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Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:33 pm
by Username17
John Magnum wrote:Frank, can you elaborate on these TVT events? I've known that Troper Tales has really embarrassingly juvenile stuff where people post how all these "misunderstood genius" "sarcastic because he knows how stupid everything is" etc. tropes apply to them, but I didn't know that there were actually people advocating real-life sexual harassment. Exactly what kind of rape apology is going on over there?
Normally, I oppose Something Awful's Goon Squad on principle, for a number of obvious reasons. However, one thing that they do that is pretty helpful, is collect and save screen shots of TVTropes material. There's a Youtube thing of it, Here.

What I'm specifically reacting to is the "Brother Sister Incest" "Troper Tales Page", where Tropers were encouraged to tell stories of how their real lives embodied this "Trope" (the "trope" being "brother-sister incest"). And then because of the hugbox rules of TVTropes, people told troper stories of raping their own underage sisters and noone complained or reported them to the FBI or anything.

There really aren't even words. How does a politeness edict continue to get enforced when people are actually talking about IRL child molestation?


Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:35 pm
by Winnah
Lago put some links on page 13 of the more recent "fighters suck" thread. I don't know how to link to a specific post, I'm afraid. Fair warning, some of the troper quotes are nauseating.

My only experience with exalted is making a character for a game about 8 years ago. I ended up creating a weak sorcerer that could summon limitless numbers of demons, given enough time, but otherwise had the combat endurance of wet tissue paper. Apparently that was broken and I was not invited to the actual game. It's not as though I was displaying any system mastery, I just remembered that Thaumaturgy was a good XP sink in Vampire, so I figured that would be the case in Exalted as well.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:52 pm
by Archmage Joda
For linking to specific posts, there's a little icon that resembles a piece of paper dogeared on the upper right, next to the posting date of any given post. This icon is a link to that specific post, so you could right click that icon and select "Copy Link Location" to copy it and paste it in your post. For example: this is my previous post in this thread.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:56 pm
by Atmo
Ah, i forgot to talk about Exalted. I'm a huge fan of anime, mangá and japanese enterteinament and i didn't like Exalted at all. Got here a translation and the cover had a single guy doing something, i don't remember what, but the fluff was awful, like a teenager had written and put that... "thing" to sell. Then, when i got to the rules, was WoD all over the place, and i didn't understand the most of.

It's just my opinion, don't get mad at me.
Voss wrote:The implicit point isn't to get off on sadistic power fantasies, as it is with White Wolf, or apparently, this Atmo fellow.
Welp, now i look like a pervert. People who plays with me knows that what i do is simply a game, they won't go running and screaming like crazy child rapers after talking with me.

I, too, try'ed to create rules for rape and sex and the like, but... it looked silly, so i just do what have to happen on game without rules encouragement. Well, the rules don't encourage, but i do, sometimes, a little flaw of my person, don't mind it.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:07 pm
by fectin
The answer to the the "infinite demons" problem is using the demon limit rules. ("limit" being an Exalted game term for a counter that ticks up until you go crazy.) It's this great set of alien personalities, where have to keep your demons happy or they ignore you and go off and do... something. For example: one personality type obeys its summoner, because it believes it's still in [hell]. It gains limit "when they encounter the three conditions most unnatural in Malfeas: silence without death, power without ambition and love without pain". On limit break, it either goes catatonic, or tries to "save" its summoner:
On hitting its Limit Break, the creature recognizes Creation for what it truly is: a monstrous and painful world that is even now corrupting its master from a glorious Yozi-like state into a foul corpse riddled through with the maggoty rays of the Unconquered Sun. With a mad, fey awareness uncharacteristic to creatures of its limited mentality, it hunts down those things that most corrupt its master away from the darkness. This state also lasts for the creature's Conviction in days, save that the madness does not leave it until it has destroyed at least one thing that its master loved but did not issue sufficiently clear orders to protect."
That's one of the most generally useful profiles; most of the others are oriented toward some kind of task. Either way though, they turn demons from tools into NPCs, while solving the actual problem of one time investment = ongoing power.

Unfortunately, they first appeared in this book: ... e708/l.jpg

Incidentally, this section was written by Borgstrom.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:17 am
by Silent Wayfarer
Borgstrom's work seems unnecessarily obtuse. Is this an accurate observation or am I a lazy casual?

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:50 am
by Desdan_Mervolam
FrankTrollman wrote: If you were looking into it in 2004, you were basically in edition 1.5. The original 1e stuff about you playing Solars had been jettisoned, but the actual 2nd edition wouldn't come out for another 2 years. Of course, this was also the point where White Wolf was doing nWoD, and all the fail that entailed. So I assume that the Exalted materials of this period were comparably terrible.
Yeah, that sounds about right. We were told we could play other kinds of Exalted other than Solar if we wanted, but warned that by and large they mostly suck so you wouldn't want to.

As for TV tropes, that's probably a big part of the reason they deleted Troper Tales. I think that was around the time they went around and deleted a bunch of pages for X-rated works. They've been working for a while now to try to make the site more accessible to outsiders, and that was one of the things they did towards that end. I will not vouch for the success of those efforts.

[Edit for tags]

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:38 am
by Archmage Joda
See, over the years I kinda got used to people elsewhere on other forums gushing about how well designed and great and crap Sidereals were in Exalted 1e. What's the truth of the matter there?

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:07 am
by Silent Wayfarer
Archmage Joda wrote:See, over the years I kinda got used to people elsewhere on other forums gushing about how well designed and great and crap Sidereals were in Exalted 1e. What's the truth of the matter there?
Sids Charms contained a lot of "fuck you" effects that nobody could defend against effectively (Shun The Smiling Lady, for instance) and the Martial Arts styles in there were vastly more powerful than any available elsewhere and were restricted to the Sidereals. And then Sidereals were revealed to be the invincible elders of Exalted the way Methuselahs were in oVamp. Except that as a PC you only got to play a neonate.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:07 am
by Avoraciopoctules
I just had a thought. One of the arguments the Exalted 3 dev team used to defend their Abyssal charms was that they didn't know what "ravish" meant. What might this bode for future ability descriptions?

Scrying effects that let you defenestrate your minds eye through the metaphysical veil clouding mortal consciousness?

Lunars of the Wolf Shirt clan who abuse their moonsilver cannon privileges risk dismemberment from the organization?

I guess I should check out a discussion thread once the game's actually released.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:25 am
by Archmage Joda
Yes, you can go ahead and subject yourself to that, I'll just wait here to see how you react. Also, I recall reading on giantitip's exalted thread something about it not coming out til October?

On the thread's original topic: the weirdest moment in exalted for me was a fellow player defeating a t-rex with a kancho. The worst moment, however, has probably been everything to do with 3e and its discussion. All of it.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:42 am
by Silent Wayfarer
Archmage Joda wrote:Yes, you can go ahead and subject yourself to that, I'll just wait here to see how you react. Also, I recall reading on giantitip's exalted thread something about it not coming out til October?

On the thread's original topic: the weirdest moment in exalted for me was a fellow player defeating a t-rex with a kancho. The worst moment, however, has probably been everything to do with 3e and its discussion. All of it.
How bad is it? I haven't been following it.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:55 am
by Archmage Joda
Well, as far as my own griefs with Exalted 3e, first, I feel it was simply announced too soon. It was first announced summer 2012, by my recollection (I may be off, but probably not by much). This was too soon, because they projected a release date of the core book by December 2012. Now, as the existence of the kickstarter demonstrates, they were nowhere near ready to release it by then. I doubt they had anything but a tentative greenlight to discuss a third edition at that point.

Fast forward to March of this year, the Kickstarter was initially supposed to begin then. It was already 3 months after the book was supposed to be released, and now they wanted to essentially beg funds to make it. Delays happen in the business though, right? But even then, they didn't get their kickstarter together until this month.

In addition to the incessant delays and complete lack of anything concrete about what the new edition would entail for so long, I was further vexed by the prevailing attitude on the Exalted section of the white-wolf forums. The impression I got, at the very least, was that singing the praises of the almighty developers and fellating their egos was the primary motive of posting, and dissenting opinions (read: anything suggesting the developers were doing anything less than constructing perfection) were shouted down. Being that that forum was my primary source of information on Exalted 3's progress, this was not pleasant to read.

And now finally, the final straw for me, was the recent debacle with rape ghosts. For details on that, Lago posted a link to an article discussing it on the previous page of the thread, but I'll copy it here for convenience sake: ... php?page=1

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:06 am
by Avoraciopoctules
On the Something Awful Exalted3 thread, the devs actually got banned from the forum. People had to start a new discussion thread. The drama made for pretty entertaining reading, but the article linked above distills things fairly well.

EDIT: Oh, wait! Except for this, quoting myself from MPSIMS.
Avoraciopoctules wrote:From the SA forums:

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:19 am
by Koumei
Archmage Joda wrote:The impression I got, at the very least, was that singing the praises of the almighty developers and fellating their egos was the primary motive of posting, and dissenting opinions (read: anything suggesting the developers were doing anything less than constructing perfection) were shouted down. Being that that forum was my primary source of information on Exalted 3's progress, this was not pleasant to read.
That's pretty standard fare for White Wolf in general, and Exalted in particular. Keep in mind the fact that when we discussed the kickstarter on the Den, some shills cropped up out of nowhere to say how amazing it would be and how we're all mean stupidheads.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:34 am
by Voss
Archmage Joda wrote:See, over the years I kinda got used to people elsewhere on other forums gushing about how well designed and great and crap Sidereals were in Exalted 1e. What's the truth of the matter there?
I'll pile on this one since my only experience with exalted is the 1e core books (solar, lunar, dragon and sidereal) and there is a damn good reason for that. [Beyond that setting books seemed pointless, since I thought the point of the system was to have a vaguely defined world where you could set anything you fancied, so detailing seemed to negate itself, especially with the kind of trash they wrote]

Sidereals manage to impress by taking already broken system and kicking it over and pissing on it. Silent Wayfarer has most of it, particularly the martial arts bullshit, but there was also a lot of weird stuff where you could BS your way into direct authority of parts (and aspects) of Creation as a member of the Celestial Bureaucracy, and... yeah. That is going to go about as well as you think it will. And, as general rule, the book kicked the cooperative group game in the crotch, once again.

I still think dragonblooded was the only really viable part of exalted, because it both kept the powers at cool to awesome, but ultimately functional (fewer 'perfects,' frankly), and actually encouraged group play (though not, of course, as a mixed group of different types of exalts, just different dragon elements).

You did have to ignore some creepy-ass fetish shit, though (largely involving kids), but even during 1e exalted, it was past the point where people just expected that sort of shit from white wolf.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:19 am
by Archmage Joda
Avoraciopoctules wrote:On the Something Awful Exalted3 thread, the devs actually got banned from the forum.
If it would not be too disruptive to this thread, or against den rules, would you be willing to tell me the gist of why and how they got themselves banned? I tried to go find the thread myself, but actually reading any threads on Something Awful seems locked behind a pay wall at present, and there's no way I'm going to pay a fee to join a damn forum.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:31 am
by Silent Wayfarer
Voss wrote: You did have to ignore some creepy-ass fetish shit, though (largely involving kids), but even during 1e exalted, it was past the point where people just expected that sort of shit from white wolf.
I'm either blase, clueless or forgetful, but what is the fetish shit involving kids? AFAIK kiddy fiddling was still one of the biggest no-nos in Creation (and even the depraved House Cynis kept that crap for preferred customers only).

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:02 am
Still waiting on that review of 1E Lunars.

I still think that it's even worse than the Lilum thing. While some things in that book were gut-churning, at least it had the paper-thin excuse of being a villain book. It could try to pass itself off as Drakengard or Xenogears where the fucked-upedness was proud and intentional.

What makes Lunars worse is that this is what the writers were trying to portray a faction as good and heroic, if rough around the edges. The entire thing is a travesty. It's seriously as if someone tried to combine the worst (meaning most) parts of Wodenism, Objectivism, and Dances With Wolvesism.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:05 am
by Koumei
Lago PARANOIA wrote: What makes Lunars worse is that this is what the writers were trying to portray a faction as good and heroic, if rough around the edges.
Honestly, this kind of shit crops up so much in White Wolf that I think it goes beyond their general "include all not-normal sex equally, so paedophilia and bestiality are just as valid as homosexuality" thing that they also do.

Either White Wolf are proper "Science is bad, you're supposed to live naked in the woods with animals, fucking the animals and then fucking and/or eating any people in your territory" insane people, or that's what they think all hippies are, and they think their best bet is to get in good with hippies. Which doesn't mesh with their "assume Christianity is the correct way" attitude for the Worlds of Darkness.

I mean, the number of things where science is either flat-out wrong (the bullshit Exalted has on the cover) or evil (Werewolf, Mage) is a start, then their efforts to portray both Lunars and Werewolves as "the good guys" (I mean, Vampire assumes you're somewhere in the antihero ballpark, or even "villains, but not as bad as those other villains", Werewolf actually paints it like these pack-rapists and crazed murderers are champions of nature, healing the world). Those things crop up so much, it's more than just a symptom of the regular thing where they pierce the nipples and include rape and transsexuals with equal light.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:23 pm
by Almaz
Koumei wrote: Either White Wolf are proper "Science is bad, you're supposed to live naked in the woods with animals, fucking the animals and then fucking and/or eating any people in your territory" insane people, or that's what they think all hippies are, and they think their best bet is to get in good with hippies. Which doesn't mesh with their "assume Christianity is the correct way" attitude for the Worlds of Darkness.
Not as much of a "not mesh" as you think. In fact, arguably not at all. Based on actual experience, a distressing number of hippies are so Christianized ( I mean duh, they lived in a Christian society ) that they repeat Christian memes without thinking about them. They even dress them up in the trappings of other, "good" religions and/or cultures, but repeat the same Christian mantra, minus a few notes about fornication. And in reality a lot of them still expect sex = marriage, not in the legal sense but in the social obligation sense. Many Neopagan groups I have visited are whitewashed Christianity with more tits, and this cannot be entirely traced back to the religion that they took their notes from including parodies of Christianity in ritual and structure because Crowley was a giggling nerd.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:43 pm
by Voss
Silent Wayfarer wrote:
Voss wrote: You did have to ignore some creepy-ass fetish shit, though (largely involving kids), but even during 1e exalted, it was past the point where people just expected that sort of shit from white wolf.
I'm either blase, clueless or forgetful, but what is the fetish shit involving kids? AFAIK kiddy fiddling was still one of the biggest no-nos in Creation (and even the depraved House Cynis kept that crap for preferred customers only).
And family, but... yeah, they were a large part of the point. I kind of hope that you aren't saying because they didn't offer their child sex slaves to everyone that it was somehow OK that the house as a whole had child sex slaves. That one of the noble houses' 'thing' was pedophilia and orgies (consensual and non, since a lot of their business was also slaves) was my point.

There was also the whole Bride of the (not)Devil thing with the Empress, or next Empress or whatever (I honestly thought the official backstory was crap and horridbad for no reason so I largely ignored it and don't remember the details.

I honestly don't remember pedophilia as being a 'no-no' for the Dragonblooded. The one that really stood out as the ultimate crime (at least if you didn't go for martial arts) was 'not having children,' and more particularly not having children with another dragon exalt. You could fuck whoever/whatever on the side as long as you made minimal efforts to be discrete, but not breeding a child [by spouse, at least in theory] every decade or so was a punishable offense. (first socially, then family pulling resources, and ultimately legally).

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:04 pm
Dammit I can't find my Dragonblooded book and I haven't read it in a few years, but I was under the impression that the book, you know, was pretty tame about the vomit-inducing shit in the faction.

That is, the caste does do vile crap like pedophilia slave sex orgies, but their splatbook alludes to it with heavy circumlocution. As in one part 'Dragonblooded have the sexual mores of Caligula', another part later in the book is 'Dragonblooded have no problem with chattel slavery', another part later in the book is 'Dragonblooded are elitist classist assholes living in a completely decadent society backed up by their superpowers'.

That I am fine with. The Lunars and Infernals faction book... not so much.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:17 pm
by Almaz
Based on my reading, or at least my memory of the reading, the Dragon-Blooded text suggests (but does not explicitly state) that child rape is crude and unacceptable by society's mores, while at the same time removing any incest taboo and marking down the implied age of consent. A Lot.

It also notes that Dragon-Blooded tend to get away with some scary shit. This is not surprising given that they are an upperclass of about ~15,000 living on a fairly decent-sized continent. If you have to ride across the entire continent to put the boots to someone, it doesn't come up often. If they are also a major political ally... well.

I have yet to meet someone who does not soft-pedal that stuff in actual play. This doesn't change the actual text, but does suggest that in the set of "Exalted players" there are few who that actually appeals to, so why are they writing it? Eh.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:33 pm
by Avoraciopoctules
Archmage Joda wrote:
Avoraciopoctules wrote:On the Something Awful Exalted3 thread, the devs actually got banned from the forum.
If it would not be too disruptive to this thread, or against den rules, would you be willing to tell me the gist of why and how they got themselves banned? I tried to go find the thread myself, but actually reading any threads on Something Awful seems locked behind a pay wall at present, and there's no way I'm going to pay a fee to join a damn forum.
Alright, I'll quote-mine a bit. There were 2 devs banned, and I'll try to grab enough posts to give an idea of what the dialogue looked like for both of them.
Holden_Shearer wrote:As an aside, speaking as a relative newbie to SA, it is really fucking weird that a board which is basically Central Command for the internet's greatest assholes is also such a hotbed of enlightened attitudes and progressive thinking. That still weirds me out, especially in contrast to 4chan.
Holden_Shearer wrote:
But see doesn't the whole of the preview go against that? If the game is all about what people choose to do with power, what's the point of charms with only one use (forced sex)? How do you 'choose' to use that?
Actually, they're incredibly versatile as a means to an end. They use a very particular deployment method (seduction), but there are a ton of things to do with the Charms themselves-- you have almost limitless capacities for Manchurian Candidate shenanigans with the possessing breath Charm, you can easily use the cascade to alienate a powerful minister or general from his trusted advisers, the addictive aspects make it easy for you to secure repeated access to individuals who damned well ought to know better than to let you keep screwing with them after bad things have happened as a result of your actions on several occasions already, the feeding Charm is a good set-up for a number of other effects (especially if you eat their Willpower, that is the nastiest option there), etc.

e: Also worth noting, all these things can be deployed against the setting's various tyrants, shitheads, assholes, and monsters, just as easily as they can against innocent victims. The Charm cascade slants itself toward Carmilla and Dracula, definitely, but you can put it to use as a "Diaochan from Romance of the Three Kingdoms" cascade very easily, particularly since Addictive Kiss can be deployed with a simple kiss in a secluded garden.
Holden_Shearer wrote:
I'm really not sure how useful a zombie who has to have sex to live is.
That one doesn't, admittedly, have many uses other than scaring and disturbing the shit out of your enemies.
Holden_Shearer wrote:Okay, so-- someone went and told me people here wanted to talk.

I'm not interested in a fistfight, but if folks are looking to talk about what's going down with Exalted, I'm game for that. I haven't read back since my last post to the thread, since I'd rather get things off on a calm and even keel.

What's up, folks?

e: also it appears someone paid to have my avatar changed, which is... actually pretty awesome, thanks whoever that was.
Holden_Shearer wrote:
Also, I'm pretty sure that as the kickstarter owner it's Richard Thomas that writes the KS updates, not Holden.
That's correct. The backer update was put together by Rich, and incorporated posts made on various forums by myself in John in response to people specifically asking us for clarifications about particular Charms. I'd rather have just let it rest and had the news churn move things onward, but that's not my call.
Holden_Shearer wrote:
I think the big question is why the last update was worded the way it was - as a clarification, not an apology.
Cuz I didn't write it. I would rather not speak for my boss's reasons on his behalf. :|
Holden_Shearer wrote:
e: Oh, hi Holden. Can you make any assurances that the charms that you now fully acknowledge are rape by coercion are going to be removed or altered?
Sure-- I said last time I was here that we put these things together to entertain, not to cause people upset or anguish, and it'd be dumb to just stick verbatim to a design note that clearly caused a lot of people a lot of distress.

But I think that's dancing around the central issue that seems to be getting kicked around on various sites (and defended god-awfully by certain people trying to stick up for me, augh), which is the place of really dark shit like sexual violence in RPGs at all, and if they have a place, how to plate them. That seems to be the thing people are really worried about our stance on, am I reading that correctly?

e: Everyone please keep in mind that there's a lot more of you than me as we go forward here-- I'd rather not get caught like 3 pages back trying to chew through replies massively outpacing me if we can help it.
Holden_Shearer wrote:
It's clear that the new devs have a profound love for the Exalted setting, beyond it being a cartoon. Everything from their weird attachment to the "truth" of the setting to that retrospective work to their propensity for purple prose indicates it. What worries me is that the aspects of the setting that they love and want to curate into their definitive edition is the Lover Clad and Ma-Ha-Suchi. The work of Jenna Moran would feel very out of place alongside those aspects of the setting. I like the silliness of the setting, but they're taking the Lover Clad as sacrosanct and even challenging. They've promised to excise all silliness like Sharkdad and some of the more popular gods in favor of the "maturity" of rape ghosts. Even if it doesn't make it to print, they've still indicated that it's an idea they're really enthusiastic about. The WTF DnD article has it right. I'm seriously considering withdrawing my pledge because this whole thing makes it look like this setting is going to be dumb like 2e, but not even a fun dumb anymore.
I think the core idea of the Lover from back in early early 1e is a really solid horror idea, which is to say, a beautiful creepy carnal ghost who takes people to the outer edge of sensation until they burn out and can't feel anything anymore, and are left wandering through life in an empty haze, trying to find something to make them feel again. It's a creepy, interesting direction to approach nihilism from.

Later she became a cartoon, which was kind of a common theme for NPCs.

I liked Ma-Ha-Suchi when he was an angry warlord who fought Dace and let him depart with his life to discharge a debt he owed to the dude's last Exaltation. I am not a fan of 2e's Ma-Ha-Suchi, either in the sense of being a former First Age casanova as a HILARIOUS contrast to his Second Age self, or in his writeup basically being "Lord of the Ultimate Rape Camp."
Holden_Shearer wrote:So let me lay my cards on the table, as a gamer and artist, so you know who you're talking to and where I'm coming from.

There's something Gene Siskel said during a film review he was doing with Roger Ebert-- I think it was that shitpile North. Ebert was going on about how the very concept of the film was mean-spirited and disgusting and without redeeming value. Siskel chimed in to opine that any topic can have merit and be done well-- it's entirely in the execution. (He then agreed that North had been executed as an abominable pile of shit.)

As an artist, I agree with Siskel. I think the darkest elements of the human experience have a place in art, and that one of the big jobs of art is to give us a way to grapple with difficult or uncomfortable concepts. And I do believe that roleplaying games are, or at least can be, art, at the same time that they're games. Exalted is definitely a game that strives to be both things, and to do both well. (Historically, it's had mixed success, particularly with the latter; but in First Edition I think it had a pretty damn good track record with e former.)

However, the heavier the material you're handling, the more of a deft hand you need to use, and the more skill is required, and the higher the bar goes for "you need to know what the hell you're doing, and whether the context is appropriate."

Some of you probably don't agree with me on this, but I think it's a topic on which reasonable people can agree to disagree.

That said--

For most of my gaming career, which spans the better part of three decades, I have been the GM. As a GM, I don't employ sexual violence in my games. It's within the comfort zone of my regular players, but I don't like it, it's not my idea of a fun evening of gaming, and I've never been taken by a need to explore sexual abuse through the medium of an RPG. Mostly, I find the subject upsetting and depressing. On those rare, blessed occasions when I actually get to play rather than running a game, I don't generally play evil characters (though antiheroes are a lot of fun). I don't, as a general rule, care to play in games where someone else in the party is rolling up an evil character, and I definitely do not want to be at the table during a rape scene.

tl;dr: I would never, ever use vast majority of the Lover's cascade in a game I ran or played. I also wouldn't play in a Dark Reflection: Spectres game, I would not care to play a Black Spiral Dancer or Nephandi, or indeed play a loyalist Abyssal at all-- I've always done independents and renegades.

But those are my tastes, and they're not everybody's. I own Charnel Houses of Europe and I think it's a magnificent book; I also own the other Black Dog books it was written to stand against, and I enjoyed them as well, even though there's a lot of material in there I wouldn't use at my table. I think there's a place for dark, nasty stuff at the gaming table. I know there are more than a few people who make use of the stuff, and who appreciate its inclusion.

But the darker you go, the more you have to think about what you're doing, and where, and why, and in a game designed to entertain, a light touch is usually a good idea; and with most art, there's a limit before even the best execution just becomes inappropriate (see: Late-90s Super Dark Angsty Spider-Man, or Greg Rucka's Wolverine; but by contrast, I enjoyed Garth Ennis's Punisher Max).

This is particularly tricky where Exalted is concerned. Exalted's putative heroes are pretty nasty customers-- murder, pillage, slavery, and genocide are common activities for the Solar, Lunar, and Terrestrial Exalted. We generally try not to sugar-coat the awful realities of the Age of Sorrows; we also try not to grind your face in it. Maintaining this sort of tone becomes tricky as you move toward the nominal antagonist splats of the game-- particularly the Abyssals and their Deathlord mentors, who are supposed to be really nasty customers in a setting where the 'good guys' are already nasty customers a lot of the time.

Here's what I don't want: I don't want the relentlessly bleak, horror-saturated Abyssals the game put forward in 2e. I don't want the guys where each Charm is more nihilistic, life-denying, and existentially cruel than the last. I don't want a meditation on hideousness and nihilism that's so dark it's not fun to play.

What I do want is a stylistic return to the guys from the Storyteller's Companion-- the unearthly warrior-poets of the Underworld, riding forth to speak the good news of the grave from their rose-petal lips, dining in the halls of ghosts and building great dark citadels to house their mortal lovers.

Those dudes were dangerous as hell, and also sexy as hell, and also deadly as hell; and if they're going to be represented by a huge sprawling 300+ Charm set, I have trouble imagining them credibly executed without some overt seduction magic (probably amounting to half-a-dozen or so Charms). Particularly if there are branches of the set being informed by the Lover.

The truth of the matter is that I'd rather not give you guys promises about what we're going to do when we get there, because what's going to happen is that in a few days I'm going to put Abyssals in a drawer at the back of my brain, and they're going to pop back out at odd moments when something causes me to think about them, or when I just want to polish them up to keep them fresh in my imagination; but mostly will sit there for several years until it's time to do their book. During that time our grasp of Charm design will mature and evolve as we get more and more experience working the system, and the style dynamics of the various playable types may shift a bit, and we'll definitely work out a feel for what the EX3 audience responds to and what the tone of the game needs to be. All I can tell you and be certain I am being completely honest about it, is that I am listening to what you're saying and taking it seriously, and it'll continue to inform my thoughts about the best way to do the Abyssals as the years roll by and their book creeps up.

I think Abyssals need to get pretty dark at times; but I want Exalted players to feel like they're able to roll up a deathknight and have fun, without navigating around super-nasty land mines. I don't want Abyssals to be a niche only for people who like black, sadistic roleplaying.

It's possible that explicit sex as a mechanical key may be too much, insofar as that it hurts the game more than it enriches it. I think it's something that can be done, and done well; that doesn't necessarily mean this is the right place to try to do it, or the right way, but--

Well, I'm frankly punch-drunk from managing this damn Kickstarter all month, running on a couple hours sleep per night, and trying to stick the landing on a gigantic complicated corebook. I am not really in a position where I can give the topic of "how far should Abyssals really push the seduction angle in their Charm mechanics" the kind of attention it deserves, not enough to declare an answer and set it in stone. I would prefer the answer not be "not at all," because it's a major element of their style, but if it ultimately seems like that's what's best for the game, then so be it.

Anyway, those are my general feelings and thoughts on the top of dicey topics in gaming, and the needs of Abyssals. Can we have a civilized discussion, going from there?
Holden_Shearer wrote:
Well, I think what people want is an assurance that these charms will not specifically require dirty rape-sex. I am sure you saw the numerous comments on how to revise them to be more generalized. What I imagine the slice of the playerbase here wants is: "These will not be 'the dirty rape sex charms' in the final draft." It seems you do not want to say that; it is ultimately your work but it is strange to me that you can't just say that, when it seems to be your intent that, you know, that will not come to pass.

e: To be clear, this doesn't mean the entire Charm concept has to be scrapped so much as the change many people suggested, of 'you generalize it to some form of exchange, which can include but is not limited to sex.' The greater question of sexuality or the like in gaming seems like one that would be better had after some cooling-off
Yeah, I think we can do better than having a 'rape cascade' in our final product.
Holden_Shearer wrote:
Does doing it well require charms literally only useful for sex? Can't you just have a lusty demon who grants her followers mind control and lets them do as they wish?
Possibly so-- appetite and excess are really the primary hallmarks of the Lover if you take the exact execution methods out.
Holden_Shearer wrote:
Same here; you don't want to sugarcoat the various atrocities that happen in the game line? No problem. But when you make those atrocities a required part of the game line with respect to mechanics, then how do you not expect to lose support? There are people here who are survivors of sexual assault, people who'd otherwise play your game if they weren't reminded of what happened to them every time they cracked open a rulebook. If you'd only broadened the scope of the Charm, it would have been hunky-dory, and we might have even celebrated the many possible uses of the Charm, even the creepy ones since those put the onus on being creepy on the player.
That's a fair point, I think.
Seriously, read the posts by MiltonSlavemasta and Ferrinus for where these Charms and the Deathlords should go.
Sorry, I've been skipping those posts and will continue to do so-- if I read their specific ideas, I can't write anything that looks remotely like them, for legal reasons. I get the gist, though.
Holden_Shearer wrote:
Really my biggest concern is yo, now that you're basing tools for PCs off these NPCs, maybe you should make them slightly less completely irredeemably terrible in theme? Or at least irredeemably terrible for the way they choose to use tools that could otherwise be used for good purposes (and not just 'haha but if I rape a BAD PERSON to death it's a good act!') and not because WELL THEY HAVE ALL THESE RAPE CHARMS, WHAT ELSE WOULD THEY USE IT FOR
That fucking ghost rape fort thing in the Labyrinth is another 2e idea that will be staying in 2e, and good riddance.

The Deathlords are still pretty much terrible people but we're not really in an arms race to prove they're the MOST TERRIBLE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD in 3e (see: Bodhisattva Anointed by Dark Waters as unlikely lynchpin of the West's military resistance to Realm aggression-- which doesn't make him any less the fucker who runs a state-sponsored suicide cult) like some past books seemed to do.
Holden_Shearer wrote:
Holden, I think explorations of those themes also needs to be done with a clear mind towards Exalted's history. The reaction those developer notes was so loud primarily because Exalted has featured depictions of child rape and other nastiness. I'm quite vocal about the fact that I didn't initially, and still don't think of the charms as rapey. Those design notes are being presented with this history though. You are not responsible for the mistakes of the past, but you are responsible for making sure they aren't repeated. Honestly, any exploration of those themes is going to connect 3E with a history of repugnant depictions.
I didn't write those books, and I've been paying off their debts and fixing their mistakes for five years now, dude. One sixth of my time on this Earth. What is the reasonable statute of limitations for carrying someone else's shitty rep? (Judging by the fact that I had Gypsies of all things tossed in my face a couple of days ago, I'm glumly suspecting it never runs out.)
This about it like this, you said and I agree that the 1E Storytellers Companion was probably the coolest Abyssal stuff in the line. You also said that the Yozi write-ups in Games of Divinity were some of the best writeups (I think you said that). Shouldn't you adopt a less is more approach here? The Lover is cool as hell and she was awesome before we had mechanical explanations of how she fucks people to death. We don't need to know that. We're smart enough to get those themes on our own.
Yes, I've agreed on this point a couple times now.
Holden_Shearer wrote:
I agree with this. I also agree with Roger Ebert, not necessarily in his point about some things not being explored via art, though I'd have to see the video, but that sometimes it's best not to include the actual explicit depiction of the dark phenomena you want to explore, or, in an RPG, leave open for exploration. I have no problem with the Lover's cascade being about temptation, seduction, and the damnation of those who choose immediate pleasure due to a lack of good judgement. I specialized in Aristotle's study of the virtues and vices during the course of my degree, and I would absolutely love to explore the theme of how much blame falls on the tempter and how much for the tempted, and at what point the tester of virtue becomes the one worthy of blame. I deeply enjoy characters about which one has to wonder whether they are the hero of the story or not.

However, back to what I said about Roger Ebert, if these charms become explicitly about sex, it becomes too much for me. Without going into too much background about who I am and who some of my best friends are, I wouldn't want to explore these themes in that context because it is too reminiscent of the real-world victim-blaming surrounding survivors of rape, date rape, abusive relationships, and domestic violence. As you wouldn't want to partake in those types of scenes, neither would they. I think it is possible to evoke the same themes of inflicting such an obsession on someone they ultimately become a hollow shell with nothing else driving them, and at the same time leave any references to sexual acts only implied in the shadows. Mature adults are the ones who can understand and appreciate this sort of nuance, and I think it is, in fact, the people who need the sexual element blatantly explicated who are the ones too immature to handle the exploration of these themes in the first place, being interested in The Hand of Manus over Celda 211.

Charnel Houses of Europe is genuinely mature. Much of its maturity is achieved through understatement and leaving things in shadow, which allows them to be genuinely dark and unfathomable, rather than an electric shock directly to chest. The same could be said for Dracula, as well as Edgar Allen Poe's takes on the Vampire, Ligeia, Berenice, and the darkest and most wondrous vampire story ever written, The Fall of The House of Usher. It is, in my opinion, the standard practice of the best works on such monsters that the temptation, fall, and destruction are themselves made explicit without sex (and sometimes the temptation, fall, and destruction are not explicit themselves!), and whether there is indeed a sexual relationship between the tempter and tempted to be, at most, an implied spectre hanging over the explicit narrative. It is my opinion that when it is made explicit, the depth and even beauty created by the exploration of dark things is, as a general rule, thrown out the window for cheap revulsion or titillation. I think this is one of many instances in writing where less is more.
Damn, that's a good post, and a good set of points.
Holden_Shearer wrote:
I didn't write those books, and I've been paying off their debts and fixing their mistakes for five years now, dude. One sixth of my time on this Earth. What is the reasonable statute of limitations for carrying someone else's shitty rep? (Judging by the fact that I had Gypsies of all things tossed in my face a couple of days ago, I'm glumly suspecting it never runs out.)
This is 100% true. Bite down hard on your leather strap, battlehamster.
kukla is that a rape joke D:
Holden_Shearer wrote:
god dammit, there are all sorts of painful things you have to endure that aren't sexual assault

think 'dislocated joint being popped back in to place'


Kukla, I am disappoint.

Holden_Shearer wrote:
Yeah, just as well I wasn't sending out my post as a press release to several thousand excited fans or it might have been interpreted as an endorsement of rape culture leading to an enormous, borderline-violent backlash against me and the IP I represent

winky face
Now, that would just be silly.
Holden_Shearer wrote:On the plus side, the next time the Lunar fans go bananas it's going to seem positively tame and pleasant.

ErichZahn wrote:@Holden:
I really liked the preview, so I showed it to my friends. None of us read any malign intent or subtext into it until we heard that other people were offended, though that was probably helped by the fact that we had a guy do his best Count impression and go "HYES HYES HYES!" upon reading CSR.

Anyway, my group liked the preview. They liked the diagram. They thought it had a good flow to it and that it felt right. The only problems they had were that they thought that was the entire Presence Tree, and that Lover's Sigh was underpowered/a speed bump.

Now, onto criticism. Lover's Sigh seems really situational for a Charm with three pre-reqs, and we think that the effect described should be replaced/added on top of a Charm that functions like Predestined Escort Coincidence, save that the destination is "Follow the ghost lady inside.". Not sure if that makes sense.
ErichZahn wrote:Thanks for the clarification, but it's obviously not going to convince anyone who chose to be offended by it.
ErichZahn wrote:They're not sexists, they're not illiterate, and they aren't fractional rapists who fail to live up to their promises or whatever salcious personal attack you've come up with in your anger and fury and disappointment. This is unfinished material. It's a fucking Charm outline, they aren't even preview Charms, they're outlines. Are you really so betrayed by Holden Shearer's grievous unprofessionalism that you're going to call the CFO and complain about how White Wolf sponsors rape culture? Do you really want to see what happens if you succeed?

Please calm the fuck down and take a few days to think about things before you start imperiling the livelihood of your fellow human beings.
ErichZahn wrote:The guy who wrote the problematic parts of Infernals doesn't work for White Wolf anymore.

And yeah, if you've been following the game like I have you'd know that literally any time they release a spoiler they get shit on by the great unwashed, and that baseless accusations of rape apology are a common tactic of insane Lunar fans who keep whining about how the devs' not canonizing TAW means that they want "them" to be sex dolls for their Solar masters.
I think the most frustrating thing is that Holden seems to have checked ou of this forum entirely rather than continue to respond to this kind of criticism, because this is precisely the kind of thing he needs to be hearing, taking to heart, and doing damage control on.
People in this thread have literally likened playing Exalted to supporting child rape. SA is currently making the subhuman Lunar otherkin fringe look reasonable right now.
ErichZahn wrote:There are people in this thread who claim to be having difficulties determining whether liking Exalted means that you are a supporter of child rape. There are people seriously describing Exalted as rape central. No amount of engagement with these people is a good idea. We are at the point in the flamewar where we have stopped replying to each other and are now just replying to newcomers who are trying to toss their two cents in in a futile attempt to stop the madness and get everyone to stop hurling insults at each other. Holden should do well to shut his fucking mouth and stay away from the ravening hordes rather than engage in his typical snippyness.