The Divine Right of Jedi

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Post by Kaelik »

Mechalich wrote:Even so, it is one of the natural limits on Jedi abilities built into the setting - they are warrior monks, not scientists, slicers, merchants, explosives experts, farmers, or any other field.
You are either a lying sack of shit, or an ignorant sack of shit. Force sensitives are always the best at what they do, no matter what they do. Let me say that again with examples so it's clear:

If someone is a force sensitive pilot, they are the best pilot, if someone is a force sensitive slicer, they are the best slicer, if someone is a force sensitive scientist, they are the best scientist.

All of those are star wars characters. Saying "the ones that are trained as warrior monks aren't as good at things they aren't trained for" is just fucking bullshit.

The force makes you better at literally anything. On a very basic level, force sensitives can just choose to not ever sleep and still be at better than 100% normal human physical and mental capacity, even if it provided no other insights at all, because you aren't in a field where mind reading is helpful (hint, that's all of them).
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Voss »

Mechalich wrote:You do know that Tatooine is in Hutt Space in Epsiode I right? That is not part of the Republic at all and that Qui-Gon has no legal authority whatsoever there? Qui-Gon tries, and fails, to bargain for Shmi Skywalker's release. That he chooses not to fight a war over slavery in the territory of a foreign power is one of the reasons why Jedi don't rule. If you put Jedi in charge of the Republic on Monday, they start a war with the Hutts on Tuesday.
What war? Why are you gibbering about legal authority? Quaffy's actions on Tats were so beyond extra-legal I'm just going snigger at you. He seriously attempts mind control as part of trading for the spaceship parts he needs. He magically cheats to get the kids rather than his mom. Then when called on the actual fact that he cheated (despite the fact that the bug couldn't prove it) HE threatens to take the matter to the Hutts, confident they'd come in on his side. He gives no fucks. It simply isn't worth the extra effort to also bamboozle his way into winning (or stealing and force breaking the bomb) the mom as well.
Yes, because Anakin's failure to overcome the weight of emotional attachments could never possibly have bad consequences...oh wait...

Look there's a lot that can be said about the no attachments rule regarding Jedi, and indeed a lot that has been said, but Anakin Skywalker is the very last person who can be used as an argument against that ruling.
Fuck the no attachments rule. I give no shits about that (even though it is even more evidence that they've got shit as far as empathy, mercy and selflessness go) . The point is that telling a child that he is going to turn evil because he gives two shits about his mother is straight up fucked and completely lacking in empathy. Especially since they tell him to go fuck himself on the training thing anyway.

The Jedi are restrained by a non-Jedi civilian authority that limits their ability to act as moral crusaders. Qui-Gon Jin very much wants to fight a war for Padme Amidala, but he is not allowed to. As it stands he stretches the boundaries of his mandate as her bodyguard pretty far in the service of his ideals.
In the service of finding out about the Sith. He isn't restrained by the civilian authority at all- there isn't anything to indicate the Republic knows or gives a shit about the Jedi following her home, given that their extra effort to save the Teen Queen just torpedoed the previous government.

Gin is very specifically restrained by the Council's judgement, more specifically just Yoda and Mace. The Republic isn't even vaguely involved at this point. Its Naboo vs the Trade Federation with Palpy laughing as he reforms the government.

Your US military... thing... is entirely irrelevant. The Trade Federation starting pissing themselves about Jedi involvement in scene one, which is why anything in that movie happened. As far as they are concerned, the Jedi are already involved, and as far as Palpy is concerned, he got what he wanted out of his tools.
Did I mention piloting? No, I did not. That's because, in Star Wars piloting is not portrayed as an intense technical skill but as a highly intuitive skill involving dexterity and special awareness in the vein of WWII fighter piloting - which is how fighter piloting is commonly portrayed in space opera anyway (Battlestar Galactica for one).

Yes Anakin is a highly skilled technician, of course he acquired those skills before he started his Jedi training and when it comes to his abilities rather than his emotional failings he's as Gary Stu as the universe needs him to be at any time, so that's not a very good example.

Many Jedi have valuable secondary skills. Obi-Wan is a talented diplomat, Palpatine had a masterful gift for politics, Revan was apparently charismatic as hell and a highly skilled strategic mind. This area is a weakness of Star Wars as it has often been handled very poorly - most recently with Rey, who tagged with accusations of Mary Sue status (which is a reach) across many sections of the internet after Force Awakens came out. Even so, it is one of the natural limits on Jedi abilities built into the setting - they are warrior monks, not scientists, slicers, merchants, explosives experts, farmers, or any other field.
Revan could also reprogram and rebuild droids on a whim (and explicitly had a whole entire other skill set beyond 'Jedi'). Some Force Sensitive in Rogue Squadron (Corran) in the post movie universe is also a spy (and pilot), with all the requisite skills. That they went full Mary Sue again with Rey seems to indicate that no one involved with Star Wars sees it as a problem. Tech skills aren't an issue, no matter how many times you cherry pick around actual characters that prove you're full of shit, or how many technical skills you think aren't technical skills.

It isn't just shitty little fighters that they pilot like experts, its full freighters and ships designed for multiple crew members with all sorts of extra consoles and positions along the cockpits. Annie runs through IDing the entire control system of a full luxury ship by sight, despite never having used or been on a spaceship before. Lando has a full cockpit crew of 3 extras with him on the Falcon, and Rey flies it alone.
He confessed because the game was up and the secret was about to come out. Nute Gunray and the other surviving Separatist commanders (all those guys Anakin executes on Mustafar) had information in their possession that was capable of IDing Palpatine as Sidious in conjunction with the clues the Jedi already had. It was actually necessary for Palpatine to confront the Jedi before the war ended because otherwise Order 66 would not have been a viable plan and though he would have likely held Coruscant anyway it would have touched off a second galaxy-wide civil war.
Fanwank speculation. The Separatists, as far as they knew until Vader literally showed up to murder them, were still on his side. Tarnishing the Jedi in the public eye legitimately with a production about a false, baseless arrest (far outstepping whatever authority they had) seems a much more viable plan than 'murder all precognitives when they aren't expecting it and hope no one gives a shit and forget they existed in 20-25 years.
Last edited by Voss on Tue Sep 20, 2016 5:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Mechalich »

Kaelik wrote:You are either a lying sack of shit, or an ignorant sack of shit. Force sensitives are always the best at what they do, no matter what they do.
You do realize that Force-users lose to non Force users in canon right? Even in strict film canon. That thing that they are supposed to be the best at? It doesn't always work out that way. Force-users might have the potential to be the best in every field, but the person at the top is not always a force user.

Force use is a skill, one that a person trains to use and apply in areas they have trained to use it. That certainly be any number of things, but the benefit is not equal everywhere, largely because you can't cross-train with anything resembling perfect efficiency.

Mastering killing people with a lightsaber or even killing people by shooting lightning bolts from your fingertips is part of mastering using the force. Jedi learn by conducting lightsaber drills, Witches of Dathomir learn by learning spellcasting chants, Zeison Sha learn by throwing funky chakrams around.

It turns out that learning how to wave a beam of superheated plasma through intricate patterns in time with intense physical mastery and martial arts routines correlates very well with 'killing people.' On the other hand it doesn't correlate all that well with geophysics, or electronic data manipulation, or sewage management.

Jedi train from a very young age, but figure it takes 10-15 years for normal people (meaning those who don't have 'Skywalker' in their name) to learn how to be Jedi Knights. That's 10-15 years you don't have to work on some other specialty. As a result, if you have two people who start from the same point and have roughly equal potential and effort, and you check in twenty five years down the road, one of them has 15 years of extra experience in their specific field that they Jedi doesn't have. Depending on the field the force mastery and skills linked to becoming a Jedi or other force user could compensate all of that: something like bounty hunting, which maps well to a Jedi's base package, more than all of that: like piloting, which seems to have synergy bonuses to force use for some reason, or less than all of it: something like slicing, which is mostly interrogating force-less droid brains and receives limited benefit from force insight.

Regardless, this is certainly something that Star Wars RPGs try to model, by having a Jedi class with a fairly narrow niche and often by providing characters with mixed skills levels in non-Jedi classes - including Anakin and Luke. This is something we can see with Revan in KOTOR as the different base classes provide different levels of syngery towards building the most powerful possible Revan, and at the end of the game when you max out you always have less force tricks than your single class jedi allies.
On a very basic level, force sensitives can just choose to not ever sleep and still be at better than 100% normal human physical and mental capacity
What? That statement is completely not supported by any canon. Force users absolutely need to rest. They get tired and suffer from exhaustion. They can be crippled by injury (that sure as hell happened to Luke when he got his hand cut off). Yes they're more durable than ordinary members of their species and can use the force to accelerate healing and even provide emotional rejuvenation, but there are limits.

The beings that can not sleep and operate continually at greater than 100% of human capacity in Star Wars are the droids.

Ultimately, if you want to design the Star Wars universe as force-users are the best all the time ever, um okay, I guess you can do that. The lore really doesn't support it and it makes the universe far less interesting but I suppose definitions of the force and force use are flexible enough to allow it. If you're arguing an anti-Star Wars position, something that is certainly viable, then okay, whatever.

However, lots of settings have people who get to be genetically better than you in critically important ways. I think Star War's requirements of time consuming and specialized training with a high failure rate to unlock those powers are a better management system than most and that the retro-future space fantasy setting of Star Wars is a better match than most, including for example the WoT setting, even though the nature of power acquisition and development is very similar.
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Post by Voss »

Mechalich wrote:Force use is a skill, one that a person trains to use and apply in areas they have trained to use it.
Well this is certainly bullshit and wrong. Force use is fucking innate for anyone and everyone who has it. Children, mind-wipe victims, princesses who trained all their lives in something completely different. They can just reach out and do shit, no training required.

Yoda's training is honestly just cardio, and when it comes to the Force he is explicitly telling Luke to just fucking do it already. Pick up the ship and zoom it around, you fucking whiny child.

I was going to say that swording people seemed to be the only thing that required training, but that isn't true either. Obi's training of Luke with the remote is, essentially, just 'stop fucking around and see invisible already.' And that the force would guide the swording bits.

Also, being the best doesn't mean not losing ever. Especially when the other parties aren't playing in a straight up one on one competition.
I think Star War's requirements of time consuming and specialized training with a high failure rate to unlock those powers are a better management system than most and that the retro-future space fantasy setting of Star Wars is a better match than most
Even ignoring the fact that this isn't in the films... I have no idea what you're referencing in the RPGs either.
A Consular is a Noble, but better. (Same skill points & BAB, better saves, better vitality, more class skills, + force powers)
A Guardian is a Soldier, but better (more class skills, better saves, better defense, + force powers)

Training times and failure rates... aren't a thing.
Last edited by Voss on Tue Sep 20, 2016 6:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Longes »

Voss wrote:No, Palpy became emperor because the Senate was corrupt and stupid, and employed painfully obvious political ploys. He was caught because he confessed his Sithness to Annie, who went to the council. Had he just played dumb (and continued to hide being Sith) and gone along with being arrested, he could have made amazing scapegoats out of the Jedi.
As opposed to what happened in the movie where Palpatine... made scapegoats out of the Jedi. What was your argument again? Provoking Anakin into bringing in a jedi party was pretty clearly part of Palpatine's plan. It lead to Anakin turning to Palpatine's side, and it gave Palpatine material for propaganda ("jedi tried to assassinate me").
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Post by OgreBattle »

Star Wars movies have a straightforward cosmology of pure good vs darkest evil and many people like it for that. You aren't suppose to feel sympathy for faceless storm troopers until one takes off his helmet because he was born with Intrinsic Good and joins team Light to kill his ex comrades on team Dark without feeling any bit of remorse or guilt.

I like Star Wars for the aesthetic of their space ships and space dogfights, but over the years I find myself rewatching The Adventures of Captain Picard deftly wielding the sword of diplomacy and enjoying it all the more, while rewatching Star Wars reminds me of Al Qaeda twitter posts.
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Post by Kaelik »

Mechalich wrote:It turns out that learning how to wave a beam of superheated plasma through intricate patterns in time with intense physical mastery and martial arts routines correlates very well with 'killing people.' On the other hand it doesn't correlate all that well with geophysics, or electronic data manipulation, or sewage management.

Jedi train from a very young age, but figure it takes 10-15 years for normal people (meaning those who don't have 'Skywalker' in their name) to learn how to be Jedi Knights. That's 10-15 years you don't have to work on some other specialty. As a result, if you have two people who start from the same point and have roughly equal potential and effort, and you check in twenty five years down the road, one of them has 15 years of extra experience in their specific field that they Jedi doesn't have.
Here you are back at "people who are not trained to be X are not as good at X" fucking nonsense.

Force sensitivity =/= Jedi. There are a whole bunch of force sensitives who never receiver jedi training, and because they invest all their time in X, they are the best at X, whatever the fuck X is. Because they have all the benefits of X that anyone else has, but then they also totally get a special bonus condition of magic super knowledge, mind reading, not needing sleep, luck, ect.

Also, can you please pull that star wars RPG dick out of your mouth? Like, Star Wars Canon can be argued to be almost anything, but wholly shit you are the first person ever in the history of the universe to rely exclusively on fucking RPG mechanics as cannon.
Mechalich wrote:
On a very basic level, force sensitives can just choose to not ever sleep and still be at better than 100% normal human physical and mental capacity
What? That statement is completely not supported by any canon. Force users absolutely need to rest. They get tired and suffer from exhaustion. They can be crippled by injury (that sure as hell happened to Luke when he got his hand cut off). Yes they're more durable than ordinary members of their species and can use the force to accelerate healing and even provide emotional rejuvenation, but there are limits.
Look if you don't know fucking anything about Star Wars why are you talking about Star Wars?

There is at least one reference to jedi healing trances allowing jedi to operate without sleep in every book written from 1994 to 2012. It's probably already been doubled down on by the new canon too, since James Luceno wrote more than one of those books saying that.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Voss »

Longes wrote:
Voss wrote:No, Palpy became emperor because the Senate was corrupt and stupid, and employed painfully obvious political ploys. He was caught because he confessed his Sithness to Annie, who went to the council. Had he just played dumb (and continued to hide being Sith) and gone along with being arrested, he could have made amazing scapegoats out of the Jedi.
As opposed to what happened in the movie where Palpatine... made scapegoats out of the Jedi. What was your argument again? Provoking Anakin into bringing in a jedi party was pretty clearly part of Palpatine's plan. It lead to Anakin turning to Palpatine's side, and it gave Palpatine material for propaganda ("jedi tried to assassinate me").
Which is never used in the film in any sensible way. If there is a coherent march from his weird burbling about being scarred to proof that the jedi attacked him, it isn't shown in the film. As badly edited as that part of the film is, Order 66 and the 'assassination attempt' might as well be completely disassociated. It is particularly telling that it remains a secret order rather than, say, pushing a bill through the senate that disbands the Jedi.

Nothing happens from the propaganda. He outright murders the jedi because he already stole supreme executive power with everyone's blessing, and his own personal army is also the sole state army, because everyone else in the setting is a complete fucking idiot.
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Re: The Divine Right of Jedi

Post by SlyJohnny »

souran wrote:

Similarly, Harry Potter is VERY MUCH presented as genetic magic being an important part of the story. Rowling invented an entire vocabulary of slurs because of how important it is to the story. It is a central reason why Harry's aunt hates him. Now I would agree that Rowling is not a top tier writer, but she is a successful one by any meaningful measure.

If we accept Ancients and Franks core theory that Birthright failed because people find the concept of "Superior-By-Birth" to be so anathema to 20th/21st century minds that they wouldn't touch the setting with an adventurer's 11 ft. pole why do people spend billions on Rowling drivel that promotes exactly the same sort of hereditary

Only the card-carrying bad guys promote the "purebloods are best" philosophy, and there is zero evidence to suggest that muggleborn wizards are actually less competent. The whole series is an indictment of that kind of thinking, not a promotion of it.
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Post by Wiseman »

In general, starwars tends to portray force users being in charge by virtue of being force users to be a bad thing. While a force user is capable of the same things as a non-force user, plus having the force on top of that, it opens up it's own problems, as the Voss example shows.

Also, there's the sith empire from The Old Republic. One notable thing, is that when you flirt with non-sith as a sith, they often become nervous or afraid. This is revealed to be because non-force-sensitives have no rights in relation to force users in the Sith Empire. Even the lowest, weakest sith, still outranks the highest ranking non-force-sensitive person. As a sith you can (and often have the option to) harm or kill non-force-sensitives, and face no official repercussions from the act.

The sith empire is ruled by the Sith Emporor Darth Vitiate, though he interacts rarely, and most of the day to day running of things is handled by the Dark Council (all sith). As the sith are institutionally considered superior to non sith, they have no obligation to be fair or even kind to their subordinates.

Also, the sith empire is racist, with sith purebloods first, humans second, and everyone else a distant tenth. (Though not all sith subscibe to this. Your sith can be any of the playable species, and notably Darth Malgus consideres the empires racism to be a weakness, and is more egalitarian in his chain of command).

TV Tropes has a good desciption of it:
Fridge Horror wrote:When playing as a Sith, regardless of gender, every time you choose the flirt dialog option with non-Sith Imperial NPCs, there is a good chance that they will, at best, politely say thanks then quickly change the topic, get nervous and start stuttering, or totally freak out. While this might seem funny from your perspective, the deeper implication of why they act this way is highly disturbing. Remember that in Imperial society, all non-Force sensitives are institutionally subservient to what basically amounts to a hereditary caste of super-powered sociopaths who have a legal right to abuse and kill citizens for whatever reason they can think of. Then remember that Sith are encouraged to fully embrace their emotions without self-limit.... If your dark sided Sith decided that he/she takes a liking to a non-Force-sensitive Imperial, you can force yourself onto them regardless of their say on the matter, then cut them in half after you're done just because you feel like it. And there is ABSOLUTELY nothing that they or their families can do about it! (indeed, that is exactly what Dark-sided Jaesa did once).
EDIT: Additionally, there's the Eternal Empire from the Knights of a Fallen Empire expansion, where it's people essentially worship the (force-sensitive) royal family, and are led to believe that force-sensitivity means your the Emperor's chosen and your powers come from worship of them.
Last edited by Wiseman on Fri Sep 23, 2016 12:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Dogbert »

Kaelik wrote:If someone is a force sensitive pilot, they are the best pilot, if someone is a force sensitive slicer, they are the best slicer, if someone is a force sensitive scientist, they are the best scientist.
And not that it matters anymore since the EU is long dead, but back then, Boba Fett was force sensitive and had brief training from Vader (don't ask me for source, that bit of data comes from one of the SW fanboys I used to play with).
Last edited by Dogbert on Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by OgreBattle »

Darth Vader always believed in diversity of representation and equal opportunity in the workplace
Last edited by OgreBattle on Wed Sep 21, 2016 7:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by maglag »

Wiseman wrote:In general, starwars tends to portray force users being in charge by virtue of being force users to be a bad thing. While a force user is capable of the same things as a non-force user, plus having the force on top of that, it opens up it's own problems, as the Voss example shows.

Also, there's the sith empire from The Old Republic. One notable thing, is that when you flirt with non-sith as a sith, they often become nervous or afraid. This is revealed to be because non-force-sensitives have no rights in relation to force users in the Sith Empire. Even the lowest, weakest sith, still outranks the highest ranking non-force-sensitive person. As a sith you can (and often have the option to) harm or kill non-force-sensitives, and face no official repercussions from the act.

The sith empire is ruled by the Sith Emporor Darth Vitiate, though he interacts rarely, and most of the day to day running of things is handled by the Dark Council (all sith). As the sith are institutionally considered superior to non sith, they have no obligation to be fair or even kind to their subordinates.

Also, the sith empire is racist, with sith purebloods first, humans second, and everyone else a distant tenth. (Though not all sith subscibe to this. You sith can be any of the playable species, and notably Darth Malgus consideres the empires racism to be a weakness).

TV Tropes has a good desciption of it:
Fridge Horror wrote:When playing as a Sith, regardless of gender, every time you choose the flirt dialog option with non-Sith Imperial NPCs, there is a good chance that they will, at best, politely say thanks then quickly change the topic, get nervous and start stuttering, or totally freak out. While this might seem funny from your perspective, the deeper implication of why they act this way is highly disturbing. Remember that in Imperial society, all non-Force sensitives are institutionally subservient to what basically amounts to a hereditary caste of super-powered sociopaths who have a legal right to abuse and kill citizens for whatever reason they can think of. Then remember that Sith are encouraged to fully embrace their emotions without self-limit.... If your dark sided Sith decided that he/she takes a liking to a non-Force-sensitive Imperial, you can force yourself onto them regardless of their say on the matter, then cut them in half after you're done just because you feel like it. And there is ABSOLUTELY nothing that they or their families can do about it! (indeed, that is exactly what Dark-sided Jaesa did once).
EDIT: Additionally, there's the Eternal Empire from the Knights of a Fallen Empire expansion, where it's people essentially worship the (force-sensitive) royal family, and are led to believe that force-sensitivity means your the Emperor's chosen and your powers come from worship of them.
Yet when Leia the force sensitive unleashes a wave of terrorism across the empire, and sacrifices countless people just to get one other force sensitive on her side, it is shown as a good thing.

And during the clone wars when the republic was getting their asses kicked, the only solution was putting the force-sensitive jedi as supreme generals of the armies with basically full authority to do as they fucking pleased.

Force sensitive are in charge of both team good and team evil.
FrankTrollman wrote: Actually, our blood banking system is set up exactly the way you'd want it to be if you were a secret vampire conspiracy.
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Post by Longes »

maglag wrote:Yet when Leia the force sensitive unleashes a wave of terrorism across the empire, and sacrifices countless people just to get one other force sensitive on her side, it is shown as a good thing.

And during the clone wars when the republic was getting their asses kicked, the only solution was putting the force-sensitive jedi as supreme generals of the armies with basically full authority to do as they fucking pleased.

Force sensitive are in charge of both team good and team evil.
If we want to be completely accurate, the wave of terrorism was unleashed by Palpatine through Starkiller. In Force Unleashed Starkiller is sent by Vader to unify the rebel groups into a rebel alliance. But the twist is that Palpatine is in on the plan and the actual goal is to gather rebel leaders in a single place to kill them all in one fell swoop.
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Count Arioch the 28th
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Post by Count Arioch the 28th »

The only thing I'm taking from this thread is that I want to play a force sensitive farmer. Although now that I think about it that's literally what Luke Skywalker was...
In this moment, I am Ur-phoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my int score.
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Post by Kaelik »

Count Arioch the 28th wrote:The only thing I'm taking from this thread is that I want to play a force sensitive farmer. Although now that I think about it that's literally what Luke Skywalker was...
I bet force sensitive farmers have very good knowledge of the best time and place to plant each crop, and can use the force to connect with and encourage crop growth.

Too bad Star Wars takes place in a post scarcity universe, or that might even matter.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Count Arioch the 28th »

Sounds like a perfect reason to become a space adventurer to me.
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Post by hyzmarca »

Luke was a moisture farmer. He basically ran fields of giant condensers that sucked moisture out of the air and bottled it.
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