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Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:53 am
by fectin
Well, crap. This thread hasn't been getting flagged as updated for about a week. Pretty sure it's iphone shenanigans though.

I've actually wanted to run a fire mage for a while, though they seem more than a little bit antisocial. It seems like a great lead in to a dark secret/tormented past character too (“oh noes! Everything I touch turns to ash!”), but in a game with a lot of interaction with civilized society, that seems doomed to turn into chaotic stupid. Depends what sort of game you’re looking for.

If that doesn’t seem worth dealing with, Summoner seems pretty cool too, especially crossed with the Progenitor of the Gith PrC. That seems to lead to a combination of absolute loyalty to whoever has been friendly in the last five minutes, but no consideration for anyone friendly 10 minutes ago. The character arc about learning to actually trust the party is a bit trite, but good nonetheless.