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Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 6:26 pm
by RobbyPants
fbmf wrote:I've never played any of the Final a Fantasy games.

Game On,
I've never played apart from FF1 on NES, which, from what I can tell doesn't seem to count.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 10:37 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
Shouldn't this be in the Video Games forum?

I've played most of the original Legend of Zelda, all of A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker (technically, I watched my brother play the last third or so of the game because I gave up on it at that point because it got too dull for me), Twilight Princess, (one of the Oracle games, can't remember which), Link's Awakening, A Link Between Worlds, and am starting on Minish Cap.

The Zelda games definitely worth playing are:
A Link to the Past
Ocarina of Time
if you liked ALTTP, Link's Awakening and the Oracle games
and if you liked Ocarina, Majora's Mask.

The only FF I've played all of is 7.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 10:39 pm
by Ancient History
Well, originally it was just going to be a confession game, but people seem to have latched on to the video game aspect. Which I don't mind.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 11:11 pm
by Maxus
I'm a hopeless fan of 90's shonen anime: Specifically YuYu Hakusho and Kenshin.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 3:07 am
by Cynic
I've never actually finished a majority of hte video games I've played. I'll invest crazy amount of hours into the game and then just lose interest. I enjoy the exploration/messing-with-the-game aspect way too much to sometimes see the plot all the way to the end.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 3:33 am
by tussock
No one actually finishes the bigger old games though do they? Baldur's Gate had some sort of bug that killed your save near the end and no one noticed for years. The pixel-bitching games were all bugged. I spent ludicrous amounts of time on stuff like Diablo, UFO, Fallout, and a few others back in the day, and they all had some game-breaking bug or another later on, often trashing saves.

Doom (and everything ID made) worked, any game where the final print lets you level-warp and cheat up keys and such tends to be bug-free enough to be finished. But you can play them through in a couple days too, and there's no character dev or anything.

Most of the modern stuff is much quicker to finish, bar the odd racer in career mode, they're usually still patching stuff when the next one comes out, and then they stop and you're just stuck with them.
random google 2014 wrote:I had to re-start Skyrim within the first 30 seconds because the horse leading the carriage bugged out.
Heh. Awesome. I'm thinking people still don't really finish the big ones. It's not like you can hex-edit the saves to fix stuff on an XBone.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 3:33 am
by darkmaster
Zelda games I recomend! Link's awakening: because it's trippy as shit, Ocrarina of Time: just because that's where modern Zelda games come from, Wind Waker: because it's a good game.

Final Fantasy Games I recomend! FFX: one of the best most fleshed out world of any video games I've played, FFXII well put together game with a lot of extra side content to keep you busy for a long long while, FFV; you could accuse this game of having a janky translation, or relying a lot on plot convenience, but overall a very heartfelt entry. I recomend you get the fan translation of the NES version, since the video and audio are slightly better.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 3:45 am
by Artless
I don't think Doctor Who is all that great.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 3:50 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
I don't think Anime is all that great. Also, not a Dr. Who fan. Teaboos annoy me which I have to keep secret because some of my relatives are teaboos.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 11:30 am
by fbmf
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:I don't think Anime is all that great. Also, not a Dr. Who fan.
Me neither, but my wife is a fan of both. She will sometimes recycle anime plots when she GMs for me because she knows I won't have a clue.

As opposed to chick flicks, she makes me watch the weeping angel episodes with her because they scare her.

Game On,

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:05 pm
by Occluded Sun
Episodes of Doctor Who vary so wildly in their nature that it's easy to see why people aren't fans. If didn't know whether you'd get Thai or filet mignon or cat food or a cheeseburger with extra pickles if you ate at McDonalds, would people go?

It's not like Deadwood or something, where there's a consistent flavor.

Confession: I hate it when shows use gimmicks like cursing and sexy naked people to attract attention, it has such a strong mental 'flavor' that it ruins my immersion. Also when fanservice is used as an emotional reset button. That is not what arousal is for.

I enjoy watching small children play - they're like puppies or kittens, only with opposable thumbs - but I don't dare do it often because people start giving you The Eye. (I can't blame them.)

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 4:55 pm
by Leress

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 7:33 pm
by Orion

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 8:51 pm
by Occluded Sun
omg that is too precious

YouTube is a gold mine for puppies, kittens, and babies. And all possible combinations of those three.

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 12:31 am
by Maj
Orion wrote:Just for Occluded,

A baby teaching a dance class
This was awesome. :)

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 4:30 am
by AndreiChekov
Maxus wrote:I'm a hopeless fan of 90's shonen anime: Specifically YuYu Hakusho and Kenshin.

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 4:34 am
by AndreiChekov
The only reason I agree to babysit my niece is so that I can claim one of the swings in the local park.

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:23 pm
by nockermensch
The first and last videogame console I owned was the Atari 2600. On a fateful Christmas I asked for a MSX instead a Master System or one of the NES clones that were being sold here by then. While my friends were playing Mario, Zillion or whatever, I was obsessively playing this. From there, I graduated to an Amiga 500 ("woot!", I thought), and finally went full PC master race by getting a Pentium II 166 back when those were cool.

I played FF1 on emulators a few years ago and finished it, and never had the patience to play any other. I never finished a Mario, Zelda or Sonic game.

I played the shit out of SNK and Capcom arcades, tho.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 6:26 pm
by Reynard
> Pentium II 166
Unless something went horribly wrong it should be simply Pentium (or 266).

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:51 pm
by Archmage Joda
My confession: despite hailing it as one of my favorite Zelda games of all time, I've only actually played through Majora's Mask once...

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:56 pm
by Wiseman
I've seen perhaps only half or maybe even less of an episode of DR. Who.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 7:05 pm
by Mistborn
I've never actually owned a video game console.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 7:24 pm
by RadiantPhoenix
Lord Mistborn wrote:I've never actually owned a video game console.
If gameboy variants don't count, then neither have I.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 3:02 pm
by nockermensch
This thread made me feel less weird.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 3:03 pm
by OgreBattle
Play Legend of Mana instead, it's downloadable through PSN