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Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:10 pm
by Username17
Turns out that one of the other people there took a picture of the carrots and broccoli.


Not sure if google sharing works, if it doesn't I'll try something else.


Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:03 am
by Stahlseele
oh, it does work, and now i am hungry . . thank you very much <.<

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 3:00 am
by Shrapnel

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:09 am
by Taishan
FrankTrollman wrote:
The Carrots and Broccoli was made by cutting some carrots into short strips and boiling them. When they were becoming soft, I dumped some broccoli tops into the same water for a short period (broc takes much less time to cook). Then I drained the water out and threw a bit of olive oil on them as well as a Vietnamese "lemon grass and hot pepper spices" mixture on it along with some finely diced garlic, some onions, and some orange juice.
At the risk of turning this into a foodie thread, why the addition of the OJ?

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:43 am
by Maj
@Taishan - Because the dish sounds like it needs an acid, and the OJ totally compliments the lemongrass and the spice.


Well, our day-after-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving was interesting.

I was told that because half of the people at Thanksgiving dinner are low-fat fanatics that I would be making mashed potatoes, stuffing, and gravy for just my family. The only vegetable being made was green beans. Since no one else believed in vegetables for Thanksgiving, I also made a salad. And for shits and giggles, I made pumpkin cookies with vanilla maple frosting.

The turkey needed to go into the oven at 8:30 in the morning, and it was a two hour drive from my house to the venue, so I wrote my mom a novel of instructions (complete with scientific references to stave off the pro-tradition control freaks). My novel won; the turkey turned out stunningly delicious - not a dry piece on the bird. The in-the-bird stuffing was really, really good (I made it with Boudin sourdough, chestnuts, and sausage). My gravy handily won the gravy showdown (not that it was particularly difficult - mine had flavor). And it was a good thing that I made enough potatoes and salad for everyone because everyone ate them despite the fact that I was only supposed to make them for half the people present.

The cookies were also incredibly popular, and the vanilla maple frosting was a total coup born of financial desperation (I couldn't afford the maple extract to put in it, but I already had maple syrup - I just wasn't sure how to make that into a proper icing).

My sister decided to give Ess his birthday present a month and a half early, and so we played Lego's Creationary game until midnight. That was definitely a challenge (how do you build a glacier out of Legos?), but it was incredibly fun.

It was a more passable Thanksgiving than I've had in a while, but it's still my most hated holiday. I'm thankful that it's over.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:28 pm
by Shrapnel
My Thanksgiving was... okay. Me and my uncles had some super seriously heavy discussions about various movies. And I ordered Masterpiece Sideswipe on Amazon, meaning I'm going to get some cool vacuum-metallized pile driver accessories. (I think. Ordering Sideswipe from the the Japanese Amazon site gets you those pile drivers, and, although I bought it from the US site, I did buy it from a Japanese seller.)

I also got to see my baby nephew, which was nice, and spend some quality time with my uncles, as mentioned above. Then Friday came, and the crushing reality that being around my family makes me really depressed hit home, but then I realized I might be getting those bitching chromed pile driver accessories, so then I was okay.