each                                                   #
#       attack you would be allowed for BaB,                                                   #
#       must be made with off-hand.                                                            #
#   +6: Gain +2 shield bouns when TWF.                                                         #
#  +11: Feint as a swift action                                                                #
#  +16: While TWFing and not flat footed you                                                   #
#       may add the enhancement bonus of one                                                   #
#       weapon to you shield bonus to AC.                                                      #
#                                                                                              #
#  -                                            -                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#  -                                            -                                              #
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#                      _______ .       _________ _       _       _______                       #
#                     (  ____ \|\    /\\__   __/( \     ( \     (  ____ \                      #
#                     | (    \/| \  / /   ) (   | (     | (     | (    \/                      #
#                     | (_____ | (_/ /    | |   | |     | |     | (_____                       #
#                     (_____  )|  _ (     | |   | |     | |     (_____  )                      #
#                           ) || ( \ \    | |   | |     | |           ) |                      #
#                     /\____) || /  \ \___) (___| (____/\ (____/Y\____) |                      #
#                     \_______)|/    \/\_______/(_______/_______|_______)                      #
#   40                                                                                         #
#                                                                                              #
#   Skill                       Total Rank Mod Syn Rac Enh Msc   Notes                         #
#  -----------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------   #
#   Appraise                     +   =    +Int+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Balance - - - - - - - - - -  +   =    +Dex+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Bluff                        +   =    +Cha+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Climb - - - - - - - - - - -  +   =    +Str+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Craft - - - - - - - - - - -  +   =    +Con+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Decipher Script - - - - - -  +   =    +Int+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Disable Device               +   =    +Int+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Disguise  - - - - - - - - -  +   =    +Cha+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Escape Artist                +   =    +Dex+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Forgery - - - - - - - - - -  +   =    +Int+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Gather Information           +   =    +Cha+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Handle Animal - - - - - - -  +   =    +Cha+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Heal                         +   =    +Wis+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Intimidate  - - - - - - - -  +   =    +C/S+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Jump                         +   =    +Str+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Knowledge Arcana  - - - - -  +   =    +Int+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Knowledge Dungeoneering      +   =    +Int+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Knowledge Engineering - - -  +   =    +Int+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Knowledge Geography          +   =    +Int+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Knowledge History - - - - -  +   =    +Int+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Knowledge Local              +   =    +Int+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Knowledge Nature  - - - - -  +   =    +Int+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Knowledge Nobility           +   =    +Int+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Knowledge Religion  - - - -  +   =    +Int+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Knowledge Planes             +   =    +Int+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Listen  - - - - - - - - - -  +   =    +Wis+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Move Silently                +   =    +Dex+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Perform - - - - - - - - - -  +   =    +Cha+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Profession                   +   =    +Wis+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Ride  - - - - - - - - - - -  +   =    +Dex+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Search                       +   =    +Int+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Sense Motive  - - - - - - -  +   =    +Wis+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Sleight of Hand              +   =    +Dex+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Spellcraft  - - - - - - - -  +   =    +Int+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Spot                         +   =    +Wis+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Survival  - - - - - - - - -  +   =    +Wis+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Swim                         +   =    +Str+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Tumble  - - - - - - - - - -  +   =    +Dex+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Use Magic Device             +   =    +Cha+   +   +   +                                    #
#   Use Rope  - - - - - - - - -  +   =    +Dex+   +   +   +                                    #
#                                                                                              #
#    Languages Known               Skill Related Equipment                                     #
#   ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------    #
#                                                                                              #
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#                                                                                              #
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#          _______ _______         _________ _______ _______ _______ _      _________          #
#         (  ____ \  ___  )\     /|\__   __/(  ____ )       )  ____ \ (    /|__   __/          #
#         | (    \/ (   ) | )   ( |   ) (   | (    )| () () | (    \/  \  ( |  ) (             #
#         | (__   | |   | | |   | |   | |   | (____)| || || | (__   |   \ | |  | |             #
#         |  __)  | |   | | |   | |   | |   |  _____) |(_)| |  __)  | (\ \) |  | |             #
#         | (     | | /\| | |   | |   | |   | (     | |   | | (     | | \   |  | |             #
#         | (____/\ (_\ \ | (___) |___) (___| )     | )   ( | (____/\ )  \  |  | |             #
#         (_______/____\/_)_______)\_______/|/      |/     \|_______//    )_)  )_(             #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#    Items                            Qt    Req.   More Items                    Qt  Weight    #
#   --------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------   #
#                                                                                              #
#   -Auspex                                       -                                            #
#   -Frag Grenades                                -                                            #
#   -Krak Grenades                                -                                            #
#   -Plasma-Flame Combi-Weapon         1     2    -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
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Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:05 pm
by the_taken
I think I need to spend my requisition points one gear. I have no idea what...

I'm writing up the back story for Alita. Should be up in a bit.

Edit-> Done. Comments?

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:12 pm
by Koumei
Utterfail wrote:It's not quite finished, I need to requisition 2 more points worth of stuff, and do skills, but here's what I have. Also, I know you said "Not weapons" are 1/2 a req point, but the Cloak of St. Aspira probably is worth more, verdict?
My verdict is I will beat you to death with your own liver if you give a sacred Sororitas relic to a psyker-loving mutant.

Also, I found the drugs. In the regular Equipment section:
-Stimm: Immunity to Fatigue for 1 hour, Haste for 1 minute
-Slaught: Rage and Bull's Strength for 1 minute, then Fatigues user

I fixed my sheet (changed Pilot to Drive, added Intimidate, spent requisition points on four types of special bolter ammo so she can be a real Bolter Bitch)

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:25 pm
by koz
I believe Jess is done now. I'll leave the spoiler up for reference purposes.
1) How does Hated Foe (veteran class ability) interact with Hatred (commissar lord ability), if at all? What about with Despised Foe?
2) Does Hatred scale like a favoured enemy would?
3) Can I get a powerful build firearm? It makes sense by the rules as written, but it seems... weird.
4) Are we kosher with [Leadership] feats? If so, I want a sanctioned psyker/cultist/some kind of psychic thing cohort named Beth. Who wears a lot of black.
5) What's the req points cost on ammunition, and how much do we get?
6) What kind of ammo comes with shotguns?
7) Is Combat School with gauntlet weapons and unarmed strikes OK? I'll be using it with Frank's sideline-stated interpretation (one save per round per opponent, no matter how many hits).
8) Do we have to state how much ammo we're packing?
Commissar Jessica 'Jess' Gunther
Image Female veteran 3/commissar 3/commissar lord 1

STR 20 (+5)
DEX 16 (+3)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 17 (+3)
WIS 11 (+0)
CHA 9 (-1)

Background: Necromunda (Goliath)

BAB: +7
Hit points: 10+13+19
Base Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +5
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +5
AC: 29 (+8 armour, +2 shield, +3 Dexterity, +3 awesomeness, +3 deflection)
Melee Attack: +15
Ranged Attack: +13

Resistances and Immunities

Barely fortified (10% critical hit immunity)
DR 6/adamantine
DR 25%/adamantine
Improved evasion
Immune to dazzled or blinded
Uncanny dodge

Exotic Senses

Blindsense 30ft
Low-light vision

Background Abilities

City-Fighting: Jess is adept at fighting in confined spaces, and suffers no penalty when doing so. Additionally, Jess doubles any bonuses for flanking a foe or fighting from higher ground.

Goliath Training: Having grown up on Necromunda, amid the Goliath gangs, Jess has powerful build. Additionally, she can cause any of her melee attacks to shove an opponent 5ft if desired.

Class Abilities

Aura of Fearlessness: People are more scared of Jess than anyone (or anything) else (well... maybe not everything else). Jess just doesn't get scared. As a result, both Jess and every ally within 100ft of her are immune to [Fear] effects.

Aura of Perfection: Jess is so awesome that she radiates awesomeness out to 50ft, affecting all allies. This gives all allies (and she is her own ally, not her own enemy) a +3 bonus on all actions and a +3 bonus to AC. Just because.

Blindsense: Jess has learned how to 'see' in complete darkness, out to 30ft.

Command: As a standard action, Jess can loudly bark at an ally to do something. The ally must hear Jess for this to work. The commands are:

- Move Out: Perform a move action.
- Go to Ground: Gain a +4 bonus on saves and AC for 1 round.
- Take Them Down: Perform a single attack.
- Take Cover: Gain evasion for 1 round.
- Take Aim: The next attack made by the ally is an automatic critical hit.

Education: Jess traded in some of her medals for a certificate of graduation from the Schola Progenum (which is how she became a commissar), but still learned a thing or two. As a result, she has a +4 bonus on all Knowledge skills she has ranks in, and 1 rank in any she doesn't. She's one smart girl.

Emperor's Mercy: Jess can perform a coup de grace on stunned opponents.

Execution: In Jess' hands, pistols are deadly. Any pistol wielded by Jess adds 2 to its critical hit multiplier, but this bonus ends if she was hit successfully last round (as it breaks her concentration).

Feed Upon Pain: Pain just makes Jess happy. Or angry. Depends on who's giving it. She is immune to fatigue and pain effects, and if subject to one, instead gains the benefits of a heroism spell for 1 minute. Any round in which Jess is injured on the previous round, she gains a +5 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls.

Hates Things: Against evil outsiders, Jess receives a +6 bonus on Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival checks, as well as a +6 bonus on damage rolls. All allies within 50ft of Jess also receive these bonuses. Lastly, Jess (and only Jess) doubles the critical threat range and multiplier of any attacks she makes against evil outsiders.

Additionally, against any humanoids with the elf subtype, Jess receives a +4 bonus on Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival checks, as well as a +4 bonus on damage rolls.

Lastly, against any greenskins, Jess receives a +2 bonus on Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival checks, as well as a +2 bonus on damage rolls.

Nerves of Steel: As a free action on her turn, Jess may end one detrimental effect that is affecting her. This works even when Jess is fully paralyzed, and even works against abilities that make her not want to end effects (such as charms and compulsions). This cannot end area effects, such as swamps or night-time (because that would be retarded).

"Kill them all!": As a swift action, Jess can yell the name of this ability loudly. She can only do it with the right amount of reiatsu every hour. All allies within 50ft of her at a time when she means it that successfully strike an enemy before her next turn automatically score a critical hit.

Pinning Gunshot: As a standard action, Jess can shoot someone in the face with a pistol. If this hits, the target must make a Will save (DC 12) or cower for 1d4 rounds.

Point-Blank: Jess deals an additional 1d6 damage with any pistol used at a range of 10ft or less.

Point-Blank Killer: If Jess shoots someone adjacent to her with a pistol, it becomes an automatic critical hit.

Psychic Guardian: Jess, thanks to her friend Beth, knows that sometimes, shooting a psyker first and asking questions later works best. If a spell or SLA is used within 50ft of Jess, it provokes an AOO from her.

Feats (one is blank until Koumei decides on [Leadership] feats)

Danger Sense [Combat]

Maybe spiders tell you what's up. You certainly react to danger with uncanny effectiveness.

BAB +0: You get a +3 bonus on initiative checks.
BAB +1: For the purpose of Perception and Search checks, you are always considered to be 'actively searching'. You also gain uncanny dodge.
BAB +6: You can take 10 on Perception and Search checks, even if stress or distractions would normally prevent you from doing so.

Ghost Step [Skill]

You might as well be incorporeal, for all the noise you make.

Stealth 0 ranks: You gain +3 to your Stealth checks.
Stealth 4 ranks: Anyone attempting to use Survival to track you must beat you in an opposed check against Stealth.
Stealth 9 ranks: Creatures with blindsense, blindsight, tremorsense or similar abilities do not automatically detect your presence, but must succeed on a Perception check, opposed by your Stealth check to notice you.

Point Blank Shot [Combat]

You are crazy-good at using a ranged weapon in close quarters.

BAB +0: When you are within 30ft of your target, your attacks with a ranged weapon gain a +3 bonus to hit.
BAB +1: You add your BAB to damage with any ranged attack within its first range increment.
BAB +6: You do not provoke AOOs when you make a ranged attack.

Stealthy [Skill]

If someone sees you, you have to kill them.

Stealth 0 ranks: You gain +3 to your Stealth checks.
Stealth 4 ranks: You can hide as a free action after attacking, and snipe with melee attacks (or ranged attacks from closer than 10ft).
Stealth 9 ranks: A constant nondetection effect protects you and your equipment, with an effective caster level equal to your ranks in Stealth.

Two-Weapon Fighting [Combat]

When armed with two weapons, you fight with two weapons rather than picking and choosing and fighting only with one. Kinda obvious in retrospect.

BAB +0: You suffer no penalty for doing things with your off-hand. When you make an attack or full attack action, you may make a number of attacks with your off-hand weapon equal to the number of attacks you are afforded with your primary weapon.
BAB +1: While armed with two weapons, you gain an extra AOO each round for each attack you would be allowed for your BAB. These extra AOOs must be made with your off-hand.
BAB +6: You gain a +2 shield bonus to AC when fighting with two weapons and not flat-footed.


Acrobatics +8 (6 ranks, +3 Dex, +3 awesomeness, -4 ACP)
Bluff +14 (10 ranks, -1 Cha, +2 Necromunda, +3 awesomeness)
Drive +16 (10 ranks, +3 Dex, +3 awesomeness)
Gather Information +4 (0 ranks, -1 Cha, +2 Necromunda, +3 awesomeness)
Intimidate +12 (10 ranks, -1 Cha, +3 awesomeness)
Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +11 (1 rank, +3 Int, +4 smartness, +3 awesomeness)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +11 (1 rank, +3 Int, +4 smartness, +3 awesomeness)
Knowledge (geography) +11 (1 rank, +3 Int, +4 smartness, +3 awesomeness)
Knowledge (history) +11 (1 rank, +3 Int, +4 smartness, +3 awesomeness)
Knowledge (local) +11 (1 rank, +3 Int, +4 smartness, +3 awesomeness)
Knowledge (nature) +11 (1 rank, +3 Int, +4 smartness, +3 awesomeness)
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +11 (1 rank, +3 Int, +4 smartness, +3 awesomeness)
Knowledge (psionics) +11 (1 rank, +3 Int, +4 smartness, +3 awesomeness)
Knowledge (religion) +11 (1 rank, +3 Int, +4 smartness, +3 awesomeness)
Knowledge (the Warp) +11 (1 rank, +3 Int, +4 smartness, +3 awesomeness)
Perception +13 (10 ranks, +0 Wis, +3 awesomeness)
Search +16 (10 ranks, +3 Int, +3 awesomeness)
Sense Motive +13 (10 ranks, +0 Wis, +3 awesomeness)
Stealth +18 (10 ranks, +3 Dex, +6 feats, +3 awesomeness, -4 ACP)
Survival +13 (10 ranks, +0 Wis, +3 awesomeness)


Carapace armour, refractor field, power fist (Large size), plasma pistol (Large size), power sword (Large size), bolt pistol x2 (Large size), scout power armour (requisitioned, 2 points), mesh armour, scimitar (Large size), shotgun (Large size), masterwork dagger x2, medkit (requisitioned, 1/2 point), lots of executioner rounds for the shotgun (requisitioned, 1/2 point), very sophisticated air-car (requisitioned, 2 points), lots of tempest bolts (requisitioned, 1/2 point), lots of Kraken penetrator bolts (requisitioned, 1/2 point), lots of ammo for all the guns in ammo strips, punk-style commissar uniform, orange mohawk, one hell of an attitude

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:27 am
by Rejakor
Utterfail: Awesome ascii character sheet! I like, I like!

As you are a Space Marine Psyker, you have the title of Librarian-Initiate, and would normally be toiling away in the depths of the Librarius awaiting your aquila, the first of three, signifying that you have successfully attained the rank of Lexicanium, or, successfully lived past the first stage of sanity-testing that all psyker recruits must undergo.

However, the Salamanders are a bit more gung-ho about their psykers than some other chapters, feeling that testing their psychic initiates in the 'fires of the battlefield' solidifies their control far more than toiling away in the psychically shielded labyrinth of the Librarius. So you've been treated like any other recruit, with a note that you 'have psychic powers', and if you are ever overtaken by the forces of chaos, your brothers are supposed to shed tears as they put a bolt through your brainpan, and you smile, and thank them, and then die, because that's how space marines fucking work goddamnit.

Also, you automatically have the equipment from your class, which is:
'Equipment: Power Armour, Auspex, Frag and Krak Grenades, Boltgun, Plasma Pistol, Chainsword.' for a Tactical Sergeant.
A combi-weapon doesn't cost 2 req points, by the way. It costs the cost of all the base costs of the weapons combined into it, plus 1 req for being a combiweapon. So your plasma/flamer would cost 5 (2+2, plasma gun and flamer + 1, combi weapon). You also can't use equipment 'issued' to you by your class as part of a combi weapon, you need to separately requisition all the bits.

Also, 'deity' or 'religion' can describe which particular aspect of the emperor you worship, your involvement in any cults of the emperor, or involvement in a space marine chapter cult, such as the Promethean Cult of the salamanders. That last part may be of interest to you.

Also, all salamanders may start with a light or heavy flamer at no additional cost, and this may be combined into a combi weapon using req unlike standard equipment, just like Dark Angels may start with a power sword or lance, and Iron Fists may start with a power glove.

Note that bit I said earlier about the entire list being open but that I might take it away? And you don't get your req points back? Feel free to take the Cloak of Aspira. We'll see how long it stays on your character sheet. :D

the_taken: Well, it made me laugh, and is kind of how they do things in the Imperium. I can't find any references to a 'Church of the Ministrum', though. Did you perhaps mean the Administratum, or one of the missions, churches, or cathedrals of the Ecclesiarchy? In any case, handing over some kid to the Schola Progenium is something that happens a lot, so the backstory works as a whole.

Sheet seems fine, and those swords are hax. Holy melee combat monster, batman.


1) Hated Foe works like ranger favoured enemy. So at level when you get it, you get to pick one of Eldar, Orks etc and get +2 to hit and dmg against them. 4 levels later, you get to pick another type and your original type increases by 2 in it's bonuses (it's the gift that keeps giving). Hatred counts as a single additional enemy, even though it eventually covers everyone. So it bumps up your other favoured enemies by 2, but not by +12 or whatever. How it looks for you is original enemy +6/second hated foe enemy +4/hatred +2. Despised Foe applies to Hated Foe, but not Hatred, since it specifically says it only applies to Hated Foe enemies.
2) Nope, it doesn't. The way it's written it should(as sister superior, who has Hated Foe), which would be giving you insane RNG breaking bonuses to hit and a decent whack to damage, but i'm gonna say it doesn't cause i'm a dick like that.
3) Yes, you can wield a Large firearm. You can even pick up a space marine bolter and fire it without power armour. You can probably carry around a heavy bolter and fire it without a tripod too, you muscly, muscly woman.
4) I'm not sure if we're kosher with the leadership feats. You will initially start off as part of a larger group than just the five of you, which will have various 'doodz' around, and some of you have the rank to order people to do stuff regardless of having Command or not. Koumei is the one who knows the balance point of this game, and is the one who is setting the 'tone' of this game so i'm going to say it's her problem.
5) Normal ammunition costs you NOTHING. Special ammunition costs you half a req point.
6) Whatever kind of normal ammo you want, plus any special ammo you pay for.
7) Combat School is kinda boring, and the +2 to hit is a bit... eh, but those are my personal opinions. You're free to take it. And yes, the derr rule of only one save per round per person is assumed.
8) Now this is an interesting question. You get to pick. You can just say 'I have some, a little, or lots of ammo' and I will then based on that at some point just go 'that's your last clip'. OR you can choose how much ammo you're carrying, and keep track of how much you've used. Either way, you have to keep track of how much is left in your clip so you know when to reload. Furthermore, carrying large amounts of shit around will be detrimental to your speed, your athletic and acrobatic ability, and to how cool you look.

Otherwise, your character looks pretttty cooooool. I'm glad someone is playing a human. Humans are awesome. (Sister of Battle aren't human, don't you lie to me XENOS SCUM). You are a female, in the Imperium military, but you're a commissar lord so pretty much no-one says shit about you in anything other than their personal code-diaries, and even then, only obliquely.

A hard-as-nails underhiver gang bitch turned commissar is an awesome concept, and I like to think that she is extremely hot and turns anyone who says so into a thin red smear. Because that's awesome.

Koumei: Pick whether we are allowing leadership feats or not. Cause i'm a lazy, horrible person.

The game thread will be up once I have consulted the runes and oracles.



Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:32 am
by koz
Rejakor, you are awesome. Like, in an 'I owe you one virginity' awesome. As in, 'I would have your kids if I biologically could' awesome.

Jess'll be finished double-quick.

Edit: And I think she is! Tell me if something is missing.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:34 pm
by Utterfail
Rejakor: If you want a blank version of the sheet, I could send you one.

Alright, I think it's finalized. I assume that the Adeptus Astartes get the first level bonus feat as a "human"? If not I'll take off one of them.

Another quick question, would the +4 DC increase to fire weapons from Cleanse With Fire apply to the spell like abilities from Pyromancy.

Code: Select all

#           _______         _______ _______  _______ _______________________ _______           #
#          (  ____ \\     /|  ___  )  ____ )(  ___  )  ____ \__   __/  ____ \  ____ )          #
#          | (    \/ )   ( | (   ) | (    )|| (   ) | (    \/  ) (  | (    \/ (    )|          #
#          | |     | (___) | (___) | (____)|| (___) | |        | |  | (__   | (____)|          #
#          | |     |  ___  |  ___  |     __)|  ___  | |        | |  |  __)  |     __)          #
#          | |     | (   ) | (   ) | (\ (   | (   ) | |        | |  | (     | (\ (             #
#          | (____/\ )   ( | )   ( | ) \ \__| )   ( | (____/\  | |  | (____/\ ) \ \__          #
#          (_______//     \|/     \|/   \__/|/     \|_______/  )_(  (_______//   \__/          #
#  Character Name: Librarian-Initiate Bod'Cortan                                               #
#     Player Name: Utterfail                     Background: Armageddon                        #
#            Race: Adeptus Astartes                  Gender: Male                              #
#           Class: Tactical Marine 1                  Level: 7                                 #
#          Height: 7'5" (Unarmored)                  Weight: 313 lbs                           #
#         Chapter: Salamander                      Religion: Emperor, Promethian Cult          #
#                                                                                              #
#  .---------------.  .-----------------------------.  .------------------.  .-------------.   #
#  | Ability |Temp.|  |      -=Saving Throws=-      |  |Hit Points| 71:71 |  | -=Attacks=- |   #
#  |---------+-----|  |-----------------------------|  |----------+-------|  |-------------|   #
#  |Str|13:+1|17:+3|  | Fort | +10 =  7 + 1 + 2 + - |  |Damage    | 25%/  |  |BAB| +7/+2   |   #
#  |Dex|16:+3|  :  |  | Ref  | +5  =  2 + 3 + - + - |  | Reduction| Addy  |  |-------------|   #
#  |Con|13:+1|  :  |  | Will | +11 =  7 + 4 + - + - |  |----------+-------|  |Grapple| +12 |   #
#  |Int|14:+2|  :  |  '------+----------------------|  |Speeds    |30 Land|  |-------------|   #
#  |Wis|18:+4|  :  |         |Total Base Mod Msc Mag|  | (Good)-> |50 Fly |  |Melee | +10  |   #
#  |Cha|18:+4|  :  |         '----------------------'  |----------+-------|  |------+------|   #
#  '---------------'                                   |Initiative|  +3   |  |Ranged| +10  |   #
#                                                      '------------------'  '-------------'   #
#                                                                                              #
#  .----------------------------------.  .-------------------------------------------------.   #
#  |         -=Armor Class=-          |  | Defensive Item | AC | MDex | ACP | ASF | Other  |   #
#  |----------------------------------|  |----------------+----+------+-----+-----+--------|   #
#  | 25 = 10 + 3 + 10 + - + 2 + - + - |  | Power Armor    | 10 |  +3  | -6  | 50% | Lt. Ft.|   #
#  '----------------------------------|  |----------------+----+------+-----+-----+--------|   #
#            |Dex Armr Shd Nat Enh Dfl|  |                |    |      |     |     |        |   #
#            '------------------------'  '-------------------------------------------------'   #
#                                                                                              #
#    .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.     #
#    |       Weapon       | Crit. |Damage|Types| Size |Range|Hit|         Other          |     #
#    |--------------------+-------+------+-----+------+-----+---+------------------------|     #
#    | Fire Spit          | ----- |3d6+1 |Fire | ---- |10 ft|+10| 1d4+1 Burn, touch atk. |     #
#    |--------------------+-------+------+-----+------+-----+---+------------------------|     #
#    | Plasma Pistol      | 20x2  |5d6 OR|Fire/|Pistol|50 ft|+10|Touch Attack, Overheats.|     #
#    |                    |       | 2d6  | Elec|      |     |   | Canister: 10           |     #
#    |--------------------+-------+------+-----+------+-----+---+------------------------|     #
#    | Bolt Gun           | 20x3  | 4d6  |Fire/|Rapid |100  |+10|Clip: 30, Inferno Rounds|     #
#    |                    |       |      |Sonic| Fire | foot|   | catch people on fire   |     #
#    |--------------------+-------+------+-----+------+-----+---+------------------------|     #
#    | Chainsword         |19-20x2|1d8+1 |Slash|One-H.|Melee|+10|1 Con damage, 2d6 Rend  |     #
#    |--------------------+-------+------+-----+------+-----+---+------------------------|     #
#    | Bolt Pistol        | 20x3  | 3d6  |Fire/|Pistol|50   |+10|Clip: 20, Inferno Rounds|     #
#    |                    |       |      |Sonic|      | foot|   | catch people on fire   |     #
#    '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------'     #
#                                                                                              #
#    Feature           Description               Feature           Description                 #
#   ----------------- ------------------------- ----------------- -------------------------    #
#   Command           Use a move action to give Low Light Vision   See 2x in Low Light.        #
#                      bonuses or extra actions Powerful Build     Count as large when         #
#                      to other characters.                         beneficial, no reach.      #
#   Inspire Courage   All allies within 50'     Fast Healing 3     Heal 3 HP per round.        #
#                      of the Sergant may       Resistances        Elec 10, Cold 10            #
#                      use his Will Save vs     Immunities         Fire                        #
#                      [Fear] effects.          Vulnerability      Cold                        #
#   Furious Charge    Full attack on a charge.  Combat Lore        Swift Action to use Kn.     #
#   Rapid Repair      All Repairs take half                         check on on a foe. Get     #
#                      as much time.                                +4 vs Saves, and on        #
#   Orcs n' Goblins   +2 to spot and hit them!                      grapple and trip if        #
#   Proficiencies     Light, Medium, Armor.                         Successful.                #
#                     Simple, Martial, Pistols, Wooden Stairs      CAN'T USE THEM!             #
#                     and Rapid weapons.                                                       #
#                           _______ _______ _______________________                            #
#                          (  ____ \  ____ \  ___  )__   __/  ____ \                           #
#                          | (    \/ (    \/ (   ) |  ) (  | (    \/                           #
#                          | (__   | (__   | (___) |  | |  | (_____                            #
#                          |  __)  |  __)  |  ___  |  | |  (_____  )                           #
#                          | (     | (     | (   ) |  | |        ) |                           #
#                          | )     | (____/\ )   ( |  | |  /\____) |                           #
#                          |/      (_______//     \|  )_(  \_______)                           #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#  -Salamanders [Chapter]                       -Pyromancy [Psyker, Level]                     #
#                                                                                              #
#   Immune to Fire. Vulnerable to Cold.         0: Scorching Ray and Heat Stroke as Spell-     #
#   Get Fire Spit. Speed reduced to 20 ft.         Like abilities at will.                     #
#   No penalties to speed for armor.                                                           #
#                                               3: Fireball and Parboil once/hour as           #
#                                                  Spell-Like abilities.                       #
#                                                                                              #
#                                               6: Wall of Fire and Black Fire as Spell-Like   #
#                                                  abilities at will.  Quickened Flamestrike   #
#                                                  1/day.                                      #
#                                                                                              #
#                                              10: Immune to Fi.... Wait, I already have that. #
#                                                                                              #
#  -Two-Weapon Fighting [Combat]               -Cleanse With Fire [Combat, NOT TAKEN]          #
#                                                                                              #
#   +0: No penalties for TWF, get attacks       +0: The DCs for flame type weapons improve by  #
#       equal to main hand attack on standard       +4.                                        #
#       or full attack.                                                                        #
#   +1: Get an extra AoO each round for each    +1: People set on fire by your weapons burn    #
#       attack you would be allowed for BaB,        indefinately and must take an action to    #
#       must be made with off-hand.                 actually put themselves out.               #
#   +6: Gain +2 shield bouns when TWF.                                                         #
#  +11: Feint as a swift action                 +6: If you set someone on fire, people adjacent#
#  +16: While TWFing and not flat footed you        must make a reflex save (DC 10+1/2 level+  #
#       may add the enhancement bonus of one        4) or catch on fire too.                   #
#       weapon to you shield bonus to AC.                                                      #
#                                              +11: Flame weapons cover the entire area in fire#
#  -                                                for a round. Anyone moving through this    #
#                                                   area takes one damage per damage die of    #
#                                                   the weapon. Anyone moving through the area #
#                                                   must save or catch fire.                   #
#                                              +16: If you spend a full round action setting   #
#                                                   one person on fire, they must make a Fort  #
#                                                   save (DC 10+1/2 HD+Int mod+4) or incenerate#
#                                                   and die.  Only one per round.              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#  -                                            -                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                      _______ .       _________ _       _       _______                       #
#                     (  ____ \|\    /\\__   __/( \     ( \     (  ____ \                      #
#                     | (    \/| \  / /   ) (   | (     | (     | (    \/                      #
#                     | (_____ | (_/ /    | |   | |     | |     | (_____                       #
#                     (_____  )|  _ (     | |   | |     | |     (_____  )                      #
#                           ) || ( \ \    | |   | |     | |           ) |                      #
#                     /\____) || /  \ \___) (___| (____/\ (____/Y\____) |                      #
#                     \_______)|/    \/\_______/(_______/_______|_______)                      #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#   Skill                       Total Rank Mod Syn Rac Enh Eqp   Notes                         #
#  -----------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------   #
#   Appraise                     +2  =    + 2 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Acrobatics  - - - - - - - -  +3  =    + 3 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Athletics                    +3  =    + 3 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Bluff - - - - - - - - - - -  +4  =    + 4 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Craft                        +14 = 10 + 4 +   +   +   +      +6 to Repairs                 #
#   Concentration - - - - - - -  +14 = 10 + 1 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Disable Device               +2  =    + 2 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Disguise  - - - - - - - - -  +4  =    + 4 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Escape Artist                +3  =    + 3 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Gather Information  - - - -  +4  =    + 4 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Handle Animal                +4  =    + 4 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Heal  - - - - - - - - - - -  +4  =    + 4 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Intimidate                   +4  =    + 4 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Knowledge Arcana  - - - - -  +2  =    + 2 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Knowledge Dungeoneering      +2  =    + 2 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Knowledge Engineering - - -  +2  =    + 2 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Knowledge Geography          +2  =    + 2 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Knowledge History - - - - -  +2  =    + 2 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Knowledge Local              +2  =    + 2 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Knowledge Nature  - - - - -  +2  =    + 2 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Knowledge Nobility           +2  =    + 2 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Knowledge Religion  - - - -  +2  =    + 2 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Knowledge Warp               +12 = 10 + 2 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Perception  - - - - - - - -  +4  =    + 4 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Perform                      +4  =    + 4 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Profession  - - - - - - - -  +4  =    + 4 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Ride                         +3  =    + 3 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Search  - - - - - - - - - -  +2  =    + 2 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Sense Motive                 +4  =    + 4 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Sleight of Hand - - - - - -  +3  =    + 3 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Sneak                        +5  =    + 3 +   + 2 +   +                                    #
#   Spellcraft  - - - - - - - -  +12 = 10 + 2 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Survival                     +4  =    + 4 +   +   +   +                                    #
#   Use Rope  - - - - - - - - -  +3  =    + 3 +   +   +   +                                    #
#                                                                                              #
#    Languages Known               Skill Related Equipment                                     #
#   ----------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------------------    #
#                                 -Repair Kit grants a +6                                      #
#                                   bonus to repairs.                                          #
#                                 -Auspex:                                                     #
#                                   Detect Chaos                                               #
#                                   Detect Poison                                              #
#                                   Detect Magic                                               #
#                                   Deathwatch                                                 #
#                                   Locate City                                                #
#                                   Identify                                                   #
#                                 -Target Finder                                               #
#                                   Ignore all Miss Chances.                                   #
#                                   Accurately target hidden                                   #
#                                   foes.                                                      #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#          _______ _______         _________ _______ _______ _______ _      _________          #
#         (  ____ \  ___  )\     /|\__   __/(  ____ )       )  ____ \ (    /|__   __/          #
#         | (    \/ (   ) | )   ( |   ) (   | (    )| () () | (    \/  \  ( |  ) (             #
#         | (__   | |   | | |   | |   | |   | (____)| || || | (__   |   \ | |  | |             #
#         |  __)  | |   | | |   | |   | |   |  _____) |(_)| |  __)  | (\ \) |  | |             #
#         | (     | | /\| | |   | |   | |   | (     | |   | | (     | | \   |  | |             #
#         | (____/\ (_\ \ | (___) |___) (___| )     | )   ( | (____/\ )  \  |  | |             #
#         (_______/____\/_)_______)\_______/|/      |/     \|_______//    )_)  )_(             #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#    Items                            Qt    Req.   More Items                    Qt  Weight    #
#   --------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------   #
#                                                                                              #
#   -Auspex                            1     0    -                                            #
#   -Frag Grenades                     ?     0    -                                            #
#   -Krak Grenades                     ?     0    -                                            #
#   -Bolt Pistol                       1     2    -                                            #
#   -Jump Pack                         1    1/2   -                                            #
#   -Repair Kit                        1    1/2   -                                            #
#   -Inferno Rounds                    ?    1/2   -                                            #
#   -Target Finder                     1    1/2   -                                            #
#   -Flamer                            1     0    -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#   -                                             -                                            #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
Distinguishing Features: Trademark coal-black skin and red eyes that all the Salamanders have. As a Librarian-Initiate only the right pauldron is painted in the blue and gold librarian pattern, though it does bear the horned skull of the librarians.

The Requested Extremely Vague Background: Cortan was recruited from Nocturne at a young age and assessed as a psyker, and entered the (barely different from normal) training of a librarian aspirant in the Salamanders. Since the Salamanders are so self sufficient, and most sphess mahrines typically hate those mutant-commie-psykers, he was sent off to "go kill demons or something" and come back when he'd killed enough stuff to prove himself.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 5:01 am
by Koumei
I'm not Rej, but I'll tell you what the writer of the rules had in mind:
Utterfail wrote:Alright, I think it's finalized. I assume that the Adeptus Astartes get the first level bonus feat as a "human"? If not I'll take off one of them.
Astartes are not Humans, they are Mutants that might maybe have the [Human] subtype. It is not intended that they get the bonus feat or skill points.
Another quick question, would the +4 DC increase to fire weapons from Cleanse With Fire apply to the spell like abilities from Pyromancy.
It is intended that this indeed be the case.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 2:42 pm
by Utterfail
Alright, I denoted that I haven't yet taken "Cleanse With Fire" on my sheet (didn't want to retype that mess later)

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:55 am
by Rejakor
+3 to move silently AND hide means +3 to stealth, not +6. Having it the other way around is insane.

If Jess shoots a daemon or eldar at point blank range with an inferno pistol, she does 64d8+54 points of damage. Wait, scratch that, you add before you multiply. 80d8+60 points of damage. And then she shoots them again.


Dear god no-one give that woman the idea of using two pist- Oh, wait. Hello there two weapon fighting. How y'all doin' this fine evenin'?

But you know what the genius thing about Dungeon Crusade is? I don't mind. The commissar can blow away two baneblades per turn, and i'm okay with that.

Utterfail: Yes, cleanse with fire applies to all uses of 'flame'. When you die and your living brain is ripped from your body to serve as the motive intelligence of a dreadnought, your inbuilt twin-linked sponson heavy flamer will add 4 to it's reflex save for half damage.

Astartes are NOT human. They are BETTER than humans, they are faster, stronger, and denser than humans (take that how you will). They spit acid and start each morning by eating TEN THOUSAND SCREAMING WEETBIX. The weetbix scream because of how awesome the astartes are. They have the personification of vim, vinegar, and the sheer awesomeness of the god-emperor of mankind burned into their very dna. Also, their sweat smells of lavender and their farts smell like tulips.

They do not get a bonus feat.

Also, I said a background vague on where you are when the background ends. Not a vague background. :< <- (son I am disappoint)

Other than that, you are now A GUY WHO LIKES FIRE MORE THAN THE SORORITAS, YOU CRAZY BASTARD. Well, you like burning heretics less, but that's kinda... understandable.

Mister_Sinister:- Jess' sheet does appear to be complete. How are you carrying your 'lots' of ammo? Backpack, henchman, ammo-belts with dangling magazines that form part of your fauxpunk commissar uniform? As a female character you magically have the ability to carry more stuff than it looks like you're carrying, but 'lots' of ammo has to be stored /somewhere/.

My runes and portents have become tangled, and are fighting for dominance. Also, after cursory investigation it appears that elliquiy has very loose guidelines for PG-13, so i'll start there (as the application process is a very long thing).

Also, Koumei: Since you're playing a sister superior, and a 'good' girl, you may pick one 'relic' level item that has been assigned to you by the sisterhood, and that you bear for the glory of the emperah.

That is all.


Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 11:00 am
by Koumei
Rejakor wrote: If Jess shoots a daemon or eldar at point blank range with an inferno pistol, she does 64d8+54 points of damage. Wait, scratch that, you add before you multiply. 80d8+60 points of damage. And then she shoots them again.
Hahaha oh wow. That's scary/cool.
As a female character you magically have the ability to carry more stuff than it looks like you're carrying, that Hammer Space or "guess where my other hand is :3"?
Also, after cursory investigation it appears that elliquiy has very loose guidelines for PG-13, so i'll start there (as the application process is a very long thing).
Yeah, its PG-13 guidelines are pretty loose - probably because, should a game overshoot that, they can just shunt it over to an Adult category without breaking a sweat.
Since you're playing a sister superior, and a 'good' girl, you may pick one 'relic' level item that has been assigned to you by the sisterhood, and that you bear for the glory of the emperah.
Groovy. I was tempted to go Relic Blade, so people would never even guess her actual naked strength is below average, but I decided on the Cloak of St. Aspira.

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:27 pm
by Mask_De_H
It looks like we don't have a Rogue. Every party needs a rogue. Even in the grim darkness of the 41st Century.

Name: Smiling Jack
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Hair: Technicolor
Eye: Yellow
Skin: Sour Cream
Distinguishing Features: Never opens her eyes. Jack of Spades tattoo on right hand. SCA-nerd Steampunk goggles.
Class Loadout: Death Cultist 6/Callidus Assassin 1
Background: Necromunda Spyrer


Str: 11
Dex: 18(+1 level-up)
Con: 14
Int: 18
Wis: 9
Cha: 16

HP: 55/55
Speed: 30'
Init: +3

BAB/Grapple: +6/+10
Melee: +10
Ranged: +14
AC: 22
Fort/Ref/Wil: 6/10/5

Light Armor, Simple, Martial, Pistol, Assault, 1 Exotic(Explosives)

+3d6 SA
4 Skill Masteries
(Improved) Uncanny Dodge
Poison Use
+Int dodge bonus to AC
4d6 slashing to Grappled opponent
10' Immediate action leap
25% Crit immunity(75% when hopped up on Polymorphine)
City fightan: No enclosed space penalty, double flank/high-ground bonus.


*+4 Climb/Grapple
*15' reach for Sleight, Repair, Heal, Disable, Grapple sans Str.
*Tentacle Rape Flail attack. 1d6+Str slashing/1d6+Con Elec

Intelligent Fighter:
*Edge if Int > opponent's Int and Dex
*Int to attack rolls
*Ghost Step: Int for Feint, once a round BAB/Bluff+Int move action feint +(Int)d6 damage.

*Ranged +3 to hit within 30ft
*BAB to damage within first range increment
*No provoking with ranged attacks

Con Artist[Skill]:
*+3 to bluff
*Magic lie detectors/truth serums have to beat DC 10+Diplomacy bonus.
*Fake alignment, Int, surface thoughts.

*Greater Mage Hand/Shield at will
*TK Sphere and Wall of Force 1/hour
*Wings of Cover/TK at will, Forcecage 1/hour

Max Disguise (15)
Max Acrobatics (16)
Max Perception (11)
Max Disable Device (16)
Max Sneakin' (20)
Max Bluff (20) -Master
5 ranks in Know(Nobility) (9)
5 ranks in Know(The Warp) (9)
5 ranks in Know(Local) (9)
1 rank in Know(Religion) (5)
5 ranks in Know(Imperium of Man) (9)
5 ranks in Drive (9) -Master
5 ranks in Pilot (9) -Master
5 ranks in Sense Motive (4) -Master
Gather Info (5)

Syn-Skin(+4 AC, Blur, no ACP, infinite Dex), 2 doses Polymorphine, C'tan Phase Sword, Neural Shredder, Flamer with some ammo(req), 2 moar doses of Polymorphine(req), Bolt Pistol(Spyre), Reaver(req), Vendetta Gunship(2 req), Chamelionine(25% miss under HiPS/Concealment, +4 Hide)(req), Hellfire bolts(Acid, DC 20 1d4 Con/1d4 Con poison), Frag Bolts(Wounding, 1d6 Piercing to adjacent) (req)

Jocelyn LeBlanc was born on the hive world of Necromunda, in the dizzying heights of the Spires. Her life was one of luxury and ease amongst dysfunctional, inbred nobles. Every day was a dance of political intrigue played out by those with two left feet. Her family, fat and lazy, changed allegiances like normal people change underwear. She was a puppet, a bargaining chip, and after one particularly technofetishistic noblewoman, a betentacled orgasmotron.

As is the wont of the nobility, Jocelyn spent a great deal of time on "hunting expeditions", slaying the seedy gangers of the lower hive. It was there she learned that she had quite a knack for killing people in the face. The thrill of the hunt, the look on a sniveling ganger as she stood over him: tentacles twitching, boltgun in hand, arbiter of life and death akin to the God-Emperor! It got her motor running in ways the endless waltz never did.

Her aptitude led her to becoming a Death Cultist and star(read: not dead) pupil of the Officio Assassinatorium. Somewhere along the line she learned how to crush people's heads with her mind, but a lack of understanding and a knack for bold faced lies have kept her from requisitioning a bolter round to the forehead. Fresh from House Callidus and looking for trouble, Jocelyn, now named Smiling Jack, lives for three things: fast planes, warm bodies, and delicious kills.