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Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 8:42 pm
by Iduno
erik wrote:People have tried to get me to drink about everything incorrectly predicting “oh you won’t taste it in this”. The only thing that contained alcohol and was nominally on the spectrum of palatable was peach schnapps. And my taste buds may have already resigned in protest by that point since it was about the 10th-11th shot in a very short drinking game that also included rum and vodka. Nobody survived after 30 minutes when the alcohol finally hit.

I also can’t tolerate artificial sweeteners. They have a terrible aftertaste for me. My taste buds are like fuck off. I used to think aspartame was bad. Then along came Sucralose/Splenda. Fuck.

My bullshit super power is the ability to detect alcohol at the cost of being unable to enjoy social beverages. Coffee and tea are right out too. Sigh.
Oh, you'll still taste it, but it will be one of the least unpleasant ways to do so. That (and hiding whatever the prohibition-era distillers cut it with) is why mixed drinks exist.

Artificial sweeteners get me, too.

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 11:19 pm
by Josh_Kablack
Current random musing (which is coincidentally about foul-tasting alcohol):

I have no idea if this bag listed on Amazon is any good, but I really appreciate that they use a bottle of Jack Daniels to demonstrate its capacity (bottom photo): ... 1_t_img_lh

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 2:06 am
by phlapjackage
Iduno wrote:and Leinenkugel's is...cloying.
Or as my friend says, "those shitty fruity pebbles beers"

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 8:10 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
I like their Summer Shandy.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 1:26 pm
by deaddmwalking
phlapjackage wrote:
Iduno wrote:and Leinenkugel's is...cloying.
Or as my friend says, "those shitty fruity pebbles beers"
Leinenkugel's makes a variety of beers. I'm not fond of their Shandies (which are available seasonally in Tennessee) but I really like their beer flavored beer (which I only seem to be able to find in the upper Mid-West); the Honey Weiss (which is not sweet); the Canoe Paddler Kolsch; and the Octoberfest.

Leinenkugel's remains my favorite brand of beer.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 1:35 pm
by phlapjackage
Yeah my bad, I see that my post looks like I'm dissing on Leinenkugel's, but I like the 2-3 types of beer from them that I've had. It's just a name I've not seen in a long time, and it sparked some old neurons to fire and dredge up a memory of a friend who would diss the beer this way every time I ordered one.

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 3:50 pm
by Iduno
Their Octoberfest is good, though.

Random thoughts: Seasons are weird here. Winter is when it finally cool enough for plants to bloom, and mosquitos to come out. Summer kills everything (and last ~8 months).

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 3:56 pm
by Maj
Where is "here?"

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 4:19 pm
by Stahlseele
Sounds like Hell to me.
So probably Ausfailia ?
Or some part of south east asia.

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 7:13 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
You know, it's been 20-some years since I played Everquest. I've put up with a lot of shit from a lot of people in my life, but for the most part I don't care anymore.

Except this: 20 years later, if I run into someone who says they played on the Tallon Zek server and were in Pandemonium, I will literally punch them in the fucking breadbasket right there. I don't care if they're a chick, or a cop, or my best friend, or in a fucking wheelchair. I will gladly accept whatever legal penalties my actions cause. I've literally been molested before when I was a kid, and I'm less angry about that than those fucking corpse camping, level 15 twinking, trash talking, game ruining fucking cocksuckers.

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 1:02 am
by tussock
The future seems like a place with no more fossil fuels used at all and obviously solar power and any form of storage (including neat stuff like heat in salt), plus a little bit of biofuels for awkward stuff like farm machinery and ocean-going ships. That's the future, at some point. The energy rate available is thousands of times the energy in fossil fuels we can extract and burn.

And it seems like, we can either do that now-ish, and the future will be 2C hotter than the 1970s and that is quite bad, will hurt a lot of people.

Or we can do that in, like, fourty years time and the future will be 4C hotter than the 1970's and that is catastrophically bad, like immediate mass extinctions and probably can't support anything like this much humanity any more, plus all the borders are in all the wrong places so war.

Or we can do that even later, because there is so much coal left in the ground, and as we hit 6C hotter than the 1970s, it gets to be there's, like, all trees die everywhere and also quite likely oceans start being mass sulfur dioxide producers and ... this did happen locally a couple times in small ocean basins in the time of dinosaurs and earlier, and everything dies, everything, everything and every person and that's fucking that.

Climate models just give up at 6C, there's no prediction about 8C because there's no people at all much past 6C. It's a pretty narrow window that has future vertabrates in it because evolution is just so painfully slow, nothing will make it.

And I understand it's corruption, and this is essentially the people who stopped anything being done about cigarettes for decades now stopping anything being done about climate change, for decades, but still, you'd think we'd just get on with it.

It's the same future, it's inevitable, and being first there carries huge advantages, only waiting is steadily closer to everything dying, plus every year is just harder and worse. I've read economic folk talk about how the cost of action is about 2% of GDP, vs 40% of GDP vanishing in the near future as the cost of inaction, and politicians prattle on about how 2% isn't affordable, how could anyone pay that much, etc. While spending 10% of GDP on a long-lost war they refuse to even talk about but are still fighting.

Aside: used to know a terrible person who said Afghanistan was not the new Vietnam, put it in his sig in 2001, and then took it out of his sig in 2016 when it surpassed Vietnam for being the longest and most pointless wartime occupation of the US ever.

And then I read bits of history where for instance people settled the mid-west of the United States in a wet year and already had to irrigate and were drawing off aquifers that would not replenish and they just didn't care. They actually wrote about how there are crops like this everywhere that it rains a lot and so they'll put those crops here and it'll rain a lot for them. And scientists of the time argued the facts at them and no one cared. Massive fortunes vanished into projects doomed to fail, it's why all those tiny states exist out in the middle of nowhere with no one living in them.

Because we are all just apes, with ape feels, and if you have a comfortable life with enough fruit today then everything is exactly as it should be and all change is dangerous and must be opposed, even if it's less fruit than you had yesterday.

Turns out if you put the entire human species in a pot and turn up the heat slow enough, we'll totally just fucking cook ourselves, and vote for people to turn up the heat a bit quicker already, because the people they don't like will perish before they do.

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 1:52 pm
by Iduno
Maj wrote:Where is "here?"

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 4:55 pm
by The Adventurer's Almanac
Iduno wrote:
Maj wrote:Where is "here?"
Do you get skullfucked by wind where you are, too? :disgusted:

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:26 pm
by Stahlseele
Iduno wrote:
Maj wrote:Where is "here?"
So the other Ausfailia.

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 8:05 pm
by The Adventurer's Almanac
I don't think I've heard that one before. Now that I think about it... huh. :whut:

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 9:43 pm
by Iduno
The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:
Iduno wrote:
Maj wrote:Where is "here?"
Do you get skullfucked by wind where you are, too? :disgusted:
No, the wind lives outside, which is a place I generally avoid.

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 4:25 am
by Whipstitch
My take on booze is that I've always enjoyed the drinks that just sort of embrace whatever it is the alcohol tastes like and works with it rather than try to cover it up. I'll take a whiskey sour or a particularly boozy margarita over some vodka bullshit any day. I will taste it, so your job is to convince me that I actually sorta like it.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 7:26 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
I have trouble taking the "don't make fun of people for being crazy/autistic/learning disabled/etc" trend on this forum seriously. When people here have triggered my PTSD in the past not only did I get mocked for it, it was typical for any argument I had with someone immediately start with them trying to trigger it again. I've had coping mechanisms that therapists have taught me called out and mocked here. Whenever I brought it up, it was dismissed as "that's the board culture, leave if you don't like it".

Now that my skin's so thick I can make my own pork rinds, I'm supposed to play nice with the spergs that went out of their way to make my experience here hell? Yeah, never going to happen. Block me if you don't like it.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 8:10 am
by Chamomile
Is anyone on this forum other than Shrapnel (openly) autistic? I dimly recall something about Koumei being considered autistic by one doctor, but then later there was a second opinion that she wasn't, and even that's a vague memory. Shrapnel's definitely the one who actually brought it up recently. He joined in 2012, by which point you were posting under the "Ted the Flayer" handle, and the spite for you had mostly peaked.

So while I haven't read every post to doublecheck, I'm pretty sure Shrapnel never did a goddamn thing to you and that no one else but him is being upset by your behavior. You aren't avenging wrongs done to you, you're just turning around and kicking an unrelated person in the teeth.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 8:14 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
I seem to remember him screaming incoherently at me on multiple occasions. I don't actually care enough to research it further. And I don't consider myself avenging anything, I just can't find any reason to give a shit.

EDIT: Although Shrapnel is the only person (to my knowledge) who is upset at me for describing a character in a 16-year-old computer game with poor social skills and a deep focus on mechanical stuff as autistic, that actually wasn't the focus of my musings. It's a general trend that I've seen mentioned in several threads. It's also something that without a direct edict from the Fence Builder that I have no interest in participating in.

EDIT2: Koumei also might have had that happen to her, but I was also formerly diagnosed with ASD but was changed by a more recent doctor (PTSD, Bipolar type 2, severe ADHD, and although this isn't technically medically diagnosed I can't imagine all the concussions I received as a child helped in any way)

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 2:49 pm
by The Adventurer's Almanac
You touched a nerve and he got pissed off. This is the internet, it happens. Water off a duck's back, man.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 4:48 pm
by Count Arioch the 28th
You know, that's fair. Maybe i perceived things to be bigger than they are.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 5:27 pm
by The Adventurer's Almanac
This is the internet. Things are never that big.

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 12:26 pm
by tussock
For me, Mild Autisom, mostly ADHD. Which, mostly it turns out everyone's been under-diagnosing ADHD forever.

"Things are never that big."

ADHD commonly comes with this ... thing called Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria, where it's fucking hard work to not perceive every little side glace as like I've just been kicked out of the tribe forever and ever and will now die alone and starving and it's all my fault.

Which runs off a whole thing about how time is all jumbled up with ADHD, and ideas about what the future will feel like just feel exactly like right now does, and also that it's been happening forever in the past too. The human brain for everyone extrapolates dirty looks into "how does this affect our long-term relationship, compared to the relationship we've had" and ADHD folks have a fail point there where the extrapolation is always "same dirty look forever and always has been", at least until you learn to ignore that and have faith that it is not so. Which isn't easy when it feels like it is.

And a tonne of adult ADHD people come out as weirdly relentless pleasers (to the point of complete exhaustion) who see even the most gentle criticism of anything as relationship-ending dramas, which is fucking stupid and oops, explained a bunch of stuff for me. Can get a bit abusive, obviously.

Plus, prone to PTSD, depression, anxiety, because anything that brings up troubling memories in the first place tends to bring the emotion of the time to full force right now, for most stuff. So having traumatic experiences, it's more likely to come out rough. Especially in my case when a lot of the trauma stuff was all just in my head anyway, or you know, fairly mild events that felt awful because they were "always happening" and would "ruin everything" and actually weren't really that big of a deal, though my reaction to them often was.

Good to know, though. Shame it took fucking thirty years or more to figure most of it out through the mild Autism, which just makes misunderstanding people so much easier.

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 4:44 pm
by The Adventurer's Almanac
Sounds like my mom.