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Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:50 am
by Zinegata
Mister_Sinister wrote:Akula: I don't think that map is wraparound, which automatically makes me a bit against it. I prefer wraparound, but if we don't find another map by the time my exam ends tomorrow, I'll just use something wraparound of roughly the right size. ... wtopic=443

It's a wraparound, but I'd caution about using a map with seas like this because you do have a nation with sailing in the mix (Midgard). Also, only 78 land provinces (+10 water) which nets to 16ish including water.

Broken Kingdoms (91 land provinces + 12 water, for 20 each) from the same folder might work - the islands are actually all connected via ports. I would just caution the same issue with sailing, albeit it seems much less sail-friendly than Roaches. Anyway, details here: ... wtopic=449

You may also want to browse some of the maps there.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:51 am
by Akula

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:19 am
by koz
Ah, ok then. My bad. Akula's map it is. I'll leave 24 hours for objection-posting, otherwise, the game begins.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:08 pm
by Korwin
I have an problem with patience. Lets start immediatly! :D

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:11 pm
by MisterDee
Hmm. Thought there would be a simple "import the map" function in the Dom3 menu (shows how much of a noob I am - I still expect user-friendliness from Dom3. :) )

Any quick tutorials out there?

Also - do I need to supply an email address or something?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:11 pm
by DSMatticus

Firstly, to install maps, just drag and drop the map files (should be two files, the image and the map itself) into the map folder of the dominions 3 install directory.

Secondly, this game will be played using llamaserver, so here's how you use llamasever.

1) Mister Sinister will post a link here to the game on the llamaserver website. You should probably bookmark it, because it has all kinds of useful info like who has and hasn't submitted their turn, the next turn's due date (in GMT! Be careful!), the current time (also in GMT, so you can just count hours from current time to next turn due date so you know how long you've got). It will also have the game name, which is important.

2) You will need to create and save a pretender for your nation using the create a pretender option under tools in Dominions 3. This will create a pretender file like late_midgard_# in your dominions3/saved games/newlords folder. Make sure you know which one is which and are submitting the right one; the highest number should be the most recent. You can just delete old ones if you don't need them anymore.

You'll email this pretender file to pretenders (!at!) llamaserver (!dot!) com with the game name in the subject line. The game page on llamaserver will update to say "Midgard pretender received," and you will receive a confirmation email.

3) When the game starts, llamaserver will email you a .trn file. You'll create a folder in your dominions 3/saved games for the game called something like "Sinister's patience problem" or whatever, and then you'll put the .trn file in there. (I recommend creating a shortcut to your dominions 3 folder right next to your dominions 3 shortcut.) The game will show up under play existing games, and you can click midgard and it'll show you your turn. You do things on that turn, and then click "end turn." This creates a .2h file. You'll email that .2h file to turns (!at!) llamaserver (!dot!) com (subject name doesn't matter). The game page will update to say 2h file received, and you'll get a confirmation email. When the turn hosts, llamaserver will email you the next .trn file. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

You can revisit a turn as many times as you want before you submit it, and do it piece by piece. Clicking end turn isn't final like it is in single player. You can even re-email your turn in as many times as you want, as long as you do it before the deadline.

Sooo... no. You don't need to provide your email here. You just need to email your pretender to llamaserver, and then it'll know where to send the .trn files. It works pretty well, unless a mysterious stranger submits his pretender to your game and screws everything up.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:21 pm
by MisterDee
Much appreciated, thanks!

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:48 am
by koz

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:24 am
by Drago0661
Akula wrote: also mari really wants dom 10 if you can get it.
Why would Marignon want dom 10? I don't think their dominion does anything special. Am i missing something obvious?

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:31 am
by Zinegata
Dom 10 confers extra awe (very important for SC Pretenders), and makes Dom spread 100% assured as opposed to 90% assured, which goes well with Blood Sac (albeit Akula gets debated to death here on whether or not blood sac is worth it).

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:44 am
by Akula
Zinegata has already explained the broad strokes. Blood sac has two main uses for you, you can use it to get rid of someone that is turtled up if you don't want to or cannot breach their final defenses, or you can get some temples with jade knives and H3s and kill your neighbors quickly. There are only 4 LA factions that can sac if I remember correctly and Marignon is the second best at it (Mictlan is the best, but LA Mictlan is the best nation in the game).

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:47 am
by Zinegata
Mari can't make Jade knives out the box though, so if you're going this way you'll probably need to kidnap some druid and feed him blood slaves (not that hard).

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:55 am
by Akula
Zinegata wrote:Mari can't make Jade knives out the box though, so if you're going this way you'll probably need to kidnap some druid and feed him blood slaves (not that hard).
I did this in revenge of the den, but you could take a pretender with B4 N4 E4 W2 (gets 2 types of gem gens, blood boosters, much more solid water access, and the bless can save you some gems or research or slots on outfitting your summons) or something and get all the magic you need to do it out of the box. Scales end up kinda mediocre though if you want high dom.

I also forgot that dominion is a 2 point morale swing in your favor, if you want to route enemies this can be helpful.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:29 am
by Drago0661
For people not playing the game, first draft for Marignon pretender:

Edit: Opinions and Critique are appreciated.

Dormant Moloch f4b4

Dominion 10
Order 3
Productivity 0
Heat 3
Growth 3
Misfortune 1
Magic 1

Basic plan:

Expand with some pikoneers/man at arms (opinions what are better?) + lots of crossbowmen.

focus on flaming arrows + evocation fire magic (recommended level worth getting early?) for early fights. Possibly communions/sabbaths.

get a blood economy going for devil producing soul contracts and summoning fallen angels and other good summons.
(i assume i should start hunting with goetic masters to get sanguine dousing rods going for diabolists to do most of the hunting)

Late game is basically blood. I dont have enough astral to summon seraphs from my national spell. I can get harbringers from fallen angels though.

And with dom10, as i've been advised, domkills become an option.


lack of earth for forging dwarven hammers, and other gear for thungs/SC.
But i can get death and astral off of fallen angels, so the astral gear should get me by.

I think being dormant for better scales outweighs being awake and less scales.

This will be my first proper game with Marignon, and a blood faction in general, I've got the principle for blood hunting down, and i know how blood has good options, but any spells that stand out or tips in general would be great.


Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:31 am
by Akula
Your build is fine, you will want to be aggressive with it. As far as Evo goes, look to get fireball and then get phoenix power and then get falling fires.

Earth access isn't that bad, you have to eat an empowerment, but you can get bloodstones and boots off of that, which will get you as many hammer forgers as you need.

Harbingers are better than Seraphs for my money, you don't need as much research, you can get 4 for the cost of one, and you can rely on your fallen angels to do the heavy lifting.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:23 am
by Zinegata
Scales-> Due to the resource-heavy nature of Marignon troops, it's not a terrible idea to improve Production scales. Maybe take Prod 1 for another point of Misfortune.

Troops-> Man-at-arms is more expensive but has a shield, which is a crucial advantage against archer enemies.

Awake/Dormant -> Dormant is better. You probably can't forge Soul Contracts until the end of year 1 anyway.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 6:44 am
by Akula
I'm not a big fan of marignon infantry or cavalry, greatsword wielders and men-at-arms have their place, but mapmove one really holds them back. And as I have already said the cavalry is more expensive than I can justify with no lance charge.

You should probably just test to see if the productivity is the difference in getting out an extra expansion party earlier or if it doesn't do that. If it doesn't help you expand I really don't see any justification for spending the points

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:07 am
by Zinegata
Akula wrote:
I'm not a big fan of marignon infantry or cavalry, greatsword wielders and men-at-arms have their place, but mapmove one really holds them back. And as I have already said the cavalry is more expensive than I can justify with no lance charge.

You should probably just test to see if the productivity is the difference in getting out an extra expansion party earlier or if it doesn't do that. If it doesn't help you expand I really don't see any justification for spending the points
Except for Flagellants - which Mari won't be recruiting anyway in this setup due to a poor bless - all of Mari's units are high resource.

No, you probably won't be recruiting their cavalry and no one is suggesting that; but their crossbowmen (their mainline troops with Flaming Arrows + Wind Guide) still need 8 resource and having Prod 1 lets you churn out more of them.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:29 pm
by Korwin
Nations joined so far:

Last updated at 17:26 GMT on Thursday June 7th
Current time: 17:27 GMT
Who broke the thread?

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:03 pm
by Drago0661
After some testing, my first draft is fine. Sorry for the wait.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:05 am
by koz
[stereotypical thick Russian accent]And now for announcement from Ministry of Propaganda for Kingdom of Bogarus! With this news, we have Komrade General Abduldayev (we would like to remind our non-Bogarusian viewers that subtitles exist for the Komrade General's wise words)! Komrade General is also known for important pronouncements on climate change as result of our skilled research.

"Thank you, Komrade Announcer. Today, we re-elected our glorious president, President Prime Minister Lord General Admiral Vladimir Putin, with 110% majority. Given amazing results which our glorious nation and president have provided, State Duma voted (with 120% majority!) to declare him god. Whole nation rejoices at ascendance of Vladimir Putin!

However, there are some people in our glorious nation who, for some reason, do not approve of this, and are protesting in streets. Because of that, our glorious State Duma have passed law regarding property seizure of protestors, and have deployed our skilled and capable military to deal with problem.

Citizens are advised to continue life as normal. Glory to Putin and glory to Bogarus!."

Bogarus State TV Channel thanks Komrade General. And now, for special announcement from Propaganda Ministry, aimed at foreigners.

"Come to Bogarus, ancient and privileged nation! We let our glorious leader, President Prime Minister Lord General Admiral Vladimir Putin, do all work for us in organization of country, which means we are very successful, popular and capable. In return, it gives us freedom to conduct important research. Here are our chief researchers: one is doing important project, the other is doing another important project. You can see that they work tirelessly for homeland, and you can be an important part of this work also.

We also have best and most capable military possible - with such a military, we cannot be defeated (note that we can see another important researcher in this, doing work on posterior analysis). As a result, our glorious military goes from success to success, especially when assisted by capable citizens of glorious Bogarus!

And the statistics prove it - we are showing growth rate of 0.6% of population every month! What could possibly prove more true!

So come to Bogarus - and remember, we have best of everything!"[/stereotypical thick Russian accent]
So yeah, I'm playing Bogarus. Expect more of this.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:03 pm
by MisterDee
Oh - would it be possible to extend the turn deadline a bit for the weekend? I'm out of town starting from Saturday morning to Sunday evening.

I might be able to post a turn early Saturday morning, but maybe not (and I'd rather just send out turns as I play them rather than delay them as much as possible just to up my chance of not staling on turn four :) ) - since the game auto-hosts anyway, I'd suggest putting the delay at 72 hours and changing it back on Monday?

Sorry about that - forgot about my cousin's wedding, of all things. :)

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:02 pm
by koz
Extended 72 hours.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:15 am
by MisterDee

And now a word from the Midgard High Command:

Great job, troops. Seriously, bouncing on militia, heavy infantry and crossbowmen?

(Seriously... that was embarassing and a serious loss of momentum. I mean, I can live with the dead mercs and basic troops, but I really needed to get my expansion going. Not sure how I could have played it differently though. Let's just say that I'm suddenly a lot more sympathetic to DSMatticus in that other game :) )

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:46 am
by koz
[cheesy Russian accent]"And now, a word from BSTV News!

In recent news from front line, Midgard's inferior armies failed to defeat ordinary independent nation. This once again reflects our superior approach to military matters:

In Midgard, you fight for god. In Soviet Bogarussia, god fights for you! Continue our positive trend - Bogarus is the place for you!

And now, back to your regularly-scheduled research music programming! It is only in Bogarus that our head researcher can also be great music star!"[/cheesy Russian accent]